Technology Management

Highway Asphalt Pavement Construction Essay

Asphalt Pavement Construction With the rapid development of the highway transportation industry, the scale of asphalt roads in the nation is getting larger and larger, and the number is also increasing. This also puts forward higher requirements for the construction technology and construction management of highway asphalt pavement. If the construction technology adopted in the construction process is not scientific and reasonable enough, or the construction management work lacks standardization. Then the overall construction quality of the project will also seriously affect it.

Here are the articles to explain, Brief Analysis of Technical Management of Highway Asphalt Pavement Construction

Therefore, the project construction and construction units should be deeply aware of the importance of doing a good job in the technical control and management of asphalt pavement construction, and should strictly follow the corresponding technical specifications and rules, and regulations to carry out various construction activities, and combine the actual requirements of the project with the entire construction Scientifically manage the process, do a good job in the construction technology control and management of each link and process, effectively improve the overall construction quality of highway engineering projects, and bring maximum economic and social benefits to the construction of my country’s highway transportation projects.

This article discusses in detail four aspects: the significance of doing a good job in the technical management of highway asphalt pavement construction, the main problems existing in the construction of highway asphalt pavement in our country at the present stage, the main construction technology of highway asphalt pavement and the effective countermeasures for the technical management of highway asphalt pavement construction How to do a good job in the control and management of asphalt pavement construction technology in our country’s highway projects.

Main Keywords: highway asphalt pavement construction; asphalt pavement; asphalt pavement construction; asphalt pavement repair; construction technology management; significance; problems; effective countermeasures

Asphalt pavement construction is a key link in the construction of highway engineering projects in my country. Its construction quality has an important impact on the overall construction quality of highway projects and their performance after completion. To effectively improve the stability of highway operation and the overall carrying capacity. Construction Units should further optimize and improve construction technology and innovate existing technology application concepts and models. To enhance the economic and social benefits of highway engineering projects.

Combined with the current construction standards for highway transportation projects. If it is a high-grade highway and main road, the service life of the asphalt pavement is usually about 15 years. And if it is a secondary road, the service life of the asphalt pavement is about 12 years. If the incoming quality of construction raw materials does not strictly control. Then the asphalt pavement will be prone to fatigue cracking over time when used in the later stage. And its repair and maintenance costs will also greatly increase. Therefore, in the construction process of asphalt pavement. It is necessary to choose asphalt raw materials reasonably, and strictly control their production quality. And strictly follow the corresponding standard procedures. When using various construction technologies to ensure the actual construction quality of the project.

The significance of doing a good job in the technical management of highway asphalt pavement construction

Fully guarantee the construction quality of highway asphalt pavement

In the construction management of highway engineering projects. The control and management of asphalt pavement construction quality is the basic content. Only by scientifically controlling and managing the content of each link of asphalt pavement construction can the construction of highway pavement be more efficient. security and stability. When quality defects and safety problems occur during construction, the construction unit can rely on standardized construction technology and a perfect construction process to accurately find out the cause of the problem and formulate targeted improvement measures to ensure that the asphalt pavement is always in good condition. Under construction.

The construction technology application ability and construction quality management level of the construction unit are the two key factors affecting the overall construction quality of highway asphalt pavement.

First, the scientific and rational use of various construction technologies can provide technical support for the construction of asphalt pavement. Allocate various pavement construction resources and effectively manage them to ensure that the construction content of each link and each process can complete on time and with high quality, and give full play to the overall effectiveness of the construction unit;

Secondly, carry out quality management on highway asphalt pavement When controlling activities, the subjective initiative of front-line construction personnel should further stimulate, and various construction activities should carry out by the corresponding workflow and parameter indicators, to ensure that there are no mistakes and omissions in the construction as much as possible, to ensure the comprehensive quality of highway asphalt pavement construction. Improve the provision of system and system guarantees.

Effectively prolong the service life of highway asphalt pavement

The service life of the asphalt pavement of highway engineering after it completes and put into use closely relates to the actual quality of the project construction stage. For highway traffic engineering projects in the nation, the pavement quality represents the overall quality of the project. Construction Units should pay more attention to the construction of asphalt pavement, and at the same time realize. That the scientific application of various construction technologies has an important impact on construction quality.

If the construction unit cannot apply the relevant construction technologies of asphalt pavement construction more scientifically and standardized. Then The pavement is prone to quality problems such as cracks, settlement, and subsidence. Therefore, in the construction process of highway asphalt pavement. It is necessary to deeply analyze and study the construction techniques that can use. And choose new technologies, new materials, and new processes in the industry as much as possible. Detect the quality status of every link in the construction of asphalt pavement. To maximize the service life of asphalt pavement.

Main problems existing in the construction of highway asphalt pavement in my country at the present stage

The wide application of highway asphalt pavement provides more convenient conditions for ordinary people’s travel and vehicle traffic, and different regions have also established closer ties. However, from the actual situation, many highway asphalt pavements in my country are still under construction;

There are certain problems, of which the following three problems are the most common:


The compactness of the asphalt pavement does not meet the relevant quality standards. The actual condition of the compactness has an important impact on the overall bearing capacity and deformation resistance of the pavement. When the compactness during construction does not meet the relevant quality standards, the construction of the next process will carry out, and the structural layer of the asphalt pavement will be more likely to damage by the outside world.

The interfering factors of the pavement will damage and lead to the occurrence of cracks. And the overall service life of the pavement will also greatly reduce. When laying the asphalt mixture, if the key parameters of the mixture do not meet the specification requirements. The compactness of the road surface will also affect it.


The flatness of the asphalt road surface is insufficient. Flatness is a key indicator to measure the actual construction quality of asphalt pavement. If the flatness is not up to standard, it will cause greater resistance to vehicle traffic. There will be more safety hazards during vehicle driving, and the driving speed will also greatly reduce. Insufficient smoothness can cause by a variety of factors. The most common of these are errors in operating equipment. Such as pavers or failure to mix the asphalt mix evenly.


Asphalt pavement is also prone to quality defects such as oil flooding, looseness, and segregation. During the construction of asphalt pavement, various construction technologies should scientifically manage. A slight inappropriateness may lead to quality problems. Such as not cleaning the edge of the pavement, not strictly controlling the temperature around the pavement during rolling operations, and spraying sticky water. Insufficient oil uniformity, etc., the edge of the surface layer of the road surface. And the asphalt concrete base below cannot tightly connect, and the strength greatly reduces.


Compared with the middle position of the road surface. The temperature of the mixture at the edge of the surface layer is much lower. So Quality problems such as oil flooding, looseness, and segregation of the road surface will appear subsequently. The construction quality of asphalt pavement will affect by various factors. Such as construction materials, construction equipment, construction personnel, and construction environment.

Targeted management strategies should adopt according to the specific influencing factors during construction. Every construction link is inseparable from people. factor. Therefore, the construction unit should build a high-level construction team. Improve the professional skills and comprehensive quality of each construction personnel, and strengthen. Their sense of responsibility and quality management awareness. To ensure that they can master the construction technology and operation of the asphalt pavement Process. Do a good job in the quality control and management of asphalt pavement construction.

Main construction techniques of highway asphalt pavement construction

Mixing of asphalt mixture

For the construction process of highway asphalt pavement, the first task is to select the appropriate asphalt mixture. The specific specification requirements of highway project construction should fully consider when selecting. AH-70 and AH-90 are the most common in the industry. Two asphalt models. When using the mixing technology of asphalt mixture, the staff should strictly control the key parameters. Such as the operating temperature, heating temperature, and mixing time inside the mixing chamber to ensure the mixing effect of the asphalt mixture.

The asphalt mixture should be continuously stirred in a stable and uniform state. The thickness of the mixture should not be too different to ensure the stability of the material mixing operation. After the mixing of the asphalt mixture completes, it should sample and inspect immediately, and the specific indicators. As ductility index, softening point, and penetration degree of the mixture should check in detail to ensure. That all parameters and indicators are accurate before starting the next step. link paving work.

The finished asphalt mixture should store in a special container, and effective insulation and waterproof measures should take for the mixture. During the mixing process, the heating temperature of the asphalt can appropriately increase. To effectively prolong the service life of the asphalt and avoid its occurrence. Aging quality issues. At the same time, the asphalt should dehydrate simultaneously during heating to avoid collision of the asphalt tank and causing more serious fire accidents. In general, the optimum temperature of ordinary asphalt mixture and high-viscosity asphalt mixture during construction should control within the range of 135-175°C.

Paving of asphalt mixture

The main measure of the construction quality of highway engineering projects is the actual quality of asphalt materials. So the construction personnel should classify and store all kinds of asphalt concrete separately to ensure. That their quality standards meet the requirements before entering the site for use. Targeted waterproof and moisture-proof measures.


The actual thickness of the asphalt surface layer should strictly control, and the thickness should test every 200m during the paving operation, and the data measured during the construction process should record accurately, and the paving should continuously be improved and optimized. Various parameters in the paving process, such as the specific ratio of paving, and the mixing ratio of materials. The amount of asphalt used, and the temperature during mixing operations;


The uniformity of paving speed and the operation The continuity of the process prevents the external compression distance of the asphalt concrete during paving and restores the gap between the artificial asphalt pavement. During the operation of the paving equipment, a distance of about 10m must maintain during construction. When problems stand found, they should adjust in time and strictly Control the temperature of the asphalt mixture and the speed of paving to ensure the mixing effect of asphalt concrete;


When compressing asphalt pavement, the three key parameters of initial pressure, back pressure, and final pressure should well control. The length of the step should control within 50m, and the thickness should not exceed 80mm. When using the road roller equipment during the operation, the pressure should apply uniformly from the outside to the inside. The initial pressure and the back pressure should be consistent. After the input is complete, the final pressure Checks the smoothness of the road surface immediately after repairing and repairing the problems in time to ensure that the smoothness meets the specific specification requirements.

Rolling of asphalt mixture

When rolling the asphalt pavement, the operator should strictly control the laying process of the asphalt mixture, and control the temperature and speed of rolling. If the asphalt mixture stands found to flatten during construction, then it needs to inspect. Compression processing. The main function of the road roller is to ensure the uniformity of the compression process but to effectively prevent the problem of early pressure slowdown, steel rollers should use during operation, and the tonnage should be less than 12t, to reduce the cracking of the mixed raft in the construction section as much as possible probability of the problem.

After the initial rolling operation is complete, the construction personnel can use steel wheels or ordinary tires when operating the road roller to roll the road surface. However, during the operation process, the thickness of the construction and the service life of the road surface after completion must strictly control. Take targeted quality control measures in the process. Specifically, we should focus on the following two aspects:

First, while completing the rolling task, we must ensure the overall quality of the asphalt pavement, and use more scientific and advanced construction techniques to improve the reliability and stability of the entire transportation process.

Second, to ensure the actual construction quality of asphalt pavement, and construction techniques. Such as rolling should effectively manage to ensure the efficiency of road construction technology. Which can not only reduce the construction cost of asphalt pavement but also prolong its service life. Ensure the safety of highway asphalt pavement projects after they are put into use. And realize the stable development of my country’s highway traffic infrastructure.

Crack repair technology of asphalt pavement

In the construction process of asphalt pavement for various grades of highways in our country, cracks are very common quality problems. Even if tiny cracks stand found during pavement construction. The operation should stop immediately to repair them, to avoid more problems. Rainwater and other impurities will enter the pavement structure with the appearance of cracks. And the continuous accumulation of these substances will gradually corrode the internal structure of the pavement.

Therefore, effective repair techniques should adopt for various cracks in asphalt pavement. Such as groove processing The specific operation method is to fill the foundation cracks with enough filler and use hot air guns, slot machines, and other equipment to repair the cracks in time. During the repair process, pay close attention to the changes in the cracks to avoid cracks. In the event of problems such as blockage and water accumulation, ensure that the crack repair work is completed in a short period with high quality, and the schedule of the entire project will not affect as much as possible.

Effective countermeasures for technical management of highway asphalt pavement construction

Strictly control the quality of raw materials for asphalt pavement construction

Construction raw materials are the basic materials of highway asphalt pavement construction, and their quality has a decisive impact on the construction quality of the entire pavement. Therefore, in the preparation stage of construction, special personnel should strictly control the quality of construction raw materials to ensure that the construction cost Basically, purchase the most cost-effective construction materials as much as possible. Purchasing personnel should check all kinds of quality certificates in detail when screening materials to ensure excellent quality and high gradation.

After the material manufacturer transports it to the construction site, the construction unit should have professional quality inspection and control personnel to check the parameters of the material in detail to ensure that the quality of the material can meet the corresponding quality specification standards. If the quality of individual types of materials stands found to be unqualified during the test and inspection. It should strictly prohibit from entering the construction site until the quality of the construction materials delivered by the manufacturer meets the relevant standards before they can be put into use.

Scientific mixing of asphalt mixture

When mixing asphalt mixture, several items need to pay great attention to by the construction personnel:

First, the specific person responsible for the mixing work should strictly control the heating temperature of the asphalt aggregate during operation, and at the same time control the factory temperature.

Second, when mixing asphalt mixture, construction personnel should print out important mixing data and information disk by disk in detail according to the specific specification requirements of the project. Such as the temperature of mixing and the number of mineral materials used, etc. To ensure the asphalt mixing The mixing quality of the materials is within the controllable range;

Third, trial mixing should carry out before officially starting the mixing operation, and a more suitable mixing time can determine through the trial mixing operation. The most ideal mixing state is the asphalt mixture It can completely wrap all the aggregate particles. Construction personnel should be able to operate various types of equipment proficiently and set the mixing value of the mixing equipment according to the construction specifications, to avoid errors such as irregular oil and stone ratios and insufficient grades during the mixing of asphalt mixtures.

Guarantee the compactness of the asphalt mixture

When compacting the asphalt mixture, the relevant operators should control the driving wheels to face the paving equipment. To avoid the problems of crowding and extrusion of the asphalt mixture due to being pushed. In addition, construction personnel should keep them away from the construction area after using construction machinery and equipment. Such as paver and road roller during the rolling process, and must not stay on the surface of the asphalt pavement that has not stood cooled. After the asphalt pavement has stood compacted and shaped. It can pass under the condition that its surface temperature is lower than 50°C.

Do a good job in the inspection and evaluation of the construction quality of asphalt pavement

In the construction stage of asphalt pavement, to better ensure its actual quality, the inspection and evaluation work is an important measure, and the construction quality has a direct impact on the functional integrity and traffic safety of the highway project after it stands completed and put into use. influences. Usually, the inspection and evaluation of construction quality include many aspects. Such as the detection and evaluation of construction raw materials, surface layer, and mixture temperature.

The inspection and evaluation of construction raw materials refer to further clarification. The parameters and indicators of raw materials ensure that each construction process can carry out in an orderly manner. The detection and evaluation of the surface layer refer to the in-depth analysis and research of various quality problems. That may occur or have occurred on the road surface and carrying out dynamic tracking and control of them. Analyzing the relevant detection data obtained in detail, and finding out the quality problems. The unqualified pavement parts should treat immediately to ensure the overall construction quality of the asphalt pavement.

The most important basis for the quality evaluation of asphalt pavement construction is the various inspections and evaluations carried out. The personnel in charge of inspections and evaluations must have a strong sense of responsibility and dedication, earnestly perform various evaluation duties, and adopt efficient and scientific methods. The testing and evaluation methods ensure the high-quality and orderly completion of all aspects of asphalt pavement construction.


Through the above discussion, we have the significance of doing a good job in the technical management of highway asphalt pavement construction, the main problems existing in the construction of highway asphalt pavement in my country at the present stage, the main construction technology of highway asphalt pavement and effective countermeasures for the management of highway asphalt pavement construction technology Four aspects are analyzed and discussed in detail. In the process of continuous improvement of my country’s social and economic construction capabilities. Asphalt roads have also been more widely used in the field of road traffic and at the same time. Higher requirements have been put forward for the use of road asphalt pavements and the safety of vehicles and pedestrians.

At this stage, some asphalt pavements in my country still have quality problems. Such as pavement segregation, oil flooding, and insufficient smoothness. Therefore, the quality management personnel of the construction unit should scientifically manage various construction technologies used in construction, and vigorously promote and use them in the industry. All kinds of new technologies, new materials, and new processes, complete various construction activities in a standardized and orderly manner, improve the actual construction quality of asphalt pavement and prolong the service life of highway asphalt pavement as much as possible.

Highway Asphalt Pavement Construction Essay; Photo by Benjamin Yang on Unsplash.

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