
What is the Executive Information System (EIS)?

What is the Executive Information System (EIS)?

Executive Information System (EIS) Meaning, Factors, Characteristics, Advantages, Pros, Benefits, Merits, Disadvantages, Cons, Limitation, and Demerits; An Executive Info System…

3 years ago

What is the MMIS (Multinational Marketing Information System)?

A multinational marketing information system (MMIS) is a tool that aims to reduce the chances of mistakes being made when…

5 years ago

Water Pollution: Sources, Effects, and Control

Water pollution can define as an alteration in physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of water making it unsuitable for designated…

6 years ago

Noise Pollution: Sources, Effects, and Control

Noise Pollution can define as an unpleasant and unwanted sound. We hear various types of sound every day. Sound is…

6 years ago

Air Pollution: Sources, Effects, and Control

What is Air Pollution? It is an atmospheric condition in which certain substances (including the normal constituents in excess) are…

6 years ago

Business Risk: Explanation, Characteristics, and Sources

What does Business Risk mean? Business risks related to the response of the firm’s earnings before interest and taxes, or…

6 years ago

Public Revenue: Introduction, Meaning, Definition, Sources, and Classification

What does Public Revenue mean? Public revenue money receives by a Public. The article on Public Revenue: Introduction, Meaning, Definition,…

6 years ago

What is Working Capital? Analysis, with Management

Working Capital - Its meaning is basically an indicator of an organization's short-term financial position and is also a measure…

6 years ago

Business Forecasting Techniques, Elements, and Steps

In this article discussing Business Forecasting: First Essential Elements of Business Forecasting, then the second Techniques of Business Forecasting, and…

6 years ago

Explain the Internal and External Sources of Employee Recruitment!

Learn What? Explain the Internal and External Sources of Employee Recruitment! The searching of suitable candidates and informing them about the…

7 years ago