Tag: Difference

The term “difference” can have various definitions depending on the context in which it used. Here are some common definitions across different fields:

  1. General Definition:
    • The quality or condition of being unlike or dissimilar. This refers to a distinguishing characteristic or the way in which two or more things are not the same.
      • Example: “The main distinction between the two proposals is their cost.”
  2. Mathematics:
    • The result of subtracting one number from another. In this context, it is the amount by which one quantity is greater or smaller than another.
      • Example: “The distinction between 8 and 3 is 5.”
  3. Logic and Philosophy:
    • A property by which two concepts or objects are distinguished. It refers to a characteristic that sets two entities apart.
      • Example: “The distinction between humans and other animals is the capacity for abstract thought.”
  4. Sociology and Anthropology:
    • The various ways in which people or groups are distinct from one another, often considering aspects such as culture, ethnicity, gender, etc.
      • Example: “Understanding cultural distinctions is crucial in global business.”
  5. Set Theory (Mathematics):
    • Given two sets AA and BB, the difference (or set distinction) A−BA – B is the set of elements that are in AA but not in BB.
      • Example: “If A={1,2,3}A = \{1, 2, 3\} and B={2,3,4}B = \{2, 3, 4\}, then A−B={1}A – B = \{1\}.”
  6. Statistics:
    • The difference between two values, such as the mean difference between two groups in an experiment.
      • Example: “The distinction in average scores between the control and experimental groups was significant.”

Each definition highlights a specific aspect of how the term “difference” can applied in various fields of study or everyday language.


  • Difference Between Employee and Industrial Relations

    Difference Between Employee and Industrial Relations

    Learn about the difference employee industrial relations. Understand the significance of interpersonal dynamics and employer-worker relationships in organizations. Define Employment relations, distinguish between the terms “industrial relations” and “employee relations” and identify the different disciplinary inputs which comprise the study of employment relations. The term employee relations lays stress upon the processes of interpersonal relationships among individuals as well as the behavior of individuals as members of groups. The term industrial relations use widely in industrial organizations and refers to the relations between the employers and workers in an organization, at any specifies time. Also, learn and Understand Entrepreneurship Theories and Empirical Research.

    Learn, What is the Difference Between Employee and Industrial Relations?

    Thus, while the problem of employee relations are personal in character and are relate to the behavior of individuals where moral and social element predominate, the term industrial relation is comprehensive covering human relations and the relations between the employers and workers in an organization as well as matters regulated by law or by specific collective agreement arrived at between trade unions and the management. Roles of HR Management in Organizations on Difficult Times.

    However, the concept of industrial relations has undergone a considerable change since the objective of evolving sound and healthy industrial relations today is not only to find out ways and means to solve conflicts or resolve difference but also to secure unreserved cooperation and goodwill to divert their interest and energies toward the constructive channel.

    The problems of industrial relations are, therefore, essentially problems that may solve effectively only by developing in conflicting social groups of an industrial undertaking, a sense of confidence, dependence, and respect and at the same time encouraging them to come closer to each other for removing misunderstanding if any, in a peaceful atmosphere and fostering industrial pursuits for mutual benefits.

    Employment relations in general:

    Employment or human relations cover all types of interactions among employees such as cooperative efforts, interpersonal and group relationships. The purpose of employment relations is to deal with the people, the business employees, and the issues arising from their employment. Acquiring, developing, maintaining, and motivating staff in all aspects that are cover by the employment relations area. Employment relations are necessary as the employee is the most important part of a business and turn it either into a successful unit or drive it to catastrophe.

    Industrial relations‘ is generally understood to refer to the relationship between employers and employees collectively. The term is no longer widely used by employers but summons up a set of employment relationships that no longer widely exist, except in specific sectors and, even there, in modified form. What is an e-HR (Electronic Human Resource)?

    The term ‘employee relations‘ conceived as a replacement for the term ‘industrial relations‘ but its precise meaning in today’s workplaces needs clarification. Business managers have come to recognize that their employees are the most important part of a business and through effective management, a business can gain a competitive advantage.

    The skills, knowledge, and creativeness of employees is the main potential that a business has over its competitors, and thus the realization that the employee has the most influence over important aspects such as its profitability, competitiveness, and adaptability has led to the idea that managing these human resources to develop their maximum capabilities.

    Human resource management or employee relations is the process of finding the people the business needs, developing their skills, knowledge, talents, careers. Motivating and maintaining their commitment to the business.


    The turn from industrial relations to employee relations can spot on several different dimensions. From a peak of some 12 million-plus, union membership has fallen to around 7 million today. Between 1980 and 2000, the coverage of collective agreements contracted from over three-quarters to under a third of the employed workforce.

    The Workplace Employment Relations Survey (WERS) 1998 showed that union officials spent most of their time not on negotiating pay and conditions but in supporting grievances on behalf of individual members. Even where collective bargaining continues, its impact on the exercise of management discretion was greatly diminishing.

    Industrial relations:

    • Became inevitably associated with trade unions, collective bargaining, and industrial action;
    • Had too strong a tendency to view the world of work as synonymous with the heavy extractive and manufacturing sectors of employment, sectors which were dominated by male manual workers working full-time and which are in decline in nearly all developed economies.

    Using the term employee relations enables the adoption of a broader concept that:

    • Encompasses the now dominant service sector which, in many developed countries, now employs more than 70 percent of the workforce, and the changes in the composition of the labor force such as more women working and more part-time, temporary and fixed-term contracts;
    • Include non-union as well as union scenarios and relationships.

    The meaning of employee relations with employers:

    Some broad conclusions emerging from research are:

    • Employee relations can see primarily as a skill-set. Or a philosophy, rather than as a management function or well-defined area of activity.
    • Despite well-publicized instances of industrial action, the emphasis on employee relations continues to shift from ‘collective’ institutions. Such as trade unions and collective bargaining, to the relationship with individual employees.
    • The ideas of ’employee voice’ and the ‘psychological contract’ have been accepted by employers. Reflected in their employee relations policies and aspirations.
    • Employee relations skills and competencies are still seen by employers as critical to achieving performance. Benefits through a focus on employee involvement, commitment, and engagement.
    • Employee relations sees as strategic in terms of managing business risk. Both the downside risk of non-compliance with an expanding body of employment law. The upside risk of failing to deliver maximum business performance.
    • Nearly two-thirds of unionized employers regard the relationship between management and unions as either positive or very positive.
    • Public sector managers are more likely than those in the private sector to see union influence as strong. With, almost three-quarters reporting union influence as significant or very significant.

    Disciplinary inputs of employment relations:

    Many national labor laws contain provisions on the employment relationship. Despite certain similarities, however, not all national labor laws provide exhaustive or equal coverage of the subject. Some provisions deal with the regulation of the employment contract as a specific contract. Its definition, the parties, and their respective obligations. Other provisions are intending to facilitate

    recognition of the existence of an employment relationship and prescribe administrative and judicial mechanisms for monitoring compliance. In general terms, the employment relationship creates a legal link between a person who performs work. The person for whose benefit the work is performed in return for remuneration. Under certain conditions established by national law and practice.

    The determination of the existence of an employment relationship should guide by the facts of what was agree upon. Perform by the parties, and not on how either or both of the parties describe the relationship. This knows in law as the principle of the primacy of fact. The legislation adopts in some countries since the end of the twentieth century contains provisions refocusing.

    Extra knowledge;

    The employment relationship to extend the scope of the law and hence its protection to new categories of workers; to combat disguised or fraudulent employment relationships and improve compliance with the law, and to ease the burden of proof on the worker in particular. When seeking to prove the existence of an employment relationship in a given case.

    To conclude, employment relations involve the body of work concerned with maintaining employer-employee relationships. That contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivation, and morale. Essentially, Employee Relations is concerned with preventing and resolving problems involving individuals which arise out of or affect work situations.” Why is the Need Entrepreneurship for Small Business?

    Parallel to this regulatory response to the growing concern at the lack of protection for workers. Who are in fact in an employment relationship which might be ambiguous or disguise? There has also been a continuing tendency in case law to apply. The traditional approach to the employment relationship to new and complex situations.

  • Advantage and Disadvantages of Mission Statement

    Advantage and Disadvantages of Mission Statement

    Difference of Advantage and Disadvantages of Mission Statement

    What is Definition of Mission Statement? A sentence describing a company’s function, markets and competitive advantages; a short written statement of your business goals and philosophies. Difference of Advantages and Disadvantages of Diversity Management.

    A mission-statement defines what an organization is, why it exists, its reason for being. At a minimum, your mission-statement should define who your primary customers are, identify the products and services you produce, and describe the geographical location in which you operate.

    If you don’t have a mission-statement, create one by writing down in one sentence what the purpose of your business is. Ask two or three of the key people in your company to do the same thing. Then discuss the statements and come up with one sentence everyone agrees with. Once you have finalized your mission-statement, communicate it to everyone in the company.

    It’s more important to communicate the mission-statement to employees than to customers. Your mission-statement doesn’t have to be clever or catchy just accurate.

    If you already have a mission-statement, you will need to periodically review and possibly revise it to make sure it accurately reflects your goals as your company and the business and economic climates evolve. To do this, simply ask yourself if the statement still correctly describes what you’re doing.

    If your review results in a revision of the statement, be sure everyone in the company is aware of the change. Make a big deal out of it. After all, a change in your mission probably means your company is growing-and that’s a big deal.

    Once you have designed a niche for your business, you’re ready to create a mission-statement. A key tool that can be as important as your business plan, a mission-statement captures, in a few succinct sentences, the essence of your business’s goals and the philosophies underlying them. Equally important, the mission-statement signals what your business is all about to your customers, employees, suppliers and the community.

    The mission-statement reflects every facet of your business: the range and nature of the products you offer, pricing, quality, service, marketplace position, growth potential, use of technology, and your relationships with your customers, employees, suppliers, competitors and the community. Components of a Strategy Statement.

    Advantages of Mission-Statement

    Provides direction: Mission-statements are a way to direct a business into the right path, it plays a part in helping the business make better decisions which can be beneficial to them. Without the mission-statement providing direction, businesses may struggle when it comes to making decisions and planning for the future, this is why providing direction could be considered one of the most advantageous points of a mission-statement.

    Clear purpose: Having a clear purpose can remove any potential ambiguities that can surround the existence of a business. People who are interested in the progression of the business, such as stakeholders, will want to know that the business is making the right choices and progressing more towards achieving their goals, which will help to remove any doubt the stakeholders may have in the business.

    The benefit of having a simple and clear mission-statement is that it can be beneficial in many different ways. A mission-statement can help to play as a motivational tool within an organization. It can allow employees to all work towards one common goal that benefits both the organization and themselves. This can help with factors such as employee satisfaction and productivity. It is important that employees feel a sense of purpose. By giving them this sense of purpose it will allow them to focus more on their daily tasks. Help them to realize the goals of the organization and their role.

    Disadvantages of Mission-Statement

    Although it is mostly beneficial for a business to craft a good mission-statement. There are some situations where a mission-statement can be considered pointless or not useful to a business.

    Unrealistic: In most cases, mission statements turn out to be unrealistic and far too optimistic. An unrealistic mission statement can also affect the performance and morale of the employees within the workplace. This is because an unrealistic mission statement would reduce the likelihood of employees being able to meet this standard which could demotivate employees in the long term. Unrealistic mission statements also serve no purpose and can consider a waste of management’s time. Another issue which could arise from an unrealistic mission statement is that poor decisions could made in an attempt to achieve this goal. Which has the potential to harm the business and seen as a waste of both time and resources.

    Waste of time and resources: Mission-statements require planning, this takes time. Effort for those who are responsible for creating the mission statement. If the mission-statement is not achieve, then the process of creating. The mission-statement could seen as a waste of time for all of the people involve. A lot of thought and time is spent in designing a good mission-statement. And to have all of that time wasted is not what businesses can afford to doing. The wasted time could have spent on much more important tasks within the organization such as decision-making for the business.

    Advantage and Disadvantages of Mission Statement