Tag: Technology

  • Computer Intelligence Debate Technology Essay

    Computer Intelligence Debate Technology Essay

    Computer Intelligence has been in hot debate since the 1950s when Alan Turing invented the Turing Test. The argument over the years has taken two forms: strong AI versus weak AI. That is, strong AI (Artificial Intelligence) hypothesizes that some forms of artificial intelligence can truly reason and solve problems, with computers having an element of self-awareness, but not necessarily exhibiting human-like thought processes. While Weak AI argues that computers can only appear to think and are not conscious in the same way as human brains are.

    Here is the article to explain, Computer Intelligence Debate Technology Essay!

    These areas of thinking cause fundamental questions to arise, such as:

    ‘Can a man-made artifact be conscious?’ and ‘What constitutes consciousness?’

    Turing’s 1948 and 1950 papers followed the construction of universal logical computing machines, introducing the prospect that computers could program to execute tasks that would call intelligent when performed by humans. Turing’s idea was to create an imitation game on which to base the concept of a computer having its intelligence. A man(A), and a woman (B), separate from an interrogator; who has to decipher who is the man and who is the woman. A’s objective is to trick the interrogator; while B tries to help the interrogator in discovering the identities of the other two players. Turing asks the question:

    ‘What will happen when a machine takes the part of A in this game?’ Will the interrogator decide wrongly as often when the game is played like this as he does when the game is played between a man and a woman?’

    Essay Part 01;

    Turing’s test offered a simple means test for computer intelligence; one that neatly avoided dealing with the mind-body problem. The fact that Turing’s test did not introduce variables and existed conducted in a controlled environment were just some of its shortfalls. Robert French, in his evaluation of the test in 1996, stated the following; ‘The philosophical claim translates elegantly into an operational definition of intelligence; whatever acts sufficiently intelligent is intelligent.

    However, as he perceived, the test failed to explore the fundamental areas of human cognition and could pass ‘only by things that have experienced the world as we have experienced it. He thus concluded that ‘the Test provides a guarantee, not of intelligence but culturally-oriented human intelligence’. Turing postulated that a machine would one day create to pass his test and would thus consider intelligent.

    However, as years of research have explored the complexities of the human brain, the pioneer scientists who promoted the idea of the ‘electronic brain’ have had to re-scale their ideals to create machines that assist human activity rather than challenge or equal our intelligence.

    Essay Part 02;

    John Searle, in his 1980 Chinese Room experiment argued that a computer could not attribute with the intelligence of a human brain as the processes were too different. In an interview he describes his original experiment:

    Just imagine that you’re the computer, and you’re carrying out the steps in a program for something you don’t understand. I don’t understand Chinese, so I imagine I’m locked in a room shuffling Chinese symbols according to a computer program; and, I can give the right answers to the right questions in Chinese, but all the same, I don’t understand Chinese.

    All I’m doing is shuffling symbols. And now, and this is the crucial point; if I don’t understand Chinese based on implementing the program for understanding Chinese, then neither does any other digital computer on that basis because no computer’s got anything I don’t have.

    Essay Part 03;

    John Searle does not believe that consciousness can reproduce to an equivalent of the human capacity. Instead, it is the biological processes that are responsible for our unique make-up. He says that ‘consciousness is a biological phenomenon like any other; and, ultimately our understanding out it is most likely to come through biological investigation’. Considered this way it is indeed far-fetched to think that the product of millions of years of biological adaptation can be equal by the product of a few decades of human thinking.

    John McCarthy, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at Stanford University advocates the potential for computational systems to reproduce a state of consciousness, viewing the latter as an ‘abstract phenomenon, currently best realized in biology,’ but arguing that consciousness can realize by ‘causal systems of the right structure.’ The famous defeat of Garry Kasparov, the world chess champion, in 1997 by IBM’s computer, Deep Blue, promoted a flurry of debate about whether Deep Blue could consider intelligent.

    Essay Part 04;

    When asked for his opinion, Herbert Simon, a Carnegie Mellon psychology professor; who helped originate the fields of AI and computer chess in the 1950s, said it depended on the definition of intelligence used. AI uses two definitions for intelligence: “What are the tasks, which when done by humans, lead us to impute intelligence?” and “What are the processes humans use to act intelligently?” Measured against the first definition, Simon says, Deep Blue “certainly is intelligent. According to the second definition he claims it partly qualifies.

    The trouble with the latter definition of intelligence is that scientists don’t as yet know exactly what mechanisms constitute consciousness. John McCarthy, Emeritus professor at Stanford University explains that intelligence is the ‘computational part of the ability to attain goals in the world’. He emphasizes that problems in AI arise as; we cannot yet characterize in general what computational procedures we want to call intelligent. To date, computers can perform a good understanding of specific mechanisms through the running of certain programs; which McCarthy deems ‘somewhat intelligent.’

    Essay Part 04;

    Computing language has made leaps and bounds during the last century, from the first machine code to mnemonic ’words’ In the ’90s the so-called high-level languages were the type used for programming, with Fortran being the first compiler language. Considering the rapid progress of computer technology since it first began over a hundred years ago; unforeseeable developments will likely occur over the next decade. A simulation of the human imagination might go a long way to convincing people of computer intelligence.

    However, many believe that it is unlikely that a machine will ever equal the intelligence of the being who created it. Arguably it is the way that computers process information and the speed with; which they do it that constitutes its intelligence, thus causing computer performance to appear more impressive than it is. Programs trace pathways at an amazing rate; for example, each move in a game of chess, or each section of a maze can complete almost instantly.

    Essay Part 05;

    Yet the relatively simple process – of trying each potential path – fails to impress once it’s realized. Thus, the intelligence is not in the computer, but in the program. For practical purposes, and certainly, in the business world, the answer seems to be that if it seems to be intelligent; it doesn’t matter whether it is. However, computational research will have a difficult task to explore the simulation of, or emulation of, the areas of human cognition.

    Research continues into the relationship between the mathematical descriptions of human thought and computer thought, hoping to create an identical form. Yet the limits of computer intelligence are still very much at the surface of the technology. In contrast, the flexibility of the human imagination that creates the computer can have little or no limitations. What does this mean for computer intelligence? It means that scientists need to go beyond the mechanisms of the human psyche, and perhaps beyond programming; if they are to identify a type of machine consciousness that would correlate with that of a human.

    Computer Intelligence Debate Technology Essay Image
    Computer Intelligence Debate Technology Essay; Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.

    References; Debate on Computer Intelligence. Retrieved from https://www.ukessays.com/essays/technology/are-computers-really-intelligent.php?vref=1

  • Do you want to hire iOS developer in 2021

    Do you want to hire iOS developer in 2021

    Hire an iOS developer in Freelance or Upwork in 2021 for Apple App; Both iOS and Android applications are among the best ways to market our brands with higher customer retention. Companies often hire iOS developers and Android developers to create mobile applications that reflect the values and standards of their brand. If you are still missing mobile applications for your company, you are missing a huge chunk of customers. Not having a mobile application is a big loophole in your marketing strategies. Also, Consider hiring an Android or iOS App development company for your brand immediately.

    Here is the article to explain, What is the Important things to consider while you hire an iOS developer in 2021

    Today we will provide you some tips to consider while you plan to hire iOS developers. Before we jump on that, let us find out why it is crucial to have an iOS mobile application for your brand.

    Why is an iOS app important for your brand?

    Both Android, as well as iOS, are widely used app platforms around the world. Millions of people are using smartphones, and it provides an opportunity for your brand to increase the popularity of your products and services. We talk about only iOS phones, they have a tremendous number of users worldwide, and most of them can turn into your potential customers. Below are some of the reasons to have an iOS app for your brand:-

    Reaching the high-end users;

    It is not a hidden fact that the iOS user base consists of high-end users with more spending capabilities. Also, Targeting these users by creating an iOS app for your brand will be a good strategy for your business.


    iOS offers a safe and secure platform for both users and businesses who wish to market them using it. iOS offers you safer payment gateways and an added layer of security to counter any online threats such as hacking and malware.

    Good monetizing solution;

    As per recent studies, iOS users spent almost double the amount on in-app purchases than Android users. It makes it crucial for you to hire iOS developers today if you don’t want to lose this monetizing opportunity.

    Creating a better user experience;

    Apple applications are known to provide a better user experience. Moreover, having an application on the Apple App store itself reflects that your App has gone through strict quality and security checks and is trustworthy for the users.

    Things to consider while hiring an iOS app development company;

    Creating a good iOS app for your business will consume a significant amount of investment and time. You cannot rely on anonymous developers or companies to develop an application. It is essential to hire iOS developers or development companies who can deliver out-of-the-box and robust iOS apps. Below are some tips that you should consider while hiring an iOS app development company:-

    Expertise in Domain;

    Developing an iOS application will need significant investment. Going with the companies that have expertise in this domain will be a wise idea for you. The company or individual who you wish to hire should possess relevant experience and certification to design and develop iOS applications for you.

    Know-how of latest development techniques;

    The technology keeps evolving, and iOS developers should have updated skills and know-how of the popular technologies such as Agile software development methodologies to create an iOS application worthy of your time and money. You can ensure the use of the latest technologies and methods by hiring an experienced development company for your iOS app.

    Services to develop a Wireframe;

    The iOS app development companies or developers you choose must understand your requirements well. To ensure it, you should ask for a wireframe from them. It will help you to determine both understandings as well as experience of the developer.

    Testing and maintenance;

    The developer should provide services for the testing and maintenance of your iOS app. It is crucial as rigorous testing will help to make our application free from any errors and bugs. Once the application is ready, it may need maintenance over time so, the developer should provide these services too.

    Comparing the quotes;

    Always get price quotes from different companies before choosing the final option. You can ask the iOS app development companies to give price quotes and choose the one that suits your budget. Keep in mind that price should not be the only parameter to select a development company.

    Check reviews from the past clients;

    It is wise to check the reviews and ratings of past clients to decide whether you are making the right choice. You can also ask them to share the contact details of past clients to have a word with them about their experiences while working with that app development company.


    Timelines are vital for any development project. Choose the options that can deliver the projects within specified timelines. Companies can work on multiple projects simultaneously. Ensure that they have developers available to work on your iOS app and can withstand agreed timeframes.

    Non-disclosure agreement;

    Always choose the companies that can sign a non-disclosure agreement with you. It is crucial to protect the information of your business while working with them. You should ensure the ownership of the code so that you don’t remain dependent on that iOS app development company.


    Make sure that the developer you choose to create an iOS application should be available for communication as and when you need it. You may get new ideas, changes, and suggestions for your mobile application during the development phase, and if there are communication gaps, you can encounter problems.

    Hire iOS developer today to explore unlimited growth opportunities for business

    Don’t waste more time deciding to have an iOS app for your business. Hire iOS developers today to explore the tremendous growth opportunities that the iOS user community offers. Make sure that you consider the points in the above section to get the most suitable iOS app development companies to secure better ROI on the investment and efforts you make to develop an iOS app for your business. Hire any of the reputed iOS development companies and rejoice at the benefits that iOS platforms can give to your business and its marketing strategies.

    Do you want to hire iOS developer in 2021
    Do you want to hire an iOS developer in 2021!
  • Inbound Marketing: Meaning, Definition, Benefits, Technology

    Inbound Marketing: Meaning, Definition, Benefits, Technology

    Inbound Marketing in Business, Meaning, Definition, Benefits or Pros or Advantages, and Technology Companies success stories. It is a business technique that draws in clients by making significant substance and encounters custom-made to them. While outbound marketing intrudes on your crowd with content they don’t generally need, inbound marketing structures associations they are searching for and takes care of issues they as of now have.

    Do You Need A Inbound Marketing? Meaning, Definition, Advantages, Benefits, and Technology

    What is Inbound marketing? It includes delivering and sharing quality substance (websites, recordings, eBooks, infographics, and the sky is the limit from there), free of charge, to Attract future clients to your business when they search the web. You keep on marketing your business by procuring a lead’s trust. At the point when the opportunity arrives to make a buy, they as of now have a relationship with you so are bound to pick your organization.

    Rather than burning through significant time and cash on outbound techniques (boards, interruptive promoting, registry advertisements), they Attract guests at the correct time by giving substance pointed toward taking care of issues they’re looking at that specific second. This incorporates: How-To guides, counsel sites, contextual analyses… web clients look for content that encourages them at their own specific phase of the Buyer’s Journey. Over the long haul, when utilizing inbound strategies, your organization will have given substance to all situations and acquired sufficient trust to win its business.

    Meaning and Definition of Inbound Marketing:

    Inbound Marketing is a marketing system that pulls in the consideration of the possibilities towards the items and administrations through substance marketing, online media marketing, website streamlining, occasions, and online courses.

    According to Joshua Gill, Inbound and SEO Marketing Consultant, Inbound Authority;

    “Inbound marketing is so powerful because you have the power to give the searcher/consumer exactly what answers they are looking for at the precise point that they need it. That builds trust, reputation, and authority in whatever niche you are practicing this form of marketing in.”

    The principal objective of Inbound Marketing is to make an important relationship with the possibilities that emphatically affect your business, just as likely clients. Inbound Marketing manages the thought of making content that straightforwardly addresses the issues and needs of your optimal clients. Moreover, this causes you in pulling in qualified leads and construct validity for your business.

    Being a piece of the Digital Marketing Strategy, they utilize an ideal mix of substance marketing, site design improvement, and online media to pull in the consideration of expected clients. Accurately, Inbound Marketing utilizes the “procured” and “claimed” media instead of the paid one to drive qualified traffic, start commitment, and increment transformations.

    Benefits or Pros or Advantages of Inbound Marketing in Business.

    The following Inbound Marketing in Business, Benefits or Pros or Advantages below are;

    Build trust, brand awareness, and trust.

    In the context of traditional outbound marketing that relies on cold calls or advertising, incoming marketing tactics are much more timely and rely more on users to take the initiative. Incoming prospect customers who are already actively looking for products like yours. By giving them what they are already looking for, they are much more likely to research your company than your competitors.

    Sign creates long-term relationships because it’s basically based on reciprocal communication – people look for you in searches or social networks, you react to them directly, or you create content as it appears. Since inbound marketing is entirely content-driven, you can create content that will add credibility to your business both in your industry and for your customers. This sends information to your candidates that your company has the experience and is ready to help them.

    Relevant content at the right time.

    Content marketing refers to the quality and relevant content when it is most useful. Through inbound marketing, your chances are that you seek, find, and consume the content of your choice, and you reach them with the type of content they are looking for – not just to provide a blanket, spoil their day, and annoy them.


    Inbound marketing provides company knowledge – make a website or social media sense and existing employees can produce their content. Marketing costs come in as part of outgoing marketing costs.

    Generate higher-quality leads.

    The ultimate goal of lead generation is conversion – a customer achieving the desired goal, i.e. B. Complete a purchase or register for an account. The more acceptable a lead conversion, the higher the value. Five solid prospects are worth more than 10 leads whose conversions are incredible. This allows it to focus on generating fewer and more valuable prospects than lower quality ones.

    If your main focus is on an outreach campaign, or if you are running an SEO campaign without reviewing its suitability for the broader context of incoming marketing, sell it short. Inbound marketing is a long process that takes time to complete effectively. However, it definitely pays off when you commit to doing well. Educate your users, find out how to meet their needs, create the content they watch and make sure they know where to find it.

    Help you keep up with the competition.

    One of the benefits of inbound marketing is monitoring the traffic on your website. Many companies can see when their competitors are running an outbound marketing campaign because the traffic to their pages has increased. Once they see your company’s incoming marketing content, they can choose to consistently offer their business to your competitors.

    Easy to access.

    The websites are amazing from a human point of view: they work 24/7, 365 days a year. Content that your company develops and publishes as part of an inbound marketing campaign will remain on your website or your social media terminal until you remove it. This means that your content is available to everyone at all times. It engages the prospect because it’s so easy to immediately see what your company needs to give them.

    Increase customer trust.

    Customer loyalty is not only earned through positive interactions between brands but also renewed engagement. Every time you solve a problem and meet people’s demands, be it a manageable blog post or a great video tutorial, you earn trust. Over time, these interactions create and build positive relationships for your brand with relevance, usability, and value. Customer trust is of course very valuable for the survival of a business; and, it is very easy to lose rather than gain. Brand loyalty can grow through family and friend groups and become part of a person’s identity.

    Increase group morale.

    Developing content for your inbound marketing campaign can generate a lot of teamwork. When you allow your team to share ideas, collaborate, and gather resources; you get not only the highest quality content but also a closer and more effective group of colleagues.

    A more focused approach.

    Inbound marketing also allows merchants to be more selective and focus on their acquisition and maintenance goals. There is a wealth of data that can be proven and analyzed through digital channels to provide a perfect picture of consumer behavior and decisions which are invaluable for marketing.

    Higher return on investment.

    The ROI for inbound marketing is higher than for outgoing marketing. Given the probability that you are looking for when they want the product or service you offer; the percentage of closed sales is more visible. With inbound marketing, a business can generate leads at a lower cost than outbound marketing. This is mainly because most of the marketing is done online and is much more accessible than outbound marketing. Most consumers research products online before buying them. If your website has valuable information that candidates will love, they’ll trust you and warm it up for future purchases.

    The success story of the incoming marketing in information technology (IT) companies.

    When implementing a new strategy in our marketing plan; it’s always great to get recommendations from those who have already walked the same path. In the field of inbound marketing for technology companies; there are many examples and success stories for us to look at. To give you a broader picture of the mix of incoming services and technology; here are some examples to serve as inspiration.


    North American technology company CISCO was so pleased with the results of its inbound marketing implementation that it became one of its ambassadors. He currently posts content for Inbound on his blog. This is accompanied by informative content relevant to your subscribers and your website’s CTA; which invites your subscribers to interact and subscribe. These steps provide excellent results for your internal processes. So they decided to share the benefits of entry with the world.

    In short, incoming marketing offers effective alternatives and strategies for any type of business, and technology is no exception. Every day the market is getting more competitive and we have to stay at the forefront not only in terms of technology but also in terms of marketing. We must try to provide the best experience and maximum satisfaction for our customers. This is the only way we can ensure that they stay true to the brand and become our regulars.

    And if that’s not enough, we also need to consider that inbound marketing is a great way to standardize and align our sales and advertising processes. This not only allows us to increase our profits but also makes us a more efficient and profitable company. If your tech company is new to inbound marketing, today is a good place to start. Good luck!


    This world-renowned technology company also uses inbound marketing to increase customer satisfaction. They have made major improvements to their website to make it more compatible with mobile devices. In addition to creating campaigns, customers are asked to comment on product features. He also uses email marketing to educate prospects and increase sales. All of this leads to positive results that keep them on the cutting edge of new marketing trends.


    This web domain registration and hosting company uses marketing strategies to increase its reach and customers. They focus on creating specific content for each incoming marketing phase, addressing the needs and doubts of the prospect. They make a video about hosting basics, then show you how GoDaddy can help you get a domain. So they attack the discovery and investigation stages at the same time. This is a company that is very active in creating and distributing content on its blog and through videos. With this step, they were able to achieve a sales increase of more than 20% in 2017; and, become the largest domain registration company in the world.

    Do You Need A Inbound Marketing Meaning Definition Advantages Benefits and Technology Image
    Do You Need A Inbound Marketing? Meaning, Definition, Advantages, Benefits, and Technology; Image from Pixabay.
  • Group Technology: Meaning, Definition, Advantages, and Limitations

    Group Technology: Meaning, Definition, Advantages, and Limitations

    What does mean Group Technology? Group technology or GT takes advantage of the similarities of parts and machines in a manufacturing system. In this paper, the classification and clustering approaches to group technology in manufacturing systems are discussed. The mathematical programming formulations for the clustering problem are presented. GT is the important technology among the others and it will play a major role in the factory of the future. So, what is the topic we are going to discuss; Group Technology: Meaning, Definition, Advantages, and Limitations.

    Here are explained; What is the Group Technology? first Meaning, Definition, Advantages, and finally Limitations.

    Meaning of Group technology: GT is a concept that is currently attracting a lot of attention from the manufacturing community. GT offers a number of ways to improve productivity in batch manufacturing. The essence of GT is to capitalize on similarities in recurring tasks. GT is, very simply, a philosophy to exploit similarities and achieve efficiencies grouping like problems.

    Group technology is an approach to organizing manufacture which can be applied in any industry (machining, welding, foundry, press work, forging, plastic molding, etc.) where small-batch variety production is used.

    Discuss of GT list;

    • What is the Group Technology?
    • Meaning of Group Technology.
    • Definition of Group Technology.
    • Advantages of Group Technology, and.
    • Limitations of Group Technology.

    Definition of Group technology:

    The basic approach enables all aspects of manufacturing, from design, through estimating and planning, to production, to be rationalized. It forms the basis for the development of computer-aided procedures and flexible automation. Group technology is a manufacturing philosophy or principle whose basic concept is to identify and bring together related or similar parts and processes, to take advantage of the similarities which exist, during all stages of design and manufacture.

    If parts can be classified into families, and machines arranged into groups, then the handling of parts during manufacture can be easily done by the robot. It must be understood that there exists a relationship between finished products and the parts from which they are made. While assemblies may bear little relation to each other, the sub-assemblies from which they are constructed will exhibit some like features. By exploiting the similarities which exist among such a population of parts, group technology sets out to reduce the time and cost of manufacture.

    “Group technology is the realization that many problems are similar and that, by grouping similar problems, a single solution can be found to a set of problems, thus saving time and effort.”

    Explain the Definition;

    The main theme is thus to identify somehow from the large variety of parts those families which require similar manufacturing operations. Cells are created to manufacture defined types and size ranges of parts. Groups of machines, chosen for each family are situated together in a group layout, in such a way that parts flow from one machine to the next in the sequence of operation.

    It is not necessary for every part to visit each machine, but the machines in a cell should ideally be capable of carrying out all the operations required in the family. It may be remembered that in a functional layout, all like machines are grouped at one place and thus a product has to move a lot of distance in a zig-zag manner. But in a cell layout, various machines are arranged so that product flows from one machine to the next in sequence.

    History of Group Technology:

    Prior to 1913, the era of Henry Ford and his Model T, all machining models were similar to our present job shop techniques with machines laid out usually in lines or blocks of similar machines. The work was loaded onto the machines usually by the manual progress control system. Ford introduced the assembly line and that, in turn, led to automated transfer machines. However, the majority of engineering do not produce items in the quantity that justify such methods and so the jobbing shop philosophy continued.

    GT is mainly coordination of normal good engineering practices. It is impossible to say who first practiced GT. There are reports of it having been used in Germany in the 1930s. In an international Conference held in Stockholm in 1947, the basic groups were explained by C.B.Nanthorst. In Italy, M. Patrignany was an early exponent of this technology. However, little of this appears to have been in English. First published work was from the USSR by S.P.Mitrofanov in 1959 and thereafter subsequent books here published by F.S.Denyanyuk and E.K. Ivanov.

    The first reported work on GT outside Russia was done by a French Forges et Ateliers de Construction Electriques de Jeurmont – and this was about in Machinery in 1962. Subsequently, several British companies conducted considerable work in this field. There have also been considerable studies done by various consultants in the Universities. The significant contribution by J.L.Burbidge in the 1960s led to GT as A total Manufacturing Philosophy.

    Advantages of Group Technology:

    According to Burbidge, the following are the advantages of introducing GT in manufacturing.

    • Short throughput times because machines are closed together.
    • Better quality because groups complete parts and the machines are closed together under one foreman.
    • Lower material handling costs because machines are closed together under one foreman.
    • Better accountability because of machines complete parts. The foreman can be made responsible for costs, quality, and completion by the due date.
    • Training for promotion since GT provides a line of succession because a group is a mini-department.
    • Automation GT is the first evolutionary step in automation.
    • Reduced set up time since similar parts brought together on the same.
    • Morale and job satisfaction since most workers prefer to work in groups.
    • The output is improved due to improved resource utili­sation.
    • Work in progress and finished stock levels are re­duced.
    • Simplified estimating, accounting and work man­agement.
    • Improved plant replacement decisions, and.
    • Improved job satisfaction, morale, and communica­tion.

    Studies were undertaken by N.L.Hyer indicates the following significant savings after implementing GT Snead prepared a summary matrix, listing the benefits listing benefits achieved for the various GT. What is the Definition of Production Management?

    Group Technology Meaning Definition Advantages and Limitations
    Group Technology: Meaning, Definition, Advantages, and Limitations. #Pixabay.

    Limitations of Group Technology:

    Group Technology is a great concept. But all good concepts do have their own limitations and need proper care in their applications for results to be realized in practice.

    The Disadvantages of Group Technology or cellular manufacturing may be as follows.

    • High Cost: The cost of implementation is generally high. This is because an outside consultant is often required since in-house expertise on GT is rarely available. It requires a long set up time and painful debugging.
    • Not Suitable for large Variety of Products: May not be suitable for a factory with a very large variety of products.
    • The entire production of the company cannot be put under the GT and hence GT will have to coexist with the conventional layouts.
    • Not suits all Applications: There are too many GT codes in used and there is no one GT code that suits all applications.
    • It is often difficult to conceive all the operations for a group of components being taken care of in the cell created for it.
    • The range of product mix in a plant may be under constant change in which case the GT cells may need a constant revision which is impractical.
    • The additional cost of implementation of this system.
    • The rate of change in product range and mix.
    • Difficulties with out-of-cell operations, and.
    • Coexistence with non-cellular systems.

    How to Uses of Group Technology in the Company for Production?

    Survey of product and use of group technology:

    Group technology technique can be conveniently followed using a classification system. In an assembly, a variety of parts exist. These varieties of parts can be-segregated in three broad areas, viz.

    • Standard and proprietary parts (like nuts, bolts, screws, keys, washers, etc.)
    • Similar parts (like shafts, gears, bearings, levers, etc.)
    • Product specific parts (like gearbox, bed, saddle, etc.)

    It may be noted that the group technology is not concerned with categories (i) and (iii) but relates to category (ii). The aim thus is to group the range of parts under the category (ii) in some way, for the purpose of manufacture. Several types of classification systems have been devised and one has to carefully consider the system based on his needs.

    An organization with a wide range of products needs a complex detailed system but the same is not good for the one dealing with a limited range. Provision should always be made for future likely growth and classification system chose must keep this requirement in view.

    Organizational suitability for Group Technology:

    The suitability of a firm for the introduction of GT depends on several factors. The survey of Willey and Dale give a tentative description of a company profile likely to achieve. The greatest benefits from GT, some of these are:

    • The company must be a relatively small organization with reasonably small machine tools, and manufacturing equipment.
    • The company should not be typified by either large or small component variety.
    • The batch sizes and the batch size range of products of the companies it is relatively small.

    Athersmith and Crookall Rajagopal and Smith Gupta Andand Grayson have suggested. Another way of finding out the suitability of GT for a batch production industry. Computer simulation has been used by the effect of the introduction of GT in the batch production. Industries based on the parameters such as throughput time. WIP inventory and plant utilization Further GT are considered a desirable stepping stone for establishing Just-In-Time production.

  • Case Study of Leveraging Information Technology to Grow Business in FedEx

    Case Study of Leveraging Information Technology to Grow Business in FedEx

    Understanding and Learn, Case Study of Leveraging Information Technology to Grow Business in FedEx.

    Federal Express is a global express transportation and logistics company that provides customers with a single source for global shipping, logistics, and supply chain solutions. It was founded in 1973 by Frederick W. Smith. Since its launch, FedEx has led the express delivery industry. The company focused on the main business of express delivery and provided delivery services to customers at night globally. However, the change of businesses and customers from the old economy to the new economy forced FEDx to shift itself from ‘overnight delivery service’ to the ‘one-stop-shop’ for the full logistic requirement of the business. The company became the logistics service provider of major organizations like General Motors. Also learn, Case Study of Leveraging Information Technology to Grow Business in FedEx.

    Background of FedEx:

    In the late 1960s, Frederick Smith (Smith) emphasized the idea of ​​starting an airline courier company. During this period, it was a common practice for sending commercial packages such as cargo on commercial carriers such as American, United or Delta Airlines. There were many shortcomings in this exercise because the passenger airlines usually operated during the day and were on land in the night. In addition, freight forwarders (the company responsible for taking the package from the airport to the destination address) usually do not offer home delivery. Smith felt the need to start an airline courier company which would solve all these problems.

    During his college years, he recognized that the United States is becoming a service-oriented economy and requires a reliable, overnight delivery service company designed to fully package and transport documents. He wrote a Yale Term Paper on this idea and received the ‘C’ grade. His professor thought that this would never work. Fortunately for Frederick Smith, he did not take it in his heart and finished building the company he dreamed of. Smith found investors willing to contribute $ 40 million, used $ 8 million in family money and received bank financing. They started the Federal Express with more than $ 80 million, from which it was ever funded by capital.

    In the last 36 years, in the past 36 years, FedEx has called for the addition of Fadex Express (formerly the Federal Express), FedEx Ground (formerly the Roadway Package System), FedEx Custom Critical (formerly the Roberts Express), FedEx Logistics (formerly Caliber Logistics) Horizontally expanded with five subsidiaries, and Viking Freight. Consequently, the FedEx family has been able to compete collectively in clear transport and logistics industries. The FedEx strategy is to collaborate on all sales and engagement for FedEx companies, but run different operations and keep each company’s strengths and markets separately. Today, the services provided by FedEx include worldwide express delivery, ground small-parcel delivery, less truckload freight, and global logistics, supply chain management and electronic commerce solutions. Federal Express is the world’s largest package delivery company today.

    FedEx began operations with the sole focus on improving customer quality, pricing, and quality of services for the overnight delivery market in the United States. Since then, it has emerged to provide leading document and freight services for more than 212 countries across North America and abroad.

    The Federal Express Corporation had a visionary leader to become the first motivator in the express transport and logistics industry, leaving FedEx with a remote source: their ability to help them control the entire supply chain management.

    The ability of the company to use technology and its supply of resources has made competitors difficult to match standards of company standards. FedEx is mainly successful because of their technical progress. Technology has given them better customer service and quality which is not unique by any company. No company was able to offer overnight delivery of packages with speed and precision of the Federal Express.

    FedEx’s modeling capabilities gave them a competitive advantage because they implemented new methods and technology. Currently, they have a superhub with many regional centers and packages are tracked by managed and tracked systems. COSMOS – A centralized computer system to manage people, operations, and services, Master Online Systems, people, packages, vehicles and weather scenarios in real time. This system allowed the customers to know where their packages were on and later integrated for web usage, allowing customers to track the package on the Internet. Apart from this, the company’s customized delivery service is unique in the market.

    Leveraging Information Technology:

    In the late 1970s, FedEx saw a major advantage in using IT to simplify its business processes. Smith was quick to understand that speed, reliability and customer service were a necessary factor for success in the global transportation industry.

    From the beginning of the 1990s, the widespread use of the Internet has thrown open opportunities for FedEx. Since the company already had an EDI based system on which he had spent a lot of money, FedEx decided to use the combination of Internet and EDI. One example was the implementation of the purchase of products. FedEx bought a product from a company named Eriba. Eriba was a demanding system that was placed on the FedEx intranet. The system was installed so that the supplier can retain the database of catalogs that can be accessed by any FedEx employee.

    The company’s website hosts more than 6.3 million unique visitors per month and averages more than 2.4 million package tracking requests on average. More than 2 million customers are connected electronically with the company, and the electronic transaction is responsible for approximately two-thirds of the daily shipments of more than 5 lakh shipments. FedEx operates one of the world’s largest computers and telecommunication networks – computers with more than 75,000 networks and thousands of hand-held computers that ship shipment records and track. FedEx’s data center processes more than 20 million information management systems transactions every day, more than any other American company.

    The company is involved in connecting 39 hubs around the world, operating 677 aircraft and 90,000 vehicles, monitoring 200,000 employees and delivering six million packages per day in 220 countries, where every second was important. This is ‘FedEx Edge’ which is known for the company. FedEx has changed both customer and business transport models with high speed, reliability, information technology applications, better content handling systems and streamlined logistics networks.

    The company popularized the concepts of ‘first-in-time’ and ‘build-to-order’, thereby reducing the time of customer leadership and increasing productivity. In addition to joining the ‘Logistics Solutions Provider’, the company was able to maintain its leadership position in small packages and light freight markets through its unique ‘Hub and Speak’ model.

    FedEx played a role in the strategic role played in the strategy. Using IT as a major part of your business, the FedEx has reached almost entirely new groups of people. It has retained its reputation and has increased its business at the same time. IT has created a huge opportunity for customers in the global market. They can now request service, pay for that service, and track the online package. Customers no longer need to talk to FedEx.

    They are now free to order, twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Because of this, the strategy of FedEx has changed. It is now focused on the use of the internet and other technological advances. Because it is such an important aspect of strategy, the implementation of the strategy should be almost immediate. In order to compete with other major businesses in the industry, FedEx was supposed to serve customers who could be accessed using technology. They had to provide package tracking services too. As soon as they developed this service, their prestige and business increased.

    FedEx has done many things with its value chain to develop new business. First of all, they have always recognized the need to work in technology and IT to run logistics. They have developed Internet technologies that work smoothly and efficiently to enable customers and vendors to use Fadex. It has enabled many companies to integrate FedEx technology into their websites for the use of customers.

    Case Study of Leveraging Information Technology to Grow Business in FedEx - ilearnlot
    Image Credit to #trbimg


  • What is the Cost Accounting Information System?

    What is the Cost Accounting Information System?

    Cost Accounting Information System (CAIS) is an accounting information system that determines the costs of products manufactured or services provided and records these costs in the accounting records. Also, The concept of CAIS studying: Functions of Cost Accounting Information System, Technology of Cost Accounting Information System, and Development of Cost Accounting Information System! It is the key to management’s assessment of the company’s efforts to achieve profit. Since it is so important, the CAIS must be careful to design and properly maintains. Also learn, Financial Accounting, What is the Cost Accounting Information System?

    Learn, Explain What is the Cost Accounting Information System? Functions, Technology, and Development!

    An accounting information system (AIS) is a system of collecting, storing, and processing financial and accounting data that are used by decision-makers. An accounting information system is generally a computer-based method for tracking accounting activity in conjunction with information technology resources. Also, The resulting financial reports can uses internally by management or externally by other interested parties including investors, creditors, and tax authorities.

    Accounting information systems are designed to support all accounting functions and activities including auditing, financial accounting & reporting, managerial/ management accounting, and tax. Also, The most widely adopted accounting information systems are auditing and financial reporting modules.

    What is the Accounting Information System? Accounting Information System refers to the computer-based method used by the companies to collect, store and process the accounting and the financial data which is used by the internal users of the company to give a report regarding various information to the stakeholders of the company such as creditors, investors, tax authorities, etc.

    The cost accounting information system with its operating accounts must correspond to the organizational division of authority; so that the individual foreman, supervisor, department head, or manager can be held accountable for the costs incurred in his department. Also, The concept of authority and responsibility is closely allied with accountability; which recognizes the need for measuring a manager’s discharge of his responsibilities.

    Functions of Cost Accounting Information System:

    Generally, the purposes or functions of cost accounting information systems fall into four categories. These include providing information for:

    1. External financial statements,
    2. Planning and controlling activities or processes,
    3. Also, Short-term strategic decisions and
    4. Long-term strategic decisions.

    These four functions relate to different audiences, emphasize different types of information, require different reporting intervals, and involve different types of decisions.

    The technology of Cost Accounting Information System:

    They are below;


    The input devices commonly associated with CAIS include standard personal computers or workstations running applications; scanning devices for standardized data entry; electronic communication devices for electronic data interchange (EDI) and e-commerce. Also, many financial systems come “Web-enabled” to allow devices to connect to the World Wide Web.


    Basic processing achieves through computer systems ranging from individual personal computers to large-scale enterprise servers. However, conceptually, the underlying processing model is still the “double-entry” accounting system initially introduced in the fifteenth century.


    Output devices used include computer displays, impact and non-impact printers, and electronic communication devices for EDI and e-commerce. Also, The output content may encompass almost any type of financial report from budgets and tax reports to multinational financial statements.

    Development of Cost Accounting Information System:

    The development of a Cost Accounting Information System includes five basic phases: planning, analysis, design, implementation, and support.

    The period associated with each of these phases can be as short as a few weeks or as long as several years.

    Planning, project management objectives, and techniques: 

    Also, The first phase of systems development is the planning of the project. This entails the determination of the scope and objectives of the project, the definition of project responsibilities, control requirements, project phases, project budgets, and project deliverables.


    The analysis phase is using to both determine and document the cost accounting and business processes used by the organization. Such processes are redesign to take advantage of best practices or the operating characteristics of modern system solutions.


    The design phase takes the conceptual results of the analysis phase and develops detailed, specific designs that can implement in subsequent phases. It involves the detailed design of all inputs, processing, storage, and outputs of the proposed accounting system. Also, Inputs may be define using screen layout tools and application generators.

    Processing can show through the use of flowcharts or business process maps that define the system logic, operations, and workflow. Also, Logical data storage designs are identified by modeling the relationships among the organization’s resources, events, and agents through diagrams.

    Also, the entity-relationship diagram (ERD) modeling is using to document large-scale database relationships. Output designs are documented through the use of a variety of reporting tools such as report writers, data extraction tools, query tools, and online analytical processing tools. Also, all aspects of the design phase can perform with software toolsets provide by specific software manufacturers.


    The implementation phase consists of two primary parts: construction and delivery. Also, Construction includes the selection of hardware, software, and vendors for the implementation; building and testing the network communication systems; building and testing the databases; writing and testing the new program modifications; and installing and testing the total system from a technical standpoint.

    Delivery is the process of conducting the final system and user acceptance testing; preparing the conversion plan; installing the production database; Also, training the users, and converting all operations to the new system.


    The support phase has two objectives. The first is to update and maintain the CAIS. Also, This includes fixing problems and updating the system for business and environmental changes. For example, changes in generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) or tax laws might necessitate changes to conversion or reference tables used for financial reporting.

    Also, The second objective of the support is to continue development by continuously improving the business through adjustments to the CAIS caused by business and environmental changes. These changes might result in future problems, new opportunities, or management or governmental directives requiring additional system modifications.

    What is the Cost Accounting Information System Image
    What is the Cost Accounting Information System? Image from Pixabay.
  • How to Explain Observing Trends in Entrepreneurship?

    How to Explain Observing Trends in Entrepreneurship?

    Identifying Opportunities for Observing Trends; The First approach to identifying opportunities is to observe trends and study how they create opportunities for entrepreneurs to pursue. Also learn, What is the Difference between Leadership and Entrepreneurship? This article explains to the question How to Explain Observing Trends in Entrepreneurship? The most important trends to follow are economic trends, social trends, technological advances, and political action and regulatory changes. As an entrepreneur or potential entrepreneur, it’s important to remain aware of changes in these areas

    Learn and understand, Explaining are Observing Trends in Entrepreneurship.

    This sentiment affirms by Michael Yang, the founder of Become.com, a comparison shopping site, who believes that keen observation skills and a willingness to stay on top of changing environmental trends are key attributes of successful entrepreneurs: One of the most important attributes of a good entrepreneur is having a keen observation ability. Seeing what’s needed in people’s everyday lives and coming up with innovative new ideas and services that meet those needs . . . I always believe the entrepreneurs that anticipate trends and maintain observations of what’s needed . . . to solve those needs will have a higher chance of succeeding in the marketplace.

    When looking at environmental trends to discern new business ideas, there are two caveats to keep in mind. First, it’s important to distinguish between trends and fads. New businesses typically do not have the resources to ramp up fast enough to take advantage of a fad. Second, even though we discuss each trend individually, they are interconnecting and should consider simultaneously when brainstorming new business ideas.

    For example, one reason that smartphones are so popular is because they benefit from several trends converging at the same time, including an increasingly mobile population (social trend), the continued miniaturization of electronics (technological trend), and their ability to help users better manage their money via online banking and comparison shopping (economic trend). If any of these trends weren’t present, smartphones wouldn’t be as successful as they are and wouldn’t hold as much continuing promise to be even more successful as is the case.

    A summary of the relationship between the environmental factors just mentioned and identifying opportunity gaps. Next, let’s look at how entrepreneurs can study each of these factors to help them spot business, product, and service opportunity gaps. Read more, What are the Participation and Organizational Climate?

    Economic Forces:

    Understanding economic trends help determine areas that are ripe for new business ideas as well as areas to avoid. When the economy is strong, people have more money to spend and are willing to buy discretionary products and services that enhance their lives. In contrast, when the economy is weak, not only do people have less money to spend, they are typically more reluctant to spend the money they have, fearing the economy may become even worse and that in turn, they might lose their jobs because of a weakening economy.

    Paradoxically, a weak economy provides business opportunities for start-ups that help consumers save money. Examples include GasBuddy and GasPriceWatch.com, two companies started to help consumers save money on gasoline. A similar example is e.l.f., a discount retailer of women’s cosmetics. The company (which stands for Eyes Lips Face) sells cosmetics products for as little as $1.00.


    A poor or weak economy also provides opportunities for firms to sell upscale and everyday items at a “discount.” For example, daily deal sites like Groupon and LivingSocial have experienced rapid growth by providing consumers’ access to local providers of massages, trips to museums, high-end restaurants, and similar products or services at deep discounts. A similar example is Gilt Groupe, which sells luxury goods at a discount on time-limited sales. Brick-and-mortar retailers are affected by the search for discounts too.

    For example, in 2009, Neiman Marcus reported a 14.8 percent drop in sales while Family Dollar experienced a 25 percent increase in revenues. The same mindset is contributing to people wanting the most value for their money, across the spectrum. For example, the recession has caused an upswing in the number of people frequenting local farmers markets, where people can buy locally grown produce, meats, and other food products that are fresher and often cheaper than similar products at the grocery store.


    It’s also important to evaluate how economic forces affect people’s behaviors beyond looking for discounts and the most value for their money. For example, when the economy is weak, more people go back to school; largely as a result of poor employment prospects. This trend provides opportunities not only for traditional and online colleges and universities but for businesses that develop products to assist them.

    An example is BenchPrep, the student-initiated business profiled in the opening feature. BenchPrep, which sells Apple iPhone and Android apps that help people prepare for college admission tests, is benefiting from an increase in college enrollments. Similarly, when the economy is poor, more people start businesses. Web-based businesses like Etsy, which provides a platform for people to sell handmade items; thrive when an increasing number of people are looking to open full-time or part-time businesses.


    An understanding of economic trends can also help identify areas to avoid. For example, this is not a good time to start a company that relies on fossil fuels; such as airlines or trucking or perhaps even local transportation-related businesses such as a taxicab company, because of high fuel prices. Certain product categories suffer as a result of economic circumstances. This is not a good time to open a store or franchise that sells premium-priced food products like cookies or ice cream.

    Social Forces:

    An understanding of the impact of social forces on trends and how they affect the new product, service, and business ideas is a fundamental piece of the opportunity recognition puzzle. Often, the reason that a product or service exists has more to do with satisfying a social need than the more transparent need the product fills. The proliferation of fast-food restaurants, for example, isn’t primarily because of people’s love for fast food but rather because people are busy and often don’t have time to cook their meals.

    First Things:

    Similarly, social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter aren’t popular because they can use to post information and photos on a Web site. They’re popular because they allow people to connect and communicate with each other, which is a natural human tendency. Changes in social trends alter how people and businesses behave and how they set their priorities. These changes affect how products and services are built and sold. Here is a sample of the social trends that are currently affecting how individuals behave and set their priorities:

    • Aging of baby boomers,
    • The increasing diversity of the workforce,
    • Increasing interest in social networks such as Facebook and Twitter,
    • The proliferation of mobile phones and mobile phone apps,
    • An increasing focus on health and wellness,
    • Emphasis on clean forms of energy including the wind, solar, biofuels, and others,
    • Increasing the number of people going back to school and/or retraining for new jobs, and
    • Increasing interest in healthy foods and “green” products.

    Each of these trends is providing the impetus for new business ideas. An increasing emphasis on alternative forms of energy is spawning business ideas ranging from solar power to biofuels.

    Second Things:

    The aging of the baby boomers is creating business opportunities from vision care to tech assistance to senior dating sites. An example is Glaukos, a company that’s developing new approaches for treating glaucoma, which is an age-related eye disorder. There are now 76 million baby boomers (people born between 1946 and 1964) in the United States. Many baby boomers will develop glaucoma and similar age-related ailments. The fact that roughly 10,000 baby boomers in the United States are now retiring daily also creates entrepreneurial opportunities related to social trends associated with this population of senior citizens.

    Third Things:

    The proliferation of mobile phones and mobile phone apps is a social trend that’s opening business opportunities for entrepreneurs across the globe. For example, both Runkeeper, the focus of Case 1.1, and ScriptPad, the focus of Case 2.1, are mobile phone apps. In the past 10 years, the worldwide penetration of mobile phones has grown from 1 billion to 4 billion active users. One company, PharmaSecure, the focus of the “You Be the VC 2.1” feature, is leveraging this trend to save lives in developing countries. It’s estimated that 10 percent of medications sold worldwide are counterfeit. In India alone, 1 million people a year die from ingesting counterfeit drugs.

    Forth Things:

    PharmaSecure provides drug companies the ability to place a nine-digit alphanumeric code directly on the blister pack, medicine bottle or vial, or on the product’s label, along with a phone number. Consumers can verify the code and by extension make sure the drug they have purchased isn’t counterfeit by texting it to the accompanying phone number. In India, PharmaSecure’s initial market, 55 percent of the population has a mobile phone, and it’s the fastest-growing market for mobile phones in the world. If it weren’t for the proliferation of mobile phones in India and elsewhere, PharmaSecure’s business wouldn’t be possible.

    Fifth Things:

    The booming interest in social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter is a highly visible social trend. Nearly half of all Americans are now members of at least one social network; double from just two years ago. Social networks not only provide people with new ways to communicate and interact with each other, but they act as platforms for other businesses to build on. Zynga, for example, the maker of popular online games like FarmVille and Scramble; became popular by making browser-based games that worked as application widgets on Facebook and MySpace. Similarly, entrepreneurs have launched businesses to start social networks that cater to specific niches. An example is PatientsLikeMe, the subject of Case 1.2, which is a social networking site for people with serious diseases.

    Technological Advances:

    Advances in technology frequently dovetail with economic and social changes to create opportunities. For example, there are many overlaps between an increased focus on health and wellness and technology. Airstrip Technologies, a recent start-up, enables doctors to monitor critical patient information remotely on a smartphone or computer. The company’s founding was motivated by a desire on the part of doctors to stay in closer contact with their critical care patients while away from the hospital and while those patients are receiving treatment in locations outside a hospital.

    Tech first:

    Advances in wireless technologies made the system possible. In most cases, the technology isn’t the key to recognizing business opportunities. Instead, the key is to recognize how technologies can use and harness to help satisfy basic or changing needs. It’s always been difficult for doctors to leave the bedsides of critically ill patients, for example. Now, as a result of the advent of smartphones and wireless networks; a company like Airstrip Technologies can develop products to help doctors remotely monitor their patients’ conditions.

    Technological advances also provide opportunities to help people perform everyday tasks in better or more convenient ways. For example, OpenTable.com is a Web site that allows users to make restaurant reservations online and now covers most of the United States. If you’re planning a trip to San Diego, for example, you can access OpenTable.com, select the area of the city you’ll be visiting, and view descriptions, reviews, customer ratings, and in most cases the menus of the restaurants in the area.

    You can then make a reservation at the restaurant and print a map and the directions to it. The basic tasks that OpenTable.com helps people perform have always been done looking for a restaurant, comparing prices and menus, soliciting advice from people who are familiar with competing restaurants and getting directions. What OpenTable.com does is help people perform these tasks more conveniently and expediently.

    Teah second:

    Another aspect of technological advances is that once a technology is created, products often emerge to advance it. For example, the creation of the Apple iPod, iPhone, iPad, and similar devices have in turned spawned entire industries that produce compatible devices. An example is H2OAudio, a company that was started by four former San Diego State University students; which makes waterproof housings for the Apple iPhone and iPod. The waterproof housings permit iPhone and iPod users to listen to their devices; while swimming, surfing, snowboarding, or engaging in any activity where the device is likely to get wet.

    A similar industry is the one dealing with smartphone apps. As of May 2011, there were over 381,000 third-party apps available in Apple’s App Store and over 294,000 in the Android Market (Google’s app store).13 The app market is large and growing, all because of the advent of wireless networks and smart devices like the iPhone and iPad. To provide perspective on how big the app market is, at 10:26 A.M. GMT on Saturday, January 22, 2011, the 10 billionth app was downloaded from the Apple App Store.

    Political Action and Regulatory Changes:

    Political and regulatory changes also provide the basis for opportunities. For example, new laws create opportunities for entrepreneurs to start firms to help companies, individuals, and governmental agencies comply with these laws. For example, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002; which is based on the notion of outcome-based education requires states to develop criterion-based assessments in basic skills to periodically give to all students in certain grades. Shortly after the act was passed, Kim and Jay Kleeman, two high school teachers, started Shakespeare Squared; a company that produces materials to help schools comply with the act.

    Extra information:

    On some occasions, changes in government regulations motivate business owners to start firms that differentiate themselves by “exceeding” the regulations. For example, several years ago, the Federal Trade Commission changed the regulation about; how far apart the wood or metal bars in an infant crib can be. If the bars are too far apart; a baby can get an arm or a leg caught between the bars, causing an injury.

    An obvious business idea that might spawn by this type of change is to produce a crib; that advertises and position as “exceeding” the new standard for the width between bars and is “extra safe” for babies and young children. The change in regulation brings attention to the issue and provides ideal timing for; a new company to reassure parents by providing a product that not only meets but exceeds the new regulation.

    Business change:

    Some businesses and industries are so dependent on favorable government regulations that their literal survival threatens if a regulation change. An example of a business that fits this profile is Almost Family, a company that provides home health nursing services. Almost Family receives the majority of its income via fixed payments from Medicare based on the level of care that it provides its clients. As a result, the company’s profitability is highly sensitive to any changes in Medicare reimbursement policies.

    Political change:

    The political change also engenders new business and product opportunities. For example, global political instability and the threat of terrorism have resulted in many firms becoming more security conscious. These companies need new products and services to protect their physical assets and intellectual property; as well as to protect their customers and employees. The backup data storage industry; for example, is expanding because of this new trend in the tendency to feel the need for data to be more protected than in the past. An example of a start-up in this area is Box.net; which was funded by Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks. Box.net allows its customers to store data “offsite” on Box.net servers, and access it via an Internet connection.

    How to Explain Observing Trends in Entrepreneurship
    How to Explain Observing Trends in Entrepreneurship? Also, the Image from the Internet.

  • How Do You Know Your Company Wants Help From The Outside?

    How Do You Know Your Company Wants Help From The Outside?

    How Do You Know Your Company Wants Help From The Outside?

    When Your Company Should Seek Help From The Outside! There’s no reason you should do it all. Everyone needs help once in a while. Days are jam packed with meetings and checking off to-do lists. That leaves little time to nurture your business and employees. There’s no shame in working with a person on the outside to help you grow your business. Be The Change You Want to See in The World.

    Do yourself a favor and stop doing it all alone. Work in teams and build partnerships outside your company to stay ahead of the curve. Don’t sell yourself short just because your schedule is busy. Find ways to work around it and still succeed. See times when your company should seek help from the outside.


    Marketing is a large undertaking. There are various forms of marketing that exist and need to be addressed. This takes a lot of resources and knowledge to do it right. Digital marketing is involved and to complete it right you have to know what you’re doing. Advertising online and on social media is complicated and takes careful planning and execution. Don’t be afraid to search for outside agencies to help you achieve your goals. They’re the experts, and it’ll be helpful to have an agency take some work off of your employee’s plates. New Roles of Human Resource Management in Business Development.

    Definition: Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association as “the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”


    You don’t have to try and learn about technology if it doesn’t interest you. Educate yourself, but leave the rest up to the professionals who know what they’re doing. There’ll be times your computer crashes, or you need them for e-forensics to collect and analyze data. There’s a continuous list of reasons why it’s good to have IT experts on your side. You don’t want to risk losing data or files and having to start all over again on your assignments. You don’t have to know it all, but you do have to know when it’s time to call and get help. 

    Technology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation.


    There are times when business is slow, and your team is feeling down. This is exactly when you need to bring back the energy to your group. Hire a motivational speaker or host a fun activity in the office. Do Good Always! If spirits are low, it’s leadership’s job to get the team feeling good again and inspired to do their work. Throw some excitement their way and let them know you’re willing to do whatever it takes to make them feel happy to be at the office.

    “Motivation is the reason for people’s actions, desires, and needs. Motivation is also one’s direction to behavior, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior. A motive is what prompts the person to act in a certain way, or at least develop an inclination for specific behavior.”


    There are times a business falls into a rut and can’t crawl their way out. This is when you should check into hiring an outside consultant to help you brainstorm and innovate. They know how to work with businesses and bring them up to a higher level of functioning. They’ll work with you and pick your brain to create better ways of doing business and working with your customers. If nothing else, use them to bounce ideas off of each other and reinvent yourself.

    “Management consulting is the practice of helping organizations to improve their performance, operating primarily through the analysis of existing organizational problems and the development of plans for improvement.”


    A business can’t always do it all themselves. Be Your Extraordinary Self! It’s smart to build new relationships and not put the weight of the company on your shoulders. These are those times when your company will need help from the outside world.


  • What is Agile Methodology?

    What is Agile Methodology?

    What do you Mean about Agile Methodology?

    First, know about What is Agile? Agile has been the buzzword in project management for about a decade, and with good reason. Agile is actually an umbrella term over several project management approaches that are characterized by their ability to allow project teams to respond to changing requirements and priorities by using incremental work packages. While all agile methods have common characteristics, each agile method has unique processes that set it apart. Let’s look at how each method is used with Charlie’s team, who is developing a new software game. What is Agile Methodology? 

    Agile software development methodology is a process for developing software (like other software development methodologies Waterfall model, V-Model, Iterative model etc.) However, Agile methodology differs significantly from other methodologies. In English, Agile means ‘ability to move quickly and easily’ and responding swiftly to change – this is a key aspect of Agile software development as well.


    “Agile Development” is an umbrella term for several iterative and incremental software development methodologies. The most popular agile methodologies include Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, Crystal, Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), Lean Development, and Feature-Driven Development (FDD). Learning Development and Exercise of Self-Efficacy Over the Lifespan!

    Engineering methodologies required a lot of documentation thereby causing the pace of development to slow down considerably. Agile Methodologies evolved in the 1990s to significantly eliminate this bureaucratic nature of engineering methodology. It was part of developer’s reaction against “heavyweight” methods, who desired to drift away from traditional structured, bureaucratic approaches to software development and move towards more flexible development styles. They were called the ‘Agile’ or ‘Light Weight’ methods and were defined in 1974 by Edmonds in a research paper.

    An agile methodology is an approach to project management, typically used in software development. It refers to a group of software development methodologies based on iterative development. Requirements and solutions evolve through cooperation between self-organizing cross-functional teams, without concern for any hierarchy or team member roles. It promotes teamwork, collaboration, and process adaptability throughout the project life-cycle with increased face-to-face communication and a reduced amount of written documentation.

    Agile methods break tasks into small increments with no direct long-term planning. Every aspect of development is continually revisited throughout the lifecycle of a project by way of iterations (also called sprints). Iterations are short time frames (“timeboxes”) that normally last 1-4 weeks. This “inspect-and-adapt” approach significantly reduces both development costs and time to market. Each iteration involves working through a complete software development cycle characterized by planning, requirements analysis, design, coding, unit testing, and acceptance testing. This helps minimize overall risk and quicker project adaptability. While iteration may not have enough functionality necessary for a market release, the aim is to be ready for a release (with minimal bugs) at the end of each iteration.

    Typically, the team size is small (5-9 people) to enable easier communication and collaboration. Multiple teams may be required for larger developmental efforts which may also require a coordination of priorities across teams. Agile methods emphasize more face-to-face communication than written documents when the team is in the same location. However, when a team works at different locations, daily contact is maintained through video conferencing, e-mail, etc. The progress made in terms of the work done today, work scheduled for tomorrow and the possible roadblocks are discussed among the team members in brief sessions at the end of each working day. Besides, agile developmental efforts are supervised by a customer representative to ensure alignment between customer needs and company goals. New Roles of Human Resource Management in Business Development.

    Software Development was initially based on coding and fixing. That worked well for smaller software, but as the size and complexities of software grew a need for a proper process was felt because the debugging and testing of such software became extremely difficult. This gave birth to the Engineering Methodologies. The methodologies became highly successful since it structured the software development process. One of the most popular models that emerged was the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that developed information systems in a very methodical manner.Waterfall method is one of the most popular examples of Engineering or the SDLC methodology. A paper published by Winston Royce in 1970 introduced it as an idea. It was derived from the hardware manufacture and construction strategies that were in practice during the 1970s. The relationship of each stage to the others can be roughly described as a waterfall, where the outputs from a specific stage serve as the initial inputs for the following stage. During each stage, additional information is gathered or developed, combined with the inputs, and used to produce the stage deliverables. It is important to note that the additional information is restricted in scope; “new ideas” that would take the project in directions not anticipated by the initial set of high-level requirements are not incorporated into the project. Rather, ideas for new capabilities or features that are out-of-scope are preserved for later consideration.


  • Web Developer’s Workflow Become Much Easier with this Innovative Gadgets

    Web Developer’s Workflow Become Much Easier with this Innovative Gadgets

    Web Developer’s Workflow Become Much Easier with this Innovative Gadgets

    When I say the word ‘technology’, the first and foremost thing you think of is your mobile phone. Technology has expanded so much that it covers almost each and every field of work in this world. With so much advancement in technology, you can now find gadgets for doing almost everything.

    Technology has made the world so small that you can now connect with someone far away from you within seconds. Human nowadays have become dependent on these gadgets to a great extent. Technology doesn’t only cover users, but also helps developers to explore themselves more and more, and develop new and highly advanced technologies with the help of existing ones.

    Talking about web development, web development is a work of creativity and skills, it tests your patience and thinking power. In today’s world, web development plays a significant role for enterprises to build their reputation in the market. With the help of the website these organizations can reach billions of people at the same time. The first time an organization is introduced to someone is on its website.

    If a person wants to know something about a company, the first thing he probably does is searching that company on the Internet; a good website leaves a great impression of the organization. Thus, the demand for web developers is increasing day by day.

    In fact, there are many inventions that are done just to increase the efficiency of web development. Technology promotes technology and without the help of these technologies, it is near to impossible for developers to prove themselves in their respective fields. Below discussed are some top tech inventions that helped developers in every possible way to explore the best out of them.

    Here are 5 gadget inventions that make a web developer life easier

    1. USB flash drives and Hard Disc Drives

    Data files eat away your storage space, bye bye floppy disc.

    We all are aware of USB drives (pen drives) and hard disks, they have now replaced traditional memory devices such as floppies and CD-ROM. There are endless benefits of these drives over traditional memory storing devices. They are widely used to store files and data. These drives are easy to carry and available in a variety of storage sizes. File transfer with the help of USB drives is much easier and faster than CDs and floppy discs. How to Learn of Hone Your Ability to Concentrate?

    USB drives and HDD are mainly used to store images, videos, audios, and document files. They generally have higher data storing capacity and therefore offer a variety of operations to the users to transfer files and use them to store data as per requirement.

    From the point of web development, it is easy to carry and transfer codes, plug-in and various related files from one computer to another computer with the help of these drives. There are very few chances of damage in pen drives and hard discs as they are designed with full protection. The data stored is also protected and secured.

    2. High technology SmartPhone

    Connect with friends, family and work colleague from anywhere.
    connect anywhere
    Who in this world is unaware of these magical devices? It is actually funny to state their uses as there are thousands in number. There is nothing you cannot do with them. From connecting people to capturing moments, it is capable of doing almost each and every thing. Besides basic voice calling feature, you get traits like calculator, calendar, camera, video recorder, voice recorder, games and much more. The main thing that makes them smart is features like gps, wi-fi, hotspot, and the internet. Are You Want to be a Caveman?

    The internet is the main essence of smart phones, you can connect to somebody miles away from you with the help of internet. Web developers have gained extreme popularity due to this only. These smart phones can be used by web developers in order to communicate with their clients for work. They can mail their work samples as well and expand their working scope. Not only this, there are many other features also that helps them to manage their clients easily and expand their business. With new inventions and increased ram and secondary memory, these smart phones have made the task of web developers much easier and faster by letting them handle multiple tasks at the same time in their mobile.

    3. iPods

    Thousands of music in the palm of your hand, who doesn’t want one?

    Music is the best life partner. There are many peoples who prefer music when they are stressed or sad. Music is person’s true mate, when you are sad, music soothes the pain and sorrow, and when you are happy, it doubles the joy and makes you even happier. iPods are high technology gadgets with large storage space used to store hundreds of songs. For a person, developing something is a work that demands high concentration and is possible only with good mental health.

    It is highly important to be relaxed when you code or design something that’s highly complicated. iPods here work like a pro, they relieve your mind from high stress and provides you the environment to work with your full energy, focus and concentration.

    4. IPads

    It’s like carrying a small desktop in your hand, less hassle!

    iPads are high-tech replacements of computers and mobiles. They are also referred as portable computers and have features almost same as that of any computer. In fact, they are more than just a computer, with multiple integrated smart features; they possess the capabilities of solving any complicated problem instantly. With the release of every different version, its features are improved and upgraded. They have rechargeable batteries and an HD touch screen with high resolutions, giving you the best experience of watching videos and playing games you ever had.

    They also carry high data storage space to store bundles of movies, audio files, games, documents and many more things. Not only for accessing local data, these iPads are also used for streaming live videos, exploring new technologies, etc. As they support internet connectivity with build-in wireless connection features.

    Similar to a computer, Ipad is also integrated with a multiple number of configurations, applications, and specifications. Though they were not originally designed to replace the mobile phone, but are capable of making voice and video calls with the help of special applications.

    5. Computer glasses

    24/7 in front of your computer could damage your eyes, protect it.

    For safe and clear vision: Sitting in front of computers for hours can give you severe eye problems. The rays emitted out from computers directly penetrate through the eyes and causes harm to your vision to a great extent. It slowly develops irritation and weakens your vision. Some problems you may face due to continuously working on computers are double eyes, blurred vision, dryness and redness in eyes etc.

    The only way to get out of such problem is to protect your eyes from damage, as for developers it is impossible to keep themselves away from the computer. Computer glasses are something that develops protective shield on the computer screen for your eyes. Computer professionals and developers who are habitual of working on computers should use these glasses in order to protect their eyes from damage.

    Computer glasses act as a barrier between the rays emitted from the computer screen and eyes. With the help of this gadget, you can work on computer 24×7 without having any adverse effect on your eyes.

    These glasses are anti glare and resist harmful ultraviolet rays from penetrating eyes. Computer glasses are made from a highly durable scratch resistant material that blocks the harmful rays emitted from the screen. These glasses are coated with special anti-reflective material from both the sides so as to ensure overall protection of the eyes.

    Final Conclusion

    With so much advancement in technologies, we are working in an era where everything is easy to do, even developing technologies from technologies. Humans are now finding gadgets not only to develop new things but also to make the development easier. With the help of above gadgets, it becomes easy for a web developer to develop websites.

    On one hand, where smart phones help them in expanding their business, USB drives have made the task of transferring data so easy within seconds only. Other inventions like Computer glasses help them to work 24X7 without worrying much about their eye health, iPods have made their task easier by letting them work in a stress-free, relaxed environment.

    tech for web developers
    IPads being mini portable computers lets you do all your computer stuff anytime anywhere. Not only these inventions, there are many other technical inventions also for making the life of a developer easy as they are the only ones who develop new technologies for you.

    All of 5 gadgets are extremely helpful and contribute a big amount of comfort and ease to web developers. The only time to pay attention is while choosing suitable gadgets for yourself. If you are very much into computers, computer glasses can be your best investment. Developers easily getting stressed and worried on even small issue and bugs, need iPods in order to get relief from their tension.

    If you are facing problem in handling clients and expanding your business, smart phones can help you to a great extent. Thus, by selecting gadgets in accordance with their needs, professionals can reduce their work stress and lead a happier and easier life.
