Difference between Internal and External Sources of Recruitment

What is the Difference between Internal and External Sources of Recruitment - ilearnlot

Internal and External Sources of Recruitment Difference: Recruitment is the process of attracting the potential candidates and motivating them to apply for the jobs or selecting skilled and right candidates from the pool of applicants and appointing them for the right jobs. Her strategic thinking and decision-making can help in finding potential candidates. Also, human resources are one of the scarce resources and it is becoming a challenge to find the right candidate for the right job in the organizations. Also learn, Recruitment.

Learn, What is the difference between Internal and External Sources of Recruitment?

So organizations are approaching consultancies to find skilled and efficient employees to get a competitive advantage. Approaching recruitment agencies can give better results, but it is expensive and may not suitable for all organizations.

Recruitment involves searching for the right candidates and motivating them to apply for the openings in the organization. Here sources of recruitment are two types i.e., Internal and External Sources of Recruitment of Employees!

This article will help you to differentiate between internal and external sources of recruitment.

The Difference Internal Sources:

The following content is below, also learn, What is the Internal Sources of Recruitment?

  1. In the case of internal sources of recruitment, the management has a restricted choice vis-a-vis, the source out of which recruitment shall be done, as the only person available is either the existing or ex-employees of the organization.
  2. The cost of recruiting from internal sources is nil or negligible.
  3. Not much time is involved in recruiting personnel from internal sources; as employees are already available with the organization. Further, ex-employees of the organization could trace without taking much time.
  4. Selection formalities are minimum; as candidates from internal sources had already gone through detailed selection-procedure earlier. This saves, again time and cost, involving in undertaking the selection procedure.
  5. Candidates from internal sources, do not require any orientation (i.e. introduction); as this personnel is already familiar with various aspects of the organization, and it’s functioning.
  6. Only limited talent is available when personalized recruiting from internal sources. Their talents – existing and potential are already known to management.
  7. Candidates comprised of internal sources are said to have high morale; especially in cases of recruitment for promotion purposes
  8. The phenomenon of labor turnover is likely to minimize; when employees of the organization wait for their chances for promotion – especially in cases of time-bound promotions.
  9. Candidates picked up from internal sources quite advance in age; as they have already served the organization, for some time, in the past.
  10. Candidates from internal sources might or might not be suitable for newer types of jobs, arising in the organization.

The Difference External Sources:

The following content is below, also learn, What is the External Sources of Recruitment?

  1. In case of external recruitment, the management has quite a wide choice vis-a-vis, the sources out of which recruitment could do; as a large number of sources are available – which could compare based on their relative worth. And best sources of recruitment can finalize, based on such relative analysis.
  2. The cost of recruiting from external sources is from moderate to considerable – depending on particular sources.
  3. A detailed selection procedure has to undertake for carefully selecting candidates, from external sources. This also means time and cost, involving in undertaking the selection procedure.
  4. Much time is involving in recruiting personnel from external sources; as people take time to notice vacancies and yet take more time again to apply for jobs, to the organization.
  5. Needless to say that candidates from external sources require ori­entation; being absolutely new to the organization. This neces­sitates orientation training programs for them.
  6. Extra-ordinary talented personal might procure, from exter­nal sources – depending on the particular sources finalize for recruitment, and on chance fac­tor also.
  7. New candidates from external sources could not expect to have high morale for the organization, at least initially i.e. at the time of joining the organization.
  8. Labor turnover is quite likely; in case organizational jobs do not suit the recruits.
  9. Candidates from external sources are usually of a lower age i.e. belong to the young group of the population. In fact, minimum and maximum ages are an important requirement for candidates from external sources.
  10. For newer types of jobs, suitable candidates might recruit from a variety of external sources of recruitment.
What is the Difference between Internal and External Sources of Recruitment - ilearnlot
Difference between Internal Sources of Recruitment and External Sources of Recruitment

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