This post will give you some practical suggestions in applying the Feedback Training Method work to your language study, helping you to gain fluency as quickly as possible.
From past experience with the Spoken English Learned Quickly course, it is fair to say that these methods can help you double the rate at which you acquire a new language. That is, in hour-for-hour of study, you can reach the same fluency level in six months that you would otherwise reach in a full year of study relying only on an established school’s program. This language-learning rate should be just as attainable when using your own program in an area where formal instruction limited.
In order to succeed, however, you must remember the four rules that were previously given in:
There is no alternative to committing a great amount of time to language study. If you are devoting full time to it, then try to spend a full eight hours a day, five days a week on language study. Ideally, that will be eight hours devoted to actual speaking by means of recorded exercises and newspaper reading. If you are enrolled in a structured class, you will need to supplement your class and preparation time with additional newspaper reading and spoken exercises for a total of eight hours of study each day.
Whatever your schedule permits — from one hour a day to eight hours a day — bring as much spoken the language of your study time as possible.
If you are applying the four rules above and simultaneously thinking, speaking out loud, and listening to yourself in your target language, you are using a Feedback Training Method of language study.
Let’s assume that you are a first language English-speaking adult, that you possibly also have a college degree, and that you know the Latin alphabet. With this background, you should find it fairly easy to learn the alphabet for languages such as Polish and others that use additional accents and diacritical marks.
However, if you are learning a language that uses another alphabet, you will need to learn that alphabet first.
Most languages use a relatively small number of letters in their alphabet. You would severely hamper your language learning efforts if you did not first learn that short alphabet. Some languages have considerably longer alphabets, and you may not need to learn all of the letters before starting to study the spoken language itself. On the other hand, Chinese is the only language that uses only characters while Japanese uses two alphabets and additional Chinese characters. In time, you will want to learn as many characters as possible. However, with no personal experience to guide me regarding these two languages. I would think that your time might better spent by initially concentrating on the spoken language.
If you are studying in a highly structured program which emphasizes written assignments. You will need to supplement that study with spoken language. Our bias against written assignments for language learning does not concern the accuracy of the sentences themselves. In all likelihood, the written sentences used in these language programs are an excellent representation of the language. They should, however, learned as spoken phrases rather than as written sentences.
If you are in a language program that emphasizes written assignments, then after completing the written portion of the daily work, spend your additional study time using the assignments as spoken exercises.
will just get you by because your listeners are polite or have learned to interpret what you mean.
Several assumptions made in this section. Presumably, the target language spoken by a relatively large population, used in public education, and, at least to some degree, used in university level education. Also, presumably books and newspapers are readily available in the language.
We are also assuming that you will be able to locate a language helper who has the equivalent of a public school education. Better yet, your language helper will be a university student. University students trying to earn extra money are good language helpers. They also have excellent contacts among their peers which would permit a substitute if they become temporarily — or permanently — unavailable.
This post is not concerned with a target language that is unwritten and/or used by a remote and isolated group of people. There are organizations that deal with language learning in that setting. Therefore, devising a method for learning that language is not the intent of this book.
You may find that language courses actually offered in the country by a university or private tutors. However, you may have used them and decided that they are not effective for you. Typically, these courses will consist largely of lectures on grammar or culture and will have class sizes that are too large to allow for significant spoken language experience. They will provide little to nothing in audio playback language laboratories or pre-recorded spoken language exercises.
You may enroll in a class as described above but plan on supplementing your class work with a great deal of additional spoken material as suggested in the section on formal classes. Enrolling in this kind, of course, gives you access to a language teacher who could correct your pronunciation and syntax problems. On the other hand, after evaluating the language courses that are locally available. You may decide that you would accomplish more by designing your own spoken language course.
The information in the following sub-headings should help you structure your course.
If you live close to a university, a student might be a good choice. If you use a Feedback Training Method, an effective language helper does not need to have any training as a language teacher as long as they speaks your target language fluently. In fact, if you feel confident in establishing the kind of language learning program suggested in this book. You may find that a university student with training as a language teacher could actually hinder your progress. In all probability, this training would place the high value on teaching grammar. In the absence of a local university, a secondary school student or graduate could also serve the purpose just as well.
You will want a language helper who speaks clearly, can read well, and has an acceptable voice for recording purposes. The language helper should also be able to write and spell correctly. In your study, you will be using written exercise pages that your language helper will write. It is important that you see correctly written sentences with correct spelling. Of course, as suggested in; Selecting a Text, you will also use a newspaper which well edited, with good grammar and spelling.
Your language helper will be making voice recordings that you will use for practice. It is important that his or her pronunciation is correct and clear so that you can be confident in mimicking the recording. As much as possible, find a language helper who speaks with a normal cadence. Also be aware that missing front teeth or speech impediments will likely distort pronunciation.
Initially, if you and your language helper share another language in common other than the target language. You could use it for communicating as you establish the pay, the study schedule, and your expectations. In many parts of the world, you would expect to pay your language helper at least weekly, if not daily.
Understand the skill differences between you and your language helper. They is the expert in the language — you are not. You are the expert in the language learning method — they is not. After you have studied for a while, you could presumptuously assume that you know more about the language than your language helper does, hindering the process. That can happen more often than you might imagine! On the other hand, your language helper has more than likely studied language in school using a grammar-based method.
If the university system uses a European language as the means of instruction. Your language helper will almost certainly have studied that European language’s grammar for many years in school. It would also mean that grammar study was superimposed on the local language. Your language helper will expect that you want him or her to teach you grammar. It would be surprising if your language helper would initially understand the Feedback Training Method of using only spoken the language.
In all probability, your language helper will expect that you are paying him or her to give you grammar lessons. They will probably further expect that the language of instruction will rely heavily on a common language between you. Either they has studied English or you have studied French or another language of instruction used in the local university. Your language helper may also have an agenda, hoping to practice English as well.
Considering all of the above, you have an important task ahead of you in training your language helper to speak only the target language. Nonetheless, in this section let’s assume that you have a common language in which you can communicate to some degree. However, you will not be using this common language for instruction. All instruction will be in your target language. You will need to work together as a team — you will be guiding the language sessions. While your language helper will be providing the language expertise.
The following suggestions assume that you have no language ability in your target language and that you are just beginning your initial language study.
At some point, you will begin drawing your text from a newspaper. Three previously stated principles need to be reviewed regarding newspapers as language study aids:
It may be helpful to have two identical newspapers so that both you and your language helper have the same text. You will proceed much as you did earlier. Initially, you will be able to use a single newspaper article for many weeks. So you do not need to buy a newspaper for each session.
Assuming that your target language uses an alphabet with a relatively few letter. You will want to learn the correct pronunciation of each letter in order to be able to spell words for first language speakers. You will also want to learn the correct pronunciation for numbers. Construct simple drills for both letters and numbers. Review the drills frequently enough that you can readily use both letters and numbers, utilizing perfect pronunciation. See the alphabet and number drills in Appendix A: Introductory Lesson.
You will probably use numbers more frequently because they are a part of daily conversation in making purchases. Consequently, you will probably gain fluency with numbers relatively quickly. However, be certain that you also learn the alphabet. As a foreigner, you will frequently be asked to spell words. It will be a great help to you if you learn to spell fluently in your target language.
Finally, if your target language uses a monetary system that is identified with anything other than simple numbers such as we use in English. For example, we say seven dollars or three hundred and eighty dollars — you will also need to learn to rapidly use that system as well. For example, in the country in which I lived for nine years, a price could be specified in either MGF francs or the national aviary. The ariary was worth five MGF francs. In the larger cities, you could get by with calling the price 350 francs. In remote areas, one was forced to bargain by calling the same amount 70 ariary. I learned, much to my chagrin, that mistakenly bargaining a price for 350 ariary was going to cost me a lot more than 350 francs. At least I won that bartering round at my first stated price!
In spite of the high technology equipment that is available today for MP3 and CD (compact disc) computer-based recording. Some may still prefer the low-tech cassette tape recorder. It is inexpensive and easy to use as both a recording and a playback machine, and it has a pause button and counter that facilitates use in language study. However, if you take a recorder with you, you will need to either take an ample supply of cassette tapes with you or verify that tapes can be purchased locally. Also, make certain that any equipment you take with you will work on the supplied voltage and frequency of that country.
If you use a cassette recorder, limit your cassettes to the 60-minute length or less. Longer duration cassettes use thinner tape that will not hold up to repeated forward and reverse usage in language study. The thinner tape also tangles more easily.
Today’s choice, however, would be MP3 technology. If you use an iPod or MP3 player and have appropriate computer equipment. You may find that making the voice recording on a CD and downloading it to the MP3 player is a good alternative. You can also purchase auxiliary attachments that permit an iPod to record directly. In this case, you will probably want to upload your MP3 files to a computer so that they could be stored on CDs. Many MP3 players may be paused just like a cassette tape recorder.
You will need to establish a routine with your language helper. During the time they is helping you, you will be working on text material that will be spontaneously organized or written as recorded exercises. In addition, you may also record verb tables and the like. You will need to allow enough time so that each day’s recording can be completed.
View the recorded material as the most important part of the lesson time spent with your language helper. You can easily get three or four hours of language practice time from each hour of recorded material. Thus, live conversation with your language helper will only give you an hour of spoken language for an hour of your language helper’s time. Whereas an hour of recording will give you a minimum of three or four hours of spoken language time for the same hour of your language helper’s time. In addition, past recorded exercises can be frequently reviewed, which will give you even that much more spoken language exercise.
There will also be days when your language helper is not available because of illness, school schedule, holidays, and other reasons. Previously recorded exercises will allow you to continue language study without lost time.
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