Private Company and Public Company Difference; A private company isn’t like a public company. The private company runs in the…
Cash Discount and Trade Discount Difference; Market or business allows giving two types of discount first cash and trade. Maybe…
Debentures and Shares Market Difference: In the securities exchange for financial specialist have two kinds of corporate share - first…
What is the difference between the Balance Sheet vs Trial Balance? Organizations set up their fiscal reports toward the finish…
Financial Problems of Merger and Consolidation: Entrepreneurial Marketing in a merger is when two or more corporations come together but…
Equity instruments vs Debt instruments; Equity instruments allow a company to raise money without incurring debt. While Debt instruments are…
Delegation and Decentralization: They are closely related concepts. Decentralization is an extension of delegation. It is wider in scope and…
What is Corporate Banking? Corporate banking is a significant division of commercial banks. This is a relatively new concept that…
Diminishing or Reducing Balance Method; Under this method, depreciation calculates at a certain percentage each year on the balance of…
Average and Super Profits; The valuation of goodwill depends upon assumptions made by the valuer. Meaning; The average profit is…