Old Sultan “The Fairy Tales” short story was written by the Brothers Grimm: A shepherd had a faithful dog, called Sultan,…
Mother Holle / Frau Holle “The Fairy Tales” short story was written by the Brothers Grimm: Once upon a time there…
Hansel and Gretel “The Fairy Tales” short story was written by the Brothers Grimm: Hard by a great forest dwelt…
Jorinda and Jorindel “The Fairy Tales” short story was written by the Brothers Grimm: There was once an old castle,…
Hans in Luck “The Fairy Tales” short story was written by the Brothers Grimm: Some men are born to good…
Fundevogel "The Fairy Tales" short story was written by the Brothers Grimm: There was once a forester who went into…
Cat and Mouse in Partnership "The Fairy Tales" short story was written by the Brothers Grimm: A certain cat had…
Briar Rose "The Fairy Tales" short story was written by The Brothers Grimm: A king and queen once upon a…
The Shoes of Fortune 06 "The Best That the Galoshes Gave" "The Shoes of Fortune" the Short Story was Written…
The Shoes of Fortune 05 "Metamorphosis of the Copying-Clerk" "The Shoes of Fortune" the Short Story was Written by Hans…