The Principles of Effective Directing or Direction!


Learn, Explain the Principles of Effective Directing or Direction!

The Directing is the main function of the Management. The following are the basic principles of effective directing or direction: Harmony of Objectives, Unity of Command, Unity of Direction, Direct Supervision, Participative or Democratic Management, Effective Communication, and Follow-Up. Management is the art of getting things done through others. One of the main functions of a manager is to direct subordinates effectively. Directing is concerned with carrying out the desired plans. It initiates organized and planned action and ensures effective performance by subordinates towards the accomplishment of group activities. Also learned, Importance of Directing, Now Discuss of The Principles of Effective Directing or Direction!

The direction is called management in action. In the words of Theo Haimann, “In order to make any managerial decision really meaningful, it is necessary to convert it into effective action, which the manager accomplishes by directing. Without this managerial function nothing or at best very little is likely to come about. Related question: What are the Techniques of Directing?

Planning, organizing, and staffing can be considered preparatory managerial functions the purpose of controlling are to find out whether or not the goals are being achieved. The connecting and actuating link between these functions is the managerial function of directing, which means the issuance of directives and the guidance and overseeing of subordinates.”

The Principles of Effective Directing or Direction:

Effective direction leads to the greater contribution of subordinates to organization goals. The directing function of management can be effective only when certain well-accepted principles are followed.

The following are the basic principles of effective directing or direction:

  • Harmony of Objectives,
  • Unity of Command,
  • Unity of Direction,
  • Direct Supervision,
  • Participative or Democratic Management,
  • Effective Communication, and
  • Follow-Up.

Now Explain:

1. Harmony of Objectives:

It is an essential function of management to make the people realize the objectives of the group and direct their efforts towards the achievement of their objectives. The interest of the group must always prevail over individual interest. The principle implies harmony of personal interest and common interest. Effective direction fosters the sense of belongingness among all subordinates in such a way that they always identify themselves with the enterprise and tune their goals with those of the enterprise.

2. Unity of Command:

This principle states that one person should receive orders from only one superior, in other words, one person should be accountable to only one boss. If one person is under more than one boss then there can be contradictory orders and the subordinate fails to understand whose order to be followed. In the absence of unity of command, the authority is undermined, discipline weakened, loyalty divided and confusion and delays are caused.

3. Unity of Direction:

To have effective direction, there should be one head and one plan for a group of activities having the same objectives. In other words, each group of activities having the same objectives must have one plan of action and must be under the control of one supervisor.

4. Direct Supervision:

The directing function of management becomes more effective if the superior maintains direct personal contact with his subordinates. Direct supervision infuses a sense of participation among subordinates that encourages them to put in their best to achieve the organizational goals and develop an effective system of feedback of information.

5. Participative or Democratic Management:

The function of directing becomes more effective if the participative or democratic style of management is followed. According to this principle, the superior must act according to the mutual consent and the decisions reached after consulting the subordinates. It provides the necessary motivation to the workers by ensuring their participation and acceptance of work methods.

6. Effective Communication:

To have effective direction, it is very essential to have an effective communication system which provides for free flow of ideas, information, suggestions, complaints, and grievances.

7. Follow-up:

In order to make direction effective, a manager has to continuously direct, guide, motivate and lead his subordinates. A manager has not only to issue orders and instructions but also to follow-up the performance so as to ensure that work is being performed as desired. He should intelligently oversee his subordinates at work and correct them whenever they go wrong.

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