Tag: HRM

  • Explain the Methods of Job Analysis, with Process!

    Explain the Methods of Job Analysis, with Process!

    Learn and Understand, Explain the Methods of Job Analysis, with Process!

    If you want to study first the Purpose of Job Analysis! So study for better understand. Then learn the Methods of Job Analysis! Now, Though there are several methods of collecting job analysis information yet choosing the one or a combination of more than one method depends upon the needs and requirements of an organization and the objectives of the job analysis process. Typically, all the methods focus on collecting the basic job-related information but when used in combination may bring out the hidden or overlooked information and prove to be great tools for creating a perfect job-candidate fit. Also learn, Meaning and Definition, Explain the Methods of Job Analysis, with Process!

    Selecting an appropriate job analysis method depends on the structure of the organization, hierarchical levels, nature of job and responsibilities and duties involved in it. So, before executing any method, all advantages and disadvantages should be analyzed because the data collected through this process serves a great deal and helps organizations cope with current market trends, organizational changes, high attrition rate and many other day-to-day problems.

    Let’s discuss few of job analysis methods that are commonly used by the organizations to investigate the demands of a specific job.

    Methods of Job Analysis:

    Most Common Methods of Job Analysis

    #Observation Method:

    A job analyst observes an employee and records all his performed and non-performed task, fulfilled and unfulfilled responsibilities and duties, methods, ways and skills used by him or her to perform various duties and his or her mental or emotional ability to handle challenges and risks. However, it seems one of the easiest methods to analyze a specific job but truth is that it is the most difficult one. Why? Let’s Discover.

    It is due to the fact that every person has his own way of observing things. Different people think different and interpret the findings in different ways. Therefore, the process may involve personal biases or likes and dislikes and may not produce genuine results. This error can be avoided by proper training of job analyst or whoever will be conducting the job analysis process.

    #This particular method includes three techniques: Direct observation, Work Methods Analysis, and Critical Incident Technique. The first method includes direct observation and recording of the behavior of an employee in different situations. The second involves the study of time and motion and is specially used for assembly-line or factory workers. The third one is about identifying the work behaviors that result in performance.

    #Interview Method:

    In this method, an employee is interviewed so that he or she comes up with their own working styles, problems faced by them, use of particular skills and techniques while performing their job and insecurities and fears about their careers.

    This method helps interviewer know what exactly an employee thinks about his or her own job and responsibilities involved in it. It involves analysis of job by the employee himself. In order to generate honest and true feedback or collect genuine data, questions asked during the interview should be carefully decided. And to avoid errors, it is always good to interview more than one individual to get a pool of responses. Then it can be generalized and used for the whole group.

    #Questionnaire Method:

    Another commonly used job analysis method is getting the questionnaires filled from employees, their superiors, and managers. However, this method also suffers from personal biasness. A great care should be taken while framing questions for different grades of employees.

    In order to get the true job-related info, management should effectively communicate it to the staff that data collected will be used for their own good. It is very important to ensure them that it won’t be used against them in anyway. If it is not done properly, it will be a sheer wastage of time, money and human resources.

    These are some of the most common methods of job analysis. However, there are several other specialized methods including task inventory, job element method, competency profiling, technical conference, threshold traits analysis system and a combination of these methods. While choosing a method, HR managers need to consider time, cost and human efforts included in conducting the process.

    Process Methods of Job Analysis:

    Job analysis data is collected in several ways with only the specification of the person who is going to carry out the job analysis. Often workers from the HR department participate in job evaluations; also depending on the different methods of job analysis even the managers, bosses, and employees participate. During complicated job analysis, the industrial engineers handle the time and motion studies.

    Another facet of job analysis is the contemplation of the technique used; some techniques of job analysis or methods are observations, interviews, questionnaires and other specific analysis methods. The applications of the techniques used in job analysis mostly depend on the type of organization, its fundamental requirements, and circumstances.

    The various methods of Job Analysis are:

    1. Observation:

    In the job analysis method of observation, the performance of the worker is monitored by a manager, supervisor or job analyst, industrial engineer; the performance is recorded to see whether the tasks and duties are properly done. Job analysis observation may either be continuous or intermittent sampling but the observation is always of limited use since most jobs do not have the capability of doing the observation of the complete job cycles.

    Hence observation is efficient in cyclic jobs and when used combined with other methods. The observation might be used by the supervisor or manager to be familiar with the job and its requirements. During other methods in job analysis, the observation method is immensely useful as it provides vital information about the job.

    2. Work Sampling:

    Work Sampling is a kind of observation; it does not need thorough concentration in all its minute aspects through the whole work cycle. As an alternative; the person doing the job analysis decides the matter and work pace on a specific workday according to the statistical sampling of various actions rather than by constant monitoring and detailed timing of each action. Work Sampling is most effective for regular monotonous jobs and cyclic repetitive jobs.

    3. Employee Diary/Log:

    In this method, the employee himself records his performance in a diary/log along with the frequency of the duty and the time needed to perform. This technique is useful in some ways but becomes tiresome for the employees to record all their duties and the timings. Even some employees believe that the employee diary/log method diverts them from their work and creates unnecessary distractions.

    4. Interviewing:

    In the interview technique of collecting data, the manager or the overseer monitors every job place and the worker performing it. Then a model question or interview form is made to ask the workers and note the answers and to get the proper analysis and complete comprehension of the job and its requirements; one has to talk and interview both the employee and the supervisor.

    This method is exhaustive when the interviewer has to converse with two or more employees in one job. Often the professional and managerial jobs are very difficult and complex to analyze; hence require complex longer interviews. Thus the interviewing method should be combined with any other method for proper assessment.

    5. Questionnaires:

    Questionnaires method is the most popular technique for collecting information in job analysis and a survey device is created and distributed amongst the employees and managers to read and answer. The merits of this method are that bulk information can be collected from the employees without much effort; that also in a short span of time.

    But the problems of job analysis is that it assumes the employee to answer the questions truthfully without any bias but that in reality is quite impossible; as opinions on their work and other things will always be influenced by their personal beliefs. Due to this problem, the job analysis questionnaire is mostly combined with the interviews and observations.

    6. Critical incident method:

    This method consists of observation and documentation of other instances and whether the behaviors were effective or futile to produce the desired results. The critical incident method of behavior includes; the reason of the incident and the circumstance, the work was done by the employee and how it was futile or useful, the assumed outcome of the behavior and also an analysis on the influence the behavior of an employee have on the outcome.

    This method vastly differs from the other job evaluation, methods of conducting job analysis as only here the employee behavior is not recorded when it is performed but later when the behavior has been evaluated to be futile or useful depending on the results.

    Here the behavior is described in retrospect and it is acknowledged that recording of past actions is more difficult and complicated than of present actions when the performance is continued.

    Explain the Methods of Job Analysis with Process - ilearnlot

  • Explain Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Analysis!

    Explain Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Analysis!

    Learn and Study, Explain Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Analysis!

    Basically anywhere asking this types of question, What is the Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Analysis? First looking What is Job Analysis?, then Objectives or Purpose of Job Analysis, after that looking study, and Explaining, the Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Analysis! Job analysis is crucial in all human activities but like all human inventions, it also suffers from various limitations. Introduction to Job analysis consists of job responsibilities, information, expertise, capabilities and personal traits and all this lead to success, for the workers. The basic reason for which the organizations require job analysis is to ensure proper selection measures for choosing the suitable applicants. Also learn, Meaning and Definition, Explain Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Analysis!

    A logical selection modus operandi is always necessary to make reasonable and trust-worthy job selections. A genuine selection procedure requires job analysis since it identifies the fundamental requirements for that specific job. The purpose of Job Analysis is to establish and document the ‘job relatedness‘ of employment procedures such as compensation, training, performance appraisal, and selection.

    What is Job Analysis?

    Job analysis helps to recognize and verify the requirements of a job and delineate the duties and obligations of the job. In job, evaluations done on the information collected about the job, the significance should always be given on the job and never on the worker or the individual. The basic notion of job analysis is that the evaluations and judgments are done depending on the job and not on the person.

    It is done through cross-examinations and surveys according to the necessities of the occupation and the analysis provides a specific explanation and requirements of the job.

    Objectives of Job Analysis:

    The aims of Job analysis is to always ascertain and record the job-related information of the employment measures like training, selection, payment and performance assessment. Job Analysis is used for classifying both training and requirement evaluations which consist of the training matter, evaluation exams to understand the usefulness of training, devices used for training and also the techniques of training. Also Learned or More info in here, Purpose of Job Analysis!

    #Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Analysis!

    Though job analysis plays a vital role in all other human-related activities every process that has human interventions also suffers from some limitations. The process of job analysis also has its own constraints. So, let us discuss the advantages and disadvantages of job analysis process at length.

    #Advantages of Job Analysis:

    Provides First Hand Job-Related Information: The job analysis process provides with valuable job-related data that helps managers and job analyst the duties and responsibilities of a particular job, risks and hazards involved in it, skills and abilities required to perform the job and other related info.

    Helps in Creating Right Job-Employee Fit: This is one of the most crucial management activities. Filling the right person in a right job vacancy is a test of skills, understanding, and competencies of HR managers. Job Analysis helps them understand what type of employee will be suitable to deliver a specific job successfully.

    Helps in Establishing Effective Hiring Practices: Who is to be filled where and when? Who to target and how for a specific job opening? Job analysis process gives answers to all these questions and helps managers in creating, establishing and maintaining effective hiring practices.

    Guides through Performance Evaluation and Appraisal Processes: Job Analysis helps managers evaluating the performance of employees by comparing the standard or desired output with delivered or actual output. On these bases, they appraise their performances. The process helps in deciding whom to promote and when. It also guides managers in understanding the skill gaps so that right person can be fit at that particular place in order to get desired output.

    Helps in Analyzing Training & Development Needs: The process of job analysis gives the answer to following questions:

    • Who to impart training?
    • When to impart training?
    • What should be the content of training?
    • What should be the type of training: behavioral or technical?
    • Who will conduct training?

    Helps in Deciding Compensation Package for a Specific Job: A genuine and unbiased process of job analysis helps managers in determining the appropriate compensation package and benefits and allowances for a particular job. This is done on the basis of responsibilities and hazards involved in a job.

    #Disadvantages of Job Analysis:

    Time Consuming: The biggest disadvantage of Job Analysis process is that it is very time-consuming. It is a major limitation especially when jobs change frequently.

    Involves Personal Biasness: If the observer or job analyst is an employee of the same organization, the process may involve his or her personal likes and dislikes. This is a major hindrance to collecting genuine and accurate data.

    Source of Data is Extremely Small: Because of small sample size, the source of collecting data is extremely small. Therefore, information collected from few individuals needs to be standardized.

    Involves Lots of Human Efforts: The process involves lots of human efforts. As every job carries different information and there is no set pattern, customized information is to be collected for different jobs. The process needs to be conducted separately for collecting and recording job-related data.

    Job Analyst May Not Possess Appropriate Skills: If job analyst is not aware of the objective of job analysis process & does not possess appropriate skills to conduct the process, it is a sheer wastage of company’s resources. He or she needs to be trained in order to get authentic data.

    Mental Abilities Can not be Directly Observed: Last but not the least, mental abilities such as intellect, emotional characteristics, knowledge, aptitude, psychic and endurance are intangible things that can not be observed or measured directly. People act differently in different situations. Therefore, general standards cannot be set for mental abilities.

    Explain Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Analysis - ilearnlot

  • Explain the Purpose of Job Analysis!

    Explain the Purpose of Job Analysis!

    Learn and Understand, Explain the Purpose of Job Analysis!

    Job Analysis information has been found to serve a wide variety of purposes. More recently, job analysis data have been used in areas such as compensation, training and performance appraisal among many others. Of particular interest here is the application of job analysis data in HR Selection. Also Learned, Meaning and Definition, Explain the Purpose of Job Analysis!

    As discussed already, job analysis involves collecting and recording job-related data such as knowledge and skills required to perform a job, duties, and responsibilities involved, educational qualifications and experience required and physical and emotional characteristics required to perform a job in the desired manner.

    The main purposes of conducting a job analysis process are to use this particular information to create a right fit between job and employee, to assess the performance of an employee, to determine the worth of a particular task and to analyze training and development needs of an employee delivering that specific job.

    Let’s understand the concept with the help of an example. If the job of an executive sales manager is to be analyzed, the first and foremost thing would be to determine the worth of this job. The next step is to analyze whether the person is able to deliver what is expected of him. It also helps in knowing if he or she is perfect for this job. The process doesn’t finish here. It also involves collection of other important facts and figures such as job location, department or division, compensation grade, job duties, routine tasks, computer, educational, communicational and physical skills, MIS activities, reporting structure, ability to adapt in a given environment, leadership skills, licenses and certifications, ability to grow and close sales, ability to handle clients, superiors and subordinates and of course, the presentation of an individual.

    Broadly speaking in the context of HR selection, job analysis data are frequently used to:
    • Identify employee specifications (KSA) necessary for success on a job.
    • Select or develop predictors that assess important KSAs and can be administered to job applicants and used to forecast those employees who are likely to be successful on the job.
    • Develop criteria or standards of performance that employees must meet in order to be considered successful on a job.

    By examining factors such as the tasks performed on a job as well as the KSAs needed to perform these tasks, one can obtain an idea of what ought to be measured by predictors used in employment screening. When predictors and criteria are developed based on the results of a job analysis, a selection system that is job-related can be developed. By using a job-related selection system we are in a much better position to predict who can and who cannot adequately perform a job. In addition, with a job-related selection system, we are far more likely to have an employment system that will be viewed by job applicants as well as the courts as being a “fair” one.

    #Better Understand the Purpose of Job Analysis:

    Job Analysis plays an important role in recruitment and selection, job evaluation, job designing, deciding compensation and benefits packages, performance appraisal, analyzing training and development needs, assessing the worth of a job and increasing personnel as well as organizational productivity.

    #Recruitment and Selection:

    Job Analysis helps in determining what kind of person is required to perform a particular job. It points out the educational qualifications, level of experience and technical, physical, emotional and personal skills required to carry out a job in desired fashion. The objective is to fit a right person at a right place.

    #Performance Analysis:

    Job analysis is done to check if goals and objectives of a particular job are met or not. It helps in deciding the performance standards, evaluation criteria, and individual’s output. On this basis, the overall performance of an employee is measured and he or she is appraised accordingly.

    #Training and Development:

    Job Analysis can be used to assess the training and development needs of employees. The difference between the expected and actual output determines the level of training that needs to be imparted to employees. It also helps in deciding the training content, tools and pieces of equipment to be used to conduct training and methods of training.

    #Compensation Management:

    Of course, job analysis plays a vital role in deciding the pay packages and extra perks and benefits and fixed and variable incentives of employees. After all, the pay package depends on the position, job title and duties, and responsibilities involved in a job. The process guides HR managers in deciding the worth of an employee for a particular job opening.

    #Job Designing and Redesigning:

    The main purpose of job analysis is to streamline the human efforts and get the best possible output. It helps in designing, redesigning, enriching, evaluating and also cutting back and adding the extra responsibilities in a particular job. This is done to enhance the employee satisfaction while increasing the human output.

    Therefore, job analysis is one of the most important functions of an HR manager or department. This helps in fitting the right kind of talent at the right place and at the right time.

    Explain the Purpose of Job Analysis - ilearnlot

  • The Selection Process in HRM (Human Resource Management)!

    The Selection Process in HRM (Human Resource Management)!

    Learn, Explain are the Selection Process in HRM (Human Resource Management)?

    Selection Process: Selection activities usually follow a standard pattern, beginning with an initial screening interview and concluding with the final employment decision. It is very important for human resources management because of this process help human resources personnel to identify the candidate with the necessary qualification to perform successfully on the job. Also learn, International and Comparative Human Resource Management, Explain are the Selection Process in HRM (Human Resource Management)?

    The selection process has several steps which are as follows:

    Initial Screening!

    To further proceed with recruiting efforts, human resources management has to initiate a preliminary review of the potentially acceptable candidates. There are two steps for this screening procedure. (1)The screening of inquiries and (2)The provision of screening interviews. Once the screening process is successful, an organization will have a pool of potential candidate. On the basis of the job description and job specification, many of the candidates have been removed from the potential list. These occur due to irrelevant experience or inadequate qualification and education.

    The provision of screening interviews is also important for human resources management of the organization because it gives a base to the candidates to make their mind for the particular job that whether they wish to do the job or not. Screening interview gives brief information about the job. The sharing of job description information with the individual can frequently encourage the unqualified or marginally qualified candidate to withdraw voluntarily. Another important aspect is to identify salary range. It also gives a clear view of the salary range which human resources management has decided for the particular job.

    Employment testing!

    Another step in selection process after initial screening of the candidate is employment testing. In this step potential candidate may have to give some test related to the requirement of the job. Through these test, human resources management would be able to measure intelligence, aptitude, ability, and interest of the candidate for the particular job. These tests can be verbal or written. And it helps human resources management to recognize characteristics of candidate’s personality. These tests have found to be the most valuable tool for the selection process.

    Selection Interview!

    Applicants who are found potential after initial screening, application form and tests which are required by the organization are given selection interview. This interview is being taken by anyone of them: personnel department interviewers, executives within the organization, a potential supervisor, potential colleagues, or some combination of these. The selection interview usually highlights or focus on the areas where are not mentioned in an application form or in tests. These areas are the motivation of candidate, their ability to work under pressure and their suitability which fits them into an organization. This information is job-related and the questions which are asked and the topic. Which is covered must be somewhere reflect the necessity of the position required.

    Background and reference checks!

    Once selection interview is being over, the next step is background check of the candidate. Who appears to offer potential as employees. These may include contacting candidate’s former employers or by contacting his/her personal references to know candidate’s behavior, performance at the workplace and the information about candidate’s educational qualification. The background check of the candidate may do by personnel administrator, department head or by the senior executive. Sometimes personnel administrator may approach more than one or two persons for the background check or reference check. By doing this, the administrator can eliminate the possibility of accepting an individual based on the employee’s current employer’s glowing recommendation when the motivation for such a positive recommendation we not get rid of the employee.

    Physical examination!

    Next step is having the physical examination of the candidate who so ever is found positive in the background check. In many of jobs, it is using as the screening device in the selection process. The intention behind physical examination is to screen out those candidates. Who are unable to comply physically with the requirements of the job and the organization. Majority of physical examination are currently requiring the organization to meet the minimum standard for the organization’s group life and medical insurance programs and to provide base data in case of future worker’s compensation claims.

    Decision to hire/ Final employment decision!

    Candidates who have successfully pass an employment test, selection interview, background check and physical examination are considering as eligible candidates of the offer of employment in the organization. In many organization offer letter for the employment is being given by the administrator of the organization, in some organization. It is given by the department head, where the position is requiring. Every organization has the different policy for the offer of employment. Do you know, What is Recruitment?

    #Cost of Selection!

    Human resources management always focuses on the cost of the selection of the candidate. To select a person for a particular position, human resources management has to keep it in their budget. Cost of selection is considering for those who don’t contribute anything to the organization. There are some of these kinds of people. They don’t work so efficiently and not only efficiently but they don’t even wish to work properly. Also, They are mainly concerned with their salary not for the effort made by them toward an organization.

    They think about how much organizational benefit they can get, they do not result oriented. Cost of selection is based on employees’ survival in the organization. If an employee will work in the organization for a long time than the cost of the selection of that employee is adjusting. Because during every selection process, human resources management has to give there valuable time. They have to spend time for the search of the good candidate.

    #Factor Affecting Selection Process!

    The selection process is also affecting by certain factors these factors can be good for selection of the candidate and can be bad for the selection of the candidate. Human resource management has to go through these factors, so if they need any changes they can make it at a time. Know about, The Objectives of Human Resource Management!

    There are following factors which are affecting selection process:

    Relevant Experience!

    Human Resource management has to check the experience which they are looking for from the candidate for the particular position. Relevant experience, for example, there is an organization and they need to hire for the there marketing department. The organization needs a candidate with five years of experience in marketing i.e. direct marketing. They post an ad in the newspaper and other modes like. Their own website and other job posting website that they need the candidate with at least five years of experience in direct marketing. They receive some applications and then they came to know that there are some applicants who have five years of experience but not all in the direct market. In such situation, they have to take out the application of those candidates who don’t how relevant experience, Because they are looking for the relevant experience for the position, not the total experience.

    Industry type!

    Industry type is one of the factors which are influencing the selection process. Human resources management faces problem while they have to identify that the candidate has correct industry type. Sometimes they are looking for the candidate from the particular industry. If an organization is a pharmaceutical industry not from banking industry or marketing industry. Here human resources management has to consider the candidate where it was working most have same industry type, not another kind. The relevant industry is one factor which is influencing the selection process. Human resources management has to consider this factor to get the right candidate for the right position.


    Sometimes organization didn’t find the suitable candidate from the area where they are located. In such situation, they have to hire someone from the different area. Sometime during the selection process, they ask candidates that whether they are ready to relocate themselves or not. And candidates deny the offer because they don’t want to relocate themselves from the current area. In such situation, it becomes a hurdle for human resources management department. Relocation is also a factor which influences the selection process.

    Sometimes human resource management person has to offer some extra benefits to the person whom they want to relocate. They may have to offer house rent, food compensation and something more. Sometimes candidate gets ready to relocate themselves because they find good money or more salary than what they are currently getting. They may get ready to relocate because they get the higher position than what they are working currently or for future prospects. Human resource management has to ready to negotiate with the candidate if they want them to relocate.

    Made of education!

    Mode of education is also factors which influence the selection process. While scrutinizing the applications of the applicants, it is hard to know what mode of education they have done for the qualification which they are applying for these days many students are going for online education, where they don’t get any direct class. They just home to study online. They have to study by themselves and if they any problem with the books and reading material, they have to discuss it online or through email.

    In such condition, they don’t get any direct physical contact with teacher or professors. And they don’t get any practical knowledge about what they are studying. For example, there is an organization that is looking for the candidate, who should have the educational qualification in marketing and has practical knowledge in marketing but the candidate has gone through online education. They have theoretical knowledge about marketing but they don’t have Practical experience. And human resources management has come to know at the time of interview. In such situation, it is hard to select such candidates.

    Salary Budget!

    Salary budget is one of the major factors which influences the selection process. There is a fix salary budget for any position. Human resources management can’t go beyond the budget which they have planned for the position. In any situation, human resources management face the problem when candidate demands the salary which doesn’t fin in the budget of required position. Then they have to negotiate with the candidate. Sometimes candidate didn’t agree with the offer and refuse the offer. It is hard to convince candidate of they are demanding more than salary budget. To convince those human resources management offers certain benefits other than salary.

    The Selection Process in HRM (Human Resource Management) - ilearnlot
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  • The Objectives of Human Resource Management!

    The Objectives of Human Resource Management!

    Learned, The Objectives of Human Resource Management!

    Successful human resource management enables a firm to flourish, but for the success of human resource management, the team must have a clear objective. Guide to three different types of objectives for human resource management. HR professionals should know how to understand and select these basic objectives. Also, How is important change Management the Success of a Business? The Objectives of Human Resource Management!

    Objectives for Employees!

    An essential component of human resource management involves establishing objectives for employees. When selecting objectives for employees, managers should consider whether the business is the most important. For example, if sales are important for businesses, increasing employee sales skills is an example of an intelligent purpose. According to “Managing Human Resources Through Strategic Partnerships,” Employees with the skills to activate employees to make. The advances of improvement in the process, to communicate effectively with the most important human resource objectives, to employees Training, and awareness of the employees and the understanding of the needs of the customers are increasing.

    Strategic Objective!

    Strategic objectives in human resources management are not related to individual employees, but in the form of a whole, with employees. Common strategic human resource objectives include reducing employee turnover, increasing employee morale and reducing employee absence. Also, in order to achieve these goals, human resource managers should implement specific measures aimed at fulfilling them. For example, to increase employee morale, a Human Resource Manager might increase employee profits, add financial incentives to reduce workloads or perform employee performance. Definition, Importance, and Affected Factors of Manpower Planning!

    Financial Objectives!

    Many financial objectives can measure human resource management. Common measures include HR return on investment, HR expenditure ratio, and HR revenue ratio. The Human Resources withdrawal benefit from the investment is made by the firm divided by the labor and profit costs. Also, Calculating the HR expense ratio by simply dividing HR expenditure by all operating expenses. Human Resource Revenue Ratio is a computation of total revenue divided by the number of employees. Each organization will have specific human resources finance aims that. This achievement will want to allow these metrics to assume higher management personnel against the actual realization of these goals.

    Selection of the Objective!

    The manager should select the human resource objectives according to the Smart Criteria. Which say that the objectives are specific, measurable, which action should be relevant and timely. For example, a firm not only aims to increase the employee’s performance. A better aim is to increase employee sales to 35 percent in the next six months. The objective is that the smart criteria are likely to be easy and more successful to keep an eye out. International and Comparative Human Resource Management!

    The Objectives of Human Resource Management - ilearnlot
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  • What is the Concept of Career Planning?

    What is the Concept of Career Planning?

    Concept of Career Planning; Career is viewed as a bunch or collection of jobs or positions. Generally, it describes an applicable career path within the structure of the organization. It shows the principal personnel development paths within the organization. The etymology of the term derived from the Latin word career, which means race. All the jobs, that are held together during one’s working life, constitute the career. It is also viewed as the sequence of positions held by an individual during his employment life. Edwin B. Flippo defined a career, as a sequence of separate but related work activities that provide continuity, order, and meaning in a person’s life.

    The Concept of Career Planning: Definition, Objectives, Process, and Benefits.

    A career may be viewed as the amalgamation of the changes in values, attitudes, and motivation an individual embraces, as he or she grows older. This constitutes a subjective element of the concept “career”.

    Concept And Meaning Of Career planning:

    Career planning is a process by which one selects career goals and the path to those goals. It involves a clear selection of career goals and career paths.

    • Career goals: Career goals are the desired future positions an employee strives to reach as a part of the career.
    • Career path: Career path is the sequential pattern of jobs during a career. It can cover 30 years or more until the retirement of the employee. It takes a long-term perspective of the job.

    Career planning is a continuous process. HRM should facilitate it by providing career education, information, and counseling to employees for career planning purposes.

    1. Career education: Career education increased employee awareness about career planning through a variety of educational techniques, such as:
    • Workshops and seminars about career planning
    • Memoranda and position papers about career planning
    • Speeches about career planning
    1. Career information: Career information provides information to employees about career planning. Such information can be available through Human Resource Information System. HR specialists can advise about career goals and alternative career paths.
    2. Career counseling: Career counseling is done by professional counselors. They listen to employees and provide job-related information. They help employees to uncover their career interests. Employee self-assessment and environmental assessment are made during career counseling. Roles of HR Management in Organizations on Difficult Times. What is the concept of career planning?

    Definitions of Career Planning:

    A career may be defined as,

    “A sequence of jobs that constitute what a person does for a living.”

    According to Schermerborn, Hunt, and Osborn,

    “Career planning is a process of systematically matching career goals and individual capabilities with opportunities for their fulfillment.”

    Career planning is the process of enhancing an employee’s future value.

    A career plan is an individual’s choice of occupation, organization and career path.

    Career planning encourages individuals to explore and gather information, which enables them to syn­thesize, gain competencies, make decisions, set goals and take action. It is a crucial phase of human resource development that helps the employees in making the strategy for work-life balance. New Roles of Human Resource Management in Business Development.

    Features of Career Planning and Career Development:

    1. It is an ongoing process.
    2. It helps individuals develop the skills required to fulfill different career roles.
    3. Strengthens work-related activities in the organization.
    4. Defines the life, career, abilities, and interests of the employees.
    5. It can also give professional directions, as they relate to career goals.

    Objectives of Career Planning:

    The major objectives of career planning are as follows:

    1. To identify the positive characteristics of the employees.
    2. Develop awareness about each employee’s uniqueness.
    3. To respect the feelings of other employees.
    4. Attract talented employees to the organization.
    5. To train employees towards team-building skills.
    6. To create healthy ways of dealing with conflicts, emotions, and stress.

    Benefits of Career Planning:

    1. Career planning ensures a constant supply of promotable employees.
    2. It helps in improving the loyalty of employees.
    3. Career planning encourages an employee’s growth and development.
    4. Discourages the negative attitude of superiors who interest in suppressing the growth of the subordinates.
    5. It ensures that senior management knows about the caliber and capacity of the employees who can move upwards.
    6. It can always create a team of employees prepared enough to meet any contingency.
    7. Career planning reduces labor turnover.
    8. Every organization prepares succession planning towards which career planning is the first step.

    Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and the path to these goals. The major focus of career planning is on assisting the employees to achieve a better match between personal goals and the opportunities that are realistically available in the organization. Career programs should not concentrate only on career growth opportunities. Practically speaking, there may not be enough high-level positions to make upward mobility a reality for a large number of employees. Hence, career-planning efforts need to pinpoint and highlight those areas that offer psychological success instead of vertical growth.

    Career planning is not an event or end in itself, but a continuous process of developing human resources for achieving optimum results. It must, however, note that individual and organizational careers are not separate and distinct. A person who is not able to translate his career plan into action within the organization may probably quit the job if he has a choice.

    What is the Concept of Career Planning - ilearnlot
    What is the Concept of Career Planning? Image form Online.
  • Aligning Reward Strategy with HR Strategy

    Aligning Reward Strategy with HR Strategy

    How to Aligning Reward Strategy with HR Strategy?

    It is never too much to point out the importance of HR strategy for the successful organization. Effective HR management is maximum utilization of capacity of work force within organization by appropriate allocating of employees and effective motivation for the all different types of employees. In order to do so, analysis of each employee’s nature, competence, stress endurance level and trait should prepare. What Are My Goals? It is important to know each employee’s character and motivation factor base on data base obtaining the daily working behavior of employees as well as their accomplishment from the macro perspective.

    This kind of accurate, thorough and fair data base can be applying to the company’s redundancy management. Company can help employees to look for other jobs, which fit them better, by which company can have better productivity with same input resource. Which company can have the sustainable competitive advantage over the competitors.

    The HR strategy is directly connected with the reward strategy as we have  through so far, employees’ motivation is heavily rely on the total reward strategy of organization, which should design not only by HR department but senior managers who are directly involve in the whole organizational strategy, by which the total HR strategy can implement, support and review consistently. Components of a Strategy Statement!

    Regardless of eastern, western, ancient time or modern time, the importance of HR strategy is always appreciates. This is because, even if any given organization has the best infrastructure in many ways. They are manipulate by human and this cannot be replace any other system that are available so far. Therefore the right people for the right place base on the total reward strategy development map is more important than any other factors or than ever to maintain the long lasting successful organization.

    Align your Reward and Business Strategy

    So you’ve done a market study on compensation, and you are Peggy pretty much at where you want to be against the market. You’ve design a cutting edge Pay-for-Performance program and even have some exciting stock options for your top management. And of course, you know better than to ignore the millennial – you have a flexible salary structure, complete with gym memberships and other such benefits. All you need to do now is wait for the motivation to kick in and reap the benefits right? Then why is your business not growing every year as you had plan? Or perhaps your margins are shrinking with every passing year, while your employee costs keep rising due to the war for talent? The Types of Kotter’s Eight Steps Change Model.

    Why is your rewards strategy not delivering results? 

    One critical aspect that companies tend to overlook is alignment of rewards with business strategy. Reward programs work, if they are strongly link to business objectives and the employees know what is expects of them in their jobs. Employees must see the connection between their own work and the overall goals of the company. But, how do you ensure that your rewards and business strategy are align?

    Identifying measurable business goals: The first step towards bringing this alignment is by breaking down the company’s vision into clear measurable goals. Identify your goals for the next three years and think about how you will achieve those goals – identify the levers you must pull, to create value for your company.  Let’s say that lever is new products, then you must have metrics related to new product development on your company’s scorecard and also distributed across the scorecards of your CXOs – it could mean adding a new production line over the next three quarters, augmenting the R&D unit or hiring new technical specialists. This implies that you must add metrics to the scorecards of your Head of Production, Head of R&D and CHRO. 

    Driving alignment through all levels in the organization: The next step would be to align the larger employee population to these company goals. Stop and consider what are you are currently rewarding for vs. what you should be rewarding for? If it is planning sustain growth that you are after, instead of small incremental year-on-year growth. Make sure your employees understand how you plan to make that shift. Employees need to understand what they should be doing differently. It’s most likely that you won’t grow faster by just working harder and putting in more hours. You will have to innovate, and create more value from the same resources at your disposal. Hence, the KPIs should reflect this change in your thinking and approach. 

    Equity in target setting: Given the business strategy and goals, what is the acceptable level of performance now that your goals have defined? This definition must be the same for everyone in the organization. All too often, different departments rate their people differently, depending on their own perceptions of acceptable performance. Another reason for this is the perceive difference in the achieve-ability of targets. Incorporating a structured, data-based system for setting targets starting from the top will go a long way to establish equity in target setting. Equity in targets is an important factor for maintaining. The optimum degree of stretch across, an organization and keeping everyone focused on the goals. 

    Don’t underestimate the intangibles: Goals and metrics is only one aspect of executing a business strategy. Another equally important aspect is ‘employee will’ to execute the strategy. Reward has a key role to play in demonstrating an organization’s values, commitment to employees. The value it places on performance. The intangible, emotional part of rewards is far heavier than the tangible, monetary part. This is why it’s important to view rewards as Total Rewards rather than just a monetary pay-out at the end of the year. Total Rewards includes tangible rewards like basic salary, allowances, benefits, bonuses, stock options, retrials etc. Also intangible rewards like career development, work-life balance, safety and security, quality of work and an enabling environment.

    Make sure that your intangible rewards speak the same language of performance and success as your tangible rewards. For example, if monetary rewards in your company are link to metrics that can achieve through innovation and collaboration. You cannot cultivate an environment that promotes bureaucracy and competition. You may need to make changes to your structure, systems. Processes in order to create an enabling environment. Perhaps reduce the number of layers in the organization to increase speed of decision making. Or create cross functional teams to encourage creativity and collaboration? 

    Robustness of supporting environment and processes: Sometimes the factors that get in the way of alignment are the very processes that support and help deliver the reward strategy.

    Some factors to watch out for are:

    1. The Performance Management System – Is it fair, transparent and objective?
    2. Organization Structure – Is it gear to deliver business strategy and performance?
    3. Role definitions – Do people know what is expects of them in their job?
    4. Behaviors – Are we encouraging the right behaviors needed to achieve our business goals?

    Top management Involvement: Creating alignment is hard work and demands a lot of time and attention from the top management. Some of the ways in which the top management can support.

    The alignment process are:

    1. Communication: Reinforce the company’s business goals through on-going, public communication. This would ensure that all employees are aware of the future direction of the company. Be vocal about the reward strategy and how it links with business goals. Emphasize on the company’s commitment to high performance.
    2. Role modelling: Every leader in the organization must be a role model for behaviours desired for business success. They should demonstrate company values through their actions on a day to day basis.
    3. Drive the process: Aligning reward strategy with business strategy should not be seen as a purely ‘HR’ activity. It is critical for business success and should position in the same manner. The top management should drive the process with support from HR.
    4. Gatekeepers to the process: Top management must ensure that the process is followed as intended. They must appropriately and visibly address any deviations or exceptions to the process.

    It goes without saying that the top management’s inputs are crucial for articulating the business strategy. Ensuring its buy-in and also serving as gatekeepers to the process. Moreover, the effort has to be a consistent one, till the time it becomes a part of the organization’s culture. What are Effects of Goal Orientation on Student Achievement?

    Lastly, I would not recommend trying to fix everything all at once. Take the time to study the data, listen to your employees and then address the aspects that matter the most. Know where to start to get maximum impact.

    Aligning Reward Strategy with HR Strategy - ilearnlot

  • Reward Strategy with Developing System for Your Organization

    Reward Strategy with Developing System for Your Organization

    How to Make Reward Strategy with Developing System for Your Organization?

    Reward is an important part of managing organization and the management of employees. It can define as an organization is ready to pay for to accomplish its strategic objectives. Therefore the review of reward system starts from understanding of organizational strategy and HR strategy supports this. Strategic reward objectives should be align with business objectives in the same way as other key business areas such as finance, marketing, administrating and IT.

    In the broad way, there are two ways of reward such as tangible and intangible. The definition of these two rewards are in a way ambiguous as it could vary according to the viewers’ standpoints, but most of rewards can be classified as the tangible, which includes competitive salary, promotion, good benefits, incentive, better working environment, recognition awards and all other fringe benefits for higher performance. Whereas, intangible rewards is none monetary reward for high performance, not always requiring recognition of others in the workplace. Examples are when a sales manager gives the sales person recognition by a “pat on the back, send an appreciation e-mail and usage of bulletin board” to show appreciation for job well done.

    In order to implement the reward system the most appropriate way, performance appraisal, evaluation, accomplishment rating should be done the most fair and objective way, but it is sometimes easier said than done. Due to the unfair or unreasonable evaluation, employees get depressed over the total reward system of the organization. In addition, the subjective appraisal is often taking place because of the managers’ personal preference or subjective views on some employees in particular.

    However, to get this done the way it should, managers should have the most fair and objective views with regard to the evaluation of employees. By doing so, organization can reach to the final goal pertaining to the HR strategy such as retaining the indispensable, key employees or high performers, motivating average performers work harder and redundancy management for underachievers, who do not fit the organization, by which company can have the sustainable competitive advantage.

    Reward Strategy

    Reward strategy is the key step in the design of a reward system to keep high quality staff and motivate average level staff to work harder. And it is to set up the mechanisms help in recruitment, retention, engagement and development of employees so that they perform and deliver at their highest potential and therefore make the organization successful.

    Such a competitive business environment of these days, it is very important to have the decent reward strategy initiatives by the maximum utilization of the organization’s financial and non-financial resources as the competitors are looking for the opportunities to scout the high quality employees all the times. The competitors’ better reward strategy initiative can be good reason for high quality employees to leave for the competitors.

    People work because they gain an income to spend on their individual, family and community needs. Some people needs are the essentials of lives, what humans needs to survive physiologically. Maslow defined the hierarchy of needs with fundamental physiological needs at the base and rising through safety, social needs and culminating in the need for self-fulfilment. Herzberg distinguished between firstly hygiene extrinsic factors such as pay and organization policy and procedures that will cause dissatisfaction in the workplace if absent or insufficient.

    Satisfiers, which are intrinsic responsibility and potential for growth which will positively motivate people. Since Maslow and Herzberg were published over 50 years ago, other like expectancy theory identifies two factors of value and probability. People value reward in terms of how well it satisfies their needs of security, social esteem, fulfilment and autonomy. Inevitably people value different elements differently, which suggests reward must include a mix. Expectancy is the probability that reward depends on effort like the more effort, the higher the reward. For that effort to be helpful to the organization, individual needs to have the appropriate ability and the correct perception of their role. This emphasizes the need for clear role definitions and understanding, effective development interventions and a link between performance and reward.

    Strategic human resource management is different from traditional human resource management in its focus on organizational outcomes, its integration of the various functional areas of human resource management, and its concern with more macro perspective on the topic. The field has progress significantly, however, inadequate definitions and spare theoretical development continue to plague it. Extensive research and studies on reward strategy has shown that people are complicated and motivation is a complex process. What is clear is that while financial reward is important , for most people other factor are also, and can be more important.

    These can brought together under three sections:

    • Equity – the perception of being treat fairly both in comparison to others and in terms of the effort and skills brought to the role.
    • Self-fulfillment – that people are recognize for what they do and encourage to reach their potential through effective learning land development processes and given feedback on their performance.
    • Organization culture – roles are clear and organizational and personal values are alignment so that employees engage and enjoy work.

    Total reward strategy addresses this complexity in bringing together financial aspect of reward of basic pay, any bonuses. Additional financial benefits with the non-financial benefit at the personal and organizational level. This is a helpful concept, especially because it acknowledges the limits of purely financial reward. Identifies other areas that can address, in particular when salary budgets are limit for economic reason.

    Reward is more than pay and benefits. Therefore a reward strategy must consider many aspects of the workplace in order to both attract. Keep high quality people doing the right things in the right way so that they flourish and the organization is successful.

    Developing a Reward Strategy

    The reward management system needs to support the business strategy. As such there are a number of different approaches. But they all break down into a small number of common overall methods. One of the key determinants in deciding which approach will work best is the extent to which the business wants integration between its reward system. The other HR systems and policies it utilized.

    Arguably, the opportunities to leverage real competitive advantage comes from integrating the reward management, performance management, career management. Personal development systems into a cohesive whole, rather than seeing each as a separate and disjointed system in isolation.

    The key step in redesigning the reward management system is to determine the reward strategy. The level of integration with other HR systems. This provides an overall framework for the reward system and must be closely link to the business strategy.

    To develop a reward strategy, there are three underlying premises.

    Firstly, in order to meet its strategy, the business must exhibit certain characteristics. It needs to behave in certain ways, for example treating its employees in an open. Honest fashion or creating co-operative relationships with its customers and suppliers.

    Secondly, organizations are made up of people. And as such it is how the people behaves that will determine how the organization behaves.

    Thirdly, the integrate approach to people management starts off with individual behavior expectations. Examines how these will measure (performance management), develop (personal development) and rewards (rewards and career management).

    There are a few factors to be include in a reward strategy. With regard to underlying structure. There are number of ways in which a grading structure could be develop according to your business needs. Which include single structure, career families and job families.

    Which provide a common grade framework that supports a drive for consistency. Common threads are the policies, systems and procedures that operate across the business.

    For example, since pay rules, benefit allocation rules such as cars, pensions and private medical insurance. Procedures such as holiday or absence notification and promotion. They are there to make everyone’s life easier because there are clear rules and every one sticks to them. Include in this area would normally be decisions about flexible benefit schemes. Choice of carriers for insure benefits, and so on.

    When it comes to base pay structure, there are three decisions that need to made such as market alignment, number. Shape of the salary scales and access to and use of market data. Which recognize the market value of rules and nay role-specific needs. Variable pay takes three main forms.

    Firstly, annual schemes which are normally bonus arrangements where there is some link to underlying business performance.

    Secondly, commission type arrangements where the main link is to individual performance.

    Thirdly, long-term schemes that might be cash or shares base. And are typically using for the more senior employees, although all-employee profit related schemes sometimes fall into this category.

    Recognition schemes are either non-cash or low-value cash equivalent schemes that recognize behavior that reinforces the organization’s values. They tend to “award” base with some form of nomination process, either from other employees or line managers. When it comes to non-financial reward, from an individual’s perspective.

    The total reward of working for a particular organization is made up of four elements such as cash, benefits, personal development, growth and environment. Finally integration is about creating a common theme throughout the people management processes.

    For example, it may be about ensuring performance management. Performance-pay processes are consistent, using common factors for measuring job size. Determining employee development needs, creating a common language which is use consistently throughout. All people management processes, developing structures that manage more than one people management process at a time. For example, the career families approach discuss above attempts to integrate job grading and career tracks.

    Reward Strategy with Developing System for Your Organization - ilearnlot

  • Roles of HR Management in Organizations on Difficult Times

    Roles of HR Management in Organizations on Difficult Times

    What is HRM? Human Resource Management (HRM or HR) is the management of human resources. It is referred by the HR Department to maximize employee performance in the service of an employer’s strategic objectives. HR is primarily concerned with the management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and on systems. HR departments are responsible for overseeing employee-benefits design, employee recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal, and rewarding (e.g., managing pay and benefits systems). HR also concerns itself with organizational change and industrial relations, that is, the balancing of organizational practices with requirements arising from collective bargaining and from governmental laws. So, what is the topic we discuss; Roles of HR Management in Organizations on Difficult Times.

    Here are explained; Roles of  HRM (Human Resource Management) in Organizations on Difficult Times.

    Today, Human Resource Management (HRM) is emphasizing on adding value in the organization as a key player. The most significant challenge for the organization in the difficult time (recession) is transforming of the human resource to recognize, sustain, enlarge and exploit talents in the whole organization to their fullest capacities than an organization can claim that it has the best of the systems to identify talents across the organization. What is an MBA (Master of Business Administration)The management professionals and employees might undergo through the anxiety and other issues during the recession and economic downturn, so the organization must make the plan for the economic crisis. New Roles of Human Resource Management in Business Development.

    Roles and functions of HR in the Organizational change

    HR can and ought to play a key role in creating and executing organizational change and transition. HR can give help and direction in investigation and determination, highlighting the employee’s problems that will essentially influence the success of the organization. HR might recommend resourcing programs and planning and executing the key learning, reward, aspects of involvement and communications process. HR can foresee the individual’s issues and manage them before they get serious. If the program does include rebuilding and downsizing, HR can recommend how this ought to be carried out empathetically and with the base interruption to individuals’ lives.

    When the business is in turbulence zone, HR can put its straight out best in guaranteeing that he directs the corporate effectively. HR needs to be capable in such circumstances in light of the fact that they did not just need to keep up the individual’s inspiration level, however, needs to expand it utilizing non-money related apparatuses. There are sure focuses that HR can choose in such a circumstance where individuals are unstable about their employment. HR can give careful consideration to create the individuals on key aptitudes and upgrade skills.

    Responsibility of HRM

    HR ought to be engaged in the more positive side, making and helping employees to the reorganization, execute and change which will eventually make a solid influence on business. In today’s economic downturn and recession when job cuts, pay reduction, loss, uncertainty of employment atmosphere overcome, HR has special responsibility to establish ease environment to the exaggerated by counseling, showing care and apprehension preparing them for different skillfulness, linking and deploying in other required areas of functions like crisis management team and security.

    HR needs to be proactive and think of right on time mediations with respect to any association to get by amid subsidence; the capacity to hold its best individuals is must. Amid nowadays, HR individual at times even takes the cruel decision of diminishing the numbers and land up at downsizing. The expression downsizing is even taken as rightsizing and upgrading yet we may not know or disregard the way that not the terrible circumstance or the great conditions keeps going long.

    The organization needs to put resources into learning and improvement by giving proper learning open doors and offices, however, the prime obligation regarding learning and advancement rests with people, who will be given the direction and backing of their directors and, as fundamental parts of the HR department. Create and offer the vision, belief in a craved and developing future. Furnish workers with a strong learning environment where learning capacities can be found and implemented, for instance, associate systems, steady arrangements, and frameworks ensured time for learning.

    When the going is intense, HR and supervisors to test the difficulties and the cure is to downsizing the noble way. Besides, this is the time to execute new thoughts; change the HRM procedures and change the methodology. This must be carried out in a manner that it cuts expenses and propels individuals.

    To avoiding potential downsizing problems, the organization might take the following actions as alternatives:
    • Outsource Employees: Employees can work on other company projects as an organization can provide outsourcing services is a specialized domain.
    • Part-Time Job: Pay employee on an hourly basis or cut the number of job hours to engage employee with the organization, and during his free time he can do any other work for earnings.
    • The shift of Department: Association can move the staffs to another business component if the one business unit of the organization is not performing well
    • Work at Home: People can work remotely in their homes and result in saving of operations cost.

    Amid these questionable times, corporate will understand the imperativeness of having the skilled gifted workforce which will guarantee that center stays on pieces of training yet there may be a real lessening in preparing the plan. In this time any choice taken by the organization affects every individual generally bits of gossip buoy around. Its top administration’s obligation as a human asset to guarantee that the correspondence channels are kept open, straightforwardness is kept up.

    We likewise need to guarantee that precise correspondence happens on time in full, rather than workers listening to things with points of interest from the grapevine first. Sufficient backing from pioneers and administrators as far as individuals administration methods to discover approaches to keep up the inspiration levels of workers. On the off chance that the corporate arrangements are to conserve an allotment of the workforce, advising ought to be given to those both workers who will be staying back additionally the representatives who have been asked to leave, be reasonable with them. Strategic Role of e-HR (Electronic Human Resource).

    HR Perspective and Sustaining Role

    The present challenges for HRM are the corporate reorganization, changing demographic workforce, sustaining company’s position and growth, changing mindset of the workforce, knowledgeable and multi-skill workforce, new industrial relation approach and CSR (corporate social responsibility).

    There are a lot of people more potential outcomes of sustaining human resource’s expanding part as development impetus as well as sustaining business through more noteworthy worker engagement. Subsequently, HR experts need to reduce their expenditures and get prepared for some difficult yet significant exercises which will help to change the view of HR for eternity. The monetary emergency is compelling to divide some work and there is no chance to get around. Do it, however, abstain from making frenzy around, in workers, in speculators, in the business sector, and in the nation by shouting boisterous about the subsidence.

    HR’s undertaking is additionally extraordinary if the human asset administrator makes a helpful environment through his or her expert approach in attaining benefit, with the backing of all groups which is the need of great importance. Business has encountered diverse elements that posture numerous difficulties. Human asset and requirement powers together strive for accomplishing the normal objectives like consistency and adherence. HR tries all deliberations to make and sustain an employer and representative benevolent environment and reacting to the current needs and difficulties.


  • Strategic Role of e-HR (Electronic Human Resource)

    Strategic Role of e-HR (Electronic Human Resource)

    Strategic Role of e-HR (Electronic Human Resource)

    There are two strategic perspectives way the HR can become more strategic. Both these can provide useful frameworks for connecting HR system to the business strategy.

    The first one takes an economic perspective of the organization to achieve more competitive advantage in an external market environment.

    The second one is based on the Resources based view and it focuses on the strategic resources and capabilities within the organization In companies perspective, more attention is always given to applying an economic perspective towards the externally focused business strategy than the resource based view.

    So the primary role is cost reduction and it can be achieved by eliminating all HR transactional functions though e-HR system. Components of a Strategy Statement.

    The primary role of HR managers spend their most of time in administrative expert role, strategic partner role and capability builder. The HR functional activities like tracking of job requisitions, processing and managing payroll of employees, benefits programs etc are under the role of administrative export role. The strategic business partner role consists of planning of business, workforce and succession, business management and compensation design to support the business strategies of the company. Building organization capabilities and human capital are primary deliverable in which most of the time spending in the development of human capital and organizational capability.

    Automating and streamlining of administrative transactions by implementing e-HR system make the HR function more strategic because those in the HR role can now spend more time on strategic activities in a way of reduce the cost involvement, Lead time, Increase the efficiency of HR services and communication, improve the productivity and finally able to operate at lower cost. Previously the cost factor was the strongest focus of e-HR practice, but nowadays the focus is not only towards cost but also more towards the integrative consequences of deploying e-HR in a Company. The cost reduction and transformation of all process of an HR department into a strategic unit because of the introduction of e-HR.

    The strategies can be used in several ways for enhancing the effectiveness and acceptance of e-HR systems. For example, organizations may allow applicants to apply for their job through web, but use web based systems to give applicants to verify the requirements. The same way, the organizations may use e-HR systems to gather performance data and enter performance reviews, but managers may have face-to-face meeting with applicant to give rating.

    The Benefits and Adoption of e-HR

    The adoption of E-HR brings benefits in major areas in the HR processes such as HR planning, Strategic Management, acquiring HR (recruitment and selection), HR evaluation (performance appraisal), communication, rewarding HR (performance appraisal, compensation and benefits) and developing HR (training and development, career management).

    • Users can access database and able to update and search in formations and make decisions accordingly through e-profile.
    • Allows managing of recruitment and hiring process (Job advertisement, Manage applications and interview) in a systematic manner through E-recruitment.
    • Application and approval process of leave management and its review through e-leave.
    • On-line submission and approval process of employees claim to Finance is possible through e-claims. Advantage and Disadvantages of Make Money Online.
    • Web-enabled appraisal, skills development and career mapping can be performed through e-appraisal system.
    • Managing of payroll processing will be very systematic and fast way by e-HR system. which involves the calculation and reporting of taxes, gross or net pay and deductions, arranging or allotment of money to different cost centre.
    • Computerized Job evaluation or performance rating system is another strength of e-HR to determine the worth of each job and to decide the correct pay rate. This is based on the points system rated against the each type of job and its nature.
    • Computerized salary surveys can conduct among the companies to gain information about the current pay levels and pay structure.
    • The feature of salary planning application can calculate the total salary and allocate it according to the merit or seniority of the people.

    The Issues of e-HR

    Some of the items which are very critical to be consider while implementing e-HR in any organization are given below.

    • The structure of Human resource process or master planning in a company should be properly formulated. If it is not done properly, HR systems become a difficult task or frustrating for users.
    • Ensure the availability of enough resources like computer and centralized system for each and every employees to utilize the e-HR system on regular basis. Otherwise people need to use their personal computers at workplaces and it can demoralize the users.
    • Training of employees are an important criteria in making successful e-HR system especially when some users may be far less skilled with computer than others.
    • The use of e-HR system had a direct impact on the bottom line and made it more competitive. So organization can get the opportunity of reducing manpower in HR. It can leads to unhappiness over the staff.
    • HR professionals must have a good working relation ship with their companies IT professional otherwise there will be a chances of conflict between them during implementation or integration of application.
    • Employees with little knowledge in computer may resist a move towards computer based e-HR system. So the organization may need to take special care in encouraging the users with an offer of incentives for using these programs.
    • Security of e-HR system is another issue to be consider and make the system as non threatening as possible and keep confidence.
    • Effective communication among employees is a necessary part of the process. Communicate and educate them about the importance of the system.
    • The Identification of Investment required for software and hardware is one of the main issue and also the return on investment or payback period will be unpredictable and based on the estimation it will take one to three year.
