Tag: Relations

  • Sierra Leone History Religion Education 1300 words Essay

    Sierra Leone History Religion Education 1300 words Essay

    Sierra Leone History, Religion, Education, and 1300 words Essay; Sierra Leone is rustic in West Africa, at the Atlantic Ocean. It acknowledges the white-sand seashores lining the Freetown Peninsula. The country owes its name to the 15th-century Portuguese explorer Pedro de Sintra, the first European to sight and map Freetown harbor. The original Portuguese name, Serra Lyoa (“Lion Mountains”), referred to the range of hills that surrounds the harbor. The capital, Freetown, commands one of the world’s largest natural harbors.

    Here is the article to explain, Sierra Leone History, Religion, Education, and 1300 words Essay!

    Although most of the population engages in subsistence agriculture, Sierra Leone is also a mining center. Its land yields diamonds, gold, bauxite, and rutile (titanium dioxide). Internal conflict crippled the country from the late 1980s onward, culminating in a brutal civil war that took place from 1991 to 2002. Since the end of the war, the government of Sierra Leone has undergone the arduous task of rebuilding the country’s physical and social infrastructure while fostering reconciliation. A critique of the Sierra Leone Education Policy;

    History of Sierra Leone;

    This discussion focuses on Sierra Leone from the 15th century. For a treatment of earlier periods and the country in its regional context, see western Africa, history of. Archaeological findings show that Sierra Leone has been inhabited for thousands of years. Traditional historiography has customarily presented it as peopled by successive waves of invaders, but the language pattern suggests that the coastal Bulom (Sherbro), Temne, and Limba have been in continuous settled occupation for a long time, with subsequent sporadic immigration from inland by Mande-speaking peoples, including Vai, Loko, and Mende. They organized themselves in small political units—independent kingdoms or chiefdoms—whose rulers’ powers existed checked by councils. Secret societies, notably the Poro society, also exercised political power, as well as instructing initiates in the customs of the country.

    Education History;

    Education and Practices of Uncertainty in Sierra Leone; Also, Education was historically valued in Sierra Leone as a possession that conveyed and expressed elite status, with the revered, authoritative teacher being the gatekeeper. The erosion of teachers’ authority through government policies designed to universalize access to education has called into question the once-certain high status of the educated. With the future now ambiguous, students and teachers undertake “practices of uncertainty,” engaging in symbolic boundary work to distinguish themselves from the uneducated; but at the same time undertaking the same manual labor as the unschooled.

    They socially level the elite and concurrently seek entrée to their networks; and react to an uncertain future with contradictory practices. The work undertaken by students and teachers lies within and reinforces extant social values that emphasize the importance of both distinction and belonging, revealing education’s enduring value in the social imaginary. This explains the tenacity of the idea of education even in a persistently desultory employment climate.


    About two-thirds of the population are Muslims, while about one-fourth are Christians. Less than one-tenth of the population practice a variety of traditional religions. However, this number does not include the many Sierra Leoneans who practice traditional religions in tandem with their professed Muslim or Christian faiths. Other religions—including Bahāʾī, Hinduism, and Judaism—are practiced by small percentages of the population.

    Liberalization and Conflict;

    Externally encouraged policies of liberalization in Sierra Leone in the 1970s and 1980s fed into civil war in the 1990s; yet such policies are now being revived. This article analyzes the impact of liberalization on the war in Sierra Leone, suggesting that it affected the conflict in four ways; first, by encouraging inflation, extreme devaluation, and private oligopolies; second, by reducing key state services such as education and health; third, by fueling corruption as real state salaries were cut; and fourth, by taking attention away from soldiers’ abuses under the military government of 1992-96; a government that existed praised and rewarded for its liberalization agenda.

    Making a case for critical African drama;

    This paper posits that continued adherence to the inherited British model constitutes one of the major problems inherent in the educational system in Sierra Leone and that the introduction of what the author is calling critical African drama could constitute a major and specific step toward the decolonization and Africanization of education in Sierra Leone. The author outlines some of the problems of education in Sierra Leone, critiques the tentativeness with which African elements have been introduced, puts forward proposals for change, and advances critical African drama to illustrate how these proposals could implement in and what they would mean for the specific subject area of literature/drama studies in secondary schools.


    The standard of education in Sierra Leone before and immediately after independence was one of the best around the world. With the University of Sierra Leone established in 1827, Sierra Leone stood dubbed, “Athens of West Africa”. But that educational system fell on hard times. Over a long period of neglect, the country witnessed an erosion of standards in its educational system. From 1970 to 1985, the average growth rate for primary school enrollment was slightly more than 6.0 percent; while that for secondary school enrollment was just over 6.5 percent. From 1985 to 1990, the average annual growth rate for primary school enrollment fell to 2.0 percent; while that for secondary school enrollment fell to 1.6 percent. Besides these enrollment concerns, the outputs of institutions at the technical/vocational and teacher education levels had also been found wanting.

    Government education policy;

    Goals of education by the ministry of education, science and technology Taking into consideration its statutory mandate, the ministry developed the government goals of education that take into cognizance international markers such as the Education For All (EFA) programs, the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and the desperate desire to recover from the throes of war.

    The goals are:

    • Reduction and relief of poverty using education
    • Significant increase in the literacy rate
    • Free and compulsory quality Basic Education
    • Gender equity in access to and participation in education
    • Increase in access to quality education at post-Junior Secondary School level
    • Empowerment of youth through education
    • Increased access to education for the disadvantaged and disabled
    • Decrease in regional and district disparities in access and quality education
    • Greater decentralization of education and devolution of authority by the increase in community ownership of schools.

    The government has progressively increased allocation to the Education sector to about 23% of the national budget. This increased allocation has facilitated improved access to fundamental quality education.

    Religion within education;

    The Sierra Leone constitution provides freedom of religion and the government generally protects this right and does not tolerate its abuse. About religion in Sierra Leone, the predominant faith is Islam, which is practiced by around 60% of the population; 30% adhere to Christianity, and 10% adhere to their indigenous religions. Unlike many other African countries, the religious and tribal mix of Sierra Leone rarely causes religious or tribal conflict.

    The nature of schooling costs in Sierra Leone; Sierra Leone is one of the poorest countries in the world with a literacy level of 51%. The government has officially abolished school fees; however, families still have to cover various education-related costs for their children. This paper analyses the nature of the schooling costs in Sierra Leone. It shows that despite the abolition of school fees, schooling costs remain prohibitively high. Based on field research – which involved the observation of schools and interviews with teachers, pupils, and parents – the paper posits that institutional factors may prevent the reduction of these costs.

    Sierra Leone History Religion Education 1300 words Essay Image
    Sierra Leone History Religion Education 1300 words Essay; Image by Charles Nambasi from Pixabay.
  • What is the Scope of Industrial Relations?

    What is the Scope of Industrial Relations?

    The concept of industrial relations is explaining their scope and IR has a very wide meaning and connotation. In the narrow sense, it means that the employer, employee relationship confines itself to the relationship that emerges out of the day to day association of the management and the labor. In its wider sense, industrial relations include the relationship between an employee and an employer in the course of the running of an industry and may project it to spheres, which may transgress to the areas of quality control, marketing, price fixation and disposition of profits among others. Also, learn the Importance of Industrial Relations.

    Learn and Study, What is the Scope of Industrial Relations?

    The term industrial relations has a broad as well as a narrow outlook. Originally, industrial relations broadly define to include the relationships and interactions between employers and employees. From this perspective, industrial relations covers all aspects of the employment relationship, including human resource management, employee relations, and union-management (or labor) relations. Now its meaning has become more specific and restricted.

    Accordingly, industrial relations pertains to the study and practice of collective bargaining, trade unionism, and labor-management relations, while human resource management is a separate, largely distinct field that deals with nonunion employment relationships and the personnel practices and policies of employers.

    The scope of industrial relations is quite vast.

    The main issues involved here include the following:

    • Collective bargaining.
    • Machinery for settlement of industrial disputes.
    • Standing orders.
    • Worker’s participation in management, and.
    • Unfair labor practices.

    Definition and Scope of industrial relations:

    The ultimate aim of any human activity at the socio-economic level should be the minimal use of available resources in achieving the maximum economic and social results, i.e. to be increasingly productive. The productivity of capital, machines, and resources other than human resources can be improved in various ways.

    But improving the productivity of human resources is a complex and onerous task, for the simple reason that “labor” stands for both an individual human being and a group of individuals with different perceptions about productivity, motivation and attitudes, and with different needs. In organizations, individuals do not operate in isolation. They interact and react collectively to various issues in which management has an interest, including productivity.

    Thus productivity improvement extends beyond the domain of the management of workers and becomes a labor-management or industrial relations issue to be negotiated, settled and implemented jointly by the management and the union. Productivity improvement as an industrial relations issue thus acquires a greater significance in all enterprises where the employees are organized.

    “Industrial relations” broadly means the relations arising out of employment. In this broad sense, it covers the area of personnel management or human resources management and labor-management relations or labor relations. In its narrower sense, it refers only to the relations between management and the unions. And in its popular usage, it refers only to labor-management relations.

    More things…

    Industrial relations in organizations is the total of the management’s attitude to labor and of labor’s attitude to management’s policies and practices that affect the interests of the employees. Industrial relations are, basically, interactions between management and union(s). They involve continuous dialogue between the two sides on various issues of common interest; through such dialogues, the two sides shape each other’s attitudes.

    The approach, methods, strategies, and techniques, etc., of management in achieving the desired objectives vary from one organization to another. This is especially true about productivity improvement through industrial relations. It is, therefore, primarily the responsibility of management to develop industrial relations with workers and the unions to promote productivity continuingly.

    Another scope of Industrial Relations:

    Based on the above definitions, the scope of Industrial Relations can easily be delineated as follows:

    1. Labor relations, i.e., relations between labor union and management.
    2. Employer-employee relations i.e. relations between management and employees.
    3. The role of various parties’ viz., employers, employees, and state in maintaining industrial relations.
    4. The mechanism of handling conflicts between employers and employees, in case of conflicts, arise.

    The main aspects of industrial relations can be identified as follows:

    1. Promotion and development of healthy labor-management relations.
    2. Maintenance of industrial peace and avoidance of industrial strife.
    3. Development and growth of industrial democracy.

    What is the Scope of Industrial Relations - ilearnlot
    Scope of Industrial Relations, Image from Online.

  • What is the Importance of Industrial Relations?

    What is the Importance of Industrial Relations?

    Industrial relations refers to processes and outcomes involving employment relationships. Importance of Industrial Relations for Employees and Employers. Frequently the term used in a narrower sense, for employment relationships involving the collective representation of employees in the form of a labor union or employee association, especially in the United States.

    Learn and Study, What is the Importance of Industrial Relations?

    At the other extreme, industrial relations has been defined by Thomas A. Kochan, in his book Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations, as “all aspects of people at work,” but there are some aspects of people at work that entail highly technical subjects (e.g., industrial hygiene, ergonomics) which are not normally regarded as falling within the mainstream of industrial relations study. Also, learn the Importance of Employee Relations.

    4 Importance of Industrial Relations:

    The following industrial relations 4 importance below are;

    • Increased Productivity: With amicable industrial relations both the workers and managers continue to work on their respective position and contribute towards the overall productivity of the firm. Thus, IR ensures the continuity of production.
    • Reduced Industrial Disputes: An effective IR helps in the reduction of industrial disputes as both the management and the workers maintain harmonious relations with each other and work in unison towards the accomplishment of production objectives.
    • Increased Morale: The peaceful industrial relations boost the moral level of the employees as they feel that their interest coincides with that of the employer’s, and their efforts will result in the overall profitability of the firm.
    • Minimization of Wastage: A good IR ensures reduced wastage as the resources – Man, Machinery, Material are fully utilized and are effectively contributing towards the overall productivity of the firm.
    More importance;

    The significance of good industrial relations in any country cannot ones emphasize. Good industrial relations are necessary for the following reasons.

    1. To help in the economic progress of a country. The problem of an increase in productivity is essentially the problem of maintaining good industrial relations. That is why they form an important part of the economic development plan of every civilized nation.
    2. To help in to establish and to maintain true industrial democracy this is a prerequisite for the establishment of a socialist society.
    3. They help the management both in the formulations of informed labor relations policies and in their translation into action.
    4. To encourage collective bargaining as a means of self-regulation. They consider the negotiation process as an educational opportunity a chance both to learn and to reach.
    5. To help the government making laws forbidding unfair practices of unions and employers. In climate good industrial relations every party works for the solidarity of worker’s movement. Unions gain more strength and vitality. There is no inter-union rivalry.
    6. Employees give unions their rightful recognition and encourage them to participate in all decisions. Unions divert their activities from fighting and belligerence to increase the size of the distribution and to make their members more informed (workers education) on vital issues concerning them.
    7. To boost the discipline and morale of workers. Maintenance of discipline ensures orderliness. Effectiveness and economy in the use of resources. On the other hand, lack of discipline means waste, loss, and confusion. It also means insubordination and non-co-operation.
    8. Industrial relations are eventually human relations, therefore, the same basis of human psychology prevails in the field of industrial relations, and the efficiency of an industry is directly related to the quality of the relationship, which is being built up amongst the individuals who work together.

    Importance of Industrial Relations for Employees and Employers:

    Industrial relations usually imply good and positive relations between employees and employers. The good Industrial Relations help run an industry effectively and successfully, i.e., the desideratum of the day. Top 5 importance of Industrial Relations can imbue with the multiplicity of justifications.

    To mention, good Industrial Relations help:

    Foster Industrial Peace:

    Under the mechanism of Industrial Relations, both employees and managers discuss the matter and consult each other before initiating any actions. Doubts, if any, in the minds of either party are removed. Thus, unilateral actions that prop confusion and misunderstanding disappear from the scene. In this way, Industrial Relations helps create a peaceful environment in the organization. Peace, in turn, breeds prosperity.

    Promote Industrial Democracy:

    Industrial democracy means the government-mandated worker participation at various levels of the organization about decisions that affect workers. It is mainly the joint consultations, that pave the way for industrial democracy and cement relationships between workers and management. This benefits them both. The motivated workers give their best and maximum to the organization, on the one hand, and share their share of the fruits of organizational progress jointly with management, on the other.

    The benefit to Workers:

    Industrial Relations benefits workers in several ways. For example, it protects workers against unethical practices on the part of management to exploit workers by putting them under inhuman working conditions and niggardly wages. It also provides a procedure to resolve workers’ grievances relating to work.

    The benefit to Management:

    Industrial Relations protects the rights of managers too. As and when workers create the problem of indiscipline, Industrial Relations provides managers with a system to handle employee indiscipline in the organization.

    Improve Productivity:

    Experiences indicate that good industrial relations serve as the key to increased productivity in industrial organizations. Eicher Tractors, Alwar represents one such case. In this plant, productivity went up from 32 percent to 38 percent between 1994 and 1997. This increase attribute to the peaceful IR in the plant.

    Similar other success stories abound in the country. As reported by V.S.P. Rao, Sundaram Fasteners (A TVS group company which begged the prestigious GM award for the fourth successive year in 1999 as a quality supplier of radiator caps) well knows for zero breakdowns, zero accidents, and zero defects. The company did not lose even a single day due to strike. The per-employee productivity is comparable to the best in the world. One study rates the company among the 20 most competitive companies in Asia.

    What is the Importance of Industrial Relations - ilearnlot
    Importance of Industrial Relations for Employees, Image from Online.

  • Do you know what is Industrial relations?

    Do you know what is Industrial relations?

    Industrial relations are the relationships between employees and employers within organizational settings. The field of industrial relations looks at the relationship between management and workers, particular groups of workers represented by a union. This article explains Industrial Relations by their meaning and different definition; Industrial relation is the interactions between employers, employees and the government, and the institutions and associations through which such interactions mediate. Also learn, Know What is Employee Relations?

    Learn and Understand, Do You know what is Industrial relations? Meaning and Definition.

    The term industrial relation has a broad as well as a narrow outlook. Originally, industrial relations broadly define to include the relationships and interactions between employers and employees. From this perspective, industrial relations covers all aspects of the employment relationship, including human resource management, employee relations, and union-management (or labor) relations. Now its meaning has become more specific and restricted.

    Accordingly, industrial relations pertains to the study and practice of collective bargaining, trade unionism, and labor-management relations; while human resource management is a separate, largely distinct field that deals with nonunion employment relationships and the personnel practices and policies of employers.

    The meaning of Industrial relations; IR is a multidisciplinary field that studies the employment relationship. Industrial relations are increasingly being called employment relations or employee relations because of the importance of non-industrial employment relationships; this move sometimes sees as further broadening of the human resource management trend. Indeed, some authors now define human resource management as synonymous with employee relations.

    Other authors see employee relations as dealing only with non-unionized workers, whereas labor relations see as dealing with unionized workers. Also know more, Industrial relation studies examine various employment situations, not just ones with a unionized workforce. However, According to Bruce E. Kaufman;

    “To a large degree, most scholars regard trade unionism, collective bargaining and labor-management relations, and the national labor policy and labor law within which they are embedded, as the core subjects of the field.”

    Definition of Industrial Relations:

    After, their meaning they define their definition of industrial relations according to different authors below are;

    “Employer-employee relationships that are covered specifically under collective bargaining and industrial relation laws.”

    According to Dale Yoder’,

    “IR is a designation of a whole field of relationship that exists because of the necessary collaboration of men and women in the employment processes of Industry.”

    In the opinion of V. B. Singh;

    “Industrial relations are an integral aspect of social relations arising out of employer-employee interaction in modern industries which are regulated by the State in varying degrees, in conjunction with organized social forces and influenced by the existing institutions. This involves a study of the State, the legal system, and the workers’ and employers’ organizations at the institutional level; and of the patterns of industrial organization (including management), capital structure (including technology), compensation of the labor force, and a study of market forces all at the economic level.”

    Encyclopedia Britannica defined IR more elaborately as;

    “The concept of industrial relations has been extended to denote the relations of the state with employers, workers, and other organizations. The subject, therefore, includes individual relations and joint consultation between employers and workers at their places of work, collective relations between employers and trade unions; and the part played by the State in regulating these relations.”

    As the name implies, Industry Relations comprises of two words, Industry, and Relations. Where industry covers the production activity in which the group of workmen engages; while the relations show the relationship between the management and the workers within the industry. IR plays a significant role in today’s working scenario where the harmonious relationship between the employers and employees needs to have an uninterrupted production.

    Industrial Relations mainly cover the following:
    • Regulatory body to resolve industrial disputes.
    • Collective Bargaining.
    • The role of management, unions, and government.
    • Labor Legislation.
    • Worker’s Grievance Redressal system.
    • Disciplinary policy and practice, and.
    • They give Training.

    The relationships which arise at and out of the workplace generally include the relationships between individual workers; the relationships between workers and their employer and the relationships between employees. Also learn, What is the Importance of Employee RelationsThe relationships employers and workers have with the organizations form to promote their respective interests; and, the relations between those organizations, at all levels.

    Industrial relation also includes the processes through which these relationships express (such as, collective bargaining, workers’ participation in decision-making, and grievance and dispute settlement); and, the management of conflict between employers, workers and trade unions, when it arises.

    Do you Know What is Industrial Relations - ilearnlot
    Do you know what is Industrial Relations? meaning and definition. Image from Online.

  • What is the Importance of Employee Relations?

    What is the Importance of Employee Relations?

    Maintaining healthy Importance of employee relations in an organization is a prerequisite for organizational success. Strong employee relations are required for high productivity and human satisfaction. Employee relations generally deal with avoiding and resolving issues concerning individuals which might arise out of or influence the work scenario. Strong employee relation depends upon a healthy and safe work environment, a cent percent involvement and commitment of all employees, incentives for employee motivation, and an effective communication system in the organization.

    Learn, Why Employee Relations at Workplace? and, What is the Importance of Employee Relations?

    Healthy employee relations lead to more efficient, motivated, and productive employees which further leads to an increase in sales level. What are Employee Relations? According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development, the use of industrial relations to describe workplace relations is no longer as prevalent, due to the widespread deindustrialization of developed economies and declining union membership. Instead, employers now use the term employee relations,” which refers to relationships that exist in both unionized and nonunionized workplaces. Employers hope to manage employee relations successfully with each respective individual, as a means to raise morale and productivity.

    Every individual in the workplace shares a certain relationship with his fellow workers. Human beings are not machines that can start working just at the push of a mere button. They need people to talk to, discuss ideas with each other, and share their happiness and sorrows. An individual cannot work on his own, he needs people around. If the organization is empty, you will not feel like sitting there and working. An isolated environment demotivates an individual and spreads negativity around. People must be comfortable with each other and work together as a single unit towards a common goal.


    However, when it comes to employee relationships, they can only have a good relationship when they are disappointed with the company. Sometimes cutting through the hard work with some fun games is essential. Some fun outdoor activities and some employee appreciation gifts are always encouraged.

    Employees must share a healthy relationship at the workplace. Let us find out why the importance of employee relations in an organization:

    There are several issues on which an individual cannot take decisions alone:

    He needs the guidance and advice of others as well. Sometimes we might miss out on important points, but our fellow workers may come out with a brilliant idea that would help us to achieve our targets at a much faster rate. Before implementing any plan, the pros and cons must be evaluated in an open forum where every employee has the right to express his opinions freely. On your own, you will never come to know where you are going wrong, you need people who can act as critics and correct you wherever you are wrong. If you do not enjoy a good relationship with others no one will ever come to help you.

    Work becomes easy if it is shared among all:

    A healthy relationship with your fellow workers would ease the workload on you and in turn, increases your productivity. One cannot do everything on his own. Responsibilities must be divided among team members to accomplish the assigned tasks within the stipulated time frame. If you have a good rapport with your colleagues, they will always be eager to assist you in your assignments making your work easier.

    The organization becomes a happy place to work if the employees work together as a family:

    An individual tends to lose focus and concentration if his mind is always clouded with unnecessary tensions and stress. It has been observed that if people talk and discuss things with each other, tensions automatically evaporate and one feels better. Learn to trust others, you will feel relaxed. One doesn’t feel like going to the office if he is not on talking terms with the person sitting next to him.

    An individual spends around 8-9 hours a day at his workplace and practically it’s not possible that one works nonstop without a break. You should have people with whom you can share your lunch, discuss movies or go out for a stroll once in a while. If you fight with everyone, no one will speak to you and you will be left all alone. It is important to respect others to expect the same from them.

    An individual feels motivated in the company of others whom he can trust and fall back on whenever needed:

    One feels secure and confident and thus delivers his best. It is okay if you share your secrets with your colleagues but you should know where to draw the line. A sense of trust is important.

    Healthy employee relations also discourage conflicts and fights among individuals:

    People tend to adjust more and stop finding faults in each other. Individuals don’t waste their time in meaningless conflicts and disputes, rather concentrate on their work and strive hard to perform better. They start treating each other as friends and try their level best to compromise and make everyone happy.

    A healthy employee relationship reduces the problem of absenteeism at the workplace:

    Individuals are more serious about their work and feel like coming to the office daily. They do not take frequent leaves and start enjoying their work. Employees stop complaining about each other and give their best.

    It is wise to share a warm relationship with your fellow workers because you never know when you need them:

    You may need them at any time. They would come to your help only when you are nice to them. You might need to leave for some personal reasons; you must have a trusted colleague who can handle the work on your behalf. Moreover, healthy employee relations also spread positivity around.

    It is essential that employees are comfortable with each other for better focus and concentration, lesser conflicts, and increased productivity. Now, you may understand the importance of employee relations.

    What is the Importance of Employee Relations - ilearnlot
    What is the Importance of Employee Relations?
  • Do you Know What are Employee Relations?

    Do you Know What are Employee Relations?

    Learn and Understand, Do you Know What are Employee Relations?

    Employee Relations, An organization can’t perform only with the help of chairs, tables, fans or other non-living entities. It needs human beings who work together and perform to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. The human beings working together towards a common goal at a commonplace (organization) are called employees. In fact, the employees are the major assets of an organization. Also learn, Employee and Industrial Relations, Do you Know What are Employee Relations?

    “The success and failure of any organization are directly proportional to the labor put by each and every employee.” The employees must share a good rapport with each other and strive hard to realize the goal of the organization. They should complement each other and work together as a single unit. For the employees, the organization must come first and all their personal interests should take a back seat.

    Definition of Employee Relations:

    “Communications between management and employees concerning workplace decisions, grievances, conflicts, problem resolutions, unions, and issues of collective bargaining.”

    According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development, the use of industrial relations to describe workplace relations is no longer as prevalent, due to the widespread deindustrialization of developed economies and declining union membership. Instead, employers now use the term “employee relations,” which refers to relationships that exist in both unionized and nonunionized workplaces. Employers hope to manage employee relations successfully with each respective individual, as a means to raise morale and productivity.

    Employee relations is your company’s structure of managing the rapport between the bosses and the staff. “Well in that case, what is the difference between HR and employee relations?”

    That’s an easy one, employee relations are just one facet of the role of HR. HR is an umbrella term which includes tasks such as payroll, updating employee databases and many more responsibilities – one of these being managing ER.

    Our knowledge of how important ER is has helped us shape how we make our HR software. Features such as letting an employee clearly keep track of their staff benefits and tools to let their workers get to know more about them are all in place to create a happier workplace.

    Better Understand, What are Employee Relations?

    Every individual shares a certain relationship with his colleagues at the workplace. The relationship is either warm, so-so or bad. The relationship can be between anyone in the organization – between co-workers, between an employee and his superior, between two members in the management and so on. It is important that the employees share a healthy relationship with each other to deliver their best performances.

    An individual spends his maximum time at the workplace and his fellow workers are the ones with whom he spends the maximum hours in a day. No way can he afford to fight with his colleagues. Conflicts and misunderstandings only add to tensions and in turn, decrease the productivity of the individual. One needs to discuss so many things at work and needs the advice and suggestions of all to reach a solution which would benefit the individual as well as the organization.

    No individual can work alone. He needs the support and guidance of his fellow workers to come out with a brilliant idea and deliver his level best.

    Employee relations refer to the relationship shared among the employees in an organization.

    The employees must be comfortable with each other for a healthy environment at work. It is the prime duty of the superiors and team leaders to discourage conflicts in the team and encourage a healthy relationship among employees.

    Life is really short and it is important that one enjoys each and every moment of it. Remember in an organization you are paid for your hard work and not for cribbing or fighting with each other. Don’t assume that the person sitting next to you is your enemy or will do any harm to you. Who says you can’t make friends at work, in fact, one can make the best of friends in the office. There is so much more to life than fighting with each other.

    Observation says that a healthy relationship among the employees goes a long way in motivating the employees and increasing their confidence and morale. One starts enjoying his office and does not take his work as a burden. He feels charged and fresh the whole day and takes each day at work as a new challenge. If you have a good relationship with your team members you feel going to office daily. Go out with your team members for a get together once in a while or have your lunch together. These activities help in strengthening the bond among the employees and improve the relations among them.

    An employee must try his level best to adjust to each other and compromise to his best extent possible.

    If you do not agree with any of your fellow worker’s ideas, there are several other ways to convince him. Sit with him and probably discuss with him where he is going wrong and needs a correction. This way he would definitely look up to you for your advice and guidance in future. He would trust you and would definitely come to your help whenever you need him. One should never spoil his relations with his colleagues because you never know when you need the other person.

    Avoid using foul words or derogatory sentences against anyone. Don’t depend on lose talk in office as it spoils the ambiance of the place and also the relationships among the employees. Blame games are a strict no-in office.

    One needs to enter his office with a positive frame of mind and should not unnecessarily make issues out of small things.

    It is natural that every human being cannot think the way you think, or behave the way you behave. If you also behave in the similar way the other person is behaving, there is hardly any difference between you and him. Counsel the other person and correct him wherever he is wrong.

    It is of utmost importance that employees behave with each other in a cultured way, respect each other and learn to trust each other. An individual however hardworking he is, cannot do wonders alone. It is essential that all the employees share a cordial relation with each other, understand each other’s needs and expectations and work together to accomplish the goals and targets of the organization.

    Do you Know What are Employee Relations - ilearnlot