Meaning, Definition, Benefits, and Objectives of Career Planning

Meaning Definition Benefits and Objectives of Career Planning

Career Planning; Career planning encourages individuals to explore and gather information, which enables them to syn­thesize, gain competencies, make decisions, set goals and take action. Meaning: Career is seen as a collection of bunch or jobs or posts. Generally, it describes an applies career path within the organization’s structure. It shows the development path of key personnel within the organization. The derivation of the word derived from the Latin word carrier, which means running. Do you study to learn: If Yes? Then read the lot. Let’s Study: Meaning, Definition, Benefits, and Objectives of Career Planning. Read this in the Hindi language: करियर योजना का अर्थ, परिभाषा, लाभ, और उद्देश्य। 

The concept of Career Planning Discussing the topic: Meaning, Definition, Benefits, Process, Features, and Objectives of Career Planning.

All the jobs, which are organized together during the working life of someone, make careers. It is also seen as a sequence of posts organized by a person during his employment. Edwin B. Flipo defined a career as a sequence of different but related work activities that provides continuity, order, and meaning in a person’s life. As well as, a career can be seen as the amalgamation of change in value, attitude, and motivation because it gets old. This concept constitutes the subjective element of “careers”.

Definition of Career Planning:

Career planning is the process of enhancing an employee’s future value. A career plan is an individual’s choice of occupation, organization and career path.

A career may define as,

“A sequence of jobs that constitute what a person does for a living.”

According to Schermerborn, Hunt, and Osborn,

“Career planning is a process of systematically matching career goals and individual capabilities with opportunities for their fulfillment.”

Career planning encourages individuals to explore and gather information, which enables them to syn­thesize, gain competencies, make decisions, set goals and take action. It is a crucial phase of human resource development that helps the employees in making a strategy for work-life balance.

Below described several themes underlying different definition of a career as:

1] The property of occupation or organization:

In this way, the career describes the occupation itself or an employee’s tenure within an organization.
Advancement: It denotes the progression and increase in success an individual receives within an occupation or organization.

2] Status of a profession:

In this sense, a career uses to distinguish different professions. Such as engineering, the medical profession is different from other occupations like plumbing carpentry, etc. The former says to have a career where the latter does not have.

3] Involvement in one’s work:

Sometimes the career use in a negative sense to describe being extremely involved in the task or job one is doing.

4] Stability of a person’s work pattern:

Career describes a sequence of related jobs. While a sequence of unrelated jobs does not describe career.

Career is often defined as both an external career and an internal career. External career is defined as objective categories used by a given society and different organizations to describe the progression of steps of the different occupations. Whereas an internal career involves the set of steps and stages that make up an individual’s concept of career progression in a given occupation.

Due to two different approaches, in the organizational context, career is considered as an integrated pace of both vertical and lateral movements of an individual in occupation during the span of his employment. Such an integrated approach is intended to minimize diversity of hopes and expectations of employees by obtaining a match between individually perceived careers with that of organizational centered careers.

Benefits of career planning:

The following benefits are given below:

  • The career plan ensures the continuous supply of promotional employees.
  • It helps in improving employee loyalty.
  • Career planning encourages the development and development of the employee.
  • Discourages the negative attitude of senior officials who interest in suppressing the development of subordinates.
  • This ensures that senior management knows the capacity and capacity of those employees who can move upwards.
  • It can always make a team of employees ready to meet any contingency.
  • Career planning reduces the labor business.
  • Each organization prepares the successor plan on which the career plan is the first step.

The process of career planning:

Career plans involve different activities for successful organizations and generally include the following steps.

1] Identifying personal needs and aspirations:

Most individuals do not have a clear-cut about their career aspirations, anchors and goals. Therefore, human resources professionals should help an employee in this direction and provide as much information as possible. Keeping in mind their skills, experience, and ability, they are shown such work, which will make them the most suitable. Workshops, seminars can also arrange to enhance such support with psychological testing, simulation exercises. Such a practice is basically to help create a clear view of the career of a chosen business within a company.

Workshops and seminars promote employee interest in career planning, as it helps employees to determine their career goals, identify career paths and highlight specific career development activities. Printed and other types of information can also provide to complement individual efforts. Also, helping employees better, organizations create data banks or skills and talent lists, which include career history, skill evaluation, and information about their employees’ career priorities.

2] Analyzing career opportunities:

Once you know the career requirements and the aspirations of the employees, the organization determines the career path for each situation, which clearly shows career progression prospects. It points to different situations, a good artist can catch in a period. Career paths change over time, according to the needs of the employee and organizational needs.

3] Aligning needs and opportunities:

After identifying the needs of the employees and their career opportunities, the next step is to align the former with the former. This process involves identifying the ability of employees and then starting a career development program. The efficiency of the staff can demonstrate a thorough evaluation.

This will know the employees who need further training, who can take additional responsibilities, etc. Some development techniques are used to consider employee’s information and skills in an employee capacity. It includes special assignments, schematic position rotation, supervisory coaching, job enhancement, weak program, etc.

4] Action plans and periodic reviews:

After starting the above steps, it is necessary to review the whole items from time to time to highlight the gap. These intervals have to be a bridge through personal career development efforts and from time to time supported organizations.

Periodic review will help employees know the direction in which it is moving, whether the change is sought, what kind of skills required to face new and emerging organizational challenges. Organizations also find out how employees are doing, their goals and aspirations, and what career paths are in line with personal needs and serve the whole corporate.

Features of Career Planning:

The following features of career planning are below:

1] Process:

Career planning is an ongoing process of developing human resources. It is neither an event nor a program.

2] Upward movement:

It involves upward movement in the organizational hierarchy. It could also be special assignments, completing a project that requires better skills and abilities to handle recurring problems.

3] Mutuality of Interest:

Career plans serve a mutuality of interest. It serves the individual’s interest by taking care of his needs and aspirations to the required extent. Simultaneously it serves the organization’s interest as the human resources of an organization provide the opportunity to develop and contribute to the organization’s goals for the fulfillment of its objectives to the best of their ability and confidence.

4] Dynamic:

The dynamic nature of career planning is to cope and adjust to the ever-changing environment.

Objectives of Career Planning:

Career planning aims at matching individual potential for promotion and individuals aspirations with organizational needs and opportunities. Career planning is making sure that the organization has the right people with the right skills at the right time. It opens avenues for growth to higher levels of responsibilities for every employee of the organization through the hierarchy of position, and training and development activities to equip the individuals with the requisites for succession.

Generally, Career Planning aims at fulfilling the following objectives:

  • It provides and maintains appropriate human resources in an organization by offering careers, not jobs.
  • It creates an able environment of effectiveness, efficiency, and growth.
  • Maps out careers of different categories of employees, following their ability and willingness to “train and develop” to take the responsibility of higher positions.
  • It seeks to maintain a stable workforce within an organization by controlling absenteeism and reducing employee turnover.
  • Caters to the immediate and future human resource needs of the organization at the appropriate time.
  • Increases the proper utilization of managerial reserves within the organization.

The major objectives of career planning are as follows:

  • To identify the positive characteristics of the employees.
  • Develop awareness about each employee’s uniqueness.
  • To respect the feelings of other employees.
  • To attract talented employees to the organization.
  • Train employees towards team-building skills.
  • To create healthy ways of dealing with conflicts, emotions, and stress.

Understand career planning:

Since both the person and the organization interest in one’s career, the career plan itself is an intentional process to be aware of the current obstacles with available opportunities, alternative options, and sequences. As well as, it involves identifying targets related to careers to provide the right direction, appropriate time and sequence for achieving a specific career goal and doing work education and related development practice.

Essentially, career planning helps employees plan for their careers in terms of their capabilities and competencies in terms of organizational needs. It is related to developing the organizational system of career movement and development. This gives opportunities for any person to progressive and continuously from an entry point of his employment at the point of his retirement. It has also been described as the process of synthesizing and reconcile the organization’s needs with the innate aspirations of the employees so that afterward, realize the self-fulfillment and improve the effectiveness of the former.

Extra Things:

Career planning is an ongoing process by which a person determines their career goals and identifies the means and methods of achieving them. The way people plan their life’s work, they consider a career plan. It inspires someone to explore, choose and endeavor to achieve satisfaction with the purpose of a person’s career. Therefore a person’s life is important.

The effective career plan is about finding a suitable job that corresponds to the life of a person. The Career Plan answers the question, where are the possibilities of going forward and growing in the organization for a person to be in the organization after five years or ten years or to build the realm of someone’s career. Career planning is neither an event nor an end. Also, it is a continuous process for human resources development and an essential aspect of managing people to achieve optimal results.

Why is the need for Career planning for employees?

The need to plan for employee careers is due to both economic and social power. In an ever-changing environment, the human resources of the organization should be in a constant state of development and should be there. A planned program of internal human resources development pays more than relieving external recruitment for recruitment. At the top, many employees retire at the job when there is no managerial concern for proper career progression.

Apart from this, employees of Millennium Day insist and hope that their work expects to integrate effectively with human needs for personal development, together with family expectations, meet the ethical requirements of the society. However, it is most ironic that, as far as the work is concerned, what is the most valuable for the person, the career is, the organization gets the least attention. As well as, most organizations do not pay enough attention to this important aspect of actual practice for various reasons. As a result, the demand for employees does not match adequately with systematic arrangements.

More knowledge:

Career planning is an indispensable condition for effective human management to achieve optimum productivity, for organizational development and development, keeping in mind the increasing expectations and aspirations of changing scenarios of the social and economic environment and employees. Generally, a person applies for the job in the organization after making necessary inquiries about job prospects and after taking a job, he starts inquiring about job prospects and future potential situation.

Disadvantaged of satisfactory answers, a person feels motivated and frustrated and starts looking out of the organization in search of any other possible job. Generally, this is a normal situation for individuals with senior supervisory, executive and managerial positions. As well as, employees holding such a position are curious to know that they can grow in their current positions, organization and when. To attract and maintain competent personnel for senior positions in an organization, they must be assured of a progressive career.

Thus, career planning has become necessary to prevent such personnel from managing the organization with skilled supervisors, high technical and managerial personnel to manage an organization and the lack of promotional routes. Productive employees want to seek careers instead of short-term jobs. Also, a career scheme, if properly designed and implemented, benefits management and employees and its absence makes a big difference for both the employees and the organization. Read this in the Hindi language: करियर योजना का अर्थ, परिभाषा, लाभ, और उद्देश्य। 

Meaning Definition Benefits and Objectives of Career Planning
Meaning, Definition, Benefits, and Objectives of Career Planning.

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