Tag: Reading

What does mean Reading? “Reading” is the process of looking at a series of written symbols, visual images, and deriving meaning from them. When we read, we use our eyes to get visual images and written symbols (letters, punctuation marks, and spaces), and we use our minds to turn them into lines of words, sentences, and paragraphs that tell us something.

Reading is defined as a cognitive technique that includes deciphering symbols to reach which means. It is a lively system of constructing meanings of words. They with a purpose enables the reader to direct facts in the direction of an aim and focuses their interest. Although the reasons for reading may also range, the primary purpose of reading is to recognize the text. It is a wondering process.

It permits the reader to use what he or she may additionally already understand, also known as previous information. During this processing of statistics, the reader makes use of strategies to apprehend what they’re analyzing, uses topics to arrange ideas, and makes use of textual clues to find the meanings of the latest words. Each of the 3 components of studying is equally vital. Let’s test the additives!

It is making which means from print. It calls for that we:

  • Identify the words in print – a procedure known as the phrase reputation.
  • Construct expertise from them – a procedure is known as comprehension.
  • Coordinate figuring out phrases and making that means so that studying is automatic and correct – an achievement called fluency.

Sometimes you could make meaning from print without being able to perceive all of the phrases. Remember the last time to procure a notice in messy handwriting? You might also have understood it, even though you could not decipher all of the scribbles.

  • Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

    Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

    Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

    The beauty of life is that we never know where we will go next. I think to myself that I would have never imagined writing a post, first and foremost. I was on the road towards Physical Therapy, in my mind, and I was certain that I was going to work in the field. After graduating with a degree in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology (which is the study of the function and movement of the body), I went on to massage therapy school and then a few months after that, I found myself at Full Sail University.

    This is my moment to truly inspire and help anyone around me with a dream. If I can share my story of how I have done it or how I have gotten to where I am today, I take it. I want people to learn from my mistakes and do even better than I did. God has put a lot of my heart and he has put me in a lot of weird places in life, but it has a purpose. He does nothing by accident.

    Oh, The Places You'll Go 01

    Life is just funny. You think you have an idea of where you will be going and then it changes on you. No worries don’t be afraid of the change and don’t beat yourself up. Trust, as you can see, it happened to me and it may happen to you as well. Also, The Last TapeFailure is Not an Option!

    Never be afraid of change. While this may be very difficult to say and accept, change is necessary. You may have to pick everything up and move to a place that is foreign to you. You may have to end that relationship that isn’t really going anywhere. There are so many places where you may end up and that is the beauty of life. It is so unpredictable! But I love it! Everyone doesn’t love it. Some may call you a nomad like they called me! Some may think you are crazy. Be open to going to new places, see new things, read new posts and take chances. No matter what, there is a lesson to learn. You may not realize it in the middle of the storm, but when it settles it will all make sense.

    Oh, The Places You'll Go

  • Reinvent Yourself..!

    Reinvent Yourself..!

    Reinvent Yourself..! Inspirational Story

    Short Story of Reinvent Yourself..! So, I have a strong fascination with superheroes: Batman (cause everyone wants to be Batman), Superman, Spider-Man (my favorite superhero for several reasons) and many others that I could name, but I won’t expose my geekiness at the moment.

    The amazing thing about superheroes is that they are always reinventing themselves. Spiderman always found new ways to improve his costume. He wanted to be able to move faster in his suit or respond quicker to enemies in the midst of battle; so he was always finding ways to make himself or his suit better. Other superheroes, such as Iron Man, were the same way. Iron Man would research for hours on end in order to make improvements to his suit. He would learn new ways to build a stronger Exoskeleton to withstand the attacks from stronger foes and would improve on other little details that would make him a better fighter.

    Reinvent Yourself 02

    This isn’t JUST a comic book idea. This is something we all can apply to live. Every single day we should be reinventing ourselves. We go back to school to improve our education in order to seek higher employment, we work out and eat right so that we can live longer and live happier, We are reading, writing, drawing or doing something that will help improve our lives. No matter what your option is for improving your life, we are all superheroes.

    Think about how much the average person stresses in a lifetime. Think about the times where you have felt like the world was all on your shoulders. The stress and feeling as if the world is weighing down on you are exactly how superheroes feel in each and every comic, television show, and the movie we see. Here is my realization after reading about these characters in the comics – that they are all reflections of the people that may or may not be reading about them.

    They go through pain and they go through tragedy just like me and you. They get knocked down and knocked out just like me and you. Even with that, they always get back up, regroup and figure it out again. Sounds familiar does it not? We go through tragedies but we always end up triumphant (eventually); lose loved ones and have many other situations that bring us to our knees, but just like a superhero, we then remember why we are fighting. Remember being that defenseless person, we remember our struggles and we know that if we stop fighting then it’s a wrap. Even if the fight isn’t for anyone else but ourselves… we never want to fail ourselves, right? But these are all just thoughts… “Google Your Legacy”

    Reinvent Yourself 01

    It is funny where my reading can take me mentally. Spider-Man has literally hundreds of different suits and different styles of equipment that he develops depending on the opponent. That is literally how each and everyone should act when presented with a new obstacle/enemy/challenge in life.  New enemies will come your way and once again you will have to adapt quickly or face being defeated. Even after a superhero is defeated he/she gets back up and finds a new way to defeat the villain. Just like real people, superheroes get to a point where they want to quit it all. They want to stop saving the world around them.

    Yet, they keep going and pushing because they know the world needs them. The world needs you! We have all been put here for a reason and sometimes you can live life never knowing what that reason is, or you can make the best out of every opportunity there is and hope that one day that purpose is realized. Some may find their purpose and others never will… but sometimes there is no need to search because we already know exactly what our purpose is and we just have to listen to it even when we don’t want to.

    Every day you should be REINVENTING yourself and making yourself a better person daily. Never stop learning, being an innovator, being who you truly are. Don’t fight your inner superhero. You may not have to save the world, but there may be one person who needs you to keep pushing on for them. Also, read it Fear is Killing You!

    Reinvent Yourself

  • “Google Your Legacy”

    “Google Your Legacy”

    “Google Your Legacy”

    Inspirational Short Story of “Google Your Legacy” While I was reading Seth Godin’s ‘Linchpin’, I stumbled across the question: “If you were to Google yourself what LEGACY would the world see?” I sat and thought about this one for a minute. Then, of course, I googled myself. The results were slim and little to nothing. Does it mean I have not done great things? Not at all! Does it mean I could be paving a better path for my future? Yes!

    I have never thought about what kind of legacy I am leaving behind after I leave this earth. Whether it is a legacy of kindness, a legacy of mentorship, or a legacy of stories and tales of how I helped change the world. I sat and thought some more about this subject and I finally got so hopeless after reading it all that I went to sleep. Sometimes we really get caught up in our egos. We get caught up thinking that we are super awesome and amazing and not taking a second to reflect and analyze if we are really that great. They say that when you are great you never will have to announce it because the world will do that for you.

    I now realize everything Seth has been talking about it in his post. The post questions if you are indispensable and how do you plan on changing that if you are not. I now see a different light. Not just one of humility, but one that will spiral me into a world of greatness like none other. I am all over the place sometimes and that scares me, I don’t always know what I will do next, I do know that God has a plan for me nonetheless and as I grow closer to him it will come to fruition.

    Google Your Legacy 01

    Now, I work on changing what people will find me when they Google me. I now work towards an even greater mission. An even greater task in life. Not just being able to find me more on Google, but to truly revolutionize and change the very world we live in. How dare I? How dare we? We get so wrapped up at times as if we are “big stuff” and we are simply just getting by.  

    I want to be able to speak things out of my mouth that set the nation on fire and bring people to thinking and wanting to change their entire lives around. How can I push more people to live out the dreams that they have in their heart? How can I get others to build their legacy into something truly astonishing? These are the thoughts that I will rest upon. I only ask for the strength to make a move so great in my life and in the lives of others.

    So I ask everyone who may read this today, “What will your legacy after you are gone?” If you were to Google today what exactly would we see? Would we see a story of passion? A story of change? Would we then inspire to take on this great universe because of what we read about you? I am sure your resume is tight but is that all you have? Because I am certain we won’t be able to find that resume on Google. Also, read it Skunk on The LooseThe Fir Tree.

    So this is your challenge. This is your goal. What will you be doing to change the world? You don’t have to be an entrepreneur, you don’t have to invent the next generation smartphone, but you can do something. What that something is… I am not sure, but that is why it is your choice as to what you carry out from this day forth. Make your Google search a great one! That is all I got.

    Google Your Legacy

  • Fear is Killing You!

    Fear is Killing You!

    Fear Is Killing You! Inspirational Short Story

    Remember the person you use to be? Fear is Killing You! This is a story about How to Fear is Kill You! You were SUCH a dreamer. You were so passionate about that career or field of choice, and then something happened. Yes, something happened. A few roadblocks, a few detours, a few pit stops, and then you… DIED. You stopped being the inspiration that you once were. That child-like look that was once in your eyes every time you spoke of the future was gone.

    Where did YOU, go? and did that dreamer go? There was once this passion that burned for each and everything you got your hands on. No one could stop you. Not your mother, not your teachers, not your friends; you use to so determine. But I guess the key phrase is “Use to be!”

    You got so caught up and so focused on all the negativity that you let it eat you up inside. You had so many dreams and then you faile a few exams and said, “You know what? Maybe this isn’t for me.” Even though your experience was lacking and it had nothing to do with you as a person. You just needed a little more effort and time with everything!

    But you are not alone. There is another group of fearful individuals with great jobs, but they aren’t living inside either. They are fear. Scared to leap. Fear to fall flat on their face. Scaring to lose that security that they have. They have other passions and other desires, but they stopped reaching for them. Now they are stuck in their own mental slavery. Stuck in the 9 to 5 lifestyle of waking up, driving to work, sitting down, turning on their computers, and then zoning out for the next 8 hours.

    At work, they dream all day, and quote “what if’s” or they complain about how much they hate where they are. It is interesting to see people who hate something but continue to deal with it each and every day. Sometimes you have to do things that you don’t want to do. I totally understand. But when it starts eating at your soul, and it starts to bring you down mentally and physically, something is wrong.

    It makes me think of that chant we would do as kids, “SCAREDY CAT, SCAREDY CAT, NANA BOO BOO.” Well, maybe not me, but in all of the white sitcoms I watched growing up, that was the popular phrase. And then what would happen? That kid would then challenge the world and make sure he or she would never be dubbing as a “scaredy cat” again. But I guess that was the difference between us as kids and us as adults.

    Fear is Killing You 01

    When we were kids the world was so big and we want to conquer it all. If we wanted to fly we jumped off of our bunk beds or couches. If we want to be explorers or captains of ships, we would put on the first hat we could find and pretend to steer our battleship. We fought crime, and we had some of the coolest noises to go along with our fighting skills. But then that kid died too. You let society put you in a box and nail it shut! They told you what you had to do in order to make it. They told you what they thought was “best for you!” And of course, some things made sense. But other things stop you from being who you were destined to be.

    After reading ‘Linchpin’ by Seth Godin, my eyes were open. I learned about what it truly means to be of value to this great planet. I saw some of my deepest fears dissolving.  Trust, I can be just as scared as everyone else. But, I refuse to let “FEAR” keep me in a box any longer. We all quote that epic Philippians quote. You know the one!

    ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’ Yeah, you quote it and you may even have it tattoo on your back, collarbone, or somewhere else on your body, but there is no way you could quote that and then think about the things you want to do in life and then say “I can’t do it,” “I am scared,” “I’m so nervous no one will give me a chance.” And while I understand that being nervous is normal, when it starts to stop you in your path then things change.

    You have basically stated, ‘Yeah, I know I can do all things through He that strengthens me, but that one thing, I just can’t do!’ – that one thing that stands in your path of greatness – ‘I just can’t do’. Sorry! I guess that is what happens when you are living for yourself.

    You ever thought about what you would do for your close friend, or family if anyone ever tries to hurt them or if you saw them going through something and they are scared? You lose all of the fear that you have in order to protect and provide for them, become their comfort and their beacon of light. All of the nervous settles and then you are able to push them into being great individuals. When you are doing things because of a bigger picture, life changes. When you stop thinking about how scared you are and think about how many more people will help or heal because of what you do, then it all changes.

    But you know what? I will stop here. Because at this point I am either only preaching to the choir or I am preaching to the fearful. I don’t want to run you away and make you think of yourself as nothing. I want this to a lesson in empowerment. Fear is a dangerous thing when used incorrectly. Let that fear be that motivation to fly! Let that fear be the motivation to keep pushing! Channel it into something else and then keep pushing forward. A lot of people are rooting for you. A lot of people are in your corner. The more they see you come alive the more they are able to develop who they should be or what dreams they should be going after. Failure is Not an Option!

    If you have been letting fear kill you and tear you up on the inside it’s okay. You are not alone, and now that you know you are not alone, you shouldn’t let it bring you down any longer. I do hope that this reaches your heart because it came from the bottom of mine. Don’t let fear kill the greatness that you have inside of you.

    Fear is Killing You

  • Failure is Not an Option!

    Failure is Not an Option!

    Failure Is Not an Option!

    They say that ‘impossible’ is a word that the human mind creates. Certain things such as fear, or just the lack of resources, can hold many men and women back from reaching their true potential. Others have it all, and yet, they still cannot get it together. So how do we curb this common problem of failure? Endurance! We must endure this thing called failure and keep pushing through it for as long as we can. Sometimes we will meet our match and learn that something isn’t for us, and in other occasions we will reach success if we just don’t stop plowing through the field. The funny thing about success is that it doesn’t come when you would always like it to come.

    Successful people are usually visionaries. They can see the forest through the trees, and they can see the end goal before any of it happens. I remember when I heard Talib Kweli talk about Kanye and how he got started in the rap game. He talked about how he thought Kanye was crazy because he was talking about his second album before he even put out the first one. He found it so interesting that Kanye could just see something that no one else could see at the time. The mind is an interesting thing. How we use it can truly make or break us as we tackle our careers, whether it is for school or the work force.

    “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ― Thomas A. Edison.

    “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”Winston S. Churchill.

    “I can’t give you a sure-fire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time.”Herbert Bayard Swope.

    But as I continue reading the ‘Uncommon Life’ by Tony Dungy, it makes a valuable point in regards to the concept of failure. We rarely embrace failure, nor do we teach kids how to deal with failure. We assume that we are supposed to be perfect. We think that we have to get the best grade on everything that we do. The moments that we don’t, then we try to execute ourselves verbally and physically. Failure comes. That is life. But, what are you going to do when failure throws a dagger through your shoulder and pins you to the wall? Give up? Because that is what you spent 4 to 12 years in school to do, QUIT!?

    Just because life is tough and often filled with roadblocks doesn’t mean those roadblocks have to stop you. Think about when you are driving and you see a roadblock sign. It is usually met with a detour sign showing you another way to go, or you turn around, and you go back to where you began. That is life. If you are not going to make a detour, then you need to go back to the beginning. Learn from those mistakes. Then, improve yourself for the next time.

    Also, how much time have you put into this craft before quitting? How many hours did you really put in before you said you were finished? A couple hours? A few days? A few years? And how was your attitude while doing it all? Did you already predict failure before it could happen? Did you go into thinking whatever happens, happens? Instead of claiming your victory? Your words are powerful. We have discussed this before, and I can’t begin to tell you how truthful it is.

    But, once again, what do I know? As I write this book, I will tell you honestly that I am not that good of a writer. And some days I trash things grammatically. I have grammar editing applications, and I have friends proofread my writing each and every time (and even with all of that, I will still end up sending out an email blast spelling things wrongly). But does that stop me? NO! There was always a bigger picture to keep my eyes on and I knew people were still being impacted either way. If I don’t write what I am writing, one soul will be lost. One person will quit. One person will lose it all. And yeah, maybe I shouldn’t put that all on me but I do it anyways. So it keeps me motivated to keep writing regardless of how many errors and typos I put out. Eventually, I will get it right. If I don’t, then I will keep trying! But I won’t let the trees shadow the forest. There is an end goal in mind and I won’t be defeated.

    So I say this… Failure is not an option you want, but it can definitely happen! Create a new path, take a detour, start over, and get on it again! Take a break. For a day, month, or maybe even a few years. But if it is still on your heart then I suggest you try again. After you do that then you can bow out gracefully. But you didn’t fail. You accepted the challenge, and the outcome wasn’t the most favorable. But you probably did something that many were afraid to do. So tell your story. Teach others where you went wrong. Help others get through the forest with the map of failures that you have created to light your path.

  • Do Good Always!

    Do Good Always!

    Do Good Always!

    Imagine if we just “Did Good” all the time. No questions asked and no personal gain behind it all. If we just provided good to the world because that is what we are supposed to do and not because of the reward that would come out of it. The world would be a better place, I imagine. Well, here is your challenge. Do Good no matter the occasion and no matter who is watching you. Do Good because someone did something good for you when you needed it most. Despite if you realized that or not. If someone didn’t do good things or pass good deeds your way, you wouldn’t be here today.

    “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.” ― Mahatma Gandhi.

    “A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special.” ― Nelson Mandela.

    “Doing Good” is always tough I am sure. Some days you are tired of the world. Some days you just want to DO YOU and forget everyone and everything that may be going on, but you can’t be that way. The moment you let your selfishness set in is the moment you start killing the good karma/energy/blessing that was around your life. Galatians 6:9 says, ‘Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up!’

    Do Good Always. This doesn’t just apply to doing good for others, but this does apply to the reader as well. Do Good in the food you eat and your interactions with people you may know, and do good by the strangers that may come along your path as well. Do Good without anyone asking you to do so. It could be anything from providing a compliment or two, or you taking out the trash for your wife before she has to ask you to do so.

    Also, doing good will lead to great rewards. It may not be completely obvious what is happening, but there is something stirring up and it will be there for you as long as you continue to do good with no hesitance behind it.

    These were just a few quick thoughts that I figured I would get off of my chest and share with the dedicated readers. Do Good not only to yourself but to everyone even when they have wronged you. Trust, you will come out a lot better in the end!

    Hey, this book is my good gesture to the world. Myself, the editor, illustrator, and even people who took the time to read this and gave me feedback and critiques before it got released, all are doing good in some way, shape, and form. And no one is getting paid! So with that said, if you don’t know any good things to do, ask around or Google something. There is plenty to be done. You can’t do it all, but imagine, if we all could do one good thing for the world daily, where the world would be in a few years.

  • Be Your Extraordinary Self

    Be Your Extraordinary Self

    Be Your Extraordinary Self

    So I thought to myself, as I do on many occasions, why isn’t everyone shooting to be extraordinary? The definition is fairly simple, isn’t it? ‘To be remarkable or unusual’ is the definition that Google gives us when describing the word extraordinary. This means everyone has the power, if they so choose, to be extraordinary.

    Now, no one said you had to be the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs because that is just one level of being extraordinary. In order to be extraordinary, you have to be remarkable or unusual. That’s it! That can be done anywhere, at any time, and at any given moment! No cool software inventions needed! The Emperor’s New Clothes!

    So, this means you can be extraordinary in the way you treat your friends, the way you perform your tasks at work, even the way you study for an exam. There are so many ways that we all can be extraordinary, but we first must choose this path of greatness to walk along. I get that everyone doesn’t want to be extraordinary, or that some may not care, but as we can see with all of the startup businesses, the YouTube explosions that form by the week (which probably took years to come about) and with how technology advances – the world wants more people to be extraordinary!

    “Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible” ― Cherie Carter-Scott.

    We enjoy people who are awesome, do we not? Well, some of us at least. We enjoy people who are happy even though they go through so many struggles, Who give back to the youth and help out charitable causes, Being unusually happy and we love to love. All of which, can done in a very extraordinary fashion.

    No matter what you choose to do in your life, try to add a little spice to it. The iPod was no new creation, but it was reinvented and made “better” than it was before. Why can’t we do that? Why can’t we take the normal ideas of life and then flip them for our advantage? Are we not extraordinary people? Think about how many things you think of in your mind and yet you let them fall by the wayside because you feel like it isn’t good enough.

    You think Duke Ellington became one of the greatest composers to walk this planet overnight? It took him years to become great, and he still had many musicians who were better than him when he first began performing. The difference between Duke and the rest was that he did everything with an extraordinary flair. After a while, his competitors were only memories that could seen drifting behind the A-Train.

    Hopefully, I am making sense. I feel that we all have the power to be extraordinary doing something. Even ‘doing nothing’ may be extraordinary if you can find a way to do nothing better than anyone else can! But whatever it is you strive for in life, be extraordinary with it next time, and the time after that! You will be appreciated in the long run

    BE EXTRAORDINARY… Forget about the doubters, forget about the people who can’t see past the END goal, and forget about any obstacles blocking your vision of greatness. There is greatness waiting on you, but patience is one of those virtues we just hate to understand. As I read Tony Dungy’s book entitled the “Uncommon Life,” I think about how extraordinary it is that this man would create a book devoted to helping others improve all year long.

    He knows people struggle with reading books, and attention spans may be short, so what does he do? He creates a book that only requires you to read one page a day. Yes, it has been done before, but he found his own way of doing it – which means you can too. He wasn’t the great man he is today overnight! So with that said, keep pushing, keep praying, and soon enough you will find your extraordinary self! And sometimes, there really isn’t much to find because you have been extraordinary the entire time.

    If you want to see someone extraordinary look up or Google ‘Nick Vujicic’. If you want to get an example of being extraordinary that young man will show you a great example! We should all be like Nick Vujicic in our everyday lives. So Be Your Extraordinary Self! Also, read it The Leap FrogOh, The Places You’ll Go!

    Be Your Extraordinary Self

  • Be The Change You Want to See in The World

    Be The Change You Want to See in The World

    Be The Change You Want to See in The World

    There are so many things that happen from day to day in this world we live in. It is easy to complain about how others should be and what others are doing, but are we asking ourselves the same thing that we ask of others?

    If I want to see the world where people are kinder to one another, I have to first exhibit that kindness. If I wish that more people would go out and give back to their communities, I essentially should be doing the same.

    It is interesting to see what we complain about, and even more interesting to see what we are doing with our time and our efforts. In order to impact change, it starts with us. Once that concept is understood I think it becomes easier to manage life.

    “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

    Call up a few friends and catch lunch together. Gather a few buddies and go out and do a service project together. These are ways you can grow with the people you love and be the change that you are constantly talking about.

    Also, don’t be afraid to talk about your good deeds. If you know your intent is to motivate others, then do not be afraid to share. The good things that happen in the world are rarely shared. The negative things are talked about often, and no one ever grows tired of seeing it (besides me). On the other hand, if you talk about the good you are doing in the world, it is taken as boastful and shouldn’t be discussed publicly. In my opinion that is foolish.

    Let’s stop following the typical norms and begin to make those changes. Advertise truth, love, and happiness just as much as you do everything else. Switch your focus and find others who are like-minded with the thoughts and ideas you are passionate about. Surround yourselves with people doing great things in the world and use them as inspiration to do the same. If you don’t know anyone personally, just like Daniel stated earlier, I recommend visiting the www.TED.com. You will get a lot of great insight. Trust!

    Continue to grow and never stop learning. Life can be stressful, but learning new things can shift that stress. Through learning, life becomes more manageable and it gives you a sense of peace. Regain your peace again. Stop looking to fill your life up with tasks to stay busy and find meaningful things to do, such as reading, writing, and enjoying the arts or something you love doing.

    Keep being anchors for change and bring others along with you for the journey. We all have one person we can change the world with. Imagine if we all just took one friend along with us on that journey. 

    Let me hit you with a few espresso shots on the house:

    Pray for people you dislike the most!! Yep, I know, you are probably saying it won’t happen. Trust, you will thank me later. Think about someone who has just made your life a complete hell and then pray for them. They probably need it more than you do!

    Get that scowl off of your face. No need to walk around looking as if you are mad at the world! Smile! You never know who needs that small gesture of kindness.

    You most likely have at least 100 – 200+ contacts in your phone and yet, you haven’t called nearly half of them or anyone in a long time. Call an old friend up! Make sure their phone isn’t disconnected and tell them that you love them. Even if you don’t talk that much.

    Volunteer and do something for your community. Checking out the Boys and Girls Club, homeless shelters, even helping out a neighbor can be considered as helping the community!

    Hi-five a stranger! Hi-fives are always cool and they are always accepted!

    Now go out and be overly inspired maniacs!! The world needs more of us!! Shots, Everybody!!

  • 10 Reasons Why You’re Failing at Life?

    10 Reasons Why You’re Failing at Life?

    10 Reasons Why You’re Failing at Life?

    Failing at Life – As we continue further, I want you to realize that there are a number of things that we are doing wrong which may not seem serious, but they are ultimately hurting our lives in more ways than some. Read up! 

    • You Don’t Culture Yourself

    How often are you taking the time to study the world around you? There are thousands of different languages, hundreds of different restaurants, and art spewing from every far corner of every city. There is much that can come from the world around you. One might say that the only way anyone can become truly cultured is if they physically surround themselves with that culture. While this makes sense, there are many other ways to fulfill that need without having to go a couple thousand miles outside of the country. There is Google, Wikipedia, Netflix documentaries, and so much more that can shape you and create a masterpiece. All you have to do is step outside of the box and you will see the opportunities that lie ahead.

    • You Are Not Writing Down Your Ideas

    Are you coming up with ideas at random? Do you ever write them down? You should always write down your ideas no matter how silly they may be. You may not be able to map them out just yet, but maybe in a few years it will be able to happen. Write down those dreams and soon enough they will become reality. Don’t sleep on the idea. I use to pretend as if I had the perfect memory and that I could forget nothing and soon enough, I saw that all of my good ideas were going by the wayside because I wasn’t writing them down. Don’t be that guy/girl who never writes their ideas down. Start doing it and see where you get after a year or two. After a while something will be a hit. Then the games will begin.

    • You Forgot About Giving Back

    I guess you had this silly notion that you got to where you are without a little help. You thought for a split second that you were controlling the stars and the planets, and you put yourself in the alignment and out of the explosion came YOU. Giving back is one of the most important things you can do. Helping the homeless, family members, a brother or a sister could be that means of giving back.

    I am sure some of you may be reading this and thinking “Well, I do most of this stuff… I guess I am not failing.” Wrong! If you think because you do the bare minimum that you have done enough, then you have fooled yourself. There is much more that can be done and more to be done with the talents that you have. Giving back to others that are in need isn’t just something “cool” to do. It is, and should be, one of your many purposes of living.

    • Negative People Surround You

    Negative people have woven themselves into the very fiber of your existence. These so-called “Friends” aren’t the friends you saw on that 90’s sitcom show. Those were FRIENDS. What you have around you are a bunch of negative and tired individuals who need prayer and examination. IF this doesn’t apply to you then I suggest you move on, but before you go, here are a few other thoughts: What are you to your friends? Are you that negative one?  Are you the one bringing the people around you down? Here is the moment of clarity and honesty that you have been waiting for – if you are NOT the culprit then I suggest that you find new friends. If anything can done, pray for the older friends to find that purpose and that place in life for themselves as well.

    • Your Priorities Are Out of Order

    Your time and energy are not being spent on the right things and/or the right people. The people who truly care for you are being overlook. The things that are truly important are being place in the passenger seat, possibly even in the back seat or EVEN, the trunk. If the priorities aren’t squared up with the mission that your life is pillared upon, then you can kiss any thought of “success” goodbye. This is where writing out goals comes into place and where good friends, family, teachers, and any other important people in your life have to keep you in check. Just as much as we need to get by, so do you.

    • You Stopped WRITING

    Why have you stopped challenging the brain and all its thinking? The concept of writing is an expression of form and design meeting those faint blue lines, and yet you ignore them. You have now trapped yourself in the Alcatraz of Internet puns and one liners. Your entire life can now be summed up in a few mimes. You have brought this on yourself but the great thing is that you are not too late, You can begin writing letters to those you love and others who you may care about deeply, You may now physically cross your T’s and DOT your I’s.

    Through writing, we become better individuals. You once expressed yourself and gave your thoughts a chance to play. When you grew tired, you rested and then picked back up where you left off the next day. Try writing at least once or twice a week. Even if the letter never goes out to anyone, at least you will be pushing the brain to do all that it once did when you were a little child.

    • You Need to Start Forgiving

    10 Reasons Why You're Failing at Life - Don't Give Up!

    You are holding on to pain and torment and you have been doing this for years now. This is only a quicker way to destroy the goodness that is on the inside of your heart. By forgiving, we get a second to remember the time when a certain individual forgave us and then gave His life up for us. Everyone is having it tough but everyone isn’t letting their lack of forgiveness shape their entire world.

    • You Are Not Being Kind to Others

    You never know when a random act of kindness could change the world. Whether it is a friend, stranger, or family member. All of these individuals deserve kindness. If we were all a little bit kinder to our friends and the world around us, we would be in an entirely different place. When you are kind to others, perform the act with no want or no benefits behind it.

    • You are Not Networking

    We all know it’s not about what you know, it is about who you know. While we know this is important we forget about it all the time. There are organizations in each and every city that promote networking and getting involved with the community but we rarely use these opportunities. We let work and life drain us, and we never advance like we should. Some examples include groups such as the NAACP, National Urban League, the church (which is a great place to network with a variety of people), local community events and so on and so forth. With networking happening, you should definitely have business cards in place. Even if it is something general.

    Vistaprint is a great place to get a few business cards and Moo Cards is awesome as well. Also, every profession has a club or social group outside of its place of employment. Find those groups and see how you can get active with them or contribute to the cause. Lastly, we don’t stay in touch with the friends we have. Sometimes all it takes is someone to hear you say, “Yeah, I am looking for a job…” and all of a sudden they may know someone who can help you. Conferences, conventions and so many more things happen each and every day. It is time to start getting active! Network builds your net worth!

    • You are Forgetting to Pray

    This is one of those personal struggles of mine. I get so tiring and so wrapped up in my feelings, my problems and my life that I tend to forget about who controls it all. I forget about who is the master and who is in charge. A simple prayer could shape and change the lives of the world around us. I could continue to go on and on with this one, but I think it says it all. A hip-hop rapper I am close with said this: “You should pray more… it just makes sense, but all you want is dollars and that just don’t make cents.” I think that this is where I digress. Time to improve and make a change. Unless you want to continue failing because that is cool as well.

    Dear Learner! What do you think about 10 Reasons Why You’re Failing at Life? Be Your Extraordinary SelfReinvent Yourself..!

    10 Reasons Why You're Failing at Life?

  • The Shoes of Fortune 06 "The Best That the Galoshes Gave"

    The Shoes of Fortune 06 “The Best That the Galoshes Gave”

    “The Shoes of Fortune” the Short Story was Written by Hans Christian Andersen; The following day, early in the morning, while the Clerk was still in bed, someone knocked at his door. It was his neighbor, a young Divine, who lived on the same floor. He walked in.

    “Lend me your Galoshes,” said he; “it is so wet in the garden, though the sun is shining most invitingly. I should like to go out a little.”

    He got the Galoshes, and he was soon below in a little duodecimo garden, where between two immense walls a plumtree and an apple-tree were standing. Even such a little garden as this was considered in the metropolis of Copenhagen as a great luxury.

    The young man wandered up and down the narrow paths, as well as the prescribed limits would allow; the clock struck six; without was heard the horn of a post-boy.

    “To travel! to travel!” exclaimed he, overcome by most painful and passionate remembrances. “That is the happiest thing in the world! That is the highest aim of all my wishes! Then at last would the agonizing restlessness be allayed, which destroys my existence! But it must be far, far away! I would behold magnificent Switzerland; I would travel to Italy, and—”

    It was a good thing that the power of the Galoshes worked as instantaneously as lightning in a powder-magazine would do, otherwise the poor man with his overstrained wishes would have travelled about the world too much for himself as well as for us. In short, he was travelling. He was in the middle of Switzerland, but packed up with eight other passengers in the inside of an eternally-creaking diligence; his head ached till it almost split, his weary neck could hardly bear the heavy load, and his feet, pinched by his torturing boots, were terribly swollen. He was in an intermediate state between sleeping and waking; at variance with himself, with his company, with the country, and with the government. In his right pocket he had his letter of credit, in the left, his passport, and in a small leathern purse some double louis d’or, carefully sewn up in the bosom of his waistcoat. Every dream proclaimed that one or the other of these valuables was lost; wherefore he started up as in a fever; and the first movement which his hand made, described a magic triangle from the right pocket to the left, and then up towards the bosom, to feel if he had them all safe or not. From the roof inside the carriage, umbrellas, walking-sticks, hats, and sundry other articles were depending, and hindered the view, which was particularly imposing. He now endeavored as well as he was able to dispel his gloom, which was caused by outward chance circumstances merely, and on the bosom of nature imbibe the milk of purest human enjoyment.

    Grand, solemn, and dark was the whole landscape around. The gigantic pine-forests, on the pointed crags, seemed almost like little tufts of heather, colored by the surrounding clouds. It began to snow, a cold wind blew and roared as though it were seeking a bride.

    “Augh!” sighed he, “were we only on the other side the Alps, then we should have summer, and I could get my letters of credit cashed. The anxiety I feel about them prevents me enjoying Switzerland. Were I but on the other side!”

    And so saying he was on the other side in Italy, between Florence and Rome. Lake Thracymene, illumined by the evening sun, lay like flaming gold between the dark-blue mountain-ridges; here, where Hannibal defeated Flaminius, the rivers now held each other in their green embraces; lovely, half-naked children tended a herd of black swine, beneath a group of fragrant laurel-trees, hard by the road-side. Could we render this inimitable picture properly, then would everybody exclaim, “Beautiful, unparalleled Italy!” But neither the young Divine said so, nor anyone of his grumbling companions in the coach of the vetturino.

    The poisonous flies and gnats swarmed around by thousands; in vain one waved myrtle-branches about like mad; the audacious insect population did not cease to sting; nor was there a single person in the well-crammed carriage whose face was not swollen and sore from their ravenous bites. The poor horses, tortured almost to death, suffered most from this truly Egyptian plague; the flies alighted upon them in large disgusting swarms; and if the coachman got down and scraped them off, hardly a minute elapsed before they were there again. The sun now set: a freezing cold, though of short duration pervaded the whole creation; it was like a horrid gust coming from a burial-vault on a warm summer’s day—but all around the mountains retained that wonderful green tone which we see in some old pictures, and which, should we not have seen a similar play of color in the South, we declare at once to be unnatural. It was a glorious prospect; but the stomach was empty, the body tired; all that the heart cared and longed for was good night-quarters; yet how would they be? For these one looked much more anxiously than for the charms of nature, which every where were so profusely displayed.

    The road led through an olive-grove, and here the solitary inn was situated. Ten or twelve crippled-beggars had encamped outside. The healthiest of them resembled, to use an expression of Marryat’s, “Hunger’s eldest son when he had come of age”; the others were either blind, had withered legs and crept about on their hands, or withered arms and fingerless hands. It was the most wretched misery, dragged from among the filthiest rags. “Excellenza, miserabili!” sighed they, thrusting forth their deformed limbs to view. Even the hostess, with bare feet, uncombed hair, and dressed in a garment of doubtful color, received the guests grumblingly. The doors were fastened with a loop of string; the floor of the rooms presented a stone paving half torn up; bats fluttered wildly about the ceiling; and as to the smell therein—no—that was beyond description.

    “You had better lay the cloth below in the stable,” said one of the travellers; “there, at all events, one knows what one is breathing.”

    The windows were quickly opened, to let in a little fresh air. Quicker, however, than the breeze, the withered, sallow arms of the beggars were thrust in, accompanied by the eternal whine of “Miserabili, miserabili, excellenza!” On the walls were displayed innumerable inscriptions, written in nearly every language of Europe, some in verse, some in prose, most of them not very laudatory of “bella Italia.”

    The meal was served. It consisted of a soup of salted water, seasoned with pepper and rancid oil. The last ingredient played a very prominent part in the salad; stale eggs and roasted cocks’-combs furnished the grand dish of the repast; the wine even was not without a disgusting taste—it was like a medicinal draught.

    At night the boxes and other effects of the passengers were placed against the rickety doors. One of the travellers kept watch while the others slept. The sentry was our young Divine. How close it was in the chamber! The heat oppressive to suffocation—the gnats hummed and stung unceasingly—the “miserabili” without whined and moaned in their sleep.

    “Travelling would be agreeable enough,” said he groaning, “if one only had no body, or could send it to rest while the spirit went on its pilgrimage unhindered, whither the voice within might call it. Wherever I go, I am pursued by a longing that is insatiable—that I cannot explain to myself, and that tears my very heart. I want something better than what is but what is fled in an instant. But what is it, and where is it to be found? Yet, I know in reality what it is I wish for. Oh! most happy were I, could I but reach one aim—could but reach the happiest of all!”

    And as he spoke the word he was again in his home; the long white curtains hung down from the windows, and in the middle of the floor stood the black coffin; in it he lay in the sleep of death. His wish was fulfilled—the body rested, while the spirit went unhindered on its pilgrimage. “Let no one deem himself happy before his end,” were the words of Solon; and here was a new and brilliant proof of the wisdom of the old apothegm.

    Every corpse is a sphynx of immortality; here too on the black coffin the sphynx gave us no answer to what he who lay within had written two days before:

    “O mighty Death! thy silence teaches nought,
    Thou leadest only to the near grave’s brink;
    Is broken now the ladder of my thoughts?
    Do I instead of mounting only sink?

    Our heaviest grief the world oft seeth not,
    Our sorest pain we hide from stranger eyes:
    And for the sufferer there is nothing left
    But the green mound that o’er the coffin lies.”

    Two figures were moving in the chamber. We knew them both; it was the fairy of Care, and the emissary of Fortune. They both bent over the corpse.

    “Do you now see,” said Care, “what happiness your Galoshes have brought to mankind?”

    “To him, at least, who slumbers here, they have brought an imperishable blessing,” answered the other.

    “Ah no!” replied Care. “He took his departure himself; he was not called away. His mental powers here below were not strong enough to reach the treasures lying beyond this life, and which his destiny ordained he should obtain. I will now confer a benefit on him.”

    And she took the Galoshes from his feet; his sleep of death was ended; and he who had been thus called back again to life arose from his dread couch in all the vigor of youth. Care vanished, and with her the Galoshes. She has no doubt taken them for herself, to keep them to all eternity.