Tag: Co-Ordination

  • Discuss the Compare of Coordination and Cooperation

    Discuss the Compare of Coordination and Cooperation

    Before Discuss the Compare of Co-Ordination and Co-Operation, first looking at their definition of Coordination and Cooperation. Coordination refers to the organization of all the activities in an orderly manner, to achieve unanimity of individual efforts in the pursuit of group goals. On the flip side, cooperation is a discretionary action of individuals to work together or help one another, for a mutual benefit. It is a joint effort of the members working in the organization for accomplishing a defined target. Also Learned, Essay on the Co-ordination of an Organization, Discuss the Compare of Coordination and Cooperation.

    Here are Learn, Discuss the Compare of Coordination and Cooperation.

    Definition of Coordination:

    By coordination, we mean a cycle, utilized by the administration to synchronize different exercises in the association. The power connects the wide range of various capacities performed by the administration, for example arranging, coordinating, putting together, controlling, staffing, driving, and so forth association, to make the most ideal utilization of the association’s assets.

    Coordination assumes a critical function in keeping up routineness in tasks, for example, buy, creation, deals, human asset, showcasing, account, and so forward, as it is the consistent idea that associates all the exercises. It is something, which is natural in all administrative capacities. The cycle focuses on the efficient administration of individual or collective endeavors to guarantee unanimity in real life, in the achievement of normal destinations.

    Definition of Cooperation:

    We characterize cooperation as an optional action in which at least two people consolidate and work in the quest for shared objectives. In this cycle, the individuals from the association put forth joined attempts, for inferring common advantages. Along these lines, each member is required to effectively partake in the gathering movement, really at that time they can be in an ideal situation.

    Cooperation is available in all the degrees of the association and happens between the individuals from the association. Aside from business, cooperation likewise happens at the public and worldwide level, for example between various states and nations of the world.

    Through cooperation, the data can share among members effectively, which builds the information base, work performed, and assets, in a skilled way.

    Differences between Coordination and Cooperation:

    Basis Coordination Cooperation
    Meaning It is an orderly arrangement of group efforts in pursuit of common goals. It means mutual help willingly.
    Scope It is broader than co-operation which includes as well because it harmonizes the group efforts. It is termed as a part of coordination.
    Process The function of coordination is performed by top management. The functions of co-operation are prepared by persons at any level.
    Requirements Co-ordination is required by employees and departments at work irrespective of their work. Co-operation is emotional in nature because it depends on the willingness of people to work together.
    Relationship It establishes formal and informal relationships. It establishes an informal relationship.
    Freedom It is planned and entrusted by the central authority & it is essential. It depends upon the sweet will of the individuals and therefore it is not necessary.
    Support It seeks wholehearted support from various people working at various levels. Co-operation without co-ordination is fruitless & therefore it may lead to unbalanced developments.

    Therefore, the existence of co-operation may prove to be an effective condition or requisite for co-ordination. But it does not mean that co-ordination originates automatically from the voluntary efforts of the group of members. It has to be achieved through conscious & deliberate efforts of managers, therefore to conclude we can say that co-operation without co-ordination has no fruit and co-ordination without co-operation has no root.

    Discuss the Compare of Coordination and Cooperation Image
    Discuss the Compare of Coordination and Cooperation; Image from Pixabay.

    The Main Key Differences Between Coordination and Cooperation:

    The following points are noteworthy so far as the difference between coordination and cooperation is concerned:

    • The methodical game plan and synchronization of various components of the executives to guarantee, smooth working, know as coordination. The demonstration of working together or following standards, for the acknowledgment of shared objectives, calls cooperation.
    • Coordination is a basic action of the board; that helps in accomplishing agreement in real life among different related exercises and branches of the association. Actually, cooperation relies upon the desire of any individual, for example, to work with or help somebody willfully, for achieving regular destinations.
    • Coordination of a devise cycle performed to incorporate various exercises of the association. Then again, cooperation is a characteristic cycle, which isn’t arranged however happens precipitously, out of shared regard.
    • Coordination is a persistent capacity of the board. Thus, it is as long as possible. As against this, the cooperation of people is needed for achieving an errand or movement, consequently, it is for the momentary as it were.
    • Coordination may bring about the foundation of formal and casual connections. Dissimilar to, cooperation offers to ascend to the casual connection between people.
    • In coordination, there is open correspondence between all the individuals from the association. As restricted, implicit correspondence happens between people in cooperation.
    • Coordination of exercises performs at high-level administration, though cooperation performs at each level.

    Relationship Between Coordination and Cooperation:

    Co-ordination is a systematic plan of collective endeavors to give solidarity of activity in the quest for common destinations. It implies uniting the endeavors of various components of the association to give them the solidarity of direction. While cooperation indicates the collective endeavors of individuals working in the association intentionally to accomplish a specific reason.

    The presence of co-operation among the individuals from a gathering encourages co-ordina­tion. In any case, coordination doesn’t start from the deliberate endeavors of the gathering individuals. It must accomplish by the conscious endeavors of the administration.

    For example, five people occupied with pushing a taxi out of the mud have a solid demeanor of co-operation. Be that as it may, they may not be effective except if one of them gives leader­ship and coordinates the exercises of all. Similarly, the ensemble conductor coordinates the endeavors of the individuals from his gathering to delivering fine music.

    So, co-operation without co-ordination has no organic product, and coordination without co-operation has no root. Co-operation and co-ordination go hand in hand and one is the venturing stone of the other. A decent chief attempts to accomplish both because just through cooperation and coordination he can complete things through others.

  • Explain essay on the Co-Ordination of an Organization!

    Learn, Explain essay on the Co-Ordination of an Organization!

    Before start studying, you must know what common question types asked around the place. Essay for Articles: What is the Essay on the Meaning of Co-Ordination? What is the Essay on the definition of Co-Ordination? What is the Essay on the Need for Co-Ordination? What is the Essay on the Techniques of Co-Ordination? What is the Essay on the Nature of Co-Ordination? and What is the Essay on the Importance of Co-Ordination? Also Learned, Explain essay on the Direction of an Organization! That is similar to Explain essay on the Co-Ordination of an Organization!

    Now Explain it:

    #The Essay on the Meaning of Co-Ordination:

    Co-ordination is the process of synchronization and harmonization of the different activities within the enterprise with reference to time, the progress of work, performance standards, etc. If the objectives of the business are to be realized with a minimum of friction and a maximum of cooperation, a system of coordination through the establishment of the formal relationship among different individuals and departments has to be instituted.

    #The Essay on the Definition of Co-Ordination:

    Henri Fayol, Louis A. Allen, and Ordway Tead considered coordination as a separate managerial function. James D. Mooney considered coordination as the first principle of organization. According to Mooney and Railey, “Co-ordination is the achievement of orderly group effort and unity of action in the pursuit of a common purpose.”

    It is that process whereby an executive develops an orderly pattern of the group effort among his subordinates and secures unity of action in the pursuit of common purpose. “It is the orderly synchronization of efforts to provide the proper amount, timing and quality of execution resulting in harmonious and unified actions towards a stated objective.”

    George R. Terry and Theo Haimann regard coordination as a permeating function of management passing through the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.

    #The Essay on the Need for Co-Ordination:

    It is a pervasive function. The managers seek to achieve co-ordination through planning, organizing, staffing, commanding and controlling. Performance of any of these functions is an exercise towards coordination. When all these functions are related to each other harmoniously into a unified whole, co-ordination is achieved.

    In fact, managers at all levels, preside over the “nerve centers” of co-ordination in respect of their own spans of control. This means that coordination is the function of all levels of management and not merely of the top management.

    #The Essay on the Techniques of Co-Ordination (How to Achieve Co-Ordination?):

    #Clearly Defined Goals:

    The goals of the enterprise should be laid down clearly. Every individual in the enterprise should understand the overall objectives and the contribution of his job to these objectives.

    #Precise and Comprehensive Programmes and Policies:

    Laying down well-defined programmes and policies is another measure for achieving effective coordination. This brings uniformity of action because everybody understands the programmes and policies which act as guides for taking decisions.

    #Clear Lines of Authority and Responsibility:

    An enterprise is composed of several vertical and horizontal authority relationships. Authority flows from the top through various positions down to the level of operative workers. There is a line of authority in every enterprise which indicates that who is accountable to whom. This line of authority and responsibility should be clearly defined to achieve co­ordination.

    #Effective Communication:

    Effective communication is key to proper coordination. The channel of communication used in the enterprise should be reliable so that they are able to create proper understanding in the mind of the receiver. As advised by Mary Follett, personal contacts should be encouraged as it is the most effective means of communications for achieving coordination.

    #Effective Leadership and Supervision:

    Management can achieve better coordination through effective leadership and supervision. Effective leadership ensures coordination both at the planning and the implementing stage. Effective supervision is also necessary to guide the activities of individuals in the proper direction. This will bring unity of action which is essential to coordination.

    #The Essay on the Nature of Co-Ordination:

    Co-ordination means an orderly synchronization of efforts of the people working in the organization for the achievement of organizational objectives. It is a continuous process of achieving unity of purpose in the organization.

    It includes all such deliberate efforts on the part of management whereby efforts of various parts of the enterprise are so blended that they move harmoniously towards the accomplishment of an organizational objective.

    Where a number of persons are working for the achievement of a common purpose, coordination is essential to achieve the purpose and synchronize their efforts. Co-ordination is an all-inclusive principle of organization. It is also the all-inclusive function of management and not just one of its functions.

    Management seeks to achieve co-ordination by performing various functions like planning, organizing, directing and controlling. When all these functions are related to each other harmoniously, co-ordination is achieved. As a matter of fact, coordination is the essence of managing.

    #The Essay on the Importance of Co-Ordination:

    In order to achieve coordination among the subordinates and sub-units, the management performs the functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Coordination is required in every function of management. Plans of different departments and divisions must be properly coordinated, otherwise, the objectives of the organization as a whole cannot be accomplished,

    Co-ordination is equally important in organizing. All activities required to achieve the desired objectives must be properly grouped and assigned to the right people. In staffing, a balance must be attained between job requirements and the qualities of the personnel who are placed on different jobs.

    The direct function of management is an attempt at achieving coordination. Supervision, motivation, leadership, and communication are designed to secure unity of action in a group. Co-ordination is also involved in controlling. Corrective measures must be synchronized with the cause and time of deviations from the desired performance.

    Thus, coordination is the silken thread running through the entire process of management. That is why it is called the essence of management.

    Co-ordination results in the creation of a true whole that is larger than the sum total of its parts. The analogy of the conductor of a symphony orchestra is appropriate here. The conductor by his coordinating skills of vision, leadership and simultaneous attention to the totality of the orchestra group and its individual instrument players, creates a living musical performance and not mere noise.

    In any case, management has no alternative but to perform mediating, moderating and motivating roles in securing coordinated action. Mediation with the external environment, moderation while controlling internal environment and motivation of individual organizational members are integral coordinating functions of management.