Tag: Learning


Learning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences. 

Evidence that knowledge has occurred may see changes in behavior from simple to complex, from moving a finger to skill in synthesizing information, or a change in attitude.

The ability to know possess by humans, animals, and some machines. There is also evidence of some kind of knowledge in some plants.

Some learn immediately, induced by a single event (e.g. being burn by a hot stove), but much skill and knowledge accumulate from repeat experiences.

The changes induced by knowledge often last a lifetime, and it is hard to distinguish known material that seems to be “lost” from that which cannot retrieve.

Definition of learning for Students
1: the act of a person who gains knowledge or skill Travel is a learning experience.
2: knowledge or skill gained from teaching or study. They’re people of great knowledge.
  • Do Good Always!

    Do Good Always!

    Do Good Always!

    Imagine if we just “Did Good” all the time. No questions asked and no personal gain behind it all. If we just provided good to the world because that is what we are supposed to do and not because of the reward that would come out of it. The world would be a better place, I imagine. Well, here is your challenge. Do Good no matter the occasion and no matter who is watching you. Do Good because someone did something good for you when you needed it most. Despite if you realized that or not. If someone didn’t do good things or pass good deeds your way, you wouldn’t be here today.

    “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.” ― Mahatma Gandhi.

    “A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special.” ― Nelson Mandela.

    “Doing Good” is always tough I am sure. Some days you are tired of the world. Some days you just want to DO YOU and forget everyone and everything that may be going on, but you can’t be that way. The moment you let your selfishness set in is the moment you start killing the good karma/energy/blessing that was around your life. Galatians 6:9 says, ‘Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up!’

    Do Good Always. This doesn’t just apply to doing good for others, but this does apply to the reader as well. Do Good in the food you eat and your interactions with people you may know, and do good by the strangers that may come along your path as well. Do Good without anyone asking you to do so. It could be anything from providing a compliment or two, or you taking out the trash for your wife before she has to ask you to do so.

    Also, doing good will lead to great rewards. It may not be completely obvious what is happening, but there is something stirring up and it will be there for you as long as you continue to do good with no hesitance behind it.

    These were just a few quick thoughts that I figured I would get off of my chest and share with the dedicated readers. Do Good not only to yourself but to everyone even when they have wronged you. Trust, you will come out a lot better in the end!

    Hey, this book is my good gesture to the world. Myself, the editor, illustrator, and even people who took the time to read this and gave me feedback and critiques before it got released, all are doing good in some way, shape, and form. And no one is getting paid! So with that said, if you don’t know any good things to do, ask around or Google something. There is plenty to be done. You can’t do it all, but imagine, if we all could do one good thing for the world daily, where the world would be in a few years.

  • Be Your Extraordinary Self

    Be Your Extraordinary Self

    Be Your Extraordinary Self

    So I thought to myself, as I do on many occasions, why isn’t everyone shooting to be extraordinary? The definition is fairly simple, isn’t it? ‘To be remarkable or unusual’ is the definition that Google gives us when describing the word extraordinary. This means everyone has the power, if they so choose, to be extraordinary.

    Now, no one said you had to be the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs because that is just one level of being extraordinary. In order to be extraordinary, you have to be remarkable or unusual. That’s it! That can be done anywhere, at any time, and at any given moment! No cool software inventions needed! The Emperor’s New Clothes!

    So, this means you can be extraordinary in the way you treat your friends, the way you perform your tasks at work, even the way you study for an exam. There are so many ways that we all can be extraordinary, but we first must choose this path of greatness to walk along. I get that everyone doesn’t want to be extraordinary, or that some may not care, but as we can see with all of the startup businesses, the YouTube explosions that form by the week (which probably took years to come about) and with how technology advances – the world wants more people to be extraordinary!

    “Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible” ― Cherie Carter-Scott.

    We enjoy people who are awesome, do we not? Well, some of us at least. We enjoy people who are happy even though they go through so many struggles, Who give back to the youth and help out charitable causes, Being unusually happy and we love to love. All of which, can done in a very extraordinary fashion.

    No matter what you choose to do in your life, try to add a little spice to it. The iPod was no new creation, but it was reinvented and made “better” than it was before. Why can’t we do that? Why can’t we take the normal ideas of life and then flip them for our advantage? Are we not extraordinary people? Think about how many things you think of in your mind and yet you let them fall by the wayside because you feel like it isn’t good enough.

    You think Duke Ellington became one of the greatest composers to walk this planet overnight? It took him years to become great, and he still had many musicians who were better than him when he first began performing. The difference between Duke and the rest was that he did everything with an extraordinary flair. After a while, his competitors were only memories that could seen drifting behind the A-Train.

    Hopefully, I am making sense. I feel that we all have the power to be extraordinary doing something. Even ‘doing nothing’ may be extraordinary if you can find a way to do nothing better than anyone else can! But whatever it is you strive for in life, be extraordinary with it next time, and the time after that! You will be appreciated in the long run

    BE EXTRAORDINARY… Forget about the doubters, forget about the people who can’t see past the END goal, and forget about any obstacles blocking your vision of greatness. There is greatness waiting on you, but patience is one of those virtues we just hate to understand. As I read Tony Dungy’s book entitled the “Uncommon Life,” I think about how extraordinary it is that this man would create a book devoted to helping others improve all year long.

    He knows people struggle with reading books, and attention spans may be short, so what does he do? He creates a book that only requires you to read one page a day. Yes, it has been done before, but he found his own way of doing it – which means you can too. He wasn’t the great man he is today overnight! So with that said, keep pushing, keep praying, and soon enough you will find your extraordinary self! And sometimes, there really isn’t much to find because you have been extraordinary the entire time.

    If you want to see someone extraordinary look up or Google ‘Nick Vujicic’. If you want to get an example of being extraordinary that young man will show you a great example! We should all be like Nick Vujicic in our everyday lives. So Be Your Extraordinary Self! Also, read it The Leap FrogOh, The Places You’ll Go!

    Be Your Extraordinary Self

  • Be The Change You Want to See in The World

    Be The Change You Want to See in The World

    Be The Change You Want to See in The World

    There are so many things that happen from day to day in this world we live in. It is easy to complain about how others should be and what others are doing, but are we asking ourselves the same thing that we ask of others?

    If I want to see the world where people are kinder to one another, I have to first exhibit that kindness. If I wish that more people would go out and give back to their communities, I essentially should be doing the same.

    It is interesting to see what we complain about, and even more interesting to see what we are doing with our time and our efforts. In order to impact change, it starts with us. Once that concept is understood I think it becomes easier to manage life.

    “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

    Call up a few friends and catch lunch together. Gather a few buddies and go out and do a service project together. These are ways you can grow with the people you love and be the change that you are constantly talking about.

    Also, don’t be afraid to talk about your good deeds. If you know your intent is to motivate others, then do not be afraid to share. The good things that happen in the world are rarely shared. The negative things are talked about often, and no one ever grows tired of seeing it (besides me). On the other hand, if you talk about the good you are doing in the world, it is taken as boastful and shouldn’t be discussed publicly. In my opinion that is foolish.

    Let’s stop following the typical norms and begin to make those changes. Advertise truth, love, and happiness just as much as you do everything else. Switch your focus and find others who are like-minded with the thoughts and ideas you are passionate about. Surround yourselves with people doing great things in the world and use them as inspiration to do the same. If you don’t know anyone personally, just like Daniel stated earlier, I recommend visiting the www.TED.com. You will get a lot of great insight. Trust!

    Continue to grow and never stop learning. Life can be stressful, but learning new things can shift that stress. Through learning, life becomes more manageable and it gives you a sense of peace. Regain your peace again. Stop looking to fill your life up with tasks to stay busy and find meaningful things to do, such as reading, writing, and enjoying the arts or something you love doing.

    Keep being anchors for change and bring others along with you for the journey. We all have one person we can change the world with. Imagine if we all just took one friend along with us on that journey. 

    Let me hit you with a few espresso shots on the house:

    Pray for people you dislike the most!! Yep, I know, you are probably saying it won’t happen. Trust, you will thank me later. Think about someone who has just made your life a complete hell and then pray for them. They probably need it more than you do!

    Get that scowl off of your face. No need to walk around looking as if you are mad at the world! Smile! You never know who needs that small gesture of kindness.

    You most likely have at least 100 – 200+ contacts in your phone and yet, you haven’t called nearly half of them or anyone in a long time. Call an old friend up! Make sure their phone isn’t disconnected and tell them that you love them. Even if you don’t talk that much.

    Volunteer and do something for your community. Checking out the Boys and Girls Club, homeless shelters, even helping out a neighbor can be considered as helping the community!

    Hi-five a stranger! Hi-fives are always cool and they are always accepted!

    Now go out and be overly inspired maniacs!! The world needs more of us!! Shots, Everybody!!

  • 10 Reasons Why You’re Failing at Life?

    10 Reasons Why You’re Failing at Life?

    10 Reasons Why You’re Failing at Life?

    Failing at Life – As we continue further, I want you to realize that there are a number of things that we are doing wrong which may not seem serious, but they are ultimately hurting our lives in more ways than some. Read up! 

    • You Don’t Culture Yourself

    How often are you taking the time to study the world around you? There are thousands of different languages, hundreds of different restaurants, and art spewing from every far corner of every city. There is much that can come from the world around you. One might say that the only way anyone can become truly cultured is if they physically surround themselves with that culture. While this makes sense, there are many other ways to fulfill that need without having to go a couple thousand miles outside of the country. There is Google, Wikipedia, Netflix documentaries, and so much more that can shape you and create a masterpiece. All you have to do is step outside of the box and you will see the opportunities that lie ahead.

    • You Are Not Writing Down Your Ideas

    Are you coming up with ideas at random? Do you ever write them down? You should always write down your ideas no matter how silly they may be. You may not be able to map them out just yet, but maybe in a few years it will be able to happen. Write down those dreams and soon enough they will become reality. Don’t sleep on the idea. I use to pretend as if I had the perfect memory and that I could forget nothing and soon enough, I saw that all of my good ideas were going by the wayside because I wasn’t writing them down. Don’t be that guy/girl who never writes their ideas down. Start doing it and see where you get after a year or two. After a while something will be a hit. Then the games will begin.

    • You Forgot About Giving Back

    I guess you had this silly notion that you got to where you are without a little help. You thought for a split second that you were controlling the stars and the planets, and you put yourself in the alignment and out of the explosion came YOU. Giving back is one of the most important things you can do. Helping the homeless, family members, a brother or a sister could be that means of giving back.

    I am sure some of you may be reading this and thinking “Well, I do most of this stuff… I guess I am not failing.” Wrong! If you think because you do the bare minimum that you have done enough, then you have fooled yourself. There is much more that can be done and more to be done with the talents that you have. Giving back to others that are in need isn’t just something “cool” to do. It is, and should be, one of your many purposes of living.

    • Negative People Surround You

    Negative people have woven themselves into the very fiber of your existence. These so-called “Friends” aren’t the friends you saw on that 90’s sitcom show. Those were FRIENDS. What you have around you are a bunch of negative and tired individuals who need prayer and examination. IF this doesn’t apply to you then I suggest you move on, but before you go, here are a few other thoughts: What are you to your friends? Are you that negative one?  Are you the one bringing the people around you down? Here is the moment of clarity and honesty that you have been waiting for – if you are NOT the culprit then I suggest that you find new friends. If anything can done, pray for the older friends to find that purpose and that place in life for themselves as well.

    • Your Priorities Are Out of Order

    Your time and energy are not being spent on the right things and/or the right people. The people who truly care for you are being overlook. The things that are truly important are being place in the passenger seat, possibly even in the back seat or EVEN, the trunk. If the priorities aren’t squared up with the mission that your life is pillared upon, then you can kiss any thought of “success” goodbye. This is where writing out goals comes into place and where good friends, family, teachers, and any other important people in your life have to keep you in check. Just as much as we need to get by, so do you.

    • You Stopped WRITING

    Why have you stopped challenging the brain and all its thinking? The concept of writing is an expression of form and design meeting those faint blue lines, and yet you ignore them. You have now trapped yourself in the Alcatraz of Internet puns and one liners. Your entire life can now be summed up in a few mimes. You have brought this on yourself but the great thing is that you are not too late, You can begin writing letters to those you love and others who you may care about deeply, You may now physically cross your T’s and DOT your I’s.

    Through writing, we become better individuals. You once expressed yourself and gave your thoughts a chance to play. When you grew tired, you rested and then picked back up where you left off the next day. Try writing at least once or twice a week. Even if the letter never goes out to anyone, at least you will be pushing the brain to do all that it once did when you were a little child.

    • You Need to Start Forgiving

    10 Reasons Why You're Failing at Life - Don't Give Up!

    You are holding on to pain and torment and you have been doing this for years now. This is only a quicker way to destroy the goodness that is on the inside of your heart. By forgiving, we get a second to remember the time when a certain individual forgave us and then gave His life up for us. Everyone is having it tough but everyone isn’t letting their lack of forgiveness shape their entire world.

    • You Are Not Being Kind to Others

    You never know when a random act of kindness could change the world. Whether it is a friend, stranger, or family member. All of these individuals deserve kindness. If we were all a little bit kinder to our friends and the world around us, we would be in an entirely different place. When you are kind to others, perform the act with no want or no benefits behind it.

    • You are Not Networking

    We all know it’s not about what you know, it is about who you know. While we know this is important we forget about it all the time. There are organizations in each and every city that promote networking and getting involved with the community but we rarely use these opportunities. We let work and life drain us, and we never advance like we should. Some examples include groups such as the NAACP, National Urban League, the church (which is a great place to network with a variety of people), local community events and so on and so forth. With networking happening, you should definitely have business cards in place. Even if it is something general.

    Vistaprint is a great place to get a few business cards and Moo Cards is awesome as well. Also, every profession has a club or social group outside of its place of employment. Find those groups and see how you can get active with them or contribute to the cause. Lastly, we don’t stay in touch with the friends we have. Sometimes all it takes is someone to hear you say, “Yeah, I am looking for a job…” and all of a sudden they may know someone who can help you. Conferences, conventions and so many more things happen each and every day. It is time to start getting active! Network builds your net worth!

    • You are Forgetting to Pray

    This is one of those personal struggles of mine. I get so tiring and so wrapped up in my feelings, my problems and my life that I tend to forget about who controls it all. I forget about who is the master and who is in charge. A simple prayer could shape and change the lives of the world around us. I could continue to go on and on with this one, but I think it says it all. A hip-hop rapper I am close with said this: “You should pray more… it just makes sense, but all you want is dollars and that just don’t make cents.” I think that this is where I digress. Time to improve and make a change. Unless you want to continue failing because that is cool as well.

    Dear Learner! What do you think about 10 Reasons Why You’re Failing at Life? Be Your Extraordinary SelfReinvent Yourself..!

    10 Reasons Why You're Failing at Life?

  • Validity


    What is Validity?

    The most crucial issue in test construction is validity. Whereas reliability addresses issues of consistency, validity assesses what the test is to be accurate about. A test that is valid for clinical assessment should measure what it is intended to measure and should also produce information useful to clinicians. A psychological test cannot be said to be valid in any abstract or absolute sense, but more practically, it must be valid in a particular context and for a specific group of people (Messick, 1995). Although a test can be reliable without being valid, the opposite is not true; a necessary prerequisite for validity is that the test must have achieved an adequate level of reliability. Thus, a valid test is one that accurately measures the variable it is intended to measure. For example, a test comprising questions about a person’s musical preference might erroneously state that it is a test of creativity. The test might be reliable in the sense that if it is given to the same person on different occasions, it produces similar results each time. However, it would not be reliable in that an investigation might indicate it does not correlate with other more valid measurements of creativity.

    Establishing the validity of a test can be extremely difficult, primarily because psychological variables are usually abstract concepts such as intelligence, anxiety, and personality. These concepts have no tangible reality, so their existence must be inferred through indirect means. In addition, conceptualization and research on constructs undergo change over time requiring that test validation go through continual refinement (G. Smith & McCarthy, 1995). In constructing a test, a test designer must follow two necessary, initial steps. First, the construct must be theoretically evaluated and described; second, specific operations (test questions) must be developed to measure it (S. Haynes et al., 1995). Even when the designer has followed these steps closely and conscientiously, it is sometimes difficult to determine what the test really measures. For example, IQ tests are good predictors of academic success, but many researchers question whether they adequately measure the concept of intelligence as it is theoretically described. Another hypothetical test that, based on its item content, might seem to measure what is described as musical aptitude may in reality be highly correlated with verbal abilities. Thus, it may be more a measure of verbal abilities than of musical aptitude.

    Any estimate of validity is concerned with relationships between the test and some external independently observed event. The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, American Educational Research Association [AERA], American Psychological Association [APA], & National Council for Measurement in Education [NCME], 1999; G. Morgan, Gliner, & Harmon, 2001) list the three main methods of establishing validity as content-related, criterion-related, and construct-related.

    Content Validity

    During the initial construction phase of any test, the developers must first be concerned with its content validity. This refers to the representativeness and relevance of the assessment instrument to the construct being measured. During the initial item selection, the constructors must carefully consider the skills or knowledge area of the variable they would like to measure. The items are then generated based on this conceptualization of the variable. At some point, it might be decided that the item content over-represents, under-represents, or excludes specific areas, and alterations in the items might be made accordingly. If experts on subject matter are used to determine the items, the number of these experts and their qualifications should be included in the test manual. The instructions they received and the extent of agreement between judges should also be provided. A good test covers not only the subject matter being measured, but also additional variables. For example, factual knowledge may be one criterion, but the application of that knowledge and the ability to analyze data are also important. Thus, a test with high content validity must cover all major aspects of the content area and must do so in the correct proportion.

    A concept somewhat related to content validity is face validity. These terms are not synonymous, however, because content validity pertains to judgments made by experts, whereas face validity concerns judgments made by the test users. The central issue in face validity is test rapport. Thus, a group of potential mechanics who are being tested for basic skills in arithmetic should have word problems that relate to machines rather than to business transactions. Face validity, then, is present if the test looks good to the persons taking it, to policymakers who decide to include it in their programs, and to other untrained personnel. Despite the potential importance of face validity in regard to test-taking attitudes, disappointingly few formal studies on face validity are performed and/or reported in test manuals.

    In the past, content validity has been conceptualized and operationalized as being based on the subjective judgment of the test developers. As a result, it has been regarded as the least preferred form of test validation, albeit necessary in the initial stages of test development. In addition, its usefulness has been primarily focused at achievement tests (how well has this student learned the content of the course?) and personnel selection (does this applicant know the information relevant to the potential job?). More recently, it has become used more extensively in personality and clinical assessment (Butcher, Graham, Williams, & Ben-Porath, 1990; Millon, 1994). This has paralleled more rigorous and empirically based approaches to content validity along with a closer integration to criterion and construct validation.

    Criterion Validity

    A second major approach to determining validity is criterion validity, which has also been called empirical or predictive validity. Criterion validity is determined by comparing test scores with some sort of performance on an outside measure. The outside measure should have a theoretical relation to the variable that the test is supposed to measure. For example, an intelligence test might be correlated with grade point average; an aptitude test, with independent job ratings or general maladjustment scores, with other tests measuring similar dimensions. The relation between the two measurements is usually expressed as a correlation coefficient.

    Criterion-related validity is most frequently divided into either concurrent or predictive validity. Concurrent validity refers to measurements taken at the same, or approximately the same, time as the test. For example, an intelligence test might be administered at the same time as assessments of a group’s level of academic achievement. Predictive validity refers to outside measurements that were taken some time after the test scores were derived. Thus, predictive validity might be evaluated by correlating the intelligence test scores with measures of academic achievement a year after the initial testing. Concurrent validation is often used as a substitute for predictive validation because it is simpler, less expensive, and not as time consuming. However, the main consideration in deciding whether concurrent or predictive validation is preferable depends on the test’s purpose. Predictive validity is most appropriate for tests used for selection and classification of personnel. This may include hiring job applicants, placing military personnel in specific occupational training programs, screening out individuals who are likely to develop emotional disorders, or identifying which category of psychiatric populations would be most likely to benefit from specific treatment approaches. These situations all require that the measurement device provide a prediction of some future outcome. In contrast, concurrent validation is preferable if an assessment of the client’s current status is required, rather than a prediction of what might occur to the client at some future time. The distinction can be summarized by asking “Is Mr. Jones maladjusted?” (concurrent validity) rather than “Is Mr. Jones likely to become maladjusted at some future time?” (predictive validity).

    An important consideration is the degree to which a specific test can be applied to a unique work-related environment (see Hogan, Hogan, & Roberts, 1996). This relates more to the social value and consequences of the assessment than the formal validity as reported in the test manual (Messick, 1995). In other words, can the test under consideration provide accurate assessments and predictions for the environment in which the examinee is working? To answer this question adequately, the examiner must refer to the manual and assess the similarity between the criteria used to establish the test’s validity and the situation to which he or she would like to apply the test. For example, can an aptitude test that has adequate criterion validity in the prediction of high school grade point average also be used to predict academic achievement for a population of college students? If the examiner has questions regarding the relative applicability of the test, he or she may need to undertake a series of specific tasks. The first is to identify the required skills for adequate performance in the situation involved. For example, the criteria for a successful teacher may include such attributes as verbal fluency, flexibility, and good public speaking skills. The examiner then must determine the degree to which each skill contributes to the quality of a teacher’s performance. Next, the examiner has to assess the extent to which the test under consideration measures each of these skills. The final step is to evaluate the extent to which the attribute that the test measures are relevant to the skills the examiner needs to predict. Based on these evaluations, the examiner can estimate the confidence that he or she places in the predictions developed from the test. This approach is sometimes referred to as synthetic validity because examiners must integrate or synthesize the criteria reported in the test manual with the variables they encounter in their clinical or organizational settings.

    The strength of criterion validity depends in part on the type of variable being measured. Usually, intellectual or aptitude tests give relatively higher validity coefficients than personality tests because there are generally a greater number of variables influencing personality than intelligence. As the number of variables that influences the trait being measured increases, it becomes progressively more difficult to account for them. When a large number of variables are not accounted for, the trait can be affected in unpredictable ways. This can create a much wider degree of fluctuation in the test scores, thereby lowering the validity coefficient. Thus, when evaluating a personality test, the examiner should not expect as high a validity coefficient as for intellectual or aptitude tests. A helpful guide is to look at the validities found in similar tests and compare them with the test being considered. For example, if an examiner wants to estimate the range of validity to be expected for the extra-version scale on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, he or she might compare it with the validities for similar scales found in the California Personality Inventory and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. The relative level of validity, then, depends both on the quality of the construction of the test and on the variable being studied.

    An important consideration is the extent to which the test accounts for the trait being measured or the behavior being predicted. For example, the typical correlation between intelligence tests and academic performance is about .50 (Neisser et al., 1996). Because no one would say that grade point average is entirely the result of intelligence, the relative extent to which intelligence determines grade point average has to be estimated. This can be calculated by squaring the correlation coefficient and changing it into a percentage. Thus, if the correlation of .50 is squared, it comes out to 25%, indicating that 25% of academic achievement can be accounted for by IQ as measured by the intelligence test. The remaining 75% may include factors such as motivation, quality of instruction, and past educational experience. The problem facing the examiner is to determine whether 25% of the variance is sufficiently useful for the intended purposes of the test. This ultimately depends on the personal judgment of the examiner.

    The main problem confronting criterion validity is finding an agreed-on, definable, acceptable, and feasible outside criterion. Whereas for an intelligence test the grade point average might be an acceptable criterion, it is far more difficult to identify adequate criteria for most personality tests. Even with so-called intelligence tests, many researchers argue that it is more appropriate to consider them tests of scholastic aptitude rather than of intelligence. Yet another difficulty with criterion validity is the possibility that the criterion measure will be inadvertently biased. This is referred to as criterion contamination and occurs when knowledge of the test results influences an individual’s later performance. For example, a supervisor in an organization who receives such information about subordinates may act differently toward a worker placed in a certain category after being tested. This situation may set up negative or positive expectations for the worker, which could influence his or her level of performance. The result is likely to artificially alter the level of the validity coefficients. To work around these difficulties, especially in regard to personality tests, a third major method must be used to determine validity. 

    Construct Validity

    The method of construct validity was developed in part to correct the inadequacies and difficulties encountered with content and criterion approaches. Early forms of content validity relied too much on subjective judgment, while criterion validity was too restrictive in working with the domains or structure of the constructs being measured. Criterion validity had the further difficulty in that there was often a lack of agreement in deciding on adequate outside criteria. The basic approach of construct validity is to assess the extent to which the test measures a theoretical construct or trait. This assessment involves three general steps. Initially, the test constructor must make a careful analysis of the trait. This is followed by a consideration of the ways in which the trait should relate to other variables. Finally, the test designer needs to test whether these hypothesized relationships actually exist (Foster & Cone, 1995). For example, a test measuring dominance should have a high correlation with the individual accepting leadership roles and a low or negative correlation with measures of submissiveness. Likewise, a test measuring anxiety should have a high positive correlation with individuals who are measured during an anxiety-provoking situation, such as an experiment involving some sort of physical pain. As these hypothesized relationships are verified by research studies, the degree of confidence that can be placed in a test increases.

    There is no single, best approach for determining construct validity; rather, a variety of different possibilities exist. For example, if some abilities are expected to increase with age, correlations can be made between a population’s test scores and age. This may be appropriate for variables such as intelligence or motor coordination, but it would not be applicable for most personality measurements. Even in the measurement of intelligence or motor coordination, this approach may not be appropriate beyond the age of maturity. Another method for determining construct validity is to measure the effects of experimental or treatment interventions. Thus, a posttest measurement may be taken following a period of instruction to see if the intervention affected the test scores in relation to a previous pretest measure. For example, after an examinee completes a course in arithmetic, it would be predicted that scores on a test of arithmetical ability would increase. Often, correlations can be made with other tests that supposedly measure a similar variable. However, a new test that correlates too highly with existing tests may represent needless duplication unless it incorporates some additional advantage such as a shortened format, ease of administration, or superior predictive validity. Factor analysis is of particular relevance to construct validation because it can be used to identify and assess the relative strength of different psychological traits. Factor analysis can also be used in the design of a test to identify the primary factor or factors measured by a series of different tests. Thus, it can be used to simplify one or more tests by reducing the number of categories to a few common factors or traits. The factorial validity of a test is the relative weight or loading that a factor has on the test. For example, if a factor analysis of a measure of psychopathology determined that the test was composed of two clear factors that seemed to be measuring anxiety and depression, the test could be considered to have factorial validity. This would be especially true if the two factors seemed to be accounting for a clear and large portion of what the test was measuring.

    Another method used in construct validity is to estimate the degree of internal consistency by correlating specific subtests with the test’s total score. For example, if a subtest on an intelligence test does not correlate adequately with the overall or Full Scale IQ, it should be either eliminated or altered in a way that increases the correlation. A final method for obtaining construct validity is for a test to converge or correlate highly with variables that are theoretically similar to it. The test should not only show this convergent validity but also have discriminate validity, in which it would demonstrate low or negative correlations with variables that are dissimilar to it. Thus, scores on reading comprehension should show high positive correlations with performance in a literature class and low correlations with performance in a class involving mathematical computation.

    Related to discriminant and convergent validity is the degree of sensitivity and specificity an assessment device demonstrates in identifying different categories. Sensitivity refers to the percentage of true positives that the instrument has identified, whereas specificity is the relative percentage of true negatives. A structured clinical interview might be quite sensitive in that it would accurately identify 90% of schizophrenics in an admitting ward of a hospital. However, it may not be sufficiently specific in that 30% of schizophrenics would be incorrectly classified as either normal or having some other diagnosis. The difficulty in determining sensitivity and specificity lies in developing agreed-on, objectively accurate outside criteria for categories such as psychiatric diagnosis, intelligence, or personality traits.

    As indicated by the variety of approaches discussed, no single, quick, efficient method exists for determining construct validity. It is similar to testing a series of hypotheses in which the results of the studies determine the meanings that can be attached to later test scores (Foster & Cone, 1995; Messick, 1995). Almost any data can be used, including material from the content and criterion approaches. The greater the amount of supporting data, the greater is the level of confidence with which the test can be used. In many ways, construct validity represents the strongest and most sophisticated approach to test construction. In many ways, all types of validity can be considered as subcategories of construct validity. It involves theoretical knowledge of the trait or ability being measured, knowledge of other related variables, hypothesis testing, and statements regarding the relationship of the test variable to a network of other variables that have been investigated. Thus, construct validation is a never-ending process in which new relationships always can be verified and investigated.

  • Reliability: Definition, Methods, and Example

    Reliability: Definition, Methods, and Example

    Uncover the true definition of reliability. Understand why reliability is crucial for machines, systems, and test results to perform consistently and accurately. What is Reliability? The quality of being trustworthy or performing consistently well. The degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification can depend on to be accurate.

    Here expiration of Reliability with their topic Definition, Methods, and Example.

    Definition of Reliability? The ability of an apparatus, machine, or system to consistently perform its intended or required function or mission, on-demand, and without degradation or failure.

    Manufacturing: The probability of failure-free performance over an item’s useful life, or a specified time-frame, under specified environmental and duty-cycle conditions. Often expressed as mean time between failures (MTBF) or reliability coefficient. Also called quality over time.

    Consistency and validity of test results determined through statistical methods after repeated trials.

    The reliability of a test refers to its degree of stability, consistency, predictability, and accuracy. It addresses the extent to which scores obtained by a person are the same if the person is reexamined by the same test on different occasions. Underlying the concept of reliability is the possible range of error, or error of measurement, of a single score.

    This is an estimate of the range of possible random fluctuation that can expect in an individual’s? score. It should stress; however, that a certain degree of error or noise is always present in the system; from such factors as a misreading of the items, poor administration procedures; or the changing mood of the client. If there is a large degree of random fluctuation; the examiner cannot place a great deal of confidence in an individual’s scores.

    Testing in Trials:

    The goal of a test constructor is to reduce, as much as possible; the degree of measurement error, or random fluctuation. If this is achieved, the difference between one score and another for a measured characteristic is more likely to result from some true difference than from some chance fluctuation. Two main issues related to the degree of error in a test. The first is the inevitable, natural variation in human performance.

    Usually, the variability is less for measurements of ability than for those of personality. Whereas ability variables (intelligence, mechanical aptitude, etc.) show gradual changes resulting from growth and development; many personality traits are much more highly dependent on factors such as mood. This is particularly true in the case of a characteristic such as anxiety.

    The practical significance of this in evaluating a test is that certain factors outside the test itself can serve to reduce the reliability that the test can realistically expect to achieve. Thus, an examiner should generally expect higher reliabilities for an intelligence test than for a test measuring a personality variable such as anxiety. It is the examiner’s responsibility to know what being measure; especially the degree of variability to expect in the measured trait.

    The second important issue relating to reliability is that psychological testing methods are necessarily imprecise. For the hard sciences, researchers can make direct measurements such as the concentration of a chemical solution; the relative weight of one organism compared with another, or the strength of radiation. In contrast, many constructs in psychology are often measured indirectly.

    For example;

    Intelligence cannot perceive directly; it must infer by measuring behavior that has been defined as being intelligent. Variability relating to these inferences is likely to produce a certain degree of error resulting from the lack of precision in defining and observing inner psychological constructs. Variability in measurement also occurs simply; because people have true (not because of test error) fluctuations in performance between one testing session and the next.

    Whereas it is impossible to control for the natural variability in human performance; adequate test construction can attempt to reduce the imprecision that is a function of the test itself. Natural human variability and test imprecision make the task of measurement extremely difficult. Although some error in testing is inevitable; the goal of test construction is to keep testing errors within reasonably accepted limits.

    A high correlation is generally .80 or more, but the variable being measured also changes the expected strength of the correlation. Likewise, the method of determining reliability alters the relative strength of the correlation. Ideally, clinicians should hope for correlations of .90 or higher in tests that are used to make decisions about individuals, whereas a correlation of .70 or more is generally adequate for research purposes.

    Methods of reliability:

    The purpose of reliability is to estimate the degree of test variance caused by the error. The four primary methods of obtaining reliability involve determining;

    • The extent to which the test produces consistent results on retesting (test-retest).
    • The relative accuracy of a test at a given time (alternate forms).
    • Internal consistency of the items (split half), and.
    • Degree of agreement between two examiners (inter-scorer).

    Another way to summarize this is that reliability can be time to time (test-retest), form to form (alternate forms), item to item (split half), or scorer to scorer (inter-scorer). Although these are the main types of reliability, there is a fifth type, the Kuder-Richardson; like the split-half, it is a measurement of the internal consistency of the test items. However, because this method is considered appropriate only for tests that are relatively pure measures of a single variable, it does not cover in this book. 

    Test-Retest Reliability:

    Test-retest reliability is determined by administering the test and then repeating it on a second occasion. The reliability coefficient is calculated by correlating the scores obtained by the same person on the two different administrations. The degree of correlation between the two scores indicates the extent to which the test scores can generalize from one situation to the next.

    If the correlations are high, the results are less likely to cause by random fluctuations in the condition of the examinee or the testing environment. Thus, when the test is being used in actual practice; the examiner can be relatively confident that differences in scores are the result of an actual change in the trait being measured rather than random fluctuation.

    Several factors must consider in assessing the appropriateness of test-retest reliability. One is that the interval between administrations can affect reliability. Thus, a test manual should specify the interval as well as any significant life changes that the examinees may have experienced such as counseling, career changes, or psychotherapy.

    For example;

    Tests of preschool intelligence often give reasonably high correlations if the second administration is within several months of the first one. However, correlations with later childhood or adult IQ are generally low because of innumerable intervening life changes. One of the major difficulties with test-retest reliability is the effect that practice and memory may have on performance; which can produce improvement between one administration and the next.

    This is a particular problem for speeded and memory tests such as those found on the Digit Symbol and Arithmetic sub-tests of the WAIS-III. Additional sources of variation may be the result of random, short-term fluctuations in the examinee, or variations in the testing conditions. In general, test-retest reliability is the preferred method only if the variable being measured is relatively stable. If the variable is highly changeable (e.g., anxiety), this method is usually not adequate. 

    Alternate Forms:

    The alternate forms method avoids many of the problems encountered with test-retest reliability. The logic behind alternate forms is that; if the trait measures several times on the same individual by using parallel forms of the test; the different measurements should produce similar results. The degree of similarity between the scores represents the reliability coefficient of the test.

    As in the test-retest method, the interval between administrations should always include in the manual as well as a description of any significant intervening life experiences. If the second administration gave immediately after the first; the resulting reliability is more a measure of the correlation between forms and not across occasions.

    More things:

    Correlations determined by tests given with a wide interval; such as two months or more provide a measure of both the relation between forms and the degree of temporal stability. The alternate forms method eliminates many carryover effects; such as the recall of previous responses the examinee has made to specific items.

    However, there is still likely to be some carryover effect in that the examinee can learn to adapt to the overall style of the test even when the specific item content between one test and another is unfamiliar. This is most likely when the test involves some sort of problem-solving strategy in which the same principle in solving one problem can use to solve the next one.

    An examinee, for example, may learn to use mnemonic aids to increase his or her performance on an alternate form of the WAIS-III Digit Symbol subtest. Perhaps the primary difficulty with alternate forms lies in determining whether the two forms are equivalent.

    For example;

    If one test is more difficult than its alternate form, the difference in scores may represent actual differences in the two tests rather than differences resulting from the unreliability of the measure. Because the test constructor is attempting to measure the reliability of the test itself and not the differences between the tests, this could confound and lower the reliability coefficient.

    Alternate forms should independently construct tests that use the same specifications, including the same number of items, type of content, format, and manner of administration. A final difficulty encounters primarily when there is a delay between one administration and the next. With such a delay, the examinee may perform differently because of short-term fluctuations such as mood, stress level, or the relative quality of the previous night’s sleep.

    Thus, an examinee’s abilities may vary somewhat from one examination to another, thereby affecting test results. Despite these problems, alternate forms reliability has the advantage of at least reducing, if not eliminating, any carryover effects of the test-retest method. A further advantage is that the alternate test forms can be useful for other purposes, such as assessing the effects of a treatment program or monitoring a patient’s changes over time by administering the different forms on separate occasions. 

    Split Half Reliability:

    The split-half method is the best technique for determining reliability for a trait with a high degree of fluctuation. Because the test given only once, the items are split in half, and the two halves correlate. As there is only one administration, the effects of time can’t intervene as they might with the test-retest method.

    Thus, the split-half method gives a measure of the internal consistency of the test items rather than the temporal stability of different administrations of the same test. To determine split-half reliability, the test often split based on odd and even items. This method is usually adequate for most tests. Dividing the test into a first half and second half can be effective in some cases; but is often inappropriate because of the cumulative effects of warming up fatigue, and boredom; all of which can result in different levels of performance on the first half of the test compared with the second.

    As is true with the other methods of obtaining reliability; the split-half method has limitations. When a test is split in half; there are fewer items on each half; which results in wider variability because the individual responses cannot stabilize as easily around a mean. As a general principle, the longer a test is; the more reliable it is because the larger the number of items; the easier it is for the majority of items to compensate for minor alterations in responding to a few of the other items. As with the alternate forms method; differences in the content may exist between one half and another.

    Inter-scorer Reliability:

    In some tests, scoring is based partially on the judgment of the examiner. Because judgment may vary between one scorer and the next; it may be important to assess the extent to which reliability might affect. This is especially true for projects and even for some ability tests where hard scorers may produce results somewhat different from easy scorers.

    This variance in interscorer reliability may apply for global judgments based on test scores such as brain injury versus normal; or, for small details of scoring such as whether a person has given a shading versus a texture response on the Rorschach. The basic strategy for determining interscorer reliability is to obtain a series of responses from a single client and to have these responses scored by two different individuals.

    A variation is to have two different examiners test the same client using the same test; and, then to determine how close their scores or ratings of the person are. The two sets of scores can then correlate to determine a reliability coefficient. Any test that requires even partial subjectivity in scoring should provide information on interscorer reliability.

    The best form of reliability is dependent on both the nature of the variable being measured; and, the purposes for which the test uses. If the trait or ability being measured is highly stable; the test-retest method is preferable; whereas split half is more appropriate for characteristics that are highly subject to fluctuations. When using a test to make predictions, the test-retest method is preferable; because it gives an estimate of the dependability of the test from one administration to the next.

    More things:

    This is particularly true if, when determining reliability; an increased time interval existed between the two administrations. If, on the other hand, the examiner is concerned with the internal consistency and accuracy of a test for a single, one-time measure, either the split-half of the alternative forms would be best.

    Another consideration in evaluating the acceptable range of reliability is the format of the test. Longer tests usually have higher reliabilities than shorter ones. Also, the format of the responses affects reliability. For example, a true-false format is likely to have lower reliability than multiple choice because each true-false item has a 50% possibility of the answer being correct by chance.

    In contrast, each question in a multiple-choice format having five possible choices has only a 20% possibility of being correct by chance. A final consideration is that tests with various subtests or subscales should report the reliability for the overall test as well as for each of the subtests. In general, the overall test score has significantly higher reliability than its subtests. In estimating the confidence with which test scores can interpret; the examiner should take into account the lower reliabilities of the subtests.

    1] For example;

    A Full-Scale IQ on the WAIS-III can interpret with more confidence than the specific subscale scores. Most test manuals include a statistical index of the amount of error that can expect test scores; which refers to the standard error of measurement (SEM). The logic behind the SEM is that test scores consist of both truth and error.

    Thus, there is always noise or error in the system, and the SEM provides a range to indicate how extensive that error is likely to be. The range depends on the test’s reliability so that the higher the reliability, the narrower the range of error. The SEM is a standard deviation score so that, for example, an SEM of 3 on an intelligence test would indicate that an individual’s score has a 68% chance of being ± 3 IQ points from the estimated true score.

    Result of Score:

    This is because the SEM of 3 represents a band extending from -1 to +1 standard deviations above and below the mean. Likewise, there would be a 95% chance that the individual’s score would fall within a range of ± 5 points from the estimated true score. From a theoretical perspective, the SEM is a statistical index of how a person’s repeat scores on a specific test would fall around a normal distribution.

    Thus, it is a statement of the relationship among a person’s obtain score; his or her theoretically true score, and the test reliability. Because it is an empirical statement of the probable range of scores; the SEM has more practical usefulness than a knowledge of the test reliability. This band of error also refer to as a confidence interval.

    The acceptable range of reliability is difficult to identify and depends partially on the variable being measured. In general; unstable aspects (states) of the person produce lower reliabilities than stable ones (traits). Thus, in evaluating a test, the examiner should expect higher reliabilities on stable traits or abilities than on changeable states.

    2] For example;

    A person’s general fund of vocabulary words is highly stable and therefore produces high reliabilities. In contrast, a person’s level of anxiety is often highly changeable. This means examiners should not expect nearly as high reliabilities for anxiety as for an ability measure such as vocabulary. Further consideration also related to the stability of the trait; or, the ability is the method of reliability that uses.

    Alternate forms consider giving the lowest estimate of the actual reliability of a test; while split-half provides the highest estimate. Another important way to estimate the adequacy of reliability is by comparing the reliability derived on other similar tests. The examiner can then develop a sense of the expected levels of reliability, which provides a baseline for comparisons.

    Result of example;

    In the example of anxiety, a clinician may not know what is an acceptable level of reliability. A general estimate can make by comparing the reliability of the test under consideration with other tests measuring the same or a similar variable. The most important thing to keep in mind is that lower levels of reliability usually suggest that less confidence can place in the interpretations and predictions based on the test data.

    However, clinical practitioners are less likely to concern with low statistical reliability; if they have some basis for believing the test is a valid measure of the client’s state at the time of testing. The main consideration is that the sign or test score does not mean one thing at one time and something different at another.

  • Goal Commitment: Meaning and Definition

    Goal Commitment: Meaning and Definition

    Goal Commitment? What affects the strength of commitment to goals? How does this affect goal attainment? Goal commitment is our determination to pursue a course of action that will lead to the goal we aspire to achieve (Bandura, 1986). The strength of goal commitment will affect how hard one will try to attain the goal. Goal commitment affects by the properties described thus far: difficulty and specificity. For example, when goals are too difficult, commitment declines, followed by a drop-off in performance (Locke & Latham, 1990).

    What is Goal Commitment?

    “Degree to which a person determine in achieving a desired (or required) goal.”

    Goals are central to current treatments of work motivation, and goal commitment is a critical construct in understanding the relationship between goals and task performance. Despite this importance, there is confusion about the role of goal commitment, and only recently has this key construct received the empirical attention it warrants. This meta-analysis, based on 83 independent samples, updates the goal commitment literature by summarizing the accumulated evidence on the antecedents and consequences of goal commitment. Using this aggregate empirical evidence, the role of goal commitment in the goal-setting process is clarified and key areas for future research identifies.

    Commitment also affect by goal intensity, goal participation, and peer influence.

    Goal Intensity:

    Commitment is related to goal intensity, or the amount of thought or mental effort that goes into formulating a goal and how it will be attained (Locke & Latham, 1990). This is similar to goal clarification because when we clarify a goal; we involve in a conscious process of collecting information about the goal and task and our ability to attain it (Schutz, 1989).

    In a study of fifth graders, Henderson (cited in Locke & Latham, 1990) found that students who formulated a greater number of reading purposes with more detail and elaboration attained their goals to a greater extent than did students with superficial purposes. Although there was no difference in IQ scores of the groups; the students who set more goals with elaboration were better readers. It stands to reason that the more thought that gives to developing a goal; the more likely one will commit to the goal.

    Goal Participation:

    How important, motivationally, is it for people to participate in goal setting? This is an important question because goals are often assigned by others at home, school, and work. The state imparts curriculum standards or goals to teachers, who in turn impose them on students. A sales manager may assign quotas to individual salespersons. Letting individuals participate in setting goals can lead to greater satisfaction. Nevertheless, telling people to achieve a goal can influence self-efficacy; because it suggests they are capable of achieving the goal (Locke & Latham, 1990).

    To investigate the effects of assigned and self-set goals; Schunk (1985) conducted a study of sixth-grade students with LD who were learning subtraction. One group was assigned goals (e.g., “Why don’t you try to do seven pages today”). A second group set goals themselves (e.g., “Decide how many pages you can do today”). A third group worked without goals. Students who self-set goals had the highest self-efficacy and math scores. Both goal groups demonstrated higher levels of self-regulation than the control group without any goals.

    Nevertheless, Locke and Latham (1990) concluded that self-set goals are not consistently more effective than assigned goals in increasing performance. The crucial factor in assigned goals is acceptance. Once individuals become involved in a goal, the goal itself becomes more important than how it was set or whether it was imposed. Because, at work and in schools, goals are often assigned by others; the assigned goals must accept by participants. Joint participation in goal setting by teachers and students may increase the acceptance of goals.

    Peer Influence:

    One factor where teachers might be influential in promoting goal acceptance and commitment is peer influence. Strong group pressures are likely to increase commitment to goals (Locke & Latham, 1990). This group cohesiveness is more often found on athletic teams. Obviously, the coach wants a strong commitment to the team goals. In the classroom, group goals may aid the commitment of students working in cooperative learning groups and thus lead to a higher quality of work.

    An Entrepreneur will need to do if you want to commit towards achievement:

    The following achievement below are;

    Make sure that your business goals are achievable.

    The biggest enemy of achieving business goals is setting up unrealistic goals. For example, if you set the goal to increase sales by 500%; although the growth of the industry is lower than 10%, surely, 500% would be unrealistic.

    If you notice that some goal cannot be achieved, simply adjust it in the line with reality. For example, use a 15% increasing in sales instead of 500%. The goal of 15% would be much more realistic, and certainly; it will be as imperative for you and your business to achieve it because it is above-average in the industry.

    Use specific sentences in your business goals.

    Imagine the goal from our example above: increasing sales in the future. For how much we will need to increase the sales? At which time we will need to increase the sales? This is a really confusing and undetermined goal. If you don’t know what to achieve and when to achieve it, you will probably not even try to achieve it.

    Write your business goals on the paper.

    Different scientific researches prove that if you put something on a paper; your commitment to that something is will be higher. In his book Influence; The Psychology of Persuasion, Dr. Robert Cialdini gives an example from the Korean war in which the Chinese soldiers in the camps where he held prisoners (soldiers) were looking for written statements that communism is better than the US system to write on the paper. Thus a long time they were committed to his own statement in which basically they did not believe. If your business goal writes on paper they will be in a group with a higher commitment than the goals that remain only in our head.

    Determine the activities that must accomplish.

    Knowing the activities that must implement to achieve your business goals in advance will increase the level of commitment to the goal. Therefore, once you have the goal of the paper, list the activities.

    Assign responsible for each activity.

    At the end of each activity assign responsibility for implementations. In such a way, the commitment will transfer to the employees or your team members; and, at the same time will assure achievement.

    Goal Commitment
    Goal Commitment: Meaning and Definition
  • Components of a Strategy Statement

    Components of a Strategy Statement

    What are Components of a Strategy Statement?

    The strategy statement of a firm sets the firm’s long-term strategic direction and broad policy directions. It gives the firm a clear sense of direction and a blueprint for the firm’s activities for the upcoming years. The main constituents of a strategic statement are as follows:

    Strategic Intent

    An organization’s strategic intent is the purpose that it exists and why it will continue to exist, providing it maintains a competitive advantage. Strategic intent gives a picture of what an organization must get into immediately in order to achieve the company’s vision. It motivates the people. It clarifies the vision of the vision of the company.

    Strategic intent helps management to emphasize and concentrate on the priorities. Strategic intent is, nothing but, the influencing of an organization’s resource potential and core competencies to achieve what at first may seem to be unachievable goals in the competitive environment. A well expressed strategic intent should guide/steer the development of strategic intent or the setting of goals and objectives that require that all of the organization’s competencies be controlled to a maximum value.

    Strategic intent includes directing organization’s attention on the need of winning; inspiring people by telling them that the targets are valuable; encouraging individual and team participation as well as the contribution, and utilizing intent to direct allocation of resources.

    Strategic intent differs from strategic fit in a way that while strategic fit deals with harmonizing available resources and potentials to the external environment, strategic intent emphasizes on building new resources and potentials so as to create and exploit future opportunities.

    Vision Statement

    A vision statement identifies where the organization wants or intends to be in future or where it should be to best meet the needs of the stakeholders. It describes dreams and aspirations for future. For instance, Microsoft’s vision is “to empower people through great software, any time, any place, or any device.” Wal-Mart’s vision is to become the worldwide leader in retailing.

    A vision is the potential to view things ahead of themselves. It answers the question “where we want to be”. It gives us a reminder about what we attempt to develop. A vision statement is for the organization and its members, unlike the mission statement which is for the customers/clients. It contributes to effective decision-making as well as effective business planning. It incorporates a shared understanding about the nature and aim of the organization and utilizes this understanding to direct and guide the organization towards a better purpose. It describes that on achieving the mission, how the organizational future would appear to be.

    Mission Statement

    The mission statement is the statement of the role by which an organization intends to serve its stakeholders. It describes why an organization is operating and thus provides a framework within which strategies are formulated. It describes what the organization does (i.e., present capabilities), who all it serves (i.e., stakeholders) and what makes an organization unique (i.e., the reason for existence).

    A mission statement differentiates an organization from others by explaining its broad scope of activities, its products, and technologies it uses to achieve its goals and objectives. It talks about an organization’s present (i.e., “about where we are”). For instance, Microsoft’s mission is to help people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential. Wal-Mart’s mission is “To give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same thing as rich people.” Mission statements always exist at the top level of an organization, but may also be made at various organizational levels. Chief executive plays a significant role in the formulation of a mission statement. Once the mission statement is formulated, it serves the organization in long run, but it may become ambiguous with organizational growth and innovations.

    In today’s dynamic and competitive environment, the mission may need to be redefined. However, care must be taken that the redefined mission statement should have original fundamentals/components. The mission statement has three main components a statement of mission or vision of the company, a statement of the core values that shape the acts and behavior of the employees, and a statement of the goals and objectives.

    Goals and Objectives

    A goal is a desired future state or objective that an organization tries to achieve. Goals specify in particular what must be done if an organization is to attain mission or vision. Goals make the mission more prominent and concrete. They coordinate and integrate various functional and departmental areas in an organization.

    Objectives: Objective, in general, indicates a place where you want to reach. In organizational literature, it means the aim which an organization tries to achieve. Objectives are generally in plural form. Objectives are predetermined; they provide clear direction to the activities and results to be obtained from the planning process. Objectives must be SMART (Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely). Objectives must be clearly defined so that the works become goal-oriented and the unproductive and unsystematic tasks can be avoided.

    Goals: A Goal is simply something that somebody wants to achieve. The synonyms of goal are aim, ambition, purpose, target and objective. Simply speaking, goal refers to the purpose towards which the efforts are made or endeavors are directed. A goal has a time-frame which is generally long term. So, it’s a long term plan.

    At this stage, it is important to differentiate between the terms objective and goal, because the words, objective and goals seem to be synonymous, but, in fact, they are not. It does not matter much which word you call goal and which word you call objective if you are consistent in your own use and understand its relevance or applicability. However, if there are words in English that are confusing, especially to the students, objective and goal are the ones among them. It’s, therefore, important to understand them so as to avoid the confusion.

    When you have something you want to accomplish, it is important to set both goals and objectives. Once you learn the difference between goals and objectives, you will realize that how important it is that you have both of them. Goals without objectives can never be accomplished while objectives without goals will never get you to where you want to be. The two concepts are separate but related and will help you to be who you want to be.

  • What is Strategic Management? Meaning and Definition

    What is Strategic Management? Meaning and Definition

    What is Strategic Management? Strategic management involves the formulation and implementation of the major goals and initiatives taken by a company’s top management on behalf of owners, based on consideration of resources and an assessment of the internal and external environments in which the organization competes. Strategic management can also define as a bundle of decisions and acts which a manager undertakes and which decides the result of the firm’s performance.

    Here explains read and learn; What is Strategic Management? Meaning and Definition.

    Strategic management provides overall direction to the enterprise and involves specifying the organization’s objectives, developing policies and plans designed to achieve these objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the plans. Academics and practicing managers have developed numerous models and frameworks to assist in strategic decision making in the context of complex environments and competitive dynamics. Strategic management is not static; the models often include a feedback loop to monitor execution and inform the next round of planning.

    Michael Porter identifies three principles underlying strategy: creating a “unique and valuable market position”, making trade-offs by choosing “what not to do”, and creating “fit” by aligning company activities with one another to support the chosen strategy. Dr. Vladimir Kvint defines strategy as “a system of finding, formulating, and developing a doctrine that will ensure long-term success if followed faithfully.

    The corporate strategy involves answering a key question from a portfolio perspective: “What business should we be in?” Business strategy involves answering the question: “How shall we compete in this business?” In management theory and practice, a further distinction is often made between strategic management and operational management. Operational management is concerned primarily with improving efficiency and controlling costs within the boundaries set by the organization’s strategy.

    Definition of Strategic Management:

    Strategic management involves the formulation and implementation of the major goals and initiatives taken by a company’s top management on behalf of owners, based on consideration of resources and an assessment of the internal and external environments in which the organization competes.

    The strategy is defined as;

    “The determination of the basic long-term goals of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals.”

    Strategies are established to set direction, focus effort, define or clarify the organization, and provide consistency or guidance in response to the environment. As well as, Strategic management involves the related concepts of strategic planning and strategic thinking. It is analytical and refers to formalized procedures to produce the data and analyses used as inputs for strategic thinking; which synthesizes the data resulting in the strategy. Strategic planning may also refer to control mechanisms used to implement the strategy once it determines.

    In other words, strategic planning happens around strategic thinking or strategy making activity. Strategic management often describes as involving two major processes: formulation and implementation of a strategy. While described sequentially below, in practice the two processes are iterative and each provides input for the other. Also, Strategic Management is all about identification and description of the strategies; that managers can carry to achieve better performance and a competitive advantage for their organization. An organization is said to have a competitive advantage if its profitability is higher than the average profitability of all companies in its industry.


    The manager must have a thorough knowledge and analysis of the general and competitive organizational environment to make the right decisions. They should conduct a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), i.e., they should make the best possible utilization of strengths, minimize the organizational weaknesses, make use of arising opportunities from the business environment and shouldn’t ignore the threats.

    Strategic management is nothing but planning for both predictable as well as unfeasible contingencies. It applies to both small as well as large organizations as even the smallest organization faces competition; and, by formulating and implementing appropriate strategies; they can attain sustainable competitive advantage.

    It is a way in which strategists set the objectives and proceed about attaining them. It deals with making and implementing decisions about the future direction of an organization. They help us to identify the direction in which an organization is moving.

    Strategic management is a continuous process that evaluates and controls the business and the industries in which an organization involve; evaluates its competitors and sets goals and strategies to meet all existing and potential competitors; and then reevaluates strategies regularly to determine how it has been implemented and whether it was successful or does it needs replacement.

    Strategic Management
    What is Strategic Management? Meaning and Definition.

    More things;

    Strategic Management gives a broader perspective to the employees of an organization; and, they can better understand how their job fits into the entire organizational plan; how it co-relate to other organizational members. It is nothing but the art of managing employees in a manner that maximizes the ability to achieve business objectives. The employees become more trustworthy, more committed and satisfied; as they can co-relate themselves very well with each organizational task.

    They can understand the reaction of environmental changes in the organization; and, the probable response of the organization with the help of strategic management. Thus the employees can judge the impact of such changes on their job and can effectively face the changes. Also, the managers and employees must appropriately do appropriate things. They need to be both effective as well as efficient.

  • Strategy


    What is Strategy?

    A method or plan has chosen to bring about the desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to a problem.

    The art and science of planning and marshaling resources for their most efficient and effective use. The term is derived from the Greek word for generalship or leading an army. See also tactics.

    A strategy is a high-level plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty. In the sense of the “art of the general”, which included several subsets of skills including “tactics”, siege craft, logistics etc., the term came into use in the 6th century C.E. in East Roman terminology and was translated into Western vernacular languages only in the 18th century. From then until the 20th century, the word “strategy” came to denote “a comprehensive way to try to pursue political ends, including the threat or actual use of force, in a dialectic of wills” in a military conflict, in which both adversaries interact.

    Companies now face increasingly turbulent, complex and threatening environments. In the past, they could succeed by focusing virtually all management efforts on running their day to day affairs as efficiently as possible. Although such focusing is still important, adapting the firms to changing environmental conditions have become an essential gradient for success.

    The strategic management perspective highlights the significance of devoting more attention to analyzing environments and formulating strategies that relate directly to environmental changes. The ultimate purpose of strategic management is to help the organization increase its performance through increased effectiveness, efficiency, and flexibility.

    A strategy is a way of doing something. It usually includes the formulation of an objective and a set of action plans for the accomplishment of the objective.

    Strategic management may be understood as the process of formulating, implementing and evaluating business strategies to achieve organizational objectives. It is a set of managerial decisions and actions that determine the long-term performance of a corporation. It involves environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, evaluation, and control.

    The study of strategic management emphasizes on monitoring and evaluating environmental opportunities and threats in the light of corporation’s strengths and weaknesses.

    Step 01: Analyze opportunities and threats or constraints that exist in the external environment.

    Step 02: Formulate strategies that will match the organization’s strengths and weaknesses with opportunities and threats or constraints that exist in the external environment.

    Step 03: Implement the strategies.

    Step 04: Evaluate and control activities to ensure that organizations objectives are achieved.

    It is important because the resources available to achieve these goals are usually limited. Generally involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions. A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources). This is generally tasked with determining strategy. The strategy can be intended or can emerge as a pattern of activity as the organization adapts to its environment or competes. It involves activities such as strategic planning and strategic thinking.

    Henry Mintzberg from McGill University defined strategy as a pattern in a stream of decisions to contrast with a view of strategy as planning, while Max McKeown (2011) argues that “strategy is about shaping the future” and is the human attempt to get to “desirable ends with available means.” Dr. Vladimir Kvint defines strategy as “a system of finding, formulating, and developing a doctrine that will ensure long-term success if followed faithfully.”

    Many Definitions of Strategy

    In 1988, Henry Mintzberg described the many different definitions and perspectives on strategy reflected in both academic research and in practice. He examined the strategic process and concluded it was much more fluid and unpredictable than people had thought. Because of this, he could not point to one process that could be called strategic planning. Instead, Mintzberg concludes that there are five types of strategies:

    As plan: A directed course of action to achieve an intended set of goals; similar to the strategic planning concept.

    As pattern: A consistent pattern of past behavior, with a strategy realized over time rather than planned or intended. Where the realized pattern was different from the intent, he referred to the strategy as emergent.

    As position: Locating brands, products, or companies within the market, based on the conceptual framework of consumers or other stakeholders; a strategy determined primarily by factors outside the firm.

    As ploy: A specific maneuver intended to outwit a competitor; and

    As perspective: Executing strategy based on a “theory of the business” or natural extension of the mindset or ideological perspective of the organization.

    In 1998, Mintzberg developed these five types of management strategy into 10 “schools of thought” and grouped them into three categories. The first group is normative. It consists of the schools of informal design and conception, the formal planning, and analytical positioning. The second group, consisting of six schools, is more concerned with how strategic management is actually done, rather than prescribing optimal plans or positions. The six schools are entrepreneurial, visionary, cognitive, learning/adaptive/emergent, negotiation, corporate culture and business environment. The third and final group consists of one school, the configuration or transformation school, a hybrid of the other schools organized into stages, organizational life cycles, or “episodes”.

    Michael Porter defined strategy in 1980 as the “Broad formula for how a business is going to compete, what its goals should be, and what policies will be needed to carry out those goals” and the “Combination of the ends (goals) for which the firm is striving and the means (policies) by which it is seeking to get there.” He continued that: “The essence of formulating the competitive strategy is relating a company to its environment.”