Tag: About

About: About stand used after verbs of the move and drive, such as travel, talk, speak, and trip. A definition is a statement of the means of a term (a word, word, or different units of symbols). You will gain using having a top or positive individual.

A desirable personal character will improve your potential to attain dreams and entire hard duties. If you have got an effective social person, you may stand depended on and even exist sought after through other human beings. By following the policies of your lifestyle or religion, you will match in and be normal within the group.

You will approximately through having a good person. Your precise personal person will help you obtain tough dreams and duties. A positive social individual permits you to be depended on and well-known with the aid of others. Following the rules of your way of life or faith consequences in being capable of matching in and being commonplace inside the organization.

  • What are Levels of Management?

    What are Levels of Management?

    An enterprise may have different levels of management. Levels of management refer to a line of demarcation between various managerial positions in an enterprise. The levels of management depend upon its size, technical facilities, and the range of production. We generally come across two broad levels of management, viz. (I) administrative management (i.e., the upper level of management) and (II) operating management (i.e., the lower level of management). Administrative management is concerned with “thinking” functions such as laying down policy, planning and setting up of standards. Operative management is concerned with the “doing” function such as an implementation of policies and directing the operations to attain the objectives of the enterprise.

    But in actual practice, it is difficult to draw any clear-cut demarcation between thinking function and doing function. Because the basic/fundamental managerial functions are performed by all managers irrespective of their levels or, ranks. For instance, wage and salary director of a company may assist in fixing wages and salary structure as a member of the Board of Directors, but as head of wages and salary department, his job is to see that the decisions are implemented.

    The real significance of levels is that they explain authority relationships in an organization.

    Considering the hierarchy of authority and responsibility, one can identify three levels of management namely

    (I) Top management of a company consists of owners/shareholders, Board of Directors, its Chairman, Managing Director, or the Chief Executive, or the General Manager or Executive Committee having key officers.

    (II) Middle management of a company consists of heads of functional departments viz. Purchase Manager, Production Manager, Marketing Manager, Financial controller, etc. and Divisional and Sectional Officers working under these Functional Heads.

    (III) Lower level or operative management of a company consists of Superintendents, Foremen, Supervisors, etc.

    1) Top management: Top management is the ultimate source of authority and it lays down goals, policies and plans for the enterprise. It devotes more time on planning and coordinating functions. It is accountable to the owners of the business of the overall management. It is also described as the policy making group responsible for the overall direction and success of all company activities.

    The important functions of top management include:

    (A) To establish the objectives or goals of the enterprise.

    (B) To make policies and frame plans to attain the objectives laid.

    (C) To set up an organizational framework to conduct the operations as per plans.

    (D) To assemble the resources of money, men, materials, machines and methods to put the plans into action.

    (E) To exercise effective control of the operations.

    (F) To provide overall leadership to the enterprise.

    2) Middle management: The job of middle management is to implement the policies and plans framed by the top management. It serves as an essential link between the top management and the lower level or operative management. They are responsible for the top management for the functioning of their departments. They devote more time on the organization and motivation functions of management. They provide the guidance and the structure for a purposeful enterprise. Without them, the top management’s plans and ambitious expectations will not be fruitfully realized.

    The following are the main functions of middle management:

    (A) To interpret the policies chalked out by top management.

    (B) To prepare the organizational set up in their own departments for fulfilling the objectives implied in various business policies.

    (C) To recruit and select suitable operative and supervisory staff.

    (D) To assign activities, duties, and responsibilities for timely implementation of the plans.

    (E) To compile all the instructions and issue them to supervisor under their control.

    (F) To motivate personnel to attain higher productivity and to reward them properly.

    (G) To cooperate with the other departments for ensuring a smooth functioning of the entire organization.

    (H) To collect reports and information on performance in their departments.

    (I) To report to top management.

    (J) To make suitable recommendations to the top management for the better execution of plans and policies.

    3) Lower or operative management: It is placed at the bottom of the hierarchy of management, and actual operations are the responsibility of this level of management. It consists of foreman, supervisors, sales officers, accounts officers and so on. They are in direct touch with the rank and file or workers. Their authority and responsibility are limited. They pass on the instructions of the middle management to workers.

    They interpret and divide the plans of the management into short-range operating plans. They are also involved in the process of decision-making. They have to get the work done through the workers. They a lot various jobs to the workers, evaluate their performance and report to the middle-level management. They are more concerned with direction and control functions of management. They devote more time in the supervision of the workers.

  • How to Compare Between Management and Administration?

    Compare Between Management and Administration

    How to Compare Between Management and Administration? The use of two terms management and administration has been a controversial issue in the management literature. Some writers do not see any difference between the two terms, while others maintain that administration and management are two different functions. Those who held management and administration distinct include Oliver Sheldon, Florence, and TEAD, Spriegel and Landsburg, etc. According to them, management is a lower-level function and is concerned primarily with the execution of policies laid down by the administration. But some English authors like Brech are of the opinion that management is a wider term including administration.

    This controversy is discussed as under in three heads:

    (I) The administration is concerned with the determination of policies and management with the implementation of policies. Thus, the administration is a higher level function.

    (II) Management is a generic term and includes administration.

    (III) There is no distinction between the terms management and administration and they are used interchangeably.

    (I) The administration is a Higher Level Function: Oliver Shelden subscribed to the first viewpoint. According to him, “Administration is concerned with the determination of corporate policy, the coordination of finance, production, and distribution, the settlement of the compass of the organization and the ultimate control of the executive. Management proper is concerned with the execution of policy within the limits set up by the administration and the employment of the organization in the particular objects before it… Administration determines the organization; management uses it. Administration defines the goals; management strives towards it.”

    Administration refers to policy-making whereas management refers to the execution of policies laid down by the administration. This view is held by TEAD, Spriegel, and Walter. The administration is the phase of business enterprise that concerns itself with the overall determination of institutional objectives and the policies unnecessary to be followed in achieving those objectives. The administration is a determinative function; on the other hand, management is an executive function which is primarily concerned with carrying out of the broad policies laid down by the administration. Thus, administration involves broad policy-making and management involves the execution of policies laid down by the administration as shown;

    A Table of Compare Between Management and Administration;

      Basis Administration Management
    1. Meaning The administration is concerned with the formulation of objectives, plans, and policies of the organization. Management means getting the work done through and with others.
    2. Nature of work Administration relates to the decision-making. It is a thinking function. Management refers to the execution of decisions. It is a doing function.
    3. Decision-Making Administration determines what is to be done and when it is to be done. Management decides who shall implement the administrative decisions.
    4. Status Administration refers to higher levels of management. Management is relevant at lower levels in the organization.

    (II) Management is a Generic Term: The second viewpoint regards management as a generic term including administration. According to Brech, “Management is a social process entailing responsibility for the effective and economical planning and regulation of the operation of an enterprise in fulfillment of a given purpose or task. The administration is that part of management which is concerned with the installation and carrying out of the procedures by which the program is laid down and communicated and the progress of activities is regulated and checked against plans.” Thus, Brech conceives administration as a part of management. Kimball and Kimball also subscribe to this view. According to them, the administration is a part of management. The administration is concerned with the actual work of executing or carrying out the objectives.

    (III) Management and Administration are Synonymous: The third viewpoint is that there is no distinction between the terms ‘management’ and ‘administration’. Usage also provides no distinction between these terms. The term management is used for higher executive functions like the determination of policies, planning, organizing, directing and controlling in the business circles, while the term administration is used for the same set of functions in the Government circles. So there is no difference between these two terms and they are often used interchangeably.

    It seems from the above concepts of administration and management that administration is the process of determination of objectives, laying down plans and policies, and ensuring that achievements are in conformity with the objectives. Management is the process of executing the plans and policies for the achievement of the objectives determined by an administration. This distinction seems to be too simplistic and superficial. If we regard chairmen, managing directors, and general managers as performing administrative functions, it cannot be said that they perform only planning functions of goal determination, planning, and policy formulation, and do not perform other functions such as staffing functions of selection and promotion, or directing functions of leadership, communication, and motivation. On the other hand, we cannot say that managers who are responsible for the execution of plans and formulation of plans and policies, etc. do not contribute to the administrative functions of goal determination, and formulation of plans and policies. In fact, all managers, whether the chief executive or the first line supervisor, are in some way or the other involved in the performance of all the managerial functions. It is, of course, true that those who occupy the higher echelons of organizational hierarchy are involved to a greater extent in goal determination, plans and policy formulation and organizing than those who are at the bottom of the ladder.

  • Nature of Management defined as Science, Art, and Profession

    Nature of Management defined as Science, Art, and Profession

    What is the nature of Management? Management has been conceptualized earlier in this lesson, as the social process by which managers of an enterprise integrate and coordinate its resources for the achievement of common, explicit goals. It has developed into a body of knowledge and a separately identifiable discipline during the past six decades. The practice of management as an art is, of course, as old as the organized human effort for the achievement of common goals.

    Here is the article that explains the Nature of Management defined as Science, Art, and Profession.

    Management has also acquired several characteristics of the profession during recent times. Large and medium-sized enterprises in India and elsewhere manage by professional managers; managers who have little or no share in the ownership of the enterprise and look upon management as a career. The nature of management as a science, as art and as a profession discuss below:

    Nature of Management defined as Science Art and Profession Image
    Nature of Management defined as Science, Art, and Profession; Image from Pixabay.

    Nature of Management as a Science:

    Development of management as a science is of recent origin, even though its practice is age-old. Fredrick W. Taylor was the first manager-theorist who made significant contributions to the development of management as a science. He used the scientific methods of analysis, observation, and experimentation in the management of production function. A perceptive manager, as he was, he distilled certain fundamental principles and propounded the theory and principles of scientific management.

    His work was followed by many others including Gantt, Emerson, Fayol, Barnard, etc. During the last few decades, great strides have been made in the development of management as a systematized body of knowledge that can learn, taught, and researched. It has also provided powerful tools for analysis, prediction, and control to practicing managers. The scientific character of management has been particularly strengthened by management scientists who have to develop mathematical models of decision making [Hindi].

    Other Words:

    Another characteristic of science in management is that it uses the scientific methods of observation, experimentation, and laboratory research. Management principles are firmly based on observed phenomena and systematic classification and analysis of data. These analyses and studies of observed phenomena use for inferring cause-effect relationships between two or more variables. Generalizations about these relationships result in hypotheses. The hypotheses when test and find to be true call principles.

    These principles, when applied to practical situations, help the practitioner in describing and analyzing problems, solving problems, and predicting the results. Even though management is science so far as to possess a systematized body of knowledge and uses scientific methods of research; it is not an exact science like natural sciences. This is simply because management is a social science, and deals with the behavior of people in the organization. The behavior of people is much more complex and variable than the behavior of inanimate things such as light or heat. This makes controlled experiments very difficult. As a result, management principles lack the rigor and exactitude; which find in physics and chemistry.

    Many natural sciences which deal with living phenomena such as botany and medicine are also not exact. Management is a social science like economics or psychology and has the same limitations which these and other social sciences have. But this does not in any way diminish the value of management as knowledge and discipline. It has provided powerful tools for analysis, prediction, and control to practicing managers and helped them in performing their material tasks more efficiently and effectively.

    Nature of Management as an Art:

    Just as an engineer uses the science of engineering while building a bridge, a manager uses the knowledge of management theory while performing his managerial functions. Engineering is a science; its application to the solution of practical problems is an art. Similarly, management as a body of knowledge and a discipline is a science; its application to the solution of organizational problems is an art.

    The practice of management, like the practice of medicine, is firmly ground in an identifiable body of concepts, theories, and principles. A medical practitioner, who does not base his diagnosis and prescription on the science of medicine, endangers the life of his patient. Similarly, a manager who manages without possessing the knowledge of management creates chaos and jeopardizes the well-being of his organization.

    Principles of management like the principles of medicine used by the practitioner not as rules of thumb but as guides in solving practical problems. It often says that managerial decision making involves a large element of judgment. This is true too. The raging controversy whether management is a science or an art is fruitless. It is a science as well as an art. Developments in the field of the knowledge of management help in the improvement of its practice; and improvements in the practice of management spur further research and study resulting in the further development of management science.

    Nature of Management as a Profession:

    We often hear of the professionalization of management in our country. By a professional manager, we generally mean a manager who undertakes management as a career and does not interest in acquiring ownership share in the enterprise which he manages. But, is management a profession in the true sense of the word? or, is management a profession like the professions of law and medicine?


    According to McFarland, a profession possesses the following characteristics:

    • A body of principles, techniques, skills, and specialized knowledge;
    • Formalized methods of acquiring training and experience;
    • The establishment of a representative organization with professionalization as its goal;
    • The formation of ethical codes for the guidance of conduct; and.
    • The charging fees based on the nature of services.

    Management is a profession to the extent it fulfills the above conditions. It is a profession in the sense that there a systematized body of management, and it is a distinct, identifiable discipline. It has also developed a vast number of tools and techniques. But unlike medicine or law, a management degree is not a prerequisite to becoming a manager. Most managers in India as elsewhere do not have a formal management education. It seems reasonable to assume that at no time shortly, the possession of a management degree will be a requirement for employment as a career manager.

    Management is also a profession in the sense that formalized methods of training are available to those who desire to be managers. We have several institutes of management and university departments of management that provide formal education in this field. Training facilities provide in most companies by their training divisions. Several organizations such as the Administrative Staff College of India, the Indian Institutes of Management, Management Development Institute, the All India Management Association, and the university departments of management offer a variety of short-term management training programs.

    More things:

    By the Nature of Management defined as a Profession is the third thing. Management partially fulfills the third characteristic of the profession. There are several representative organizations of management practitioners almost in all countries such as the All India Management Association in India, the American Management Association in the U.S.A., etc. However, none of them have professionalization of management as its goal.

    Management does not fulfill the last two requirements of a profession. There is no ethical code of conduct for managers as doctors and lawyers. Some individual business organizations, however, try to develop a code of conduct for their managers but there is no general and uniform code of conduct for all managers. Bribing public officials to gain favors, sabotaging trade unions, manipulating prices, and markets are by no means uncommon management practices. Furthermore, managers, in general, do not seem to adhere to the principle of “service above self”.

    However little regard pay to the elevation of service over the desire for monetary compensation evidence by switching jobs by managers. Indeed, such mobile managers regard as more progressive and modern than others. It may conclude from the above discussion that management is a science, art as well as a profession. As a social science, management is not as exact as natural sciences, and it is not as fully a profession like medicine and law.

  • What is Characteristics of Authority? with Theories Sources

    What is Characteristics of Authority? with Theories Sources

    Characteristics of Authority; First, Some remembering of what is the Authority? The power or right to give orders, make decisions and enforce obedience. The right to act in a specified way delegated from one person or organization to another. A person or organization having political or administrative power and control. The power to influence others, especially because of one’s commanding manner or one’s recognized knowledge about something.

    Here are explain; What is Characteristics of Authority? with Theories Sources.

    A person with extensive or specialized knowledge about a subject; an expert.

    Sources of Authority:

    There are broadly five theories regarding the sources from which authority originates. They are:

    • The formal authority theory.
    • Acceptance of authority theory.
    • The competence theory.
    • Traditional Authority.
    • Charismatic Authority.

    Brief explanations of the above three theories are given below;

    The formal authority theory:

    According to his theory, the authority flows top to bottom through the structure of an organization. In other words, the authority flows from the General Manager to his departmental manager and in turn, from the departmental manager to his superintendent and the like. This is explained in the following diagram.

    Board of Directors → General Manager → Sales Manager → Sales Representatives → Workers

    The Formal Authority Theory is otherwise called Traditional Authority Theory and Top-Down Authority Theory. In the case of a public limited company, the authority is in the hands of shareholders and they delegate their authority to top management, and in turn, a part of this authority is a delegate to the middle management.

    Acceptance of authority theory:

    Chester Bannard gave this theory. According to his theory, the authority flows from the superior to the subordinates whenever there is an acceptance on the part of the subordinates. The subordinates should accept the authority but there is no compulsion made by the superior. If the subordinates do not accept the command of their superior, then the superior cannot say to have any authority over them.

    According to Bannard,

    “An individual will accept the exercise of authority, if the advantages accruing to him from accepting plus the disadvantages accruing to him from not accepting exceed the advantages accruing to him from not accepting plus the disadvantages accruing to him for accepting and conversely, he will not accept the exercise of authority if the latter factors exceed the former.”

    The authority of a superior will be effective only when there is the willingness on the part of the subordinate to accept authority and ineffective when there is a lack of readiness to accept the authority on the part of the subordinate. The subordinate will not analyze every order of the superior to accept it or not. In fact, the subordinate without a second thought accepts certain orders of the superior. If the subordinate without any hesitation accepts the order of the superior, it is knowing as the zone of acceptance.

    A number of factors will determine a zone of acceptance:

    The following acceptance below are;

    • The subordinate believes that rewards will give to him in appreciation of his efforts and skills.
    • Sincere services of subordinate to the organization will reward.
    • A subordinate thinks that he has to accept the authority in a particular situation.
    • The non-acceptance of authority will result in dismissal of the subordinate from an organization.
    • It is also accepting on account of special knowledge that a man may possess.
    • There is no other way available than to accept authority.
    • It is the duty of the subordinate or it may be the policy of the organization to impose the authority.
    • It is the duty of the subordinate or it may be the policy of the organization to impose the authority.
    • People have confidence in the person giving orders.

    Competence theory:

    This type of authority is investing with the persons by virtue of the office hold by them. The personal power of this type of persons is based on the leadership qualities of the person concerned. In an organization, only one person gets a higher position than others in the course of time-based on leadership qualities possessed by him.

    Traditional Authority:

    In a family system, the father exercises traditional authority over members of the family. The traditional authority is generally following in the Indian family system. It is the father who guides the activities of the family and others obey out of respect and traditions.

    In the traditional form of authority, there is no formal law or structured discipline and relationships are governed by personal loyalty and faithfulness rather than compulsions of rules and regulations or duties of the office.

    Charismatic Authority:

    The charismatic authority rests on the personal charisma of a leader who commands the respect of his followers. The personal traits such as good looks, intelligence, integrity, etc., influence others and people follow the dictates of their leaders because of such traits.

    The people follow the leader because they feel that he will help them in achieving their goals. The charismatic leaders are generally good orators and have a hypnotic effect on the followers. The religious leaders and political leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, John F. Keneddy of America come under this category.

    The Charismatic phenomena also extend to film actors, actresses, and war heroes. Film actors and actresses have been successful in raising huge funds for calamities etc. because of their charismatic personalities. Even political parties associate actors and actresses with them to collect crowds for their rallies. People follow some leaders/persons because of their charismatic personalities and not because of any other factor.

    What is Characteristics of Authority with Theories Sources
    What is Characteristics of Authority? with Theories Sources! #Pixabay.

    Characteristics of Authority:

    The characteristics of authority are briefly explain below;

    • The basis of getting things done the right to take actions towards completion: Authority gives a right to do things in an organization and affect the behavior of other workers of the organization. It leads to the performance of certain activities for the accomplishment of the defined objectives automatically.
    • Legitimacy-positional authority: Authority implies a legal right (within the organization itself) available to superiors. This type of right arises due to the tradition followed in an organization, custom or accepted standards of authenticity. The right of a manager to affect the behavior of his subordinates is giving to him on the basis of an organizational hierarchy.
    • Decision–making the freedom and right to make choices of action: Decision-making is a Pre-requisite of an authority. The manager can command his subordinates to act or not act. This type of decision takes by the manager regarding the functioning of an office.
    • Implementation as a consequence of the position hold: Implementation influences the personality factors of the manager, who is empowering to use authority. The subordinates or group of subordinates should follow the instructions of the manager regarding the implementation of decisions. The personality factor of one manager may differ from another manager.
  • What is the authority? Introduction, Meaning, and Definition

    What is the authority? Introduction, Meaning, and Definition

    Authority is a legal power which is possessed by a person from his superior officers and with the help of which he succeeds in getting the things done by his sub-ordinates. Authority is the key to managerial functions. If the managers do not possess the required authorization, they will not be able to perform their duties properly.

    Here are explain; What is the authority? Introduction, Meaning, and Definition.

    A manager is in a position to influence his subordinates only by the use of his authority. It is the authorization which enables him to discharge the important functions of planning, coordination, motivation and controlling, etc. in an enterprise.

    If proper authorization is not vesting in him, he cannot perform. These functions in the required manner and he cannot hold responsible for all these functions in the absence of proper authorities. It is only the authorities by virtue of which he dominates his subordinates and gets work done by them.

    The word authority (derived from the Latin word Auctoritas) can use to mean the right to exercise power given by the State (in the form of government, judges, police officers, etc.), or by academic knowledge of an area (someone that can be an authority on a subject).

    What is the authority Introduction Meaning and Definition
    What is authority? Introduction, Meaning, and Definition #Pixabay.

    The power or right to give orders, make decisions and enforce obedience. The right to act in a specified way delegated from one person or organization to another. A person or organization having political or administrative power and control. The power to influence others, especially because of one’s commanding manner or one’s recognized knowledge about something. A person with extensive or specialized knowledge about a subject; an expert.

    Meaning of authority:

    Authority is the power to make decisions, which guide the action of others. A delegation of authorization contributes to the creation of an organization. No single person is in a position to discharge all the duties in an organization. In order to finish the work in time, there is a need to delegate authorization and follow the principles of division of labor. Delegation permits a person to extend his influence beyond the limits of his own personal time, energy, and knowledge. It is the “right of decision and command.” Theories Sources with Characteristics of Authority.

    Definition of authority:

    The Following definitions below are from different authors;

    According to Henry Fayol,

    “Authority is the right to give orders and the power to exact obedience.”

    According to Koontz and O’Donnell,

    “Authority is the power to command others to act or not to act, in a manner deemed by the possessor of the authority to further enterprises or departmental purposes.”

    According to Terry,

    “Authority is the power to exact others to take actions considered appropriate for the achievement of a predetermined objective.”

    According to Barnard,

    “Authority is the character of a communication (order) in a formal organization by virtue of which it is accepted by a contributor to or member of the organization as governing the action he contributes. That is, as governing or determining what he does or is not to do so far as the organization is concerned.”

    While concluding the meaning of authority it can say that authorities in the ordinary sense of the term are nothing more than a legal right. It empowers an individual to make decisions. He is giving a right to command and to exercise control over. Those who are responsible for the execution of policies and programs of the enterprise. For decisions take the authorizing person is holding responsible and is made answerable to his superiors and the organization as a whole.

  • What are the Principles of Directing?

    What are the Principles of Directing?

    Learn, Explain, What are the Principles of Directing?

    First, Some know about of Directing; Directing is said to be a process in which the managers instruct, guide and oversee the performance of the workers to achieve predetermined goals. Directing is said to be the heart of management process. Planning, organizing, staffing have got no importance if direction function does not take place. Directing initiates action and it is from here actual work starts. The direction is said to be consisting of human factors. 

    What is a Directing? A basic management function that includes building an effective work climate and creating an opportunity for motivation, supervising, scheduling, and disciplining.

    The Meaning of Directing!

    Directing means giving instructions, guiding, counseling, motivating and leading the staff in an organization in doing work to achieve Organisational goals. Directing is a key managerial function performing by the manager along with planning, organizing, staffing and controlling. From top executive to supervisor performs the function of directing and it takes place accordingly wherever superior-subordinate relations exist. Directing is a continuous process initiated at the top level and flows to the bottom through organizational hierarchy.

    In simple words, it can describe as providing guidance to workers is doing work. In a field of management, the direction is said to be all those activities which are designed to encourage the subordinates to work effectively and efficiently. According to Human, “Directing consists of process or technique by which instruction can be issued and operations can carry out as originally planned” Therefore, Directing is the function of guiding, inspiring, overseeing and instructing people towards the accomplishment of organizational goals.

    Now, Here are Principles of Directing:

    The Following are the Principles of Directing:-

    I. Harmony of objectives:

    Individuals have their own objectives. An organization also has its own objectives. The management should coordinate the individual objectives with Organization objectives. Direction should be such that individuals can integrate their objectives with Organization objectives.

    II. Maximum individual contribution:

    Every member’s contribution is necessary for the organization’s development. Hence the management should adopt a technique of direction which enables maximum contribution by the members.

    III. Unity of direction or command:

    An employee should receive orders and instructions only from one superior. If not so, there would be indiscipline and confusion among the subordinates and disorder will ensue.

    IV. Efficiency:

    The subordinates should participate in the decision-making process so that they would have a sense of commitment. This will ensure implementation of decisions and will increase the efficiency of subordinates.

    V. Direct supervision:

    Managers should have the direct relationship with their subordinates. Face to face communication and personal touch with subordinates will ensure successful direction.

    VI. Feedback: 

    The Direction does not end with issuing orders and instructions to subordinates. Suggestions given by subordinates are necessary for the development of management. So the development of feedback system furnishes reliable ideas to the management.

    VII. Effective communication:

    The superior must ensure that plans, policies, and responsibilities are fully understood by the subordinates in the right direction.

    VIII. Appropriateness of direction technique:

    There are three direction techniques available to the management. They are authoritarian, consultative and free rein. But the direction techniques should select according to the situation.

    IX. Effective control:

    The management should monitor the behavior and performance of subordinates to exercise effective control over them. Effective control ensures effective direction. Also, What are Nature and Characteristics of Leadership?

    X. Comprehension:

    The extent of understanding by subordinates is more important than what and how orders are communicating to them. This is very useful in the proper direction of subordinates.

    XI. Follow through:

    A direction is a continuous process. Mere issuing orders or an instruction is not an end itself. The direction is necessary. Hence the management should watch whether the subordinates follow the orders and whether they face difficulties in carrying out the orders or instructions.

    Also, Some extra info on Directing!

    Directing is a process of the top-down approach. It is a vertical process in which orders come from the top for the subordinates to follow. Directing is person-centric. That’s why we often see that one boss is very effective because of his proper directions and the other one is not so effective because of his wrong way of handling things.

    Also, the direction is a management function performing by top-level officials of management. Directing, through the top-down approach, is actually a two-way approach, i.e. orders come top down, and the feedback goes bottom up. The direction is necessary to achieve proper implementation of goals. Direction consists of processes and techniques utilized in issuing instructions and making certain that operations are carried out as originally planned.

    Also, like to read it; The definitions of all the Seven Processes of Scientific Management; Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Motivating, Controlling.

    What are the Principles of Directing - ilearnlot
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  • What is The Importance of Management? Explanation

    Every business needs a direction. This direction is given by Management. The resources will be converted into production, which has good quality, quantity, on-time delivery, which will result in customer satisfaction. So, what is the question going to study; What is The Importance of Management? Explanation.

    Here is the Explanation; What is The Importance of Management?

    The following factors for you to study, in order to become good managers.

    • Management meets the challenge of change: Only an efficient management can save the business from the dangers brought in by the challenges of change.
    • The accomplishment of group goals: The proper planning of available resources, adjusting possibility of the business unit with the existing business environment, quality of decision taken and control made by business unit are the factors responsible for achieving the objectives/goals.
    • Effective utilization of resources: As explained above.
    • Effective functioning of business: Ability, experience, mutual understanding, coordination, motivation, and supervision are the factors responsible for the effective functioning of the business.
    • Resource development: The resources viz. men, machines, materials, and money have to be developed by the management.
    • Sound organizational structure: It clearly defines the authority and responsibility relationship of employees. Care must be taken to appoint the right persons to the right job.
    • Management directs the organization: Similar to human mind directing and controlling human body, management directs and controls the organization.
    • It integrates various interests: Management takes steps to integrate various interests of employees working in the organization.
    • It stabilizes the fluctuations: The business always has ups and downs. These fluctuations are stabilized by the management.
    • It innovates: New innovative ideas are implemented in the organization.
    • Coordination and team spirit: Management coordinates the activities of different departments and establishes team spirit.
    • Tackling and solving problems: Good management acts as a friend and guide to the employees to solve the day-to-day problems for effective performance.
    • Management is a tool for personality development: New methods and techniques are taught to workers. Training facilities are arranged by the management. Thus, there is personality development in the employees.

    Note: You will be read Importance of Management, also reading Functions of Management by Henri Fayol, 14 Principles of Management by Henri Fayol. Do you know what is Five M’s in the Business?

  • Asian Top Countries Ranked by Military Power (2016)

    Asian Top Countries Ranked by Military Power (2016)

    This is a list of countries by Military Strength Index based on the GFP database Asia Pacific report. The factors under consideration for military strength and their total weights are a number of active personnel in the army, tanks, attack helicopters, aircraft, aircraft carriers, and submarines. The Military Strength Indicator introduced by GFP database includes only the strongest militaries and does not account for the actual training that the militaries may have.

    The Asia Pacific region is embroiled in a full-fledged arms race with new programs being funded and alliances being forged. The GFP ranking makes use of over 40 factors to determine each nation’s Power Index score.

    There are is the total of 33 countries of the Asia Pacific region represented by the GFP database.


    1.  0.0964 – Russia
    2.  0.0988 – China
    3.  0.1661 – India
    4.  0.2466 – Japan
    5.  0.2623 – Turkey
    6.  0.2824 – South Korea
    7.  0.3246 – Pakistan
    8.  0.3354 – Indonesia
    9.  0.3684 – Vietnam
    10.  0.3958 – Taiwan

    Military Countries Power (2016) All rating by GFP Power Index rating

    Military Power (2016) By GFP rank other countries list; 11. 0.4068 – Thailand, 12. 0.4209 – Australia, 13. 0.4442 – North Korea, 14. 0.6584 – Myanmar, 15. 0.6679 – Malaysia, 16. 0.8384 – Uzbekistan, 17. 0.8661 – Philippines, 18. 0.8683 – Bangladesh, 19. 0.8722 – Kazakhstan, 20. 0.9349 – Azerbaijan, 21. 1.0241 – Singapore, 22. 1.0611 – Afghanistan, 23. 1.5148 – Georgia, 24. 1.6268 – Sri Lanka, 25. 1.6722 – Turkmenistan, 26. 1.7981 – Mongolia, 27. 1.8224 – Cambodia, 28. 1.9113 – Armenia, 29. 1.9741 – Nepal, 30. 2.0791 – New Zealand, 31. 2.3158 – Kyrgyzstan, 32. 2.4322 – Tajikistan, and 33 2.8947 – Laos.

    Note: Global Firepower (GFP) continues to provide its unique analytical display of data concerning modern military powers. Over 125 powers are considered in the ranking which allows for a broad spectrum of comparisons to be achieved concerning relative military strengths.


  • Top Countries for Military Expenditure

    Top Countries for Military Expenditure

    Discover the top countries for military expenditure and their strategic objectives. Explore the defense budgets and military capabilities of nations around the world. Military expenditure is a significant indicator of a country’s military strength and strategic priorities.

    Top Countries for Military Expenditure

    Here are some of the top countries based on their military expenditure, along with insights on their strategic objectives and defense budgets:

    United States

    The United States consistently ranks as the country with the highest military expenditure. With a defense budget that far exceeds that of any other nation, the U.S. allocates a significant portion of its budget to funding its military. This includes maintaining a large and technologically advanced armed forces, ensuring global presence with numerous military bases worldwide, and continuous investments in cutting-edge defense technology. The U.S. also invests heavily in nuclear capabilities, missile defense systems, and cyber defense.


    China’s military spending has seen a rapid increase over the past few decades, reflective of its growing economic power and strategic ambitions. China’s defense expenditure supports its goal of modernizing its military forces, including the development of stealth aircraft, naval expansion featuring aircraft carriers, and advancements in missile technology. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is also focusing on cyber warfare and space capabilities as part of its comprehensive strategy to fortify its regional and global military position.


    India’s military expenditure is driven by its strategic challenges, including border tensions with neighboring countries like Pakistan and China. The defense budget aims to modernize its armed forces, procure new weapons systems, and enhance its naval and air capabilities. India also focuses on indigenous defense manufacturing under initiatives like “Make in India,” aimed at reducing dependency on foreign arms imports. Counter-terrorism and internal security measures also consume a significant portion of its defense budget.


    Russia maintains a high level of military spending to ensure it remains a global military power. The country’s defense budget supports extensive modernization programs for its military. Including the development of advanced missile systems, nuclear capabilities, and electronic warfare tools. Russia’s military doctrine emphasizes strategic deterrence and maintaining a robust response capability to any external threats. Military engagements in Syria and Ukraine also reflect its strategy of asserting influence and protecting national interests.

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia’s military expenditure is among the highest in the world. Primarily influenced by regional security concerns, including the conflict in Yemen and tensions with Iran. The kingdom’s defense budget funds a well-equipped military with advanced weaponry, much of which is imported from the United States and Europe. Additionally, Saudi Arabia is investing in developing its domestic defense industry to enhance its self-reliance in defense production.

    United Kingdom

    The United Kingdom allocates significant resources to defense to ensure it remains a key player in global security. The UK’s defense budget supports its commitments to NATO, including nuclear deterrence through its Trident submarine fleet. It also invests in maintaining a strong conventional military force, with capabilities spanning land, sea, and air. Recent defense strategies also emphasize cyber defense, space capabilities, and addressing emerging threats.


    Germany has increased its military spending in recent years to meet NATO’s defense spending targets and address new security challenges in Europe. The German defense budget includes significant investments in modernizing its armed forces, enhancing rapid deployment capabilities, and participating in multinational defense initiatives within the EU and NATO frameworks. Germany is also focusing on improving its cyber defense and intelligence capabilities.


    Japan’s military expenditure aligns with its post-World War II pacifist constitution, focusing primarily on self-defense and regional security. However, recent years have seen Japan gradually expanding its defense capabilities in response to regional threats. Including North Korea’s missile programs and China’s growing military presence in the East China Sea. Japan invests heavily in missile defense systems, maritime security, and advanced technology for its Self-Defense Forces.

    South Korea

    South Korea invests heavily in its military due to the ongoing threat from North Korea. The defense budget includes funding for advanced weapon systems, missile defense, and cyber capabilities. South Korea is also increasing its investments in indigenous defense manufacturing to reduce reliance on foreign arms. The country’s military strategy focuses on deterrence, rapid response capabilities, and maintaining a technological edge over potential adversaries.


    France maintains high military spending to support its global military commitments and its role as a key NATO member and EU security actor. The French defense budget funds a range of capabilities, including nuclear deterrence, counter-terrorism operations, and peacekeeping missions. France also invests in modernizing its armed forces, developing cyber defense capabilities, and maintaining a strong presence in international defense collaborations.

    The data on military expenditure can vary based on sources and methods of calculation. But these countries consistently feature among the top spenders in terms of defense budgets. Their substantial investments reflect a combination of strategic priorities, geopolitical challenges, and commitments to maintaining regional and global security.

    Military Expenditure Comparison: Side-By-Side

    Below is a comparison of some of the top countries based on their military expenditure. Highlighting their strategic objectives and defense budgets:

    CountryMilitary ObjectivesDefense Spending
    United StatesGlobal presence, technological advancement, nuclear capabilities, cyber defenseHighest in the world, extensive budget
    ChinaModernization, regional dominance, naval expansion, cyber warfare, space capabilitiesRapid increase, substantial budget
    IndiaBorder security, modernization, indigenous defense manufacturing, counter-terrorismSignificant budget, growing investment
    RussiaStrategic deterrence, modernization, electronic warfare, regional influenceHigh level, extensive modernization
    Saudi ArabiaRegional security, advanced weaponry, domestic defense industryAmong highest, large imports
    United KingdomNATO commitments, nuclear deterrence, conventional and emerging threatsSignificant investment, comprehensive
    GermanyNATO defense targets, rapid deployment, EU initiatives, cyber defenseIncreased spending, modernization focus
    JapanSelf-defense, regional security, missile defense systems, maritime securityGrowing investment, technology-driven
    South KoreaDeterrence, rapid response, advanced weapon systems, indigenous defense manufacturingHigh expenditure, technological edge
    FranceGlobal commitments, NATO member, nuclear deterrence, cyber defense, peacekeepingConsistent investment, modernization

    Their substantial investments reflect a combination of strategic priorities, geopolitical challenges, and commitments to maintaining regional and global security.

  • Functions of Management by Henri Fayol

    Elements of Management by Henri Fayol

    Writer’s regarded the elements of management as the functions of management. He said that management should be viewed as a process consisting of five elements. You will Know about “14 Principles of Management by Henri Fayol” & also read “Nature and Characteristics of Management”.

    Fayol’s five Elements They are;

    • Planning.
    • Organising.
    • Commanding.
    • Coordination.
    • Controlling.

    He has regarded planning as the most important managerial function. Creation of organization structure and commanding function is necessary to execute plans. Coordination is necessary to make sure that everyone is working together, and control looks whether everything is proceeding according to the plan.

    These are Fayol’s five functions of management;


    Planning is looking ahead. According to Henri Fayol, drawing up a good plan of action is the hardest of the five functions of management. This requires an active participation of the entire organization. With respect to time and implementation, planning must be linked to and coordinated on different levels. Planning must take the organization’s available resources and flexibility of personnel into consideration as this will guarantee continuity.


    An organization can only function well if it is well-organized. This means that there must be sufficient capital, staff, and raw materials so that the organization can run smoothly and that it can build a good working structure. The organizational structure with a good division of functions and tasks is of crucial importance. When the number of functions increases, the organization will expand both horizontally and vertically. This requires a different type of leadership. Organizing is an important function of the five functions of management.


    When given orders and clear working instructions, employees will know exactly what is required of them. Return from all employees will be optimized if they are given concrete instructions with respect to the activities that must be carried out by them. Successful managers have integrity, communicate clearly and base their decisions on regular audits. They are capable of motivating a team and encouraging employees to take initiative.


    When all activities are harmonized, the organization will function better. Positive influencing of employees behavior is important in this. Coordination, therefore, aims at stimulating motivation and discipline within the group dynamics. This requires clear communication and good leadership. Only through positive employee behavior management can the intended objectives be achieved.


    By verifying whether everything is going according to plan, the organization knows exactly whether the activities are carried out in conformity with the plan.

    Control takes place in a four-step process:

    • Establish performance standards based on organizational objectives.
    • Measure and report on actual performance.
    • Compare results with performance and standards.
    • Take corrective or preventive measures as needed.

    Each of these steps is about solving problems in a creative manner. Finding a creative solution is often more difficult than discovering what the problem is than making choices or the decision-making process. It starts with creating an environmental analysis of the organization and it ends with evaluating the results of the implemented solution.