Do you want Special Gift Ideas for your Wife? For her happiness, we have the 6 best gifts ideas for wives. A wife is a woman you feel like you were born to live with. She’s the woman who feels like your partner in life, a vacation companion, and a just-as-important part of the family unit as everyone else. Wife shows you how to love your best friend so that she’ll be committed to your marriage forever. A wife is someone that loves you when you forget to love yourself. She will love you through everything even the littlest stuff if you let her.
Here is the article to explain, Special Gift Ideas for Wife get happiness, we have 6 best gifts.
A wife will help you cope with your stress levels and help you in return. She will be your unwavering support and be there for you no matter what, especially when you brought home the wrong milk for dinner. You need to learn how to appreciate her, find things to do with her, and communicate openly. So, get special ideas, here are the 6 best gifts for your wife, which you should definitely opt for:
What better way to tell your wife how much you love her on her birthday than to come home with a cake? A delicious cake for your wife! Just the thought of her face when you say “Happy Birthday” or when you just want to celebrate all her efforts would melt your heart. Wife, sweetheart, the lady in your life. Class up any occasion with a delicious cake and her name on it.
A scrumptious, birthday cake for your wife topped with pretty flowers. Always give her flowers on your anniversary by gifting a flower bouquet or a flower every day. A woman really needs attention about her heart. It is not only on the day anniversaries that she needs our attention but all the time, throughout the year! Therefore let us do something right now that we will remember during all these years to come.
Chocolates/Personalised Chocolates:
A wife is our most treasured friend. No matter how far or how long we travel, the wife will always be right there in the heart. That’s why giving these beautiful chocolates to your wife is a very meaningful gift. You can also go for Personalised Chocolates with her picture or a picture of you both together. This will surely surprise her and she’ll surely love it.
Plants are easy to order online and make a wonderful gift. The only trick is to be sure to get a variety perfect for the site of planting. Many people who want a living plant for their wives order African violets. Other garden plants that would make delightful gifts for any wife are aloe, echeveria, jade, geraniums, and marigolds.
Personalized Mugs:
Personalized Mugs will make any wife smile. You will create sweet, romantic, and funny gifts that she can treasure for a lifetime. It claims to be the easiest way to make her feel special as you express your love for her with a custom-designed Personalised Wife Mug.
Personalized Cushions:
Wife cushions, made with superior quality fabrics for face contact. You can personalize your wifey cushion to say anything you want with a choice of many colors and sizes. This makes an unusual yet very heartwarming gift. What is a wife? Complete these cute and thoughtful hand-made cushions with your photo and quote for that perfect present you have been looking for! Create a series of cushions for your home in one go, or make it a personalizedbirthday or anniversary gift.
What is love? It’s hard to explain to someone. Love is when you wake up every day and don’t want to go to sleep at night because reality is finally better than your dreams. Love is when something hurts so good you can’t resist it. It is when you can’t say no, even if you try. Love is when your heart races every time you see his name on your display. Love is when he tells you that he loves you over the phone. It is when you dance with him under a moonlit sky. So here were the 6 best gifts for the love of your life – your wife, which you should definitely opt for. Always remember, a perfect Gift For Wife, doesn’t need to be expensive, it should touch her heart.
5 inexpensive birthday gifts for a low price, when your brother to not go out of budget; When we think of heroes, the first person who comes to our mind is our dearest brother. They protect us from the turmoil of life whether it’s emotionally and mentally. The relationship with parents is incredibly important, but our relationship with our brothers is simply amazing. With mom and dad, we may face a generation gap issue. But we get along with our brother really well; Also, flowers are the best gifts for the event. Their closeness in age, common interests, and enchanting talks engage us with them for the rest of our life.
5 inexpensive birthday gifts for your brother to not go out of budget, Here is the article to explain.
They might not admire us always, but they are always concerned about our lives, successes and failures forever. They are our secret sharer, a partner in crime in almost everything whether it’s night outs, pizza binging, or even unplanned travels. This doesn’t stop here; they are also our emotional punch bags, biggest fans, and strongest rivals. We can’t imagine our lives without them. Don’t you think you should never leave a chance to impress the closest relationship of your life?
So, if it’s your brother’s birthday around the corner, gift him something which would always be close to his heart till the last breath of his life. Come on! Don’t start counting your money. He is your brother, he won’t check out the price of the gift, but your intention. Without any further delay, here we bring the 5 inexpensive birthday gifts to bring the broadest smile on his face;
A customized bracelet
Yes, the gift choices for males are less, but they are worth it. Bracelet is one of the perfect birthday gifts that you can look forward to gift your brother. You don’t need to buy a Gold or diamond bracelet. You can check out some amazing varieties of bracelets online. Also, You can order a personalized bracelet to make this gift more special. All you need to do is to select a bracelet online and mention the name of your brother. The gifting company will curate an eye-catching bracelet having a name in the center. This will not cost you more than 500 bucks. Getting such a thoughtful gift, your brother will appreciate your choice. In fact, this bracelet will invite a lot of loving compliments from his near and dear ones.
Photo wooden tile
We know how lucky we are to have a brother in our life. But how frequently do we admire them? The answer is no. This birthday, pour out all your feelings for your brother by sending a stunning wooden tile with a message on the top and beneath an image. You can simply pick a solo picture of your brother or a most candid picture of two of you. We are sure he will be thrilled to receive such one of a kind gift. It will also make an awesome interior piece on the side table. So start exploring this wonderful present online or you can also look for it in a nearby gift shop. You will love shopping for it without making holes in your pocket.
Pineapple cup cake
Cakes make amazing gifts for brothers. But it’s not necessary that you have to choose expensive chocolate or red velvet cake to surprise your brother. Even the simple pineapple cupcake is a lip-smacking sugary delight to satiate the sweet tooth of your brother. The pineapple cupcake can be easily ordered online in the cities of Maharashtra like Nashik. So, if you are putting up in Nashik or your brother stays in Nashik, while you stay in another city say Delhi, you can easily order online cake delivery in Dhanbad. Simply mention the date, time, address where the gift needs to be delivered and pay safely. Rest leave on the online cake shop. Your brother will feel amazing receiving this mouth-watering cupcake.
Self made greeting card
This is 2021 and there are a plethora of innovative options to gift your brother. But the charm of a self-made greeting card is still very much there. Self-made greeting cards are meaningful. These cards are not only shining and beautiful in appearance, but also express one’s heart. Search a DIY Greeting Card video and collect the material accordingly. Give your best while making the card (Don’t judge your creativity). Surely, your brother will be touched to see that you invested your time, mind, and energy to make the day of your loving brother. Make the greeting card more interesting by adding beautiful quotes to it. This gift would be full of emotions, priceless and precious.
A customized T-Shirt
If your brother is fond of casual clothing, then a customized T-Shirt is a hit-hit option for the birthday greeting. Buy a cool grey-colored T-shirt and add an element of uniqueness by adding a name to it. He can wear it on casual outings like coffee dates, buying groceries, or playing sports in a club. This functional yet distinctive gift will make him feel proud of you. Whenever he will wear this T-Shirt, he will always remember your loving gesture. This surprise present will strengthen the bond between you for longer.
The relationship bonded by blood ends up taking them for granted. Don’t do it when it comes to your brother. Birthday Gifts for 5 Inexpensive ideas at a low price; The laughs, giggle and happy moments spent together to bridge the gap between the two. The love, hate, competition, comparison evoke in each other remain fiercely intense always. Keep cherishing the lovely relationship by adding an element of joy to your brother’s birthday. Gift him one of the most vivacious gifts he would have thought for. Because nobody is like a brother in this entire world!
5 inexpensive birthday gifts for a low price, when your brother to not go out of budget; Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay.
रायचरण बारह वर्ष की आयु से अपने मालिक का बच्चा खिलाने पर नौकर हुआ था। उसके पश्चात् काफी समय बीत गया। नन्हा बच्चा रायचरण की गोद से निकलकर स्कूल में प्रविष्ट हुआ, स्कूल से कॉलिज में पहुँचा, फिर एक सरकारी स्थान पर लग गया। किन्तु रायचरण अब भी बच्चा खिलाता था, यह बच्चा उसकी गोद के पाले हुए अनुकूल बाबू का पुत्र था।
बच्चा घुटनों के बल चलकर बाहर निकल जाता। जब रायचरण दौड़कर उसको पकड़ता तो वह रोता और अपने नन्हे-नन्हे हाथों से रायचरण को मारता।
रायचरण हंसकर कहता- हमारा भैया भी बड़ा होकर जज साहब बनेगा- जब वह रायचरण को चन्ना कहकर पुकारता तो उसका हृदय बहुत हर्षित होता। वह दोनों हाथ पृथ्वी पर टेककर घोड़ा बनता और बच्चा उसकी पीठ पर सवार हो जाता।
इन्हीं दिनों अनुकूल बाबू की बदली परयां नदी के किनारे एक जिले में हो गई। नए स्थान की ओर जाते हुए कलकत्ते से उन्होंने अपने बच्चे के लिए मूल्यवान आभूषण और कपड़ों के अतिरिक्त एक छोटी-सी सुन्दर गाड़ी भी खरीदी।
वर्षा ऋतु थी। कई दिनों से मूसलाधर वर्षा हो रही थी। ईश्वर-ईश्वर करते हुए बादल फटे। संध्या का समय था। बच्चे ने बाहर जाने के लिए आग्रह किया। रायचरण उसे गाड़ी में बिठाकर बाहर ले गया। खेतों में पानी खूब भरा हुआ था। बच्चे ने फूलों का गुच्छा देखकर जिद की, रायचरण ने उसे बहलाना चाहा किन्तु वह न माना। विवश रायचरण बच्चे का मन रखने के लिए घुटनों-घुटनों पानी में फूल तोड़ने लगा। कई स्थानों पर उसके पांव कीचड़ में बुरी तरह धंस गये। बच्चा तनिक देर मौन गाड़ी में बैठा रहा, फिर उसका ध्यान लहराती हुई नदी की ओर गया। वह चुपके से गाड़ी से उतरा। पास ही एक लकड़ी पड़ी थी, उठा ली और भयानक नदी के तट पर पहुंचकर उसकी लहरों से खेलने लगा। नदी के शोर में ऐसा मालूम होता था कि नदी की चंचल और मुंहजोर जल-परियां सुन्दर बच्चे को अपने साथ खेलने के लिए बुला रही हैं।
रायचरण फूल लेकर वापस आया तो देखा गाड़ी खाली है। उसने इधर-उधर देखा, पैरों के नीचे से धरती निकल गई। पागलों की भांति चहुंओर देखने लगा। वह बार-बार बच्चे का नाम लेकर पुकारता था लेकिन उत्तर में ‘चन्ना’ की मधुर ध्वनि न आती थी।
चारों ओर अंधेरा छा गया। बच्चे की माता को चिन्ता होने लगी। उसने चारों ओर आदमी दौड़ाये। कुछ व्यक्ति लालटेन लिये हुए नदी के किनारे खोज करने पहुँचे। रायचरण उन्हें देखकर उनके चरणों में गिर पड़ा। उन्होंने उससे प्रश्न करने आरम्भ किये किन्तु वह प्रत्येक प्रश्न के उत्तर में यही कहता-मुझे कुछ मालूम नहीं।
यद्यपि प्रत्येक व्यक्ति की यह सम्मति थी कि छोटे बच्चे को परयां नदी ने अपने आंचल में छिपा लिया है किन्तु फिर भी हृदय में विभिन्न प्रकार की शंकायें उत्पन्न हो रही थीं। एक यह कि उसी संध्या को निर्वासितों का एक समूह नगर से गया था और मां को संदेह था कि रायचरण ने कहीं बच्चे को निर्वासित के हाथों न बेच दिया हो। वह रायचरण को अलग ले गई और उससे विनती करते हुए कहने लगी-रायचरण, तुम मुझसे जितना रुपया चाहो ले लो, किन्तु परमात्मा के लिए मेरी दशा पर तरस खाकर मेरा बच्चा मुझको वापस कर दो।
परन्तु रायचरण कुछ उत्तर न दे सका, केवल माथे पर हाथ मारकर मौन हो गया।
स्वामिनी ने क्रोध और आवेश की दशा में उसको घर-से बाहर निकाल दिया। अनुकूल बाबू ने पत्नी को बहुत समझाया किन्तु माता के हृदय से शंकाएं दूर न हुईं। वह बराबर यही कहती रही कि- मेरा बच्चा सोने के आभूषण पहने हुए था, अवश्य इसने…
रायचरण अपने गांव वापस चला आया। उसे कोई सन्तान न थी और न ही सन्तान होने की कोई सम्भावना थी। किन्तु साल की समाप्ति पर उसके घर पुत्र ने जन्म लिया; परन्तु पत्नी सूतिका-गृह में ही मर गई। घर में एक विधवा बहन थी। उसने बच्चे के पालन-पोषण का भार अपने ऊपर लिया।
जब बच्चा घुटनों के बल चलने लगा, वह घर वालों की नजर बचा कर बाहर निकल जाता। रायचरण जब उसे दौड़कर पकड़ता तो वह चंचलता से उसको मारता। उस समय रायचरण के नेत्रों के सामने अपने उस नन्हें मालिक की सूरत फिर जाती जो परयां नदी की लहरों में लुप्त हो गया था।
बच्चे की जबान खुली तो वह बाप को ‘बाबा’ और बुआ को ‘मामा’ इस ढंग से कहता था जिस ढंग से रायचरण का नन्हा मालिक बोलता था। रायचरण उसकी आवाज से चौंक उठता। उसे पूर्ण विश्वास था कि उसके मालिक ने उसके घर में जन्म लिया है।
इस विचार को निर्धारित करने के लिए उसके पास तीन प्रमाण थे। एक तो यह कि वह नन्हे मालिक की मृत्यु के थोड़े ही समय पश्चात् उत्पन्न हुआ। दूसरे यह कि उसकी पत्नी वृध्द हो गई थी और सन्तान-उत्पत्ति की कोई आशा न थी। तीसरे यह कि बच्चे के बोलने का ढंग और उसकी सम्पूर्ण भाव-भंगिमाएं नन्हे मालिक से मिलती-जुलती थीं।
वह हर समय बच्चे की देख-भाल में संलग्न रहता। उसे भय था कि उसका नन्हा मालिक फिर कहीं गायब न हो जाए। वह बच्चे के लिए एक गाड़ी लाया और अपनी पत्नी के आभूषण बेचकर बच्चे के लिए आभूषण बनवा दिये। वह उसे गाड़ी में बिठाकर प्रतिदिन वायु-सेवन के लिए बाहर ले जाता था।
धीरे-धीरे दिन बीतते गये और बच्चा सयाना हो गया। परन्तु इस लाड़-चाव में वह बहुत बिगड़ गया था। किसी से सीधे मुंह बात न करता। गांव के लड़के उसे लाट साहब कहकर छेड़ते।
जब लड़का शिक्षा-योग्य हुआ तो रायचरण अपनी छोटी-सी जमीन बेचकर कलकत्ता आ गया। उसने दौड़-धूप करके नौकरी खोजी और फलन को स्कूल में दाखिल करवा दिया। उसको पूर्ण विश्वास था कि बड़ा होकर फलन अवश्य जज बनेगा।
होते-होते अब फलन की आयु बारह वर्ष हो गई। अब वह खूब लिख-पढ़ सकता था। उसका स्वास्थ्य अच्छा और सूरत-शक्ल भी अच्छी थी। उसको बनाव- श्रृंगार की भी बड़ी चिन्ता रहती थी। जब देखो दर्पण हाथ में लिये बाल बना रहा है।
वह अपव्ययी भी बहुत था। पिता की सारी आय व्यर्थ की विलास-सामग्री में व्यय कर देता। रायचरण उससे प्रेम तो पिता की भांति करता था, किन्तु प्राय: उसका बर्ताव उस लड़के से ऐसा ही था जैसे मालिक के साथ नौकर का होता है। उसका फलन भी उसे पिता न समझता था। दूसरी बात यह थी कि रायचरण स्वयं को फलन का पिता प्रकट भी न करता था।
छात्रावास के विद्यार्थी रायचरण के गंवारपन का उपहास करते और फलन भी उन्हीं के साथ सम्मिलित हो जाता।
रायचरण ने जमीन बेचकर जो कुछ रुपया प्राप्त किया था वह अब लगभग सारा समाप्त हो चुका था। उसका साधारण वेतन फलन के खर्चों के लिए कम था। वह प्राय: अपने पिता से जेब-खर्च और विलास की सामग्री तथा अच्छे-अच्छे वस्त्रों के लिए झगड़ता रहता था।
आखिर एक युक्ति रायचरण के मस्तिष्क में आई उसने नौकरी छोड़ दी और उसके पास जो कुछ शेष रुपया था फलन को सौंपकर बोला- फलन, मैं एक आवश्यक कार्य से गांव जा रहा हूं, बहुत जल्द वापस आ जाऊंगा। तुम किसी बात से घबराना नहीं।
रायचरण सीधा उस स्थान पर पहुंचा जहां अनुकूल बाबू जज के ओहदे पर लगे हुए थे। उनके और कोई दूसरी संतान न थी इस कारण उनकी पत्नी हर समय चिन्तित रहती थी।
अनुकूल बाबू कचहरी से वापस आकर कुर्सी पर बैठे हुए थे और उनकी पत्नी सन्तानोत्पत्ति के लिए बाजारू दवा बेचने वाले से जड़ी-बूटियां खरीद रही थी।
काफी दिनों के पश्चात् वह अपने वृध्द नौकर रायचरण को देखकर आश्चर्यचकित हुई, पुरानी सेवाओं का विचार करके उसको रायचरण पर तरस आ गया और उससे पूछा- क्या तुम फिर नौकरी करना चाहते हो?
रायचरण ने मुस्कराकर उत्तर दिया- मैं अपनी मालकिन के चरण छूना चाहता हूं।
अनुकूल बाबू रायचरण की आवाज सुनकर कमरे से निकल आये। रायचरण की शक्ल देखकर उनके कलेजे का जख्म ताजा हो गया और उन्होंने मुख फेर लिया।
रायचरण ने अनुकूल बाबू को सम्बोधित करके कहा- सरकार, आपके बच्चे को परयां ने नहीं, बल्कि मैंने चुराया था।
अनुकूल बाबू ने आश्चर्य से कहा- तुम यह क्या कह रहे हो, क्या मेरा बच्चा वास्तव में जिन्दा है?
उसकी पत्नी ने उछलकर कहा- भगवान के लिए बताओ मेरा बच्चा कहां है?
रायचरण ने कहा- आप सन्तोष रखें, आपका बच्चा इस समय भी मेरे पास है।
अनुकूल बाबू की पत्नी ने रायचरण से अत्यधिक विनती करते हुए कहा- मुझे बताओ।
रायचरण ने कहा- मैं उसे परसों ले आऊंगा।
रविवार का दिन था। जज साहब अपने मकान में बेचैनी से रायचरण की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे थे। कभी वह कमरे में इधर-उधर टहलने लगते और कभी थोड़े समय के लिए आराम-कुर्सी पर बैठ जाते। आखिर दस बजे के लगभग रायचरण ने फलन का हाथ पकड़े हुए कमरे में प्रवेश किया।
अनुकूल बाबू की घरवाली फलन को देखते ही दीवानों की भांति उसकी ओर लपकी और उसे बड़े जोर से गले लगा लिया। उनके नेत्रों से अश्रुओं का समुद्र उमड़ पड़ा। कभी वह उसको प्यार करती, कभी आश्चर्य से उसकी सूरत तकने लग जाती। फलन सुन्दर था और उसके कपड़े भी अच्छे थे। अनुकूल बाबू के हृदय में भी पुत्र-प्रेम का आवेश उत्पन्न हुआ, किन्तु जरा-सी देर के बार उनके पितृ-प्रेम का स्थान कानून भावना ने ले लिया और उन्होंने रायचरण से पूछा-भला इसका प्रमाण क्या है कि यह बच्चा मेरा है?
रायचरण ने उत्तर दिया- इसका उत्तर मैं क्या दूं सरकार! इस बात का ज्ञान तो परमात्मा के सिवाय और किसी को नहीं हो सकता कि मैंने ही आपका बच्चा चुराया था।
जब अनुकूल बाबू ने देखा कि उनकी पत्नी फलन को कलेजे से लगाये हुए है तो प्रमाण मांगना व्यर्थ है। इसके अतिरिक्त उन्हें ध्यान आया कि इस गंवार को ऐसा सुन्दर बच्चा कहां मिल सकता था और झूठ बोलने से क्या लाभ हो सकता है।
सहसा उन्हें अपने वृध्द नौकर की बेध्यानी याद आ गई और कानूनी मुद्रा में बोले-रायचरण, अब तुम यहां नहीं रह सकते।
रायचरण ने ठंडी उसांस भरकर कहा-सरकार, अब मैं कहां जाऊं। बूढ़ा हो गया हूं, अब मुझे कोई नौकर भी न रखेगा। भगवान के लिए अपने द्वार पर पड़ा रहने दीजिये।
अनुकूल बाबू की पत्नी बोली- रहने दो, हमारा क्या नुकसान है? हमारा बच्चा भी इसे देखकर प्रसन्न रहेगा।
किन्तु अनुकूल बाबू की कानूनी नस भड़की हुई थी। उन्होंने तुरन्त उत्तर दिया-नहीं, इसका अपराध बिल्कुल क्षमा नहीं किया जा सकता।
रायचरण ने अनुकूल बाबू के पांव पकड़ते हुए कहा- सरकार, मुझे न निकालिए, मैंने आपका बच्चा नहीं चुराया था बल्कि परमात्मा ने चुराया था।
अनुकूल बाबू को गंवार की इस बात पर और भी अधिक क्रोध आ गया। बोले-नहीं, अब मैं तुम पर विश्वास नहीं कर सकता। तुमने मेरे साथ कृतघ्नता की है।
रायचरण ने फिर कहा- सरकार, मेरा कुछ अपराध नहीं।
अनुकूल बाबू त्यौरियों पर बल डालकर कहने लगे- तो फिर किसका अपराध है?
रायचरण ने उत्तर दिया- मेरे भाग्य का।
परन्तु शिक्षित व्यक्ति भाग्य का अस्तित्व स्वीकार नहीं कर सकता।
फलन को जब मालूम हुआ कि वह वास्तव में एक धनी व्यक्ति का पुत्र है तो उसे भी रायचरण की इस चेष्टा पर क्रोध आया, कि उसने इतने दिनों तक क्यों उसे कष्ट में रखा। फिर रायचरण को देखकर उसे दया भी आ गई और उसने अनुकूल बाबू से कहा- पिताजी, इसको क्षमा कर दीजिए। यदि आप इसको अपने साथ नहीं रखना चाहते तो इसकी थोड़ी पेंशन कर दें।
इतना सुनने के बाद रायचरण अपने बेटे को अन्तिम बार देखकर अनुकूल बाबू की कोठी से निकलकर चुपचाप कहीं चला गया।
महीना समाप्त होने पर अनुकूल बाबू ने रायचरण के गांव कुछ रुपया भेजा किन्तु मनीआर्डर वापस आ गया क्योंकि गांव में अब इस नाम का कोई व्यक्ति न था।
For a long time, Jacques Bourdillere had sworn that he would never marry, but he suddenly changed his mind. It happened suddenly, one summer, at the seashore.
One morning as he lay stretched out on the sand, watching the women coming out of the water, a little foot had struck him by its neatness and daintiness. He raised his eyes and was delighted with the whole person, although in fact, he could see nothing but the ankles and the head emerging from a flannel bathrobe carefully held closed. He was supposed to be sensual and a fast liver. It was therefore by the mere grace of the form that he was at first captured. Then he was held by the charm of the young girl’s sweet mind, so simple and good, as fresh as her cheeks and lips.
He was presented to the family and pleased them. He immediately fell madly in love. When he saw Berthe Lannis in the distance, on the long yellow stretch of sand, he would tingle to the roots of his hair. When he was near her he would become silent, unable to speak or even to think, with a kind of throbbing at his heart, and a buzzing in his ears, and a bewilderment in his mind. Was that love?
He did not know or understand, but he had fully decided to have this child for his wife.
Her parents hesitated for a long time, restrained by the young man’s bad reputation. It was said that he had an old sweetheart, one of these binding attachments which one always believes to be broken off and yet which always hold.
Besides, for a shorter or longer period, he loved every woman who came within reach of his lips.
Then he settled down and refused, even once, to see the one with whom he had lived for so long. A friend took care of this woman’s pension and assured her an income. Jacques paid, but he did not even wish to hear of her, pretending even to ignore her name. She wrote him letters which he never opened. Every week he would recognize the clumsy writing of the abandoned woman, and every week a greater anger surged within him against her, and he would quickly tear the envelope and the paper, without opening it, without reading one single line, knowing in advance the reproaches and complaints which it contained.
As no one had much faith in his constancy, the test was prolonged through the winter, and Berthe’s hand was not granted him until the spring. The wedding took place in Paris at the beginning of May.
The young couple had decided not to take the conventional wedding trip, but after a little dance for the younger cousins, which would not be prolonged after eleven o’clock, in order that this day of lengthy ceremonies might not be too tiresome, the young pair were to spend the first night in the parental home and then, on the following morning, to leave for the beach so dear to their hearts, where they had first known and loved each other.
Night had come, and the dance was going on in the large parlor. ‘The two had retired into a little Japanese boudoir hung with bright silks and dimly lighted by the soft rays of a large colored lantern hanging from the ceiling like a gigantic egg. Through the open window, the fresh air from outside passed over their faces like a caress, for the night was warm and calm, full of the odor of spring.
They were silent, holding each other’s hands and from time to time squeezing them with all their might. She sat there with a dreamy look, feeling a little lost at this great change in her life, but smiling, moved, ready to cry, often also almost ready to faint from joy, believing the whole world to be changed by what had just happened to her, uneasy, she knew not why, and feeling her whole body and soul filled with an indefinable and delicious lassitude.
He was looking at her persistently with a fixed smile. He wished to speak, but found nothing to say, and so sat there, expressing all his ardor by pressures of the hand. From time to time he would murmur: “Berthe!” And each time she would raise her eyes to him with a look of tenderness; they would look at each other for a second and then her look, pierced and fascinated by his, would fall.
They found no thoughts to exchange. They had been left alone, but occasionally some of the dancers would cast a rapid glance at them, as though they were the discreet and trusty witnesses of a mystery.
A door opened and a servant entered, holding on a tray a letter which a messenger had just brought. Jacques, trembling, took this paper, overwhelmed by a vague and sudden fear, the mysterious terror of swift misfortune.
He looked for a long time at the envelope, the writing on which he did not know, not daring to open it, not wishing to read it, with a wild desire to put it in his pocket and say to himself: “I’ll leave that till to- morrow, when I’m far away!” But on one corner two big words, underlined, “Very urgent,” filled him with terror. Saying, “Please excuse me, my dear,” he tore open the envelope. He read the paper, grew frightfully pale, looked over it again, and, slowly, he seemed to spell it out word for word.
When he raised his head his whole expression showed how upset he was. He stammered: “My dear, it’s–it’s from my best friend, who has had, a very great misfortune. He has need of me immediately–for a matter of life or death. Will you excuse me if I leave you for half an hour? I’ll be right back.”
Trembling and dazed, she stammered: “Go, my dear!” not having been his wife long enough to dare to question him, to demand to know. He disappeared. She remained alone, listening to the dancing in the neighboring parlor.
He had seized the first hat and coat he came to and rushed downstairs three steps at a time. As he was emerging into the street he stopped under the gas-jet of the vestibule and reread the letter. This is what it said:
A girl by the name of Ravet, an old sweetheart of yours, it
seems, has just given birth to a child that she says is yours. The
mother is about to die and is begging for you. I take the liberty to
write and ask you if you can grant this last request to a woman who
seems to be very unhappy and worthy of pity.
Yours truly,
When he reached the sick-room the woman was already on the point of death. He did not recognize her at first. The doctor and two nurses were taking care of her. And everywhere on the floor were pails full of ice and rags covered with blood. Water flooded the carpet; two candles were burning on a bureau; behind the bed, in a little wicker crib, the child was crying, and each time it would moan the mother, in torture, would try to move, shivering under her ice bandages.
She was mortally wounded, killed by this birth. Her life was flowing from her, and, notwithstanding the ice and the care, the merciless hemorrhage continued, hastening her last hour.
She recognized Jacques and wished to raise her arms. They were so weak that she could not do so, but tears coursed down her pallid cheeks. He dropped to his knees beside the bed, seized one of her hands and kissed it frantically. Then, little by little, he drew close to the thin face, which started at the contact. One of the nurses was lighting them with a candle, and the doctor was watching them from the back of the room.
Then she said in a voice which sounded as though it came from a distance: “I am going to die, dear. Promise to stay to the end. Oh! don’t leave me now. Don’t leave me in my last moments!”
He kissed her face and her hair, and, weeping, he murmured: “Do not be uneasy; I will stay.”
It was several minutes before she could speak again, she was so weak. She continued: “The little one is yours. I swear it before God and on my soul. I swear it as I am dying! I have never loved another man but you –promise to take care of the child.”
He was trying to take this poor pain-racked body in his arms. Maddened by remorse and sorrow, he stammered: “I swear to you that I will bring him up and love him. He shall never leave me.”
Then she tried to kiss Jacques. Powerless to lift her head, she held out her white lips in an appeal for a kiss. He approached his lips to respond to this piteous entreaty.
As soon as she felt a little calmer, she murmured: “Bring him here and let me see if you love him.”
He went and got the child. He placed him gently on the bed between them, and the little one stopped crying. She murmured: “Don’t move anymore!” And he was quiet. And he stayed there, holding in his burning hand this other hand shaking in the chill of death, just as, a while ago, he had been holding a hand trembling with love. From time to time he would cast a quick glance at the clock, which marked midnight, then one o’clock, then two.
The physician had returned. The two nurses, after noiselessly moving about the room for a while, were now sleeping on chairs. The child was asleep, and the mother, with eyes shut, appeared also to be resting.
Suddenly, just as pale daylight was creeping in behind the curtains, she stretched out her arms with such a quick and violent motion that she almost threw her baby on the floor. A kind of rattle was heard in her throat, then she lay on her back motionless, dead.
The nurses sprang forward and declared: “All is over!”
He looked once more at this woman whom he had so loved, then at the clock, which pointed to four, and he ran away, forgetting his overcoat, in the evening dress, with the child in his arms.
After he had left her alone the young wife had waited, calmly enough at first, in the little Japanese boudoir. Then, as she did not see him return, she went back to the parlor with an indifferent and calm appearance, but terribly anxious. When her mother saw her alone she asked: “Where is your husband?” She answered: “In his room; he is coming right back.”
After an hour, when everybody had questioned her, she told about the letter, Jacques’ upset appearance and her fears of an accident.
Still they waited. The guests left; only the nearest relatives remained. At midnight the bride was put to bed, sobbing bitterly. Her mother and two aunts, sitting around the bed, listened to her crying, silent and in despair. The father had gone to the commissary of police to see if he could obtain some news.
At five o’clock a slight noise was heard in the hall. A door was softly opened and closed. Then suddenly a little cry like the mewing of a cat was heard throughout the silent house.
All the women started forward and Berthe sprang ahead of them all, pushing her way past her aunts, wrapped in a bathrobe.
Jacques stood in the middle of the room, pale and out of breath, holding an infant in his arms. The four women looked at him, astonished; but Berthe, who had suddenly become courageous, rushed forward with anguish in her heart, exclaiming: “What is it? What’s the matter?”
He looked about him wildly and answered shortly:
“I–I have a child and the mother has just died.”
And with his clumsy hands, he held out the screaming infant.
Without saying a word, Berthe seized the child, kissed it and hugged it to her. Then she raised her tear-filled eyes to him, asking: “Did you say that the mother was dead?” He answered: “Yes–just now–in my arms. I had broken with her since summer. I knew nothing. The physician sent for me.”
Then Berthe murmured: “Well, we will bring up the little one.”