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Description of the Key Characteristics of the Planning - ilearnlot

Description of the Key Characteristics of the Planning!

Learn and Understand, Description of the Key Characteristics of the Planning! Planning involves setting objectives and deciding in advance the appropriate course of action to achieve these objectives so we can also define…After that also, discuss the main steps involved in the planning process in an organization.

What are the Features of Sole Proprietorship - ilearnlot

What are the Features of Sole Proprietorship?

Explaining, What are the Features of Sole Proprietorship? Sole proprietorship refers to a business organization in which enterprises are controlled or owned by a single person. The sole proprietorship is the oldest form of business enterprise in India. It is the simplest form of business and all the risk or losses are bearer by the single person. Also, if he wants any help they can get it from their friends, family or relatives. It doesn’t require any legal recognition or formalities and simplest way to open a business.