Tag: Culture

  • How to explain Organizational Culture? Meaning and Definition

    How to explain Organizational Culture? Meaning and Definition

    What is organizational culture? It encompasses values and behaviors that “contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization”. Their Meaning and Definition below are; According to Needle (2004), organizational culture represents the collective values, beliefs, and principles of organizational members and is a product of such factors as history, product, market, technology, strategy, type of employees, management style, and national culture.

    Learn, Understanding explains Organizational Culture Meaning and Definition.

    Culture includes the organization’s vision, values, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, environment, location, beliefs, and habits.

    It refers to the culture in any type of organization including that of schools, universities, not-for-profit groups, government agencies, or business entities. In business, terms such as corporate culture and company culture are often used to refer to a similar concept. Also learn, Definition of Organizational Climate.

    What is Organisational Culture? with Define.

    The values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization. As well as, Organizational culture includes an organization’s expectations, experiences, philosophy, and values. That holds it together and is expressing in its self-image, inner workings, interactions with the outside world, and future expectations. It is base on share attitudes, beliefs, customs, and written and unwritten rules that have developed over time and are considered valid. Also called corporate culture, it’s shown in:

    • The ways the organization conducts its business, treats its employees, customers, and the wider community,
    • The extent to which freedom is allowed in decision making, developing new ideas, and personal expression,
    • How power and information flow through its hierarchy, and
    • How committed employees are towards collective objectives.

    It affects the organization’s productivity and performance and provides guidelines for customer care and service. Product quality and safety, attendance and punctuality, and concern for the environment. It also extends to production methods, marketing, and advertising practices, and new product creation. Also, Organizational culture is unique for every organization and one of the hardest things to change. Don’t Forget, What are Dimensions of Organizational Climate?

    Meaning of Organizational Culture:

    To understand the meaning of organizational culture, we must first understand the meaning of culture. “Culture is the set of important understandings that members of a community share in common”. It consists of a basic set of values, ideas, perceptions, preferences, concept of morality, code of conduct, etc. which create a distinctiveness among human groups.

    When we talk about culture, we typically refer to the pattern of development reflected in a society’s system of knowledge, ideology, values, laws, social norms, and day to day rituals. Depending upon the pattern and stage of development, culture differs from society to society. Moreover, culture is passing on from generation to generation.

    In simple words, we can say that “culture is a combination of factors that are learning through our interaction with the environment during our developmental and growth years”. After understanding the meaning of culture, its definition below. More learn, Explain are Evolution, Elements of an Organizational Climate.

    Few Definition of Organizational Culture:

    The following definitions below are;

    “The organizational culture is a system of shared beliefs and attitudes. That develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members.”

    Another definition is also helpful; “The corporate culture consists of the normal values and unwritten rules of conduct of an organization; As well as management styles, priorities, beliefs and inters personal behavior that prevails; Together they create a climate that influences how well people communicate, plan and make decisions.”

    “Organisational culture can define as the philosophies, ideologies, values, assumptions, beliefs, expectations, attitudes, and norms. That knit an organization together and are sharing by its employees.”

    According to Edgar Schein;

    “Organisational culture can define as a pattern of basic assumptions-invent. Discover or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration. That has worked well enough to consider valuable and, therefore, to learn to new members as the correct way to perceive. Think and feel in relation to those problems.”

    All the above definitions of organizational culture stress the sharing of norms and values that guide the organizational members’ behavior. These norms and values are clear guidelines as to how employees are to behave within the organization and their expected code of conduct outside the organization.

    How to explain Organizational Culture Meaning and Definition - ilearnlot
    How to explain Organizational Culture? Meaning and Definition. Image #Pixabay.

    Concept of Organizational culture:

    Organizational culture in a broad sense; refers to the sum of material civilization and spiritual civilization formed by enterprises during construction and development. Including hardware and software in the organization and management, explicit culture, and implicit culture. As well as, Corporate Culture or Organizational Culture is an organization’s unique cultural image composed of its values, beliefs, ceremonies, symbols, and ways of doing things.

    It is the sum of the highest target value standards, basic beliefs, and codes of conduct that are unique to the organization and followed by most members of the organization formed by the organization during long-term survival and development.

    Key points of organizational culture:

    The following few keys below are;

    • Freshness or Innovation.
    • Collaboration or participation.
    • Rigorous.
    • Faith or Loyalty, and.
    • Integrity or honesty.


    1. What is OC – //www.businessdictionary.com/definition/organizational-culture.html
    2. Meaning of OC – //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organizational_culture
    3. Meaning and Definition – //www.yourarticlelibrary.com/organization/organizational-culture/organisational-culture-meaning-characteristics-typology-and-other-details/64091

  • How to Effect of Innovation Culture in Organizations?

    How to Effect of Innovation Culture in Organizations?

    How to Effect of Innovation Culture in Organizations? Explanation!

    One of the most vital capabilities of an organization is innovation and that in organizational culture is really critical. The effect of innovation can effect in both positive and dark ways for an organization or say a company with the higher number of the consumer with different needs and demand. The challenges for innovation culture are both predictable and unpredictable. Predictable challenges can be overcome by forecasting abilities but unpredictable challenges can result in disastrous turnings. For example, if a company makes changes in its management hierarchy say it replaces its supervisor that can result in either widening communication gap or erase that further can result in better production or a worker strike. While one’s innovative abilities are partially genetic, the expression of creative talent is dependent on several cultural aspects of the work environment which either suppress or stimulate innovation culture.

    Before going any further, it is important to define innovation. Innovation is not about coming up with clever ideas. Creativity is about coming up with the idea. Innovation is about applying the idea to obtain value. To be clear, innovation is the act of changing the established way of doing things. The ability to turn knowledge into value and link emerging technologies with emerging markets. Innovation is about bringing creative new ideas to life. The Importance of Leadership in an Organization.

    Within an organization, it is important to understand where and how to apply innovation to create true value. The first question that should address is “What do you want to gain from innovation?” Surprisingly, this identification of a clear goal is often ignored. But without a goal, it is impossible to quantify the value realize from innovation. Some goals for an innovation program include enhancing brand and image and increasing shareholder wealth, return on investment and market share.

    Describe the effects of Two types of an innovation culture in organizations

    Positive Effects

    Promotes individual growth: One of the most vital effects of innovation culture is that it promotes individual growth. Employee’s willingness to invest in creative energy at work is encouraging from the employer’s desire to invest in the employee’s growth. When employees believe that their own development and growth are valued by their employer. They are more likely to make innovative contributions. Also, employees who are knowledgeable about their company’s processes. Products and services are better equipping to discover innovative solutions and ideas.

    Build Confidence: Experience, encouragement, and freedom bring confidence from the fear of making a mistake. Confident professionals are aware of their abilities, do not fear defeat, and are likely to experiment with innovative solutions. Encouragement is a big part of instilling confidence in individuals, especially younger employees. Confidence plays a vital role in developing an individual’s skills and abilities.

    Optimizes the Work Environment: Innovation culture in workplace results in optimization of workforce ability and quality production. Which finally leads to the betterment of the organization. Cross-functional teams should have the ability to immediately reserve private spaces where adequate seating. Whiteboards or flip charts, and overhead projection screens are available. Work environment has high importance in the area of production and quality of a product.

    Adapting to rapidly changing environment: The organizational environment has been changing rapidly. It is a set of forces and conditions outside the organization’s boundaries that have the potential to affect the way the organizations operate. An organization interacts with its immediate task environment and is affecting the general environment. The task environment includes the suppliers, distributors, competitors, and customers. While the general environment includes forces that are economic, technological, socio-cultural, demographic, political and legal and global.

    The external environment has been becoming more turbulent as most companies are now competing in the global market where changes are not only common but substantial. Some changes are catastrophic such as economic depression and the introduction of new technology. During poor economic times, managers may need to come up with the creative strategy to reduce costs such as reducing the number of employees on the one hand and to increase the motivation of the remaining employees. Managers may also need to identify ways to acquire and utilize resources more efficiently.

    Negative Effects

    Unpredictable challenges: Innovation culture cannot overcome the unpredictable challenges which can lead to the major breakdown in an organization. Even if the changes are made for the better and quicker production of the goods or services the needs and demands of the consumers can fluctuate at any point in the time. In, which case company or the organization have to bear the losses and the damages done by the lost demand of the customer.

    Communication gap: One of the most vital effects face by the organization generally after implementation of the innovative changes is widening in the communication gap between employees and the employer. If the communication gap increases between co-workers in an organization increase. It results in the conflicts and many kinds of argument within management and workers.

    Adaptation of Innovation Culture in Organizations

    It is difficult to implement innovative culture and even if it is implemented then it is difficult for the employees or members of any business organization to adopt. Innovation is an indisputable catalyst for the development of the company, yet many managers in the industries have failed to encourage innovation and create an award-winning environment. Companies should set the infrastructure for innovation, to initiate the necessary changes to promote the right culture and guide the organization through recurring periods of change. As companies try to transform innovation from science to science, the purpose of this is not only to implement the organization in the work of innovation but how the organization has to change the nature of innovation.

    For example, many IT innovations of the last forty years consisted of mechanizing existing processes. Rather than improving the process, the focus was on making the process faster. Today’s innovation is about asking whether this is the right process and if necessary, being able to change it entirely. Innovation is increasingly seen as important to gaining and maintaining a business advantage. However, innovation is easy to say, but hard to do right. It requires a significant investment of time, money and resources as well as access to world-class research partners. Achieving this requires a diverse sponsorship base and outstanding staff. Think of it as evolution in action.

    How to Effect of Innovation Culture in Organizations - ilearnlot


    1. Effect of Innovation Culture in Organizations – https://www.mbaknol.com/management-concepts/innovation-culture-in-organizations/

  • Innovation Culture in Organizations

    Innovation Culture in Organizations

    What is Innovation Culture in Organizations? Meaning and Definition!

    Innovation culture is the work environment that leaders cultivate in order to nurture unorthodox thinking and its application. Workplaces that foster a culture of innovation generally subscribe to the belief that innovation is not the province of top leadership. But, can come from anyone in the organization. Innovation cultures are the prize by organizations that compete in markets define by the rapid change; maintaining the status quo is insufficient to compete effectively, thus making an innovation culture essential for success.

    Innovation cultures often measure employees based on metrics such as value creation (for customers as well as for shareholders) and competitive differentiation. Instead of traditional metrics such as on-time delivery and revenue generation. Companies that foster innovative thinking also encourage discovery and find ways to reward time spent on the research required to generate new products and ideas. A much-cited example of this is Google’s “20% time” policy. Which allows employees to spend one-fifth of their work week on what they want to work on. With the expectation that this discretionary work will result in an “aha” moment.

    Understanding Innovation Culture in Organizations

    Growth creates a need for structure and discipline, organization changes. Which can strain the culture of creativity that is so vital to future success? To sustain competitive advantage, companies need to institutionalize the innovation process; they need to create an internal environment where creative thinking is central to their values, assumptions, and actions. Characteristics with Factors Influencing of Organizational Climate.

    Innovation is the engine of growth. It is also a mindset – meaning it is influencing beliefs, values, and behavior. Company culture, therefore, has a huge influence on innovation, being able to either facilitate it or restrain it. Realizing this, many companies have attempted to put systems and processes in place that encourage an innovation culture. However, while such measures are often viewing as the panacea, they are really just the beginning. To shape a true innovation culture, the top people in a company need to develop a mindful approach. Where their every action and word reflects a real desire to encourage and develop new ideas.

    Innovation Culture in IT Organizations

    Three ways IT organizations can create an innovation culture is by embracing digital, establishing innovation labs and rewarding discovery.

    Embrace digital

    Innovation is par for the course with companies that aim to make the shift from traditional to digitalized business processes. Indeed, “going digital” is often the first step toward creating an innovation culture that permeates the workplace, rather than resides solely in IT or other pockets in the enterprise. Examples of digital projects include mobile payment and mobile product recommendations initiatives as well as any real-time network data provisioning. Each requires innovation. Until a few years ago, these projects were impractical and cost-prohibitive.

    Establish an innovation lab

    Creating an innovation lab serves many purposes, but one happy byproduct of such labs is a renewed collaboration between IT and the business because business innovation is closely tied today to information technologies. A real-world example is the innovation lab at Toyota Financial Services. Vice President and CIO Ron Guerrier started an innovation lab in 2011 for businesspeople to come and kick the tires, so to speak, on new automotive technologies.

    Enabling and rewarding experimentation

    An innovation culture allows people to experiment. For instance, an IT organization crawling through historical data, with no specific questions in mind. Might turn up findings that were totally unexpected based on correlations in the data. Nascent big data and improved higher-performance analytics engines are making data discovery exercises that were previously too time-consuming or cost-prohibitive for most companies newly practical.

    Innovation Culture in Organizations - ilearnlot
    Photo Url – https://pi.tedcdn.com/r/tedideas.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/frugal_innovation.png?


    1. Innovation Culture – http://searchcio.techtarget.com/definition/innovation-culture
    2. Innovation Culture in Organizations – https://www.mbaknol.com/management-concepts/innovation-culture-in-organizations/
    3. Innovation Culture in IT Organizations – http://searchcio.techtarget.com/definition/innovation-culture