
PPC under different production systems: Process, Job, Intermittent, and Assembly Production Industry

PPC under different production systems: Process, Job, Intermittent, and Assembly Production Industry

PPC (production planning and control) under different production systems: Process, Job, Intermittent, and Assembly Production Industry...No single system of production…

6 years ago

Political Environment: Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary

The influence of the political environment of business is enormous. This article explains the topic of the International political environment…

6 years ago

Economic System: Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism

The economic system divides into three groups; capitalism, socialism, and communism. The scope of private business and the extent of…

6 years ago

What are the Essentials of Effective Control System?

Essentials of Effective Control System; Control is necessary for every organization to ensure that everything is going properly. Every manager,…

6 years ago

Why we Comparison of Different Production Systems?

Comparison of Different Production Systems; The system relies on a number of important factors like policies of the organization, Types…

6 years ago

Types of Production Systems; Continuous System and Intermittent System

Types of Production Systems; A production manager will have to choose the most appropriate method for his enterprise. The final…

6 years ago

Production System Introduction Meaning Definition and Elements

What does mean Production System? Introduction; A system is a logical arrangement of components designed to achieve particular objectives according to…

6 years ago

Advantages and disadvantages of Expert Systems

An expert system is a computer program that designs to emulate and mimic human intelligence, skills, or behavior. An expert…

6 years ago

Meaning, Definition, Services, and Functions of Financial System

A financial system is a network of financial institutions, financial markets, financial instruments, and financial services that facilitate money transfer.…

6 years ago

What is the Cost Accounting Information System?

Cost Accounting Information System (CAIS) is an accounting information system that determines the costs of products manufactured or services provided…

7 years ago