Tag: Authority

  • How can we identify and authenticate individuals?

    How can we identify and authenticate individuals?

    In the age of intelligence, identify and authenticate individuals; everyone has become accustomed to using biometric features such as fingerprints and faces to verify and identify identities. In fact, from ancient times to the present, to prove “you are you” and identify “who you are”. People have come up with countless ways, so let’s first understand how ancient people identified a person’s identity.

    Here are the articles to explain, we identify and authenticate individuals

    Since ancient times, people have discovered biometrics. Such as fingerprints are more convenient and accurate than items and passwords as identity proofs. With the rapid development of science and technology, people have also found palmprints, faces, iris, voiceprints, gait, etc. Have unique and unique properties similar to fingerprints, which can use for identification and verification.

    Entering the era of artificial intelligence, with the comprehensive application of high-tech means such as computers, optics, acoustics, biosensors, and biostatistics, biometrics, which uses “biological keys”. Such as the inherent physiological characteristics and behavioral characteristics of the human body, to realize personal identity. The identification technology has a broader space for technological development, few types of identify and authenticate individuals below are.

    Fingerprinting: Top of the ID Evidence

    Fingerprint identification is based on the feature points of fingerprints to identify. Due to the characteristics of fingerprints that remain unchanged for a lifetime and can restore after injury. As well as the perfection and ease of operation of fingerprint recognition technology. Fingerprint recognition has always been the most important biometric method, appearing in all aspects of life.

    Moreover, since fingerprint features are difficult to obtain directly, and are more difficult to trace the source. It is not easy to associate with personal private information such as action trajectories. There is a broad development space for privacy protection and security, and it has attracted the attention of the biometrics industry.

    Palmprint: password in the palm

    Palmprint recognition is to use the features of lines, points, textures, and geometry of palmprints for identification. The most important feature is the features of lines. The clearest lines in the features of lines are, The lifetime does not change, and can still identify in low-resolution and low-quality images.

    Due to the characteristics of simple sampling, rich image information, high user acceptance, not easy to forge, and less affected by noise. It has attracted extensive attention from researchers at home and abroad.

    Palm Vein Recognition: A New Hotspot in the Field of Identity Authentication

    Palm vein recognition uses the characteristics of hemoglobin in human blood to absorb near-infrared light to obtain palm vein images.

    Since the palm vein is an internal physiological feature in the skin. It is difficult to obtain and forge, and it has its living information, so it has extremely high privacy.

    Iris: the identity code is hidden in the eye

    Iris recognition is mainly through the comparison of many interlaced spots, filaments, crowns, stripes, crypts, and other detailed features in the iris.

    Since the iris formed in the fetal development stage. It will remain unchanged and unique for life, so it has a very high recognition accuracy. However, iris recognition greatly affects by the environment, such as light, glasses, or colored contact lenses, which will cause recognition difficulties.

    Voiceprint: Hearing and Knowing People

    Due to the complex mechanism of human vocalization, the voiceprint maps of any two people are different. Therefore, voiceprint comparison can perform based on features. Such as pitch, intensity, duration, and pronunciation method.

    However, the characteristics of the voiceprint have variability, and the recognition process has a great impact on the recognition results due to physiological, psychological, camouflage, and other disturbances, and because the voiceprint can easily obtain from the telephone and recording, it has a high value in the application. security risks.

    Face recognition: strong identity association

    Due to the large changes in people’s faces, face recognition mainly compares parts such as the eyes, nose, mouth, and chin. As well as the features of these parts and the structural relationship between them, then identify and authenticate individuals. You can check out demos of such technologies at SkyBiometry.

    Nowadays, the development of face recognition technology is becoming more and more mature. The method of extracting vectors based on deep learning can achieve extremely high accuracy and overcome the influence of various factors. Click here to find out whether face recognition technology can still work accurately when individuals have their eyes closed.

    From the characteristics of the above biometrics, it can be found that compared. With other biometrics, fingerprint, palmprint, and palm vein recognition have the advantages of needing to know and being difficult to trace.

    In addition, in terms of accuracy, due to the difference in the number of feature points. For example, the Dlib library stands commonly used for face detection to detect feature points. While a fingerprint usually has 80-120 features. The point, it has more advantages in recognition accuracy and larger storage capacity performance.

    Face verification and face recognition are different in the process of face recognition. First, the concept of face recognition introduce, followed by a comparative analysis of face recognition and face verification, and the introduction of related concepts. Finally, for these two The evaluation process stands described.

    Concepts of face recognition

    Face recognition (Facial Recognition), that is, obtaining the user’s facial image through the video capture device. Then using the core algorithm calculates and analyzes the facial features, face shape, and angle of the face, and then compares it with the existing templates in its database Yes, to determine the real identity of the user. In the face recognition algorithm, after detecting the face and locating the key feature points of the face. The main face area can be cut out, and after preprocessing. It is fed into the back-end recognition algorithm. The recognition algorithm needs to complete the extraction of facial features and compare them with the known faces in the inventory to complete the final classification.

    The principle of the face recognition algorithm:

    The system inputs one or a series of face images containing unidentified identities. Several face images or corresponding codes with known identities are in the face database. And its output is a series of similarity scores indicating the identity of the face to be recognized.

    Comparison of Biometrics

    Previous studies have compared the application difficulties, distinguishability, permanence, ease of collection, acceptance, and ease of forgery of various biometric technologies. The study found that finger and palmprint recognition performed well in all aspects.

    With the maturity and improvement of biometric technology. People began to pay attention to the security issues of identity recognition beyond convenience.

    As an industry-leading artificial intelligence basic technology and platform company, Moqi Technology takes finger palmprint and palm vein recognition as the core innovates and develops irreversible, non-associated, and revocable biometric technology for privacy protection, and is committed to serving billions of people. Provide privacy-protecting, secure, and reliable next-generation identity authentication services.

    Today, these technologies have been widely used in some important areas of the national economy and the people’s livelihood, and are the first to achieve second-level, high-precision, fully automated comparisons on the order of 2 billion fingerprints worldwide. In the future, Mokey Technology will continue to expand the application of non-contact finger, palmprint, and palm vein recognition, and further lead the future of the next generation of biometrics.

    How can we identify and authenticate individuals Image
    How can we identify and authenticate individuals? Image by Tumisu from Pixabay.
  • What is Characteristics of Authority? with Theories Sources

    What is Characteristics of Authority? with Theories Sources

    Characteristics of Authority; First, Some remembering of what is the Authority? The power or right to give orders, make decisions and enforce obedience. The right to act in a specified way delegated from one person or organization to another. A person or organization having political or administrative power and control. The power to influence others, especially because of one’s commanding manner or one’s recognized knowledge about something.

    Here are explain; What is Characteristics of Authority? with Theories Sources.

    A person with extensive or specialized knowledge about a subject; an expert.

    Sources of Authority:

    There are broadly five theories regarding the sources from which authority originates. They are:

    • The formal authority theory.
    • Acceptance of authority theory.
    • The competence theory.
    • Traditional Authority.
    • Charismatic Authority.

    Brief explanations of the above three theories are given below;

    The formal authority theory:

    According to his theory, the authority flows top to bottom through the structure of an organization. In other words, the authority flows from the General Manager to his departmental manager and in turn, from the departmental manager to his superintendent and the like. This is explained in the following diagram.

    Board of Directors → General Manager → Sales Manager → Sales Representatives → Workers

    The Formal Authority Theory is otherwise called Traditional Authority Theory and Top-Down Authority Theory. In the case of a public limited company, the authority is in the hands of shareholders and they delegate their authority to top management, and in turn, a part of this authority is a delegate to the middle management.

    Acceptance of authority theory:

    Chester Bannard gave this theory. According to his theory, the authority flows from the superior to the subordinates whenever there is an acceptance on the part of the subordinates. The subordinates should accept the authority but there is no compulsion made by the superior. If the subordinates do not accept the command of their superior, then the superior cannot say to have any authority over them.

    According to Bannard,

    “An individual will accept the exercise of authority, if the advantages accruing to him from accepting plus the disadvantages accruing to him from not accepting exceed the advantages accruing to him from not accepting plus the disadvantages accruing to him for accepting and conversely, he will not accept the exercise of authority if the latter factors exceed the former.”

    The authority of a superior will be effective only when there is the willingness on the part of the subordinate to accept authority and ineffective when there is a lack of readiness to accept the authority on the part of the subordinate. The subordinate will not analyze every order of the superior to accept it or not. In fact, the subordinate without a second thought accepts certain orders of the superior. If the subordinate without any hesitation accepts the order of the superior, it is knowing as the zone of acceptance.

    A number of factors will determine a zone of acceptance:

    The following acceptance below are;

    • The subordinate believes that rewards will give to him in appreciation of his efforts and skills.
    • Sincere services of subordinate to the organization will reward.
    • A subordinate thinks that he has to accept the authority in a particular situation.
    • The non-acceptance of authority will result in dismissal of the subordinate from an organization.
    • It is also accepting on account of special knowledge that a man may possess.
    • There is no other way available than to accept authority.
    • It is the duty of the subordinate or it may be the policy of the organization to impose the authority.
    • It is the duty of the subordinate or it may be the policy of the organization to impose the authority.
    • People have confidence in the person giving orders.

    Competence theory:

    This type of authority is investing with the persons by virtue of the office hold by them. The personal power of this type of persons is based on the leadership qualities of the person concerned. In an organization, only one person gets a higher position than others in the course of time-based on leadership qualities possessed by him.

    Traditional Authority:

    In a family system, the father exercises traditional authority over members of the family. The traditional authority is generally following in the Indian family system. It is the father who guides the activities of the family and others obey out of respect and traditions.

    In the traditional form of authority, there is no formal law or structured discipline and relationships are governed by personal loyalty and faithfulness rather than compulsions of rules and regulations or duties of the office.

    Charismatic Authority:

    The charismatic authority rests on the personal charisma of a leader who commands the respect of his followers. The personal traits such as good looks, intelligence, integrity, etc., influence others and people follow the dictates of their leaders because of such traits.

    The people follow the leader because they feel that he will help them in achieving their goals. The charismatic leaders are generally good orators and have a hypnotic effect on the followers. The religious leaders and political leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, John F. Keneddy of America come under this category.

    The Charismatic phenomena also extend to film actors, actresses, and war heroes. Film actors and actresses have been successful in raising huge funds for calamities etc. because of their charismatic personalities. Even political parties associate actors and actresses with them to collect crowds for their rallies. People follow some leaders/persons because of their charismatic personalities and not because of any other factor.

    What is Characteristics of Authority with Theories Sources
    What is Characteristics of Authority? with Theories Sources! #Pixabay.

    Characteristics of Authority:

    The characteristics of authority are briefly explain below;

    • The basis of getting things done the right to take actions towards completion: Authority gives a right to do things in an organization and affect the behavior of other workers of the organization. It leads to the performance of certain activities for the accomplishment of the defined objectives automatically.
    • Legitimacy-positional authority: Authority implies a legal right (within the organization itself) available to superiors. This type of right arises due to the tradition followed in an organization, custom or accepted standards of authenticity. The right of a manager to affect the behavior of his subordinates is giving to him on the basis of an organizational hierarchy.
    • Decision–making the freedom and right to make choices of action: Decision-making is a Pre-requisite of an authority. The manager can command his subordinates to act or not act. This type of decision takes by the manager regarding the functioning of an office.
    • Implementation as a consequence of the position hold: Implementation influences the personality factors of the manager, who is empowering to use authority. The subordinates or group of subordinates should follow the instructions of the manager regarding the implementation of decisions. The personality factor of one manager may differ from another manager.
  • What is the authority? Introduction, Meaning, and Definition

    What is the authority? Introduction, Meaning, and Definition

    Authority is a legal power which is possessed by a person from his superior officers and with the help of which he succeeds in getting the things done by his sub-ordinates. Authority is the key to managerial functions. If the managers do not possess the required authorization, they will not be able to perform their duties properly.

    Here are explain; What is the authority? Introduction, Meaning, and Definition.

    A manager is in a position to influence his subordinates only by the use of his authority. It is the authorization which enables him to discharge the important functions of planning, coordination, motivation and controlling, etc. in an enterprise.

    If proper authorization is not vesting in him, he cannot perform. These functions in the required manner and he cannot hold responsible for all these functions in the absence of proper authorities. It is only the authorities by virtue of which he dominates his subordinates and gets work done by them.

    The word authority (derived from the Latin word Auctoritas) can use to mean the right to exercise power given by the State (in the form of government, judges, police officers, etc.), or by academic knowledge of an area (someone that can be an authority on a subject).

    What is the authority Introduction Meaning and Definition
    What is authority? Introduction, Meaning, and Definition #Pixabay.

    The power or right to give orders, make decisions and enforce obedience. The right to act in a specified way delegated from one person or organization to another. A person or organization having political or administrative power and control. The power to influence others, especially because of one’s commanding manner or one’s recognized knowledge about something. A person with extensive or specialized knowledge about a subject; an expert.

    Meaning of authority:

    Authority is the power to make decisions, which guide the action of others. A delegation of authorization contributes to the creation of an organization. No single person is in a position to discharge all the duties in an organization. In order to finish the work in time, there is a need to delegate authorization and follow the principles of division of labor. Delegation permits a person to extend his influence beyond the limits of his own personal time, energy, and knowledge. It is the “right of decision and command.” Theories Sources with Characteristics of Authority.

    Definition of authority:

    The Following definitions below are from different authors;

    According to Henry Fayol,

    “Authority is the right to give orders and the power to exact obedience.”

    According to Koontz and O’Donnell,

    “Authority is the power to command others to act or not to act, in a manner deemed by the possessor of the authority to further enterprises or departmental purposes.”

    According to Terry,

    “Authority is the power to exact others to take actions considered appropriate for the achievement of a predetermined objective.”

    According to Barnard,

    “Authority is the character of a communication (order) in a formal organization by virtue of which it is accepted by a contributor to or member of the organization as governing the action he contributes. That is, as governing or determining what he does or is not to do so far as the organization is concerned.”

    While concluding the meaning of authority it can say that authorities in the ordinary sense of the term are nothing more than a legal right. It empowers an individual to make decisions. He is giving a right to command and to exercise control over. Those who are responsible for the execution of policies and programs of the enterprise. For decisions take the authorizing person is holding responsible and is made answerable to his superiors and the organization as a whole.