Tag: Techniques

  • What are the key principles of Training and Development?

    What are the key principles of Training and Development?

    Principles of Training and Development: Competitive advantage is referred to that ability of an organization which is not possessed by the other organizations and it is a competitive advantage which leads the organization to the top positions. The content is the study of explains – the key Principles of Training and Development, Training Principles and Techniques, and Training Procedure. There are many organizations in the world who are leading the markets by gaining competitive advantage in different fields of their business activities. Also, learn the Main Principles of Training and Development.

    Understanding and Learn, What are the key principles of Training and Development?

    One of the ways in which a firm can attain a competitive advantage over the competitors is by building a force of superior human resource. Now the question arises that how this force of superior human resource can build. The answer lies in a very important function of human resource management i.e. training and development. It has been observing that the employees or labor working in a competitive environment of the market always welcome the training and development programs which can enhance their skills and knowledge.

    Nowadays every job holder understands that to sustain and grow in the career it is very important to polish their skills. It is not that time where one degree or diploma is sufficient for the whole life. Employees actively participate in several programs which are organizing by their organization and it has been observing that in some organization employee’s demand from their human resource department to arrange such training and development programs.

    Successful organization of today has built its human resource workforce over the passage of time. There is no doubt that this workforce is a highly valuable asset for any organization and the only possible way to build this workforce is training and development. There are several theories which emphasize the importance of training and development in the organization and provides different alternative methods for training and development. A discussion of four major theories of training and development gives below.

    What is the theory of Reinforcement?

    This theory emphasizes on the learning behavior of a person and suggests that the learner will repeat that behavior which is attached with a positive outcome or result. Skinner an economist of the behaviorist school of thought proposed the theory of reinforcement and suggested that the training and development programs should align with the organizational objectives and a positive outcome should expect with such training and development programs. Further elaborating this concept suggested in reinforcement theory, it can argue that there are several techniques available in human resource practices which can associate with the training and development programs and the required suggestion by this theory can fulfill.

    Different types of rewards in the form of bonuses, salary raises, promotion and awarding of certificate after the training program can associate with the training and development activities and these rewards will definitely generate a positive outcome. If this is done by an organization then according to the Skinner’s theory of reinforcement the trainer i.e. the employee will show more interest in the training and development programs held by the organization.

    Learning Types:

    The theory presented by Gagne emphasized on learning of intellectual skills. These are such skills which are found rare among the persons. He suggested by different learning types in his theory and each learning type contains some external and internal conditions. The five categories of learning which Gagne defined in his theory include intellectual skills, verbal information, attitudes, cognitive strategies, and motor skills.

    Experiential Learning:

    Experiential and cognitive types of learning are differentiated by the experiential theory of learning presented by C. Rogers. According to Rogers, the wants and needs of the learner are addressed by this type of learning. Experience gives the personal maturity and increases the learning power along with the knowledge. Due to personal involvement, the learner is able to conduct a self-evaluation test. Which allows him to understand the effect of learning on his/her attitude.

    Social Learning:

    The social theory presents a new view of learning i.e. social. According to the presenter of this theory, Albert Bandura, direct reinforcement cannot address all types of learning. Hereby direct enforcement means the training and development programs that are organizing to enhance the skills. According to this theory, such programs do not address all learning types. As there are some social elements which cannot teach. Those elements are learning by the learner from his/her surroundings.

    Such type of learning calls observational learning and this learning associate with the understanding of different human behaviors. The first type of learning defined in this theory is through observation. In an organization, the environment and the surroundings play a very important role. The environment should be very professional and the surroundings should be in such a way that the people (employees) learn from them.

    Extra knowledge:

    This theory also suggests that it is not necessary that the behavior change after learning something.

    It expects that a person’s behavior changes after learning something, but it is not in all cases. Furthermore, the theory also explains the mental states which play a vital role in the learning process. If the mental status of the person is negative regarding any learning activity then. He will not take part in that learning process and even. If he forces to do so, he will not gain any positivity from that process.

    In organizational training programs, the mental state can make positive regarding the training and development programs by associating the rewards and benefits with such programs. Which will motivate the employees and help to build a positive mental state? The case company also follow this theory. As it allows the employees to learn from the surrounding and provides an environment where they can learn from their supervisors/managers and coworkers.

    Training Principles and Techniques:

    According to Pigors and Myres, training principles and techniques include:

    • The trainee must want to learn. His motivation to improve his job performance or to learn a new skill must be high.
    • There should be some reward at the conclusion of training viz., promotion or a better job.
    • The trainer should ask the trainee as to whether he is learning the job correctly. This knows as feedback.
    • Training is best to accomplish through learning by doing rather than by listening.
    • The material to learn should develop in stages.
    • When the trainee gives the correct response, he learns the job.
    Training Procedure:
    • First of all the instructor must prepare. He should know both his job and how to teach it. On the basis of job analysis and job description, various operations should plan. In order to avoid delays, everything must be ready before training starts.
    • The next step is the preparation of the trainee. The fact that the employee is learning the job for the first time should keep in mind. The importance of the job, its relationship with the other jobs and the importance of rapid and effective learning should explain.
    • The operations should then present carefully and patiently. The sequence of the entire job explains by taking one point at a time.
    • The performance of the trainee should then try by asking him to explain each step and do the practical.
    • The employee is then put on the job. In the follow-up action, his performance should frequently check and questions should encourage.
    What are the key Principles of Training and Development - ilearnlot
    What are the key principles of Training and Development? Image Credit to ilearnlot.com.
  • Explaining of Product Design Tools in Production Management

    Explaining of Product Design Tools in Production Management

    Several tools and techniques are available for the efficient design and development of products. The Concept of study – Explaining of Product Design Tools in Production Management with Techniques for Improving Product Design Process. These tools address all the stages of design and development. Some of the tools that are available for product designers to understand customer’s needs and translate them into meaningful design and manufacturing specifications, as well as some guidelines for incorporating the manufacturing requirements at the design stage.

    Understand and Learn, Explaining of Product Design Tools in Production Management.

    Understanding Customer Needs: The first step of the product design and development process is to know what exactly the product is going to be. Organizations need various methods by which they can obtain information regarding the needs of the customers.

    This can be by:

    Market Research:

    In market research, the target group identifies, and appropriate sampling is done within the target group. Using structured data collection methods, such as questionnaire surveys and interviews, information solicit from the sample. The information subjects to statistical and other analytical reasoning before arriving at customers’ preferences and needs.

    We talk about Production and market systems, laser marking systems running around 30 years. They produce materials such as METALS, PLASTIC, FOILS AND PAINTS, ORGANIC MATERIALS, and other application. LASIT is a company of one hundred people who develop laser marking technologies with passion and dedication. They are big enough to make the difference, but also small enough to take care of every single customer. The Study and Design team ensures traceability, production chain control, brand visibility, and industrial process automation.

    Competitive Analysis:

    Understanding what the existing offerings are now and how the gaps and problems identified could be eliminated can sometimes offer valuable inputs to the designer. One method of competitor analysis is to “reverse engineer” the product. The competitors’ product is dismantled down to individual components level and some detailed studies are conducted on them. These may sometimes reveal the probable processes utilized in their manufactures such as the choice of materials and their specifications and the relationship between these parameters and performance. Reverse engineering is one crude method of a larger issue of benchmarking.

    In the case of benchmarking, competitive product offerings are chosen for detailed analysis. Specific parameters are chosen for the benchmarking exercise. For example, cost, features, performance, ease of maintenance, ease of manufacture, assembly, and distribution are some of the issues on which comparative study may be possible. Once these parameters are identified, data collection and analysis will reveal the positioning of ones’ products vis-à-vis the competitor’s offerings. Another method for competitive analysis is to develop perceptual maps. Perceptual maps are the graphical representation of various competitors offering and that of ones’ own proposed product and/or service.

    Quality Function Deployment:

    The goal of good product design is to bring out products that satisfy customer’s needs better than those of the competitions. However, the attributes of competitor satisfaction are often qualitative. On the other hand, the product design process results in a bundle of quantitative attributes about the product. The challenge, therefore for a designer is to ensure that the transformation from qualitative attributes to quantitative ones is smooth and complete.

    Quality function deployment is a Japanese tool that helps organizations achieve this transition systematically and progressively Quality Function Deployment achieves these transition .in four stages. The first stage links customer needs to the design attributes required. In the second stage, the design attributes form the basis for actions that the firm needs to take to achieve these attributes. The actions identified at this stage are the basis for third staging arriving at the specific decisions to be implemented. In the fourth stage, the implementation decisions drive the process plan to deploy.

    Value Engineering:

    Value Engineering refers to a set of activities undertaken to investigate the design of components in a designing process strictly from a cost-value perspective. Typically, the design professionals brainstorm various options in conjunction with procurement, personnel, suppliers, and production personnel, concerning the value-cost dimensions of the product being designed.

    Usually, several questions are addressed, which include the following:

    • Can we eliminate certain features from design?
    • Are there instances of over design of certain components increase the cost?
    • Are there certain features of the design that cost more than they are worth?
    • Is it possible to replace the proposed method of manufacture with less costly ones?
    • Is it possible to outsource some of the components?
    • Can we eliminate some parts and replace them with standard parts?
    • Are there opportunities for cost-cutting by developing import substitution methods?

    Design for manufacturability:

    Design for manufacturability (DFM) is a structural approach to ensure that manufacturing requirements and preferences consider fairly early in the design process without the need for extensive coordination between the two. DFM guidelines address three sets of generic requirements:

    Reducing the variety:

    They below;

    • Minimize the number of parts.
    • Minimize subassemblies.
    • Avoid separate fasteners.
    • Use standard parts when possible.
    • Design parts for multi-use.
    • Develop the modular design, and.
    • Use repeatable and understood processes.

    Reducing cost:

    They are;

    • Analyze failures, and.
    • Assess value rigorously.

    Considering operational convenience:

    They follow are;

    • Simplify operations.
    • Eliminate adjustments.
    • Avoid tools.
    • Design for minimum handling, top-down assembly, and efficient and adequate testing.

    Tools for mass customization:

    Mass customization provides a structural set of ideas and tools to provide high levels of customization without increasing the complexity of planning and control operations.

    The various tools and techniques of mass customization are;

    • Employ a variety of reduction techniques.
    • Promote the modular design, The advantage of the modular design is that with fewer subassemblies (or modules) it will be possible to create a very large number of final products.
    • Make use of the concept of a product platform. A product platform is a collection of assets that share by a set of products. These assets can be components, including parts, designs, fixtures, and tools or manufacturing processes for manufacturing or assembly.

    Techniques for Improving Product Design Process:

    Many companies who know for their creativity and innovation in product design fail to get new products into the markets. The problems associated with converting ideas into finished products maybe because of poor manufacturing practices and poor design. Design decisions affect sales strategies, the efficiency of manufacturing, production cost, the speed of maintenance, etc.

    A complete restructuring of the decision-making process and the participants in the decision process is essential for the improvement in the design process. Over the wall concept of design i.e., a series of walls between various functional areas must be broken down and replaced with new co-operative interaction amongst the people from various functional areas.

    The improvement of the design process can achieve through:

    1. Multifunctional Design Teams:

    The team approach to product design has proved to be more beneficial worldwide. The participants of the design team include persons from marketing, manufacturing, and engineering, and purchase functions for the effective design process. The critical success factor between success and failure of new product launches is the involvement and interaction of creates – make and market functions from the beginning of the design product.

    2. Marking Design Decisions Concurrently Instead of Sequential Decisions:

    Concurrent design decisions reduce the time and cost of designs decision. Decisions are overlapping rather than sequential concurrent design is an approach to design that teams. The concurrent design process believes in “Cost plus” prices as contrasted by cost minus pricing in concurrent design.

    3. Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA):

    It is a process of designing a product so that it can be manufactured with ease and economically. It also calls design for production. Designing for production is a concept by which a designer thinks about how the product will make as the product designing so that potential production problems caused by design and can resolve early in the design process. This concept believes in simplifying design and standardizing parts and processes used.

    The basic principles of DFMA are:

    1. Minimize the number of parts.
    2. Use common components and parts.
    3. Use standard components and tools.
    4. Simplify assembly.
    5. Use modularity to obtain variety.
    6. Make product specifications and tolerances reasonable.
    7. Ensign products to be robust.

    4. Design Review:

    Before finalizing a design, formal procedures for analyzing possible failures and rigorously assessing the value of every part and components should be followed. The techniques such as Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis FMEGAX Value Engineering (VE) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). FMECA is a systematic approach to analyzing the causes and effects of product failures. It anticipates failures and prevents them from occurring.

    Value analysis is a design methodology developed by Lawrence Miles in the late 1940s that focuses on the function of the product, rather than on its structure or form and tries to maximize the economic value of a product or component relative to its cost. Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) emphasizes the interrelationship among failures. It lists failures and their causes in a tree format.

    5. Design for Environment:

    Design for Environment (DOE) involves designing products from recycled materials, using materials or components, which can be recycled. It promotes the concept of green products clean energy and environment-friendly products.

    6. Quality Function Deployment (QFD):

    Making design decisions concurrently rather than sequentially requires superior co-ordination amongst all the participants involved in designing, producing, procuring, and marketing. QFD is a powerful tool that translates the voice of the customer into the design requirements and specifications of a product. It uses inter-functional teams from design, marketing, and manufacturing.

    QFD process begins with studying and listening to customers to determine the characteristics of a superior product. Through marketing research, the consumer’s product needs and preferences define and broken down into categories called “Customer Requirements” and the weight based on their relative importance to the customer.

    Customer requirements information forms the basis for a matrix called the house of quality. By building the house of the quality matrix, the cross-functional QFD teams can use customer feedback to make engineering, marketing, and design decisions.

    The matrix helps to translate customer requirements into concrete operating or engineering goals. QFD is a communication and planning tool that promotes a better/understanding of customer demands, promotes a better understanding of design interactions, involves manufacturing in the design process, and provides documentation of the design process.

    Explaining of Product Design Tools in Production Management - ilearnlot
    Explaining of Product Design Tools in Production Management, Image Credit to Pixabay.
  • Creative Accounting: Methods, Techniques, and Prevention

    Creative Accounting: Methods, Techniques, and Prevention

    Definitions of Creative Accounting: The term ‘creative accounting’ can define in several ways. Initially, we will offer this definition; “A process whereby accountants use their knowledge of accounting rules to manipulate the figures reported in the accounts of a business”. The concept of Creative Accounting study: Methods of Creative Accounting, Techniques of Creative Accounting, and Prevention of Creative Accounting! Also learned, Definition, Motivation, and Ethical Considerations.

    Learn, Explain Creative Accounting: Methods, Techniques, and Prevention!

    They characterize by excessive complications and the use of novel ways of characterizing income, assets, or liabilities. This results in financial reports that are not at all dull; but have all the complications of a novel by James Joyce, hence the appellation “creative”. Sometimes the words “innovative” or “aggressive” use.

    Creative accounting, which generally involves the preparation of financial statements with the intention of misleading readers of those statements, is prima facie a form of lying. Creative accounting is a euphemism referring to accounting practices that may follow the letter of the rules of standard accounting practices but deviate from the spirit of those rules.

    It examines and rejects the arguments for considering creative accounting, despite its deceptive intent, as not being a form of lying. It then examines the ethical issues raised by creative accounting, in the light of the literature on the ethics of lying.

    This literature includes the evaluation of various excuses and justifications for lying and this examines here about creative accounting. It concludes that even in circumstances in which creative accounting would arguably serve a worthy purpose; that purpose would be at least as well served by honest communication.


    Creative accounting also called aggressive accounting, is the manipulation of financial numbers; usually within the letter of the law and accounting standards; but very much against their spirit and certainly not providing the “true and fair” view of a company that accounts suppose to:

    • A typical aim of creative accounting will be to inflate profit figures. Some companies may also reduce reported profits in good years to smooth results. Assets and liabilities may also manipulate, either to remain within limits such as debt covenant or to hide problems.
    • Typical creative accounting tricks include off-balance-sheet financing, over-optimistic revenue recognition, and the use of exaggerated non-recurring items.
    • Window Dressing has a similar meaning when applied to accounts; but is a broader term that can apply to other areas. In the US it is often used to describe the manipulation of investment portfolio performance numbers. In the context of accounts, “window dressing” is more likely than “creative accounting” to imply illegal or fraudulent practices, but it needs to do so.
    • The techniques of creative accounting change over time. As accounting standards change, the techniques that will work change. Many changes in accounting standards are meant to block particular ways of manipulating accounts; which means that intent on creative accounting needs to find new ways of doing things. At the same time, other, well-intentioned, changes in accounting standards open up new opportunities for creative accounting, and in the use of fair value is a good example of this.
    • Many creative accounting techniques change the main numbers shown in the financial statements but make themselves evident elsewhere, most often in the notes to the accounts. The market has been surprised before by bad news hidden in the notes, so a diligent approach can give you an edge.

    Methods of Creative Accounting:

    The following methods below are;

    1] First Methods:

    Although not technically wrong, many annual and quarterly reports and presentations dive heavily into theoretical scenarios where one-time “charges” to earnings are excluded. What this means is, for example, a lawsuit settlement amount would take out of the reported profit in one big chunk, even if its payout little by little over time.

    This practice call reserves. Often, when explaining the quarterly results, a CEO might say; “Well if we didn’t take this charge for the lawsuit, we would have made this much money”. Very often, the hypothetical situations proposed to get even more complicated. The main “creative” aspect to this is when a “one time” “exceptional” charge is very common to the business.

    2] Second Methods:

    Banks can lend out most of the money they receive in the deposit. The banks can also lend money they borrow from other banks. However, to protect against bad loans, banks must keep aside a stash of money called a “reserve”. The bank, within general guidelines, gets to set the size of this reserve to what it feels prudent compare to how risky its outstanding loans are. However, when the bank wants to make it look like it made more money this quarter than last; one way to do that is to make money from the reserve and call it is profit with the excuse that the loans are safer now than before and that amount was no longer needed.

    3] Third Methods:

    One of the main genres of “creative accounting” know as slush fund accounting; whereby some earnings from this quarter hideaway just in case the profit from next quarter is not enough for the management to make their bonuses. This happened most famously at Freddie Mac. As of 2004, there is a large investigation underway to see if retroactive insurance policies from insurers such as General Re of Berkshire Hathaway were used for slush fund accounting. The question is if these insurance policies truly transferred some risk or were merely a slush fund.

    Techniques of Creative Accounting:

    Creative accounting actively applies in six areas. The first area is regulatory flexibility, whereby changes in accounting policy permit by accounting regulation. For example, IAS permit carrying non-current assets can recover at either revalued amount or depreciated historical cost in asset valuation. Secondly, the dearth of regulation by which some accounting treatment might not be fully regulated as there are few mandatory requirements. The third area is management has a large extent of estimation in discretionary areas, such as assumption in bad debts provision. Fourthly, some transactions can time to show the desired appearance in accounts.

    For example, the manager is free to choose the timing to sell the investment just to increase earning in the accounts. Fifthly, to manipulate balance sheet amounts by using artificial transactions. Last but not least, by reclassification and presentation of financial amounts through balance sheet manipulation to smooth financial ratios; and, also based on the cognitive reference point in financial numbers’ presentation.

    Creative Accounting Methods Techniques and Prevention
    Creative Accounting: Methods, Techniques, and Prevention! #Pixabay.

    Prevention of Creative Accounting:

    Those companies most at risk for fraudulent financial reporting tend to be those that have one or more of the following attributes: weak internal control; no audit committee; a family relationship among directors and/or officers; assets and revenue less than $ 100 million; and/or a board of directors dominated by individuals with significant equity ownership; and, little experience serving as directors of other companies.

    To prevent creative accounting, the experts opine that accountants and managers should divide the duties of an internal control checklist. Furthermore, an independent audit committee should always have someone with a strong accounting background; and, audit experience who deals directly with outside auditors. The investors should diversify their investment portfolio to circumvent the problems related to creative accounting by a few unscrupulous companies.

    The company has to adhere strictly to the ethical values it has set itself in the long-run and the short-run of the life of the company. The accounting and accounting practices have to be consistent; and, show to the investors that it is following the ethical practices in all its financial dealing as well as reporting.

    How Enron Played the Game of Creative Accounting:

    According to Mulford, the expert in the field, the most common creative accounting practices include improper revenue recognition and misreporting expenses. However, Enron’s game, explains Mulford, involved special-purpose entities.

    “Enron conducted much of its business in these entities that they controlled. They transacted with themselves. That kind of self-dealing allowed them to report profits when they weren’t traditionally making a profit.”

    Though Mulford wrote the book before and published shortly after Enron’s dealings became public, the authors included a special note in the preface regarding the company’s accounting practices, noting that Enron’s “investors and creditors had not fully discounted the risk associated with the firm’s trading activities, its off-balance sheet liabilities, and its related-party transactions.” The authors add they believe careful attention to steps outlined in The Financial Numbers Game “would have provided an early alert to the possibility of developing problems.”

  • Explain essay on the Co-Ordination of an Organization!

    Learn, Explain essay on the Co-Ordination of an Organization!

    Before start studying, you must know what common question types asked around the place. Essay for Articles: What is the Essay on the Meaning of Co-Ordination? What is the Essay on the definition of Co-Ordination? What is the Essay on the Need for Co-Ordination? What is the Essay on the Techniques of Co-Ordination? What is the Essay on the Nature of Co-Ordination? and What is the Essay on the Importance of Co-Ordination? Also Learned, Explain essay on the Direction of an Organization! That is similar to Explain essay on the Co-Ordination of an Organization!

    Now Explain it:

    #The Essay on the Meaning of Co-Ordination:

    Co-ordination is the process of synchronization and harmonization of the different activities within the enterprise with reference to time, the progress of work, performance standards, etc. If the objectives of the business are to be realized with a minimum of friction and a maximum of cooperation, a system of coordination through the establishment of the formal relationship among different individuals and departments has to be instituted.

    #The Essay on the Definition of Co-Ordination:

    Henri Fayol, Louis A. Allen, and Ordway Tead considered coordination as a separate managerial function. James D. Mooney considered coordination as the first principle of organization. According to Mooney and Railey, “Co-ordination is the achievement of orderly group effort and unity of action in the pursuit of a common purpose.”

    It is that process whereby an executive develops an orderly pattern of the group effort among his subordinates and secures unity of action in the pursuit of common purpose. “It is the orderly synchronization of efforts to provide the proper amount, timing and quality of execution resulting in harmonious and unified actions towards a stated objective.”

    George R. Terry and Theo Haimann regard coordination as a permeating function of management passing through the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.

    #The Essay on the Need for Co-Ordination:

    It is a pervasive function. The managers seek to achieve co-ordination through planning, organizing, staffing, commanding and controlling. Performance of any of these functions is an exercise towards coordination. When all these functions are related to each other harmoniously into a unified whole, co-ordination is achieved.

    In fact, managers at all levels, preside over the “nerve centers” of co-ordination in respect of their own spans of control. This means that coordination is the function of all levels of management and not merely of the top management.

    #The Essay on the Techniques of Co-Ordination (How to Achieve Co-Ordination?):

    #Clearly Defined Goals:

    The goals of the enterprise should be laid down clearly. Every individual in the enterprise should understand the overall objectives and the contribution of his job to these objectives.

    #Precise and Comprehensive Programmes and Policies:

    Laying down well-defined programmes and policies is another measure for achieving effective coordination. This brings uniformity of action because everybody understands the programmes and policies which act as guides for taking decisions.

    #Clear Lines of Authority and Responsibility:

    An enterprise is composed of several vertical and horizontal authority relationships. Authority flows from the top through various positions down to the level of operative workers. There is a line of authority in every enterprise which indicates that who is accountable to whom. This line of authority and responsibility should be clearly defined to achieve co­ordination.

    #Effective Communication:

    Effective communication is key to proper coordination. The channel of communication used in the enterprise should be reliable so that they are able to create proper understanding in the mind of the receiver. As advised by Mary Follett, personal contacts should be encouraged as it is the most effective means of communications for achieving coordination.

    #Effective Leadership and Supervision:

    Management can achieve better coordination through effective leadership and supervision. Effective leadership ensures coordination both at the planning and the implementing stage. Effective supervision is also necessary to guide the activities of individuals in the proper direction. This will bring unity of action which is essential to coordination.

    #The Essay on the Nature of Co-Ordination:

    Co-ordination means an orderly synchronization of efforts of the people working in the organization for the achievement of organizational objectives. It is a continuous process of achieving unity of purpose in the organization.

    It includes all such deliberate efforts on the part of management whereby efforts of various parts of the enterprise are so blended that they move harmoniously towards the accomplishment of an organizational objective.

    Where a number of persons are working for the achievement of a common purpose, coordination is essential to achieve the purpose and synchronize their efforts. Co-ordination is an all-inclusive principle of organization. It is also the all-inclusive function of management and not just one of its functions.

    Management seeks to achieve co-ordination by performing various functions like planning, organizing, directing and controlling. When all these functions are related to each other harmoniously, co-ordination is achieved. As a matter of fact, coordination is the essence of managing.

    #The Essay on the Importance of Co-Ordination:

    In order to achieve coordination among the subordinates and sub-units, the management performs the functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Coordination is required in every function of management. Plans of different departments and divisions must be properly coordinated, otherwise, the objectives of the organization as a whole cannot be accomplished,

    Co-ordination is equally important in organizing. All activities required to achieve the desired objectives must be properly grouped and assigned to the right people. In staffing, a balance must be attained between job requirements and the qualities of the personnel who are placed on different jobs.

    The direct function of management is an attempt at achieving coordination. Supervision, motivation, leadership, and communication are designed to secure unity of action in a group. Co-ordination is also involved in controlling. Corrective measures must be synchronized with the cause and time of deviations from the desired performance.

    Thus, coordination is the silken thread running through the entire process of management. That is why it is called the essence of management.

    Co-ordination results in the creation of a true whole that is larger than the sum total of its parts. The analogy of the conductor of a symphony orchestra is appropriate here. The conductor by his coordinating skills of vision, leadership and simultaneous attention to the totality of the orchestra group and its individual instrument players, creates a living musical performance and not mere noise.

    In any case, management has no alternative but to perform mediating, moderating and motivating roles in securing coordinated action. Mediation with the external environment, moderation while controlling internal environment and motivation of individual organizational members are integral coordinating functions of management.

  • The Techniques of Directing with Good Characteristics!

    Learn, Explain the Techniques of Directing with Good Characteristics!

    The direction is called management in action. Definition of directing, In the words of Theo Haimann, “In order to make any managerial decision really meaningful, it is necessary to convert it into effective action, which the manager accomplishes by directing. Without this managerial function nothing or at best very little is likely to come about. Also learn, Definition, now, Explain the Techniques of Directing with Good Characteristics!

    Planning, organizing, and staffing can be considered preparatory managerial functions the purpose of control are to find out whether or not the goals are being achieved. The connecting and actuating link between these functions is the managerial function of directing, which means the issuance of directives and the guidance and overseeing of subordinates.” Related questions: What is the Importance of Directing Functions?

    Good Characteristics of Directing:

    A good order has the following characteristics:

    1) The order should be clear and easily understood.

    2) The order should be complete in all respects. It should not create doubts in the minds of subordinates.

    3) It should be compatible with the objectives of the organization.

    4) There should be specific instructions as to the time by which the order should be executed or completed.

    5) The order should be so conveyed that it stimulates ready acceptance.

    6) The order should preferably be in writing.

    7) The order should be conveyed through the proper chain of command and it should also contain the reasons for issuing it.

    Techniques of Directing:

    Directing is an important function carried out by top management. It is the order or instruction to subordinate staff to perform a work or not to perform in a specific way. The techniques of directing are delegation, supervision, orders, and instructions.

    (1) Delegation:

    Delegation is an important mean of directing. The subordinates are assigned tasks and given powers to recruit them. In delegation, a superior assigns some of his work to the subordinates and gives them rights or powers. The subordinates are authorized to undertake the assigned work. Delegation is a means of sharing authority with the subordinates and providing them with an opportunity to learn. Delegation as a means of directing may bring out some problems.

    • It may be difficult to spell out exact tasks and assignments of the subordinates. There may be some overlapping and uncertainties in job descriptions. The subordinates should learn to adjust them in such situations.
    • There may be some contradiction in the assignment of task and delegation of authority.
    • The subordinates may sometimes act beyond the assigned authority taking it as implied by the superiors. The superiors will have to bear with such situations.
    • An indiscriminate delegation may create an imbalance in the organization since every subordinate may not have the same capacity and maturity.
    • If the delegation of authority is too rigid then it kills initiative and creativity.

    (2) Supervision:

    Supervision is a means to oversee the work performed by subordinates. It should be ensured that work is performed as per the plans and guidelines. Every superior has to supervise the work of his subordinates. At operative level supervision is the job of a manager. A supervisor at the lower level remains in touch with the workers. He guides them for doing the work, maintains discipline and work standards and solves the grievances of workers. Supervision at different levels acts as a directing activity.

    (3) Issuing Orders and Instructions:

    The issuing of orders and instructions is essential to undertake the work for achieving the organizational goals. No manager can get a work done without issuing orders and instructions to subordinates. An order, instruction, directing or command is a means of initiating, modifying or stopping an activity. In the words of Koontz and O’Donnel has a directional technique, an instruction is understood to be a charge (command) by a superior requiring a subordinate to act or refrain from acting in a given circumstance.

    According to this definition, an instruction is always given by a superior to a subordinate directing to undertake a work in a specified manner or prohibit him from some activity. The orders and instructions are the primary tools of directing by means of which the activities are started, altered, guided and terminated. While issuing an order a manager should be clear in his mind what he wants the subordinates to do or not to do. The clarity of orders will determine the level of performance of subordinates.

  • How to Explain Techniques of Scientific Management?

    How to Explain Techniques of Scientific Management?

    Here are 7 types of Explain Techniques of Scientific Management, Study and Learn!

    Here are 7 types of Explain Techniques of Scientific Management, Study and Learn! Some of the major techniques of scientific management are as follows: 1. Work Study 2. Standardization of Tools and Equipment’s 3. A Scientific Task Setting 4. Scientific Setting of Wage Rates 5. The Scientific Selection and Training 6. Functional Foreman-ship 7. Differential Piece-Rate Plan. Also, learn; What are the Principles of Scientific Management?

    Following Explain Techniques of Scientific Management here are:

    1. Work Study:

    Work study implies an organized, objective, systematic, analytical and critical assessment of the efficiency of various operations in an enterprise. It is a generic term for those techniques which are used in the examination of human work in all its context and which lead systematically to the investigation of all factors which affect the efficiency and economy of operations.

    It is a technique which enables the manager to ascertain standard time taken for performing a specified job. Every job or every part of it is studied in detail. This technique is based on the study of an average worker having reasonable skill and ability. Average worker is selected and assigned the job and then with the help of a stop watch, time is ascertained for performing that particular job. Taylor maintained that Fair day’s work should be determined through observations, experiment and analysis by keeping in view an average worker.

    Work-Study includes the following techniques:

    (а) Method Study:

    This study is conducted to know the best method of doing a particular job. It helps in reducing the distance travelled by materials, and brings improvement in handling, transporting, inspection and storage of raw materials and goods.

    (b) Motion Study:

    Motion study is a technique which involves close observations of the movement of body and limbs of an individual required to perform a job. It is the study of the movement of an operator or a machine to eliminate useless motions and find out the best method of doing a particular job. By undertaking motion study, an attempt is made to know whether some elements of a job can be eliminated, combined or their sequence changed to achieve the necessary rhythm.

    The purpose of motion study is (i) to find and eliminate wasteful motions among the workers, and (a) to design the best methods of doing various operations. It leads to increase the efficiency of workers by reducing fatigue and manual labor. It results in higher production and productivity.

    (c) Time Study or Work Measurement:

    Time study is the technique of observing and recording the time required by a workman of reasonable skills and ability to perform each element of the tasks in a job. Through time study, the precise time required for each element of a man’s work is determined. It helps in fixing the standard time required to do a particular job.

    The purpose of time study is to scientifically determine the standard time for doing a job under given condition. It helps to measure the efficiency of workers. It creates time consciousness among workers. Saving in time leads to cost reduction and increased efficiency.

    (d) Fatigue Study:

    A Fatigue, physical or mental, has an adverse effect on the worker’s health and efficiency. The Fatigue study helps in reducing fatigue among the workers. The Fatigue is generally caused by long working hours without rest pauses, repetitive operations, excessive specialization, and poor working conditions. The purpose of fatigue study is to maintain the operational efficiency of the workers.

    2. Standardization of Tools and Equipments:

    Taylor advocated standardization of tools and couplings, cost system and several other items. Efforts should be made to provide standardized working environment and methods of production to the workers. Standardization would help to reduce spoilage and wastage of materials, improve quality of work, reduce cost of production and reduce fatigue among the workers.

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    3. Scientific Task Setting:

    It is essential to set a standard task which an average worker source does during a working day. Taylor called it a fair day’s work. He emphasized the need for fixing a fair day’s work because it will prevent the workers from doing work much below their capacity. The standard task will act as a norm before the workers. If no standard is set, the workers will work below his capacity.

    4. Scientific Setting of Wage Rates:

    Wage rates should be fixed in such a way that he average worker is induced to attain a standard output. Taylor suggested the differential piece- wage system. Under this system, higher rates are offered to those workers who produce more than the standard quantity. Taylor was of the view that the efficient workers should be paid, from 30% to 100% more than the average workers.

    5. Scientific Selection and Training:

    The management should design scientific selection procedure so that right men are selected for the right jobs. The first step in scientific selection is determining the jobs for which workers are required. After that the most appropriate qualification, training, experience and the level of efficiency for the requisite post are determined. Employees are selected according to predetermined standards in an impartial way. Making the Feedback Training Method Work.

    6. Functional Foreman-ship:

    Taylor advocated that specialization must be introduced in a factory. He advocated ‘functional foreman-ship’ for this purpose. Functional foreman-ship is a form, of organization which involves supervision of a worker by several specialist foremen. For instance, matters relating to speed of work and repairs of machinery will be supervised by the speed boss and the repair boss respectively.

    The purpose of functional foreman-ship is to improve the quality of supervision of workers by employing specialist foremen. Taylor believed that a single foreman is not competent to supervise all functional matters. How to Processes of Scientific Management?

    In Taylor’s functional foreman-ship, planning is separated from execution. He recommended eight foremen in all to control the various aspects of production. He suggested four foremen m the planning department, namely, route clerk, instruction card clerk time and cost dark and shop disciplinarian. The four foremen recommended for getting the required performance from the workers include gang boss, speed boss, repair boss and inspector.

    Understand by Chat; Functional Foreman-ship

    1. Taylor advocated functional foreman-ship for achieving ultimate specification.
    2. This technique was developed to improve the quality of work as single supervisor may not be an expert in all the aspects of the work.
    3. Therefore workers are to be supervised by specialist foreman.
    4. The scheme of functional foremanship is an extension of principle pf specialization at the supervisory level.
    5. Taylor advocated appointment of 8 foramen, 4 at the planning level & other 4 at implementation level.
    6. The names & function of these specialist foremen are: –
      • Instruction card clerk concerned with tagging down of instructions according to which workers are required to perform their job
      • Time & cost clerk is concerned with setting a time table for doing a job & specifying the material and labor cost involved in it.
      • Route clerk determines the route through which raw materials has to be passed.
      • Shop Disciplinarians are concerned with making rules and regulations to ensure discipline in the organization.
      • Gang boss makes the arrangement of workers, machines, tools, workers etc.
      • Speed boss concerned with maintaining the speed and to remove delays in the production process.
      • Repair boss concerned with maintenance of machine, tools and equipments.
      • Inspector is concerned with maintaining the quality of product.

    7. Differential Piece-Rate Plan:

    This plan was suggested by Taylor to attract highly efficient workers. Under this plan, there are two piece work rates, one is lower and another is higher. The standard of efficiency is determined in terms of number of units during a day or standard same. The worker who produces more than standard output within the standard time.

    He will be given higher piece rate. On the other hand, if a worker is below the standard, he shall be given lower rate of wages. The slow worker is thus penalized as he gets wages at a lower piece rate. Thus Taylor’s scheme of wage payment encourages the workers to attain higher standard of performance and earn wages at higher rate. Also, read it; Seven Researchers or Pioneers of Management.

    How to Explain Techniques of Scientific Management - ilearnlot


    1. Techniques of Scientific Management – //www.managementstudyguide.com/techniques_scientificmanagement.htm
    2. 7 Techniques of Scientific Management – //www.yourarticlelibrary.com/scientific-management/7-techniques-of-scientific-management-explained/27889
    3. Photo Credit URL – //emhs.org.au/files/images/content/1925_Philadelphia_Atwater_Kent_radio_set_assembly.jpg

  • Importance with Techniques of Coordination

    Importance with Techniques of Coordination

    First, Some Understand the meaning of Coordination:

    Coordination is much essential in management. Business has various functions. These functions are performed by different individuals.

    Moreover, the performance of these functions requires a division of work and grouping of activities and making decisions at different levels.

    All these necessitate coordination for attaining the desired goals. Coordination is concerned with synchronizing, integrating or unifying all the group actions in an enterprise to achieve its objectives.

    It is a process by which the manager achieves harmonious group efforts and unity of actions through balancing the activities of different individuals and groups of individuals and reconciling their differences in interest or approach, for the attainment of common goals.

    [perfectpullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”blue” class=”” size=””]According to Mcfarland, “Coordination is the process whereby an executive develops an orderly pattern of group efforts among his subordinates and secures unity of actions in the pursuit of a common purpose.”[/perfectpullquote]

    Now, Here is Importance of Coordination

    I. Unity of action: An enterprise has diverse resources; technique, activities etc and they all must be coordinated to bring unity through unity in action.

    II. Increase in efficiency and economy: Coordination brings efficiency because it is an effort of all organizational members. It also helps to maintain good relation among all levels of management.

    III. Development of personnel: Coordination helps to obtain information about job, qualities of a job holder which helps to analyze about the potentialities of the job holder and improve coordination system.

    IV. Differential perception: Different people have a different perception. When all people are coordinated effectively their effort and power are concentrated to achieve organizational goals.

    V. Survival of the organization: Coordination helps o harmonize the work resources and physical facilities. When their activities are not harmonized the organization can’t achieve the goal and it can’t survive in the society.

    VI. The accomplishment of objectives: When the employees, their task, and available resources are coordinated, their production will be increased and it helps to accomplish the objectives of the organization.

    VII. The basis of managerial function: All managerial functions such as planning, organizing, directing, controlling etc can’t be conducted effectively without communication.

    VIII. Specialization: In the absence of coordination in the organization the activities can’t be moved in specialized areas. Therefore, it helps in specialization.

    And, Finally Here are Techniques of Coordination

    I. Well defined goals: The first means or technique of coordination is well-defined goals. The goals of the organization should be clear and well defined. Each individual in the organization should understand the overall goals. When the goals are not well defined the coordination may not effective.

    II. Sound organization structure: Coordination is the essence of management. It is not possible without sound organization structure. The authority and responsibility for each and every positions and employee should be clearly defined.

    III. Effective communication: Coordination helps in creating proper understanding among persons. Without effective communication, coordination may be effective. The ideas, opinions should be interchanged freely. It is only through effective communication that even individual understand his/her limitations, positions, and responsibility in the organization. Effective communication helps in coordination. Therefore, it is also an important means of coordination.

    IV. Proper leadership: Proper leadership leads the subordinates effectively and efficiently. A good managerial leader uses the motivational tools to coordinate the employees with an effective communication system. In short, coordination is made possible through proper leadership.

    V. Proper supervision: Supervisors coordinate the subordinates and their activities. Top level management cannot coordinate all employees. In short, proper supervision helps in effective coordination.

    VI. Better plans and policies: Coordination is made according to plans and policies of the organization and departments. When the plans and policies are not better coordination is not effective in the organization.

    VII. Cooperation: Without cooperation, coordination may not succeed because coordination is related to employees and their activities. When they are not cooperative, coordination may not be made. So, cooperation is essential in the organization.

    VIII. Meeting and conference: Coordination may be possible when all employees their all activities and departmental goals are involved in organizational planning and policies. They’re all problems and matters may be involved. When there is an environment of constructive discussion and debate with meeting and conference.

    XI. Group decision: The group decision is a decision in which all members of the organization are participated to make decisions. The ideas and feelings are mixed into the decision and coordination may succeed.

    Notes: Here are you have read it Importance with Techniques of Coordination, last post you might be read it; Principles of Coordination. And, Maybe You will read it; The definitions of all the Seven Processes of Scientific Management; Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Motivating, Controlling.