
What is the Structuralism in Psychology Essay?

Structuralism Psychology Meaning, Definition, and Essay; It considers as a theory of consciousness that existed suggested by Wilhelm Wundt and developed by his student Edward Titchener. The theory came to be in the 20th century: where its reliability stood debated and challenged by the growing scientific community at that time. Structuralism also considers a school of psychology that seeks to analyze the components of an adult mind. It seeks to analyze the simplest thoughts of a mind that bring about the more complex experience that we go through in our day-to-day life.

Here is the article to explain, Structuralism in Psychology also their Meaning, Definition, and Essay!

According to structuralism, meaning stands produced and reproduced through actions and practices that form a unit. Linguistics, literature, Anthropology, and mathematics are some fields of knowledge where structuralist principles existed applied.

What is the meaning of structuralism in psychology?

Structuralism was a faculty of thought that sought-after to spot the elements (structure) of the mind -- the mind existed thought of as the key component to psychological science at now. Structuralists believed that the thanks to study the brain and its functions was to interrupt the mind down into its most elementary components.

Besides the higher than, what's the most plan of structuralism? the fundamental plan behind structuralism is that individual and collective behaviors emerge from some underlying structure. With Ferdinand de Saussure and therefore the linguists, the structure is Associate in Nursing abstract system of reticulate ideas.

Definition of Structuralism;

Structuralism was a faculty of thought that sought-after to spot the parts (structure) of the mind -- the mind was thought-about the key component to scientific discipline at this time. Structuralists believed that the thanks to study the brain and its functions was to interrupt the mind down into its most simple components. They believed the entire is the adequate total of the elements.

Wilhelm Wundt, a UN agency took into account the pioneer Structuralist, who found the initial psychological laboratory in 1879. Following Wundt was Titchner UN agency popularized the sphere (he was one among Wundt's students). Titchener was curious about the acutely aware mind. He used a method referred to as self-contemplation to undertake to grasp the acutely aware mind. self-contemplation could be a method of getting someone "look inward", focus on, and check out to grasp the feeling or thought they're experiencing at that moment.

The Structuralism faculty of thought has influenced the scientific discipline in its pursuit of the analysis of the adult mind (the analysis of the assemblage of lifespan experiences). It seeks to gauge these experiences in terms of the only determinable parts and so makes an attempt to seek out however these parts work along to create additional advanced experiences. Another goal is to seek out however these experiences correlate to physical events; this exists often accomplished through practices like self-contemplation, self-reports (of sensations), viewpoints, feelings, and emotions.


There are various sources such as books and articles that speak about structuralism. One such source is the article “How structuralism and functionalism influenced early psychology” written by Kendra Cherry. The article informs us that in the early 20-century Psychology existed separated from biology. At that time there was a raging debate in the scientific community on how the human mind and behavior worked. These questions led to the establishment of two major schools of Psychology. They included Structuralism and Functionalism. Structuralism was the first school of thought. Many if not all structuralism components existed idealized by who was also the founder of the first psychological lab.

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Later on, one of his students went on to formally establish structuralism as a theory. However, Edward’s ideas had misrepresented the teachings of Wundt. Almost immediately after the establishment of structuralism, other ideas emerged such as functionalism from thinkers like Charles Darwin. Furthermore, we learn that structuralism was the first school of psychology and focus on breaking down the mental process into basic elements. Researchers tried to learn the basic elements of the mind through a method known as introspection.

Another sources;

A second source of the formation, background, and development of structuralism is an article “Structuralism” written by Richard Hall. Richard informs us that in the past many advances in science were occurring due to the concept of “elements”. “Elements” referred to the conception of complex phenomena in terms of underlying elements. It was at this moment that what psychologists refer to as the first school of psychology stood established. A psychologist called Wilhelm Wundt started the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig, Germany. Hall further informs us that the school of psychology that Wundt championed existed called Structuralism. It led many people to refer to Wundt as the father of Structuralism.

Structuralism stands fundamentally defined as the study of the human conscious. The rationale behind it is that the human consciousness could exist broken down into basic conscious elements. Most of the experiments conducted in Wundt’s laboratory involved cataloging primary conscious elements. To research the basic elements, structuralism relied on a method called introspection. An example is how someone can describe the basic elements of an orange (cold, juicy). Introspection involved describing each basic element separately from the complex entity. Through the use of this method, Wundt was able to catalog different human experiences in mind.


Although structuralism stood established as a psychological theory, it faced a lot of criticism through the times. Many psychologists failed to accept the theoretical background of Structuralism. The experimental methods that existed used to study the structures of the mind were too subjective. Moreover, we also learn that using introspection, led to the unreliability of the data gotten. Others critics also argued that structuralism was concerned with internal human behaviors. Internal human behaviors exist considered non-observable and cannot exist accurately measured.

Moreover, we also learn that structuralism faced more limitations such as not having its principal theory supported by most psychologists in the scientific world. In the present times, Structuralism considers being dead in psychology. Informs us that one reason why Structuralism faced criticism was because of a methodological flaw in Wundt’s structuralism. The theory relied on introspection which lacked subject agreement and reliability. In psychology, many observers must agree independently on phenomena. When it comes to Wundt’s Structuralism experiment, his observes were students trained by him. Wundt was also the one who resolved any disagreement of concepts during the experiments. The use of trained observers as opposed to the current practice of psychology.


However, the existence of criticism was not enough to undermine the strength of structuralism. It was important because it was the first school of thought. Structuralism led to the development of experimental psychology. Structuralism has been dead for many years since the passing of Wundt. Other sources differ on how Structuralism developed. The last alternative narrative of how structuralism existed formed is that Structuralism was a theory that existed introduced by psychologist Wilhelm Wundt and was later on popularized by Edward Titchener.

An article written and submitted to the journal of Psychology informs us that, an example of Structuralism is a fleece blanket, it can be considered as warm, fuzzy, soft, and green. The breakdown of a complex component such as the fleece blanket to its basic elements is what’s considered structuralism. Another example is how an apple can describe as red, crisp, and sweet. Structuralism existed only interested in showing the basic elements of something and not the complex ideas. The person describing the apple or fleece blanket can only describe it to its most basic elements.

In conclusion;

Structuralism dictates that the total sum of parts that have been broken down is what makes up the whole “something.” Wundt mainly formed structuralism to focus on understanding the fundamental component of the human mind. Through the use of different processes such as introspection, he was able to conduct experiments on the conscious mind. This way Wundt subjectively identified what makes them experience those thoughts. However, the structural school lost considerable influence when Titchener died. In the end, structuralism led to the development of other theories such as behaviorism, functionalism, and Gestalt psychology.

Structuralism Psychology Meaning, Definition, and Essay

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