Tag: Determination

  • Know the Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition And understand how to Determine the Price and output in their Competition

    Know the Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition And understand how to Determine the Price and output in their Competition

    Monopolistic Competition; Know the Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition, before knowing their definition – Monopolistic competition is a type of imperfect competition such that many producers sell products that are differentiated from one another and hence are not perfect substitutes. “It has been more fully realized that every case of exchange is a case of what may be called partial monopoly and partial monopoly is looked at from the other said a case of imperfect competition. There is a blending of both competition element and monopoly element in each situation.” by According to Prof. J. K. Mehta.

    Know and Understand the Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition.

    Concept of Monopolistic Competition: Monopolistic competition is a market structure which combines elements of monopoly and competitive markets. Essentially a monopolistic competitive market is one with freedom of entry and exit, but firms can differentiate their products. Therefore, they have an inelastic demand curve and so they can set prices.

    However, because there is freedom of entry, supernormal profits will encourage more firms to enter the market leading to normal profits in the long term. Monopolistic Competition refers to the market situation in which there is a keen competition, but neither perfect nor pure, among a group of a large number of small producers or suppliers having some degree of monopoly because of the differentiation of their products.

    Thus, we can say that monopolistic competition (or imperfect competition) is a mixture of competition and a certain degree of monopoly, on the basis of a correct appraisal of the market situation. Chamberlin has asserted that monopoly and competition are not mutually exclusive rather both are frequently blended together. In short, we can say that a market with a blending of Monopoly (What do you think of Monopoly?) and competition is called monopolistic competition or imperfect competition.

    Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition:

    Important characteristics of monopolistic competition are as follows:

    Minimum Number of Buyers and Sellers:

    In this market, neither buyers nor sellers are too many as under perfect competition nor there is only one seller as under monopoly. Mostly, it is a situation in between. Every producer for his produced commodity has some special buyers. Every consumer and seller can influence demand and supply in the market.

    Maximum Number of Buyers and Sellers:

    There are a large number of firms but not as large as under perfect competition. That means each firm can control its price-output policy to some extent. It is assumed that any price-output policy of a firm will not get a reaction from other firms that means each firm follows the independent price policy. If a firm reduces its price, the gains in sales will be slightly spread over many of its rivals so that the extent to which each of the rival firms suffers will be very small. Thus these rival firms will have no reason to react.

    Ignorance of the Buyers:

    There are some people who think that high priced goods will be better and of higher quality. So, they avoid buying low priced goods.

    The difference in the Quality and Shape of the Goods:

    Although the commodities produced by different producers can serve as perfect substitutes to those produced by others, yet they are different in color, form, packing, design, name, etc. So there is product differentiation in the market.

    Differentiated Products:

    Sellers sell differentiated products, but they are close— but not perfect—substitutes. Buyers may not mind if they do not get Lux soap rather than Rexona. Different varieties of soap that are available in the Indian market are slightly differentiated products and, hence, close substitutes. It is the degree of differentiation that creates both monopoly and competitive elements. Every product is unique to the buyers. So every seller enjoys some degree of monopoly of his own product over other sellers. But since these goods are close substitutes, sellers face competition.

    Because of the brand loyalty of buyers, sellers exercise some monopoly power. And sales of closely related goods create a competitive environ­ment. Thus monopolists compete among themselves. It is product differentiation that enables Monopolistically competitive firms to possess market power with competition amongst the firms. In this market, monopoly power is, therefore, small.

    Product Differentiation:

    Another feature of the monopolistic competition is product differentiation. Product differentiation refers to a situation when the buyers of the product differentiate the product with others. Basically, the products of different firms are not altogether different; they are slightly different from others. Although each firm producing differentiated product has the monopoly of its own product, yet he has to face the competition. This product differentiation may be real or imaginary. Real differences are like design, the material used, skill, etc. whereas imaginary differences are through advertising, trademark and so on.

    Lack of Knowledge on the Part of Consumers:

    Neither consumers nor sellers have full knowledge of market conditions, so there is an international difference in the price of goods from those of others.

    High Transportation Cost:

    In this high transportation cost play an important role in order to create discrimination among commodities. Similar goods because of different transport costs are bought and sold at different prices.


    Here, advertisement plays an important role because buyers are influenced to prefer by advertisement, which plays upon their mind and makes them the product of one firm to those of another. Through advertisement, they are brought to his notice through radio, television and other audio-visual aids in a more pleasing and more forceful manner. Thus, rival firms compete against each other in quantity, in facilities as well as in price.

    Differences in the Establishment of Industry:

    In the imperfectly competitive market, there is neither freedom of entry or exit as is under perfect competition nor there is perfect control as in monopoly but there are some restrictions on the entry of industry only.

    Elastic Demand Curve:

    Since the product of each seller is slightly different from his rivals he enjoys some degree of monopoly power and, hence, can raise the price of his product without losing most customers. But as other rival firms produce closely related goods, every firm faces competition and its influence over the price of the product is rather limited.

    Thus, each firm has a downward sloping demand curve implying that it behaves as a price-maker. Since a seller faces a large number of competitors to whom buyers may turn, the demand curve is more elastic.

    Non-Price Competition:

    Besides price competition, Chamberlin suggested cases of non-price competition that arise due to product variation and selling activities. Seller always tries to establish the fact that his product is superior to others by improving the quality of his product. And in doing so, he incurs selling costs or makes advertise­ment to attract more customers in his fold.

    It is the product differentiation that causes selling costs to emerge, in addition to production costs. In Chamberlin’s model, demand for any commodity is not only affected by the price of a commodity but also by non-price competition (i.e., product variation and selling activities). Selling costs or advertising outlays are peculiar to this market.

    Know the Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition And understand how to Determine the Price and output in their Competition
    Know the Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition And understand how to Determine the Price and output in their Competition. #Pixabay.

    Now, Understand basically how to Determine the Price and output in their Competition?

    You’ll understand the Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition upstairs, now study Determine the Price and output in their Competition. Under monopolistic competition, organizations need to make optimum adjustments in the prices and output sold to attain equilibrium. Apart from this, under monopolistic competition, organizations also need to pay attention to the design of the product and the way the product is promoted in the market.

    Moreover, an organization under monopolistic competition is not only required to study its individual equilibrium but group equilibrium of all organizations existing in the market. Let us first understand the individual equilibrium of an organization under monopolistic competition. As we know every seller, irrespective of the market structure, is willing to maximize his/her profits. In monopolistic competition, profits are maximized at a point where marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost.

    The price determined at this point is known as equilibrium price and the output produced at this point is called equilibrium output. If the marginal revenue of a seller is greater than marginal cost, he/she may plan to expand his/her output. On the other hand, if marginal revenue is lesser than marginal cost, it would be profitable for the seller to reduce his/her output to the level where marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost.

    Equilibrium in Long-term Run:

    In the preceding sections, we have discussed that in the short run, organizations can earn supernormal profits. However, in the long run, there is a gradual decrease in the profits of organizations. This is because, in the long run, several new organizations enter the market due to freedom of entry and exit under monopolistic competition. When these new organizations start production the supply would increase and the prices would fall. This would automatically increase the level of competition in the market.

    Consequently, the AR curve shifts from right to left and supernormal profits are replaced with normal profits. In the long run, the AR curve is more elastic than that of in the short run. This is because of an increase in the number of substitute products in the long- run. The long-run equilibrium of Monopolistically competitive organizations is achieved when average revenue is equal to average cost. In such a case, organizations receive normal profits.

    Equilibrium in Short-term Run:

    The short-run equilibrium of a monopolistic competitive organization is the same as that of an organization under monopoly. In the short run, an organization under monopolistic competition attains its equilibrium where marginal revenue equals marginal cost and sets its price according to its demand curve. This implies that in the short run, profits are maximized when MR=MC.

  • Factors Affecting of Price Determination with Steps and Process

    Factors Affecting of Price Determination with Steps and Process

    What is Price Determination? In Economics Price Determination is the interaction between the demand and supply in the free market that is used to determine the costs for a good or service. Basically Meaning is Interaction of the free market forces of demand and supply to establish the general level of price for a good or service in Market. Also learn, Factors Affecting of Price Determination with Steps and Process.

    In the production of Marketing is also important of Factors Affecting of Price Determination with Steps and Process.

    The Factors Affecting Price Determination of Product

    Main factors affecting the price determination of product are:

    Product Cost:

    The most important factor affecting the price of a product is its cost. Product cost refers to the total of fixed costs, variable costs and semi-variable costs incurred during the production, distribution, and selling of the product. Fixed costs are those costs which remain fixed at all the levels of production or sales.

    For example, rent of the building, salary, etc. Variable costs refer to the costs which are directly related to the levels of production or sales. For example, costs of raw material, labor costs etc. Semi-variable costs are those which change with the level of activity but not in direct proportion. For example, a fixed salary of Rs 12,000 + up to 6% graded commission on an increase in the volume of sales.

    The price of a commodity is determined on the basis of the total cost. So sometimes, while entering a new market or launching a new product, the business firm has to keep its price below the cost level but in the long rim, it is necessary for a firm to cover more than its total cost if it wants to survive amidst cut-throat competition.

    The Utility and Demand:

    Usually, consumers demand more units of a product when its price is low and vice versa. However, when the demand for a product is elastic, little variation in the price may result in large changes in quantity demanded. In the case of inelastic demand, a change in the prices does not affect the demand significantly. Thus, a firm can charge higher profits in the case of inelastic demand. Moreover, the buyer is ready to pay up to that point where he perceives utility from the product to be at least equal to the price paid. Thus, both utility and demand for a product affect its price.

    The extent of Competition in the Market:

    The next important factor affecting the price of a product is the nature and degree of competition in the market. A firm can fix any price for its product if the degree of competition is low. However, when the level of competition is very high, the price of a product is determined on the basis of the price of competitors’ products, their features, and quality etc. For example, the MRF Tyre company cannot fix the prices of its Tyres without considering the prices of Bridgestone Tyre Company, the Goodyear Tyre company etc.

    Government and Legal Regulations:

    The firms which have the monopoly in the market, usually charge the high price for their products. In order to protect the interest of the public, the government intervenes and regulates the prices of the commodities for this purpose; it declares some products as essential products for example. Life-saving drugs etc.

    Pricing Objectives:

    Another important factor, affecting the price of a product or service is the pricing objectives.

    Following are the pricing objectives of any business:

    • Profit Maximisation: Usually, the objective of any business is to maximize the profit. During the short run, a firm can earn the maximum profit by charging the high price. However, during the long run, a firm reduces the price per unit to capture the bigger share of the market and hence earn high profits through increased sales.
    • Obtaining Market Share Leadership: If the firm’s objective is to obtain a big market share, it keeps the price per unit low so that there is an increase in sales.
    • Surviving in a Competitive Market: If a firm is not able to face the competition and is finding difficulties in surviving, it may resort to free offer, discount or may try to liquidate its stock even at BOP (Best Obtainable Price).
    • Attaining Product Quality Leadership: Generally, the firm charges higher prices to cover high quality and high cost if it’s backed by the above objective.
    Marketing Methods Used:

    The various marketing methods such as distribution system, quality of salesmen, advertising, type of packaging, customer services, etc. also affect the price of a product. For example, a firm will charge high profit if it is using an expensive material for packing its product.

    The Steps Involved in Price Determination Process.

    The Price decision must take into account all factors affecting both demand price and supply price. The Process of Price Determination. The market price is the price determined by the free play of demand and supply. The market price of a product affects the price paid to the factors of production – rent for land, wages for labor, interest for capital and profit for the enterprise. In fact, price becomes a basic regulator of the entire economic system because it influences the allocation of these resources.

    The pricing decisions must take into account all factors affecting both demand price and supply price. The price determination process involves the following steps:

    • Market Segmentation: On the basis of market opportunity analysis and assessment of firms strengths and weaknesses marketers will find out specific marketing targets in the form of appropriate market segments. Marketers will have the firm decision on  – (a) the type of products to be produced or sold, (b) the kind of service to be rendered, (c) the costs of operations to be estimated, and (d) the types of customers or market segments sought.
    • Estimate of Demand: Marketers will estimate the total demand for the products. It will be based on sales forecast, channel opinions and degree of competition in the market.
    • The Market Share: Marketers will choose a brand image and the desired market share on the basis of competitive reaction. Market planners must know exactly what his rivals are charging. Level of competitive pricing enables the firm to price above, below, or at par and such a decision is easier in many cases. The higher initial price may be preferred if you expect a smaller market share, whereas if you expect of much larger market share, you prefer the lower price.
    • The Marketing Mix: The overall marketing strategy is based on an integrated approach to all the elements of the marketing mix. It covers – (1) product-market strategy, (2) promotion strategy, (3) pricing strategy, and (4) distribution strategy. All elements of the marketing mix are essential to the overall success of the firm. Price is the strategic element of the marketing mix as it influences the quality perception and enables product positioning.
    • Estimate of Costs: Straight cost-plus pricing is not desirable always as it is not sensitive to demand. Marketing must take into account all relevant costs as well as price elasticity of demand, if necessary, through market tests.
    • Pricing Policies: Price policies provide the general framework within which managerial decisions are made on pricing. Pricing policies are guidelines to carry out pricing strategy. Pricing policy may desire to meet competition or we may have pricing above or below the competition. We may have fixed or flexible pricing policies. Pricing policies must change and adapt themselves to the changing objectives and changing environment.
    • Pricing Strategies: Pricing policies are general guidelines for recurrent and routine issues in marketing. The strategy is a plan of action (a movement or counter movement) to adjust with changing conditions of the marketplace. New and unanticipated developments may occur, e.g., price cut by rivals, government regulations economic recession, fluctuations in the purchasing power of consumers, changes in consumer demand, and so on. Situations like these demand special attention and relevant adjustments in our pricing policies and procedures.
    • The Price Structure: Developing the price structure on the basis of pricing policies strategies is the final step in the price determination process.
    The Factors Affecting of Price Determination with Steps and Process - ilearnlot
    Factors Affecting of Price Determination with Steps and Process. Image Credit from ilearnlot.com.