The Importance of Directing, with Aspects or Elements!


Explain the Importance of Directing, with Aspects or Elements!

The main Aspects or Elements of directing are as follows: Issuing Orders and Instructions, Leadership, Communication, Motivation, Supervision, and Co-ordination.  Importance of Directing are following: Initiates Action, Improves Efficiency, Ensures Co-ordination, Helpful in Implementing Changes, Provides Stability, Motivation, Supervision, and Co-ordination. Define of directing: “The heart of administration is the directing function which involves determining the course, giving order and instructions, providing the dynamic leadership.” Also learn, Production Management,  Now learned The Importance of Directing, with Aspects or Elements!

Marshall E. Dimock “Directing consists of the process and techniques utilizing in issuing instructions and making certain that operations are carried out as originally planned.”

Haimann remarks from the above definitions, we can conclude that the directing function of management is the heart of management process as it is concerned with initiating action. It consists of all those activities which are concerned with influencing, guiding or supervising the subordinates in their job.

Aspects or Elements of Directing or Direction:

Directing is a very important function of management. It is rightly called the heart of management process as it is concerned with initiating action. It consists of all those activities which are concerned with influencing, guiding or supervising the subordinates in their job. Related questions: What is the Importance of Directing Functions?

The main aspects or elements of direction are as follows:

  • Issuing Orders and Instructions.
  • Leadership.
  • Communication.
  • Motivation.
  • Supervision, and
  • Co-ordination.

Now Explain:

1. Issuing Orders and Instructions:

A manager is required to issue a number of orders to his subordinates to initiate, modify or halt any action. He is also required to guide and instruct workers in performance of their task towards the achievement of desired goals. Instructions are important in directing subordinates. Orders and instructions reflect the decisions of managers.

A good order or instruction should have the following characteristics:

  • It should be simple, unambiguous and clear.
  • It should be brief but complete.
  • It should be reasonable and enforceable.
  • It should be convincing and acceptable.
  • It should invoke co-operation.
  • It should be compatible with the objectives of the organization.
  • It should “be in written form as far as possible.
  • It should be backed up by follow-up action.

2. Leadership:

Leadership is “the process by which an executive or manager imaginatively directs/guides and influences the work of others in choosing and attaining specified goals by mediating between the individual and organization in such a manner that both will get maximum satisfaction.” It is the ability to build up confidence and zeal among people and to create an urge in them to be led. To be a successful leader a manager must process the qualities of foresight, drive, initiative, self-confidence, and personal integrity. Different situations may demand different types of leadership viz., autocratic leadership, democratic leadership and free-rein leadership.

3. Communication:

Communication constitutes a very important element of directing. It is said to be the number one problem of management today. Communication is the means by which the behavior of the subordinates is modified and change is effected in their action.

The word communication has been derived from the Latin word ‘Communis’ which means ‘common’. Thus, communi­cation means sharing of ideas in common. The essence of communication is getting the receiver and the sender tuned together for a particular message. Communication refers to the exchange of ideas, feelings, emotions, knowledge, and information between two or more persons.

In management ideas, objectives, orders, appeals, observations, instructions, suggestions etc. have to be exchanged among the managerial personnel and their subordinates operating at different levels of the organization for the purpose of planning and executing the business policies. Directing will mainly depend upon the effectiveness of communication. In case the orders and instructions are not properly conveyed then these may not be properly implemented.

4. Motivation:

It is an important element of directing function. Motivation encourages persons to give their best performance and help in reaching enterprise goals. It is the degree of readiness for undertaking the assigned task and doing it in the best possible way. The directing function tries to make the best use of various factors of production available in the organization. This can be achieved only when employees co­operate in this task. Efforts should be made to make employees contribute their maximum.

5. Supervision:

It consists of the process and technique involved in issuing instructions and confirming that operations are carried as originally planned. Supervision is a continuing activity and performed at every level of activity. It is inevitable at every level of management for putting the managerial plans and policies into action. In a way, supervision is a sort of control as the supervisor is supposed to take corrective measures if the work is not in line with the plan.

6. Co-ordination:

Co-ordination is an orderly arrangement of the group effort to provide unity of action in pursuit of common purpose. The purpose of directing is to get various activities coordinated for achieving common goals. Co-ordination involves the integration of various parts of the organization. In order to achieve goals of an enterprise, both physical as well as mental co-ordination should be secured. Co-ordination is a part of directing exercise and helps in synchronization of various efforts.

The Importance of Directing or Direction:

Directing various employees in an organization is an important managerial task. It is indispensable for achieving enterprise objectives.

Effective direction provides the following advantages:

  • Initiates Action,
  • Improves Efficiency,
  • Ensures Co-ordination,
  • Helpful in Implementing Changes,
  • Provides Stability,
  • Motivation,
  • Supervision, and.
  • Co-ordination.

Now Explain:

1. Initiates Action:

The direction is required to initiate action. The functions of planning, organizing, staffing etc., will be taken up only when the direction is given to initiate them. Direction starts the actual work for achieving enterprise objectives.

2. Improves Efficiency:

A manager tries to get maximum work from his subordinates. This will be possible only through motivation and leadership and these techniques are a part of direction.

3. Ensures Co-ordination:

Direction helps in ensuring mutual understanding and teamwork. The individual efforts are directed in such a way that personal performances help in achieving enterprise objectives. The integration of various activities is possible through direction.

4. Helpful in Implementing Changes:

A business operates in a changing environment. New situations develop every now and then. A proper system of motivation will help employees in taking up new challenges.

5. Provides Stability:

Effective leadership, supervision and motivation will help in the smooth growth of an enterprise. A growing concern will provide stability to its activities.

6. Motivation:

Motivation is an important element of direction. Motivation is a factor which encourages persons to give their best performance and help in achieving enterprise goals. A strong positive motivation will enable the increased output of employees. A key element in direction is motivation. It helps in getting willing co-operation of employees. Every organization makes efforts that its employees contribute maximum to achieving enterprise goals.

7. Supervision:

Direction involves giving instructions to employees for undertaking some work. In order to see whether employees are doing the things as per targets or not there is a need for supervision. In supervision, all the activities of the employees are controlled and efforts are made to ensure proper achievement of targets. In case the performance is less than the targets then remedial steps are taken for improving the performance. So supervision is an integral part of direction.

8. Co-ordination:

Direction will be effective only when there is a proper co-ordination. In direction, different persons are asked to perform specific tasks. In order to see that efforts of every employee are in the direction of achieving organizational goals, there is a need to coordinate various activities. In the absence of coordination, every person will go in his own direction without bothering for the enterprise target. When various activities are co-originated then overall enterprise objectives will be easily achieved.

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