Tag: Advertisement

  • Higher Paid Best Video Ad Networks for Small Publishers

    Higher Paid Best Video Ad Networks for Small Publishers

    The video ad industry is growing and the demand is ever increasing. Programmatic channels have also fueled the rise of video advertising, As more smart marketers are looking to use video as a medium for their marketing campaigns. Higher Paid Best Video Ad Networks for Small Publishers. Advertisers and marketers are targeting popular websites for the reach of their video campaigns and YouTube alone did not seem to suffice their choice. This has led to a growing demand for Outstream video ads where publishers don’t need to have additional editorial content to enable video ads as opposed to Instream video ads. For WordPress blog user, 5 Best WordPress Plugins for 2018 Your Website Need.

    You’re like to become Small Publishers in your blog or website Video Ad Networks and also they are Higher Paid.

    AdSense for Video Ads:

    The AdSense for video allows you to monetize your web and native app-based video content. In AdSense for video uses Google’s Interactive Media Ads (IMA) SDK, the technology used to request ads from within your HTML5 web, Android or iOS video player. Here are Best Free Blogging Sites You can also make RevenueThe Google IMA SDK allows developers to make ad requests to the AdSense network, interpret ad responses and render ads. Many of the leading online video publishers use the IMA SDK to request and display video ads.

    • Minimum Traffic: No fixed mentions but we believe it should be 10k views at least.
    • Payment Cycle: $100, NET 21 days.
    • CPM Rates: $10 to $20 (for quality tier one traffic).


    If you want to integrate AdSense for video into your HTML5, Android or iOS video player, you’ll need to make sure that you adhere to the following prerequisites:

    • Ensure you’re compliant with the AdSense program policies, including these specific video policies.
    • Utilize a video player integrated with the Google IMA SDK and/or compliant with
    • VAST 3.0 and VPAID 2 JS.
    • Utilize an HTML5, Android, or iOS-based video player.
    • Have a high volume of video content, i.e., greater than 40% video content with over 2 million video impressions monthly.
    • Not be hosted on YouTube: YouTube content isn’t eligible for AdSense for video.
    • If you’re a YouTube content producer, you could monetize through the YouTube partner program.

    Komoona is a dynamic yield optimization platform working across all major RTB exchanges and demand sources, to ensure maximum revenue for our publishers. Optimizing publisher revenues is harder than ever – SSPs, DSPs, Display, Mobile, Video… Publishers are overwhelmed by the number of technologies and providers they must work with and optimize against, in order to maximize revenues in today’s programmatic environment.

    • Minimum Traffic:300,000 page views per month.
    • Payment Cycle: NET 60 days, $20 Minimum Threshold.
    • CPM Rates:$2 to $6 (depending on the quality of traffic).

    Simple integration into a complex ECHO-system: You don’t need a staked ad ops team to integrate our technology. Simply by adding a JS tag to your header bidding wrapper or ad server, you’ll connect to the world’s biggest marketplace – Google AdX, OpenX, PulsePoint, PubMatic, Index, AOL and more.

    Real-time impression Analysis: We use advanced machine learning and predictive modeling algorithms to dynamically create optimal floor prices and route each impression to the highest bidder. Our real-time technology typically yields a 20%-40% lift in revenue.

    Products: Mobile, Video, and Display, header bidding or tag based, Komoona’s products are designed with publishers in mind. We help our partners get the most out of their inventory while maintaining the best possible user experience.


    Instantly access your impressions, fill rates, CPMs, and earnings in real-time through our cutting-edge reporting interface. outstream.com video … Outstream.com is a relatively new video ad network that offers outstream.com video ads to publishers who have low traffic volume. The revenue share percentage id 70/30. It is one of the recommended video Ad networks for small publishers who don’t have any video content or are technologically not ready to set up their video player and stream videos.

    • Minimum Traffic: 300,000 page views per month.
    • Payment Cycle: NET 60 days, $20 Minimum Threshold.
    • CPM Rates: $2 to $6 (depending on the quality of traffic).

    Outstream opens additional monetization opportunity for publishers when compared with in-stream which requires coding the video player and serving cost. For small to mid-sized publishers, it makes more sense to use Outstream ad units or at least get started with these video ad formats and then gradually switch to in-stream video ads. If your site performs well with outstream.com, chances of it performing well for instream is also high and thus you can make additional revenue from video ads. To start with instream, I would suggest “AdSense for video” since the CPM rates will be higher.


    Vertoz is a complete advertising and monetization suite for publishers and advertisers. Ensure higher revenue from the most influential platform present. Vertoz.com Advertising Limited is a programmatic advertising company based in New York City, United States and listed on Emerge, the SME board of the National Stock Exchange of India in 2017. Vertoz network offers services in the online advertising and ad-tech segment, defined by Wikipedia.

    Vertoz is among the leading programmatic companies across the world. Our ingenious plex smartly helps advertisers to target their right customers at right time, through real-time bidding (RTB) and connects advertisers to a global pool of premium publishers. Our premium demand sources help publishers to achieve the highest fill rates and maximum eCPMs.

    • Minimum Traffic: 100,000 impressions for video (cooperate account manager).
    • Payment Cycle: NA.
    • CPM Rates: $2 to $6 (depending on the player size).

    SELF-SERVE SSP: Maximize your site’s revenue with our algorithmic programmatic monetization. Our ingenious plex helps you to show non-intrusive and relevant ads to your visitors.

    INNOVATIVE ADS: Innovatively designed high impact ad formats that boost your audience experience. Publishers get access to our desktop and mobile innovative ad formats to earn maximum.

    AFFILIATES: Our affiliates get access to the highest performing & the best paying offers from our global pool of direct advertisers that help affiliates to earn more. A variety of pricing models to suit your needs: CPM, CPC, CPV, CPA, CPL, CPI, CPView, CPO, etc.

    HEADER BIDDING: With Vertoz, publishers can monetize their websites, mobile web, ad spots in mobile apps and video content. Our premium demand sources help you monetize your inventory to earn highest eCPM.


    ExoClick is a Barcelona-based online advertising company, which provides online advertising services to both advertisers and publishers all over the world via the web, mobile, tablet, and smart TV. ExoClick’s customers include advertisers, advertising agencies, traffic distribution partners and publishers. Define by Wikipedia.

    • Minimum Traffic: 1,000 impressions for video.
    • Payment Cycle: NEt 30 days, Minimum $20.
    • CPM Rates: Variable.

    ExoClick provides the best ad formats to advertise online and to generate more revenue out of your campaigns. They offer several high-impact ad units, perfect as AdSense alternatives, to work better for your online web and online advertisements.

    Higher Paid Best Video Ad Networks for Small Publishers
    Image credit from #Pixabay.
  • AdSense उच्चतम विज्ञापन भुगतान प्राप्ति के विकल्प

    AdSense उच्चतम विज्ञापन भुगतान प्राप्ति के विकल्प

    AdSense उच्चतम विज्ञापन भुगतान प्राप्ति के विकल्प विकल्पों की तलाश क्यों कर रहे हैं? AdSense विकल्पों की तलाश करने के कई कारण, the most important being to create a hedge against unexpected account troubles and suggest drops in revenue; आपकी वेबसाइट के लिए AdSense उच्चतम विज्ञापन भुगतान प्राप्ति के विकल्प (AdSense Alternative) क्या हैं? उच्च रूपांतरण विज्ञापन नेटवर्क, सर्वोत्तम विज्ञापन प्रकाशक की बात करते हुए – Adsterra, Adbuff, Chitika, Fomo, Media.Net, Ayboll, Adside, Infolinks, Kontera, Clicksor, MadAds Media, Qadabra, Adclick Media, and last one Buy Sell Ads; कुछ अन्य कारणों के बारे में आप जानते हैं:

    उत्तर हाँ हैं, इस के अलवा बहुंत से तरीके है; अगर आप अधिक कमाने और बचाने के लिए कुछ खरीद रहे हैं और बेच रहे हैं; तो सभी को सबसे अच्छा विकल्प पता होना चाहिए; आपकी वेबसाइट के लिए AdSense उच्चतम विज्ञापन भुगतान प्राप्ति के विकल्प, यहां दिए गए हैं।

    • Google AdSense पर्याप्त सामग्री न रखने के लिए कई साइटों को अस्वीकार करता है; या यदि उन्हें लगता है कि आपकी साइट उनके विज्ञापनदाताओं के लिए उचित नहीं होगी।
    • Google AdSense के लिए अनुमोदित साइट प्राप्त करना उतना आसान नहीं है जितना कि अतीत में था।
    • Google AdSense में बहुत से नियम हैं और वे लगातार साइटों की निगरानी करते हैं; यदि आप एक नियम भी तोड़ना चाहते हैं, तो वे सिर्फ साइट पर प्रतिबंध नहीं लगाएंगे, वे आपको प्रतिबंधित करेंगे और आपको एक नया खुलने नहीं देंगे।
    • AdSense खाता, और यहां तक ​​कि यदि आप किसी भी तरह से खोलने का प्रबंधन करते हैं और वे बाद में आपको पकड़ते हैं, तो वे नए खाते पर प्रतिबंध लगा देंगे।
    • क्या आप जानते थे कि यदि आप गलती से अपनी साइट पर किसी विज्ञापन पर क्लिक करते हैं, तो आपको जीवन के लिए प्रतिबंधित किया जा सकता है?
    • कई साइट मालिकों का मानना ​​है, कि Google AdSense नियम बहुत सख्त हैं; कई नियमों के अनुरूप अक्सर साइट डिजाइन मुद्दों की ओर जाता है।
    • कुछ मामलों में, आपको अपनी पूरी साइट को फिर से डिज़ाइन करना होगा ताकि आप Google AdSense का उपयोग कर सकें।
    • प्रासंगिक टेक्स्ट विज्ञापन कभी-कभी बस साइट के डिज़ाइन और लेआउट में फिट नहीं होते हैं; अन्य विज्ञापन प्रारूप जो Google AdSense कई साइटों पर बेहतर काम का समर्थन नहीं करता है।
    • यदि आप किसी भी इंटरनेट मार्केटिंग या वेबमास्टर फ़ोरम को पढ़ते हैं, तो मुझे यकीन है कि आपने thread के बाद thread के साथ एक शीर्षक देखा है… “AdSense banned me! Why?”

    विज्ञापनों के 5 प्रकार

    AdSense विकल्प में स्थानांतरित करने के लिए प्रकाशकों को उपलब्ध मुख्य प्रकार के विज्ञापन उपलब्ध हैं।

    1. Targeted Text Ads: ये विज्ञापन टेक्स्ट-आधारित होते हैं और आमतौर पर समूहों में पाए जाते हैं; उन्हें साइट की सामग्री या खोज वाक्यांश से मिलान करने के लिए लक्षित किया जाता है जिसे खोज इंजन पर आपके साइट के पृष्ठ पर लाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता था।
    2. In-Text Ads: जब आप अपने माउस के साथ चयनित टेक्स्ट वाक्यांशों पर होवर करते हैं तो विज्ञापनों की ये शैली पॉप अप होती है; एक छोटा सा बॉक्स पॉप-अप होता है और आमतौर पर छवि, टेक्स्ट या वीडियो के साथ-साथ विज्ञापन का लिंक भी होता है।
    3. Display Ads: प्रदर्शन विज्ञापनों में दर्शक, ध्यान देने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली छवियों, शीर्षकों, बॉडी टेक्स्ट और अन्य तत्व शामिल होते हैं; आकार आठवें पृष्ठ से पूर्ण पृष्ठ विज्ञापनों तक है।
    4. Banner Ads: ये सामान्य छवि विज्ञापन हैं जो आप कई साइटों पर देखते हैं; वे सिर्फ ऊपर या नीचे एक टेक्स्ट लाइन के साथ छवि या एक छवि हो सकती है; आकार बटन आकार से आधा पृष्ठ तक है और सभी ओरिएंटेशन में आते हैं।
    5. Native Ads: मूल विज्ञापन विज्ञापन का एक प्रकार है; अधिकांशतः ऑनलाइन, जो प्लेटफ़ॉर्म के फ़ॉर्म और फ़ंक्शन से मेल खाता है, जिस पर यह प्रतीत होता है।

    AdSense उच्चतम विज्ञापन भुगतान प्राप्ति के विकल्प सूची हैं।


    Adsterra एक प्रीमियम विज्ञापन नेटवर्क है जो प्रति माह 10 अरब से अधिक भू-लक्षित विज्ञापन इंप्रेशन की सेवा करता है; दोनों प्रकाशकों और विज्ञापनदाताओं के लिए ऑनलाइन विज्ञापन सेवाओं की एक श्रृंखला प्रदान करें; वे वेब और मोबाइल उपकरणों के लिए विभिन्न लोकप्रिय विज्ञापन प्रारूप प्रदान करते हैं; पॉपंडर, मानक बैनर, पुशअप, इंटरस्टिशियल, स्लाइडर्स और सीधा लिंक; Adsterra सभी प्रकार के niches से वेबसाइटों के साथ काम करता है और सभी देशों के लिए एक अच्छी विज्ञापन भरने की दर है; वे AdSense के लिए एक आदर्श विकल्प हैं; प्रकाशक ऑन-टाइम भुगतान का आनंद ले सकते हैं; मुख्य भुगतान प्रणाली के माध्यम से द्वि साप्ताहिक, साथ ही व्यक्तिगत खाता प्रबंधक और Adsterra API के माध्यम से प्रदान किए गए वास्तविक समय के आंकड़े; Adsterra भी 5% रेफरल कार्यक्रम प्रदान करता है।


    Adbuff परम AdSense वैकल्पिक विज्ञापन नेटवर्क है जो कई प्रकाशकों के लिए AdSense को बेहतर बनाने की क्षमता के कारण है; उच्च रूपांतरण विज्ञापन नेटवर्क, सीपीएम और सीपीसी विज्ञापनों का सर्वश्रेष्ठ; चूंकि Adbuff एक रीयल-टाइम बोली-प्रक्रिया (RTB) मंच है, इसलिए AdSense विज्ञापनदाताओं के माध्यम से आपकी साइट का मुद्रीकरण करने के लिए सीधे अन्य विज्ञापनदाताओं के साथ प्रतिस्पर्धा कर रहा है; परिणामस्वरूप प्रकाशक उद्योग में उपलब्ध उच्चतम पृष्ठ आरपीएम में से कुछ कमाते हैं; उनके विज्ञापन AdSense के साथ-साथ चलाने के लिए भी पूरी तरह से अनुपालन कर रहे हैं; ताकि आप AdSense और Adbuff को एक साथ चलाकर अपने पेज आरपीएम को भी दोगुना कर सकें।


    Chitika AdSense के लिए एक शानदार विकल्प है; और, कई ब्लॉगर्स को इस विज्ञापन नेटवर्क में सफलतापूर्वक साइन-अप मिला है; Chitika आपके उपयोगकर्ताओं को सर्वोत्तम रूप से लक्षित करने के लिए खोज-लक्षित, मोबाइल और स्थानीय विज्ञापन प्रदान करती है; Chitika के खोज लक्षित विज्ञापन यह सुनिश्चित करते हैं; कि, आपकी साइट पर विज्ञापन उन उपयोगकर्ताओं द्वारा देखी जाए जो विज्ञापन सामग्री में रूचि रखते हैं; Chitika का स्थानीय विज्ञापन एक्सचेंज आपको स्थानीय स्थान को अपने साइट के आगंतुकों को उनके स्थान के आधार पर प्रदर्शित करने की अनुमति देता है; Chitika के मोबाइल विज्ञापन विज्ञापनदाताओं और प्रकाशकों की जरूरतों को पूरा करते हैं जो यात्रा पर यातायात को लक्षित और मुद्रीकृत करने की तलाश में हैं।


    Fomo एक सोशल सबूत मार्केटिंग प्लेटफ़ॉर्म है जो एनिमेटेड डिस्प्ले विज्ञापन इकाइयों में ग्राहक व्यवहार को बदल देता है; प्रकाशकों को 2-5x AdSense दरों का भुगतान मिलता है और उनका पूरा नियंत्रण होता है कि वे किस वेबसाइट पर अपनी वेबसाइट पर दिखाए जाते हैं; कोई न्यूनतम भुगतान सीमा या साइट यातायात नहीं है और प्रकाशक अपने विज्ञापनों के समय, ताल और थीम डिज़ाइन को अनुकूलित कर सकते हैं।


    Media.net याहू / बिंग विज्ञापन नेटवर्क के रूप में भी जाना जाता है Google Adsense के लिए एक शानदार विकल्प है; इसके विज्ञापन और सुविधाएं Google Adsense के समान हैं और वे Adsense (कमाई के मामले में) के रूप में काफी आकर्षक हैं। उनके पास बहुत सारी सुविधाएं हैं और वे मोबाइल विज्ञापन का समर्थन करते हैं; आपके पास शैली (आकार, रंग, आकार) के संदर्भ में आपकी विज्ञापन इकाइयों को अनुकूलित करने का अवसर है, इसलिए यह आपके संबंधित ब्लॉग और वेबसाइट के साथ बेहतर मिश्रण करता है; याहू! Media.net द्वारा संचालित Bing नेटवर्क प्रासंगिक विज्ञापन आपको विज्ञापनदाताओं के लिए दुनिया के सबसे बड़े बाज़ारों में से एक के लिए तात्कालिक पहुंच प्रदान करता है; उच्च रूपांतरण विज्ञापन नेटवर्क, प्रासंगिक CPM और CPC विज्ञापनों का सर्वश्रेष्ठ।


    Ayboll का मानना ​​है कि दुरुपयोग वाले विज्ञापन उपयोगकर्ता अनुभव को बर्बाद कर सकते हैं (और इस प्रकार, आपके रूपांतरणों की संभावना); इसलिए, Google Adsense के इस व्यापक विकल्प ने विभिन्न राजस्व उत्पन्न उत्पादों के साथ ब्लॉगिंग करके पैसे कमाने के विकल्प प्रदान किए (पढ़ें: बैनर विज्ञापनों तक ही सीमित नहीं है!); आपको यह जानने के बाद कि आपकी वेबसाइट के कौन से “जोन” सबसे अधिक जुड़ाव प्राप्त करते हैं; आप किसी भी आयु के विज्ञापन उत्पादों जैसे कि मूल विज्ञापन चुन सकते हैं; जो वेबसाइट की सामग्री के साथ स्वाभाविक रूप से मिश्रण करते हैं।

    यह विधि आपको पाठकों के लिए मूल्य जोड़ने देती है और साथ ही, ग्राहक अनुभव को बर्बाद किए बिना आप जो भी करना चाहते हैं उसे बढ़ावा देती है; आप इंटरस्टिशियल विज्ञापनों का भी चयन कर सकते हैं, जो उपयोगकर्ता के पेज देखने की गतिविधि के बीच दिखाई देने वाले गैर-घुसपैठ वाले विज्ञापन हैं; विज्ञापन छोड़ने से पहले, जो बाहर निकलने वाले पॉपअप विज्ञापन हैं, और “गुना के ऊपर” कवर विज्ञापन हैं, जो आपके पाठकों के लिए अधिकतम जोखिम सुनिश्चित करेंगे; Ayboll को भी दीर्घकालिक या विशिष्टता अनुबंध की आवश्यकता नहीं है, और जटिल अनुमोदन प्रक्रिया नहीं है, इसलिए यह बहुत आसान साइन-अप है और तुरंत अपने विज्ञापन अभियान शुरू करें।


    Adside Google Adsense का एक समान विज्ञापन प्रकार और अधिक विज्ञापन प्रारूपों का विकल्प है जो आपकी कमाई स्काई-रॉकेट करेगा; उच्च रूपांतरण विज्ञापन नेटवर्क, पीपीसी विज्ञापनों का सर्वश्रेष्ठ; Adside एक पे-पर-क्लिक विज्ञापन नेटवर्क है जो गुणवत्ता सामग्री प्रकाशक, विज्ञापनदाता और मीडिया एजेंसियों की सेवा करता है; वे कुछ महान विज्ञापन प्रकार और प्लेसमेंट जैसे मार्जिन विज्ञापन, कॉर्नर विज्ञापन, टूलबार विज्ञापन, साइडबार विज्ञापन, बैनर विज्ञापन, छवि विज्ञापन, वीडियो विज्ञापन में प्रदान करते हैं; इन विज्ञापन प्रकारों को देखने के तरीके के डेमो को देखने के लिए आपको उनसे मिलने की आवश्यकता है।

    Infolinks सबसे लोकप्रिय Google Adsense विकल्प में से एक है; मैं इसे हाल के दिनों में कई ब्लॉगों पर देख रहा हूं और इसकी कमाई क्षमता अच्छी है; Infolinks आपकी साइट के लिए टेक्स्ट टेक्स्ट प्रदान करते हैं; और, वे आपको विज्ञापनों पर प्रति क्लिक का भुगतान करते हैं; वे प्रति इंप्रेशन का भुगतान नहीं करते बल्कि प्रति क्लिक का भुगतान करते हैं; Infolinks कीवर्ड को आपके ब्लॉग पोस्ट में विज्ञापन लिंक पर बदल देगा; और, यह एक विज्ञापन प्रदर्शित करता है जब आपके आगंतुक लिंक पर अपने माउस को घुमाते हैं; Infolinks के बारे में सबसे अच्छा हिस्सा यह है कि यह आपकी साइट पर जगह नहीं लेता है; उनका सिस्टम स्वचालित रूप से विज्ञापनों को आपकी सामग्री में विज्ञापनों में बदल देगा; वे इंटैग विज्ञापन, अनुसंधान, और इनफ्रेम विज्ञापन भी प्रदान करते हैं।


    Kontera Google Adsense के लिए सबसे अच्छे विकल्प में से एक है; वे इन-टेक्स्ट विज्ञापन प्रदान करता है, जो मैंने ऊपर उल्लिखित इन्फ्लिंक्स के समान कुछ है; Kontera आपके ब्लॉग पर अतिरिक्त विज्ञापन स्थान नहीं लेता है; बल्कि, वे आपकी साइट की सामग्री का विश्लेषण करते हैं; और, प्रासंगिक कीवर्ड या वाक्यांशों को हाइपरलिंक्ड टेक्स्ट विज्ञापन में बदल देते हैं; वेअपने मोबाइल या पीसी वेब पृष्ठों से बढ़ती विज्ञापन राजस्व के साथ प्रकाशकों को प्रदान करता है; विज्ञापन अनुकूलन योग्य हैं; इसका मतलब है कि आप हाइपरलिंक्स के रंग को बदलने, टेक्स्ट लिंक की घनत्व को नियंत्रित करने; या, किसी भी विशिष्ट कीवर्ड को टेक्स्ट विज्ञापन में बदलने को प्रतिबंधित करने में सक्षम हैं।


    ClickSor एक और लोकप्रिय Adsense विकल्प है जिसे आप अपने ब्लॉग पर उपयोग कर सकते हैं; वे एक प्रासंगिक विज्ञापन नेटवर्क है जो Adsense की तरह है; जो आपके ब्लॉग सामग्री से प्रासंगिक विज्ञापन प्रदान करता है; ClickSor के मुताबिक, “प्रकाशकों को वेबसाइट द्वारा उत्पन्न विज्ञापन राजस्व का 60% भुगतान किया जा सकता है; वास्तविक प्रदर्शन वेबसाइट प्रदर्शन और बाजार स्थितियों के आधार पर भिन्न हो सकता है; आपकी साइट यातायात के स्तर का भौगोलिक स्थान भी आपके कुल राजस्व को निर्धारित करने में एक भूमिका निभा सकता है क्षमता”; ClickSor विभिन्न प्रकार के विज्ञापन प्रारूप प्रदान करता है जो है; इनलाइन टेक्स्ट लिंक, टेक्स्ट बैनर, ग्राफिकल बैनर, पॉप-अंडर, इंटरस्टिशियल विज्ञापन।

    MadAds Media

    MadAds एक विज्ञापन नेटवर्क है; मेरा मानना ​​है कि MadAds के पास Google Adsense के लिए एक अच्छा विकल्प होने की एक बड़ी क्षमता है; MadAds अभियानों की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला प्रदान करता है जिसमें शामिल हैं: सीपीएम, सीपीएल, सीपीए, और सीपीसी; अपने लिए यह देखने के लिए MadAds देखें कि उन्हें क्या पेशकश करनी है।


    Qadabra Google Adsense का एक विकल्प है; यह एक बैनर विज्ञापन मंच है; जो आपको अपने ब्लॉग पर विभिन्न पदों पर बैनर विज्ञापनों को रखकर अपने ब्लॉग से पैसे कमाने देता है; Qadabra एक सीधा, स्वयं सेवा विज्ञापन मंच है जो प्रकाशकों के लिए बनाया गया है; जो उनके वेबसाइट यातायात का मुद्रीकरण करने और प्रदर्शन-आधारित विज्ञापन के माध्यम से राजस्व कमाते हैं।

    Adclick Media

    Adclick Media एक लोकप्रिय विज्ञापन नेटवर्क है जो एक अच्छा Adsense विकल्प भी है; वे ब्लॉगर्स और वेबसाइट मालिकों के लिए प्रति क्लिक कमाई का अवसर प्रदान करता है; Adclick Media फोटो टेक्स्ट विज्ञापन, बैनर डिस्प्ले विज्ञापन, पूर्ण पृष्ठ इंटरस्टिशियल विज्ञापन, ईमेल पे-पर-क्लिक विज्ञापन प्रदान करता है।

    Buy Sell Ads

    Buy Sell Ads (बीएसए) Adsense का एक शानदार विकल्प है; जो आपको अपने ब्लॉग पर सीधे विज्ञापन रिक्त स्थान बेचकर अपने ब्लॉग का मुद्रीकरण करने देता है; खरीदें बेचना विज्ञापन में बहुत सी विशेषताएं हैं; जो आपको अपने ब्लॉग को प्रभावी ढंग से मुद्रीकृत करने में मदद करेंगी; और, इनका व्यापक रूप से शीर्ष ब्लॉग और प्रो ब्लॉगर्स द्वारा व्यापक रूप से उपयोग किया जाता है; वे मुद्रीकरण विकल्पों की एक श्रृंखला प्रदान करते हैं; जैसे ट्वीट्स मुद्रीकरण, ऐप्स मुद्रीकरण, ईमेल मुद्रीकरण, रॉस मुद्रीकरण और मोबाइल वेब; सुनिश्चित करें कि आप उन्हें देखने के लिए जांचें कि वे क्या पेशकश करते हैं।

    AdSense उच्चतम विज्ञापन भुगतान प्राप्ति के विकल्प Image ilearnlot
    AdSense उच्चतम विज्ञापन भुगतान प्राप्ति के विकल्प; Image from ilearnlot.
  • Alternatives to AdSense Highest Paid Advertising

    Alternatives to AdSense Highest Paid Advertising

    Why looking For Google AdSense Alternatives; Many reasons to look for AdSense alternatives, Highest Paid Advertising, the most important being to create a hedge against unexpected account troubles and suggest drops in revenue. Google AdSense high paying ads, Needs to what is the Alternatives to AdSense Highest Paid Advertising for Your Website? High Conversion Advertising Network, talking of best Ads Publisher – Adsterra, Adbuff, Chitika, Fomo, Media.Net, Ayboll, Adside, Infolinks, Kontera, Clicksor, MadAds Media, Qadabra, Adclick Media, and last one Buy-Sell Ads.

    Everybody needs to know the best option if you are buying and selling anything to make higher. Here are Alternatives to Google AdSense Highest Paid Advertising for Your Website.

    Some other reasons you know about:

    • Google AdSense rejects many sites for not having enough content or if they feel your site would not be appropriate for their advertisers.
    • Getting a site approved for Google AdSense is not as easy as it was in the past.
    • If you read any of the internet marketing or webmaster forums, I’m sure you’ve seen thread after thread with a title that goes something like… “AdSense banned me! Why?”
    • Google AdSense has a lot of rules and they monitor sites constantly. If you happen to break even one rule, they will not just ban the site, they will ban you and won’t let you open a new
    • AdSense account. And even if you manage to open one somehow and they catch you later, they will ban the new account.
    • Did you know that if you even accidentally click on an ad on your site you could be banned for life?
    • Many site owners feel that Google AdSense rules are just too strict. Conforming to the many rules often leads to site design issues.
    • In some instances, you have to redesign your entire site just so you can use Google AdSense.
    • Contextual text ads sometimes just don’t fit a site’s design and layout. Other ad formats that Google AdSense does not support work better on many sites.

    Highest-Paid Advertising Ads – 5 Types of Ads:

    Highest-Paid Advertising – the main types of ads available to publishers looking to shift to an AdSense alternative.

    Targeted Text Ads:

    These ads are text-based and are usually found in groups. Also, They are targeted to match the site’s content or the search phrase that was used on a search engine to bring them to your site’s page.

    In-Text Ads:

    These styles of ads pop up when you hover over selected text phrases with your mouse. A small box pops up and usually contains either image, text, or video as well as the ad’s link.

    Display Ads:

    Also, Display ads contain images, headlines, body text, and other elements used to get a viewer’s attention. Sizes range from the eighth page to full-page ads.

    Banner Ads:

    These are the typical image ads you see on many sites. They can be just the image or an image with a text line above or below it. Also, Sizes range from button size to half page and come in all orientations.

    Native Ads:

    Native advertising is a type of advertising, mostly online, that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears.

    Here are Alternatives to Google AdSense Highest Paid Advertising lists.

    Here alternatives to AdSense highest-paid advertising – The following Ad Network below are:


    Adsterra is a premium advertising network serving over 10 billion geo-targeted ad impressions per month. Provide a range of online advertising services for both publishers and advertisers. Also, They offer various popular ad formats for web and mobile devices: popunders, standard banners, pushups, interstitial, sliders, and direct links.

    Also, Adsterra works with websites from all types of niches and has a great ad fill rate for all countries. They are a perfect alternative to AdSense. Publishers can enjoy on-time payments made bi-weekly via major payment systems, as well as a personal account manager and real-time statistics provided through Adsterra API. Adsterra also offers a 5% Referral program.


    Adbuff is the ultimate AdSense Alternative ad network due to its ability to outperform AdSense for many publishers. Also, High Conversion Advertising Network, Best of CPM, and CPC ads. Because Adbuff is a Real-Time Bidding (RTB) platform, AdSense is competing directly with other advertisers to monetize your site through Adbuff.

    As a result, publishers earn some of the highest page RPMs available in the industry. Their ads are also fully compliant to run along-side AdSense, so you can even double your page RPM by running AdSense and Adbuff together.


    Chitika is a great alternative to Adsense and a lot of bloggers have found success sign-up with this Ad Network. They offer search-targeted, mobile, and local ads to best target your users. Also, Chitika’s Search Targeted Ads ensure that the ads on your site are seen by users who are interested in the ad content.

    Chitika’s Local Ad Exchange allows you to display local ads to your site’s visitors based on their location. Also, Mobile ads cater to the needs of advertisers and publishers looking to target and monetize traffic on the go.


    FOMO is a social proof marketing platform that turns customer behaviors into animated display ad units. Publishers get paid 2-5x AdSense rates and have full control over which brands they show off on their website. Also, there is no minimum payout threshold or site traffic and publishers may customize the timing, cadence, and theme design of their ads.


    Media.net Also known as Yahoo/Bing Advertising Network is a great alternative to Google Adsense. Its Ads and features are quite similar to Google Adsense and they are quite lucrative as Adsense (in terms of earnings). They have lots of features and they support mobile Ads.

    You have the opportunity to customize your ad units in terms of style (size, color, shapes) so it blends better with your respective blogs & website. Yahoo! Bing Network Contextual Ads powered by Media.net gives you instantaneous access to one of the world’s largest marketplaces for advertisers. Also, High Conversion Advertising Network, Best of Contextual CPM, and CPC ads.


    Ayboll believes that abusing ads can ruin user experience (and thus, your chances of converting). So, this comprehensive alternative to Google Adsense offered options to make money by blogging with a variety of revenue-generating products. (Read: not limited to banner ads!). After letting you identify which “zones” of your website get the most engagement, you can choose any of Ayboll’s ad products, such as native ads, which blend naturally with the website’s content.

    This method lets you add value for readers and at the same time, promote what you want to without ruining the customer experience. You can also opt for interstitial ads, which are non-obtrusive ads that appear between a user’s page viewing activity. There are also “before you leave” ads, which are exit popup ads, and “above the fold” cover ads, which will ensure maximum exposure to your readers. Ayboll also requires no long-term or exclusivity contracts, and does not have complex approval processes, so it’s pretty easy to sign-up and start your ad campaigns right away.


    Adside is an alternative to Google Adsense with similar Ad types and more Ad formats that will Sky-rocket your earnings. High Conversion Advertising Network, Best of PPC ads. Adside is a pay-per-click ad network serving quality content publishers, advertisers, and media agencies.

    They offer some great ad types and placement such as Margin Ad, Corner Ad, Toolbar Ad, Sidebar Ad, Banner Ad, image Ads, in Video Ads. Also, You need to visit them to see the demo of how these Ad types look.

    Infolinks is one of the most popular Google Adsense Alternatives; I have been seeing it on lots of blogs in recent times and its earning potential is good. Infolinks offer in-text advertising for your site and they pay you per click on the ads. They don’t pay you per impression but rather per click.

    Infolinks will turn keywords into your blog posts to advertisement links and it displays an advert when your visitors hover their mouse over the link. Also, The best part about Infolinks is that it doesn’t take up space on your site; their system will just automatically turn keywords into your content to ads. They also offer Intag Ads, Research, and InFrame Ads.


    Kontera is one of the best alternatives to Google Adsense. Also, They offer in-text advertising, something similar to Infolinks which I mentioned above. Kontera does not take up additional ad spaces on your blog, rather, they analyze your site’s content and turn relevant keywords or phrases into a hyperlinked text ad.

    Kontera provides publishers with incremental advertising revenues from their mobile or PC web pages. The ads customizable, which means you can alter the color of the hyperlinks, control the density of text links, or even restrict turning any specific keywords into a text ad.


    Clicksor is another popular Adsense alternative that you can use on your blog. Also, It is a contextual advertising network just like Adsense which offers ads that are relevant to your blog content. According to Clicksor, “Publishers can get paid 60% of the advertising revenue generated by the website.

    The actual rates may vary depending on website performance and market conditions. The geographic location of your site traffic levels can also play a part in determining your overall revenue potential”. Clicksor offers a variety of Ads format which is: Inline Text Links, Text Banners, Graphical Banner, Pop-Unders, Interstitial Ads.

    MadAds Media:

    MadAds is an Ad network that I stumbled upon recently. I believe MadAds has great potential to be a good alternative to Google Adsense. They offer a wide range of campaigns which include: CPM, CPL, CPA, and CPC.  Check MadAds out to see for yourself what they have to offer.


    Qadabra is an alternative to Google Adsense that I also stumbled on recently. It is a Banner Ads platform that lets you make money from your blog by placing banner ads at various positions on your blog. Qadabra is a straightforward, self-serve ad platform created for publishers looking to monetize their website traffic and earn revenue through performance-based advertising.

    Adclick Media:

    Adclick Media is a popular Ad network which is also a good Adsense alternative. They offer pay per click earnings opportunity for bloggers and website owners. Adclick Media offers Photo Text Ads, Banner Display Ads, Full Page Interstitial Ads, Email Pay-Per-Click Ads.

    Buy-Sell Ads:

    Buy-Sell Ads (BSA) is a great alternative to Adsense that lets you monetize your blog by selling direct Ad spaces on your blogs. Ads have a lot of features that will help you monetize your blog effectively and they are widely used by most top blogs and Pro bloggers out there. They offer a range of Monetization options like Tweets Monetization, Apps Monetization, Email Monetization, Ross Monetization, and Mobile Web. Make sure you check them out to see what they offer.

    Alternatives to AdSense Highest Paid Advertising for Your Website - ilearnlot
    Alternatives to AdSense Highest Paid Advertising. Image Credit from ilearnlot.com.
  • Highest paid advertisement CPC Keywords for Adsense

    Highest paid advertisement CPC Keywords for Adsense

    Highest paid advertisement CPC Keywords – If you want to become a successful Adsense publisher, you need a lot of traffic but you also need that traffic to engage with the ads that are being displayed on your website. You need to know which is the Highest paid advertisement keywords use on Adsense publisher.

    Here are, the Highest paid advertisement CPC Keywords for Adsense, with Bonus Keywords, you’ll make a double earning.

    Highest paid Adsense keywords, paid and searched.
    • Insurance – Value $57 CPC
    • Gas/Electricity – Value $54 CPC
    • Mortgage – Value $47 CPC
    • Attorney – Value $47 CPC
    • Loans – Value $44 CPC
    • Lawyer – Value $42 CPC
    • Donate – Value $42 CPC
    • Conference Call – Value $42 CPC
    • Degree – Value $40 CPC, and
    • Also, Credit – Value $38 CPC
    Other and Bouns highest paying CPC keywords, Also give you high earning.
    • Treatment – Value $37 CPC
    • Software – Value $35 CPC
    • Classes – Value $35 CPC
    • Recovery – Value $34 CPC
    • Also, Trading – Value $33 CPC
    • Rehab – Value $33 CPC
    • Hosting – Value $31 CPC
    • Transfer – Value $29 CPC
    • Cord Blood – Value $27 CPC
    • Claim – Value $25 CPC
    Google Adsense High paid CPC Keywords List
    • Mesothelioma Law Firm ($179)
    • Donate Car to Charity California ($130)
    • Also, Donate Car for Tax Credit ($126.6)
    • How to Donate A Car in California ($111.21)
    • Donate Cars in MA ($125)
    • Also, Donate Your Car Sacramento ($118.20)
    • Sell Annuity Payment ($107.46)
    • Donate Your Car for Kids ($106)
    • Asbestos Lawyers ($105.84)
    • Structures Annuity Settlement ($100.8)
    • Car Insurance Quotes Colorado ($100.9)
    • Annuity Settlements ($100.72)
    • Nunavut Culture ($99.52)
    • Dayton Freight Lines ($99.39)
    • Hard drive Data Recovery Services ($98.59)
    • Donate a Car in Maryland ($98.51)
    • Motor Replacements ($98.43)
    • Cheap Domain Registration Hosting ($98.39)
    • Donating a Car in Maryland ($98.20)
    • Donate Cars Illinois ($98.13)
    • Criminal Defense Attorneys Florida ($98)
    • Best Criminal Lawyers in Arizona ($97.93)
    • Car Insurance Quotes Utah ($97.92)
    • Life Insurance Co Lincoln ($97.07)
    • Holland Michigan College ($95.74)
    • Online Motor Insurance Quotes ($95.73)

    Highest paid advertisement CPC Keywords for Adsense; Also, Are you looking for Adsense’s highest paying CPC keywords for your web blog to earn up to $30-70 per click? If yes! Then this article has updated the Adsense High CPC Keywords list of 2018 through which you can earn up to 30-70$ per click.

    Highest paid advertisement CPC Keywords for Adsense - ilearnlot
    Highest paid advertisement CPC Keywords for Adsense, Image credit from ilearnlot.com.
  • A Good Advertisement Copy: Characteristics and Elements

    A Good Advertisement Copy: Characteristics and Elements

    Meaning: An “ad copy” is the medium through which an advertiser expresses his views as a message to readers. This article explains about A Good Advertisement Copy with discussion by Characteristics and Elements. It refers to all the reading cases of an advertisement, whether it is short or long, and includes the title, sub-title, text or body, an advertiser’s name or initials. An ad copy is sometimes known as “advertising message”. Also, learn A Good Advertisement Copy.

    Understand and Learn, A Good Advertisement Copy: Characteristics and Elements.

    Ad copy can be anything from a simple text to art form made of aesthetics or to a celebrity playing in the background or appearing in admirable music or ad in the background. A product or brand advertisement is done through many mediums. There are newspapers and magazines in which there are many pages of advertising.

    The advertisement in this form is known as the print media. Advertising can do through visual and audio media, which are usually television channels and radio channels. Regardless of how the advertisement is done, the jingles in the advertisements displayed or displayed in the words, serve as a continuous reminder for the brand and its products in our memory.

    An ad copy helps people targeted to an organization to communicate a specific message. Advertising copy plays an important role in taking marketing efforts for customers. Making an ad copy for print media and electronic media differs on different aspects. While print media ads have a positive effect on the position and appearance of the position, the electronic media is focused on catching people’s hearts within a few seconds of the allotted time.

    The Concept of the study Explains – A Good Advertisement Copy: Characteristics of a Good Advertisement Copy, and Elements of a Good Advertisement Copy.

    Characteristics of a Good Advertisement Copy:

    This article throws light on the few main characteristics of a good copy of the advertisement.

    The following characteristics are:

    • Attention Value.
    • Suggestive Value
    • Memorizing Value.
    • Conviction Value.
    • Sentimental Value.
    • Educational Value, and.
    • Instinctive Appeal Value.

    Now Explanation Each:

    Attention Value:

    The copy of an advertisement should so draft as to easily draw the attention of the prospects. This is the first requisite on which depends on the effectiveness of the ad­vertisement. Attraction can bring about by pictures, by the use of display types, borders, price quotations, reply coupons, etc. Which one or which of them will be most suitable depends on the individual condition of the product and the market.

    Suggestive Value:

    The suggestion as to the use and quality of the product makes a copy of the advertisement a good one. The re­peated use of a suggestion, a command or a slogan can do the trick. Coca-Cola, Pepsi are examples.

    Memorizing Value:

    The copy of the advertisement should so draft as to make it suitable to stick to the memory of the in­dividual reader. Repetition of the advertisement is an effective way of creating memorizing value. In any copy of advertise­ment of a branded product, the advertiser must stress the brand name repeatedly. (Vim, Coca-Cola, etc.).

    Conviction Value:

    Convincing arguments add value to a copy of the advertisement. To create the conviction value, the advertiser will have to avoid both extremes it should neither be a plain notice to the prospects announcing the availability of a certain product nor should it use flowery and high-flown language to advertise a product, without giving any tangible and appealing reasons why the customer should prefer the product to the rival products in the market.

    Sentimental Value:

    Sentiments play a very important role in any matter. In advertising, it must not overlook that the sentiments of those for whom the advertisement is primarily meant rouse or at least not injured or adversely affected.

    Educational Value:

    A copy of the advertisement, though is commercial, we must not forget that the advertise­ment should contain information that has some educational value. An advertisement not only retains an existing market but creates the market for the future. The copy of the advertisement should be informative and must contain in it the ingredients that will help people to change their habits in such as to be conducive to create additional demand.

    Instinctive Appeal Value:

    Certain instincts are ingrained in human beings. The copy of the advertisement should so draft as to encourage those instincts that are relevant for the product advertised. Advertising is essentially the motivation of the po­tential consumer and to activate the motivation, an appeal is of very great significance.

    Generally speaking, a good of advertis­ing should direct to:

    1. Self-preservation instinct,
    2. Hoarding instinct,
    3. The instinct for self-display,
    4. Parental in­stinct and,
    5. Something for nothing instinct (vague desire’ to get something without paying for it).

    Based on these basic instinctive appeals, the follow­ing themes may lay down for a copy of good advertisement: pride, beauty, health, economy, comfort, fear, parental affec­tion, patriotism, achievement, emulation, and imitation.

    The Elements of a Good Advertising Copy:

    The make-up or parts of the copy of the good advertisement or advertising can view from two aspects – elements below are:

    1. Advertising theme, and.
    2. Advertising layout.

    Now, explain each one;

    Advertising Theme:

    A theme represents a particular viewpoint or a central idea with which the message is conveyed to the consuming public. The theme involves a rational appeal based on human emotions, desires or sentiments. Such well-thought-out and specific appeals became effective in arousing desire and in initiating action on the part of consumers.

    Elements of Good Advertisement Copy – The following are the common themes used in advertising:

    The theme of beauty:

    The sales appeal for cosmetics, perfumeries, and toilet products are usually based upon the theme of beauty. Accordingly, the message of the advertisement contains expressions like “For romantic or charming appearance, use product A”, “Product B ensures alluring or exquisite complexion”, or “Care your hair with product C for the glossy glimpse and luxuriant growth.”

    The theme of pride:

    The sales message in the case of pieces of jewelry, radios, costly clothes, motor cars, and others is laid upon the theme of pride since the acquisition of such products deems as proud possessions on the part of buyers. For example, “Prestige car means A”, “Radio B adds decency to any home”, “Discerning people prefer fabric C”, or “X’s Jewellery adorns fashionable ladies.”

    The theme of health:

    Food products and drugs are advertising through reliance upon the theme of health. To take some examples, “Product A supplies boundless energy and vigor”, “Health brings happiness—and the key to health help by product B”, “Product C keeps you free from disease”, or “Eminent physicians prescribe D for cold and cough.”

    The theme of comfort:

    Products which aid in giving comfort to the people at work or home are advertising through the theme of comfort. Elec­trical fans, air-conditioning plants, refrigerators, and the likes belong to the group of products meant for providing comfort.

    The theme of the economy:

    This is a common appeal use in many cases for making bargaining purchase, for saving money or for protecting costly things from decay and destruction.

    The theme of fear:

    The theme of fear utilizes by insurance companies and safety-vault operators in expanding the demand for their services. Possible dangers and their consequences are presenting in the copy of advertising for initiating action on the part of their customers.

    The theme of emulation:

    The desire for imitation strongly implants in human nature. By giving illustrations and factual information as to what some distinguished persons do, the message of the advertisement may call for imitation on the part of others. To take one case, “The succ­essful men all over the globe use Blade A.”

    The theme of distinction:

    The desire for individual recognition, distinct social status, and superior community standing is inherent in human beings. As an outward mark of that distinction, selected products of very expensive nature are acquiring by a class of people who may be high-borns or aristocrats.

    The theme of affection:

    Baby foods, toys, and other playthings are advertising based on this theme. By directing appeal towards parental love, the copy of advertising becomes effective in securing action on the part of buyers.

    The theme of patriotism:

    The appeal for products of national origin is sometimes based upon national sentiments. For the prosperity of a nation and its citizens, the theme of patriotism makes out a case for using national products in preference to goods of foreign origin.

    Advertising Layout:

    The layout is the logical arrangement of compo­nents of an advertisement in the copy and deals with the systematic presentation of the message. The pattern of layout varies according to the medium to use.

    For newspapers and magazines, the presentation of the message is visible in written words and pictures; in radio, the presentation is audible in spoken words and sound effects; and in television, both audio and visual presentations are practicable. In all cases, balance and symmetry are of prime importance in presenting the message within the allotted space or time.

    Visual layout in any publication can divide into the following three parts:


    Headlines are using in bold letters for drawing atten­tion of the consuming public. The size and length of the headline must be appropriate to the general format and page size of the publication; it must also be in keeping with the theme of advertising and with the entire makeup of the copy.

    Usually, short headlines are giving stressing some facts, suggestions, prepositions or convictions. In magazines and trade journals, color printing adopts for headlines to make than more promi­nent and conspicuous.


    Illustrations are giving by way of pictures, symbols or photographs for drawing attention, creating interest as well as for arousing desire. Significant illustrations may be worth a thousand words in securing public reception for the product.

    But limits of decency must not exceed in presenting pictures or photographs which should always be in good taste. Obscene and objectionable pictures do more harm than good to the cause of advertisement.


    Texts provide the heart of the message of advertisements, and they are to weave around an advertising theme. For an individual copy, one theme is desirable; a multiplicity of themes creates confusion and weakens the strength of appeal. For presenting the text, different practices are following in the business world.

    In some cases, the text prefaces by a statement of the problem to the reader and follow by a solution thereof. In other cases, reading materials are presenting analytically with pertinent facts and data. Furthermore, the text may present by the use of a typeface in one copy or of hard lettering in another copy.

    A Good Advertisement Copy Characteristics and Elements - ilearnlot
    A Good Advertisement Copy: Characteristics and Elements #Pixabay,

  • A Good Advertisement Copy: Features, Types, and Benefits

    A Good Advertisement Copy: Features, Types, and Benefits

    The advertisement copy refers to the written contents of the advertisement including its text and headline. This article explains about A Good Advertisement Copy with discussion by Features, Types, and Benefits. It can refer to as the heart of advertising and should draft with utmost care; otherwise, all the money invested in carrying out the advertisement campaign will go to waste.

    Explanation and Learn, A Good Advertisement Copy: Features, Types, and Benefits.

    In the words of William J. Stanton “The copy in an advertisement is defined as the written or spoken material in it, including the headline, coupons and advertiser’s name, and address as well as the main body of the message”. Simply stated advertisement copy means the total structure relating to the message which the advertiser wants to convey by using any medium of advertisement.

    The advertisement copy should prepare in such a manner as to leave ever­lasting impression on the reader. The job of drafting the copy should entrust to an expert. The reader should not only read but understand and believe the contents given in the advertisement copy.

    It should properly work and cover every detail about the product. Various considerations or essentials of a properly drafted advertisement copy are as under.

    The Concept of the study Explains – A Good Advertisement Copy: Features of a Good Advertisement Copy, Types of a Good Advertisement Copy, and Benefits of a Good Advertisement Copy.

    The Features or Characteristics of a Good Advertisement Copy:

    These also know as salient features or characteristics of a good advertisement copy.

    It Should Be Simple:

    The first important ingredient of an advertisement copy is that it should write in simple language. It should be capable of proper understanding. They should not use ornamental and tough words rather short, simple and properly understandable words.

    It Should Be Capable Of Holding The Reader’s Attention:

    An advertisement copy should be capable of holding the attention of the reader. It should present in such a manner which attracts the consumer immediately.

    The following methods may undertake to hold the attention of the reader:

    • Headlines should properly word and attractive. It should be short and easy for the reader to remember.
    • Use of pictures and sketches should be in direct relation to the product to advertise. A good sketch and drawing will be greatly helpful in explaining the product.
    • An attractive border may insert around the advertisement copy to distinguish it from other advertisements. Underlining the keywords and leaving blank space at the bottom of the copy is also helpful in drawing the reader’s attention.
    • Quoting the price of the product in the advertisement copy is also helpful in holding the attention of a reader. This would be more helpful if the price of the commodity is low.
    • The insertion of reply coupons in the advertisement copy is also helpful in attracting the people.
    It Must Be Suggestive:

    The advertisement copy should be capable of suggesting the reader about the utility and use of the product. Effective slogans can use to give suggestions to people. For example, in case of camp Cola, it is written in the advertisement copy that “life is full of camp cola times”, similarly in case of State Bank of India, it is advertised, “protect your future with State Bank of India”. All these slogans have suggestive value. Suggestions may also give with the help of certain pictures in the advertisement copy.

    It Should Have Conviction Value:

    The advertisement copy shall be able to have an everlasting impression on the reader if the suggestions are backed by convincing arguments. The reader should not have any doubt on the quality of the product. He should fully convince and satisfied. Exaggeration in explaining the qualities’ of a product must check. An appeal about the outstanding features of the product must make. It should state in simple language so that the reader could understand easily.

    In the case of Chelpark fountain pen ink, it is written that it cleans your pen while writing, contains clean x for better pen protection. Similarly in case of Forhan’s toothpaste, “it is ideal for the gums” and “protects your teeth” some organizations assure “money-back guarantee” to convince the people about the quality of the products.

    It Should Educate The People:

    The advertisement copy should tell the people about the use and operation of a product. It should also impart new uses of a product with which the people are not familiar. An advertisement copy containing information about the use, sources from where the product can obtain, price and services available along with the product is greatly helpful in enhancing the demand and enlarging the sales.

    For example, in the case of Hawkin’s pressure cooker, a booklet is also given to the buyer containing methods of preparing various vegetables, soups, and puddings, etc. with the help of the cooker. Similarly, in case of a refrigerator, a booklet containing various directions about proper use and preservation of the refrigerator are giving.

    It Should Have Memorising Value:

    The advertisement copy should prepare in such a manner that a reader gets the everlasting impression about the product. It can successfully create by repeating the advertisement time and again. Repetition projects the permanent image of the product on the reader’s mind. Trademarks and brand names can use successfully for achieving this end. Dalda, Thums-up, Bournvita, and Surf have successfully achieved memorizing value. The names of these products are very common among people.

    It Should Be True:

    An advertisement copy should be truthful. It should not misrepresent and conceal the facts about the product. Rather it should lay down the limitations in the product. For example, a cloth merchant should specify the fading of color and shrinkage of yarn, if it is so. If these limitations are not brought to light, the buyer eventually comes to know about them after using the product. This will shatter the confidence of the buyer in the product and the very aim of the advertisement defeat.

    Types of a Good Advertisement Copy:

    As told earlier, the method or style of presentation is to do with how the message presents. It speaks of the different types of advertising copies to arrest, inform, impress and impel the reader; certain elements are to be present in a copy such as attention, suggestion, meaning, conviction, sentiment, education, and instinct.

    Good Advertisement Copy is classifying in several ways in their types. However, the most practical one is to classify into six types as:

    • Institutional.
    • Reason why?
    • Human interest.
    • Educational.
    • Suggestive and.
    • Expository.

    Now, explain each one;

    Institutional Copy:

    Institutional Copy neither sells nor the products neither the service but the name of the business house. The aim is to build the sound edifice of a reputation for the selling house. It seeks to build goodwill through its philosophy, objectives, and policies towards public so that the prospects remember it.

    Reason Why Copy:

    Reason Why Copy offers reasons as to why the customer expects to buy a product or service of the advertiser. It appeals straight to the intellect or the judgment of an individual than emotion or impulses. It attempts to prove the product superiority using evidence in the forms of performance test, records, testimonials, guarantees and the like.

    Human Interest Copy:

    Human Interest Copy appeals to the emotional and the senses than intellect and the judgment, sympathy, affection, love, fear, humor, curiosity and other emotional appeals are used to the sense of sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing.

    It tells about the product about the people instead of conforming to the facts about the products. It takes several forms of which four are very significant namely, “fear”, “humorous”, “story” and “predicament” copy.

    Suggestive Copy:

    Suggestive Copy tries to suggest or pinpoint or convey the message of the advertiser directly or indirectly to the readers. Much is left to the reader to infer the ad message. Like a poem, suggestive language is freely used where the hidden meaning is to pick by the readers. Such a copy can be “direct” or “indirect” suggestive copy. The first tells directly about the products or services of the company while the latter does indirectly.

    Expository Copy:

    Expository Copy is the open copy that exposes, unlike suggestive copy. It is so open that the facts are given in a very simple and clear way so that there is no need for interpretation. The information given is so clear and concise that hardly it takes the reader’s brain. It makes possible effortless grasp and acts.

    Advertisement Copy is the soul of an advertisement. An advertisement copy is all the written or spoken matter in an advertisement expressed in words or sentences and figures designed to convey the desired message to the target consumers.

    In print media, an advertisement copy is made-up of head-line, sub-headlines, the body of the copy, illustration logo-type, slogan, and the brand name. Strictly speaking, the written content of an ad copy is the product of the collective efforts of copy-writers, artists and the layout-men.

    As well as, Copywriter and artist must collaborate to provide an advertisement though copywriting precedes or succeeds the artwork and the layout.

    The Benefits of A Good Advertisement Copy:

    Whether a copy is effective or ineffective is a matter of personal judgment. It is very difficult to judge as its evaluation is purely subjective and perceptive. However, a good or effective copy is one that succeeds in reaching the target consumers to create favorable benefits towards the product and the producers, impelling an action on the part of the consumer to buy.

    A good advertisement copy has the following Benefits:

    It is brief:

    Brevity is the soul of wit. Most readers are interested in shorter advertisements. Being brief is not dropping words or chopping sentences. It is the meticulous work of eliminating and substituting the words without jeopardizing the meaning. This cuts to the core, it is to the point to cover all.

    It is clear:

    A clear copy is one which is easily and quickly read and grasped by the readers. It is unambiguous and self- explaining. It is one that clicks fast. Clarity gives clue to interpretation. How a copy is interpreted is dependent on factors like local traditions habits, customs, and nationality. Clarity adjusts to these points.

    It is apt:

    A copy is apt that matches the needs and counts of the prospects. Writing an apt copy is the art of putting in the words that create a strong desire to possess the product where the product features or the qualities satisfy the consumers’ desire to possess. The Copywriter is to place himself in the position of a customer to make it apt. He is to use the most suitable USP.

    It is personal:

    A personal copy is specific where generality dismisses to do away with ambiguity. A personalized copy centers on the prospect. It presents something of interest to the prospect. It’s an individualized appeal copy. It is written from “prospect” to “product” rather than “product” to “prospect”. The copy has “your attitude”.

    It is honest:

    Credibility or believability of an advertisement message is decided by the extent of honesty. An ad to be good must be truthful. Misleading and miss-presented facts made in the copy only damage the reputation of selling the house. One of the surest ways of winning the hearts of the consumers is, to be honest. “Honesty”, here, implies “commercial honesty” and not the “judicial”.

    It is conforming:

    Every ad copy is to conform to standards, rules, and regulations acceptable to the advertising media and the laws of the land. Anywhere in the world, no copy is acceptable to any media that offends the morality, declines decency and ravages religious susceptibilities of people.

    That is why; we have not come across ads on cigarettes and alcohols on radio and television. No advertiser can violate the provisions of the Act of Names and Emblems, Drugs Acts of 1940, 50, and 54.

    A Good Advertisement Copy Features Types and Benefits - ilearnlot
    A Good Advertisement Copy: Features, Types, and Benefits #Pixabay.