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What are the Principles of Directing?

What are the Principles of Directing - ilearnlot

Learn, Explain, What are the Principles of Directing?

First, Some know about of Directing; Directing is said to be a process in which the managers instruct, guide and oversee the performance of the workers to achieve predetermined goals. Directing is said to be the heart of management process. Planning, organizing, staffing have got no importance if direction function does not take place. Directing initiates action and it is from here actual work starts. The direction is said to be consisting of human factors. 

What is a Directing? A basic management function that includes building an effective work climate and creating an opportunity for motivation, supervising, scheduling, and disciplining.

The Meaning of Directing!

Directing means giving instructions, guiding, counseling, motivating and leading the staff in an organization in doing work to achieve Organisational goals. Directing is a key managerial function performing by the manager along with planning, organizing, staffing and controlling. From top executive to supervisor performs the function of directing and it takes place accordingly wherever superior-subordinate relations exist. Directing is a continuous process initiated at the top level and flows to the bottom through organizational hierarchy.

In simple words, it can describe as providing guidance to workers is doing work. In a field of management, the direction is said to be all those activities which are designed to encourage the subordinates to work effectively and efficiently. According to Human, “Directing consists of process or technique by which instruction can be issued and operations can carry out as originally planned” Therefore, Directing is the function of guiding, inspiring, overseeing and instructing people towards the accomplishment of organizational goals.

Now, Here are Principles of Directing:

The Following are the Principles of Directing:-

I. Harmony of objectives:

Individuals have their own objectives. An organization also has its own objectives. The management should coordinate the individual objectives with Organization objectives. Direction should be such that individuals can integrate their objectives with Organization objectives.

II. Maximum individual contribution:

Every member’s contribution is necessary for the organization’s development. Hence the management should adopt a technique of direction which enables maximum contribution by the members.

III. Unity of direction or command:

An employee should receive orders and instructions only from one superior. If not so, there would be indiscipline and confusion among the subordinates and disorder will ensue.

IV. Efficiency:

The subordinates should participate in the decision-making process so that they would have a sense of commitment. This will ensure implementation of decisions and will increase the efficiency of subordinates.

V. Direct supervision:

Managers should have the direct relationship with their subordinates. Face to face communication and personal touch with subordinates will ensure successful direction.

VI. Feedback: 

The Direction does not end with issuing orders and instructions to subordinates. Suggestions given by subordinates are necessary for the development of management. So the development of feedback system furnishes reliable ideas to the management.

VII. Effective communication:

The superior must ensure that plans, policies, and responsibilities are fully understood by the subordinates in the right direction.

VIII. Appropriateness of direction technique:

There are three direction techniques available to the management. They are authoritarian, consultative and free rein. But the direction techniques should select according to the situation.

IX. Effective control:

The management should monitor the behavior and performance of subordinates to exercise effective control over them. Effective control ensures effective direction. Also, What are Nature and Characteristics of Leadership?

X. Comprehension:

The extent of understanding by subordinates is more important than what and how orders are communicating to them. This is very useful in the proper direction of subordinates.

XI. Follow through:

A direction is a continuous process. Mere issuing orders or an instruction is not an end itself. The direction is necessary. Hence the management should watch whether the subordinates follow the orders and whether they face difficulties in carrying out the orders or instructions.

Also, Some extra info on Directing!

Directing is a process of the top-down approach. It is a vertical process in which orders come from the top for the subordinates to follow. Directing is person-centric. That’s why we often see that one boss is very effective because of his proper directions and the other one is not so effective because of his wrong way of handling things.

Also, the direction is a management function performing by top-level officials of management. Directing, through the top-down approach, is actually a two-way approach, i.e. orders come top down, and the feedback goes bottom up. The direction is necessary to achieve proper implementation of goals. Direction consists of processes and techniques utilized in issuing instructions and making certain that operations are carried out as originally planned.

Also, like to read it; The definitions of all the Seven Processes of Scientific Management; Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Motivating, Controlling.

What are the Principles of Directing - ilearnlot
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Nageshwar Das

Nageshwar Das

Nageshwar Das, BBA graduation with Finance and Marketing specialization, and CEO, Web Developer, & Admin in Author posts