Layout keyword SEO optimization in advance to easily improve website indexing rate. In recent years, with the accelerated development of informatization, more and more companies have understood the importance of SEO optimization for online brand communication. Doing a good job of SEO optimization can help the brand have more exposure in the process of online communication. So that it can see by more consumers.
Here are the articles to explain, SEO optimization, layout keywords, website indexing, and data analysis
Keyword layout is an extremely important part of SEO optimization. Setting keywords that are consistent with brand positioning and have particular popularity in the industry market. Also, The website can help the brand discover the industry market faster. So, how can we do a good job of keyword layout?
Keyword settings
Keyword setting is the first step in the brand website. And the position of setting keywords should be as prominent as possible. So that it is easier to crawl by crawlers. For example, the website’s title, the homepage’s title, and also the article’s title in the information column. And the positions of the first and likewise last paragraphs of the article are all places that are easier to crawl.
Keyword association
The set keywords can associate with the main keywords to derive more related long-tail words and increase the possibility of standing searched. For example: “brand communication” can associate with “how to do brand communication?” “how to do brand communication in Shenzhen?” and so on. Through such associations, more keywords are laid out on the website.
Keyword follow
By observing the keywords laid out by other big brands in the same industry or the keywords that are currently popular. Integrate and lay out these popular keywords into your website. By laying out popular keywords, more page views can be brought to the website. Also, The higher the page views, the better the effect of brand communication.
If you want to do a good job in keyword layout, you must have a sense of the Internet. You must be able to accurately grasp the preferences of current netizens, and you must have the sensitivity to capture popular keywords. A media company with rich experience in network communication and SEO optimization, like Shenzhen Zhiwuwu. Can help companies easily handle the SEO optimization work of their websites and empower brand communication.
Layout keyword SEO optimization in advance to easily improve website indexing rate; Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash.
Construction, Costs Associated, and Techniques of Plant Layout…
Construction of Plant Building:
For effective and efficient operation of the plant, the design of the building is one of the main considerations. The building housing the plant should be designed in such a way that it can meet the requirements of the concern’s operations and its layout.
According to James Lundy,
“An ideal plant building is one which is built to house the most efficient layout that can be provided for the process involved, yet which is architecturally ultra active and of such a standard shape and design as most flexible in its use and expensive units construction.”
The layout may be said to be efficient if it is housed in a building that ensures comfort and health of workers engaged in the plant concerning heat, light, humidity, circulation of air, etc. and on the other hand, it protects the plant and equipment and materials from the weather.
There are several factors which are to be considered in constructing a new building for housing the plant. These are:
The building structure should be adaptable fully to the needs and requirements of the plant. In the beginning, most of the enterprises carry their business in a rented building which is generally not suitable to the needs and special requirements of the industries with the obvious reason that landlord constructs the building to suit average conditions of a manufacturing unit and they cannot be persuaded to make the necessary changes affecting the flexibility. As to the degree of adaptability, it may be needed that buildings are more easily adapted to fit the needs of the continuous process than to those of any other.
Provision for additions and extensions:
In designing and constructing a new factory building, care must be taken to provide for additions and extensions which may arise to meet the necessary and peculiar needs in due course of time. There must be every possibility to add new units without disturbing the existing manufacturing system. Kimball and Kimball have rightly suggested that “an ideal building plan is one built on some (unit) system like a sectional bookcase so that additional units can be added at any time without disturbing the manufacturing system and organization”. As a general rule extension can be made most conveniently at right angles to the direction of flow of work.
The number of stories:
Another important decision while designing new plant building is to consider the number of stories to be built, Le., whether the building should be single-stories or multi-stories. The choice between single and multi-stories depends obviously on various factors such as the nature of the product, proposed layout, the value of land, the cost of construction. Before deciding the number of stories, the management should bear in mind the comparative advantages and disadvantages of one story and many stories.
Costs Associated With Plant Layout:
The costs associated with a decision on plant layout are;
Cost of movement of materials from one work area to another.
The cost of space.
Cost of a production delay, if any, which are indirect costs.
Cost of spoilage of materials, if any, when the materials are stacked or stored in conditions which deteriorate the quality of the material.
The cost of labor dissatisfaction and health risks.
Cost of changes required, if the operational conditions change in the future. This is a long-term cost.
A good layout should minimize all these costs put together.
Techniques of Plant Layout:
In designing or improving the plan of plant layout, certain techniques or tools are developed and are in common use today.
The techniques or tools are as follows;
Charts and Diagrams:
To achieve work simplification, production engineers make use of several charts and diagrams for summarising and analyzing production process and procedures.
These include;
Operation Process chart: It subdivides the process into its separate operations and inspections. When a variety of parts and products are manufactured which follow different parts across several floor areas, an operation process chart may be necessary for the important material items or products. The flow lines on the chart indicate the sequence of all operations in the manufacturing cycle.
Flow process chart: This chart is a graphic summary of all the activities taking place on the production floor of an existing plant. By preparing this type of chart, it can be found out as to where operations can be eliminated, rearranged, combined, simplified or sub-divided for greater economy. This chart will also identity inflexible processes which cannot be adapted to the output of redesigned models or related outputs.
Process flow diagram: The diagram is both a supplement and substitute of process flow chart. It helps in tracking the movement of material on a floor plan or layout drawing. A diagram may be drawn to scale on the original floor plan to show the movement of work. It is a good technique to show long material hauls and backtracking of present layouts, thereby indicating how the present layout may be improved. The flow of several standard products can be shown by colored lines.
This diagram can be used to analyze the effectiveness of the arrangement of plant activities, the location of specific machines, and the allocation of space. It shows how a more logical arrangement and economical flow of work can be devised.
Machine data card:
This card provides full information necessary for the placement and layout of equipment. The cards are prepared separately for each machine. The information generally given on these cards include facts about the machine such as the capacity of the machine, space occupied, power requirements, handling devices required and dimensions.
The template is the drawing of a machine or tool cut out from the sheet of paper. The area occupied by a machine is shown by cutting to scale. The plant layout engineer prepares a floor plan based on relevant information made available to him.
Templates representing machines, tools, conveyors, furnaces, ovens, inspection stations, tanks, storages, bins, trucks etc. are then laid out on the floor plan according to the sequence or groupings indicated on the operation process chart and the overall layout plan prepared by the engineers and helps in trying out at possible alternative arrangements.
The template technique is important because;
It eliminates unnecessary handlings.
Minimized backtracking of materials.
It makes the mechanical handling possible.
They provide a visual picture of the proposed or existing plan of the layout at one place, and.
They offer flexibility to meet future changes in production requirements.
Scale models:
Though two-dimensional templates are now in extensive use in the field of layout engineering it is not of much use to executives who cannot understand and manipulate them. One important drawback of the template technique is that it leaves the volume, depth, height, and clearances of machines to the imagination of the reader of the drawing.
These drawbacks of template technique have been removed through the development of miniature scale models of machinery and equipment cast in metal. With scale models, it has now become possible to move tiny figures of men and machines around in miniature factors. The miniature machines and models of material handling equipment are placed in a miniature plant and moved about like pawn on a chessboard.
Layout drawings:
Completed layouts are generally represented by drawings of the plant showing walls columns, stairways, machines and other equipment, storage areas and office areas.
The above techniques and tools are used for the planning of layout for the new plant.
This article of the Factors influencing Plant Layout (PDF) in Production Management is explaining in their 12 key points – 1) Nature of the product, 2) The volume of Production, 3) Basic managerial policies and decisions, 4) Nature of plant location, 5) Type of industry process, 6) Types of methods of production, 7) Nature of machines, 8) Climate, 9) Nature of Materials, 10) Type of machine and equipment, 11) Human factor and working conditions, and 12) Characteristics of the building.
Here the questions and answer – What are the Factors influencing Plant Layout? Discussion.
The following are some important factors which influence the planning of effective plant layout to a significant degree.
Nature of the product:
The nature of the product to manufacture will significantly affect the layout of the plant. The stationary layout will be most suitable for heavy products while line layout will be best for the manufacture of light products because small and light products can move from one machine to another very easily and, therefore, more attention can pay to machine locations and handling of materials.
The volume of Production:
The volume of production and the standardization of the product also affect the type of layout. If standardized commodities are to manufacture on a large scale, the line type of layout may adopt. If production is made on the order of the customers, the functional layout is better to adopt.
Basic managerial policies and decisions:
The type of layout depends very much on the decisions and policies of the management to follow in producing a commodity with regard to size of plant, kind and quality of the product; scope for expansion to provide for, the extent to which the plant is to integrate, amount of stocks to carry at any time, the kind of employee facilities to provide, etc.
The size, shape, and topography of the site at which plant is located will naturally affect the type of layout to follow because of the maximum utilization of space available. For example, if a site is near the railway line the arrangement of general layout for receiving and shipping and for the best flow of production in and out the plant may make by the side of the railway line. If space is narrow and the production process is lengthy.
This is one of the most important factors influencing the choice of the type of plant layout. Generally, the types of layout particularly the arrangement of machines and work centers and the location of workmen varies according to the nature of the industry to which the plant belongs.
For layout, the industry may classify into two broad categories:
Intermittent, and.
Intermittent type of industries is those which manufacture different components or different machines. Such industries may manufacture the parts when required according to the market needs. Examples of such industries are shipbuilding plants. In this type of industry functional layout may be the best.
The second type of industry in “continuous” industry. In this type of industrial raw materials are fed at one end and the finished goods are received at another end. A continuous industry may either be analytical or synthetically. As the analytical industry breaks up the raw material into several parts during the production process or changes its form, e.g. oil and sugar refineries.
A synthetic industry, on the other hand, mixes the two or more materials to manufacture one product along with the process of production or assembles several parts to get the finished product. Cement and automobile industries are examples of such industry. Line layout is more suitable in continuous process industries.
Types of methods of production:
Layout plans may be different according to the method of production proposed to adopt. Any of the following three methods may adopt for production:
Job order production.
Batch production, and.
Mass Production.
Under job production goods are produced according to the orders of the customers and therefore, specifications vary from customer to customer and the production cannot standardize. The machines and equipment can arrange in a manner to suit the need of all types of customers. Batch production carries the production of goods in batches or groups at intervals.
In this type of manufacturing the product standardizes and production makes generally in anticipation of sales. Such cases, functional or process layout may adopt. In the case of mass production of standardized goods, line layout is the most suitable form of plant layout.
Nature of machines:
Nature of machines and equipment also affects the layout of the plant. If machines are heavy or create noisy atmosphere, stationary layout may reasonably adopt. Heavy machines are generally fixed on the ground floor. Ample space should provide for complicate machines to avoid accidents.
Sometimes, temperature, illumination, and air are the deciding factors in deciding the location of machines and their establishments. For example, in the lantern manufacturing industry, the spray painting room is built along the factory wall to ensure the required temperature control and air expulsion and then the process of spray painting may undertake.
Nature of Materials:
Design and specifications of materials, physical and chemical properties of materials, quantity, and quality of materials and combination of materials are probably the most important factors to consider in planning a layout. So, materials storage and materials handling should give due consideration.
For materials storage factors such as rate of consumption of raw materials, space, volume and weight of raw materials, floor load capacity, ceiling height method of storing should give special consideration. This will affect the space and the efficiency of the production process in the plant. It will facilitate economic production goods and prompt materials flow and a soundly conceived materials handling system.
Type of machine and equipment:
Machines and equipment may be either a general-purpose or special purpose. Also, certain tools are used. The requirements of each machine and equipment are quite different in terms of their space, speed and material handling process and these factors should give proper consideration while choosing out a particular type of layout.
It should also consider that each machine and equipment use to its fullest capacity because machines involve a huge investment. For instance, under product layout, certain machines may not use to their full capacity so care should take to make full use of the capacity of the machine and equipment.
Human factor and working conditions:
Man is the most important factor of production and therefore special consideration for their safety and comforts should give while planning a layout, specific safety items like the obstruction-free floor, workers not exposed to hazards, exit, etc. should provide for. The layout should also provide for the comforts to the workers such as the provision of restrooms, drinking water, lavatory, and other services, etc. Sufficient space is also to provide for the free movement of workers. For this, provisions of the Factories Act should follow strictly.
Characteristics of the building:
The shape of building, covered and open area, number of stories, facilities of elevators; parking area, storing place and so on also influence the layout plan. In most of the cases where the building hires. The layout is to adjust within the space available in the building.
Although minor modifications may finish suiting the needs of the plant and equipment. But if the new building is to construct, proper care should give to construct it according to the layout plan drawn by experts. The special type of construction needs to accommodate huge or technical or complex or sophisticated machines and equipment.
What are the Factors influencing Plant Layout? Discussion, #Pixabay.
It is clear from the above description that several factors are considered while choosing out a plan for plant layout. Because they affect the production and its cost to a great extent.