English Grammar Understanding the Basics:
English Grammar Understanding the Basics: Book by Evelyn P. Altenberg and Robert M. Vago
English Grammar Understanding the Basics: Book by Evelyn P. Altenberg and Robert M. Vago
1000 Phrasal Verbs In Context by Matt Errey
English Vocabulary in Use Advanced by Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell
A Students Introduction to English Grammar by Rodney Huddleston and Pullum Geoffrey
This post will give you some practical suggestions in applying the Feedback Training Method work to your language study, helping you to gain fluency as quickly as possible.
From past experience with the Spoken English Learned Quickly course, it is fair to say that these methods can help you double the rate at which you acquire a new language. That is, in hour-for-hour of study, you can reach the same fluency level in six months that you would otherwise reach in a full year of study relying only on an established school’s program. This language-learning rate should be just as attainable when using your own program in an area where formal instruction limited.
In order to succeed, however, you must remember the four rules that were previously given in:
There is no alternative to committing a great amount of time to language study. If you are devoting full time to it, then try to spend a full eight hours a day, five days a week on language study. Ideally, that will be eight hours devoted to actual speaking by means of recorded exercises and newspaper reading. If you are enrolled in a structured class, you will need to supplement your class and preparation time with additional newspaper reading and spoken exercises for a total of eight hours of study each day.
Whatever your schedule permits — from one hour a day to eight hours a day — bring as much spoken the language of your study time as possible.
If you are applying the four rules above and simultaneously thinking, speaking out loud, and listening to yourself in your target language, you are using a Feedback Training Method of language study.
Let’s assume that you are a first language English-speaking adult, that you possibly also have a college degree, and that you know the Latin alphabet. With this background, you should find it fairly easy to learn the alphabet for languages such as Polish and others that use additional accents and diacritical marks.
However, if you are learning a language that uses another alphabet, you will need to learn that alphabet first.
Most languages use a relatively small number of letters in their alphabet. You would severely hamper your language learning efforts if you did not first learn that short alphabet. Some languages have considerably longer alphabets, and you may not need to learn all of the letters before starting to study the spoken language itself. On the other hand, Chinese is the only language that uses only characters while Japanese uses two alphabets and additional Chinese characters. In time, you will want to learn as many characters as possible. However, with no personal experience to guide me regarding these two languages. I would think that your time might better spent by initially concentrating on the spoken language.
If you are studying in a highly structured program which emphasizes written assignments. You will need to supplement that study with spoken language. Our bias against written assignments for language learning does not concern the accuracy of the sentences themselves. In all likelihood, the written sentences used in these language programs are an excellent representation of the language. They should, however, learned as spoken phrases rather than as written sentences.
If you are in a language program that emphasizes written assignments, then after completing the written portion of the daily work, spend your additional study time using the assignments as spoken exercises.
will just get you by because your listeners are polite or have learned to interpret what you mean.
Several assumptions made in this section. Presumably, the target language spoken by a relatively large population, used in public education, and, at least to some degree, used in university level education. Also, presumably books and newspapers are readily available in the language.
We are also assuming that you will be able to locate a language helper who has the equivalent of a public school education. Better yet, your language helper will be a university student. University students trying to earn extra money are good language helpers. They also have excellent contacts among their peers which would permit a substitute if they become temporarily — or permanently — unavailable.
This post is not concerned with a target language that is unwritten and/or used by a remote and isolated group of people. There are organizations that deal with language learning in that setting. Therefore, devising a method for learning that language is not the intent of this book.
You may find that language courses actually offered in the country by a university or private tutors. However, you may have used them and decided that they are not effective for you. Typically, these courses will consist largely of lectures on grammar or culture and will have class sizes that are too large to allow for significant spoken language experience. They will provide little to nothing in audio playback language laboratories or pre-recorded spoken language exercises.
You may enroll in a class as described above but plan on supplementing your class work with a great deal of additional spoken material as suggested in the section on formal classes. Enrolling in this kind, of course, gives you access to a language teacher who could correct your pronunciation and syntax problems. On the other hand, after evaluating the language courses that are locally available. You may decide that you would accomplish more by designing your own spoken language course.
The information in the following sub-headings should help you structure your course.
If you live close to a university, a student might be a good choice. If you use a Feedback Training Method, an effective language helper does not need to have any training as a language teacher as long as they speaks your target language fluently. In fact, if you feel confident in establishing the kind of language learning program suggested in this book. You may find that a university student with training as a language teacher could actually hinder your progress. In all probability, this training would place the high value on teaching grammar. In the absence of a local university, a secondary school student or graduate could also serve the purpose just as well.
You will want a language helper who speaks clearly, can read well, and has an acceptable voice for recording purposes. The language helper should also be able to write and spell correctly. In your study, you will be using written exercise pages that your language helper will write. It is important that you see correctly written sentences with correct spelling. Of course, as suggested in; Selecting a Text, you will also use a newspaper which well edited, with good grammar and spelling.
Your language helper will be making voice recordings that you will use for practice. It is important that his or her pronunciation is correct and clear so that you can be confident in mimicking the recording. As much as possible, find a language helper who speaks with a normal cadence. Also be aware that missing front teeth or speech impediments will likely distort pronunciation.
Initially, if you and your language helper share another language in common other than the target language. You could use it for communicating as you establish the pay, the study schedule, and your expectations. In many parts of the world, you would expect to pay your language helper at least weekly, if not daily.
Understand the skill differences between you and your language helper. They is the expert in the language — you are not. You are the expert in the language learning method — they is not. After you have studied for a while, you could presumptuously assume that you know more about the language than your language helper does, hindering the process. That can happen more often than you might imagine! On the other hand, your language helper has more than likely studied language in school using a grammar-based method.
If the university system uses a European language as the means of instruction. Your language helper will almost certainly have studied that European language’s grammar for many years in school. It would also mean that grammar study was superimposed on the local language. Your language helper will expect that you want him or her to teach you grammar. It would be surprising if your language helper would initially understand the Feedback Training Method of using only spoken the language.
In all probability, your language helper will expect that you are paying him or her to give you grammar lessons. They will probably further expect that the language of instruction will rely heavily on a common language between you. Either they has studied English or you have studied French or another language of instruction used in the local university. Your language helper may also have an agenda, hoping to practice English as well.
Considering all of the above, you have an important task ahead of you in training your language helper to speak only the target language. Nonetheless, in this section let’s assume that you have a common language in which you can communicate to some degree. However, you will not be using this common language for instruction. All instruction will be in your target language. You will need to work together as a team — you will be guiding the language sessions. While your language helper will be providing the language expertise.
The following suggestions assume that you have no language ability in your target language and that you are just beginning your initial language study.
At some point, you will begin drawing your text from a newspaper. Three previously stated principles need to be reviewed regarding newspapers as language study aids:
It may be helpful to have two identical newspapers so that both you and your language helper have the same text. You will proceed much as you did earlier. Initially, you will be able to use a single newspaper article for many weeks. So you do not need to buy a newspaper for each session.
Assuming that your target language uses an alphabet with a relatively few letter. You will want to learn the correct pronunciation of each letter in order to be able to spell words for first language speakers. You will also want to learn the correct pronunciation for numbers. Construct simple drills for both letters and numbers. Review the drills frequently enough that you can readily use both letters and numbers, utilizing perfect pronunciation. See the alphabet and number drills in Appendix A: Introductory Lesson.
You will probably use numbers more frequently because they are a part of daily conversation in making purchases. Consequently, you will probably gain fluency with numbers relatively quickly. However, be certain that you also learn the alphabet. As a foreigner, you will frequently be asked to spell words. It will be a great help to you if you learn to spell fluently in your target language.
Finally, if your target language uses a monetary system that is identified with anything other than simple numbers such as we use in English. For example, we say seven dollars or three hundred and eighty dollars — you will also need to learn to rapidly use that system as well. For example, in the country in which I lived for nine years, a price could be specified in either MGF francs or the national aviary. The ariary was worth five MGF francs. In the larger cities, you could get by with calling the price 350 francs. In remote areas, one was forced to bargain by calling the same amount 70 ariary. I learned, much to my chagrin, that mistakenly bargaining a price for 350 ariary was going to cost me a lot more than 350 francs. At least I won that bartering round at my first stated price!
In spite of the high technology equipment that is available today for MP3 and CD (compact disc) computer-based recording. Some may still prefer the low-tech cassette tape recorder. It is inexpensive and easy to use as both a recording and a playback machine, and it has a pause button and counter that facilitates use in language study. However, if you take a recorder with you, you will need to either take an ample supply of cassette tapes with you or verify that tapes can be purchased locally. Also, make certain that any equipment you take with you will work on the supplied voltage and frequency of that country.
If you use a cassette recorder, limit your cassettes to the 60-minute length or less. Longer duration cassettes use thinner tape that will not hold up to repeated forward and reverse usage in language study. The thinner tape also tangles more easily.
Today’s choice, however, would be MP3 technology. If you use an iPod or MP3 player and have appropriate computer equipment. You may find that making the voice recording on a CD and downloading it to the MP3 player is a good alternative. You can also purchase auxiliary attachments that permit an iPod to record directly. In this case, you will probably want to upload your MP3 files to a computer so that they could be stored on CDs. Many MP3 players may be paused just like a cassette tape recorder.
You will need to establish a routine with your language helper. During the time they is helping you, you will be working on text material that will be spontaneously organized or written as recorded exercises. In addition, you may also record verb tables and the like. You will need to allow enough time so that each day’s recording can be completed.
View the recorded material as the most important part of the lesson time spent with your language helper. You can easily get three or four hours of language practice time from each hour of recorded material. Thus, live conversation with your language helper will only give you an hour of spoken language for an hour of your language helper’s time. Whereas an hour of recording will give you a minimum of three or four hours of spoken language time for the same hour of your language helper’s time. In addition, past recorded exercises can be frequently reviewed, which will give you even that much more spoken language exercise.
There will also be days when your language helper is not available because of illness, school schedule, holidays, and other reasons. Previously recorded exercises will allow you to continue language study without lost time.
Unlock the secrets of studying the verb in diverse languages. Explore the significance of influxive languages and their impact on linguistic precision.
Each language has distinct qualities that will require unique and specific exercises. Many languages are inflexive and use declensions in which certain words indicate agreement or specialized meaning. Inflexive languages have well-developed verbs with numerous forms. If your target language is inflexive, you will need to use carefully developed verb exercises. (English, however, is not an inflexive language.)
Many modern languages add a great deal of precision by their use of these linguistic constructions. For example, an adjective may definitively identified with the noun that it modifies by its agreement in gender and number, thus setting it apart from other adjective/noun combinations within the same context. Since written language derived from spoken language, the focus of this chapter is primarily the variations of meaning that result from manipulation of the spoken language. The following two definitions are important here:
This post will demonstrate how specialized exercises which focus on unique qualities in a language can constructed. It is easy to demonstrate this type of exercise by using the English verb as an example. Probably nothing marks adults struggling to learn English quite as much as their improper use of verbs in regard to person and tense. Therefore, when teaching English to adults, it is necessary to use specialized English verb drills.
Of course, you will need to adapt these examples of English verb exercises to your own needs as you begin learning your target language. Inasmuch as English adjectives seldom modified in order to agree with gender and number, we cannot give sample exercises for that purpose, though you could certainly develop them for French, Spanish, and many other languages. Other languages would require extensive exercises for the case within the verb. And were you to be studying Cantonese, you would certainly need to develop exercises using its six tons.
All of these illustrations taken from the Spoken English Learned Quickly language course. In my own personal experience with language learning, I was frustrated when I would learn a present tense, then a week or two later learn its past or future tense, only to come back to it again a few months later to learn its subjunctive form. I would have done much better had I learned each verb as a complete unit. When I was studying French, the verb “etre” (to be) evolved into at least four verbs.
First I learned the present tense etre, later the past tense etre, still later the future tense etre, and finally, an entirely new etre verb form called the subjunctive. It would have been much more effective for me to have learned one verb having four tenses than to have learned four separate tenses as though each was a new verb.
Of course, I am exaggerating to make a point. Yet, if we make a single package out of each verb, learning it in all its forms simultaneously, it becomes a far simpler memory task. In addition, full use of each verb as it learned gives greater initial command of the language. I said many things incorrectly until months later when I finally learned the subjunctive form. Then I wasted additional time retraining my mind to use the subjunctive form in place of the tenses I had previously thought I was using correctly. I spent more time learning and then unlearning incorrect verb constructions than had I learned fewer verbs initially but learned them in their entirety.
There is, however, another equally forceful argument for learning all forms of the verb at one time. As I have taught the Spoken English Learned Quickly course, I have discovered that in a relatively few week of learning all new verbs in their entirety, adult students who have no previous knowledge of English are able to conjugate verbs which they have never before encountered. I have experimented with this many times. I choose an obscure regular verb and find a student who does not know its meaning.
Then I have the student conjugate it in all of its persons and tenses. Only after they have successfully conjugated the verb do I tell them what it means. It is an amazing process to see. (Spoken English Learned Quickly was designed to used as a self-study course. Most students study on their own. However, I have often conducted a weekly two-hour group session as a means of encouraging the students. It is during the group sessions that I have used these spoken conjugation drills.)
We strongly encourage you to learn all forms of each verb the first time you encounter them in your study. Verbs will become much more useful to you in a shorter period of time.
In traditional language instruction, once a particular verb tense supposedly learned, it is then assumed that the students know that form and no longer need to review it. Yes, the students may be able to write all the present tense forms of a particular regular verb, but that is not the objective. Can they use all of those forms in spontaneous spoken English? In the Spoken English Learned Quickly course, the instruction does not stop when students are able to write the endings of certain verbs. The goal is to help the students reach a level of fluency in which they can correctly use the verb in all of its tenses and persons in normal speech.
That will be your objective as you learn to speak your target language. Do not satisfied by simply learning verb tense and the person in written form. You will not know a particular verb until you can use it fluently in spontaneous conversation.
For the same reason that you were encouraged to learn cognate forms of words in Selecting a Text, you encouraged to learn all of the individual forms of a single verb at one time. This will greatly reduce the time required to learn verb vocabulary. Depending on your target language, this could include tenses, persons, imperatives, declensions, etc. Combining all forms of each verb as you learn them will also improve your intuitive understanding of that particular verb. You will be better able to use the verb in its different forms when you want to use it to convey a similar meaning.
All of the above comments relate to spoken language. You may find it helpful to write tables. But you must learn to use the words in the tables as spoken vocabulary, not merely as written tables.
The Spoken English Learned Quickly lessons use four verb table forms. In the early lessons, only the following form used. It will called an “A” format for this illustration:
TO OWN (to own) / She promised to own it. (She promised to own it.) Own. (Own.) / Please own it. (Please own it.) owning (owning) / He is owning it. (He is owning it.) owned (owned) / it is owned (it is owned) / it was owned (it was owned) / it will be owned (it will be owned)
Since all of the exercises recorded as audio lessons, the students respond by repeating the words enclosed in the ellipses (. . .). A Student Workbook is provided that contains the written text for all spoken drills. The parenthetical phrases included in the written text. Thus, the narrator says, “to own” and the students respond, “to own.” The narrator says, “She promised to own it,” and the students respond, “She promised to own it.” Everything is spoken, and as soon as the students understand a new exercise, they put the written text aside and complete the exercise by using only the audio recording without the text.
Repeated use of this format allows the students to conjugate an unknown verb correctly. Can you see how their fluency increases when they can correctly use English verbs so early in their language learning experience? That is the same fluency you will want to develop as you study your target language.
Quite early in the lesson series, another verb table format introduced. Throughout the Student Workbook, all irregular verb forms appear in bold type. A drill for the irregular verb “to meet” looks like this:
First, Complete the following sentences with “them here every evening.”
Second, Complete the following sentences with “them here after work.”
Third, Complete the following sentences with “them all before evening.”
Though the sentences are simple, this format teaches the verb conjugation in the context of the spoken language. It also forces the students to be more mentally alert during the exercise. Later in the lessons, the third type of verb table is added that identified here as a “B” format table. It looks like this:
In this format, students forced to move from tense to tense using the same person, rather than from person to person using the same tense as they did in the A format drills. Language requires both skills, so students taught to do both at normal conversation speed.
However, by this time in the lessons, students should be able to do both. Consequently, they alternate between table formats in the same exercise. That is, the first verb uses the A format, the second verb uses the B format, the third verb uses the A format, the fourth uses the B format, and so on to the end of the exercise. This increases the students’ abilities to use the verb with all tenses and persons while, at the same time, forcing them to develop spontaneity while using verbs.
Again, this will be your objective in learning your target language. You want to be able to manipulate the spoken verb quickly and accurately, using all persons and tenses in addition to any other verb functions in your target language. You should also be able to see the great advantage of learning all tenses and persons of a verb at one time. If you learn all the forms of the entire verb each time you encounter a new verb, you will have learned one meaning with multiple forms rather than a mix of verb forms and meanings. Learning all forms of a single verb in this way will take you less time than learning the same material using a traditional method.
Most importantly, if you use spoken exercises as a means of learning verb tables, you will find that the conjugation you are learning for one verb will quickly transferred to other verbs.
The same transfer of knowledge will also be true with any kind of word or sentence construction you learn as you use this table format. Once you are familiar with that exercise, you will always study the information in the table as a spoken exercise without reading from the text.
There is a final verb exercise format used in the Spoken English Learned Quickly course. The exercise with its spoken introductory explanation looks like this:
Say each sentence using the word I will give you. I will tell you if the sentence should be in the present, the past, or the future. Use the word “to ride.”
Present. The children in that family always _________ the bus; The children in that family always ride the bus.
The children in that family always ride the bus; The children in that family always ride the bus.
Present. That family with three children always _________ the bus; That family with three children always rides the bus.
That family with three children always rides the bus; That family with three children always rides the bus.
This verb table format used frequently with a large number of regular and irregular verbs. It uses all tenses and persons and incorporates as much vocabulary from each new lesson as possible. In Making the Proprioceptive Method Work, you will learn more about the process of recording these written tables as audio exercises.
Development of the ability to manipulate language easily illustrated. Imagine that four-year-old Ryan lives next door to his best friend. The boys frequently go on each other’s family outings together. On one occasion, the two boys rode a miniature train that circled a picnic area at the zoo. When Ryan returned home, he excitedly told his parents, “. . . and we rode the train.”
As a young child, Ryan’s developing language skills include his growing ability to manipulate language. He can correctly use “…ed” to signal past tense with regular verbs. In time, he will learn the correct conjugation of the irregular verb to ride and will be able to report that they rode the train. We often hear young children doing this. Probably the most frequently made mistake is attaching “…ed” to irregular verbs to create the past tense. Other instances include “gooder” or “baddest” for the words good or bad that do not follow convention, even though the child is using the correct pattern (“tall/taller/tallest” or “large/larger/largest”).
Thus, prior to attaining maturity in language, growth is evident as a child develops the ability to manipulate language. The child is intuitively attempting to express unknown, yet grammatically correct thoughts. As adults, we may detect a mistake in conjugation. Yet, how often have we heard a child incidentally use a past tense correctly, when we did not realize that the correct conjugated form itself was not yet a part of that child’s recall vocabulary?
Thus, when the Feedback Training Method teaches students to manipulate language in a way that can used to create the new vocabulary, it closely replicates a child’s language development. As far as we know, no studies have been conducted to evaluate this process. Nonetheless, it seems reasonable that the best way to teach a new language is to group cognitive and the tenses and persons of verbs in a way that mirrors a child’s progression in language development.
Notice how the emphasis on the proprioceptive sense in language learning has influenced this method. Verb usage is important in English, as it likely is in all languages. In order to use verbs properly in English, the speaker must use tense and person correctly.
However, tense and person have multiple components. There are cognitive components that essentially controlled by memory. So drills that retain memory will needed. This is accomplished by using a great deal of repetition. These verb forms will be repeated thousands of times throughout these lessons.
During cognitive learning, however, students should also develop the proprioceptive sense that will retrain their mouths to pronounce the words correctly. After all, the difference in knowing whether to use “ride” or “rides” is a function of pronunciation as far as the tongue and hearing are concerned. Therefore, in all of these exercises, the students’ cognitive, proprioceptive sense, and hearing have simultaneously been retrained by forcing them to speak aloud, listening to both the narrator and their own voice, and experiencing the feedback from their own mouth as they speak.
Something else has also been done that is extremely important. For the entire time the students work on the exercises, everything they hear the narrator say has been an example of perfect English. It is perfect in both its pronunciation and syntax. The students could use this lesson from which these sample exercises were taken for two hours a day for five days a week. If the students repeat exactly what the narrator says, they could speak perfect English for 10 hours during that week, even though they are studying by themselves.
These same students could probably do a written exercise using the same material. It would be a cognitive exercise, but it would not involve any retraining of their mouths or hearing. They would probably work on it for two hours or less during the week. The results would be negligible in terms of producing fluent spoken English.
You will want to establish an effective training experience when you study your target language. If you want to be successful, you must avoid complacency with written exercises. Your goal is to advance to effective spoken language learning.
However, it will be difficult. There is no way that you can repeat the same sentences enough times to retrain your mind, mouth, and hearing without becoming weary in the process. That is the price you must be willing to pay in order to efficiently learn to speak a new language fluently.
Find out how to enhance your language learning with the right selecting a text for studying. Newspapers offer a wide range of topics and vocabulary for effective language practice.
This chapter will use the term text to identify a written manuscript. Enhance Your Language Learning Journey with Selecting a Text. A newspaper in your target language is usually an excellent source for a study text. Most newspapers use good syntax, relatively simple sentences, and common expressions. In addition to general vocabulary, newspapers will give you many common political, scientific, economic, and technical words. Generally, newspapers are also a good source of colloquial expressions.
Important: Not all newspapers would be suitable for spoken language study. In many countries, there are both common language and literary newspapers. You would want to select a newspaper that uses commonly spoken the language. You may also be able to find magazines that work equally well. There may be magazines of particular interest to you such as political news, handyman, sewing and crafts, travel, outdoors and camping, sports, or any number of other topics.
You would want to have your language helper evaluate the newspaper or magazine to be certain that the one you select uses an acceptable level of conversational language. The term newspaper throughout the remainder of this chapter will refer to whatever text you would have selected.
Some may also argue that a local newspaper does not always provide the best conversational language for spoken language study. That may be true, but the reality is that you probably would not be able to find the ideal text at any price. When carefully selected, the inexpensive and readily available newspaper will undoubtedly be your best compromise.
Further, this chapter attempts to describe the use of a newspaper in language study without suggesting when its use in that study might occur. The introduction of the newspaper into the language study schedule would depend entirely on the unique circumstances in each language study program. The reference to time (six weeks) at the end of the chapter is done simply for the sake of illustration, though it is entirely realistic with the help of a competent language helper. Similarly, some users of the newspaper suggested in this chapter could occur early in language study while others are for students who have already had considerably more experience with their target language.
As you begin language study, you will need both a text and an audio recording of it to use for pronunciation practice. Since it would be difficult to procure a constant supply of companion texts with recordings, you will need to select one and then produce the other with the help of your language helper.
Making the Feedback Training Method Work, the role of a language helper in your language study program will be fully explained. This present chapter, however, will be primarily concerned with the text itself. As we begin this chapter, we will make two assumptions: 1) that you will have a language helper who is a first language (L1) speaker of your target language and pronounces the target language correctly, and 2) that you will have audio recording equipment.
Everything considered it should be easier to produce an audio recording from a newspaper text than to produce a written text from a radio broadcast recording. It would be much simpler for your language helper to record the text than it would be for the language helper to transcribe the audio recording.
For your study purposes, a printed newspaper text will assure a more precise use of the language, better spelling, and a more easily preserved printed copy. Because live radio broadcasts are difficult to record when inexpensive audio equipment is being used, it would be difficult to hear all of the words clearly. Therefore, it may be easier for you to make a good language study recording by having the language helper read a newspaper text for the audio recording. With a little coaching, your language helper could also learn to record the material in such a way that there would be long enough pauses to allow you to repeat the phrase when studying alone.
The purpose of using the newspaper is to facilitate spoken language practice. You would always read the newspaper aloud, reading a sentence and then looking away from the text while repeating the sentence from recall memory.
Appendix B: Text Exercises will illustrate how the text is actually used to create audio exercises.
A number of uses of a newspaper are suggested under the following headings. These uses, however, are progressive. That is, during the first few weeks of language study, you will begin using the newspaper as an aid for building vocabulary and improving an understanding of the meaning of the language. As language study continues, the newspaper will become an increasingly important tool for syntax development. Learning expressions from the newspaper will require more language skill and will take place somewhat later in the language learning process. Each of these uses of a newspaper as an aid to language learning will depend to some extent on the readiness of the student to progress to that level.
First, read the article out loud, identifying new vocabulary as you go. Whenever you read a word you do not know, stop and find it in your dictionary. Keep a vocabulary notebook. If a word you do not know is used more than twice in an article, enter the word in your notebook and put a check () by it to flag it as a word needing special study. However, do not record place names or personal names in your notebook. After you finish reading the article for the first time, review the meaning of all of the new vocabulary words. Study these words enough that you know what they mean when you read the article. Always pronounce vocabulary words out loud so that you learn vocabulary as a spoken language.
After you are more familiar with the process, select other newspaper articles and continue reading aloud while you look for new vocabulary words. When you find a word in a second newspaper article that you have already checked () in your notebook, place a second check () by it. Any word in your notebook with two checks should be memorized as an important word to know.
Whenever you are able to do so, write out the cognate forms of the same word. For example, to adhere, an adhesive, and adhesion are cognates. It will be helpful for you to learn multiple cognate forms of a word at one time rather than learning each form as a new vocabulary word when you first encounter it. Association of a single word in its multiple forms with one root meaning results in more rapid vocabulary retention. It will also teach you how to accurately develop cognate forms of words during the speech when you do not already know the word.
The following will be used as an English illustration. If, for example, you as an L2 speaker know the word “high” but do not yet know the superlative “highest,” you could nonetheless develop the sentence, “It was on the highest shelf,” if you have the ability to develop cognitively. By learning all cognate forms of every new word as a group — and always learning them in the same pattern, such as sharp, sharper, sharpest, and sharply, or quick, quicker, quickest, and quickly, your ability to accurately create unknown regular cognitive during speech will be greatly enhanced.
The real essence of language fluency is understanding the target language well enough to intuitively use previously unknown vocabulary during the conversation. It may be helpful to you to reserve a section in your vocabulary notebook for exactly the purpose of listing cognitive forms.
Verbs should be listed in your notebook in their infinitive form (for example, “to remember”) rather than in a conjugated form (for example, “she remembers”). Note that not all languages identify verbs in their infinitive form. Use your target language’s dictionary notation form as your pattern. After you have mastered the verb’s conjugation, it will be far simpler for you to learn a single verb form than it will be for you to learn each form of a verb as an individual vocabulary word.
Read the article again for meaning. If you do not understand a sentence, stop and find out exactly what it means.
If some of the definitions you have written in your notebook do not make sense when you read them in the article. Find the word again in your dictionary and see if it has other meanings. If a second meaning for the word makes better sense, in this case, write that definition in your notebook.
If you still cannot figure out the meaning of a sentence, it may be because two or more words combined to form a single expression. Try to determine the meaning of expressions. Look for similar expressions in other articles. If you still cannot determine the meaning of an expression, ask your language helper for assistance.
An ideal way to reinforce your use of grammatically correct syntax in your target language is by reading newspaper articles aloud. Your goal is to retrain your mind, hearing, and mouth to understand and use your target language correctly. Reading aloud from a newspaper is one of the best ways to accomplish that.
The great advantage is that you are reading a large number of different sentences that are all organized according to the same grammar rules. Thus, you are learning the acceptable range of the syntax of that language. That is, there may appear to be many variations from sentence to sentence, yet all of the users are still correct.
An example from English would be learning that you can place the word “however” at the beginning, middle, or end of an English sentence. You would also learn that the position of “however” can make a slight difference in meaning, or it can enhance the style of the sentence. You will discover equivalent nuances in your target language.
In many respects, using the newspaper for syntax development is similar to using it to increase fluency and to help you develop fluid conversation as mentioned below. The same exercises suggested below would be as profitable for syntax as they would be for fluency and conversation.
Expressions add richness and variety to all languages. Identify expressions as you read the newspaper. Use a special mark to identify them in articles. As we will see in a moment, many expressions may divided, with component words of the expression being separated by non-component words.
Try substituting other words within the same expression. Say or write as many sentences using the expression as possible. As an English example, you may read a sentence in a newspaper that says, “The Governor announced on Friday that he will not run for another term, putting to rest months of speculation about his future intentions.” Most expressions can used in different tenses with different people or things.
For example, the expression “to put to rest” can used in the present tense, “I want to put our disagreement to rest,” in the future tense, “He will put his argument to rest,” or in the past tense, “They finally put their rivalry to rest.” Notice that in these phrases, the component parts of the expression separated as in, “They finally put their rivalry to rest.” Watch for such variations of construction in expressions in your target language.
English also uses forms of words as a type of expression. For example, you may read a sentence in a newspaper that says, “We’re getting many calls from people who are panicking and asking what they can do.” This form of expression uses two or more words ending in “…ING” to describe two or more actions that the same person is doing at one time. You will certainly find many similar expression forms in your target language.
As you use the newspaper in your spoken exercises, you will begin reading longer sections rather than simply alternating between reading sentences aloud and then repeating them from recall memory. You will want to read the entire article aloud for fluency practice. Try reading the article as smoothly as possible without stopping. Read it aloud at least twice.
For more fluency practice, continue reading the article aloud until you can read it at the same rate of speed that a first language speaker uses when talking. Practice until your pronunciation duplicates that of a first language speaker.
Your purpose is not to merely learn the vocabulary in these newspaper articles, but to learn to speak your target language. Keep practicing until you can read the article aloud well enough that a first language speaker could clearly understand what you are saying.
Fluency is the ability to speak smoothly with proper intonation. Initially, use single sentences for fluency drills, repeatedly reading a single sentence until you can read it smoothly. Eventually, do the same with multiple sentences or paragraphs. Even as a beginning student, there is value in reading a longer passage or entire article without break in order to establish the rhythm of the spoken language. This is excellent proprioceptive training.
Your natural tendency will be to move on to new articles too quickly. In reality, it is only after you already know all of the vocabularies and can pronounce each word correctly that you will be ready to use the newspaper article to full advantage. You are not fully retraining your mind and tongue until you can read the article at normal speaking speed with proper inflection and pronunciation. You will better attain fluent speech by rereading fewer articles aloud perfectly than you will by reading many articles aloud with faulty pronunciation.
It was stated, “You must never make a mistake when you are speaking.” That objective will be the most difficult when you first begin a free conversation. However, using a newspaper article will be a great aid in producing the conversation that is essentially free of mistakes.
A newspaper article can give you a great deal of structure for conversation practice. This structure will give both you and your language helper a defined group of vocabulary words, defined sentences with an understood meaning, and a defined context in which the vocabulary and sentences can communicated. After very little coaching, your language helper can use the newspaper article to structure the free conversation.
To continue with the illustration from English, your language helper could lead you in a discussion evolving from a newspaper article. You could easily have the following discussion after only six weeks of full-time language study. Notice that your language helper is asking each question twice, expecting that you will substitute a pronoun in your second response.
Language Helper: “What did the Governor announce on Friday?”
Reply: “The Governor announced on Friday that he will not run for another term.”
Language Helper: “What did the Governor announce on Friday?”
Reply: “He announced on Friday that he will not run for another term.”
Language Helper: “Will the Governor run for another term?”
Reply: “No, the Governor will not run for another term.”
Language Helper: “Will the Governor run for another term?”
Reply: “No, he will not run for another term.”
Language Helper: “When did the Governor announce that he will not run for another term?”
Reply: “The Governor announced on Friday that he will not run for another term.”
Language Helper: “When did the Governor announce that he will not run for another term?”
Reply: “He announced on Friday that he will not run for another term.”
Assuming that you have only been studying your target language for six weeks, your initial response to each question may be slow and halting. You may also be looking at the printed text when your language helper initially asks the question. But at least your answer is word perfect. You are training your proprioceptive sense by using perfect syntax. Now you can add perfect pronunciation and fluency to that.
Typically, in language instruction, extra attention given when a student makes mistakes. That is, when a sentence used incorrectly, it will corrected with additional drills. On the other hand, when a student responds correctly, the instructor will move on to the next sentence. That is not what you want your language helper to do for you now. Of course, you will want help with incorrect syntax and pronunciation.
But in order to learn the language effectively, you will want to emphasize correct language use. To continue our example, let’s say that none of the sentences in the above illustration have any phonemes that you cannot reproduce acceptably. Therefore, at your instruction, your language helper will continue to drill you on these same sentences until they are perfect.
Your language helper will again ask the first question twice, allowing you to respond accordingly.
Language Helper: “What did the Governor announce on Friday?”
Reply: “The Governor announced on Friday that he will not run for another term.”
Language Helper: “What did the Governor announce on Friday?”
Reply: “He announced on Friday that he will not run for another term.”
Now, however, you will not be looking at the text. Your language helper will ask these two questions until you can answer word perfectly from recall memory.
But she still not finished. She will now increase the tempo and will expect you to answer in the same cadence. She will persist until the two of you are conversing so quickly and naturally that a first language speaker coming into the room would hear a strangely redundant conversation in what would otherwise be completely understandable language. It would be just as understandable to that first language speaker as any conversation would be between two first language speakers on the street.
This would continue — maybe for several days of practice — until the entire series of questions from that newspaper article could be asked and answered in fully fluent conversation.
You would be worn out by the time you finished studying this intently from a newspaper article. Yet while others would be in the beginning language course after their initial six weeks of study, you — after your first six weeks — would already be speaking on an advanced level, though you would only be using a relatively small number of sentences.
Explore the differences between beginning and advanced language programs. Find out which one is the best fit for your language learning journey.
Your perceived needs as you begin studying your target language will significantly influence how you answer this chapter’s title question. If you decide that you need beginning lessons when you start your language study — meaning a simplified form of the language — you will expend much time looking for such a program. You will find that your target language does not have a beginner’s level of language. On the other hand, if you decide that the language of the daily newspaper is what you want to learn, you will find that language all around you.
You will certainly need to begin on a rudimentary level. But the simple sentences and vocabulary you will use should, nonetheless, be sentences and words you would hear in daily conversation.
All target languages are different in structure, and can’t be analyzed individually in this book. Therefore, let’s use English as an example and try to analyze this same question from the perspective of a non-English speaker who is trying to learn English. You should then be able to apply this information to your own needs as you learn another language.
Can both beginning and advanced students in our target group of university students and young professionals use the same level of lessons to learn spoken English? Before you give an intuitive answer, let’s ask the question another way: “Does English have multiple, specialized language divisions?”
The answer is, “No, it does not.” There is no high English language spoken by the gentry versus a low language spoken by commoners. Historically, many languages such as Greek and Chinese, to mention only two, have indeed had multiple divisions of the language used within the same society.
Modern English, however, does not even have a specialized construction for folklore. Many languages in which oral tradition has been preserved have a storytelling form of the language that is distinct from everyday conversation. In these language groups, there are often specialists who recount the folklore in public gatherings. Common English has none of that. Though Ebonics — and more recently Rap — are sub-classes of English that would not be broadly understood, all English-speakers within that general target language group understand everyday English.
In fact, English is so simple in regard to multiple divisions of speech that we do not even have two forms of address for people of different social standing. French, for instance, has strict conventions regarding the use of “TU” or “VOUS” when addressing another person. A U.S. citizen, however, would address both a person of higher social standing and a young child as “you.”
English has a wide spectrum of language variances including regional accents and dialects. It also has many specialized vocabularies. Any student who has taken courses in anatomy, law, physics, automotive technology, psychology, engineering, geology, or anthropology has spent a great deal of time learning specialized terminology. Nonetheless, the essential English syntax that holds even these specialized words together in a sentence is still the language of common speech — or the language of the daily newspaper.
So, aside from specialized vocabularies, English has no divisions representing increasing levels of language complexity.
The exception to the above paragraph would be found in technical documents such as legal briefs, real estate transactions, and the like. However, this style of English is far removed from the language used in normal conversation.
For any one target language group, there is only one kind of English that needs to be learned. A student will not need two — or more — different course levels. This is not to say that English is a simple language to learn. Far from it. Strange grammatical constructions, abstract concepts, idioms, and literary language can prove to be difficult for anyone. However, the same complexity is found in all spoken English, not merely in some higher level.
Why have traditional language programs insisted that there must be beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels of English study? It is not because there are a beginning and advanced levels of spoken English. It is because there are beginning, intermediate, and advanced explanations of English grammar. This means that some rules of English grammar are easy to explain. Some rules of grammar are more difficult to explain. And some are complex enough to require a highly technical explanation. But spoken English is one subject of study, whereas the formal rules of English grammar are quite another.
Let’s ask our question again. “Do international English students need both beginning and advanced English lessons in order to learn the language?” No, they don’t. There is only one level of spoken English. Beginning students must start by speaking normal English sentences. Advanced students must continue until they are able to fluently pronounce the words in those same normal English sentences.
There will be a great difference in the levels of fluency between a beginning and advanced students, and as such, it may be entirely appropriate to group students accordingly. But there is no difference in the level of English sentences they must study. They must both use the same English sentences to initiate — and then to master — the process that will develop the necessary cognitive, motor, and auditory skills used to speak English fluently.
Let’s clarify a potential area of confusion. English grammar lists simple sentences (sentences with one main clause), compound sentences (sentences with two or more main clauses), complex sentences (sentences with one main clause and at least one subordinate clause), and compound-complex sentences (sentences made up of two or more main clauses and at least one subordinate clause). An example of a compound-complex sentence would be, “The Saturday afternoon program was like a two-ring circus. While one part of the TV screen carried the professional football game, the other part showed scores from collegiate games.”
Of course, this is not a sentence we would expect beginning English students to use. However, the language itself is not what makes the sentence complex. It is grammatically defined as a complex sentence simply because of its grammatical construction. With very little change, the sentence could become three simple sentences: “The Saturday afternoon program was like a two-ring circus. One part of the TV screen showed the professional football game. The other part of the TV screen showed scores from collegiate games.” Aside from vocabulary, any one of these three sentences is a beginning level sentence.
Thus, when we say that there is no difference in the level of English sentences a beginning and advanced student must study, we are not talking about a grammar definition. We are saying that there is not one language that would used by commoners and another that would used by an upper class. Even though the example sentence about the TV’s split screen is not a sentence that we would want to include in the first lesson, it does not represent multiple, specialized language divisions.
Finally, however, if beginning students stumble across something equivalent to an English compound-complex sentence in a newspaper. They could skip it for the present time and focus on the sentences they are able to use.
Appendix A: Introductory Lesson was included to illustrate the first lesson a non-English speaking student will encounter in the Spoken English Learned Quickly course.
As you look at Appendix A, you will see that even though only simple sentences cast in the present tense used, they are, nonetheless, complete sentences. The first lesson in this course requires that non-English speaking students start their language learning experience with complete sentences used in everyday speech.
Up to this point, the attempt has only been made to show that so-called beginning and advanced sentences are unnecessary in an English language program. You will likely discover very little in your target language that would require two levels of language study any more than would required in English.
You will need to learn normal greetings and salutations when you begin your target language study. Also, You will want to learn how to ask basic directions, how to find a store or office, what bus to take, or how to make the change. Yet, all of the vocabulary and phrases you will use are a part of the everyday language used by everyone, not just beginners.
Therefore, you should understand that the spoken language you want to learn not divided into levels. Throughout the entire time, you will be learning your target language, you will essentially be adding vocabulary and new syntax to a single level of language complexity.
If you understand this concept, it will help you immensely. Your task is not to learn a beginning language, progress to an intermediate language, and finally, pass an exam on the advanced language before you can finally begin talking to real people. Your task is to immediately begin speaking your target language even though you may use short, simple sentences and limited vocabulary. Language learning is a continuum. Everything you learn to say correctly in your first week of language study should be just as useful in normal conversation as the things you will learn later as you become more fluent.
Your target language may use specialized language for folklore, proverbs, weddings, funerals, and when addressing individuals from a higher class of society. If that is the case, you will need to learn those forms at some point if you aspire to that level of fluency. Nonetheless, most of those specialized forms (excepting possibly those used when addressing someone from a higher class of society) will used very infrequently in daily conversation.
A language course using the Feedback Training Method would normally begin with at least one introductory lesson for students who are just beginning their study of a new language. The first lesson would use simple sentences, a limited vocabulary, and restricted verb tenses. The first Spoken English Learned Quickly lesson uses complete sentences that limited to the present tense. However, beginning with Lesson, all lessons use verbs in past, present, and future tenses, and newspaper-quality sentences.
Nonetheless, even though this course uses normal — though simple — everyday English sentences in the early lessons, there is another way in which the audio portion of the course accommodates the student who has no previous knowledge of English. This demonstrated more easily than explained. This example comes from the text exercise in Appendix B. The narrator records the phrase outside of the ellipses (….). The student then repeats this phrase during the pause.
A long time ago, (A long time ago,) there was a wise man (there was a wise man) living in a mountain country. (living in a mountain country.) A long time ago, there was a wise man living in a mountain country. (A long time ago, there was a wise man living in a mountain country.) The country was beautiful. (The country was beautiful.) But it was always difficult (But it was always difficult) to find enough food. (to find enough food.) But it was always difficult to find enough food. (But it was always difficult to find enough food.)
A long time ago, there was a wise man living in a mountain country. (A long time ago, there was a wise man living in a mountain country.) The country was beautiful. (The country was beautiful.) But it was always difficult to find enough food. (But it was always difficult to find enough food.)
The variation, therefore, is not in the complexity of the sentence itself, but in the length of the segments used to build the sentence. Thus, a beginning student with no prior knowledge of the target language and a student who has gained considerably greater fluency may use the same kinds of sentences. The structure of the audio exercises will take into account these varying levels of fluency, though in later lessons the student will forced to manipulate the language to a far greater degree. Though the beginning student will spend more time learning the proper pronunciation of each sentence, and the more advanced student will spend more time substituting tenses and component parts of the exercise sentences, the end result is that both the beginning and advanced student will be speaking the same language that used in normal conversation.
Not really. Once you understand the greetings and salutations, you are ready to begin practicing with normal sentences. Say, for instance, that you are reading a newspaper article as you study. Aside from the sentences that contain specialized vocabulary, most sentences will use common verbs and syntax construction. This is the language you want to speak. Use it from the very start of your language study.
This will explained more fully in Studying the Verb and Making the Feedback Training Method Work.
Therefore, you can assured that the spoken language you want to learn is everyday language. It will reduce stress if you realize that, in the very first week of language study, you are learning normal speech. By and large, the language will never become any more difficult than it is when you first begin because you will be studying normal spoken language throughout your formal study.
Discover the impact of grammar and writing on language development. Explore the role of proper sentence structure and pronunciation in effective communication.
Personal experience about Grammar and Writing:
I had the great advantage of growing up in a home in which grammatically correct English was spoken. As I progressed through grade school and on into high school, my language ability matured as a result of my home and school environments.
In retrospect, I believe that this is what happened. For the most part, I used proper sentence structure and pronunciation because that is what I heard in my home. However, when I went to school, I needed to learn grammar in school in order to reinforce my knowledge of my own language. I — like probably most of my classmates — did not learn to speak by studying grammar. Rather, I was able to learn how to do grammar exercises because I already knew how to speak.
Certainly, I learned many important things about my language through grammar study. But it was of importance to me only because I had already achieved basic English fluency. I did not learn to speak English as a result of English grammar lessons.
In contrast, I also took two years of Spanish in high school. We started with basic grammar. We wrote exercises almost every day. But we almost never heard spoken Spanish and had even less opportunity to try to speak it ourselves. (Language instruction in the United States has changed considerably since I was in high school.) After high school graduation, I could neither speak Spanish nor did I understand Spanish grammar.
In my mid-twenties, I spent a year in Paris studying French. I had the great fortune of enrolling in a French language school that emphasized spoken French to the complete exclusion of written exercises. Not only did I learn French grammar — meaning that I learned to use sentences that communicated what I intended to say to a French listener — but, interestingly enough, because verb construction is similar in both French and Spanish, I also began to understand the Spanish grammar which had made no sense to me in high school. Because I could read and write in English, I had no difficulty reading French. It was a simple transfer of knowledge from reading in English to reading in French.
Later, I studied another language in Africa. Because school-based language courses were almost non-existent in that country, all of my language training was done by way of recorded language drills that I adapted from local radio broadcasts. I also had a university student as my language helper. Yet I learned how to structure a sentence in that language — which is applied grammar — and how to write much more quickly than had I been studying grammar and writing independently of the spoken language.
Traditional language instruction has reversed the process with poor results. Most second language classes teach grammar as a foundation for spoken language.
The quickest way to teach students to read a new language is to teach them to speak it first. The fastest way to teach them sufficient grammar to pass college entrance exams is to build a foundation by teaching them to speak the language fluently. Then as they build on that foundation, they will understand the target language’s grammar. Finally, it is almost impossible to teach non-speaking students how to write well before they have mastered the basic spoken language. Whenever the process is reversed, it takes a needlessly long time to succeed in teaching grammar and writing skills, much less spoken language fluency.
Do not misunderstand. One cannot speak any language — fluently or otherwise — without using the grammar of that language. That is true because grammar consists of the rules used in that language to string words together as units to convey meaning. (In English we call these units sentences or paragraphs.) In English, we can use a given number of words to make a statement or ask a question by the way in which we order the words and use inflection. Simply stated, placing the words in the correct order applied grammar.
The issue is not whether or not students learning a new language need to know grammar. Language is unintelligible without it. The question is, “How is grammar best taught?”
That effective spoken language instruction simultaneously trains all of the cognitive and sensory centers of speech. To again resort to an English example, when is the best time to introduce the grammar rule that the sentence. “That is a book,” is an English statement, and “Is that a book?” is an English question? The best time is when students simultaneously learn to speak these two sentences. Inverting word order to change a statement to a question. That would take place while they are learning many other similar sentences. So that they develop a cognitive sense reinforced by motor skill and auditory feedback that the order and inflection of the one sentence is a question, while the other is a statement. The sound of the sentence is as much an indicator of its meaning as its written form. Right? Right!
There is also a relationship between good pronunciation and good spelling. I am a poor speller. I understand that I misspell many words because I mispronounce them. At some point, everyone who expects to write a target language well must learn its spelling. Yet, it will probably be faster for a student to learn good spelling after learning good speech habits. Than it will be for the same student to learn good spelling without being able to speak. In practice, in a spoken language course, students should learn the spelling of new words as they added to the vocabulary of each new lesson.
This is not to say that grammar and spelling are unnecessary for the new language learner. Rather, what is being said is that grammar can be taught more effectively — and in less time — by using audio language drills. Teaching grammar by means of spoken Learning to Speak a Second Language
language has the great advantage of reinforcing the cognitive learning of grammar. While using two additional functions found in normal speech — motor skill feedback and auditory feedback. Teaching grammar as a written exercise does develop cognitive learning, but it reinforces it with visual feedback.
Though visual feedback through reading and writing has some merit, it is outside the context of spoken language. Reinforcement through visual feedback outside of the spoken language context is far less effective. Than motor skill feedback and auditory feedback that are both inside the spoken language context. The trade-off in gaining visual feedback at the loss of motor skill and auditory feedback is costly and retards progress. Far more gained when the student identifies correct grammar, by the way, a sentence sounds, rather than by the way it looks.
Though it would not typically explained this way, it is also important on a subconscious level that the student learns how to correct grammar feels. As a function of the proprioceptive sense, a statement produces a certain sequence of sensory feedback from the mouth, tongue, and air passages that feel different than a question. A speech pathologist working with children’s speech problems will pay a great deal of attention to this part of speech during retraining.
It would take considerably longer to teach a language student. How to manipulate the grammar of the new language and then speak that language correctly. Than it would teach the same student to first speak the language correctly and then introduce rules of grammar. This gain would greatly augmented, however, if the rules of grammar were incorporated into the spoken language lessons themselves.
A year spent exclusively in spoken language study will produce a marked degree of fluency. With that language fluency, the student will gain a functional understanding of the grammar of the target language. The same amount of time spent in grammar study will produce limited fluency and little practical understanding of that language’s grammar.
How you approach grammar study in your target language will depend on the language program you are using.
If you enrolled in an established school program with written grammar assignments. You will obviously need to complete them just like every other student in the class. However, as you will see in Making the Feedback Training Method Work, on your own time. You can then use the completed (and corrected) written exercises as spoken language drills. If you focus more on using your grammar exercises as spoken language drills rather than simply as written assignments. You will find that your ability in your target language’s grammar will increase much more rapidly. Of course, this will add time to your study schedule, but it will undoubtedly result in considerably higher exam scores. You will also see an important caution regarding correct pronunciation when you are reading grammar assignments as spoken exercises.
As also explained in Making the Feedback Training Method Work, if you design your own language course with a language helper. You can have much greater freedom in the way you study grammar. In that case, you will try to incorporate your grammar lessons into your spoken drills.
Nonetheless, there will be times when you will ask your language helper for clarifications regarding grammar. For example, to again use an illustration from English, during the first week of lessons you would encounter the two articles “A” and “AN.” If your language helper explained that “A” used before a word beginning with a consonant, and “an” used before a word beginning with a vowel, it would certainly be a grammatical explanation. With that knowledge, however, you could then ask your language helper to record an exercise with both “A” and “AN” sentences. Your grammar study on “A” and “AN” would then done with a spoken exercise rather than a written assignment.
International students struggling to learn English will often say that they want more grammar lessons. But that is not what they are really asking for. Many undoubtedly have a large vocabulary from studying written grammar for years. They do not need more grammar rules to memorize — they need spoken language exercises that will teach them to organize the vocabulary they already know into fluent, spoken English sentences.
Irrespective of the kind of language learning program you are in, the primary emphasis of this closing section is to encourage. You to study grammar by using spoken exercises rather than written assignments.
Learn about the importance of focusing on the target language for language fluency and success in both academic and professional settings.
It would be impossible to say that any spoken language has a neatly defined vocabulary and syntax, or that it can fully taught through a single language training program. According to Maria’s Choice; So Let’s illustrate that with the following example:
Maria, a Bolivian national, wants to complete her undergraduate studies at a university in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Then she plans to enter the civil engineering program at the University of Texas because she wants to work in flood control in Bolivia. In order to succeed, she will need to achieve fluency in the following six English forms:
Assuming that Maria is able to fulfill her goal of completing an advanced degree at the University of Texas. By the time she graduates she will most likely have learned to adequately communicate in the six English forms listed above. But an important decision she will need to make while she is still a student in Santa Cruz is which of these six English forms she should begin studying first.
Before going further, a point of reference needs to be developed that will aid a student like Maria in selecting her language study program. As already discussed, there are six English forms that she must choose between. She needs to choose wisely at this point in order to avoid wasting time in her English study.
Students using the Spoken English Learned Quickly course have commented that they have studied English for a number of years without learning the technical English vocabulary they needed to enter their chosen field of study or employment. Others have said that their poor pronunciation has been a hindrance to their employment opportunities. These students spent years in “English” study, but it was not tailored to fit their future need.
The question Maria or any other language student must ask is, “What language do the people with whom I will be communicating speak?” A simplistic answer like “Polish,” or “Chichewa,” or “English” is inadequate.
Could classify all Americans who speak fluent English as being included in a single general target language group because, in spite of regional differences in dialect and vocabulary, they can readily communicate with each other. It is the specific target language group that is important to Maria because she will need to learn an English form that will allow her to communicate with instructors and Texas-raised students in the Engineering Department at the University of Texas.
Strongly encourage you to gain as much information as possible about the specific target language group with which you will be communicating. Carefully plan your language learning program so that the pronunciation and vocabulary you learn will be useful to you. This may save you a great deal of wasted effort.
A first observation can now be made. Maria will need to learn the same English which is spoken by her future classmates at the University of Texas Engineering Department. The majority of her American fellow students will be able to correctly use the six English forms above as they have been described. Many writers in the field of English-as-a world-language make a distinction between forms of English which are grammatically complete, written, conversational, slang, and the like — often identifying them as separate kinds of English. We will simply state, however, that the language we are defining as the target language for any language student is the one spoken in a single location by the specific group of people with whom the student will be communicating.
In Maria’s case, that will be the English that her future fellow students in Texas will use both inside and outside of the classroom. Whether talking to each other, listening to an instructor’s lecture, buying a hamburger at McDonald’s, taking an exam, watching a movie or television, or reading an assignment. This will be the specific target language group she will want to communicate with. On the other hand, there will be other groups of people living in her university city who will use English speech. Which Maria may not need to learn.
What has been said so far actually simplifies Maria’s choice? Even though she will eventually want to gain fluency in each of these six English forms, they are now defined for her. For now, she must only decide on which of the above six English forms to focus as she begins her study.
There is a surprisingly simple second suggestion we can make. Because of her three years of grammar-based English classes in Bolivia, her ability to read and write English far exceeds her ability to speak it. Therefore, she should try to find an English course which would include a strong foundation in grammatically complete spoken English (English form 3), but which would also include a mix of colloquial conversational spoken English (English form 4). The accent used in this ideal language course for Maria would be Texan.
However, it is highly unlikely that Maria would be able to find an English course that would fit her need this precisely. The closest thing she might be able to find would be a course that would use grammatically complete spoken English with American national broadcast pronunciation.
Because the Spoken English Learned Quickly language course www.FreeEnglishNow.com was developed for university students and young professionals, it uses grammatically complete spoken English along with some colloquial conversational spoken English. Furthermore, the audio recordings provide the option of either American or British national broadcast accents. We feel that this level of English syntax and vocabulary will best serve the needs of most of our students. It will also allow them to acquire with the least amount of difficulty the other English forms of spoken English that are not included in the Spoken English Learned Quickly lessons. We clearly understand, however, that there is no universal spoken English, so there can be no single English course that can be used to simultaneously teach all of the worldwide varieties of English. We are certainly not saying that there is only one kind of English that is used worldwide.
As you consider the target language you want to learn, you will need to evaluate the materials and courses that are available to you. You will need to decide how you can best use them to reach your fluency goals. You will need to focus on a language study program that will teach you to fluently speak the language that is spoken in a single location by the specific group of people with whom you wish to communicate.
Finally, you will need to begin your language study by using some kind of vocabulary and sentences. We strongly suggest that you do not look for a beginning level of language but that as quickly as possible you begin by using simple sentences and vocabulary in the everyday language of your specific target language group. You will want to begin your language study using the same sentences that you will want to perfect as you become fluent.
This topic will be covered fully in Do You Need Both Beginning and Advanced Lessons?