Tag: Skills

  • Project Managers Skills really change your company status Value

    Project Managers Skills really change your company status Value

    Project Managers Skills in Management: To be a decent project supervisor; it is essential to have a few skills to deal with the project in the association. What are the most Popular Skills of a Project Managers in the Case of Production Management? Project managers need to have a wide assortment of skills that can assist them with doing the best in the project on the board. All the skills have by the project supervisor are determinants of the accomplishment of the project in the project the board. It is to satisfy the duties of the project chief. There are a few significant information and ability classifications for the project supervisor. The skills expected of the project supervisor partition into few classifications.

    Here is the article to explain, How do good Project Managers Skills really change your company management status Value?

    Project the board is definitely not simple work. Truth told it’s few difficult positions, including the inception, arranging, executing, controlling, and shutting of a project. Considerably more troublesome, that project appoints to a group based on your personal preference; given explicit objectives to accomplish over a characterized course of events for a decided financial plan. Furthermore, you need to do all that effectively. To do as such, the best project managers utilize strong project board instruments to keep all parts of their projects coordinated.

    In any case, that is a ton to request from anybody individual; yet project managers have an assortment of skills to take care of business. These incorporate the specialized, business, and executives skills you’d expect, yet also a few delicate skills. Project managers aren’t just managing frameworks and cycles, yet additionally individuals, some company management try to training skills development work. At the point when you reduce it down, an effective group the executives are based on making and keeping up solid connections across the association. Why Management Embarrassed By Your Project Managers Role Skills? Here is the solution What To Do:

    The following are a couple of significant information and skills classifications of the project supervisor.

    Project the board interaction Skills:

    Project Management measure skills are the information and skills identified with the system of the project the executives, best for managers. The project director ought to learn about devices, methods, and cycle innovation in the project the board just as ready to apply them in genuine circumstances. For example, the project supervisor should realize how to build up a total client archive, assemble an organization chart, and fabricate a work breakdown structure. With every one of these skills, the project administrator will ready to encourage and sort out the project plan. The project administrator likewise can experience all the issues during the project the executive’s exercises and will get regard from all the colleagues and different partners.

    Relational and social Skills:

    Interpersonal skills are the instruments of individuals used to connect and speak with others in the association. Relational abilities have seven primary territories needed by the project director, including verbal relational abilities, nonverbal relational abilities, listening skills, exchange skills, critical thinking skills, dynamic skills, and decisiveness. Project Manager skills in managing an individual’s incomprehensible esteem. Other than relational skills, the project supervisor likewise needs to have social skills like individual direct, style, and approach.

    Innovation the executive’s Skills:

    As we probably are aware, the vast majority of the project encircle by innovation. It is alluding to the interaction territories at the center of the project that pre-owned data innovation foundation. The innovation skills required may incorporate programming and equipment to do the undertaking. The capacity of the project chief to organize the utilization of innovation is the way to progress as a project director. It is significant for to project administrator to have satisfactory information and skills inserted with the innovation. There are a few innovations’ the executives needed by project managers; for example, capability in project center innovation, capability in the supporting innovation territory, industry information, patent information, plan skills, and some more. The project supervisor should acquaint with the innovation applied in the project. The project director must capable successful in the utilization of innovation.

    Wanted individual characteristics:

    To be a fruitful project supervisor, individual quality is generally significant. Individual attributes mean is the activity, mentalities, and conduct should project supervisor has. Having individual attributes will turn into a decent project supervisor and have the option to play out the obligations as a project chief. The alluring qualities ought to have by the project director, for example, genuineness and has respectability. Other than that, the project chief should have a similar outlook as a generalist, has high resilience with others, and interact situated, mindful, open and open, strategically, and unequivocal.

    Initiative Skills:

    We need to begin with the large daddy of all – authority. It’s somewhat of tricky expertise in that some accept you’re brought into the world with authority skills and that they can’t educate. Yet, we think everybody can figure out how to apply demonstrated initiative skills and methods. All things considered, what’s the other option? As a project director, you’re answerable not just for owning the project to effective culmination; however, you’re driving a group to accomplish that objective. This expects you to propel and intervene when fundamental. Recall that project initiative comes in various styles, one of which will suit your character. It’s more than overseeing undertakings; it’s overseeing individuals.

    Relational abilities:

    Interchanges truly go hand-in-glove with the administration. You can’t be a powerful pioneer in case you’re not ready to express what it is you need your group to do. However, you’re not just going to speak with your group; you’ll need to have clear interchanges with everybody related to the project; from merchants and workers for hire to partners and clients. Regardless of whether that is through announcing devices or encouraging cooperation with visits, record sharing, and different intends to label conversations at the undertaking level; you will require the two frameworks set up to encourage interchanges. These apparatuses likewise help interface individuals balanced and in gathering settings, for example, gatherings and introductions.

    Risk and Danger Management Skills:

    Doing anything is a danger. Arranging a project, enormous or little, is characteristic of hazard. It’s an aspect of your responsibility to see those issues before they become issues. In this way, before executing the project, you need to place in the work to recognize, survey, and control hazards. The more you can oversee hazards, the almost certain your project will succeed. Obviously, you can’t foresee all that may occur over the existing pattern of your project. There will be unforeseen issues that emerge; so you need to have a cycle set up to deal with those when they come up.

    Cost Management Skills:

    You can’t do anything without the cash to pay for it. You have made a financial plan. Your first occupation is to ensure that the spending plan is sensible and can meet the monetary requirements of the project, and controlling those expenses through the execution of the project. This is more difficult than one might expect. Except if you are fortunate and work for an association with limitless assets; you will have certain monetary imperatives, and more probable, give a strict spending plan. It takes a lot of ability to sort out some way to extract each penny from those restricted assets.

    Basic Thinking Skills:

    Project managers aren’t the solitary ones who could profit from this expertise, skills change management value. The majority of us are not reasoning, yet responding and following a progression of reactions that we’ve either been told or educated. It’s not a particularly awful thing. You can here and there be on autopilot, yet you better skill to turn it off. The basic reasoning is essentially being as evenhanded as possible in examining and assessing an issue or circumstance with the goal that you can frame a fair-minded judgment. It hauls you out of following up on feelings or from got information, and isn’t that what a project supervisor should do? You’re confronted with issues each day when you’re chipping away at a project, and you need your choices to be fair. The solitary thing controlling your choice ought to be what’s best for the project.

    Undertaking Management Skills:

    Here is another of those specialized skills that ought to be stepped onto the DNA of each project chief. On the off chance that planning is the bedrock to project the board, at that point assignments are the mortar that holds everything together. There will be huge loads of these troublesome little positions for you to make, allot, and oversee; some of which will be subject to other people, implying that blunder of this cycle can seriously affect the accomplishment of your project.

    You can view this as making a super daily agenda, which isn’t completely off-base; yet as you add intricacy you’ll likewise need to add the apparatuses to assist you with dealing with these undertakings all the more effectively. Also, You’ll need highlights in your undertaking the executive’s instrument that encourages coordinated effort with your group; help you focus on, and give you moment announcements when errands have been finished or are running behind.

    Quality Management Skills:

    The greater part of these skills are self-evident, correct? Indeed, they are the best few projects the board skills. In any case, quality administration regularly disregards by project pioneers, and it’s one that necessities to stand out enough to notice. Also, Quality administration is regulating the exercises and errands that need to convey an item or administration at the expressed level showed in the project desk work. Sound natural? It’s essentially an aspect of your responsibilities that you may never have given a name to or more awful, you’ve been dismissing for fulfilling time constraints. Remaining on time is significant, yet that timetable is futile on the off chance that it produces something shoddy.

    Project Managers Skills really change your company status Value Image
    Project Managers Skills really change your company status Value; Image from Pixabay.
  • Every Leader have to need Social Media Skills with Qualities

    Every Leader have to need Social Media Skills with Qualities

    Why Every Leader have to need Social Media Skills with Qualities?

    What are social media skills? Being skill and experience in social media in today’s market is definitely changing frequently. There are new social channels popping up and big changes to current channels happening often. Integrating your social media networks to your business is very important it allows you to establish and publicize your brand, expand the reach within your target market, interact with your active users and send interesting information about your company to your desired audience. Why are the Need Entrepreneurship for Small Business? 

    The social media revolution has taken the business world by storm. Few areas of business and society have been left untouched by the social media revolution. Social Responsibility. Concomitant with this trend, companies and business leaders have realized the immense power of social media and have started to tune their strategies accordingly. This article discusses six essential social media skills that every leader must have to succeed in the world of Web 2.0, Best Characteristics and Qualities of a Good Leader.

    Becoming a Producer

    Business leaders must incorporate social media in their communications by producing and sharing rich media in their blogs and by opening Facebook and Twitter accounts through which they can communicate to their stakeholders. Of course, this is easier said than done as most business leaders are behind the curve where social media is concerned. To alleviate this shortcoming, business leaders have to learn to use technology more effectively and more efficiently. This means that they would have to upgrade their technical skills and become social media savvy. This literacy and expertise in using social media would be a major advantage to them as they go about communicating to their stakeholders.

    Becoming a Distributor

    The convergence of vertical broadcast media and horizontal participatory media means that the business leaders must master the knowledge of this interplay between these very different paradigms at work. For instance, traditional communication is largely hierarchical and follows command and control flow. On the other hand, social media follows system dynamics that determine whether the content goes viral or not and hence, business leaders must become experts in controlling the distribution of content that would let them influence the flow of communication throughout the organization. Knowing what to say and how to say are as important as the distribution of these messages to the wider audience.

    Becoming a Recipient

    A common refrain one hears in the information age is that we are besieged with information overload. Drowning in a never reducing flood of Facebook posts, tweets, and emails, business leaders can get lost in this electronic maze that would impair their ability to sift through the content and determine what is useful or not. Given the fact that traditionally business leaders have had assistants to wade through the information and give them what is necessary, they might have to employ web savvy staff to do this for them in the changing world of web 2.0

    Becoming an Advisor and Orchestrator

    Once the business leaders realize the importance of web 2.0 for their organizations, the next task is to ensure that they let this insight percolate throughout the organization. In other words, they have to become change agents wherein they would harvest the potential of social media by inspiring their employees to embrace social media effectively and efficiently. To do this, they must have the skills described in the three sections above and on top of that, they must don the hat of evangelicals who trumpet the advantages of social media to their employees.

    Becoming an Architect

    The social media revolution has challenged the traditional conceptions of organizational communication, as there is a thin line between free exchange of information throughout the organization and the risk of irresponsible use that poses existential threats to the organizations. For instance, it is common in many firms to ban the use of social media by the employee during the time they spend in office. Instead of these autarkic responses, business leaders must develop appropriate strategies that would merge vertical accountability with horizontal collaboration. In other words, the merger of organizational hierarchical communication with that of informal networks of communication is the challenge before business leaders.

    Becoming an Analyst

    Finally, business leaders must not only leverage social media for their organizational success but also be ahead of the curve by riding the wave of change and anticipating the next paradigm shift. As the next generation internet of things is already on the horizon, business leaders must use all their intellect and experience to see how their organizations can profit from the coming changes. This means wearing multiple hats at once and ensuring that they are ahead of the curve instead of behind it.

    Good Qualities of a Leader Really have to!

    A leader has got multidimensional traits in him which makes him appealing and effective in behavior. The following are the requisites to be present in a good leader:

    Physical appearance: A leader must have a pleasing appearance. Physique and health are very important for a good leader.

    Vision and foresight: A leader cannot maintain influence unless he exhibits that he is forward looking. He has to visualize situations and thereby has to frame logical programmes.

    Intelligence: A leader should be intelligent enough to examine problems and difficult situations. He should be analytical who weighs pros and cons and then summarizes the situation. Therefore, a positive bent of mind and mature outlook is very important.

    Communicative skills: A leader must be able to communicate the policies and procedures clearly, precisely and effectively. This can be helpful in persuasion and stimulation.

    Objective: A leader has to be having a fair outlook which is free from bias and which does not reflects his willingness towards a particular individual. He should develop his own opinion and should base his judgement on facts and logic.

    Knowledge of work: A leader should be very precisely knowing the nature of work of his subordinates because it is then he can win the trust and confidence of his subordinates.

    Sense of responsibility: Responsibility and accountability towards an individual’s work is very important to bring a sense of influence. A leader must have a sense of responsibility towards organizational goals because only then he can get maximum of capabilities exploited in a real sense. For this, he has to motivate himself and arouse and urge to give best of his abilities. Only then he can motivate the subordinates to the best.

    Self-confidence and will-power: Confidence in himself is important to earn the confidence of the subordinates. He should be trustworthy and should handle the situations with full will power. (You can read more about Self-Confidence at : Self Confidence – Tips to be Confident and Eliminate Your Apprehensions).

    Humanist: This trait to be present in a leader is essential because he deals with human beings and is in personal contact with them. He has to handle the personal problems of his subordinates with great care and attention. Therefore, treating the human beings on humanitarian grounds is essential for building a congenial environment.

    Empathy: It is an old adage “Stepping into the shoes of others”. This is very important because fair judgement and objectivity comes only then. A leader should understand the problems and complaints of employees and should also have a complete view of the needs and aspirations of the employees. This helps in improving human relations and personal contacts with the employees.

    From the above qualities present in a leader, one can understand the scope of leadership and it’s importance for scope of business. A leader cannot have all traits at one time. But a few of them helps in achieving effective results.

    Clearly, these are early days. Most companies recognize social media as a disruptive force that will gather strength rather than attenuate. But social-media literacy as we define it here is not yet an element of leadership-competency models or of performance reviews and reward systems. Equally, it has not yet found its way into the curricula of business schools and leadership-development programs.

    This needs to change. We are convinced that organizations that develop a critical mass of leaders. Who master the six dimensions of organizational media literacy will have a brighter future. They will be more creative, innovative, and agile. Attract and retain better talent, as well as tap deeper into the capabilities and ideas of their employees and stakeholders. More effective in collaborating across internal and external boundaries and enjoy a higher degree of global integration. Benefit from tighter and more loyal customer relationships and from the brand equity that comes with them. More likely to play leading roles in their industries by better leveraging the capabilities of their partners and alliances in cocreation, codevelopment, and overall industry collaboration. And they will be more likely to create new business models that capitalize on the potential of evolving communications technologies.

    It takes guts to innovate radically in leadership and organization, for legacy systems, cultures, and attitudes are powerful forces of inertia. Fortunately, the inherent quality of social media is a powerful transformational force. Social-media engagement will confront leaders with the shortcomings of traditional organizational designs. Leaders who address these shortcomings will learn how to develop the enabling infrastructure that fosters the truly strategic use of social technologies. When organizations and their leaders embrace the call to social-media literacy, they will initiate a positive loop allowing them to capitalize on the opportunities and disruptions that come with the new connectivity of a networked society. And they will be rewarded with a new type of competitive advantage.

    Why Every Leader have to need Social Media Skills with Qualities - ilearnlot
    Why Every Leader have to need Social Media Skills with Qualities? – @ilearnlot – Photo of Url – https://chiefexecutive.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Best-Companies-for-Leaders-compressor.jpg


    1. Six social-media skills every leader needs – https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/high-tech/our-insights/six-social-media-skills-every-leader-needs

    2. Qualities of a Leader – https://managementstudyguide.com/qualities_of_a_leader.htm

    3. What are social media skills? – https://www.quora.com/What-are-social-media-skills-What-kind-of-knowledge-do-people-with-social-media-skills-have-about-various-social-media-platforms

  • Least Used Intelligence Skill Learn Your Paradoxical Thinking

    Least Used Intelligence Skill Learn Your Paradoxical Thinking

    Intelligence Skill Learn; Since every organization emphasizes the importance of creating a work environment that is conducive. Comprises of competing people who have high intelligence skills. Such organizations encounter problems when implementing the paradoxical thinking framework. The basics of paradoxical thinking imply considering irrational aspects. As well so that innovation is encouraged throughout the organization. It has found that the paradoxical thinking is one of the eight skills that are related to the intelligence framework. The eight skills that are linked to the intelligence are judgment, perception, reason, intuition, imagination, logic, memory and paradox.

    How to Use Intelligence Skill Learn Your Paradoxical Thinking?

    Among all the skills mention, the least commonly use one is the paradoxical thinking. Because people are reluctant to get involved in illogical thinking. The traditional specialists still show resistance to apply the concept of paradoxical thinking within the business environment. Because they feel that it is not appropriate for a business to get involved in such irrational activities. However, the trend is now shifting to the paradox paradigm. When the company’s management has realized that the customers are looking for both functional and creative solutions.

    The reason that paradoxical thinking is link to intelligence is that it allows. The people to apply their thinking skills to modify the idea into something feasible that will be appealing for the end-consumers. IBM has ensured that it allows its employees to give any kinds of practical suggestions to the company that can help it in increasing its proficiency. Eliminate the drawbacks that are prevalent within the firm. USA Today was the first one to introduce the concept of Online newspaper. So, customers can read the paper on the Internet.

    When the owner wanted to launch this idea, majority of the people felt that it will have to encounter problems. People prefer to enhance their knowledge about the latest happenings through paper newspapers. However, the paper is considered to the top-selling newspaper in the region that has successfully met the needs of the customers especially. Who is looking for previous issues to get access to a particular article or piece of information?

    The Power of the Implications of Paradoxical Thinking By James P. Krehbiel

    A different way of viewing problems called paradoxical thinking. The power of paradox involves doing the opposite of what may be considered a natural reaction to events. This is called the law of reversed effort. Many people do not understand paradoxical thinking and consequently, end up behaving in ways that appear reasonable but are actually self-defeating.

    How we think about issues determines the kinds of assumptions that we make, and affects our behavior for better or for worse. Paradoxical thinking turns our normal manner of viewing problems upside-down. Common sense may seem to be discounted as we reflect on choices and behaviors that impact our life.

    How does paradoxical thinking affect our everyday manner of behaving? William Glasser, noted psychiatrist, tells his audiences of teachers that they need to radically alter their thinking if what they are doing with children is not working. “Don’t stay stuck in worn out patterns of behaving, try a totally different approach to what you are doing,” he asserts. This is the very nature of paradoxical thinking.

    Consider the mother who was overindulged as a child. Does she continue to over-function as a parent to her own child or is she aware of the need to let go, thus permitting her child to learn to develop a sense of independence? Often, doing the opposite of the way in which you were parented is beneficial to the child. I call this redeeming the intergenerational cycle of dysfunction.

    How does paradoxical thinking affect those who suffer from anxiety? Highly anxious people tend to fight with their symptoms. They become “anxious over their anxiety.” They browbeat themselves for what they perceive as defective thinking and behavior. Their pattern of self-blame only exacerbates the symptoms and a cycle of self-defeating behavior ensues.

    The goal of paradoxical thinking is to teach the anxious individual how to accept and embrace their symptoms. This involves teaching them that most people suffer from anxiety and that having anxiety is not abnormal. Trying to get rid of one’s symptoms only causes them to rear their ugly head. Paradoxically, making friends with one’s symptoms will minimize their impact.

    Another idea associate with paradoxical thinking involves the concept of surrender. Mean’s learning to let go rather than fighting or giving up on oneself. This notion is applicable to those seeking addictions treatment as well as individuals with anger management problems. In AA groups, the idea of surrendering to a Higher Power is a foundation for healing. Letting go, rather than fighting with the problem allows a community of supporters to assist the recovering addict and creates the conditions for the addict to share his addiction history and emotional concerns with those in recovery. Surrendering promotes a sense of need for humility.

    Those who are affect by anger management issues embrace several basic assumptions about life that run counter to paradoxical thinking. Those who rage believe, “I must be in control of all situations, circumstances and events governing my life; if I’m not allow control of every situation it would be awful and somebody is going to pay!”

    Second, those who inflict rage believe, “People must always the way I want them to or else I will make their life miserable.” Paradoxically, people who fight to stay in control invariably feel out of control. Those who manifest rage and anger are unable to maintain control at all times.

    Due to the unpredictable nature of life, the perpetrator of violence is doom because he is unable to control all aspects of his environment. Such vulnerability is translate into abusive behavior. Paradoxically, the healthiest individuals tend to those who are able to experience the confidence of control and yet can accept their vulnerability as an asset rather than a liability.

    Paradoxically, those who try to fix their partner in a relationship end up pushing their love one away. Pursuers continue to over-function in a relationship, because it keeps them from having to focus on their own issues. In the process of trying to control their partner, they end up driving them away.

    An example is the husband who needlessly checks on the whereabouts of his wife due to his insecurity. Jealousy, he may check cell phone bills or computer sites to make sure she is not connecting with another man. He may continuously over-play his affection through gifts and love notes. His over-anxious pursuing may interpret by his wife as a sign of weakness and may create resentment.

    Anxiety intensifies the cycle of pursuing, creates more polarity and the problem intensifies. The pursuer tries to fix others but paradoxically is unable to understand the nature of his personal problems, Care-taking is done at the expense of his own emotional well-being, a sense of emptiness, fill with confusion, hopelessness and paranoia may the central theme for the pursuer. 

    Teaching the pursuer to distance in a relationship is a wise use of a therapist’s time. Paradoxically, the therapist must make a list of the ways that the wife uses to distance and teach the husband to change his style of relating. The distancing wife will invariably view this approach to treatment with a sigh of relief!

    On occasion, a therapist may use what are consider to paradoxical techniques as a way of altering the behavior of a family system. Cloe’ Madanes, in her strategic family therapy work, gives an example of a model of paradoxical treatment. She offers the example of a child who displays a pattern of pyromania. All efforts, including fire education and prior Therapy, prove fruitless. Mandanes views the child’s behavior as a metaphor regarding the lack of bonding between the mother and child. She prescribes to the mother and child that they spend thirty minutes a day for a week doing controlled “experiments” which involve the use of striking matches with various materials. The other children in the family are not invite to a part of the ritual. This compliance-based directive diffuses the fire-setting and creates the needed bond between the mother and child.

    Paradoxical thinking and behavior involves “going against the grain” of what would normally consider a common sense approach to solving problems. It might seem common sense to give your child a lecture on the value of getting a college education during a time when he lacks motivation. However, asking the child probing questions about the quality of his education, What he believes his future will look like empowers the child and gives him a sense of ownership regarding his future, this is the nature of paradoxical thinking.

    Paradoxical thinking involves a paradigm shift in how we perceive ways of thinking and behaving. It calls for a more “open” and flexible way of creating a world-view. It leads to a more effortless and simplistic manner of solving life’s problems.

    Least Used Intelligence Skill Learn Your Paradoxical Thinking - ilearnlot

  • Positive Relationships with Individual and Organization Outside

    Positive Relationships with Individual and Organization Outside

    How to Develop Positive Relationships with Individual and Organization Outside of Your Business

    It’s vital for a business to develop as many external contacts as possible. This simple approach can lead to valuable/positive relationships and opportunities that would not otherwise have occurred. How Do You Know Your Company Wants Help From The Outside? Below are some of the best ways you can develop relationships with individuals and organizations outside of your business. Do You Really Want to your Own a Business?

    What is Meaning about Positive Relationships? Positive, productive relationships demand the best of us. For a friendship or marriage to allow both people to flourish, each person is an active participant in helping create the other one’s positive future.

    “A direct relationship between two variables in which as one increases, the other can be expected to increase, Also called direct relationship. Compare negative relationship.”

    “Positive relationships with others, Will be happier and more fulfilled and feel more supported, supportive, and connected.”

    Define of Positive Relationships; “Positive correlation is a relationship between two variables in which both variables move in tandem. A positive correlation exists when one variable decreases as the other variable decreases, or one variable increases while the other increases. In statistics, a perfect positive correlation is represented by 1, while 0 indicates no correlation and negative 1 indicates a perfect negative correlation.”

    Develop Your Communication Skills and Communication Channels

    Before you reach out to certain individuals and organizations, it’s important to prepare properly and have the skills and knowledge required for communicating in an effective way.

    For instance, if you want to interact with local government representatives and agencies in a more productive way, you may need to hire a consultant or someone who has completed an online masters in public administration and who has a great working relationship with the public sector.

    “Communication is the act of conveying intended meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs and semiotic rules.”

    In other situations, it may be a good idea for you or someone in your organization to enroll in an online master in public administration degree course or similar program provided by universities like Norwich University, so that you have a permanent person in your company who can deal with government entities that can help your business.

    Attend Networking Events

    Most people prefer to deal with other individuals and businesses they are familiar with. This means you and your business need to get public exposure.

    Attending networking events like Chamber of Commerce meetings, conferences, and industry seminars is an effective way to do this. The more times you are seen at these events, the more people will become familiar with you and start to trust you.

    Give Your Own Presentations

    Initially, when you attend networking events you may be there to listen to other people. However, eventually you could participate more in these events by giving your own presentations in the area you have expertise in. This once again could lead to a lot of new opportunities, including business offers and referrals from those who listen to your presentations. Why You Should Be Balancing Your Books on Every Single Month.

    Join Online Communities

    Today’s business owners live busy lives and it’s not always possible to attend networking events. In other cases, the people you want to interact with may not attend these types of events or they live a long distance away. This is where the Internet can come to the rescue because a wide range of online business communities exist.

    These communities are usually open to novice business owners, established business owners and people who have a keen interest in the same industry or niche. Interacting with other community members is extremely easy and most members of these websites are more approachable online.

    Build Your Own Online Social Profile

    It’s important to maintain professional online social media profiles. A huge number of people prefer to use the Internet to find out about a business or the people in a business. Become an Instagram Millionaire but How?

    The more informative your social media profiles are, the more impressed others will be, and the more likely it is that they will want to find out more about you and your business.

    Networking and building positive relationships with individuals and businesses outside, your own organization is an important step if you want your business to succeed and grow. This is not as difficult as it may sound, especially if you follow the steps above.


  • Why To Be a Best Leader become First Be a Great Follower?

    Why To Be a Best Leader become First Be a Great Follower?

    Why To Be a Best Leader become, First Be a Great Follower?

    To differentiate leader from follower is difficult; they have several similarities as well as also have some differences. In leadership, one should have to take risk and lead the team; have ability to see opportunity that other cannot see. Both should be able to learn from someone or something. Leaders must be independent and isolated and should not rely on anyone but himself and have to be entrepreneurial, and make workplace culture better by working with generous purpose. So Now talking about, Why To Be a Best Leader become First Be a Great Follower?

    Good leadership is needed to solve problems and to navigate unexpected circumstances Followers only need to be competent during the battle and must be able to carry out orders by their leader, with their own ability while at other times; they have no need to be that competent. They could ask for help from their friends but in contrast, Leader cannot ask for help from his followers or else his followers would consider him incompetent. Being a follower is easier than being a leader because leader has to be isolated and should have ability to solve his own problems.

    Leadership can be as successful or effective or both

    • Successful leadership but not effective: In this pattern, leader’s style may not compatible; but follower does the job because of leader’s power and position. They obey the command and follow his idea.
    • Effective leadership: the followers may do the job willingly to cooperate because the leader’s request satisfies the follower’s needs or goal.
    • Successful leadership: it emphasizes upon position, power and close supervision.

    Characteristics of Good Followers

    As leader, it is very important to know about that how to follow and how to lead. Many people believe that if you want to become a good leader then you must be a good follower.

    Some characteristic about good follower:

    • Well finisher: Good followers always concentrate on their task and complete their task according to preplanned.
    • Clear vision: they understand their power and position and it is equally important to understand their role as a leader.
    • Loyalty: Good followers always try to avoid telling bad things about their boss/leader in public. It does not means that they are completely agree with their boss/leader but only do not want to do things in public because to influence the public it is needed to become public loyal.
    • Good followers are obedient enough and humble.
    • Awareness of surrounding: Good follower is well aware of surrounding situations and people. They always try to learn about people behavior and their thinking and how they affect in his work and what is going wrong and then make changes according to demands.
    • Own thinking: To becomes a good follower, you are able to think on your own and decide what is right and what is wrong. Good followers always take side to leader and support them when they are doing right.

    A Great Leader as a Good Follower

    Many qualities are same between leaders and followers. A great leader follows the same trait as followers do but change their style and do some modification in it. Great leader knows their boundary and limitation very well.

    Good leadership is the golden key to get best performance. Need to imply your own clear sets of values and belief and also have to make clear vision for all. Develop some creative ideas for the organization to make changes and reach up to desire goal. From this perspective, leaders are always try that people follow the process and in this way leader always think themselves as a follower.

    There is very important reason to leaders that they have to follow because no one can do it alone and have to create and utilize the energy, ideas and full potential of everyone.

    Leadership requires a close study of human behavior. It is the people who are the factors of importance. There are many different points of view about leadership. One belief is that leadership has to be taught while some are of the view that leaders can’t be made by teaching or training. New Roles of Human Resource Management in Business Development.

    In this modern age, new leaders are coming but most of them fail to cultivate their inner strength, ability to guide the people, to lead the people. There are three basic steps which are followed mostly in the process of training. Information is the first step, gets from simple reading and continuous study which then converted into knowledge.

    Wisdom is the transformation of knowledge. Trained person has to be able to transfer the knowledge into the practice. As a result of training, one should become more self-confident. On receiving training, knowledgeable person becomes capable of taking his own decisions and at this stage; person visualizes the truth-real understanding.

    There are few requirements to reach to the truth, in ascending direction that are desire to learn, listening to the teacher, learning, retention, understanding, reflection, rejection of false views and truth.

    Human relationship gains the most attraction for a leader for the obvious reasons that the leader leads people. For any business, workforce is the basic requirement and for accomplishment leader has to understand people.

    Common logic reason behind the successful leader is the development of proper appreciation human nature. For this, one should have enough confidence and has to explain to other members about task and targets and how that can be accomplished.

    Leader should also explain the subordinates about their position and also impact of success or failure on the ultimate goal. If the goal achieved, that is a success of team not a success of leader alone. Leadership Explained by the Internet.

    The leader has to do the required morale boosting apart from handling the work and must to be in touch with his people. It is necessary to show adequate interest in their personal problems. It is better for his people must perceive as their leader becomes the real guardian of their interests.

    This is necessity to do this as it helps to maintain respective distance from the people. This concept of distant has been mostly appreciated, and understood by successful leader.

    Thus, taking an overall view, the leader has to be a dynamic person and should have capability to turn the adversity in his favors and to gain this. The leader must have the capacity to concentrate, and focus attention on the goal with an aptitude to take timely decisions and have to be sincere in his dealing. He has to show his faithfulness and loyalty towards his mission and the people, and should possess a fair knowledge of his job and profession. Be The Change You Want to See in The World.

    Why To Be a Best Leader become First Be a Great Follower

    So what does a great follower look like? I would suggest great followers share at least five characteristics:

    • They are clear: They understand their role, You can’t be a good follower unless you have clearly identified the leader. While you may be a leader in your own realm, everyone has a boss including you. Great followers not only accept this fact, they embrace it.
    • They are obedient: While obedience may be a politically incorrect concept, it is essential for organizational effectiveness. No one should be allowed to give orders who can’t obey orders. This is how great leaders model the standards of acceptable behavior to their own followers.
    • They are servants: This is crucial, Great followers are observant. They notice what needs to be done to help the leader accomplish his or her goals. Then they do it joyfully, without grumbling or complaining.
    • They are humble: Great followers don’t make it about them, he/she also to be humble, shine the light on the leader, make their own boss look good especially in front of his or her boss.
    • They are loyal: I have written on this before, Great followers never speak ill of their boss in public. This doesn’t mean they can’t disagree or even criticize. “Yes” people aren’t very helpful in the long run. It just means that they don’t do it in public. Great followers understand that public loyalty leads to private influence.

    Many Thinks, Why To Be a Best Leader become First Be a Great Follower?

    The Mark Zuckerberg’s of this world corporate leaders propelled into their positions because of what they created are few and far between. Most leaders start in much humbler, entry-level positions and work their way up the corporate ladder, and this is a good thing. Emerging leaders who work their way up learn about what motivates them and their co-workers. They also learn about what makes a team work well together to achieve goals. They also learn what good and not so good leadership is, and this allows them to develop empathy and compassion for those they will one day lead. In essence, they learn key “follower-ship” lessons that will serve them well when they become leaders.

    According to Barbara Kellerman, a leadership lecturer at Harvard University, there is a lot a person can learn about being a good leader by being a good follower. Good followers, she says, are passionately committed and deeply involved. They actively support a good leader (one who is effective and ethical). Do Good Always! Bad followers, on the other hand, do nothing to contribute to the group or the organization.

    Good followers learn to “read” their colleagues, co-workers, customers, and other audiences. They understand what motivates them and what upsets them, skills that they can use when they become leaders. Good followers also learn important diplomacy skills, like the ability to get along well with others while not ignoring differences for example, working well with a colleague who has different political beliefs. Good followers also need to learn to be courageous. Kellerman notes that good followers can aid the leader when he or she is doing the right thing but they also have to have the courage to stand up to the leader if he or she is doing something wrong (Moran, 2014).

    Good followers also learn important collaboration skills that will serve them well as leaders-Good followers and good leaders understand that followers (good and bad) can make or break a leader by influencing how and what goals get achieved-Good followers will assist their leaders in achieving goals. Bad followers can actively sabotage the achievement of goals (Moran, 2014). Good followers also learn to think for themselves and will stand up to a leader who may be heading in the wrong direction (Moran, 2014).

    Being a good follower does not end when one becomes a leader. It is important that emerging leaders understand that they must continue to practice good follower-ship in their leadership roles; they become good follower-ship leaders. During a keynote speech in 2012, former HP executive vice president Vyomesh Joshi said the key to being a great leader was to practice good follower-ship. In other words, leaders who have been good followers and who practice good follower-ship principles as leaders understand how to work with people to bring out the best in them.


  • Learning Development and Exercise of Self-Efficacy Over the Lifespan!

    Learning Development and Exercise of Self-Efficacy Over the Lifespan!

    Different periods of life present certain types of competency demands for successful functioning. These normative changes in required competencies with age do not represent lock-step stages through which everyone must inevitably pass. There are many pathways through life and, at any given period, people vary substantially in how efficaciously they manage their lives. The sections that follow provide a brief analysis of the characteristic developmental changes in the nature and scope of perceived self-efficacy over the course of the lifespan.

    Origins of a Sense of Personal Agency

    The newborn comes without any sense of self. Infants exploratory experiences in which they see themselves produce effects by their actions provide the initial basis for developing a sense of efficacy. Shaking a rattle produces predictable sounds, energetic kicks shake their cribs, and screams bring adults. By repeatedly observing that environmental events occur with action, but not in its absence, infants learn that actions produce effects. Infants who experience success in controlling environmental events become more attentive to their own behavior and more competent in learning new efficacious responses, than are infants for whom the same environmental events occur regardless of how they behave.

    Development of a sense of personal efficacy requires more than simply producing effects by actions. Those actions must be perceived as part of oneself. The self becomes differentiated from others through dissimilar experience. If feeding oneself brings comfort, whereas seeing others feed themselves has no similar effect, one’s own activity becomes distinct from all other persons. As infants begin to mature those around them refer to them and treat them as distinct persons. Based on growing personal and social experiences they eventually form a symbolic representation of themselves as a distinct self.

    Familial Sources of Self-Efficacy

    Young children must gain self-knowledge of their capabilities in broadening areas of functioning. They have to develop, appraise and test their physical capabilities, their social competencies, their linguistic skills, and their cognitive skills for comprehending and managing the many situations they encounter daily. Development of sensorimotor capabilities greatly expands the infants’ exploratory environment and the means for acting upon it. These early exploratory and play activities, which occupy much of children’s waking hours, provide opportunities for enlarging their repertoire of basic skills and sense of efficacy.

    Successful experiences in the exercise of personal control are central to the early development of social and cognitive competence. Parents who are responsive to their infants’ behavior, and who create opportunities for efficacious actions by providing an enriched physical environment and permitting freedom of movement for exploration, have infants who are accelerated in their social and cognitive development. Parental responsiveness increases cognitive competence, and infants’ expanded capabilities elicit greater parental responsiveness in a two-way influence. Development of language provides children with the symbolic means to reflect on their experiences and what others tell them about their capabilities and, thus, to expand their self-knowledge of what they can and cannot do.

    The initial efficacy experiences are centered in the family. But as the growing child’s social world rapidly expands, peers become increasingly important in children’s developing self-knowledge of their capabilities. It is in the context of peer relations that social comparison comes strongly into play. At first, the closest comparative age-mates are siblings. Families differ in number of siblings, how far apart in age they are, and in their sex distribution. Different family structures, as reflected in family size, birth order, and sibling constellation patterns, create different social comparisons for judging one’s personal efficacy. Younger siblings find themselves in the unfavorable position of judging their capabilities in relation to older siblings who may be several years advanced in their development.

    Broadening of Self-Efficacy Through Peer Influences

    Children’s efficacy-testing experiences change substantially as they move increasingly into the larger community. It is in peer relationships that they broaden self-knowledge of their capabilities. Peers serve several important efficacy functions. Those who are most experienced and competent provide models of efficacious styles of thinking and behavior. A vast amount of social learning occurs among peers. In addition, age-mates provide highly informative comparisons for judging and verifying one’s self-efficacy. Children are, therefore, especially sensitive to their relative standing among the peers in activities that determine prestige and popularity.

    Peers are neither homogeneous nor selected indiscriminately. Children tend to choose peers who share similar interests and values. Selective peer association will promote self-efficacy in directions of mutual interest, leaving other potentialities underdeveloped. Because peers serve as a major influence in the development and validation of self-efficacy, disrupted or impoverished peer relationships can adversely affect the growth of personal efficacy. A low sense of social efficacy can, in turn, create internal obstacles to favorable peer relationships. Thus, children who regard themselves as socially inefficacious withdraw socially, perceive low acceptance by their peers and have a low sense of self-worth. There are some forms of behavior where a high sense of efficacy may be socially alienating rather than socially affiliating. For example, children who readily resort to aggression perceive themselves as highly efficacious in getting things they want by aggressive means.

    School as an Agency for Cultivating Cognitive Self-Efficacy

    During the crucial formative period of children’s lives, the school functions as the primary setting for the cultivation and social validation of cognitive competencies. School is the place where children develop the cognitive competencies and acquire the knowledge and problem-solving skills essential for participating effectively in the larger society. Here their knowledge and thinking skills are continually tested, evaluated, and socially compared. As children master cognitive skills, they develop a growing sense of their intellectual efficacy. Many social factors, apart from the formal instruction, such as peer modeling of cognitive skills, social comparison with the performances of other students, motivational enhancement through goals and positive incentives, and teachers interpretations of children’s successes and failures in ways that reflect favorably or unfavorably on their ability also affect children’s judgments of their intellectual efficacy.

    The task of creating learning environments conducive to development of cognitive skills rests heavily on the talents and self-efficacy of teachers. Those who are have a high sense of efficacy about their teaching capabilities can motivate their students and enhance their cognitive development. Teachers who have a low sense of instructional efficacy favor a custodial orientation that relies heavily on negative sanctions to get students to study.

    Teachers operate collectively within an interactive social system rather than as isolates. The belief systems of staffs create school cultures that can have vitalizing or demoralizing effects on how well schools function as a social system. Schools in which the staff collectively judge themselves as powerless to get students to achieve academic success convey a group sense of academic futility that can pervade the entire life of the school. Schools in which staff members collectively judge themselves capable of promoting academic success imbue their schools with a positive atmosphere for development that promotes academic attainments regardless of whether they serve predominantly advantaged or disadvantaged students.

    Students’ belief in their capabilities to master academic activities affects their aspirations, their level of interest in academic activities, and their academic accomplishments. There are a number of school practices that, for the less talented or ill prepared, tend to convert instructional experiences into education in inefficacy. These include lock-step sequences of instruction, which lose many children along the way; ability groupings which further diminish the perceived self-efficacy of those cast in the lower ranks; and competitive practices where many are doomed to failure for the success of a relative few.

    Classroom structures affect the development of intellectual self-efficacy, in large part, by the relative emphasis they place on social comparison versus self-comparison appraisal. Self- appraisals of less able students suffer most when the whole group studies the same material and teachers make frequent comparative evaluations. Under such a monolithic structure students rank themselves according to capability with high consensus. Once established, reputations are not easily changed. In a personalized classroom structure, individualized instruction tailored to students’ knowledge and skills enables all of them to expand their competencies and provides less basis for demoralizing social comparison. As a result, students are more likely to compare their rate of progress to their personal standards than to the performance of others. Self-comparison of improvement in a personalized classroom structure raises perceived capability. Cooperative learning structures, in which students work together and help one another also tend to promote more positive self-evaluations of capability and higher academic attainments than do individualistic or competitive ones.

    Growth of Self-Efficacy Through Transitional Experiences of Adolescence

    Each period of development brings with it new challenges for coping efficacy. As adolescents approach the demands of adulthood, they must learn to assume full responsibility for themselves in almost every dimension of life. This requires mastering many new skills and the ways of adult society. Learning how to deal with pubertal changes, emotionally invested partnerships and sexuality becomes a matter of considerable importance. The task of choosing what lifework to pursue also looms large during this period. These are but a few of the areas in which new competencies and self-beliefs of efficacy have to be developed.

    With growing independence during adolescence some experimentation with risky behavior is not all that uncommon. Adolescents expand and strengthen their sense of efficacy by learning how to deal successfully with potentially troublesome matters in which they are unpracticed as well as with advantageous life events. Insulation from problematic situations leaves one ill-prepared to cope with potential difficulties. Whether adolescents foresake risky activities or become chronically enmeshed in them is determined by the interplay of personal competencies, self- management efficacy and the prevailing influences in their lives.

    Impoverished hazardous environments present especially harsh realities with minimal resources and social supports for culturally-valued pursuits, but extensive modeling, incentives and social supports for transgressive styles of behavior. Such environments severely tax the coping efficacy of youth enmeshed in them to make it through adolescence in ways that do not irreversibly foreclose many beneficial life paths.

    Adolescence has often been characterized as a period of psychosocial turmoil. While no period of life is ever free of problems, contrary to the stereotype of “storm and stress,” most adolescents negotiate the important transitions of this period without undue disturbance or discord. However, youngsters who enter adolescence beset by a disabling sense of inefficacy transport their vulnerability to distress and debility to the new environmental demands. The ease with which the transition from childhood to the demands of adulthood is made similarly depends on the strength of personal efficacy built up through prior mastery experiences.

    Self-Efficacy Concerns of Adulthood

    Young adulthood is a period when people have to learn to cope with many new demands arising from lasting partnerships, marital relationships, parenthood, and occupational careers. As in earlier mastery tasks, a firm sense of self-efficacy is an important contributor to the attainment of further competencies and success. Those who enter adulthood poorly equipped with skills and plagued by self-doubts find many aspects of their adult life stressful and depressing.

    Beginning a productive vocational career poses a major transitional challenge in early adulthood. There are a number of ways in which self-efficacy beliefs contribute to career development and success in vocational pursuits. In preparatory phases, people’s perceived self-efficacy partly determines how well they develop the basic cognitive, self-management and interpersonal skills on which occupational careers are founded. As noted earlier, beliefs concerning one’s capabilities are influential determinants of the vocational life paths that are chosen.

    It is one thing to get started in an occupational pursuit, it is another thing to do well and advance in it. Psychosocial skills contribute more heavily to career success than do occupational technical skills. Development of coping capabilities and skills in managing one’s motivation, emotional states and thought processes increases perceived self-regulatory efficacy. The higher the sense of self-regulatory efficacy the better the occupational functioning. Rapid technological changes in the modern workplace are placing an increasing premium on higher problem-solving skills and resilient self-efficacy to cope effectively with job displacements and restructuring of vocational activities.

    The transition to parenthood suddenly thrusts young adults into the expanded role of both parent and spouse. They now not only have to deal with the ever-changing challenges of raising children but to manage interdependent relationships within a family system and social links to many extrafamilial social systems including educational, recreational, medical, and caregiving facilities. Parents who are secure in their parenting efficacy shepherd their children adequately through the various phases of development without serious problems or severe strain on the marital relationship. But it can be a trying period for those who lack a sense of efficacy to manage the expanded familial demands. They are highly vulnerable to stress and depression.

    Increasing numbers of mothers are joining the work force either by economic necessity or personal preference. Combining family and career has now become the normative pattern. This requires management of the demands of both familial and occupational roles. Because of the cultural lag between societal practices and the changing status of women, they continue to bear the major share of the homemaking responsibility. Women who have a strong sense of efficacy to manage the multiple demands of family and work and to enlist their husbands’ aid with childcare experience a positive sense of well-being. But those who are beset by self-doubts in their ability to combine the dual roles suffer physical and emotional strain.

    By the middle years, people settle into established routines that stabilize their sense of personal efficacy in the major areas of functioning. However, the stability is a shaky one because life does not remain static. Rapid technological and social changes constantly require adaptations calling for self-reappraisals of capabilities. In their occupations, the middle-aged find themselves pressured by younger challengers. Situations in which people must compete for promotions, status, and even work itself, force constant self-appraisals of capabilities by means of social comparison with younger competitors.

    Reappraisals of Self-Efficacy With Advancing Age

    The self-efficacy issues of the elderly center on reappraisals and mis-appraisals of their capabilities. Biological conceptions of aging focus extensively on declining abilities. Many physical capacities do decrease as people grow older, thus, requiring reappraisals of self-efficacy for activities in which the biological functions have been significantly affected. However, gains in knowledge, skills, and expertise compensate some loss in physical reserve capacity. When the elderly is taught to use their intellectual capabilities, their improvement in cognitive functioning more than offsets the average decrement in performance over two decades. Because people rarely exploit their full potential, elderly persons who invest the necessary effort can function at the higher levels of younger adults. By affecting level of involvement in activities, perceived self- efficacy can contribute to the maintenance of social, physical and intellectual functioning over the adult life span.

    Older people tend to judge changes in their intellectual capabilities largely in terms of their memory performance. Lapses and difficulties in memory that young adults dismiss are inclined to be interpreted by older adults as indicators of declining cognitive capabilities. Those who regard memory as a biologically shrinking capacity with aging have low faith in their memory capabilities and enlist little effort to remember things. Older adults who have a stronger sense of memory efficacy exert greater cognitive effort to aid their recall and, as a result, achieve better memory.

    Much variability exists across behavioral domains and educational and socioeconomic levels, and there is no uniform decline in beliefs in personal efficacy in old age. The persons against whom the elderly compare themselves contribute much to the variability in perceived self-efficacy. Those who measure their capabilities against people their age are less likely to view themselves as declining in capabilities than if younger cohorts are used in comparative self-appraisal. Perceived cognitive inefficacy is accompanied by lowered intellectual performances. A declining sense of self-efficacy, which often may stem more from disuse and negative cultural expectations than from biological aging, can thus set in motion self-perpetuating processes that result in declining cognitive and behavioral functioning. People who are beset with uncertainties about their personal efficacy not only curtail the range of their activities but undermine their efforts in those they undertake. The result is a progressive loss of interest and skill.

    Major life changes in later years are brought about by retirement, relocation, and loss of friends or spouses. Such changes place demands on interpersonal skills to cultivate new social relationships that can contribute to positive functioning and personal well-being. Perceived social inefficacy increases older person’s vulnerability to stress and depression both directly and indirectly by impeding development of social supports which serve as a buffer against life stressors.

    The roles into which older adults are cast impose sociocultural constraints on the cultivation and maintenance of perceived self-efficacy. As people move to older-age phases most suffer losses of resources, productive roles, access to opportunities and challenging activities. Monotonous environments that require little thought or independent judgment diminish the quality of functioning, intellectually challenging ones enhance it. Some of the declines in functioning with age result from sociocultural dispossession of the environmental support for it. It requires a strong sense of personal efficacy to reshape and maintain a productive life in cultures that cast their elderly in powerless roles devoid of purpose. In societies that emphasize the potential for self-development throughout the lifespan, rather than psychophysical decline with aging, the elderly tend to lead productive and purposeful lives.

  • What is Master the Art of Scheduling?

    What is Master the Art of Scheduling?

    “Where are you on the schedule?” Develop the ability to predict the amount of time as a sequence of key tasks that a project should take. And yet we all work with software developers who hate the pressure of committing to a schedule because to complete work usually takes “as long as it takes.” But you can’t effectively run a business without the confidence to work toward a schedule.

    When you recognize the value of time management skills, you become the overseer of your life, with your schedule as your command center. Many people think that creating a schedule is as easy as jotting down the time and activity on a piece of paper. However, scheduling is so much more than that.

    A well-planned schedule of everyday tasks is more than just a reminder of what needs to be done. It also allows you to make time for important tasks that are in line with your goals. It makes you become aware of how you spend your time each day. It helps you to recognize areas that need adjustments so that you can achieve balance between your personal life and your profession. So how should you schedule your time each day? What are the tools you need to become a “master scheduler?” Here are the strategies to learn:

    Gather Your Scheduling Tools

    In general, you would need three essential scheduling tools, and these are:

    A daily planner,

    A weekly planner, and

    A monthly planner

    The daily planner helps to keep you on the right track each day. It enables you to concentrate on exactly what tasks need to be done and how much time you have for each.

    The weekly planner serves as your overview of the events planned out for that week as well as the tasks that you need to accomplish. It helps you get to see what is ahead of you, because focusing only on the everyday tasks might cause you to forget about what is in store for tomorrow, or the day after that.

    Now, you might think that you do not need a monthly planner if you have a weekly one. However, it always helps to have all the dates of the month laid out on a single page. This will enable you to see the important dates of that month and plan your week and days around them.

    However, it is possible to keep a monthly planner without the weekly planner. Just make sure that there is enough space for you to jot down your weekly tasks on the monthly planner.

    There are plenty of planners whether digital or printed out there, so choose your layout carefully. Most of the time, you will find that many planners already have daily, weekly, and monthly sections. This is helpful, especially if you want to carry your planner around. Take care not to purchase more than one type of planner, because you would only end up feeling confused as to which one you should write your next set of tasks.

    One suggestion on how to organize your different planners is that you should have a portable daily planner, and a desktop or wall-mounted weekly and/or monthly planner. This is because you will likely need to check your daily planner constantly throughout the day, while you only need to jot things down and review your weekly/monthly planner once a week. A large monthly planner is helpful as well, because you will want to see everything at a single glance.

    Once you have your scheduling tools, the next step is to create a scheduling routine.

    Create a Scheduling Routine

    Do you take time at the end of each day to plan for the following day? If you do not, then now is the best time to build this habit. A master scheduler should set aside a time each day to plan for tomorrow, each week for the week ahead, and each month to review everything and plan for the next month.

    In most cases, it will only take ten to twenty minutes to plan for the following day and thirty minutes to plan for the week and month ahead. However, the time you would invest in planning will save you from many problems in the future.

    After you have set a fixed “scheduling” time, you should then establish a routine on how to schedule your time. Here are the recommended steps:

    1. Time-block non-negotiable appointments

    Certain parts of the day may be out of your control; such as board meetings or dentist appointments. You should secure them all first, otherwise you might end up with overlapping appointments.

    It must be emphasized that you should also time-block the hours when you will be sleeping. Have to establish a fixed sleeping schedule to stay healthy and sharp the following day. Do not rob yourself of sleeping hours by cramming on certain tasks. Instead, focus on planning your day carefully so that you will have time to accomplish them all.

    1. Schedule your Important Tasks

    At this point, you would be able to see the times lots during the day when you do not have anything scheduled yet. If so, then you can refer to your list of priorities to allocate the different tasks into your day, week, or month.

    For example, if your most important task for the day is to write a thousand words for your personal book project, and if you do not have anything scheduled between seven and ten a.m., then you can block this task within this time.

    1. Schedule your Urgent Tasks

    After you have secured the times lots for your important tasks, you should then move on to blocking in the urgent ones. It helps to use a different colored-pen or highlighter to separate the important from the urgent.

    Do not forget to factor in breaks and an allowance in time for emergencies. In other words, you should never time-block one task after another without at least ten minutes of contingency time. This way, you will not be behind schedule in the next task when there was an unexpected extension in the task before it.

    Here is an example:

    •             Important Task —- 7:00 am to 9:00 am
    •             Contingency Time —- 9:00 am to 9:15 am
    •             Urgent Task —- 9:15 am to 11:30 am
    1. Review your schedule and make adjustments if necessary

    Once you have your entire day planned out, you can go back and assess your schedule as a whole. If you notice that you have spread yourself too thin, consider delegating certain tasks to others, rescheduling them, or canceling them altogether. Once you are satisfied with your schedule, the only thing left to do is to take action.

    As with any other skill, it takes constant practice to become better at scheduling and managing your time well. Nevertheless, it takes more than just scheduling and planning to do a great job every day without feeling burned out. That is because you also need to develop an efficient system. Read the post How to Make Establish an Efficient System? to learn more about that.

  • How to Learn of Hone Your Ability to Concentrate?

    How to Learn of Hone Your Ability to Concentrate?

    The ability to concentrate is a skill that becomes stronger over time. Through constant practice, you will be able to concentrate more effectively for an extended period of time. However, if you constantly find it difficult to focus on tasks, or if you find yourself wasting your time on unimportant activities, then you need to address this problem as soon as possible.

    Ability: Human Resource Management; An acquired or natural capacity or talent that enables an individual to perform a particular job or task successfully. See also aptitude. Law; The power to carry out a legal act or satisfy a legal obligation.

    Concentrate: A concentrate is a form of substance which has had the majority of its base component (in the case of a liquid: the solvent) removed. Typically, this will be the removal of water from a solution or suspension, such as the removal of water from fruit juice. One benefit of producing a concentrate is that of a reduction in weight and volume for transportation, as the concentrate can be reconstituted at the time of usage by the addition of the solvent. Completely different to clustered.

    The good news is that there are tested-and-proven tips on how you can concentrate better. Apply the following tips and notice how you will then be able to finish your important tasks on time.

    Eliminate distractions

    Distractions come in all shapes and sizes. It could be the uncomfortable chair you are sitting on, the messy desk you have to work on, or the loud noises from outside. Whatever your case may be, it is important to get rid of them before you begin your task. That way, you can no longer use them as an excuse to procrastinate.

    Here are some suggestions:

    I. Hang up a “do not disturb” sign.

    II. Play instrumental “concentration enhancing” music to drown out the background noise.

    III. Set your phone on silent mode and store it away.

    IV. Block certain websites that keep you from focusing.

    Focus on one task at a time

    Multi-tasking keeps you from being able to provide quality output. It also stresses your mind out, whether you are aware of it or not. This is because you are not really “accomplishing” multiple things at once, but rather you are rapidly switching from one task to another.

    Instead, set aside a time block for a particular task and do absolutely nothing else except that task within that time frame. You could even set a timer so that you will not have to glance at the clock every now and then to check how much time you have left.

    Take short breaks between tasks

    Most people – even the most productive ones out there – can concentrate on an important task for no more than two hours at a time. Likewise, it takes approximately fifteen minutes of rest to replenish this concentration “energy.” Therefore, you can use this as a rule of thumb to schedule breaks.

    For instance, after working non-stop on a task for two hours straight, set a timer to signal you to take a fifteen-minute break. Then, do something relaxing, such as taking a walk or having a snack. After fifteen minutes, you will be ready to take on another two-hour long task, give or take.

    Focus on challenging tasks during your peak hours

    Identify which part of the day you feel most confident and energized, and use this time to work on the tasks that require the most concentration. For most people, mornings are the times when they feel as if they can handle anything. For others, this happens during the evenings when everyone else is exhausted from work.

    Reward yourself after accomplishing a challenging task

    Our minds are programmed to repeat a certain behavior if we are rewarded for it. Therefore, to condition yourself to practice improving your concentration each day, do not forget to reward yourself after a job well done. It could be something as simple as playing a video game for an hour, watching an episode of your favorite television show, or enjoying a delicious, albeit sinful, snack. That way, you can be more driven to finish the task so that you can get your reward.

    Aside from these tips, it always helps to remind yourself to take good care of your body. Always make it a priority to get enough hours of sleep, eat nutritious meals, and hydrate throughout the day. When your body is healthy and full of energy, it is only natural for your mind to be sharp and focused.

    At this point, you must be excited to start working on your tasks. However, you might want to learn how to manage your schedule first, especially if you have multiple tasks to handle each day. Find out how you can acquire this skill in the post What is Master the Art of Scheduling?

  • How to Make Establish an Efficient System?

    How to Make Establish an Efficient System?

    Efficient (of a system or machine) achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense, preventing the wasteful use of a particular resource. Working in a well-organized and competent way. Performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort; having and using requisite knowledge, skill, and industry.

    Abraham Lincoln once gave a sound piece of advice regarding productivity. He said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the Axe.”

    It is apparent that he means that he can do a much more efficient job with the right tool. On the other hand, chopping away on the tree with a dull Axe might cut it down as well, but less efficiently and probably for a longer period of time. In other words, the best way to make the most of your time is by establishing an efficient system. To be more specific, you should first create the most conducive environment, and choosing the best tools, for the task.

    To help you establish an efficient system, there are two main things to do. The first one is to choose the right tools you need to accomplish the task in the best possible way. The second is to organize the space in which you will be doing the task.

    Choose the Best Tools for the Task

    Can you tell off the bat which tools you need the most to accomplish certain tasks? If you cannot, try remembering the following guidelines:

    1. The tool should be the most user-friendly.

    While this does not apply to all cases, it helps to remember to go back to the basics. Often, the tool that is easiest to use is also the more efficient. It does not require much time to learn how to use it and to manipulate it.

    An example of a simple, user-friendly time management tool is the to Do list. It is simple as jotting down tasks on a piece of paper and crossing them out once you are done.

    1. The tool should help you focus.

    Some people who want to enhance their time management skills often tend to buy a number of “organizational tools,” such as planners, calendars, and so on, but then end up not using most of them at all. Worse, some would attempt to use them all at once and end up confused. Therefore, the best solution is to pick no more than one tool you will truly use for a particular project, goal, or task, and then stick to it.

    1. The tool should be the most efficient and effective.

    If a tool requires too much time to set up before you can use it, then it had better be four times more efficient than the other models. Otherwise, you would only end up accumulating wasted time from using it. The bottom-line is to choose a tool that will strike a balance between efficiency and effectiveness by looking at how well it can help you with the task and how quickly it can be used.

    Aside from these, other factors you can consider are accessibility, cost, visibility, and so on, depending on the specific tools you need. After all, some tools are to be used for personal goals and tasks, while others are for professional use or team projects. Nevertheless, it helps to keep these three core guidelines in mind before you decide to choose a certain tool for your project.

    Organize and Develop an Efficient Work Space

    A space that is clean and organized does not just mean it is neat and tidy. Rather, it expands to keeping only the things you need in sight. Everything else that does not serve any purpose to your goal is merely a distraction. This rule applies not just to your physical surroundings, but your digital space as well.

    You can achieve this by taking these simple steps:

    1. Clear all the items off the area first. This will make it easier for you to separate the items and tools you want to use from the ones that only serve as distraction.

    For instance, if your computer desktop is cluttered with all sorts of icons and folders, then create a folder and label it “Mess.” After that, move everything into it in one full sweep.

    1. Re-build or re-organize the area by choosing the tools that you need. Everything else must be removed or stored away more efficiently.

    If we go back to the same example, when you are left with a clear desktop, you can then choose from the “Mess” folder the ones you need for a particular project or goal. Everything else can be deleted or sorted out until you can safely delete the “Mess” folder.

    1. Develop an efficient system for your project or goal.

    Now that only the tools you need remain in the area, your final step is to use them to create an efficient system. It is important to ensure that the system is simple, easy to use, and effective, because you may be using it so often it becomes a habit.

    Let us say you make a living as a medical transcriptionist. Since your desktop is now uncluttered, you now only have your transcribing tool, a spreadsheet icon of a file that helps you track your progress, and folder of projects on it. Your final step is to systematize how you work so that you can maximize your time and efficiency. It can be simple, such as:

    Step 1: Click the spreadsheet icon to monitor and review project.

    Step 2: Open transcribing tool.

    Step 3: Open project to be transcribed.

    Step 4: Put on headset, adjust volume, and start transcribing.

    Once your tools and system are polished and organized, it is guaranteed that all the tasks you need to accomplish will become easier to do. All you need to do at this point is to take action.

  • How to Set the Right Goals?

    How to Set the Right Goals?

    A goal is a desired result or possible outcome that a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve: a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development. Many people endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.

    It is roughly similar to purpose or aim, the anticipated result which guides reaction, or an end, which is an object, either a physical object or an abstract object, that has intrinsic value.

    Setting the Goals

    Goal setting may involve establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bounded (SMART) objectives, but not all researchers agree that these SMART criteria are necessary.

    Research on goal setting by Edwin A. Locke and his colleagues suggests that goal setting can serve as an effective tool for making progress when it ensures that group members have a clear awareness of what each person must do to achieve a shared objective. On a personal level, the process of setting goals allows individuals to specify and then work toward their own objectives (such as financial or career-based goals). Goal-setting comprises a major component of personal development and management.

    Goals can be long-term, intermediate, or short-term. The primary difference is the time required to achieve them.

    Short-term goals

    Short-term goals expect accomplishment in a short period of time, such as trying to get a bill paid in the next few days. The definition of a short-term goal need not relate to any specific length of time. In other words, one may achieve (or fail to achieve) a short-term goal in a day, week, month, year, etc. The time-frame for a short-term goal relates to its context in the overall time line that it is being applied to. For instance, one could measure a short-term goal for a month-long project in days; whereas one might measure a short-term goal for someone’s lifetime in months or in years. Planners usually define short-term goals in relation to long-term goals.

    In any endeavor, the first step is to establish a clear goal. The more detailed and clear it is, the easier it will be for you to make choices and establish steps that you need to take towards accomplishing it.

    However, before getting into the subject of setting goals, let us first talk about the Goal-Setting Theory of Locke and Latham. Learning this will help you visualize the results that you truly want and need.

    Dr. Edwin Locke, the author of the article “Toward a Theory of Task Motivation and Incentives”, published in 1968, explained that people become motivated towards doing their job when they are given clear goals as well as proper feedback. He also pointed that having a specific and challenging goal motivates people to boost their performance.

    Twelve years later, Locke and Dr. Gary Latham published “A Theory of Goal Setting and Task Performance,” their seminal work. It not only highlighted the significance of setting definite and challenging goals, but also provided five key components that will guide you to set them successfully. These are Clarity, Challenge, Commitment, Feedback, and Task Complexity. Here are the steps on how you can use them:

    Establish clear goals.

    It is important to be detailed with what you want to accomplish. By doing so, you can track your progress and determine which areas you need to improve on and which ones are helping you to get closer to your goal.

    Perhaps the most efficient way to establish goals is by applying the SMART criteria. This was first explained by George T. Doran in the November 1981 issue of Management Review. It has since become the primary tool used in setting goals.

    “SMART” stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable (or Assignable), Relevant, and Time-bound. Here is how you can apply each criterion:

    1. Specific – the goal has to be so clear it leaves no room for doubt. Detail what is important to you, what you expect from it, how you will know when it happens, and so on.
    2. Measurable – this puts emphasis on the need for measurable factors to help determine whether you are improving or not. Without measurable factors, you would find it impossible to stay motivated.
    3. Assignable or Achievable – a goal may be specific and measurable, but it can be unachievable if it is unrealistic. It is important to ensure that you can either achieve the goal-related tasks yourself, or assign some of the tasks to someone who can.
    4. Relevant – it is important to work towards a goal that is in line with your principles and purpose in life. For instance, you can consider whether the goal is worth the time, energy, and resources and if it is of true value to you.
    5. Time-bound – a time frame is an essential part of goal setting, because it helps you commit and increases your focus. A goal that is not time-bound is usually shipped off to “someday” land and never seen again. Therefore, you must set a target date.

    Here is an example of a SMART goal: “I will finish writing the first draft of my twenty-thousand-word romance fiction novel entitled “Oceans Away from Sarah” before December 25, 2016.”

    Set the Right Goals

    Ensure that the goals are challenging

    The more challenging yet realistic a goal is, the more motivated you will be to accomplish it. First, consider whether the goal you want makes you feel excited. Why does the thought of accomplishing it makes you feel good? Visualize the goal and determine the steps you need to take to turn it into a reality.

    Commit yourself to the goal

    Committing to your goal means that you are going to devote your time, energy, and resources to accomplish it. It also means you recognize its importance in your life and that you will not give up. It also helps to remember that plans can change, but the goal should remain the same.

    Track your Progress to Get Feedback

    As you work towards your goal, you must continuously enhance your skills, plans, and tools. That way, you can become even more efficient and effective. The only way to know how and what to improve on is by receiving feedback.

    Feedback is easily given by a team leader and one’s peers in major projects, but if you are on your own, then you need to track your own progress to receive it. Therefore, you must create a way to measure your progress as soon as you start working towards your goal. Through these standards, you can determine how far along you are.

    Calibrate the complexity of the task

    If a certain task towards your goal is too challenging it becomes unrealistic, you can take a step back and make the necessary adjustments. In other words, do not charge head-on if you are unprepared for it, because you will only end up feeling too pressured. This is dangerous, because it can cause you to give up altogether.

    Instead, consider the factors that are causing the task to be too complex. Reflect on whether you need more time, additional skills, or better tools for it. Maybe you need to break it down into smaller, more manageable parts. It is also possible that you need to delegate it to an expert. All these adjustments may even help you achieve your goal more efficiently.

    Once you have established a clear goal, the next step is to generate tasks that are in line with it. By doing so, you would then be able to determine the time you need to accomplish it. How to Set Your Organize Priorities? posts will help you to identify which tasks are important each day, and which ones to set aside.