Project Management

Problems of Highway Engineering Project Management

With the continuous development of our country’s social economy, the development of highway engineering project cost management is getting faster and faster. To a certain extent, the quality of engineering project construction has stood greatly improved. And it has also provided strong comprehensive competitiveness for enterprises.

Here are the articles to explain, Application Thinking of Cost Management in Highway Engineering Project Management

This article will first analyze the content and existing problems of highway engineering project cost management. And then focus on how to effectively carry out cost management.

Main Keywords: engineering construction project; cost management; measure

Content of cost management in highway engineering construction management

Cost supervision

It is necessary to carry out cost management for each link. Such as cost management in procurement, design, and entrustment; as the expenses spent in each link. The payment of project funds and the payment progress of the project need to effectively supervise. It is necessary to ensure that regular and quantitative capital payments can make every month according to the actual engineering situation. A complete cost report must also prepare, and the audit work of the project must also be completed.

Formulation and adjustment of cost plan

First of all, it is necessary to cooperate with relevant departments to establish a harmonious cooperative relationship. And to complete consulting, analysis and coordination work carefully. Every decision-making and adjustment project needs to consider cost factors.

Secondly, in response to the changes formed by the project, a series of cost changes cause by predicting. Analyzing the target and changing the environment, at the same time. It is necessary to properly adjust the cost plan, including all the cost compensation issues. Coordinate and adjust, and finally solve the problem.

Finally, an in-depth analysis of the problems of overspending and saving that occurred at the technical and economic level, taking the overall cost as the biggest starting point, and continuously optimizing the technology, quality, progress, and construction period of the project.

Cost management measures in highway engineering project management

Cost management before project construction

(1) labor cost

In addition to doing a good job in market research, the relevant staff must also analyze the characteristics of the construction project, and finally calculate the labor costs of each part of the summary. The construction team should control the labor cost according to the previously set labor cost standard. That is to say, it must ensure that the total labor cost of the production value realized by the construction team in one year is greater. Then the total salary of the construction personnel is in one year. Otherwise, the control of labor costs will consider failing.

(2) Machinery fee

In the project cost accounting content of the entire highway engineering construction, the mechanical cost is a very important content. When calculating the mechanical cost, the relevant staff must perform corresponding calculations according to the different machines. To complete the control of machinery costs, it is necessary to minimize the number of machinery shifts consumed during the construction process, rationally allocate machinery and construction organizations, and make good use of machinery and equipment to the greatest extent.

In addition, it is necessary to regularly check the construction equipment and do a good job in the repair and maintenance of the equipment, to prevent major problems in the equipment and increase the maintenance cost, minimize the idleness and improper use of the equipment, and control the fuel consumption of the equipment most effectively.

(3) Management fee

The management expenses generally include the management of the project department and the management of the site. The management of the site mainly calculates according to the management personnel, climate conditions, site environment, and the professional quality of the relevant management personnel. Management expenses mainly include the salaries of management personnel, business entertainment expenses, travel expenses, fixed asset usage fees, office expenses, and labor protection expenses. cost.

(4) Material fee

Among all the price factors, the material cost is the most variable price. And it is also a relatively large factor in the changes. In the change of material price, the change is generally based on the continuous change of supply and demand. If you want to ensure that the price of the material is more reasonable. The relevant staff must conduct serious research on the market and have a certain grasp of the market situation. After that, the material price will be reasonably determined.

Purchasing personnel must first determine the number of materials required for construction, and control the amount of cement. And steel issues during construction, and use the method of basic consumption plus reasonable loss for settlement. In addition, it is necessary to reasonably determine the price of materials. Lower material prices can also reduce the cost of materials. When purchasing materials, multiple suppliers should select, and strive to purchase. At the best price under the premise of ensuring the quality of materials.

Cost management in the process of project construction

(1) Contract management

In cost management, contract management, as a common management method, mainly establishes contract management based on resources. Which will have a strong binding force on the cost management of both parties. And finally, put its cost management in the project In the construction of the project, a specific implementation is carried out. To continuously strengthen and manage the progress and quality of the construction.

(2) Construction process cost management

During the construction process of highway construction projects, construction personnel must follow the planned cost and cost forecast and cost accounting in each project, and strictly follow the requirements of statistical accounting, business accounting, and accounting. Carefully analyze the process of project cost formation and the high and low factors that affect the cost level, and strive to improve the operation and management model. Only in this way can the construction cost continuously reduce.

Cost management in the late stage of project construction

In the later stage of highway engineering construction, the construction enterprises must conduct a very systematic summary of cost management, and analyze the cost management measures suitable for each enterprise, to formulate cost management standards that are in line with the actual situation of the unit. It can provide the basis for cost management in the future. Which can not only effectively increase the grasp of bidding competition. But also significantly increase the breadth and depth of highway engineering project management.


To sum up, the main purpose of cost management in highway engineering projects is to scientifically and rationally arrange manpower, material, and financial resources, and to seek maximum operating benefits. Taking the value principle as a guide, dynamic management and scientific decision-making Effectively combine and implement all relevant measures in cost management. So that the cost of project construction can effectively manage and the stable development of highway engineering projects can promote.

Problems of Highway Engineering Project Management; Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash.

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