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Difference between School and Social Recruitment

Difference between School Recruitment and Social Recruitment Image

Do students understand the difference between school recruitment and social recruitment and whether school recruitment or social recruitment is better? If you want to figure it out, then take a good look at the following content with the resume template editor.

The difference between school recruitment and social recruitment, whether school recruitment is better or social recruitment is better

For the different recruitment methods of schools and society. We mainly compare from two aspects: one is the advantage, and the other is the social significance.

First of all, starting from the cost of the company, school recruitment is very advantageous. From the perspective of recruitment costs: the level of personnel in society is uneven, more or less. They will use their resumes to fool them, do they still need to call for interviews one by one? To put it simply, if you want to recruit a code writer, you may have 1,000 resumes through social recruitment. Since you don’t know their level and resume fraud is common, the cost of interviewing 1,000 people is huge.

If the school recruitment method adopts since there will be obvious levels between students in different schools (don’t stick to the sentence, just understand the meaning), so as long as you go to the corresponding level to recruit, it will have a good effect. For example, if I just want someone good at writing code. Then I can go to Tsinghua and Peking University to recruit, and I am not afraid that no one will come. There may only be 5 people who submit their resumes and interview 5 people, which is simple and effective. In addition, the performance of previous students uses as a reference standard. It is convenient for enterprises to identify talents.

Their performance

From the performance after entry, it is difficult to say that the recruiter will be good. Even if the recruiter has work experience. First of all, the students recruited by the school are relatively aimed at the enterprise or develop in a related direction, and the first job, just facing society, first has a certain degree of stability. For example, many students may have several offers in hand when they graduate.

Since they choose the final company, of course, they are relatively satisfied with the company, and many students will consider the direction of future development, including where to buy a house and settle down. At this time, there will also be a purpose. sex. After entering the company in this way, it is beneficial to both parties.

Most of the students recruited by the school will be very serious about their first job, just like everyone treats their first love, they will be more wholehearted. The number of people recruited by the agency may already be countless, and passion cannot beat it.

From the perspective of the company itself, going to campus to recruit is also advertising itself.

After reading the above content, everyone will know the difference between school recruitment and social recruitment and whether school recruitment is better or social recruitment is better.

Difference between School Recruitment and Social Recruitment Image
Difference between School Recruitment and Social Recruitment; Photo by Van Tay Media on Unsplash.


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