Tag: Phases

  • Phases or Stages of Project Management Life Cycle Examples

    Phases or Stages of Project Management Life Cycle Examples

    Project Management Life Cycle Stages and Phases with Examples Essay; Projects are part and parcel of our professional life. In the world of ever-changing technology and business trends, project management is in great demand. In this Topic, we are going to learn about the Project management life cycle. According to PMI, a project defines as temporary with a definite beginning and end in time. Also, the project is unique without routine operation and meant to meet the singular goal with a specific set of operations. PMI further defines project management as the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.

    What is the role of the project manager at each phase or stage of the Project Management Life Cycle? Why? What skills do you think are most important at each and why? What is the most important phase or stage?

    Whether the project is software development, or new product launch, or even a movie; its management will progress through five life cycle phases. Understanding the project management lifecycle is valuable for successfully guiding a project from its initial stages to completion. No matter the project, the project management lifecycle can assist in narrowing the project’s focus; keeping its objectives in order, and finishing the project on time, on budget, and with a minimum of headaches.

    The following are the roles of a PM in each of the phases or stages of the Project Management Life Cycle:

    Project Initiation Phases or Stages;

    In this initial phase, the PM begins multiple rounds of discussion with the stakeholders to decide whether the project can start. If all goes according to the plan Project initiation document create which outlines the requirements of the document. The PM gives the project’s overview in addition to the method that they want to utilize to achieve the results that desire. They also select the team members who require, depending on his or her skills and experience. The PM carries out assessments regarding risks, procurement, and also manages communication between stakeholders. At this phase, the manager needs to have risk assessment skills and cost estimation skills to guarantee that this phase is successful. The initiation phase of a project management cycle and a project life cycle involves:

    • Conducting a feasibility study to assess the practicality of the project.
    • Ascertaining the primary business need that the project will address.
    • Aligning project objectives with those of the organization.
    • Identifying stakeholders and their requirements, and.
    • Develop a project brief or charter with all relevant details.

    Many consider the initiation phase of the project life cycle the most significant of all the steps of project management. In the absence of proper initiation measures, projects are liable to fail or go off track. For a project to proceed to the next stage, stakeholders must approve the project charter.

    Project Planning Phases or Stages;

    In this stage, the PM is responsible for planning, and guaranteeing that there is a breakdown of the tasks from the beginning to the end of the project. The PM creates the roadmap of the whole project. Different goals and plans set by him/her such as scope, WBS, milestones, etc. The PM should make sure that appropriate budgets arrange for the project, and also that a risk assessment carries out. At this stage, the manager needs both budgeting and risk assessment skills. These abilities will make certain that the PM plans well according to the available resources; and, also predict the risks that the project might be dealing with down the road.

    The goals of the project normally place following the SMART and/or the CLEAR methods. Goals-based on the SMART method is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely; while goals based on the CLEAR method are Collaborative, Limited, Emotional, Appreciable, and Refinable. The planning phase of a project management cycle and project life cycle also involves:

    • Identifying project milestones.
    • Determining budget, time, and resource availability.
    • Allocating tasks based on available resources.
    • Establishing key performance indicators, and.
    • Setting up a change management strategy.

    Along with these, in the planning phase of a project life cycle, project managers must also develop a risk mitigation plan. Such a plan traces the potential risks and obstacles in the path of a project and includes strategies to overcome or minimize them.

    Project Execution Phases or Stages;

    At this stage, PM develops the team, assign resources, and daily meetings are taking place to track the progress. The PM should make sure that the project team has the resources that require to perform the project activities. The PM therefore observes and analyzes the work that is being done by the team. For the execution stage, the PM needs to have risk assessment skills. The manager should also embrace teamwork to make sure that the process of achieving the project runs smoothly.

    The execution phase of both a project life cycle and a project management cycle is also recognized as the implementation phase. In this phase, the plan developed in the previous stage placing into action. Once the workflow has been established, project managers direct the execution of the project. They ensure the project is moving on track by holding status check meetings, adapting timelines according to project requirements; and communicating with everyone involved in the project, including stakeholders. A well-developed plan is crucial to the success of the execution phase.

    The execution phase is the busiest among all the project life cycle phases; because this is where all the actual work performs. Managing the workforce is also an integral part of the execution phase. Project managers must not only ensure roles and responsibilities are being fulfilled; but, also keep their teams invested in the work they do through recognition, appreciation, and words of encouragement. In case of setbacks, managers must also prepare to fine-tune the project plan as needed and/or implement corrective actions. The execution phase is often the longest among all the phases of the project management life cycle.

    Project Monitoring Control Phases or Stages;

    Here the PM will utilize the Key Performance indicators to find out if the project is on track or not. The PM will recognize the issues in the project as it does performing. They should also ensure that the project meets the desired quality to satisfy all the stakeholders. The PM needs quality control and reporting skills to ensure that the project possesses the right quality. Reporting skills should help him to answer the various questions of the stakeholders.

    Next in the steps of project management comes the monitoring and control phase. Among all project life cycle phases, this phase runs simultaneously with the execution phase. The monitoring and control phase of a project management cycle deals with performance measurement. The set key performance indicators are used to ascertain whether the project is progressing according to expectations and within budget. This is the stage where project managers control project costs, mitigate risks, evaluate roadblocks, strategize ways to overcome them, and monitor change requests.

    Change requests happen when a team member, client, or stakeholder requests changes in terms of project deliverables that had been determined in the planning phase. It’s a project manager’s responsibility to ensure the change request aligns with the scope of the project; identify the resources required to implement the change; and, also decide whether approving the change request will be beneficial for the project in the long run.

    Project Closure Phases or Stages;

    Project closure is the final stage in both a project management cycle and a project life cycle. Of all the phases of the project management life cycle, this is where the project achieves completion. In this phase, project managers finalize and hand over project deliverables to the client, prepare a thorough project report, release resources, close contracts, and review project documentation to ensure everyone involved has received their dues.

    Formally closing a project also requires project managers to announce the completion of the project to all relevant stakeholders, top-level management, and team members. At the end of it all, a reflection meeting, also known as a ‘post-mortem’, believes to recognize the success of the project and identify areas needing improvement. The performance of the project evaluates in terms of expenses incurred, adherence to timelines, and final project quality.

    The diverse phases of the project management life cycle—from initiation to closure; provide managers with a structured approach to successfully track and deliver projects on time and within budget. Project life cycle phases are essential to controlling costs, promoting communication, and enhancing transparency within an organization.

    At this stage, the role of the PM is to look into the things that are often overlooked, to ensure that the project carries to a proper conclusion. The PM will also organize workshop events to thank for the efforts done by the team members. The PM is also to do the post-mortem to analyze what went wrong in the project and should also write a review of the project to higher management. In this stage, the PM needs reporting and assessment skills to ensure that he evaluates the project for minor defects and also delivers a good report to the higher management.

    An Examples;

    Effective completion of all the stages of the project management life cycle requires project managers to be critical thinkers, efficient problem-solvers, and effective decision-makers. This is where Harappa’s Executing Solutions course comes in. This online strategy execution course will train you to handle the ins and outs of project management life cycle and project life cycle phases; while offering you some neat ideas on how to execute projects faster and better. You’ll be able to effortlessly take a solution from a mere idea to successful implementation; while learning to manage expectations, navigate roadblocks and calmly respond to crises.

    Frameworks such as the Bifocal Approach will help you monitor projects by balancing short-term focus with long-term objectives. You’ll also learn the best ways to plan out your projects and create a roadmap for success, develop a mindset to tackle any obstacle you face, and efficiently delegate tasks to team members. Want to set an example before your team members and peers? Sign up today for Harappa’s Executing Solutions course!

    Planning-Execution Merger;

    The possibilities of issues and changes in requirements from the client in the execution phase can lead to change in the project plan. The planning is again carried out in the execution phase. The agile methodology that is widely used for software projects provides the flexibility to incorporate such last-minute changes. Large projects divide into small modules like manufacturing, and quality can be different modules for a product. Completion of one module can correspond with initiation for other projects. It can conclude that these stages are dynamic, but with the help of different tools for project management; we can ensure the successful completion of the project.

    In our opinion, planning is the most important phase of the project management lifecycle; because it provides the PMs the opportunity to carry out an analysis of the underlying risks of the project. At the planning stage, all requirements gathering, the analysis makes, and the PM gets a better picture of the objective; which helps in project timelines and deliverables. This stage allows the PM to create a contingency plan. Planning saves time and also money that could use in all the other phases of the project.

    Phases or Stages of Project Management Life Cycle Examples Image
    Phases or Stages of Project Management Life Cycle Examples!

    Post Reference and Retrieved from; https://www.ukessays.com/essays/project-management/skills-and-role-of-a-project-manager.php?vref=1, https://harappa.education/harappa-diaries/project-management-life-cycle/, and https://www.educba.com/project-management-life-cycle/

  • Software Development Life Cycle Agile and Phases with Models

    Software Development Life Cycle Agile and Phases with Models

    What is the Software Development Life Cycle Agile and 7 Phases with Models? Software development lifecycle refers to the systematic process of building software that ensures that the software developed is of the right quality and consistent with the functional requirements. The details are given on exactly what expect so that the customer can get a program that works according to their expectations. The process of developing the software should complete within the predetermined budget and time. Also, The entire project lifecycle divides into phases each outlining the deliverables that should be met before the project moves to a higher hierarchy of development.

    Here is the article to explain, 7 types Phases and Models of Software Development Life Cycle Agile

    The process of software development divided into stages are as listed and illustrated below:

    1. Requirement analysis
    2. Feasibility study
    3. Design
    4. Coding
    5. Testing
    6. Install/deploy
    7. Maintenance
    Software Development Life Cycle Phases lists Image
    Software Development Life Cycle Phases lists

    Requirement Analysis;

    The requirement phase is the first phase in the development of software; which is usually managed by the senior members of the team in collaboration with the stakeholders’ industry experts. Also, The senior team members assure the stakeholder of the viability of the project as they analyzed all the risks that involve. At this stage, the team requires to come up with detailed and concise requirements; which will help the team members to finalize the work within the required timeline.

    Feasibility Study;

    In this stage, the steps required in bringing the project to life define and document. The software requirement specification process conduct includes all the parameters that should consider in the design during the project lifecycle. On feasibility, five parameters consider. Also, These parameters are economic, legal, operation, technical, and scheduling.


    This stage involves the preparation of documents as per the specification so that what expects comes out so that the coding process can process from here. The overall look of the program visualizes at this stage.


    Coding at this point, the developers are preoccupied with writing the codes. The codes write into units, and each coding task assigns to a specific developer. Also, The coding guidelines have to follow in this stage and the application of the relevant programming tools. As well as This is the long and most time-consuming phase of software development.


    Testing is complete after the coding process is complete. The software deploys to the testing environment where the team starts testing the functionality of the system guided by the functional requirements of the customers or the stakeholders. The purpose of this phase is to ascertain that the software is performing as expected. Also, This is an iterative process as stakeholders get to interact with the program; and, they take it to the developer for modification. The process continues until the software is performing as per the expectations.


    Next is the deployment of the software. Also, Deployment performs with authority from the project manager after they have ascertained that the project can work as required.


    Deployment gives the customer the chance to use now the software that has been developed. However, the development team does not get off the scene as they will require to be there in case some bugs need fixing arising from scenarios that were not dealt with during the testing stage. In addition, they may require to do a system upgrade to a new version of the software with time as well as enhance new features of the software. As well as All this produces in the maintenance phase of software development.

    Just like the work breakdown structure, the software design lifecycle is vital in the development stage of the software in that it offers the basis for project planning, cost estimation, and scheduling. It also provides a framework for the different tasks and deliverables and provides a mechanism for tracking the progress of the project.

    References; Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Software Development. Retrieved from https://www.ukessays.com/essays/project-management/work-breakdown-structure-wbs-in-software-development-4526.php?vref=1

    Software Development Life Cycle Agile and Phases with Models Image
    Software Development Life Cycle Agile and Phases with Models; Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay.
  • Why Project Life Cycle is Make you know About Everything?

    Why Project Life Cycle is Make you know About Everything?

    Project Life Cycle: A Life Cycle or Lifecycle is a progression of changes that a thing or practical movement changes or develop through from the earliest starting point of the life, creation, or framework until’ the very end including propagation, at project management. The Project Life Cycle is a meaning and phase of the project’s reformist work measures from the earliest starting point to the furthest limit of the project. The Project Management essay Life Cycle comprises of the project inception, arranging, usage, and execution controlling and checking, and close-out movement.

    Here is the article to explain and discuss, Does the Project Life Cycle is Make you know About Everything.

    Each project has certain periods of advancement. An away from of these stages permits directors and chiefs to keep up control of the project all the more proficiently. By definition, a project has a start and an end and goes through a few periods of improvement known as life cycle stages.

    These stages shift relying on the business included however all follow similar essential advances. Realize that the project life cycle for each project may contrast, in both the number of stages it might have and the detail inside every one of these stages, at project management.

    Principles or phases periods of the Project life cycle:

    The five principle and phases periods of the project life cycle are as per the following:

    • Idea and Start-UP: This stage is the place where the project destinations characterize and the applied parts of the project concur upon. This might be the stage where an issue distinguishes and potential arrangements recommend.
    • Definition: Once the project goals have been obviously characterized then the examination of the arrangements is led as far as dangers, monetary responsibility, and advantages. The extent of work presently characterizes in detail.
    • Planning and Arranging: This stage is the place where the project separates into sensible territories of work and arrange regarding time, cost, and assets. This is a ceaseless cycle and will reach out all through the execution period of the project.
    • Execution and strategy: During this stage, the work actualizes, control, and check. The strategy of a plan of action or policy design to achieve a major or overall aim.
    • Success and Close-OUT: The last period of the project life cycle is close-out and deactivation, where assets reassign, the project gives over and the post-project survey is done.

    It is imperative to guarantee the project life cycle utilize on your project is suitable to the work being completed and part into unmistakable, phases and reasonable stages. The project life cycle additionally considers the door technique to utilize, most use in project management. This an attempt and trie technique for conveying projects on schedule, inside spending plan, and to the normal quality targets. At each stage, endorsement by and large needs from outside the project group before continuing to the following stage.

    Phases or Periods of a Project Life Cycle:

    A project is a grouping of exercises that has an unequivocal beginning and finish, a recognizable objective, and an incorporated arrangement of complex yet associated connections. Project Life Cycle comprises of successive stages through which projects go through, their phases very useful for project management. What do Only Men know About the Project Manager Role? The stages are significant in arranging a project since they give a system for planning, labor, asset distribution, booking project achievements, project audits, and so on All projects experience the accompanying stages whether large or little.

    Project Idea/Conception:

    A thought concerning intercession in a particular region to address and distinguish an issue create or shape. Wellsprings of thoughts incorporate;

    • Market request where one might be confronting expanding request in this way turning into an issue.
    • Mechanical changes-this powers an association to change to utilize the innovation.
    • Regular disasters like fire, floods, avalanches, dry season, and so on.
    • Asset accessibility utilizes the accessible assets.
    • Political contemplations.
    • Need to profit essential prerequisites or necessities to a local area.
    Project Identification:

    After the origination of thoughts, potential projects emerging from the thoughts solidified above are distinguished. The data might be caught as a proposition or recommendations and submitted to a specialist or office for thought and target judgment to evaluate the potential and support for the mediation before the thought goes to the following stage in the cycle.

    Project Preparation:

    Includes a more exhaustive and definite assortment of information and data on the proposed project. This is typically done by individuals with specialized and logical abilities in meeting the objective gainfully. The goal of the project characterizes and elective arrangements portray. Its normally led by individuals with specialized and scientific abilities to decide if the project can be accomplished and to set up whether the project is achievable. Practicality includes feasibility of the project for example expenses of the project and advantages of the project.

    The plausibility contemplates include:

    • Monetary possibility.
    • Financial practicality.
    • Specialized plausibility.
    • Climate plausibility.
    • Market plausibility.
    • Lawful plausibility and Social achievability.
    Project Appraisal:

    This includes the further far-reaching and methodical examination of the proposed projects by an autonomous group of specialists in an interview with the partners of the project, to survey whether the proposition support before a lot of cash submits. The impacts of the project on the association and society research and archive. In light of the examination, a choice makes on if to proceed with the project where a basic view finishes by a group of free specialists who do not engage with possibility contemplates done before. This gives a chance to rethink each part of the project before reserves raise submit.

    Project Selection:

    From the examination, a few projects might discover to be advantageous. In any case, not all feasible projects can actualize. We, accordingly, need to pick one or a couple of dependent on accessible assets and the needs of the investors. Where all projects are practical we may likewise require to focus on them arranged by conceivable usage. This is because of the shortage of assets for project execution

    Arrangement and Financing:

    When the project to actualize chose and settle upon, the following stage is to haggle for financing and other related angles for example conditions for awards, reimbursement period, loan fees, beauty period, the progression of assets, commitments from partners, and so on This finishes into a limiting record for all concerned.

    Making arrangements for Implementation:

    This is done before the last usage of the project. This stage includes all partners including implementers, recipients, financing offices. It empowers the Project Manager to address issues like the project destinations, the extent of the project, monetary courses of action, usage plans, project climate, the probability of changes to the plan, checking, and assessment plans, and so forth It empowers the meaning of goals, yields, inputs, exercises that will go into the project, the pointers, methods for the check, and presumptions of the project. The main results of such arranging incorporate time plans. The financial plan submitted for different exercises and quality plans. It is additionally critical to concoct project log outlines (legitimate equation) for example PPM (project arranging grid), particularly for the formative projects.

    Project Implementation:

    It is the most pivotal stage for most projects since project exercises are done at this stage. Numerous projects that bomb ordinarily do as such at this stage. Observing progress and detailing are urgent. Usage view as a ‘small scale cycle’ inside the project life cycle. It has three stages: Investment, improvement, and the full advancement stage.

    • Speculation period: It can require 1-3 years to rely upon the project. Significant ventures like purchasing capital things, stockrooms, and so on of the project attempted.
    • Advancement period: This happens when creation develops and the genuine exercises are being finished.
    • Full advancement period: This arrives at when creation gets and proceeds until the project closes.
    Checking and Reporting:

    This is an on-going action during usage. Observing is the assortment of information on project usage. The point is to guarantee that the exercises continue as indicated by the plan. Any issues can effectively identify and a remedial move makes. It very well may finish by recipients, executing staff, administrative staff, and the Project Management group. Correspondence channels ought to be clear and simple to permit straightforwardness and responsibility of those included.


    It includes a precise audit or assessment of the component of accomplishment and disappointment in projects. The data gathered from checking is the fundamental contribution to the assessment. Is directed at three phases:

    • Ex-Ante assessment done before execution done for example abilities, assets required.
    • Simultaneous/continuous Evaluation-done during the interaction of users.
    • Ex-Post Evaluation-done toward the finish of the usage for example What has been accomplished? What isn’t accomplished? Why we didn’t accomplish it? and so forth.

    Characteristics of Project Life Cycle:

    The project life cycle characterizes the stages that associate the start of a project with its end. For instance, whenever an association recognizes a chance to which it might want to react; it will regularly approve an achievability study to choose whether it ought to attempt the project. How to become a Product Manager and what does a do they? The project life cycle definition can help the project director explain whether to treat the possibility concentrate as the primary project stage or as a different, independent project. Where the result of a particularly fundamental exertion isn’t plainly recognizable; it is ideal to regard such endeavors as a different project. The periods of a project life cycle are not equivalent to the Project Management Process Groups.

    Why Project Life Cycle is the Only Skill You Really Need?

    The change starting with one stage then onto the next inside a project’s life cycle by and large includes, and typically characterized by, some type of innovation move or handoff. Expectations from one stage typically evaluate for fulfillment and exactness and endorsed before work begins the following stage. Notwithstanding, it isn’t remarkable for a stage to start before the endorsement of the past stages expectations when the dangers included consider worthy. This act of covering stages, typically done in succession, is an illustration of the utilization of the timetable pressure method called optimizing.

    There is no single most ideal approach to characterize an ideal project life cycle. A few associations have set up strategies that normalize all projects with a solitary life cycle; while others permit the project supervisory group to pick the most suitable life cycle for the group’s project. Further, industry basic practices will frequently prompt the utilization of a favored life cycle inside that industry.

    Project life cycles by and large characterize:
    • What specialized work to do in each stage; for instance, in which stage should the engineer’s work be performed?
    • At the point when the expectations are to create in each stage and how every deliverable survey, check and approve.
    • Who associated with each stage; for instance, simultaneous designing necessitates that the implementers engage with prerequisites and plan.
    • The most effective method to control and favor each stage.
    • Project life cycle portrayals can be extremely broad or exceptionally point by point. Profoundly point by point portrayals of life cycles can incorporate structures, diagrams, and agendas to give construction and control.
    Most project life cycles share a few basic characteristics:

    Stages are by and large successive and normally characterized by some type of specialized data move or specialized part handoff. Cost and staffing levels are low toward the beginning, top during the transitional stages, and drop quickly as the project makes an inference.

    The degree of vulnerability is most elevated and, consequently, the danger of neglecting to accomplish the targets is most prominent toward the beginning of the project. The conviction of finish, by and large, improves as the project proceeds.

    The capacity of the partners to impact the last characteristics of the result of the project and the last expense of the project is most noteworthy toward the beginning and gets logically lower as the project proceeds. A significant supporter of this marvel is that the expense of changes and amending blunders by and large increments as the project proceeds.

    The Hidden Mystery Behind Project Life Cycle:

    Albeit many project life cycles have comparative stage names with comparative expectations, barely any life cycles are indistinguishable. Some can have four or five stages, however, others may have at least nine. Single application zones know to have huge varieties. One association’s product improvement life cycle can have a solitary plan stage; while another can have separate stages for the compositional and definite plans. Subprojects can likewise have particular project life cycles.

    For instance, a compositional firm employed to plan another place of business is first associated with the proprietor’s definition stage while doing the plan, and in the proprietor’s usage stage while supporting the development exertion. The planner’s plan project, in any case, will have its own arrangement of stages from the calculated turn of events, through definition and execution, to a conclusion. The planner can even treat planning the office and supporting the development as discrete projects, each with its own arrangement of stages.

    Why Project Life Cycle is Make you know About Everything Image
    Why Project Life Cycle is Make you know About Everything? Image from Pixabay.