Tag: Ten-Tips


  • How to Better Manage Your Finances? 10 Tips

    How to Better Manage Your Finances? 10 Tips

    10 different tips and tricks on how to better manage your finances. In life, you may earn a lot of money, but if you are not able to manage your finances properly, you will always face difficulties that you could have avoided. Managing your finances well is essential to carrying out your projects, whether they are short or long-term.

    Here are the articles to explain, how to better manage your finances for 10 different tips and tricks!

    Managing your finances requires some self-control. To better manage them, we must think about savings. What is a credit hero score? It is important to save money or adopt a thrifty lifestyle. Managing your money well allows you to be independent, and avoid going into debt, to meet your needs.

    So what to do? Here is a summary of 10 key tips that can help you in this exercise.

    Understand your financial situation

    To manage your finances appropriately, you must:

    • Questioning yourself: you must first become aware of the limits of your management and decide to improve it. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve convincing results.
    • Get organized: After realizing and adopting a new resolution, you can now move on to organizing your finances. It is essential to organize, discipline, and control your net income to better manage your finances.
    • Determine your different sources of income and classify them according to their importance. This way, you will be able to plan your expenses and save. It is only natural to determine exactly how much you are earning before planning what to spend.

    Know and control fixed costs

    Whether you are an employee or self-employed, it is always essential to have perfect knowledge of your fixed costs per month. For that you need:

    • Remember to budget all expenses from the largest to the smallest (for example rent, transport, bills, food, etc.).
    • Always think about saving whatever the circumstances, whatever the amount, it can always help. You don’t always have to wait until you reach a certain income to start saving.

    Plan for the unexpected to manage your finances

    Managing finances becomes difficult when unusual situations surface. Unforeseen events (for example car breakdown, urgent repair of part of the house, family problems, etc.) generally disrupt all of our financial management. To better manage your finances, it is important to do full-fledged budgeting for contingencies.

    Provide a fund for crises

    It is recommended to set aside an emergency budget that would be adequate for the equivalent of 3 to 6 months of ordinary monthly expenses in the event of an incident occurring. The purpose of this fund is to help you if you go through an unfavorable situation (for example loss of employment, disability due to an accident, a pandemic, etc.). It seems a budget that can help you to make sure your daily life at least for a while.

    Seize savings opportunities

    This is about never paying for something you can still get for free. Take advantage of discounts and even those at the grocery store. It is also important to control the price of products and articles to avoid being duped. Always Use coupons and if you are then you can ask for special student pricing for those who are under 25.

    It is advisable to live below your means and in proportion to your needs. Paying bills and dues, the worst thing is to run away from debt. This way of life will sully your reputation for years. The best thing to do is to pay your debts and be honest with yourself because “Whoever pays his debts gets richer “.

    Avoid over-indebtedness as much as possible

    Having to pay debts over the long term is a source of money outflow. To remedy this, you will have to adapt your budget and tighten your belt to be able to pay off your debts on time.

    Establish an annual budget to better manage your finances

    To better manage your finances, it will also be important to consider establishing an annual budget. Setting up an annual budget means allocating every penny of any expense to a detailed and precise budget. yeah, it can indeed take time and a lot of precision, but planning a budget is very important and even more to desire wealth.

    Forced savings to save money

    The trick to this is to view savings as a fixed charge. So you could save money, any time, savings can be made in variable expenses. With this in mind, it is up to you to decide how much money you will allocate to your savings.

    Assess your situation

    This involves listing all the things that you have never used or that you no longer use (for example books, clothes, DVDs, etc.) and offering them for sale. It’s another way to get rid of clutter and save some money.

    Stay aware of his actions, it is a question of avoiding any impulsive purchase or any purchase at heart so as not to find excuses. But this isn’t a question of privation or austerity but clarity. Stay lucid and tell yourself that saving is much more interesting than spending.

    Be patient

    To better manage your expenses, it is also important to ask yourself certain questions before making certain purchases. Ask yourself for each purchase if it’s really useful or if it’s just for fun. So every time you want to make an expense, make the effort to postpone your purchase for the next day, this will allow you to think twice.

    After reading these different tips and tricks to better manage your finances, you will achieve certain financial stability by applying them. Managing your money well requires discipline, sacrifice, and a lot of patience. But it allows you to protect yourself from need, anticipates crises, and affords certain extras in the long term.

    10 different tips and tricks on how to better manage your finances Image
    10 different tips and tricks on how to better manage your finances.
  • Best tips to quit Smoking – Menthol cigarettes ban

    Best tips to quit Smoking – Menthol cigarettes ban

    Best tips to quit Smoking cigarettes – The ways to you quit smoking while pregnant and health issues, some Menthol cigarettes ban around the world. We all want this smoking cessation effort to be one that will last a lifetime. We strive for constant freedom from nicotine addiction when we put out the last cigarette and begin to heal our bodies.

    Here is the article to explain, The Best tips to quit Smoking – Menthol cigarettes ban, Help, Motivating, and Ways to quit Smoking Cigs!

    Fortunately, many tips and strategies can help you quit smoking and keep it going. By learning what you should (and shouldn’t) do when you try to quit, and knowing what happens when you quit, you can be sure that you will succeed with your quitting plan.

    A little preparation can help you get into quitting smoking thinking and find some tools for better management in the first week to 10-14 days after your last cigarette, which is the most difficult according to the American Lung Association.

    • Make an appointment for a physical. During the visit, tell your doctor that you want to quit smoking and discuss what type of nicotine replacement therapy or nicotine-free smoking cessation tool is best for you.
    • Learn more about nicotine addiction. Smoking is more than just a “bad habit” you can quit at any time. Nicotine is an addictive substance that affects brain chemistry.
    • “Schedule” your cancellation date. In order not to lose momentum, it is best not to plan more than a week or two.
    • Decide how you go. For example, you can take a “cold turkey” or gradual approach.
    • Hunger plan. Make a list of “thirst quenchers” or activities that can help you quit smoking fast. Some examples: go for a walk, drinking a glass of water, solving a crossword puzzle, eating a piece of fruit, or calling a friend.

    The few most important case or things you need to know.

    There’s a lot you need to know about smoking, but these few are the most important.

    About half of all smokers die from smoking cases.

    It’s scary, but it’s true! Nearly 50% of smokers die from smoking. And on average, smokers die 8 years earlier than nonsmokers. Smoking causes many types of cancer – including lung, bladder, and throat cancer – and breathing problems such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smoking can also cause heart and blood vessel problems, including heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

    The good news is that once you quit smoking, the health benefits are immediate. The risk of heart disease begins to decrease and after 15 years of not smoking, the risk drops to non-smoker levels.

    Smoking can affect people of all in different ways.

    While all smokers are at a higher risk for the health problems mentioned above, both people of all can be at risk for gender-specific risks. For example, women who smoke increase the risk of cervical cancer. And when a woman smokes and takes contraceptives, the risk of stroke also increases. Male smokers are more likely to have fertility problems and low sperm counts, and the damage to blood vessels from smoking can lead to erectile dysfunction.

    Cigarettes contain more than 3,000 to 4,000 chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic.

    Although nicotine itself does not cause cancer, there are many chemicals in cigarette smoke that can harm the body and cause cancer. Chemicals released from cigarettes include carbon monoxide, tar, cyanide, benzene, and formaldehyde. And yes, you inhale these chemicals into your lungs and release them into the air around you!

    You may have to go several times before you succeed.

    If you are ready to quit smoking, be prepared to try, try again. And know that if it takes several tries to quit successfully, you’re definitely not alone! This is the case with most people. Failure and relapse are a natural part of the eternal surrender process. Think of each failure as a lesson you have learned, and each failure is a source of new wisdom. Repetition is only bad if you don’t learn from it!

    Successful smoking cessation is not just about willpower.

    Nicotine addiction can be very strong and even the strongest climbers can relapse. Because when you quit smoking, you will most likely face two powerful obstacles: thirst and compulsion. Thirst is a conscious desire that can be caused by things around you – such as your habits and daily routine (smoking, smoking after eating). You can control your appetite.

    Compulsions, on the other hand, can be a powerful subconscious urge to smoke – even if you know you shouldn’t smoke, even if you know how bad it is for you. Quitting smoking may take more than determination: you need to prepare yourself with tactics that will help you avoid “thirst causes” and you need to be aware of how nicotine drugs consciously and subconsciously affect you.

    There is no best way to quit smoking.

    Many paths can lead to a smoke-free life. A friend may have told you the patch worked great for him while your cousin swore at nicotine gum and your boss skipped the cold turkey. Everyone is unique and different people will like different methods of giving up. You have several methods to choose from and test. Discuss your smoking cessation options with your doctor and try several until you find the one that works best for you.

    You don’t have to quit smoking yourself.

    Quitting smoking is difficult. But it can be easier when you need support from your family, friends, doctor, or counselor. When you have a support system, you have someone to turn to if you want to take a step back and light up. Your supporter can talk to you, take you out for a walk, or help you quit smoking. Although many people can quit on their own, most people are more successful when they seek advice from a doctor.

    You can greatly increase your chances of successful failure if you take the time to plan.

    Not having a smoking cessation plan can cause your business to fail before you even start! Take the right steps and think ahead of time about the potential obstacles and challenges you’ll face in quitting – especially during those tough first few weeks. Your plan should include the pros and cons of your opt-out, a list of the people in your support system (family, friends, doctors, counselors, etc.), the rewards you give yourself for doing well, and strategies to help you. face it. containing hunger and triggers.

    A positive attitude can work wonders when it comes to quitting smoking.

    Avoid criticizing or punishing yourself when you have a weakness. Research has shown that beating yourself up usually doesn’t help – it just makes you feel guilty, which in turn can make you want to reach for a cigarette even more. Emotions are a natural cause of appetite – so don’t provoke them yourself!

    When you quit smoking, your children will smoke less.

    You probably already know that secondhand smoke is harmful to your child’s health. But did you know that if you leave, you will also protect your children from future health problems? When children see their parents or family members smoking, they may think that smoking is normal and are more likely to start smoking themselves. If you smoke, quitting, or at least quitting, is the best example you can set for your children. Next, you’ll understand why and how to quit easy ways from cigs, the tips to quit smoking cigarettes

    Best methods to Quit Smoking Tips Ever.

    The best tips to quit smoking cigarettes for a smoker – the following hints ever to best ways to cease smoking cigarettes below are;

    Find Your Reason.

    To get motivated, you want an effective, private purpose to quit. It can be to defend your family from secondhand smoke. Or lower your chance of having lung cancer, coronary heart ailment, or other situations. Or to look and experience younger. Choose a motive this is robust enough to outweigh the urge to mild up.

    Prepare Before You Go “Cold Turkey”.

    There’s more to it than just tossing your cigarettes out. Smoking is an addiction. The brain is addicted to nicotine. Without it, you’ll undergo withdrawal. Line up aid in advance. Ask your health practitioner approximately all the techniques that will assist, such as stop-smoking classes and apps, counseling, medicinal drug, and hypnosis. You’ll be geared up for the day you pick out to give up.

    Consider Nicotine Replacement Therapy.

    When you stop smoking, nicotine withdrawal can also come up with complications, affect your mood, or sap your strength. The longing for “just one drag” is tough. Nicotine substitute remedies can scale back those urges. Studies show that nicotine gum, lozenges, and patches enhance your probability of achievement while you’re additionally in an end-smoking application.

    Learn About Prescription Pills.

    Medicines can cut down cravings and might additionally make smoking much less enjoyable in case you do pick out up a cigarette. Other capsules can ease withdrawal symptoms, inclusive of melancholy or problems with attention.

    Give Yourself a Break.

    One reason humans smoke is that nicotine helps them relax. Once you stop, you’ll want new ways to unwind. There are many options. You can work out to blow off steam, track in on your favored tune, connect to friends, deal with yourself to a rubdown, or find time for interest. Try to keep away from traumatic situations all through the primary few weeks when you prevent smoking.

    Lean on your Loved Ones (Circle of relatives).

    Tell your pals, circle of relatives, and other people you’re near that you’re looking to stop. They can inspire you to maintain going, in particular when you’re tempted to mild up. You also can be a part of an assist group or speak to a counselor. The behavioral remedy is a sort of counseling that helps you become aware of and keep on with giving up smoking strategies. Even some classes may help.

    Best tips to quit Smoking - Menthol cigarettes ban Image
    Best tips to quit Smoking – Menthol cigarettes ban; Image by Ralf Kunze from Pixabay.
  • Learn What? Basic of Accounting!

    Learn What? Basic of Accounting!

    Understanding and Learn What? Basic of Accounting!

    The business enterprises use accounting to calculate the profit from the business activities at the end of the given period. Accounting or accountancy is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial information about financial institutions like businesses and corporations. Also, Learn What? Basic of Accounting!

    There is two basis for calculating the profit, namely, the cash basis and accrual basis.

    1. Cash basis of accounting: In this basis of accounting, the income is calculated as the excess of actual cash receipts in respect of the sale of goods, services, properties, etc., over actual cash payments regarding the purchase of goods, expenses on rent, electricity, salaries, etc. Credit transactions are not considered at all including adjustments for outstanding expenses and accrued income items. This method is useful for professional people like doctors, engineers, advocates, chartered accountants, brokers and small traders. It is simple to adopt because there are no adjustment entries. But this basis does not disclose the true profits because it does not consider the income and expense items which relate to the accounting period but not paid in cash. Moreover, this method is not applicable where the number of transactions is very large and expenditure on fixed assets is high. The income or profit is calculated with the help of receipts and payments account.
    2. Accrual basis of accounting: Under this method, the items of income (revenue) are recognized when they are earned and not when the money is actually received later on. Similarly, expense items are recognized when incurred and not when actual payments are made for them. It means revenue and expenses are taken into consideration for the purpose of income determination on the basis of the accounting period to which they relate. The accrual basis makes a distinction between actual receipts of cash and the right to receive cash for revenues and the actual payments of cash and legal obligations to pay expenses. It means that income accrued in the current year becomes the income of current year whether the cash for that item of income is received in the current year or it was received in the previous year or it will be received in the next year. The same is true of expense items. Expense item is recorded if it becomes payable in the current year whether it is paid in the current year or it was paid in the previous year or it will be paid in the next year.

    The advantages of this system are:

    • It is based on all business transaction of the year and, therefore, discloses the current profit or loss.
    • The method is used in all types of business units.
    • It is more scientific and rational application, and.
    • It is most suitable for the application of matching principle.

    The disadvantages are: 

    • It is not the simple one and requires the use of estimates and personal judgment.
    • It fails to disclose the actual cash flows.

    The mixed or Hybrid basis of accounting: Under these method revenues (items of income) is recognized on the cash basis while the expenses are recorded on the accrual basis. The purpose is to remain cautious, safe and hundred percent certain for revenues items and make adequate provisions for expenses.

    Although not everyone has the opportunity to study accounting, a CEO needs to keep track of all aspects of successful business, even if a company is recruiting outsourced bookkeeping. Here are ten accounting term definitions to communicate effectively with your online accounting service provider. Ten-Key or Ten-Tips are:

    • Property: Property is the money that has been deposited by the business and is owned by no debt or debt. This can be things that are vulnerable to the time or goods sold to customers. This may include cash and investment, building and property, accounts receivable, warehouse inventory, equipment, and supplies.
    • Balance Sheet: Balance Sheet is an important aspect of the business. This assets/liabilities + stockholder records the original accounting formula of monthly, quarterly or annual at a certain point in time of equity/capital. With the balance sheet, the financial health of the business can be traced.
    • General Account holder: General account holder is the account holder’s account holder, with the balance sheet and income statement accounts. All business transactions are recorded here, including sales, credit purchase, office expenses and income loss.
    • Gross Margin: The total number of sales made from related costs like gross margin or profit, sale cost, wholesale cost, materials, and supply.
    • Loss: When a service or product sells it for less than the cost of supply or construction, or when the expenditure exceeds the revenue of a particular property, then it is called loss.
    • Credit/Account: On the credit/account it means that the products or services have been sold with credit or use. Payment for these items has not been provided immediately, and there may be accounts that result in interest charges.
    • Receipts: Receipts are the total amount of cash collected in business transactions for one day. Other revenue collected does not include it.
    • Revenue: Income and revenue are compromising on the aggregate amount of all the income collected on each other. It may include cash sales, credit purchases, membership fees and interest income. This is different from the receipts, as it can include money that cannot be collected at the time of delivery.
    • Business Discounts: Exemption from a trade discount purchase price is the percentage and is based on the number of items ordered at one point. With small discounts for short orders, higher discounts may apply to larger orders.
    • Trial Balance: The test balance is filed in the general account holder and it includes both a debit and a credit for a particular account. Sheets should be balanced with the equivalent debt.

    Learn What - Basic of Accounting - ilearnlot
    Image Credit to ilearnlot.com.


  • Promissory Note: Definition, Types, and Features!

    Promissory Note: Definition, Types, and Features!

    Explain and Learn, Promissory Note: Definition, Types, and Features!

    A promissory note is a written contract that requires a borrower to pay back a lender an amount of money on a future date. The Concept of the study Explains – Promissory Note: Definition of Promissory Note, Types of Promissory Note, and Features of Promissory Note, Ten-Points, Ten-Key! A promissory note, sometimes referred to as a note payable, is a legal instrument, in which one party promises in writing to pay a determinate sum of money to the other, either at a fixed or determinable future time or on demand of the payee, under specific terms. Also learned, Commercial Bills, Promissory Note: Definition, Types, and Features!

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    What is the definition of promissory note? Promissory notes usually refer to the borrower as the maker of the note. The borrower generally is said to have made the written agreement because he or she is initiating the transaction. The lender is referred to as the payee because it is the party that first pays the money to the borrower and then receives the payments at a future date. I know this is confusing. Just remember the maker is the borrower and the payee is the lender.

    Businesses use notes to finance many different operations. Some companies use short-term notes to finance inventory purchases while other businesses use long-term notes to raise enough capital to purchase large equipment and machinery. Really this note is just a fancy way of saying a loan.

    Promissory Note, in the law of negotiable instruments, the written instrument containing an unconditional promise by a party, called the maker, who signs the instrument, to pay to another, called the payee, a definite sum of money either on demand or at a specified or ascertainable future date. The note may be made payable to the bearer, to a party named in the note, or to the order of the party named in the note.

    A promissory note differs from an IOU(An IOU (abbreviated from the phrase “I owe you“) is usually an informal document acknowledging debt) in that the former is a promise to pay and the latter is a mere acknowledgment of a debt. A promissory note is negotiable by endorsement if it is specifically made payable to the order of a person.


    A promissory note is a written agreement to pay a specific amount to specific party at a future date or on demand. In other words, it’s a written loan agreement between two parties that requires the borrower to pay the lender on a day in the future. This could be a set date or a date chosen by the lender.

    According to section 4 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, a promissory note means “Promissory Note is an instrument in writing (not being a bank-note or a currency-note) containing an unconditional undertaking signed by the maker, to pay a certain sum of money only to, or to the order of, a certain person, or to the bearer of the instrument.”

    A promissory note is a written and signed contract in which one party promises to pay a specified amount of money to the other party. The terms of a promissory can be tailored to the parties’ needs, as far as the amount borrowed, whether interest will be charged, the schedule or date by which the money must be repaid, and any other needed particulars.

    There is no requirement that a promissory note is made on a certain type of paper or document, or that it contains complex language, though it is important to be as specific as possible. In fact, a promissory written and signed on a scrap piece of paper, back of a napkin, or even in an email or text message, is just as valid as a note drawn up by a lawyer.

    Types of Promissory Note:

    Though every good promissory note contains certain elements, there are several types of promissory note. These notes are largely classified by the type of loan issued or purpose for the loan. All of the following types of the promissory note are legally binding contracts.

    1. Personal Promissory Note: This type is used to record a personal loan made between two parties. While not all lenders use legal writings when dealing with friends and family, it helps avoid confusion and hurt feelings later. A personal promissory note shows good faith on behalf of the borrower, and provides the lender with recourse should the borrower fail to pay back the loan.
    2. Commercial Promissory Note: A commercial promissory note is typically required with commercial lenders. Commercial promissory notes are often more strict than personal notes. If the borrower defaults on its loan, the commercial lender is entitled to immediate payment of the full balance, not just the past due amount. In most cases, the lender on a commercial promissory note can place a lien on the borrower’s property until payment in full is received.
    3. Real Estate Promissory Note: A real estate promissory note is similar to a commercial note, as it often stipulates that a lien can be placed on the borrower’s home or other property if he defaults. If the borrower does default on a real estate loan, the information can become public record.
    4. Investment Promissory Note: An investment promissory note is often used in a business transaction. Investment promissory notes are exchanged to raise capital for the business, and they often contain clauses that deal with returns on investments for specific periods of time.

    Features of a Promissory Note:

    1. The promissory note must be in writing- Mere verbal promises or oral undertaking does not constitute a promissory note. The intention of the maker of the note should be signified by writing in clear words on the instrument itself that he undertakes to pay a particular sum of money to the payee or order or to the bearer
    2. It must contain an express promise or clear undertaking to pay- The promise to pay must be expressed. It cannot be implied or inferred. A mere acknowledgment of indebtedness is not enough.
    3. The promise to pay must be definite and unconditional- The promise to pay contained in the note must be unconditional. If the promise to pay is coupled with a condition, it is not a promissory note.
    4. The maker of the pro-note must be certain- The instrument should show on the fact of it as to who exactly is liable to pay. The name of the maker should be written clearly and ascertainable on seeing the document.
    5. It should be signed by the maker- Unless the maker signs the instrument, it is incomplete and of no legal effect. Therefore, the person who promises to pay must sign the instrument even though it might have been written by the promisor himself.
    6. The amount must be certain- The amount undertaken to be paid must be definite or certain or not vague. That is, it must not be capable of contingent additions or subtractions.
    7. The promise should be to pay money- The promissory note should contain a promise to pay money and money only, i.e., legal tender money. The promise cannot be extended to payments in the form of goods, shares, bonds, foreign exchange, etc.
    8. The payee must be certain- The money must be payable to a definite person or according to his order. The payee must be ascertained by name or by designation. But it cannot be made payable either to bearer or to the maker himself.
    9. It should bear the required stamping- The promissory note should, necessarily, bear sufficient stamp as required by the Indian Stamp Act, 1889.
    10. It should be dated- The date of a promissory note is not material unless the amount is made payable at the particular time after date. Even then, the absence of date does not invalidate the pro-note and the date of execution can be independently proved. However to calculate the interest or fixing the date of maturity or lm\imitation period the date is essential. It may be ante-dated or post-dated. If post-dated, it cannot be sued upon till ostensible date.
    11. Demand- The promissory note may be payable on demand or after a certain definite period of time.
    12. The rate of interest- It is unusual to mention in it the rated interest per annum. When the instrument itself specifies the rate of interest payable on the amount mentioned it, interest must be paid at the rate from the date of the instrument.

    Promissory Note_ Definition Types and Features - ilearnlot