Mutants is a Canadian short drama film, directed by Alexandre Dostie and released in 2016. The film stars Joseph DeLorey as Keven, a teenager who, after being injured at baseball practice, is sent on an unexpected emotional journey of discovery.
In the summer of 1996, life throws a curveball in the face of Keven Guénette; and it strikes. Guided by his paraplegic baseball coach, Keven discovers the mutation, sex, and love.
The film’s cast also includes Francis La Haye and Sandrine Bisson. This short film is picks of weeks on @vimeo Staff Pick Premieres.
Awards: At TIFF, the film won the award for Best Canadian Short Film. At the 5th Canadian Screen Awards in 2017, the film won the Canadian Screen Award for Best Live Action Short Drama, and at the 19th Prix Iris in 2017, the film won the award for Best Short Film. Canadian Screen Award for Best Live Action Short Drama.
Director: Alexandre Dostie
Screenplay: Alexandre Dostie
Cast: Sandrine Bisson, Francis La Haye, Tanya Quirion, Jérémy Labonté, Joseph Delorey
Producers: Hany Ouichou, Gabrielle Tougas- Fréchette
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