Tag: Essay

  • The Data Protection Act 1998 Examples Summary Essay

    The Data Protection Act 1998 Examples Summary Essay

    Examples and Summary of the Data Protection Act 1998 Essay; DPA 1998 is the main piece of regulation that governs the protection of private information in the UK. It applies to statistics hung on each computer and paper so long as, inside the latter case, the facts stand held in an applicable guide submitting gadget. The DPA gives any individual the right to know what data an agency holds approximately him/her and sets out regulations to make sure that this record treats well. The Act regulates by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

    Here is the article to explain, The Data Protection Act 1998 Examples, Summary, and Essay!

    The Data Protection Act offers people the proper access to facts approximately themselves that’s held through a business enterprise and sets out how personal information has to accumulate, stored, and process. It isn’t strictly approximately publishing but cover here for completeness as it governs getting entry to facts, albeit personal records. It ought to take into consideration whilst records post as it limits what private records may make public too had and the facts which may launch below FOIA. Data protection law best applies to residing individuals which is why getting admission census statistics authorized after a hundred years or slightly earlier as has been the case with the 1911 Census in England.

    The Data Protection Act 1988 Examples and Summary, creates a series of rights for people about data held about them, and also a mechanism (the Information Commissioner) to enforce those rights. It sets out a series of data protection principles that have now stood the test of time.

    The eight data protection principles set out in schedule 1 of the Act.

    These eight principles are that personal data should process fairly and lawfully (principle 1); that data must obtain and process for a specified and lawful purpose (principle 2); it must be adequate, relevant, and not excessive (principle 3); also it must be accurate and kept up to data (principle 4); it must keep no longer than necessary (principle 5); the rights of data subjects must respect (principle 6); it must appropriately protect (principle 7); and, it must not transfer outside the EU unless it is to a country that also requires data to protect (principle 8).


    Data under the Act give a wide definition and includes not only electronic data but; where it exists held by a government department, includes any data that they held. Personal data, which the Act primarily relates to, is a subset of this and includes data linked to an individual. It is this data that is the subject of the data protection act 1998 examples and summary principles.

    When personal data process several conditions apply, which make out in schedule 2 to the Act. The first condition is that the data subject (the person the data is about) must consent. The second condition is that the processing is necessary. The schedule provides several different ways in which the processing may be necessary. The most common one is that it is necessary for the legitimate interest of the data controller.

    If the data is sensitive personal data then further rules apply which exist set out in schedule 3. Sensitive personal data is related to a person’s race, politics, religion, union activities, physical or mental health, sexual activity, or criminal offending. Schedule 3 requires that if any of these apply then there must be explicit consent from the data subject. It also has a much more limited set of criteria that can satisfy the necessity test; they must ensure that the rights and interests of the data subject exist protected, and there are restrictions on the disclosure of the information.


    Although the rules summarised above are the general principles there are several exceptions to these. These exist to set out in part 1V of the Act. There are exceptions (of varying degrees) in the interests of national security, crime, health, journalism, research, and parliamentary privilege (amongst others). For national security and law and orders matters, the exemption is absolute, but for others such as journalism, the exemption is much more limited and requires the journalist to satisfied that there is a public interest in the publication.

    A key way that the Act goes about ensuring compliance with the principles is by giving individuals the right to access data that exists held about them. This right finds in section 7 of the Act. Any person may submit a written request to any data handlers, and once they do they exist entitled to be told what data exists held about them and how it stands being processed.

    Data controller;

    The data controller exists entitled to charge a fee for providing this information (subject to a maximum amount allowed by parliament) and they do not have to provide the information where to do so would be to breach some other person’s privacy. The basic principle however is that a person should have the right to know exactly what information exists held about them. Further, the Act also gives a person the power to insist that their data do not process if to do so would cause them unjustified distress. The ultimate method of ensuring compliance with the data protection principles rests with the Information Commissioner.

    The role lived originally entitled the Data Protection Commissioner; but, it existed renamed in 2010 to ensure a more accurate description of the role. The Commissioner employs a staff of advisors, lawyers, and enforcement officers and produces regular compliance reports. They have several powers that they can use to enforce compliance. These include serving information notices requiring the provision of information, imposing undertakings on organizations to compel them to amend offending behavior, serving enforcement or stop notices, imposing fines, or bringing criminal prosecutions.

    The Computer Misuse Act 1990;

    The Computer Misuse Act 1990 shows the difficulties that any legislature has in providing a comprehensive set of rules for a technology that is developing at pace. When the Act stood passed personal computers were calculating machines, and most homes did not have one. They bore very little resemblance to the machines which are commonplace today. Nevertheless, because of problems with the existing law, it lived felt that a comprehensive computer misuse Act existed required.


    The limitations of the existing law were already being felt in fraud offenses. Under the Theft Act 1968 and 1978, a fraud had to deceive a person; and where processes existed being carried out entirely by computer then a lacuna developed. (Under the Fraud Act 2006 this is no longer an issue as it is the intention of the actor rather than the impact on the victim which is determinative of a crime).

    The Computer Misuse Act 1990 has its genesis in a working paper published by the Law Commission in 1988. This was primarily concerned with the offense of hacking, although that particular phrase was not in use at that time. The question that the Law Commission posed was whether the behavior that would not otherwise be an offense should become an offense simply if it existed done using a computer. For instance, in other areas of life, the gaining of confidential information or industrial espionage would not treat as criminal offenses. The question that the Law Commission had posed was whether or not a special case could make out for computers. They concluded that it could, and this formed the basis of their proposed legislation.


    The Law Commission publish their proposals in 1989, and their general approach lived extremely well received. However, they were extensively lobbied by groups on behalf of banking and commerce, and by computer and software manufacturers. As a result, they also proposed two further offenses which existed also included in the 1990 Act. These have proved much more problematic. Unfortunately, the technology advanced at a rate of notes and left the legislation well behind.

    There have been various attempts to amend the sections but they have been of only limited success. For instance, denial of service attacks are not easily caught within the computer misuse act; and yet these are some of the most common forms of computer misuse that now exist. The problem is that the World Wide Web had not yet been invented at the time that the Act stood passed; and, no one appreciated the life-changing impact that this would have for all communities.

    It should note that the Act does not at any stage attempt to define a computer. This is undoubtedly a very sensible approach as any definition would very rapidly risk being overtaken by fast-moving technological developments.

    Section 01;

    Section 1 of the Act seeks to make hacking an offense. This makes it illegal for anyone to operate a computer with intent to secure access to the data on it; and where he knows that he does not permit to have access. Since the Act existed passed the trend has continued for more and more material to store on computers, and yet such attacks continue.

    The Act does not require that the defendant has any particular motive in hacking into a computer. The men’s rea is simply that they knew that their entry stood unauthorized and that they were intending to gain access. This can justified because of the expense that the owner of the system might exist put into protecting their system. It is worth noting that accessing equipment recklessly would not amount to an offense. An offense under this section carries a maximum of two years imprisonment.

    Section 02;

    Section 2 of the Act creates an aggravated version of the basic offense; where the unlawful access was to carry out any further offense; which can carry a maximum prison sentence of five years or more. That further offense does not need to carry out using a computer.

    Section 03;

    Section 3 of the Act, as it now stands, creates an offense of carrying out an unauthorized act with intent to impair the operation of a computer. There is an alternative offense under the same section of carrying out the act recklessly. This section stood developed as criminal damage only really applies to physical damage, and electronic destruction or obstruction would not cover by that. Section 3ZA, which stood inserted by the Serious Crime Act 2015; creates an aggravated version of the offense where there is a risk of serious damage.

    Finally, terms of offenses under the Act s3A, which stood inserted in 2006; make it an offense to make, supply, or obtain items to use in committing the other offenses under the Act.

    The Data Protection Act 1998 Examples Summary Essay Image
    The Data Protection Act 1998 Examples Summary Essay; Image by LEANDRO AGUILAR from Pixabay.

    References; The Data Protection Act 1998. Retrieved from https://www.lawteacher.net/acts/data-protection-act-1998.php?vref=1

  • Sale of Goods Act 1979 Sections 12 13 14 15 Essay

    Sale of Goods Act 1979 Sections 12 13 14 15 Essay

    Sale of Goods Act 1979, under Sections 12, 13, 14, 15 Essay, Summary, and History. What is the Sale of Goods Act? This act calls for goods to be as defined, of exceptional nice, and match for the cause. Fit for motive approach each for their normal reason, and additionally, any particular purpose which you agreed with the vendor (as an example, in case you especially asked for a printer that might like-mind along with your computer or wall tiles that might be appropriate to use in a restroom).

    Here is the article to explain, Essay, Summary, and History of Sale of Goods Act 1979, under Sections 12, 13, 14, and 15!

    Goods sold must additionally healthy any pattern you provided in-store or any description in a brochure. The best time goods don’t require to be quality high-quality is if an illness or difficulty becomes especially drawn for your interest earlier than you purchased them. So, in case you tested the goods and could observe (however did not do so) that they have been no longer of first-class quality. Or, in the case of sale by sample, if the lack of excellent would have been obvious on an inexpensive examination of the sample, you would no longer be capable of arguing that the goods have been not of excellent pleasant.


    This summary examines the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (“the Act”) within its context: why it existed and drafted. What are its important provisions, and how it has changed since it came into force? More to know Antitrust Law Case Study. It submitted that the Sale of Goods Act 1979 has been part of a change in consumer dealings, with its most significant contributions being to the rights consumers have when they buy products that turn out to be faulty. Indeed, its use has been so central to implied terms in particular, that one author criticized for failing to see the contribution of the Act to the law of implied terms. At the same time, the Act’s importance has to an extent been diminished by the introduction of very recent legislation.

    The rationale for Drafting;

    The Act codified various provisions, such as the formation of a contract. Which was already prevalent and well-established in the common law. However, its contribution was to enhance consumer confidence. It argued that without the Act, and its successors, there would be little protection for consumers. This imbalance of consumer rights would lead to significant caution and even “defensive consumerism”.

    If consumers believe they have few rights when purchasing goods, then they are slow to trust newer and less-familiar brands and will continue to buy goods from established brands, even where those goods lack quality. Therefore, if the legislature does not guarantee certain minimums for consumer confidence, competition would suffer. In summary, the Act stood brought about due to a concern for protecting consumer rights. Thereby promoting consumer confidence and increasing competition amongst producers.

    Provisions of Note;

    The Act was recognized for its contribution to the law of implied terms. Sections 12, 13, 14, and 15 guide the existence and scope of implied terms relating to title, quality, sale by description, and sale by sample. It submitted these sections are central to any considerations about implied terms.

    Section 14;

    It is important because of its use of several concepts. First, it implies several terms in all contracts, those terms being that the goods are of satisfactory quality. Which is evaluated by reference to the “state and condition” of the goods? Second, the section contains an important proviso: the terms only imply when the sale conducts “in the course of a business.” The “valuable decision” of MacDonald v Pollock – a Scottish case which nevertheless provides important guidance for applying the Act across the UK – has recognized this section to have far-reaching consequences for business-to-consumer and business-to-business transactions, because the definition of a business is now a material issue.

    Section 15A;

    It refers to remedies for breach of conditions in non-consumer cases. This section says a buyer may claim for breach of warranty, but not repudiate a contract, where “the breach is so slight it would be unreasonable for [the buyer] to reject [the goods].” This section has been argued as “central to elements of commercial practice” – as in one case – to concepts of description, condition, and rejection.

    The Act makes other specific additions to contract law designed to protect specific consumers. Section 3 of the Act gives detail about “necessaries” purchased by a minor. According to that section, necessaries – defined as “goods suitable to the condition in life of the minor and to his actual requirements at the time of sale and delivery” – must sell/purchase at a “reasonable” price. That section also requires a reasonable price must pay by a person who “because of drunkenness is incompetent to contract.”

    In conclusion, it submitted that the Act has codified the law, and provided guidance on various miscellaneous issues. And has been most significant for its contributions to consumer protection and commercial practice through implied terms.

    Redefined and Repealed;

    First, the Act and its place in consumer dealings stood further expanded on by subsequent legislation, in particular the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. These Regulations have added “to the consternation of UK lawyers”, the requirement by businesses to show good faith. This is a form of dealing which often seen in Continental European jurisdictions. But much less often in English law, which has “freedom of contract” as its object. Due to it not being part of English jurisprudence, the concept of good faith “remains early”. Nevertheless, these legislative developments have been accommodated, if only to some extent. Because of the detail given by the Act to implied terms.


    The Act has also been recently subjected to a reduction in its scope. The Consumer Rights Act 2015 (“the 2015 Act”). Which came into force in October 2015, and repealed a significant portion of the Act. The Act formerly had provisions relating to unfair terms of the contract in dealings vis-à-vis consumers and businesses. All of those provisions have now been repealed and replaced by the 2015 Act. Importantly, the 2015 Act has enshrined consumer protections relating to digital content.

    On the one hand, these changes are significant: the 2015 Act has introduced these protections. Because of issues relating to digital content, such as methods of delivery to smartphones. And the purchase of apps lived not envisaged at the time of the Sale of Goods Act. To a degree, therefore, the 1979 Act retains stood superseded. However, the Act still provides important concepts: the 2015 Act has principles of quality. And fitness for purpose is very similar to the 1979 Act. Therefore, the Act continues to be relevant.


    It submitted the Act has been part of and has helped to develop consumer protection. It has been part of an effort to boost competition by giving consumers certain assurances about their rights when purchasing from businesses (hence why the definition of a “business” is such an important issue). To an extent, subsequent developments have introduced concepts to consumer-to-business dealings that existed not envisaged in the Act. Nevertheless, it submitted these developments were only possible, at least in part, due to the foundations of the Act and its provisions relating to implied terms.

    Sale of Goods Act 1979 Sections 12 13 14 15 Essay Image
    Sale of Goods Act 1979 Sections 12 13 14 15 Essay; Photo by Pixabay from Pexels.

    References; Sale of Goods Act 1979. Retrieved from https://www.lawteacher.net/acts/sale-of-goods-act-1979.php?vref=1

  • 8 Case Study of Antitrust Law US Essay

    8 Case Study of Antitrust Law US Essay

    Antitrust Law US Essay 8 Case Study; Any regulation restricting enterprise practices considered unfair or monopolistic. The United States has the longest-standing policy of keeping opposition among business establishments via a spread of legal guidelines. The quality recognized is the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, which declared unlawful “every agreement, aggregate . . . Or conspiracy in restraint of exchange or trade.” Another important US Antitrust law regulation, the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914, as amended in 1936 via the Robinson–Patman Act, prohibits discrimination amongst clients via costs or other ways; it also prohibits mergers of companies, or acquisitions of 1 firm using every other, on every occasion the effect can be “to substantially reduce competition”.

    Here is the article to explain, 8 Case Study of Antitrust Law US Essay!

    Many international locations have vast laws that defend purchasers and also alter how agencies function their agencies. The purpose of those legal guidelines is to offer an equal gambling subject for comparable corporations that function in a specific enterprise while stopping them from gaining an excessive amount of energy over their competition. Simply placed, they forestall businesses from gambling grimy to make an income. Also, These are called antitrust laws.

    What is Antitrust?

    Antitrust laws are policies that inspire opposition with the aid of restricting the market electricity of any precise company. This frequently includes ensuring that mergers and acquisitions do not overly listen to marketplace power or form monopolies, in addition to breaking apart corporations that have become monopolies.

    Antitrust laws also prevent more than one corporation from colluding or forming a cartel to limit opposition thru practices that includes price-fixing. Due to the complexity of figuring out what practices will limit opposition, antitrust regulation has ended up a distinct prison specialization.

    What are Antitrust Laws?

    Antitrust legal guidelines additionally known as competition laws are statutes evolved through the U.S. Authorities to shield consumers from predatory business practices. They ensure that honest opposition exists in an open-market financial system. These laws have advanced in conjunction with the market, vigilantly guarding in opposition to might-be monopolies and disruptions to the productive ebb and waft of opposition. Antitrust laws are implemented to an extensive variety of questionable business sports; along with but are now not constrained to marketplace allocation, bid-rigging, rate-fixing, and monopolies.

    Below, we take a look at the activities those legal guidelines guard against. If antitrust law didn’t exist, purchasers might no longer benefit from different alternatives or competition within the US market. Furthermore, customers could be pressured to pay higher charges and could have gotten entry to a confined supply of products and services.

    6 Main factors of US antitrust law;
    • Antitrust laws are statutes evolved by using governments to guard purchasers against predatory business practices and ensure fair opposition.
    • Antitrust laws are implemented to a wide variety of questionable commercial enterprise activities along with market allocation, bid-rigging, price-fixing, and monopolies.
    • Core U.S. Antitrust law become created with the aid of three portions of legislation: the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, the Federal Trade Commission Act, and the Clayton Antitrust Act.
    • Antitrust legal guidelines had been designed to defend and also promote opposition within all sectors of the economic system.
    • The Sherman Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act, and the Clayton Act are the three pivotal laws in the records of antitrust law.
    • Today, the Federal Trade Commission, from time to time at the side of the Department of Justice, is tasked with imposing federal antitrust legal guidelines.

    Case 1: Write a 100- word abstract of the case, including the date of the case.

    The essay gives a brief analysis and review of a case in which the government of the United States led to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is the defense of the claim appeal 384 U.S. competition 270 presented by the U.S. government against VON Grocery Co. (Von) in 1966 in the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of California No. 303. The duration was March 22, 1966, and the delivery of a verdict was May 31, 1966. It was in favor of the defendant.

    This just reminded demand, government regulators were ignoring situations that occur within its jurisdiction. It was despite his knowledge of the changing developments in market structures that controlled processes. Government regulators failed to switch to a relaxed mood compared to previous legislative procedures necessary reacted to the threats and opportunities of his time. As a result, this led to the prevention of unfair trade practices or disposal of similar economic activities of small-scale businesses.

    Case 2: Describe the provision of the US Antitrust Law invoked to judge the presence of anti-competitive behavior or potential for moving the industry in that direction.

    The 1960 merger of Von Grocery Company with competitor Shopping Bag Food Stores (Shopping Bag) whose locations are in Los Angeles, California violated Section 7 of the Clayton Act (n. P Thomson Reuter). Its amendment in 1950 regulates the reasonable termination through the prohibition of mergers and acquisitions, which decreased competition. Even after a new amendment in 1980, remains the main reference point for antitrust law mergers that threatened the US United States (Fox & Fox).

    Case 3: Describe the basis for the ruling and action that pertains to all OR some of the following factors: The extent and trend in competition and expected in the future: Industry Structure and trend and projection for the future [based on the past, mostly]; CR4, CR8, and HHI, especially in cases of mergers.

    The claim of the United States had other modifications as support for their arguments. They were the 1950 amendment to Section 7 of the Celler-Kefauver and Congress sought to preserve competition for small businesses. Stood also intended to help companies focus. Also, The court was the agent that was against large companies that use concentrations in markets with increasing centralization of business. He succeeded in divesting after United States v. Philadelphia National. . Bank, 374 U.S. 321 Celler-Kefauver 362 Anti-Merger Act 1950 as amended provides relevant information:

    “That no company engaged in commerce … shall acquire all or part of the assets of another company also engaged in commerce, wherein any line of commerce in any part of the country, the effect of such acquisition may be substantially to lessen competition or tend to create a monopoly. “

    Case 4: Describe the “conduct” in question that has been considered “anti-competitive:” Determine if the defendant had used an anticompetitive Price Strategy and explain how. Likewise, describe any Non-price Strategies the defendant had used and describe how.

    In investing 233 F. Supp. 976 Richard A. Posner was counsel for the United States. Your tips helped were Attorney General Marshall, Assistant Attorney General Turner, Robert B. Hummel, James J. Coyle, and John F. Hughes. The defense attorney was William W. Alsup. Your tips help Warren M. Christopher and were William W. Vaughn. As an interested party, the National Association of Retail Grocers of the United States Attorney Bison was Henry J., Jr., as amicus curiae, urging affirmance.

    MR. JUSTICE BLACK was the judge in the case and give judgment. The date of the original application was March 25, 1960. March 28, 1960, the District Court did not grant the motion of the Government for a restraining order against Von Grocery Company. Also, The latter wanted to acquire tangible capital around the Shopping Bag Food Stores, and the ruling was that not violate the terms of demand.

    It was a backdoor way of recognizing the merger and showing favoritism to the accused before final judgment. The main argument of the defense was that a company was protecting the other from the state of collapse. They merged to protect a stronger competitor. 374 U.S. 321, 362 was the claim that prohibiting such mergers. There were bank loans that may have had access to and filing for bankruptcy as financial coverage. The company achieved this when it was about to collapse. Also, He managed to regroup with the help of government agencies and private financial consultants.

    Case 5: Describe the effect of the defendant’s “conduct” on other firms (or the main rival) in the industry.

    Von was the third-largest grocery market in the retail area, Los Angeles, on sales; while the shopping bag of food was number six in 1958. Their 1960 joint sales rose 7.5% an annual output of two and a half million. Your Los Angeles market seemed too small a part of their market to the government to fight. However, if the top ten companies had double combined; also their total market share could have been about a third of the retail market of Los Angeles.

    To be fair to these stores, which had begun as the outgoing neighborhood store many Americans of his generation knew. Ten of the previous twelve years to the merger, the number of stores has increased to a little more than twice their number. The other positive numbers include increased sales and market share. Its merger positioned the number two supermarket chains in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, the discovery of individual owners of tennis shops in Los Angeles dropped by nearly two-fifths. In 1963, the numbers continued to decline.

    The government witnesses lacked a thorough analysis of the facts and figures that the defense had in its possession. For example, from 1949 until 1958, nine of the top 20 competitors chains came into possession of 126 stores smaller rivals. An important defense witness gave details of previous acquisitions and mergers from 1954 to 1961.

    They were in the top 10 stores in Los Angeles. Also, You might consider this as an ordinary person and discriminatory legal action. They should also have ground The nine competitors target rivals for smaller parties to legal action. However, the union of the two powers of the financial market was a threat to government control in the area of Los Angeles. The government reported data in its reply, the Federal Trade Commission prepared.

    Case 6: Describe the initial legal action taken against or in favor of the defendant.

    The initial legal action taken against the defendant is that the US government accused Von’s Grocery Company of violating Section 7 of the Clayton Act because it was an attempt to create a monopoly. The company appealed and the District Court ruled in its favor. Also, it is important to mention that the government made accusations against the company; because it wanted to purchase a smaller competitor in the retail grocery market that was called Shopping Bag Food Stores.

    Case 7: Describe any subsequent legal action in the case (such as the Supreme Court), if any.

    Once the case was resolved there was no subsequent action taken. The decision on the case was repealed by the District Court and Von’s Grocery Company could merge with, and subsequently absorb Shopping Bag Food Stores.

    Case 8: Carefully describe how the model of Structure-Conduct-Performance has been applied in the case under consideration.

    The history of the struggle against mergers in the United States began in 1890. At that time, Congress passed the Sherman Act to prevent monopolies. Distrust of Americans back to the founding of the country. Unfortunately, did not protect the smaller companies businessman larger monopolistic pressures. In 1897, the Court ruled that the U.S. government was against Trans-Missouri Freight Assn., 166 U.S. 290, 323. In [384 U.S. 270, 275], the Sherman Act did not protect the small businessman.

    Congressional approval in 1914, 7 of the Clayton Act allowed the merger of corporations through the purchase of shares of its competitors. By contrast, business people find a loophole and buy their opponent’s assets. A blow to the fight against the Clayton Act device came with the endorsement of Judge Brandeis, Taft chief justice, and judges Holmes and Stone in 1926. As a result, there was a reduction in the number of large companies.

    More things 01;

    The action existed in 1950 Congress adopted the Celler-Kefauver Anti-Merger Act. Representative Celler and Senator Kefauver’s main references were 384 U.S. lawmakers 270, 276 for the period 1940-1947. They used the Brown Shoe Co. v United States, 370 U.S. 294, 315 to argue their points. They and other members of Congress had the same concerns. In contrast, 7 of the Clayton Act had stamps in their lagoon and extended its coverage using 384 U.S. 270, 277. Evacuation This involved mergers between competitors and stop all instances of mergers.

    More things 02;

    The U.S. v National Philadelphia. Banking led to Amendment 7 to cancel the anti-competitive tendencies. 384 U.S. 270, 279 is another case of reference that allowed the passage of the Celler-Kefauver Act. In United States v. El Paso Gas Co., 376 U.S. 651, 662 defendants El Paso Gas Co. were notified of antitrust charges and declined to postpone divestment from the beginning. Moreover, these two other similar cases of the United States v. du Pont & Co., 366 U.S. 316; United States v. Alcoa, 377 U.S. 271, 281 are pre-trial demand 384 U.S. 270, 303 which stood subjected to analysis.

    More things 03;

    Decisions of typos with the figures presented in court said the government ran a presentation to meet with any person or body quirks. The government regulator requires constant awareness of the impact of legislative developments and industry trends and ongoing. There is the need for external consultants to give their objective on huge demands especially in unknown actions reviews. In such cases, the now useless but necessary demand requires more in-depth research, planning, analysis, and the reality of how to fight cases misunderstood using antitrust laws. Also, This implies compulsory receive expert help to train the executors. This paper has emphasized that the demands of the past are benchmarks for current and future cases and judgments.

    More things 04;

    Upon focusing on how the SCP paradigm lived applied in the case being considered; the first thing to note is that during the 1950s and 1960s; the grocery retail industry stood characterized by ownership concentration. In other words, fewer and fewer owners started to own more and more stores (which they would go and absorb from smaller competitors). The structure and conduct of the market we’re going in the direction of fewer competitors of larger sizes. In the particular case of Von’s Grocery Company, it may see that its sales; when combined with the sales of Shopping Bag Food Stores, represented 7.5% of the total dollar amount of retail groceries sold per year in Los Angeles.

    Combining this fact by the fact that between the late 1940s and the late 1950s both businesses involved with the merger had doubled in size (measured by the number of retail stores owned by each), and that the trend was going in the direction of larger (and fewer) competitors; it was decided that there was no violation of Section 7 of the Clayton Act. In sum, it was decided that there was no attempt of creating a monopoly; but rather a strategic decision imposed by the market.

    8 Case Study of Antitrust Law US Essay Image
    8 Case Study of Antitrust Law US Essay; Image by Vural Yavaş from Pixabay.

    References; Anti-trust Law Case Study. Retrieved from https://www.ukessays.com/essays/law/antitrust-law-study-7718.php?vref=1

  • 2 Computer Science Development Program Technology Essay

    2 Computer Science Development Program Technology Essay

    2 Computer Science Development, Program, and Technology Essay in desktop and laptop devices; Nowadays we can hardly see people live without either a desktop computer, a laptop, or even a tablet. As we are moving towards a technology-free-world era, our lives revolve around technology and technical devices.

    Here is the article to explain, 2 Computer Program Science Development and Technology Essay!

    Technology advancement has no doubt successfully eased people’s life. They have made things function more simply and systematically. Imagine an accountant who has piles and piles of paperwork and stores them using the traditional ways? To able access old files, these accountants have to search for many files in their archives for ages. However, with the help of computers, these accountants exist only required to key in their file code; and they can easily retrieve the old files which they required. Hence, the creation of computers in the mid-70s has contributed a lot to society whereby able to simplify the everyday task of everyone.

    The term computers define as how a person can perform numerical calculations with the aid of computing mechanical devices. In the mid-70s, the pivotal objective in creating a computer science development is to tackle the future paperless office culture; and thus to make the interaction between people and digital documents easier.


    According to Holmquist, the first computer existed created in the Xerox PARC research lab. However, the computers that we are using today have been evolved through many generations. Most of us have not even realized that the first computer – Abacus, existed created in 2400 BC by John Napier. The computers created in the first generation are normally created using vacuum tubes; hence computers in this generation are normally expensive and bulky.

    In the second generation, vacuum tubes computers replace by transistors. Computers that create by transistors are smaller and cheaper, and thus they are more energy-efficient. However, computers build with transistors tend to release a lot of heat from the computers. Computers in the third generation existed built with integrated circuits; which then evolved to computers that are built with silicon chips in the fourth generation. In the fifth generation, more and more evolution has been taking place and now it is still continuously developing. Hence, in light of completing the task of this assignment; the product that I would like to choose to enhance is laptop computers.

    Part 01;

    The laptop computer that I have chosen to make modifications is the Acer Aspire V5 laptop series. The model which I have chosen is Aspire V5-431. The reason I chose this series of laptop computers is that the design of this laptop is nice; and, the laptop also comes with a reasonable price where everyone can afford to purchase.

    The motto of the design of this series of laptops is “thin, light and charismatic”. The size of this laptop is 23mm in height, 342mm in width, and 245mm in depth. The weight of this laptop is approximately 2.10kg. According to Acer (2014), the operating system of this laptop is “Linpus Linux”, the processor’s manufacturer is “Intel”; the processor type is “Celeron” with the processor model of 1007U and the processor speed is 1.50GHz. This series of laptops possess a “Dual-core” processor core.

    Part 02;

    Besides that, this series of laptops possess 2GB of memory which can maximize to 8GB. The memory technology help in this laptop is DDR3 SDRAM. This laptop only has 2 memory slots, and it also possesses a memory card reader. The type of memory cards that can be read by this laptop is MultiMediaCard (MMC) and Secure Digital (SD).

    Moreover, the hard drive capacity of this laptop is 500GB with a hard drive interface of “Serial ATA”, and it also has a DVD writer. The screen size of this laptop is 14”, the display screen type is “Active Matrix TFT Color LCD” with HD screen mode and LED backlight technology. The screen resolution is 1366 x 768, Intel is the graphic controller manufacturer, and the graphic controller model is HD graphics. The graphic memory technology which is being used is DDR3 SDRAM.

    Part 03;

    The network and communication of this laptop are using IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n for wireless LAN standard, Gigabit Ethernet for Ethernet technology, and the Bluetooth standard is 4.0+ HS. The built-in devices for this laptop are a webcam and microphone. This laptop stands also equipped with HDMI interfaces; 3 USB ports (two USB 2.0 ports and one USB 3.0 port), and an Acer converter port. The input devices for this laptop are the touchpad and keyboard. The type of battery used for this laptop is a 4-cell Li-ion battery with a battery capacity of 2500 mAh, and the maximum battery run time is 4 hours.

    There are certain features I would like to add to this model; they are a stylus pen, a built-in printer, and a scanner; as well as using fingerprint to log in to the laptop. With these features being installed in this laptop; this laptop will be suitable to be used by all kinds of people. For example, it can bring benefits to businessmen, as they are often required to print and scan important documents. Besides businessmen, even students or all classes of people are also able to benefit from using this laptop. Apart from that, with these features, even all age range of people also can benefit from these features of computer science development.

    Stylus Pen;

    Nowadays laptops possess touch screens; hence, it is wise to have a stylus pen being installed in this model of laptop. For instance, stylus pens made signing for documents, painting, drawing, and sketching easier. Moreover, for people who used to draw drafts will be easier when using a stylus pen. This is because stylus pens allow us to precisely do drafting. Moreover, businessmen who always travel for business may find it useful; because they can draw at any place and any time. Matulic suggests that this innovation can gain huge public acceptance.

    Built-in printer and scanner;

    Apart from the stylus pen, another new feature that I propose to add is a built-in printer and scanner. This is because for travel types of businessmen; it will be extremely troublesome for them to search for a print shop in a city with which they are not familiar. Though they are familiar with the city they are traveling to, it is also difficult for them to find a printer shop in the middle of the night. Moreover, it is also easier for them to print urgent documents at any place (Idea Storm, 2014). With the built-in scanner, it is easier for them to scan company documents which they have verified or signed to the recipient. These features can save a lot of their time.

    Use the fingerprint to log in to the laptop;

    With a lot of scams and fraud cases happening every day, it is wise to use fingerprints to log in to the laptop. With all the booming security issues, also it hope that with the install of fingerprint readers, these security issues could tackle. The sole reason I propose this new feature is because everyone’s fingerprint is unique. No one has the same fingerprint. Hence, except for the owner of the laptop, no one can have access to the laptop.

    Most of the time we will only lock our laptop using self-created passwords, however, passwords can hack. It means that locking our laptops using passwords is very vulnerable. Besides that, using biometric password also bring benefit to people who often have trouble remembering their self-created password. Moreover, Heckle, Patrick & Ozok’s study suggest that there is 88 percent of respondents say that using fingerprint to tackle personal security issue is very useful.

    Part 01;

    The old features of this laptop actually should all maintain. This is because people nowadays always like to bring their portable laptop computers everywhere they go so that they will be able to do their work on the go. Besides that, some analysts suggested that the demand for laptop computers in emerging markets is still booming. According to King, the market share for the demand for laptop computers has jumped approximately as much as 5.1 percent.

    The originally built-in features of this laptop – i.e. webcam and microphone, as well as the touchpad will still maintain. For webcams, there are still people who used them to have video conferencing or teleconferencing. Besides that, a microphone also comes in handy for people who are conducting video communication or telecommunication. For example, people who are using Skype to be able to communicate with their opponents will still require both a webcam and microphone. Lack of one of the tools above – i.e. webcam and microphone, will disable their medium of communication.

    Part 02;

    Besides that, as for the touchpad, the creation of the touchpad is to replace the use of a mouse. Since the laptop is a portable computer, the creation of a touchpad has saved the users a lot of energy in carrying an extra mouse. Moreover, the touchpad can solve ergonomic issues, whereby users will feel more comfortable compared to the use of a mouse in a long-term period. Hence, the originally built-in features – i.e. webcam and microphone, as well as the touchpad should remain.

    Moreover, the DVD-writer should not remove it, though it is kind of old school. However, there are still times we require to install computer science development software programs or games through DVD. Indeed Apple did release an iMac with no optical drive, as indicated by Apple’s senior vice president of worldwide marketing – Phil Schiller, in their product release conference in June 2010, by dropping the optical drive able to save more power consumed by the iMac.

    However, there are still users who find that without the installation of an optical drive on their laptop will be troublesome, as they cannot install software programs or games or play movies from CD or DVD, instead they need to download them all from the internet. So, what if the users have trouble in receiving the internet conception due to the place they are staying? Hence, I find that there are no more other features that should remove from this laptop computer.

    Features or Functions;

    The features or functions of computer science development, that are with this laptop are all serving their purpose in making this laptop computer align with the theme as “portable”. The principles that will adopt in designing this new generation of laptop computers are the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the six philosophies of Steve Jobs.

    Technology Acceptance Model (TAM);

    First of all, what is the technology acceptance model or TAM? TAM is being extended from the theory of reasoned action (TRA). The TRA suggests that the intention of an individual will have an impact in affecting one behavior. TAM is being used to explain the factors that able affect one to use of IT technology. In TAM five elements are being tested; they perceive ease of use (PEOU), perceived usefulness (PU), attitude (AT), intention to use (IU), and external variables (EV).

    PEOU is how one perceives that the use of technology is effortless; PU is how one perceives that the use of technology able help them to solve their problem; both PEOU and PU as well as the external variables such as age or gender can influence one’s attitude towards technology. The study conducted by Park & del Pobil, their study confirms that these five elements possess the ability in influencing their acceptance of technology.

    Six philosophies of Steve Jobs;

    As Kuang identified, the key principles for Steve Jobs to design a product are “craft”, “empathy”, “focus”, “impute”, “user-friendliness”, and “simple”. According to Steve Jobs, though no one will ever find out what is inside the laptop, the designer needs to craft the best elements for their consumers. Hence, the designer needs to be empathetic with the end users’ needs, then the designer should focus on making the end users’ needs meet. Impute is the first impression that the end-users gain from the first glance of the product. Therefore, the designer needs to deliver the product professionally to gain positive impute from their potential consumers.

    Besides that, the product should design in a way that is user-friendliness. This is because, if the first impression that the end-users gain from the first glance of the product is uncomfortable and complicated. This “perceived” feeling will draw them not to purchase the product because it is not user-friendliness. Despite having the product being designed in a user-friendly way, the product should also design in a way whereby the end-users will feel that it is “simple”. Simplicity is also one of the important elements for the end-users to decide whether they should purchase the product or not.

    Part 01;

    In short, the key principles that should adopt in designing the new generation computers should possess both the elements from TAM as well as the key principles from Steve Jobs. Though there are plenty of principles that can adapt, I find that both the elements from TAM as well as the key principles from Steve Jobs are very useful in guiding one to design a product which able to gain wider public acceptance.

    In summary, as we are moving towards a technology-free-world era, our lives revolve around technology and technical devices. Technology advancement has no doubt successfully eased people’s life. They have made things function in simpler and systematic ways.

    Part 02;

    To accomplish this assignment, the laptop computer that I have chosen to make modifications is the Acer Aspire V5 laptop series. The model which I have chosen is Aspire V5-431. The reason I chose this series of laptop computers is that the design of this laptop is nice, and the laptop also comes at a reasonable price where everyone can afford to purchase.

    The features that I would like to propose to add to this laptop computer are a stylus pen, built-in printer, and scanner, as well as using fingerprint to log in to the laptop. With these features being installed in this laptop, this laptop will be suitable to use by all kinds of people. However, I find that the old features that are with these laptop computers should all remain. These old features do serve their purpose in making the laptop computer a whole.

    There are two principles which I have adopted in designing this new generation laptop computer. They are the five elements from TAM – i.e. perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived usefulness (PU), attitude (AT), intention to use (IU), and external variables (EV), and the six principles from Steve Jobs in designing computer science development products.

    2 Computer Science Development Program Technology Essay Image
    2 Computer Science Development Program Technology Essay; Image by Pexels from Pixabay.

    References; Development of Computer Technology. Retrieved from https://www.ukessays.com/essays/computer-science/computers.php?vref=1

  • 10 Dissertation Methodology Examples Topic with Essay

    10 Dissertation Methodology Examples Topic with Essay

    What is a Dissertation Methodology Examples 10 Topic with Essay? The methodology section will be the article that you write following your literature review. After you have researched and discovered the gap in the available literature, you can create ideas for your proposed research.

    Here is the article to explain, What is a Dissertation Methodology Examples 10 Topic with Essay?

    In your research proposal, you will have had a suggested methodology where; you would have given ideas about how to approach the research; this would have been either through a primary data approach or through collecting secondary data. Before discussing the topic of Dissertation Methodology Examples with essays we just take look at types of data. The following types of data;

    Primary data;

    Primary data is any form of evidence that you collect yourself through; your research in the form of surveys, interviews, questionnaires, focus groups, observations, experiments. Also, Primary data collection methods do not involve the collection of data from other researchers’ work and their studies.

    Secondary data;

    Collecting secondary data is the collection of evidence from previous researchers’ work. An example could be focusing on another researchers’ experiment and using their findings as a basis for your dissertation. An example could be collecting the findings from two different experiments and comparing the findings of these studies about the question posed.

    Once you have decided what type of data you will be collecting; you will then need to determine whether the data being collected is qualitative or quantitative as this will have an impact on the analysis of your research.

    10 Dissertation Methodology Examples Topic and Essay;

    We have provided the selection of examples of methodology dissertation topics below to help and inspire you.

    An assessment of the relative strengths of different interviewing techniques within qualitative research;

    Furthering the hypothesis that choosing the correct interviewing technique (or techniques) is a vital prerequisite to the attainment of quality primary research data; this dissertation offers a comparative critique of four interviewing techniques and scenarios. They are; face-to-face interviews versus email interviews, structured versus semi-structured interviews, individual interviews versus group interviews, and open versus closed questioning techniques. Having used secondary data to assess the relative strengths and merits of each; the second part of the dissertation will then conduct a ‘fictitious’ study upon ‘perceptions of Norwich as a romantic weekend holiday destination’ and will conduct interviews using each of the aforementioned techniques. Through so doing, the study will be able to offer a series of reasoned comments as to which interviewing technique was most useful for the given study area.

    Adapting the Likert scale for a more sophisticated audience: an opinion.

    As a mechanism through which to quantify primary data, especially within the social sciences, a Likert scale is an oft-used tool. Whilst this dissertation advances the view that quantitative data is superior to qualitative (a contention discussed within the study); it nevertheless posits, that improvements could make to the Likert scale. In so doing, it suggests that a fundamental weakness exists within the scale as a consequence of its usage of terms such as ‘agree strongly’ for such phrases are nebulous concepts. The result is that, whilst 80% of respondents may ‘strongly agree’; there may be substantial variations amongst the respondents as to what ‘strongly agree’ specifically means.

    A critique of Bryman.

    To many, the work of Alan Bryman has been pivotal to their studies. Offering a range of key texts on issues relating to methodology and ethics within research; Bryman is an acknowledged guru of research techniques within the social sciences, particularly within the United Kingdom. However, not all agree that, without Bryman, a research methodology bibliography is ‘not complete’. This dissertation addresses some of the questions raised by authors such as Leahey and Tashakkori; who contend that mixed methods research can be anomalous as it attempts to cross the qualitative/quantitative divide.

    Theoretical perspectives within the social sciences: they always need?

    Amongst the social sciences, there appears to exist an almost institutional doctrinal expectation that all primary research must underpin by reference to either the work of Michel Foucault or Karl Marx, both ‘sacred cows’ in theoretical studies. This dissertation takes issue with this assumption and in so doing reviews the doctoral theses of Geography Ph.D. students from the years 1950-1960 and those of 1999-2009 as held within the libraries of the universities of York, Durham, Newcastle, and Leeds. In so doing it notes the theories within them and suggests that the present-day preoccupation with ‘shoehorning’ Foucauldian or Marxian theory into the methodology of each dissertation detracts from a wider academic ground.

    A discussion of the importance of ontological research within the pedagogy of education.

    As “a theory of existence concerning the status of the world and what populates it”, ontological research advances concerning pedagogy by educationalists who posit that ‘reality’ is evaluated by two broad assumptions: ‘interpretivism’ and ‘realism’. Combining these theoretical assumptions and philosophical definitions, this dissertation evaluates the methods currently being applied to assessing pedagogy and determines; which approach best suits this area. Accordingly, it also examines the value of epistemological research methods and considers the merits of both approaches. Finally, it investigates how much ‘learning’ is actually ‘knowing’; and how much the methodology in pedagogy has affected the understanding of ‘learning’.

    Epistemological research within the classroom: a rejoinder.

    Hamlyn posits that epistemology is concerned with “the nature of knowledge, its possibility, scope, and general basis”. In applying such concepts to pedagogical issues and wider educational research, Pring furthers that epistemology is, resultantly, a concept upon which individual researchers can adopt different (but logical) positions. This dissertation debates the theoretical research viewpoints of epistemology with interpretivism and non-interpretivism and in so doing furthers existing academic debate such as that advanced by Crotty that reality ‘comes into existence in and out of our engagement with the realities of our world’, rather than existing independently of peoples’ thinking.

    The literature of qualitative data; a secondary source-based commentary.

    Qualitative research evolves out of a pursuit of phenomenological data that provides evidence of particular behaviors, occurrences, and perspectives. Traditionally employing a greater emphasis on sociological techniques for its investigative process; a qualitative approach can therefore generate relevant findings retrieved from fundamentally complex scenarios. This dissertation reviews existing literature on the merits and weaknesses of qualitative data and in so doing seeks to make its contribution to research within the social sciences more accessible to the general reader. Thus this is a dissertation that involves close textual referencing and will require the writer to explain complex methodological issues clearly and concisely.

    A critique of the complications involved in using interviews within primary research.

    Walliman asserts that interviews are a useful method of obtaining both information and opinions from experts during the early stages of a research project. However, Sarantakos warns that the process of interviewing can affect by many diverse problems, leading to errors. These problems generally tend to associate with the nature of the method used; which includes data recording, evaluation, and instruction errors. This dissertation accordingly, therefore, also discusses the proactive steps that researchers can take to recognize potential errors and mitigate them. This is a dissertation that would be ideal for a researcher who has previously conducted research using interviews.

    Ethical considerations within primary research: an overview of its development and existing best practice.

    This dissertation notes that several ethical issues can arise during conducting primary social research, particularly “to prevent harming or wronging others”. Accordingly, it further notes that the best advice for the researcher is to be constantly ethically aware and to ensure that the ‘meaning and justification of moral consideration which underlies research’ are always apparent. Working with specific reference to the ethical considerations that arise when interviewing vulnerable members of society; this dissertation charts the development of ethical research codes within higher education over the past twenty years and thereafter presents a commentary on existing best practices. In so doing, it hopes also to proffer reasoned suggestions as to how existing codes could further improve.

    The importance of Boyatzis and Glaser and Strauss to contemporary approaches to methodology.

    From a methodological viewpoint ‘grounded theory’ is often taken to refer to the theoretical explanations about the social world that emerge from empirical data. This approach was developed by Glaser and Strauss, to conduct research that generates inductive and qualitative theories. In addition, it is widely acknowledged that a more formal definition of thematic analysis existed developed by Boyatzis in 1998. Moreover, his technique recognizes that to analyze appropriately unrelated or dissimilar information; a theme or pattern must be discerned that describes and organizes the possible observations. This dissertation reviews the importance of the work of these authors to prevailing attitudes to the collation of research.

    What is a Dissertation Methodology Examples 10 Topic with Essay Image
    What is a Dissertation Methodology Examples 10 Topic with Essay? Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay.

    References; Methodology Dissertation Topics. Retrieved from https://ukdiss.com/topic/methodology-topics.php?vref=1

  • 4 Life Insurance Types of Coverage Explained Finance Essay

    4 Life Insurance Types of Coverage Explained Finance Essay

    4 Life Insurance Types of Coverage, Advantages, Disadvantages, and Explained Finance Essay; This insurance is one of the most popular types of insurance that people purchase. Life insurance is insurance that you purchase and will pay money to your beneficiaries if you die. One of the main reasons why people purchase life insurance is to protect their families financially. Life insurance will help pay for burial costs, debt, mortgages, and any other income losses that will occur if someone dies. Life insurance pays for just like automotive insurance is. It can pay by a monthly, quarterly, or annual premium for as long as the policy goes for. There are several different types of life insurance coverage policies that people can purchase that will best suit their needs.

    Here is the article to explain, 4 Types of Life Insurance Coverage, Advantages, Disadvantages, and Explained Finance Essay;

    The main types are term life insurance, whole life insurance, variable life insurance, and universal life insurance. In this research paper, I will explain the advantages, disadvantages, time lengths, and how each of the types of life insurance coverage fits different people. It is very important to understand how these insurance companies calculate premiums for different people. Their main goal is to assess the risk of someone dying during the policy. Just like other types of insurance, the more risk you have, the higher your premium will be. Some of the factors that use to determine premiums are gender, age, occupation, height, weight, medical history, lifestyle, and if you smoke.

    Recently I had to do a project in class where you had to find different premiums on life insurance. Some other things that I was asked were if I recently had any DUIs if any relatives have died before the age of 60, if I have recently been hospitalized, and if any diseases run in my family. All of these factors do give the insurance companies a better understanding of someone’s risk, but it is nearly impossible to be able to determine the chances of someone passing away. It is also difficult to estimate the cost of each of the 4 different types of life insurance because it is different for every individual.

    Term life insurance;

    Term life insurance is very affordable, and that is why it is growing in popularity. It is a life insurance policy that covers a person if they die during the length of their insurance. Term life insurance policies can be anywhere from 1 to 30 years. These policies know as “temporary” because once the policies are over, you are no longer covered. For example, if you purchase a 10-year term life insurance policy, and you die the year after your policy expires, your beneficiaries won’t receive any money. This also means that if you stop paying your premiums, you will no longer cover.

    There are many different reasons how people decided on how long they want their life insurance policy to cover their family. A lot of people that purchase term life insurance decide to make their contract until they retire. Another popular way people decide on their term is to remain covered until their children have turned 18. This is a very smart way to ensure that your children will be financially protected until they are adults. Another good reason to purchase term life insurance is if you involve in risky or potentially fatal activities. Even though these factors will increase your premium, it is still worth it in case something terrible happens. The cost of term life insurance all depends on a person’s risk and the length of the policy.

    Types of Term Insurance;

    There are several different types of term life insurance coverage, and it is important to know the differences when selecting the best type. Annual renewable term life insurance means that each year a person may renew their term life insurance. However, each year you renew your term life insurance, the premium will go up in cost because of your age. Renewable term life insurance means that after your specific term is up; you allow signing a new term life insurance contract. Level premium term insurance means that your premium will not change throughout the length of the contract. This type of term insurance is good because as you get older, you don’t have to pay more money for your life insurance.

    Convertible term insurance means that you allow converting your term insurance into another type of life insurance, like universal or whole life. There are advantages and disadvantages to term life insurance. Some advantages are that you get to choose how long you want to cover for; most policies can change or renew to other policies, and your beneficiaries pay a specific amount upon your death; which decides when you start your policy. Some disadvantages are that if you pass away after your term life insurance policy, no benefits give to your family; and it doesn’t offer as much protection as other life insurance policies offer.

    Whole Life Insurance;

    Whole life insurance is exactly what it sounds like, a life insurance policy that lasts for someone’s whole life. Upon death, the beneficiary receives the value of the account. Whole life insurance is also known as permanent life insurance. The main difference between whole life and term life is that whole life insurance grows in value over time. Whole life insurance is similar to a retirement account where you are putting money toward the future, except in this case it is toward your death. An interesting fact about whole life insurance is that you can borrow money out of your account, which you cannot do with term insurance. To be able to borrow money out of your account, there must be a set minimum of money already invested into the account.

    Most whole life insurance policies mature when a person turns 100 years old, so if that person is still alive they will receive the face value of their account. The main reason why people choose whole life insurance over term life insurance is that they want to insure for the rest of their life. For this reason, whole life insurance is more expensive than term insurance. There are several different types of whole life insurance coverage. Non-participating whole life insurance means that you do not receive dividends for your policy. On the other hand, participating in whole life insurance means that you do receive dividends. Level premium whole life insurance is just like level term insurance, where you pay the same premium throughout the length of the policy.

    Why are you buy a whole life insurance?

    Purchasing a life insurance policy with a fixed premium is a great choice because once you retire; you wouldn’t want your premium to increase every year due to the loss in income. Single premium whole life insurance is a policy where you pay a large sum of money at the begging of your policy; which then eliminates having to pay premiums. This type of policy is not very popular the reason that you would need a lot of money upfront. Intermediate whole life insurance means that your premiums change over time depending on your status. In the past couple of years, a significant amount of people lost their homes because of adjustable mortgages, so I think that this type of whole life insurance is not a good choice.

    Some advantages of Whole life insurance are that they usually fixed premiums; the beneficiaries will receive money whenever the policyholder dies; there are tax benefits, and most of the money will return if the policy cancels. The money that accumulates in your policy is tax-free; which attracts a lot of people to purchase a whole life insurance policy over a term life insurance policy. Some disadvantages of whole life insurance are that it costly compare to term insurance; and, it is much more complicated than term life insurance. If you are interested in purchasing a whole life insurance policy; it is important to know which type it is so you know you will be able to afford it for the rest of your life.

    Universal Life Insurance;

    Universal life insurance is very similar to whole life insurance. A universal life insurance policy will cover someone for their whole life; so it also considers a permanent life insurance policy. Universal life insurance policies also grow in cash over time, which tax-defer. The interest rates increase and decrease like the money market; so there is a chance to make a lot of money in this type of life insurance. The main advantage that universal life insurance has over whole life insurance is that there is more flexibility in the policy. The cash value and the death benefits parts of your policy broke up; so a person can decide how much of their money will go in each part. The policyholder can also increase and decrease their premium depending on their situation.

    However, the insurance companies do have a target premium, so if you pay less than it, you may penalize. This type of life insurance policy would be best for someone who wanted to cover for the rest of their life and would want to be able to adjust their policy to suit their needs. Advantages of Universal life insurance are it is the most flexible, you can take out loans, you can adjust your premiums due to your situation, and the cash you earn in interest can use toward your payments. Some disadvantages are that your cash value isn’t guaranteed like it is with whole life insurance; and, it is more costly than term and universal life insurance policies.

    Variable Life Insurance;

    Variable life insurance is also considered a permanent type of life insurance. It is considered a “pure investment policy” because the insured has completed control of how their money is invested. They can decide to invest their cash account into bonds, stocks, or any other money market funds. For this reason, variable life insurance is the riskiest out of all the types of life insurance coverage. If a person makes poor investment choices, they risk losing a substantial amount of their money. On the other hand, if good investments make, the policyholder can receive a significant profit. Due to the risk of this type of life insurance, it is the most expensive one. This type of life insurance policy is only a good choice for people that understand the money market and will remain active in watching their investments.

    Benefits Advantages Drawbacks Disadvantages of Life Insurance Types of Coverage;

    Life insurance offers several advantages not available from any other financial instrument, yet it also has disadvantages.

    Benefits or Advantages of Life Insurance;

    • Life insurance provides an infusion of cash for dealing with the adverse financial consequences of the insured’s death.
    • Life insurance enjoys favorable tax treatment, unlike any other financial instrument. Policy loans are income tax-free.
    • A life insurance policy may exchange for another life insurance policy (or for an annuity) without incurring current taxation.
    • Many life insurance policies are exceptionally flexible in terms of adjusting to the policyholder’s needs. The death benefit may decrease at any time and the premiums may easily reduce, skip, or increase.
    • A cash value life insurance policy may be thought of as a tax-favored repository of easily accessible funds if the need arises; yet, the assets backing these funds are generally held in longer-term investments, thereby earning a higher return.

    Drawbacks or Disadvantages of Life Insurance;

    • Policyholders forego some current expenditure to pay policy premiums. Moreover, life insurance typically purchase for the benefit of others and usually only indirectly for the insured person.
    • Cash surrender values are usually less than the premiums paid in the first several policy years and sometimes a policy owner may not recover the premiums paid if the policy surrender.
    • The life insurance purchase decision and the positioning of the life insurance can be complex especially; if the insurance is for estate planning, business situations, or complex family situations.
    • The life insurance acquisition process can be annoying and perplexing (e.g. Is the life insurance agent trustworthy? Is this the right product and carrier? How can medical underwriting streamlined?).
    Life Insurance Types of Coverage Advantages Disadvantages and Explained Finance Essay Image
    4 Life Insurance Types of Coverage, Advantages, Disadvantages, and Explained Finance Essay; Image by Tumisu from Pixabay.

    References; Types of Life Insurance: Advantages and Disadvantages. Retrieved from https://www.ukessays.com/essays/business/life-insurance-will-pay-money-to-your-beneficiaries-if-you-die-business-essay.php?vref=1, and https://www.gatewayfinancial.biz/private-clients/advantages-disadvantages-of-life-insurance/

  • Supply Chain Models Comparison Theories Assignments Essay

    Supply Chain Models Comparison Theories Assignments Essay

    Comparison of Supply Chain Models and Theories in Assignments Essay; Introduction – The notion of “supply chain management” was first used by consultants in the 1980s; however, other scholars would argue that supply chain management arose from the logistical processes, costing methods, transportation, and physical distribution. The term supply chain management is a relatively new phenomenon but has become one of the most crucial components for a business’s success.

    Here is the article to explain, What is the Comparison of Supply Chain Models and Theories Assignments Essay?

    Author Croom et al, 2000, categorized the subject area of supply chain management into six categories; Strategic Management, Relationships and Partnerships, Logistics, Best practices, Marketing, and Organisational Behaviour. Argued that scholars have approached supply chain management from a restrictive functional view; and operationally integrated linkages (between buyers and suppliers) to end-to-end management of; for example, information and material flow, quality, and design.

    Supply chain management has been referring to using terms such as “distribution channels”, “network sourcing”, “supply pipeline management”, “value chain management”, and “value stream management”. Many scholars even today would dispute over just; what supply chain management is and with various conceptual models with many different supply chain frameworks; often this poses the question as to which is the most optimal one for a company.

    Supply chain models and theories came into full force when the Japanese car company Toyota revealed their “lean manufacturing”, processes to the world. As a result of their lean concept which focuses on the reduction of waste within the manufacturing environment, automotive companies around the world have aimed to perfect; their manufacturing processes, and many companies, like Nissan, aim to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of their processes.

    As with many industries, the automotive industry, especially in the modern era, relies heavily on suppliers in their manufacturing processes, long gone the days of Henry Ford’s mass production days where most cars were made in-house. As a result of economies of scale, labor costs, production costs, technical know-how, and globalization, many car companies now consider outsourcing for many components of their manufacturing process; thus making supply chain management a vital component of their business. For this paper, one can argue the “efficient” supply chain model is the driving model behind the Nissan – Renault- Mitsubishi alliance and manufacturing of the Qashqai car.

    The Efficient Supply Chain Model;

    The “efficient” supply chain model one could argue is the driving model behind the Renault-Nissan and Mitsubishi alliance. The efficient supply chain model outlines how managers should focus on maximizing end-to-end efficiency including high rates of asset utilization in a bid to lower costs. As to how effective this model is and how closely these companies follow; this model is under scrutiny by academics and will be critically evaluated in this paper.

    Reflection to the Case Study;

    The logic behind the conclusion that this case study is an example of an efficient, although failed, supply chain model will outline in this report. One of the main factors of this case study that can lead one to draw this conclusion is the agreement; which all three automotive companies aim to meet that is: “each company acts in the financial interest of the other; while maintaining an individual brand, identities, and independent corporate cultures”.


    Unlike Toyota which adopted a Lean manufacturing process, this case study had a completely different aim and set of parameters. This case involved three leading car companies working together to develop a new car, the Qashqai. The Toyota Model works well and lean generally is a lot easier to manage; where it is one OEM and the suppliers of the OEM are all focused on that OEM. Toyota installed Lean thinking in its company culture, heritage, and suppliers; which all work together and prove to be very effective.

    Toyota’s lean concept focuses on eliminating waste throughout the organization and supply network.  The elimination of waste design to reduce costs and save time. Cost and Time are crucial elements. In this case study, cost-sharing is the crucial element not cost elimination; this is the major difference between the two conceptional models. One model eliminates waste and reduces cost, the other aims to utilize assets throughout the end-to-end supply chain; and share costs in a way to reduce the cost for each company.


    According to the  Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group; “organizational efficiency defines as an internal standard of performance”. Supply chain efficiency is related to whether a company’s processes are harnessing resources in the best way possible; whether those resources are financial, human, technological, or physical. However, the definition of efficiency does not include customer satisfaction. There may be a very efficient supply chain that minimizes costs for materials and packaging; but as in the case of the Qashqai car model, faulty components existed installed into the car; which means that more than 25,000 cars existed recalled due to a brake fault problem.


    The objective of the alliance was to create a product that meant; that customers would pay less for fuel as this car would use “cutting edge technology” to be fuel-efficient. By using lighter and more innovative components, the car should “reduce fuel consumption by 20%”. Coming back to the point made in the previous paragraph; whilst aiming to achieve this objective, the development lead time from 20.75 months was to reduce to just 10.50 months; and reducing costs from 10 billion euros to 4 billion euros.


    To achieve this at the time of “launching the Qashqai, they relied on the adoption and adaptation of other organizations’ best practices. This is another reason why one could conclude that the supply chain conceptional model used by the alliance was the “efficient supply chain model”. The companies aimed to utilize the assets of each company, i.e. best practices, to develop this cutting-edge technology.

    In addition, it can conclude from the actions and strategies from the alliance that efficiency in terms of the supply chain model; does not always mean it is effective as stated previously the reduction in development time and the cost was an internal strategy using internal standards; which didn’t benefit the end-user as the car was faulty.

    The Customer-Driven Supply Chain Model;

    A customer-driven supply chain is a concept that aims to enhance the efficiency of operations in business by synchronizing activities; such as planning, production, and deliveries to appropriately react to customer requirements. The objective outlined in the case study which is what the alliance was aiming to achieve was reducing fuel consumption, increasing comfort and drivability, and increasing the degree of smoothness when traveling to and from destinations. This is very similar to the lean process model used by Toyota such as synchronization of activities; however, this model doesn’t place a strong emphasis on waste elimination where lean does; this model places the customer requirements as higher regard and in the case study.

    This is apparent where the use of company best practices and innovative new designs are being utilized to react to customer requirements for the need to fuel reduction and improve the driving experience. This conceptional model also differs from the efficient model which places a stronger emphasis on internal processes; and, in this case, study: “reducing lead time and costs” not necessarily paying as much attention to creating a product that meets requirements and safety checks.

    Reflection to the Case Study;

    The customer-driven supply chain model relies on the company’s ability to identify the customer needs and how to deal with these needs effectively. For the automotive industry, there are many requirements to meet. The reliability of manufacturer, design, function, and cost are purchasing decisions that a customer will use to decide on which car/ product to buy. A customer is more likely to put cost and function as their core concern.

    It can say that the NMUK alliance tried to respond to this by manufacturing a car that met both the cost and functional aspects. By manufacturing a car that would reduce fuel consumption by 20% by using lightweight materials; and by manufacturing a car that felt and drove much more comfortably for even greater distances. This is the general theme that was picked up and used as a focal point when establishing the alliance. Customers are more likely to place cost and functionality as primal categories in their decision-making process.


    To achieve this NMUK’s corporate suite strategy was to; “systematically reduce development lead time from 20.75 months to 10.50 months, reducing costs from 10 billion euros to 4 billion euros”. By setting this strategy NMUK was aiming to reduce the costs drastically; which potentially could pass on to the end customers. Therefore, achieving one of the major purchasing decisions that customers base their decisions on, cost. Secondly, the other strategy NMUK used to meet the customer’s second decision-making aspect functionality, NMUK designed the Qashqai using “cutting edge and innovative lightweight components and materials”.

    These two objectives can argue to act as the primary focus which all other decisions were based around. The idea of reducing cost while increasing functionality. NMUK adapted and adopted the best practices of its partner companies whilst on one hand from; the previous post this was considered an efficient conceptional framework. On the other hand, one can argue this was based around the customer-driven supply chain model. NMUK sourced tier-one suppliers that could achieve further cost savings of 10%, thus reducing the overall cost even more. It can be argued that NMUK’s procurement decisions were based around; this concept of delivering better materials which had the positive effect of cost minimization.


    Another decision NMUK made which could interpret as a customer-driven supply chain models and theories concept was the use of offshoring and outsourcing. Offshoring and Outsourcing are inevitable, some scholars would argue. In this case study, NMUK outsourced the materials and even the technology in a bid to increase and maximize its functionality and reduce cost. However, this created a drastic consequence for NMUK; which will discuss later in the report where a detailed analysis of the supply chain decisions will evaluate.

    To conclude the point, these strategies although driven by customer decisions of cost reduction and improved functionality; led to what many scholars argue as a tremendous hindrance for the effectiveness of this supply chain and overall performance. UK’s decision to outsource as much as “45% of complicated modular components” led to lower production control, lower quality checks, and increased risk and delays.


    In conclusion, as discussed in the previous post two supply chain models and theories could draw from; this case study one is the efficient supply chain model, the other is the customer-driven supply chain model. Possibly, others could argue that this is an example of a learning supply chain models and theories; however, evidence from the case study suggests that the alliance group, although targeted to reduce lead time from 20.75 months to 10.50 months; and reduce costs from 10 billion euros to 4 billion euros; they did not adopt a kaizen or waste management strategy when transforming their process.

    Kaizen “refers to continuous accumulations of small betterment activities rather; than innovative improvement” and will refer to in the supply chain operational process post. Therefore, in this paper, this supply chain model is disregarded as evidence shows from Toyota’s manufacturing process; this incident wouldn’t have happened. In a lean process system, all possibilities of waste would target and eliminate. The continuous improvement would occur, whereas Nissan decided to innovate rapidly and outsource unproven technology.


    Furthermore, as suggested in the previous theories this case study demonstrates two supply chain models; and one could argue that these models intertwine with one another, meaning there is no one such sole model on which Nissan was based. On one hand, Nissan and the alliance were attempting to meet customer demands for innovative products at a lower cost and enhance functional ability. On the other hand, they attempted to achieve this through an efficient supply chain model; where they attempted to utilize assets from each company and adopt a cost-sharing platform to reduce costs for each company.

    This could say to be an example of an efficient supply chain model. Therefore, an analysis of this case study suggests that; this supply chain model was a combination of a customer-driven and efficient supply chain model. As proven in the case study, this may not be the most effective model; as it is often difficult to meet one criterion whilst achieving another.

    Supply Chain Models Comparison Theories Assignments Essay Image
    Supply Chain Models Comparison Theories Assignments Essay; Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.

    References; Comparison of Supply Chain Models. Retrieved from https://www.ukessays.com/assignments/comparison-of-supply-chain-models-2021.php?vref=1

  • 10 Security Issues in Cloud Computing Essay

    10 Security Issues in Cloud Computing Essay

    10 Security Issues in Cloud Computing Benefits Essay; Cloud security, otherwise called cloud computing security, comprises a bunch of technologies, procedures, controls, and policies that cooperate to ensure cloud-based infrastructure, data, and systems. These safety efforts arrange to secure cloud data, protect customers’ privacy, and also support regulatory compliance just as setting verification rules for singular devices and users.

    Here is the article to explain, 10 Security Issues in Cloud Computing Benefits Essay!

    Cloud computing offers three different segments to consumers – Infrastructure, Platform, and Application /Service as a service. Each of them provides different operations and services corresponding to business and individual. You may like to know, Bitcoin Use Cases Technology Essay; There are various concerns regarding security in a Cloud computing environment; also Servers & Applications accessibility, Data Transmission, VM Security, Network Security, Data Security, Data Privacy, Data Integrity, Data Location, Data Availability, Data Segregation.

    The following 10 Security Issues in Cloud Computing below are;

    Servers & Applications accessibility;

    In Conventional data centers, the admin uses to access the servers in a restricted or controlled way through direct or on-premise connections. In Cloud architecture, the admin can access the system only through the internet which increases the risk and exposure of connection. While accessing the data by user, data access issues are primarily associated with security policies provided to users. To avoid unauthorized data access, that case, security policies should adhere to the cloud.

    Data Transmission;

    The data exists always transmitted from one end to another end in encrypted formatted. Also, SSL/TLS data transmission protocol is used here. By providing different access controls to Cloud providers for data transmission like authentication authorization, auditing for using resources, and by ensuring the availability of the Internet-facing resources at the cloud provider. To interrupt and change the communication, an intruder can place themselves in between the communication to the user; also, this type of cryptographic attack stands called ‘Man-in-the-middle’.

    Virtual Machine Security;

    Virtual machines are dynamic seamlessly moved between physical servers. Virtualization is one of the components of the Cloud which runs various isolated instances on the same physical machine is one of the allocated tasks of Virtualisation. Virtual servers like Microsoft are vulnerable to allowing a guest operating system to execute code on the host OS and other guest OS. The main loophole found in VMware’s shared folder terminology permits the guest systems to read and write in system files. Appropriate isolation methodology not implemented in current Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM). VMM should provide a secure environment so that none of the virtualized guests can access the host system.

    Network Security;

    The networks categorize into different types like public, private, shared, non-shared, and large or small areas. The network level is consists of these security problems like Sniffer attacks, DNS attacks, etc. In DNS attacks, a user can easily route to another Cloud server instead of what the user requested. Domain Name Security Extension (DNSSEC) lessens the number of DNS threats; but, it is not adequate to stop the re-routing of the connection to other servers.

    Data Security;

    Whenever users want to store their data on the Cloud, the Cloud providers use the most common communication protocol; which is Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). For ensuring data security and integrity, usage of Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) and Secure Shell (SSH) is common. In Cloud systems, the organization data saves out of premises. Cloud providers can use encryption techniques to avoid breaches. For instance, The Administrators of Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) can’t access the user’s instances and do not have access to Guest OS. Administrators require their Cryptographically Strong Secure (SSH) keys to access the host instance. All accesses should log and audited timely.

    Data Privacy;

    With Data Security, Data Privacy is one of the primary concerns for Cloud service providers. Cloud providers should ensure the customer’s data privacy demand. Data on the cloud exists almost distributed globally; which increases the concerns regarding data exposure and jurisdiction. Cloud providers might be at risk of not complying with the policies of the government.

    Data Integrity;

    It helps to reduce the level of data corruption that occurs at storage. For data centers, integrity monitoring is crucial for Cloud storage. Database constraints and transactions contribute to maintaining Data integrity. For Data integrity, transactions should follow the properties of ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability).

    Data Location;

    In Cloud data storage, users are not aware of the fact in which location the data is stored or accessed. To serve this purpose, Many well-renowned Cloud providers have data centers globally. Due to various countries’ data privacy laws and compliance, this could be an issue. In many enterprises, the location of data is highly prioritized. For example, Countries like South America have local laws and jurisdiction on a particular amount of sensitive information.

    Data Availability;

    The enterprises should ensure the availability of data round the clock without any hindrances. Due to the unpredictability of system failure, data providers are unable to attain that standard sometimes. To achieve the high scalability and availability of the system, service providers can make some changes at the application and infrastructure levels. A multi-tier architecture is the best option to achieve data availability seamlessly through load balancing and also running the instance on separate servers. For any emergencies, cloud providers should design an action plan to cope up with disaster recovery and to achieve business continuity.

    Data Segregation;

    In cloud architecture, data is typically shared among other customer data. To solve the data segregation issue, encryption is not the only solution to look at. In some cases, consumers don’t want to encrypt their data because it might destroy the data. Cloud providers should ensure that encryption provides at all levels; and also encryption should implement under the supervision of experienced professionals.

    Benefits of Cloud Computing Security;

    Cloud computing has created a tremendous boom in the recent technologies that help the business to run online, save time, and be cost-effective. Therefore, besides having a lot of advantages of cloud computing systems, cloud computing security also plays a major role in this technology that ensures clients use it without any risk or tension.

    Below are the advantages or benefits of cloud security:

    Security against DDoS attacks:

    Many companies face the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack that a major threat that hampers company data before reaching the desired user. That is why cloud computing security plays a major role in data protection because it filters data in the cloud server before reaching cloud applications by erasing the threat of data hack.

    Data security and data virtue:

    Cloud servers are real and easy targets of falling into the trap of data breaches. Without proper care, data will be hampered, and hackers will get the hands of it. Cloud security servers ensure the best quality security protocols that help in protecting sensitive information and also maintaining data integrity.

    Flexible element:

    Cloud computing security provides the best flexibility when data traffic is concerned. Therefore, during high traffic user gets the flexibility in a happening server crash. The user also gets scalability resulting in cost reduction when the high flow of traffic ends.

    Availability and 24/7 help system:

    Cloud servers are available and provide the best backup solution giving a constant 24/7 support system benefitting the users as well as clients.

    10 Security Issues in Cloud Computing Benefits Essay Image
    10 Security Issues in Cloud Computing Benefits Essay; Image by slightly_different from Pixabay.
  • Security in Cloud Computing Need Importance Essay

    Security in Cloud Computing Need Importance Essay

    Security in Cloud Computing Systems Need Importance Essay; Cloud Computing is a form of technology that provides remote services on the internet to manage, get entry to, and shop records in place of storing them on Servers or neighborhood drives. This technology stands likewise called Serverless generation. Here the facts may be anything like Image, Audio, video, documents, documents, and so forth.

    Here is the article to explain, Security in Cloud Computing Systems Need Importance Essay!

    Cloud computing protection refers to the safety enforced on cloud computing technology. In simpler phrases, cloud security affords support and security to the applications, infrastructure, and strategies and protects statistics from vulnerable attacks. Cloud security came into existence because of the tremendous infrastructure of cloud computing structures that runs online and require proper preservation day by day. There is simplest one unmarried server in which all user statistics save; so to utilize resources, to restrict person data to get leaked or considered by way of other customers; cloud computing safety handles such sensitive computing assets.

    Need of Cloud Computing;

    Before the usage of Cloud Computing, most of the huge in addition to small IT companies use conventional techniques i.E. They save records in servers, and they want a separate Server room for that. In that Server Room, there must be a database server, mail server, firewalls, routers, modems, excessive net speed devices, and many others. For that IT corporations ought to spend plenty of cash. To lessen all the troubles with cost Cloud computing come into life and maximum groups shift to this era.

    How does Cloud Computing Security Works?

    Various groups now in recent times have moved to cloud-based computing structures for ease of work and to save time and money. The enterprise has been uplifted to new cloud provider technologies changing the traditional practices. Thus to provide controls and guard packages and cloud packages, cloud protection came into life. There are numerous dangers and issues as according to because the on-line glide of records worries; which includes records breach, information hijack, unauthorized get entry to, system malfunction, etc.


    To take care of such chance and take care of the user needs, and hold the database; cloud computing safety guarantees proper security with the aid of operating in diverse ways:

    • Old traditional technology lacks the size of giving complete safety to the server. With the advent of cloud computing safety; the facts first are going to the cloud rather than passing immediately via the server that acts as a medium. In that way, the information transmit to the authorized person; who has to get the right of entry to it earlier than without delay reaching the server. This maintains records integrity, and the cloud blocks undesirable records, if any, before reaching the server.
    • The traditional approach consists of packages that filter the information which can be very luxurious and difficult to maintain. The information filtration complete upon attaining its desired community; and inside the halfway, due to large chunks of records, structures get crashed; and close down completely at the same time as filtering good and terrible information with outright usage. The net protection services solved it by using running on a cloud model in which records get filtered inside the secured cloud itself earlier than reaching different computing systems.
    • Cloud-based safety platforms additionally work on a non-public model that includes a personal cloud; keeping apart the unauthorized facts get entry to from the clients ensuring protection from shared protection structures.
    • It additionally works on securing records identity via deciphering the encrypted facts to the desired users who need to get entry to it.

    Why is Cloud Computing Security essentials?

    Traditional computing systems provide a remarkable technique to transmitting data; but, lack a protection system that is ultimately unable to manipulate statistics loss and records integrity; which could be very crucial in computing systems. This is where cloud computing security takes to gain, and it’s miles very crucial; because the safety version only describes a cloud service that offers the first-rate useful resource backup and protection when records involve. It provides an expansion of records offerings, together with statistics backup, digital computer, and other conversation gear; which has increased tremendously from the year 2015.

    The cloud model is critical in several ways:

    • Ensures right facts integrity and protection since the statistics that receives transmitted online thru servers are sensitive facts.
    • Lots of hacking instances have been found even as transmitting information; that may be a very commonplace subject matter for any business functions; but cloud computing era confident us the best safety feature system for all cloud storage devices and packages.
    • While cloud technology provides cloud issuer services at a completely effective fee; the security structures additionally got here to offer the maximum green platform at such fee benefitting each consumer.
    • There had been diverse government regulatory authority offerings that make certain; why cloud security and deciding on the right cloud provider are similarly important. Under the Data Privacy Act, the cloud vendors carry out effectively; which outsources the corporation’s vital data over the cloud protective each purchaser’s non-public statistics utilizing every carrier of the cloud issuer.
    • The 1/3-celebration vendors additionally get in touch with the cloud structures that provide necessary safety; and facts privateness and additionally encrypt facts before achieving without delay to the purchaser.

    Importance of Security in Cloud Computing;

    Today’s global IT infrastructure, services, and applications are all running on the Cloud platform. Cloud acts as an intrinsic functional component of most of the daily applications whether users are using Dropbox, Google Drive, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

    Cloud has revamped the business processes entirely. Today millions of organizations are consuming the services of the Cloud platform globally; such as document creation, software (SaaS), platform (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). With over twenty-five thousand company employees using an average of 545 cloud services. Over half of the internet users use cloud-based email services like Gmail and Yahoo.

    Few things Essay;

    Here are a few more things you can do with the cloud:

    • Create new apps and services.
    • Store, back up, and recover data.
    • Host websites and blogs.
    • Stream audio and video.
    • Deliver software on demand, and.
    • Analyze data for patterns and make predictions.

    From both, the perspectives of Cloud consumers and providers, a wide variety of security constraints encompass Cloud security. The consumers will be apprehensive with the security policy of the cloud providers that; how their data is stored and where and who has the authentication to access that data.

    On the other hand, Cloud providers deal with the issues like infrastructure’s physical security, access control of cloud assets, execution of cloud services, and maintenance of security policies. Cloud security is a crucial aspect and significant reason for the organization in the agitation of using cloud services. A non-profit organization of IT industry specialists named Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), has led the frameworks of guidelines for enforcing and implementing security within a cloud operating environment.

    Importance Essay Part 01;

    Security is a highly-prioritized aspect of any computing service, in that context, safety and privacy issues are critical for handling the client’s sensitive data on Cloud servers. Before signing in to Cloud space, users have to get the information regarding authentication and management of cloud providers. From the Cloud providers’ end, it is important to verify the authenticity of the user’s credentials; and maintain the high-security standards otherwise, a security breach could happen.

    Cloud computing is the most valuable innovation given by the entrepreneurship information technology domain to businesses that possess various characteristics like inexpensive virtual services. Consumers can store almost everything on the Cloud, but after storing data, the next big thing which matters a lot for customers is Security. For instance, Dropbox, a cloud storage platform hacked. The intruders hacked the system through unauthorized access to the personal information of users also sent spam emails to users’ folders.

    Importance Essay Part 02;

    According to Baker & Mckenzie’s survey, Security and privacy are the primary objectives of consumers before consuming cloud services. The main disinclination in deciding whether to use cloud services are Security (88%) and Privacy (73.3%). The majority of consumers are concerned regarding control and regulatory policies. Besides, 69% of buyers recognize that reputation of the cloud providers is the key criteria for choosing Cloud services. Overall, Security is the biggest concern among consumers or buyers to adopt Cloud services.

    Two-thirds of the buyers identified that their providers should agree upon the customer-specific security terms. ISO 27001 standards are chosen by the majority of consumers on which they want providers to adopt. Many providers suggested providing users with a control reporting environment through SSAE 16 SOC Type II reports. It gives evidence that how much Cloud security is critically significant for buyers especially for those providing financial or health services in a highly regulated environment.

    Importance Essay Part 03;

    As mentioned above, security is the biggest hurdle for Cloud service providers and their users. The crucial factor is the location of data in Cloud security. The location is the main advantage of the Cloud’s flexibility and a security threat as well. Determining the location of the data storage will help in providing security in some regions and could act as a threat to other areas. For Cloud users personal and business data security compel the Cloud service providers to think about strategic policies.

    Technical security is not the only medium to solve the Cloud security issue. Trust is another factor that plays a vital role in this scenario; because it is a mutual interest for all stakeholders of the Cloud environment. Almost all types of intruders attacked on computer networks and data transmission are equally a threat to cloud services. Some of the threats are eavesdropping, phishing, man-in-the-middle, sniffing, etc. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is one of the major and common attacks on the Cloud computing environment; and a potential problem with no option to assuage this. Data encryption and its authentication are the primary security concern that falls under the practice of safer computing.

    Importance Essay Part 04;

    There is a thin line difference between risk and security of Cloud. Vendor lock-in considers being a potential risk in Cloud services that is unrelated to security terms. Provider business discontinuity, licensing issues, and service unavailability are some of the examples; which do not lie within the security domain from a technical perspective. Distribution of security services among different vendors would lead to inconsistencies which might transform into security vulnerabilities. Using the various kinds of security software tools in a Cloud environment might have execution loopholes that can cause a security risk to Cloud infrastructure.

    Normally, Cloud computing uses public networks to transmit data and make it available to the world, so cyber threats are standard for Cloud computing. The existing Cloud services have been suffering security loopholes from which an attacker can take advantage. The nature of the Cloud computing approach made it prone to information security, privacy and network security issues would be the concern for the Cloud infrastructure. Different Cloud infrastructure factors such as human errors, software bugs, and social engineering are dynamically challenging for Cloud.

    Importance Essay Part 05;

    To reduce the security risks Intrusion detection plays a significant role in network monitoring. There are varied angles from which various security threats might enter into Cloud infrastructures; such as virtual servers, databases, concurrency control, load balancing, and memory management. The two inevitable security threats for cloud users are session hijacking and data segregation. Scalability dynamism and level of abstraction are some of the challenges to building boundaries around the Cloud infrastructure.

    Security in Cloud Computing Systems Need Importance Essay Image
    Security in Cloud Computing Systems Needs Importance Essay; Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.
  • Computer Intelligence Debate Technology Essay

    Computer Intelligence Debate Technology Essay

    Computer Intelligence has been in hot debate since the 1950s when Alan Turing invented the Turing Test. The argument over the years has taken two forms: strong AI versus weak AI. That is, strong AI (Artificial Intelligence) hypothesizes that some forms of artificial intelligence can truly reason and solve problems, with computers having an element of self-awareness, but not necessarily exhibiting human-like thought processes. While Weak AI argues that computers can only appear to think and are not conscious in the same way as human brains are.

    Here is the article to explain, Computer Intelligence Debate Technology Essay!

    These areas of thinking cause fundamental questions to arise, such as:

    ‘Can a man-made artifact be conscious?’ and ‘What constitutes consciousness?’

    Turing’s 1948 and 1950 papers followed the construction of universal logical computing machines, introducing the prospect that computers could program to execute tasks that would call intelligent when performed by humans. Turing’s idea was to create an imitation game on which to base the concept of a computer having its intelligence. A man(A), and a woman (B), separate from an interrogator; who has to decipher who is the man and who is the woman. A’s objective is to trick the interrogator; while B tries to help the interrogator in discovering the identities of the other two players. Turing asks the question:

    ‘What will happen when a machine takes the part of A in this game?’ Will the interrogator decide wrongly as often when the game is played like this as he does when the game is played between a man and a woman?’

    Essay Part 01;

    Turing’s test offered a simple means test for computer intelligence; one that neatly avoided dealing with the mind-body problem. The fact that Turing’s test did not introduce variables and existed conducted in a controlled environment were just some of its shortfalls. Robert French, in his evaluation of the test in 1996, stated the following; ‘The philosophical claim translates elegantly into an operational definition of intelligence; whatever acts sufficiently intelligent is intelligent.

    However, as he perceived, the test failed to explore the fundamental areas of human cognition and could pass ‘only by things that have experienced the world as we have experienced it. He thus concluded that ‘the Test provides a guarantee, not of intelligence but culturally-oriented human intelligence’. Turing postulated that a machine would one day create to pass his test and would thus consider intelligent.

    However, as years of research have explored the complexities of the human brain, the pioneer scientists who promoted the idea of the ‘electronic brain’ have had to re-scale their ideals to create machines that assist human activity rather than challenge or equal our intelligence.

    Essay Part 02;

    John Searle, in his 1980 Chinese Room experiment argued that a computer could not attribute with the intelligence of a human brain as the processes were too different. In an interview he describes his original experiment:

    Just imagine that you’re the computer, and you’re carrying out the steps in a program for something you don’t understand. I don’t understand Chinese, so I imagine I’m locked in a room shuffling Chinese symbols according to a computer program; and, I can give the right answers to the right questions in Chinese, but all the same, I don’t understand Chinese.

    All I’m doing is shuffling symbols. And now, and this is the crucial point; if I don’t understand Chinese based on implementing the program for understanding Chinese, then neither does any other digital computer on that basis because no computer’s got anything I don’t have.

    Essay Part 03;

    John Searle does not believe that consciousness can reproduce to an equivalent of the human capacity. Instead, it is the biological processes that are responsible for our unique make-up. He says that ‘consciousness is a biological phenomenon like any other; and, ultimately our understanding out it is most likely to come through biological investigation’. Considered this way it is indeed far-fetched to think that the product of millions of years of biological adaptation can be equal by the product of a few decades of human thinking.

    John McCarthy, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at Stanford University advocates the potential for computational systems to reproduce a state of consciousness, viewing the latter as an ‘abstract phenomenon, currently best realized in biology,’ but arguing that consciousness can realize by ‘causal systems of the right structure.’ The famous defeat of Garry Kasparov, the world chess champion, in 1997 by IBM’s computer, Deep Blue, promoted a flurry of debate about whether Deep Blue could consider intelligent.

    Essay Part 04;

    When asked for his opinion, Herbert Simon, a Carnegie Mellon psychology professor; who helped originate the fields of AI and computer chess in the 1950s, said it depended on the definition of intelligence used. AI uses two definitions for intelligence: “What are the tasks, which when done by humans, lead us to impute intelligence?” and “What are the processes humans use to act intelligently?” Measured against the first definition, Simon says, Deep Blue “certainly is intelligent. According to the second definition he claims it partly qualifies.

    The trouble with the latter definition of intelligence is that scientists don’t as yet know exactly what mechanisms constitute consciousness. John McCarthy, Emeritus professor at Stanford University explains that intelligence is the ‘computational part of the ability to attain goals in the world’. He emphasizes that problems in AI arise as; we cannot yet characterize in general what computational procedures we want to call intelligent. To date, computers can perform a good understanding of specific mechanisms through the running of certain programs; which McCarthy deems ‘somewhat intelligent.’

    Essay Part 04;

    Computing language has made leaps and bounds during the last century, from the first machine code to mnemonic ’words’ In the ’90s the so-called high-level languages were the type used for programming, with Fortran being the first compiler language. Considering the rapid progress of computer technology since it first began over a hundred years ago; unforeseeable developments will likely occur over the next decade. A simulation of the human imagination might go a long way to convincing people of computer intelligence.

    However, many believe that it is unlikely that a machine will ever equal the intelligence of the being who created it. Arguably it is the way that computers process information and the speed with; which they do it that constitutes its intelligence, thus causing computer performance to appear more impressive than it is. Programs trace pathways at an amazing rate; for example, each move in a game of chess, or each section of a maze can complete almost instantly.

    Essay Part 05;

    Yet the relatively simple process – of trying each potential path – fails to impress once it’s realized. Thus, the intelligence is not in the computer, but in the program. For practical purposes, and certainly, in the business world, the answer seems to be that if it seems to be intelligent; it doesn’t matter whether it is. However, computational research will have a difficult task to explore the simulation of, or emulation of, the areas of human cognition.

    Research continues into the relationship between the mathematical descriptions of human thought and computer thought, hoping to create an identical form. Yet the limits of computer intelligence are still very much at the surface of the technology. In contrast, the flexibility of the human imagination that creates the computer can have little or no limitations. What does this mean for computer intelligence? It means that scientists need to go beyond the mechanisms of the human psyche, and perhaps beyond programming; if they are to identify a type of machine consciousness that would correlate with that of a human.

    Computer Intelligence Debate Technology Essay Image
    Computer Intelligence Debate Technology Essay; Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.

    References; Debate on Computer Intelligence. Retrieved from https://www.ukessays.com/essays/technology/are-computers-really-intelligent.php?vref=1