Category: Information Technology

  • What does means Hacking and its Effect on Society?

    What does means Hacking and its Effect on Society?

    Hacking is just like cancer that has very risky effects on society. Today in this modern world, where measures have been taken to improve the security level in the distributed systems hackers have found a way to crack into systems and take away information. In this paper, I will explain to you a few aspects of hacking that have caused its existence and a few techniques through which we can minimize this.

    What are the different issues and motivations that arise in a person opts for hacking? Is money, thrill or something to break the rules inspires the hacker to indulge in such acts are discussed in this paper. This paper also gives you the insight to consider how important the network security plays in avoid hackers to steal away very confidential information. Measures are to be taken to remove these possibilities.

    In recent years we have seen a drastic change in the field of IT, where electronic commerce, email, online shopping, online banking, information bank of numerous data, and software development has improved leaps and bounds. As the technology has increased to new heights the hackers have found a way to get easy money. They find ways to get into government confidential files, and personal banking details, steal away their money from the banks, and implant a Trojan or virus into different computers to make them vulnerable to work. In this paper, I have thrown some light on hackers’ skills, their perspectives, and their targets.


    Hacking according to the oxford dictionary means to “gain unauthorized access (to data in a computer)”. Banks defines hacking as “something that boring mainframe computer operators did to improve performance and battle boredom.”. Here a bank focuses on boredom as the reason for hacking. Darlington believes hacking is not limited to accessing data or information but also includes an attack on the privacy of all people. Almost all different opinions agree on the illegality of hacking.

    On the other hand, the word hacker is the agent of hack or hacking and it was defined as a person who enjoys accessing files whether for fun, imposing power, or the interest related to the accessed files or data according to Taylor. While Marotta has a negative view of the hacker as a data lord, a barbarian who takes what he wants. Himanen defines a hacker as any person who performs illegal actions whether they were related to a computer or not which means the usage of a device apart from its functionality. Seems hacking according to Himanen is related to any illegal or unauthorized activity.

    Clear from the definitions mentioned above that there is a controversy that encounters the judgment and definition of hacking, controversy aroused because it’s hard to decide exactly what the aim is behind hacking or how to know the mentality of the hacker. That’s why the ethics and motivation of hackers should be paid attention to and discussed then understanding the hacker will be much easier.

    Who is the hacker?

    According to Taylor, Hacker can be anyone who knows things; he can be a graduate or a computer professional working at a multinational company. He can be one amongst us. A is part of the society, a computer professional who wants to use technology for his benefit. Hackers are experts and professional people who first enjoy the technology and through research and development, they gain more interest you never know when this curiosity about technology changes into crime. People must realize that the technology is good lest it is used for the country’s benefit, but it has an adverse effect when things turn upside down, that the hackers learn this technique to gain profits for themselves through illegal ways. Levy described hackers regarding their history; she divided the life history of hackers into three generations: the first generation of hacking was made of experts in computer programming who never stopped improving their skills then misuse them, the second generation was made of computer hardware developers who found hacking and accessing data and information for free as an appealing idea while the third generation included developers of games architecture. And I think the fourth generation of developers are those who know about computers and have just enough knowledge about computer programming.

    Pipkin’s classification of hackers depends on the functionality, in other words, the classification depends on the way the hacker interacts with what is being hacked. Hackers were classified into three different types; the first type is called In-house hacker. An in-house hacker who works inside the company knows the system security and has access to all the features. His motivation for hacking might be because he wasn’t recognized as a potential candidate for promotion or because he was betrayed by his colleagues. The second type of hacker is a super hacker who doesn’t interact with the system, but remotely monitors all the movements of the data transactions that are going on, and depending on the situation and the amount of money that is being transferred he then changes that transaction into his account. And finally, comes the professional hacker, he is very strong and capable of getting any type of data from anywhere, he can manipulate things and change them to his benefit, programming Trojans and software that gets installed on the system through the hidden window and then sits on the system.

    Motivations after Hacking;

    Hacker’s psychology and the fuel that encourages him/her to perform such illegal activities, also because hackers view about what they are doing is far different from our views as victims Furnell Pipkin, in his paper Halting the hacker, says “the challenging part of the hacker’s personality as the biggest motivation; this means that the hacker feels the joy and excitement when hacking systems that are provided with the almost perfect security tools”. One of the main reasons for hacking is excitement where hackers find adrenalin rush to break the law, to find easy access to earn money by hacking crucial information of the customers by creating unreal shopping websites and obtaining payment details, credit card details.

    Furnell judged hackers “depending on the harm they cause whatever was their motivation because hacking is a disease and should be removed so that the effect of hacker attacks will be minimized”. The motivations behind hacking are an issue that is discussed heavily due to the importance of understanding the

    An ethical hacker attempts to duplicate the intent and actions of malicious hackers without causing harm. Ethical hackers conduct penetration tests to determine what an attacker can find out about an information system, whether a hacker can gain and maintain access to the system, and whether the hacker’s tracks can be successfully covered without being detected. The ethical hacker operates with the permission and knowledge of the organization they are trying to defend and tries to find weaknesses in the information system that can be exploited.

    In some cases, to test the effectiveness of their information system security team, an organization will not inform their team of the ethical hacker’s activities. This situation is referred to as operating in a double-blind environment. To operate effectively, the ethical hacker must be informed of the assets that should be protected, potential threat sources, and the extent to which the organization will support the ethical hacker’s efforts.

    Hacker and Ethical Hacker Characteristics and Operation;

    Hackers can be categorized into the three general classes black hats, gray hats, and white hats. A black hat hacker or cracker has the necessary computing expertise to carry out harmful attacks on information systems. A gray hat is a hacker with a split personality. At times, this individual will not break the law and might help to defend a network. At other times, the gray hat hacker reverts to black hat activities. The white hat individual usually has exceptional computer skills and uses his or her abilities to increase the security posture of information systems and defend them from malicious attacks. This individual might be an information security consultant or security analyst.

    Entities that perform ethical hacking functions for organizations usually fall into one of three categories: white hats, former black hats, and independent consulting organizations. The white hat ethical hacker has the appropriate computer skills and understanding of the black hat hacker mentality and methods. This person might be an independent consultant hired to perform ethical hacking activities. The former black hat hacker is, we might hope, reformed and brings actual black hat experience to his or her work. There is a concern about this individual in that you can never be certain that he or she will not revert to their former malicious activities. The third category of an ethical hacker is taken by consulting companies that perform a variety of services for organizations including accounting, auditing, and information system security.

    Related Types of Computer Crime and attack;

    Different kind of hacking attacks is considered computer crimes. The following is the list of crimes that are committed frequently:

    Password Hacking; Hackers find a way to illegally hack into the passwords of users of the federal bureaus, and banks to gain benefits from them.

    Network intrusions; Malicious Trojan, worms, and viruses to gain access to the information systems.

    Cheat; Illegal use of people’s identities such as credit card details.

    Software piracy; Illegal copying and use of the software.

    Viruses; Viruses, Trojan horses, and worms cause the computers to become more vulnerable and susceptible to hardware damage.

    IP address spoofing; Disguising the IP address and using that to gain illegal access to countries’ most confidential files.

    Money Laundering; Illegally acquiring funds through the manipulation and falsification of financial statements and illegal transactions.

    Data-modification; The modifying all the data.

    Smuggling of files; Gain illegal access to confidential files including bodies like military/government networks, communication systems, power grids, and the financial community

    Pipkin lists several hacking attacks that are most commonly used in braking systems and cause disruption and damage to services. These attacks can be summarized as follows:

    Software piracy is a criminal offense. Many hackers have indulged in making copies of software and selling them to gain profits on their own. The companies who develop this software will have to bear all the losses only because of someone who is illegally misusing the software. Stealing confidential files through illegal access to the company’s most confidential files. Hackers have many such motives, a few of them like denial of services to the user and making hardware conflict, making unwanted popup, causing trouble, terrorism.

    Taylor listed the main characteristics of hacking attacks in three points:

    Simplicity: means that the attack should be simple in appearance but the effects are impressive and the results will be as pleasing to the hacker as what he planned. It means that do your job smartly and easily.

    Mastery: the methods used in hacking contain sophisticated knowledge which is difficult for anyone to understand. The reason behind mastery is to make sure that the hacker is the only one who can solve the problem being caused.

    Illicitness: means that the act is against all rules and laws.


    Earlier hackers were considered to be genius because they helped in many ways in the development of computers and internet technology as such, but in this modern world where the personal benefit has played major importance in one’s life, people are often attracted to things they can do and gain through illegal entry into people privacy and using for their benefits.

    Different motivations and opinions have been discussed in this paper, but if we consider them as a person they are a live example of genius because of their abilities to do the unbelievable and unachievable by getting more involved in the programming and understanding the loopholes in the security systems. I think because of these, scientists and researchers have spent lots of technology to improve the security of the system and make them more secure so that no illegal access can be gained.

    In my view understanding the different perspectives of a hacker, we can develop a much more secure and much more sophisticated environment and provide a safer world for transactions and online shopping. The bad things of them should be taken into good only to benefit our country and its progress.

    What does means Hacking and its Effect on Society Image
    What does means Hacking and its Effect on Society? Image by TheDigitalWay from Pixabay.
  • Enterprise Computing Implementing Advantages Disadvantages

    Enterprise Computing Implementing Advantages Disadvantages

    What is the Enterprise Computing? Nowadays Information technology has immediate growth. Nearly every day there are new ideas to enhance the implementation of the technology. It cannot be denied that people who live today unconsciously depend on technology. Each task done by the people gets much help from technology. For an instance, a handphone that help us to communicate with our colleagues, the internet that serves certain time information for us, and much more technology which made our daily activity easier. At least we can follow technological progress so that we don’t leave behind.

    Here is the article to explain, How to define Enterprise Computing as their Implementing idea with its Advantages and Disadvantages?

    Technology has an important role both in our lives and business. A company or organization needs to know about the technology to help them to run their task more easily. They must change their manual way to the automatic one. The automatic system will help finish several tasks easier. There are several benefits if an organization or a company applies the automatic system. One of the benefits is reducing the production time. Time is an important aspect furthermore now. For one second it looks very expensive. The customer wants a product or service which available at a certain time. 

    This condition forces a company to work harder for supplying customer requirements. Another benefit is reducing the cost to hire an employee. The automatic system doesn’t need many resources to handle the task. For an instance is a telecommunication company. The company doesn’t need to require many operators to answer customer questions about their products or services. The customer only needs to dial a particular number suitable to the call center provided by the provider and they will serve by a voice system that will give all the information suitable to the customer’s requirement. With a handphone, a customer can get all the information regarding their requirements anytime, anywhere they want.


    This is a fact that enterprise computing is helping to run a business whatever its scale or to make our daily activity easier. Suitable to the benefits offered by enterprise computing, it can reference or as a base to keep developing enterprise computing in the company it selves. Adopting an automatic system is a brilliant way for a company to keep producing and inventing for their customer satisfaction. See how it is important enterprise computing for a company to grow up their business and get more ratings from their customer.

    Enterprise computing shouldn’t only be for big-scale businesses but also intermediate and small businesses too. Essentially an intermediate and small business needs to make an invention to grow their scale to be a greater company that follows the competition with another company. In this case, is about customer satisfaction and the effectiveness of work. There is a chance to grow up the scale of business to be the greater on is they can see the opportunity and keep adapting the technology which always changes every time. It is because the technology can apply to all business sectors. For an instance are healthy, agronomic, trading, farming, and many others. It is why a company required technology and enterprise computing in particular.

    The Concepts of Enterprise Computing;

    A company has its vision and mission to keep growing. It stood suitable with their target stated before. A company commonly wants an improvement in all business sectors. Begin with the essential aspect such as competent human resources, smooth production process, and of course good results for its customer. No company wants regression to happen in their business. Both Production Company and Service Company want a real improvement for their business. They won’t increase the effectiveness in doing their tasks, reducing production costs and getting a good result.

    Then when the time has coming for a company to step their business level to the higher one. This company is in the transition phase from small businesses to the intermediate or the higher level. This phase force a company to change its system in doing all tasks. They must keep an eye on the technology trends. This is related to the pattern or the way how they do all the tasks. Usually, it stood triggered by customer requirements regarding their success in providing a product or service.

    From the above illustration, a company must have a planning to make a brand new system for improving their available system now. In this case, enterprise computing is the best solution for a company. They offer an easier way to solve a complex task and produce better results in the end. It selves is an integrated system that helps a complex task by applying an automatic system or a computer. They have a tight relationship with information and technology. On the other side information and technology has a rapid development. Because of that, a company requires to follow the development of information and technology for applying enterprise computing it selves.


    They have various methodologies. It might be too complex to explain. But the main idea is to change the manual system to the automatic one. Imagine the old way of hiring an employee for the company. The HRD staff urgently needs to publish the recruitment opportunity with an advertisement. Then when the employee candidate knows about the advertisement, he must go to the company and ask whether the job is still available or not. This way is wasting too much time. Let us compare it with the automatic system. The HRD only needs to post the job on the internet and provide a form for the employee candidate than when the registrant is enough, the HRD just needs to call several candidates for the next interview process. See how it is more effective than the old way.

    High analysis techniques and the right implementation of enterprise computing requirements. Enterprise computing is not an easy method. A company requires to prepare all the plans in a good form and deep analysis of their requirement and in were aspects they need to change. The transition phase looks like a challenge for a company to determine their futures. It might be a success or failure depending on what their plans are before. They must think about and forecast what probably happen with their plan yet. Then the percentage of success is higher than failure. In the end, there will be a great result from changing their system to be an enterprise computing. There are several benefits of enterprise computing. But it also has a weakness. These two aspects required analysis before applying enterprise computing for the company suitable with their condition yet.

    How to Implementing Enterprise Computing?

    Planning something is easier than implementing it. Several main steps need attention to implement enterprise computing in the current system. Here are the steps required.


    This is the root step of implementing enterprise computing. The entire problem needs to identify first. Each company has its profile, condition, and goal. They must gather it carefully. Essentially a company has the challenge to work more maximal. This is related to customer requirements. The customer has a requirement and a company need to satisfy them. If a company doesn’t identify it carefully, a customer might change their mind to move to another company that can provide an interesting product. In the end, this condition would be affecting to company’s income. Customer satisfaction is an instance of identification required aspect. A company must be more careful in this step. So that the entire required aspect for development would indicate a good pattern for smoothing the next step.


    After the entire factor has stood identified, the company needs to analyze it one by one. In this analysis procedure, a company required an expert. A good expert can analyze a complex problem and break it down into a part. Then each part is able analyzed by them. The main goal is to determine a plan and solve the problem suitable to a company profile. If each factor is analyzed in a good way then it will be easier to determine the plan. At the end of this step is planning together with its functional concept and technical field that will be applied for the future. The concept of analyzing it selves must be applied to all business sectors without ignoring a little aspect. So that the entire process will be generating a good plan suitable to the company profile.


    The entire factors that have stood analyzed need to determine a plan. For an instance the determining of who will handle each task in the process, how far the anticipation if there is any problem, and the availability of the resource. The right plan will make the company easier to run the system in the future. In a planning process, a company needs to compare its condition right now. The goal is to use all available resources maximally. Then when the implementation is running this problem will not contradict the internal condition of the company. A good determination of a plan will make the process smoother. The plan to develop enterprise computing is only the beginning of all steps. The company needs to run this process faster and to the point to reduce the time. There are several complex steps forward.


    Implementation is the main step of all recommended stages. The implementation step essentially is applying all plans conducted before. Implementation is the most complex step. However, a company doesn’t feel afraid to face it. The prerequisite is they already identified, analyzed, and planned a good strategy for this. Then at the implementation step, they will not face a big problem. The implementation step needs tight attention so that each plan conducted can be done smoothly. The diligence of all staff is also required at this step to prevent any problem occur that can be disturbing when running the implementation it selves.


    The next step after the implementation of enterprise computing is running the new system. This is the time for the new system to get tested. Good testing is a testing process that covers all details of the system. Then if there are any defects found, it can revise faster. A good system is a system with a minimum defect but usually, there is no perfect system. Suitable to the previous statement, a company should be investigating the system carefully for its benefit in the future. A company needs to compare the new system with the old one so that if there is any useful part of the old system, it can be applied to the new one to get supported.


    The maintenance phase is the right step to review the new system which has done. At this phase, it might be raising any unpredictable defect. The defect raised can be bigger or just a little. If this thing happened, the company needs to make the right problem-solving at a certain time so that the running system will not disturb any revising system. The stability of a system is a dream for each company in the world and it might be prestige to another company for them. A company may get an award if it invented a new system that runs smoothly. When the system is running properly then a company will get the benefit of doing the entire job.

    They are six steps that need to get special attention from the company in developing an enterprise computing system. A company requires to run the entire steps in the right way, so the process of developing an enterprise computing system can be running smoothly and generate a good system in the end. When building the system all staff need to work together. The goal is to gather all information regarding the current condition of a company. It was important because each staff has a different point of view that may conduct to be a good idea. Then when the system is ready to use, all staff will know how to run the system properly. In the end, it might be not easy to develop an enterprise computing system but for the internal improvement of the company, this method can implement in the current system.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Enterprise Computing;

    There are several reasons why enterprise computing might fail to construct. As mentioned above enterprise computing required a deep analysis before implementing it into the current system. The company is required to see from many points of view and recognize the information technology development. Then after all careful analysis, the plan should be conducted in a good form. The plan must cover all company requirements. The most important aspect to analyze before all steps of conducting enterprise computing is the advantage and disadvantages of it selves. With these comparisons, the expertise in the company can determine the best way and also look for good opportunities to implement enterprise computing.

    Here are several main points of advantages and disadvantages of enterprise computing in improving business processes.


    Increase productivity;

    This is the main advantage of enterprise computing. With enterprise computing applied, a company can increase its production. Then they will be generating a product or service suitable to their customer’s requirements.

    Reduce operational costs;

    Enterprise computing doesn’t need many resources involved in the system. For an instance is the process of recruiting an employee. Also, The old system might be requiring two or more HRD to handle the task. With enterprise computing applied, it might be able to do with only one HRD. The HRD only sits at the front of his desk and waits for the candidates to fill out the recruitment form online.

    Reduce operational time;

    An instants product or service became the main aspect today. The faster is better. Enterprise computing is offering minimal production time. The main concept is the difference between a conventional system and the automatic one. The automatic system is offering a better production time than the conventional way. Each complex task can be done by an automatic system without a problem.

    Gain more results;

    Customer satisfaction is a good result parameter for a company. Customer doesn’t care how the process is, they only want their requirement provided by a company anytime they need them. This condition forces company to gain more results. Again enterprise computing is offering this.


    Required high problem analysis;

    It might be hard at the beginning of enterprise computing. As mentioned above high analysis is required before conducting the system. There are many aspects to be analyzed in the beginning. Then the company did not make any mistakes in its planning.

    The complex at the beginning;

    The complexity of enterprise computing might be hard enough to implement in the beginning but it will not be a trouble anymore in the future. The complexity happens if there is no deep analysis of the problem occurred. This aspect also needs to get attention for the development of enterprise computing.

    Threat from an external resource;

    An external resource such as a virus needs to get particular attention. The integrated system has a rapid data exchange inside the network. It triggers a new thread of virus attacks. The system must be able to defend itself from external threats. Installing a suitable antivirus is a good idea to keep the system running healthy and free from virus attacks.

    Enterprise Computing Implementing Advantages Disadvantages Image
    Enterprise Computing Implementing Advantages Disadvantages; Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay.
  • RDBMS stands for Meaning and Definition

    RDBMS stands for Meaning and Definition

    What is the full form with Meaning and Definition of the RDBMS stands for it? The abbreviation form of Relational Database Management System is RDBMS. The structure of RDBMS is database tables, fields, and records. Each RDBMS table consists of database table rows; and, each database table row consists of one or more database table fields. RDBMS stands used by the mainframe, midrange, and microcomputers. MS SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, and also MySQL are the most popular RDBMS.

    Here is the article to explain, What is the RDBMS stands for Meaning and Definition?

    RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management Systems. It is a program that allows us to create, delete, and update a relational database. A relational database is a database system that stores; and retrieves data in a tabular format organized in the form of rows and columns. It is a smaller subset of DBMS which existed designed by E.F Codd in the 1970s. The major DBMS like SQL, My-SQL, ORACLE is all based on the principles of relational DBMS. The data exist stored in the form of tables that might exist related to common fields. The data stored in the database table exist manipulated by the rational operators given by RDBMS stands for it. SQL is the database query language in most RDBMS.

    Meaning and Definition of Relational Database Management System (RDBMS);

    A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS full form) is a database system that makes available access to a relational database. The database system is a collected work of database function that helps the end-user to build, keep up, supervise and utilize the database. A “relational database” RDBMS stands for a database controlled based on the “relational” data model. Data exist stored up and accessible in a tabular system; structure in the combination of rows and also columns containing one documentation per row.

    Why RDBMS?

    We will use the terms tables and relations interchangeably.

    • In an RDBMS, the data is logically perceived as tables.
    • Tables are in logical data structures that we assume to hold the data that the database intends to represent.
    • Also, tables are not physical structures.
    • Each table has a unique table name.

    Relational package owes its foundation to the fact that the values of every table area unit exist associated with others; it’s the potential to handle larger magnitudes of knowledge and also simulate queries simply.

    The features of RDBMS;

    Relational Database Management Systems maintains knowledge integrity by simulating the subsequent features:

    • Entity Integrity: No 2 records of the information table will be utterly duplicated.
    • Referential Integrity: solely the rows of these tables will be deleted that aren’t employed by different tables. Otherwise, it should cause knowledge inconsistency.
    • User-defined Integrity: Rules outlined by the user’s supported confidentiality and access.
    • Domain integrity: The columns of the information tables area unit encircled at intervals some structured limits, supported default values, style of knowledge, or ranges.

    The Characteristics of RDBMS;

    • Data should be kept in tabular type within the decibel file, that is, it ought to be organized within a variety of rows and columns.
    • Each row of the table is named record/tuple. the gathering of such records is understood because the cardinality of the table
    • Each column of the table is named Associate in Nursing attribute/field. the gathering of such columns is named the arity of the table.
    • No 2 records of the decibel table will be identical. knowledge duplicity is so avoided by employing a candidate key. Candidate secret’s a minimum set of attributes needed to spot every record unambiguously.
    • Tables area units associated with one another with the assistance of foreign keys.
    • Database tables additionally enable NULL values, that’s if the values of any of the weather of the table aren’t crammed or area unit missing, it becomes a NULL worth, that isn’t adored zero.

    Advantages of RDBMS;

    The following the advantages of RDBMS below are;

    Data Structure;

    The tabular presentation is trouble-free and also uncomplicated for database end-users to identify with and make use of data in the database. Also, RDBMSs make available data right to use using a natural structure and association of the data. The different queries of the Database to search any column within the database in a given condition or matching criteria are possible.

    Multi-User Access;

    RDBMSs agree to numerous databases’ user rights to use the same database at the same time. Integrated locking and also communication management functionality permit end-users the right to use the database; as it is existing transformed, put off collision stuck between two users modifying the data, and maintain users from processing to some extent restructured records.


    Access control and privilege control characteristics in an RDBMS agreed to the database administrator to limit access to allowed users, and also allow the right to individual users according to the types of database activities they require to carry out. The authentication process can exist set up based on the address called remote client IP address, in grouping with end-user permission, limited use, and also modification to precise peripheral computer systems.

    Network Access;

    RDBMSs allow access to the main database through a server daemon. The server daemon is a dedicated software program that responds to user requests on a network; and, allows database end-user to connect to and also access the database. All the users do not have to be capable to log in to the user computer system to access the database; providing ease for the end-users and a level of protection for the main database. The access to the network permits system developers to build desktop outfits; and, Web applications to communicate and also transact with databases.


    The relational database model is not the best database system. One of the advantages of RDBMS, as like simplicity, makes the slower swiftness a reasonable transaction. The optimizations put together into the RDBMS, and the aim of the databases, boost performance, permitting RDBMSs to carry out more than fast enough for most of the applications and data set. Technological improvement, evaluation, and development of processor speeds and also diminishing memory and storage expenditure permit database systems administrators to prepare extraordinarily faster systems that can triumph over any database act inadequacy.


    The characteristic of RDBMSs maintenance utilities is that allow the administrator of the database to use easily maintainable tools, test, repair, and also make back up the databases stored in the system. The functions can exist made automated by using built-in incorporated automation technology possessed in the RDBMS, or the automation implements existing on the operating system.


    The powerful genetic language calls “Structured Query Language” (SQL) exists supported by the RDBMS. The syntax of SQL is easy to understand and use, and the language uses the Standard English language as keywords and also the manner of speaking, making it moderately spontaneous and easy to learn and use. Some of the RDBMSs use non-SQL, specific database special words, functions, and characteristics to the Structured Query Language.

    Disadvantages of RDBMS;

    The following the disadvantages of RDBMS below are;

    In RDBMS, database Normalisation (Database Normal Forms and Functional Dependencies) may lead to some relationship that has no existence in the database or corresponds to entities in the practical database. This makes confliction on the use of ‘join’ method in query dealing out.

    • High price and in-depth Hardware and code Support: immense prices and also setups area unit needed to create these systems perform.
    • Scalability: just in case of the addition of a lot of knowledge, servers at the side of extra power, and memory area unit needed.
    • Complexity: Voluminous knowledge creates complexness within the understanding of relations and will lower the performance.
    • Structured Limits: The fields or columns of an electronic information service system area unit encircled at intervals varied limits; which can cause loss of knowledge.
    • In RDBMS, the “Many to Many” relationships between entities complicated to put across.
    • Also, The RDBMS has dependencies like domains, keys, multi-valued, and join dependency.
    RDBMS stands for Meaning and Definition Image
    RDBMS stands for Meaning and Definition; Image by Sven W. from Pixabay.
  • Facilities Manager Meaning Role Responsibilities Essay

    Facilities Manager Meaning Role Responsibilities Essay

    Facilities Manager Meaning, Definition, Role, and Responsibilities with their Essay; Facility management includes all complex operating activities such as grocery stores, auto shops, sports complexes, jails, office buildings, hospitals, hotels, and all other revenue-generating. The facility manager’s job purpose is to create an environment that encourages output, is pleasing to clients and consumers, and is efficient.

    Here is the article to explain, What is the Meaning and Definition of Facilities Manager? Role and Responsibilities with their Essay!

    The meaning and definition of facilities manager includes a wide range of functions and also support services. All staff, students, and volunteers are responsible for ensuring that they work in a manner that is safe for themselves; and others and to comply with relevant requirements of guidance to the national standees and the University of health and safety department. All staff parents or cares volunteers and students exist urged to read the nursery health and safety policy and relevant parts in the university health and safety policy.

    Meaning and Definition of Facility management;

    Facility management is a profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure the functionality of the built environment by integrating people, place, process, and technology; The integration of processes within an organization to maintain and also develop the agreed services; which support and improve the effectiveness of its primary activities.

    According to Alan M.Levitt,

    “a facility may be a space or an office or suite of offices; a floor or group of floors within a building; a single building or a group of buildings or structures. These structures may be in an urban setting or freestanding in a suburban or rural setting. The structures or buildings may be a part of a complex or office park or campus”.

    Facility management is hard to define because of its broad scope. Also, It involves the coordination of everything that keeps a company’s buildings, assets, and systems running. On top of managing day-to-day operations, above the facilities manager meaning and definition must also execute the long-term strategic facility management plan of their company.

    Total facilities management;

    Total facilities management includes those things which everything needed; such as services for a living, working, healthcare, education, commercial development, retailing, transportation, and communication undertakings.

    According to steven M.Price;

    “facilities, professionals are being asked to contain costs while achieving maximum beneficial use- that is, to achieve more with less.”

    Some other people describe the facility as a physical place where done business activities. Also, Facility management is a duty to make plans according to business activity needs and demands; as good facility management deals with those needs in the best and most effective ways possible. Which responsibility played by facility managers explain below:

    • Observe the efficiency of the organization.
    • Make sure that the divergent processes, procedures, and standards present in a business complement rather than interfere with one another.
    • Observe all features of facility maintenance.
    • Tracking and responding to environmental, health, safety, and security issues.
    • Ensuring facility compliance with relevant regulatory codes and regulations
    • Educating the workforce about all manner of standards and procedures, from ordering office supplies to acting in the event of a disaster.

    The role and responsibilities of facilities managers;

    A facilities manager has a range of responsibilities including overseeing the daily running of a building and reducing its operating costs. In any organization, the facility manager is responsible for services of management that support business. Also, Facilities managers manage the continual maintenance of the building, identifying health and safety issues to make sure the building is safe for use and general responsibility for utilities, services, and daily logistical management. How to define the meaning and definition of facilities manager? A facilities manager is also responsible for managing catering and cleaning services and utilizing space management throughout the building.

    • Facility managers are responsible for directing a maintenance staff.
    • Facility manager’s duties related to standard maintenance, mailroom, and security activities, he or she may also be responsible for providing engineering and architectural services, hiring subcontractors, maintaining computer and telecommunications systems, and even buying, selling, or leasing real estate or office space.
    • The managers are also responsible for considering federal, state, and local regulations.
    • Facility managers also integrate knowledge workers into a dynamic business environment of global competition, technological developments, security threats, and changing values.

    Scope of facilities management;

    Facilities management describe those core business activities where business are working and also provide a good career path with the associated motivation that it brings. Good facilities management always try to introduce new idea and knowledge to improve the standard, improve the consumer primary activities and protect the associated investments. Those by the scope of facilities management is wide and varied; such activities include security, cleaning, maintenance, catering, landscaping, hygiene, etc. Today the role and scope of facilities management have changed dramatically

    Corporate social responsibility;

    Total corporate social responsibility can subdivide into four primary criteria-economic, legal, ethical and discretionary responsibilities. Mark S.Schwartz and Archie B.Carroll, “Corporate Social Responsibility: A Three Domain Approach,” Business Ethics Quarterly 13, no.4 (2003), 503-530; and Archie B.Carroll, “A Three -Dimensional Conceptual Model of Corporate Performance,” Academy of Management Review 4(1979), 497-505.

    These four criteria fit together to form the whole of a company’s social responsiveness. Managers and organizations involve in several issues at the same time, and a company’s ethical and discretionary responsibilities exist increasingly considered as important as an economic and legal issue.

    Business ethics are moral principles that guide the way a business behaves. Acting ethically involves distinguishing ‘right’ and wrong and then making the right choice. For example, the policy about honesty, health and safety, and corrupt practices.


    Facilities management also supports the board to bring aspects critical to the facility management operational activities such as premises, local community, and staff welfare. Also, Facilities managers play a vital role in the delivery of more facilities by several stages in the life cycle of a building.

    Today, facilities management challenges are integrating the resource with the user’s needs. Lavy (2008) concludes that facility management not only improves physical performance; but also increases the satisfaction that the users feel while staying/working/teaching/learning in that building. The facilities manager needs to understand the link between the institution’s aims and objectives; and the various group in the institution. The interface has to be strong and without it is easy to fail to work in the same direction. Therefore, a facility manager has to take into account the needs of the users as a basis for providing them with suitable facilities.

    Ever-growing space requirements with ever-growing unused spaces increase the gap between what is available and what exists required. Also, Facility Managers face several challenges in convincing the higher management in getting approval for an additional building or space.

    Health and safety;

    Bio-energy company management system always keeps in mind the development of positive health, safety, and environment culture through the development of policies and procedures and promotion. They also provide training and monitoring services to the employees and employers; which exist intended to encourage employees as an integral part of daily operations. All staff, students, visitors, parents/carers would report any health and safety issues promptly to Melissa Leach or Susan Rogers or a senior member of staff in their absence.

    Health and Safety issues would discuss and record and the relevant agencies would inform of the concern that has occurred. The Nursery Manager and Deputy Manager also attend the Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the workplace, Risk Assessment Training, and Manual Handling Risk Assessment. Records of training undertaken by staff stand kept by the Nursery Manager along with planned dates for future course attendance and also refresher courses as needed.

    Safety and Security Policy;

    At Phoenix, we aim to make the nursery a safe and secure place for the children, Parents/Carers, Staff, and any Visitors who may enter the setting. We aim to make all the children, parents/carers, and staff aware of health and safety issues to minimize the hazards and risks to enable them to thrive in a safe and healthy environment.

    Melissa and Sue are the members of staff who have undertaken the appropriate training and are responsible for recording risk assessments, updating policies, and ensuring others are aware of safety and security issues.

    Health and safety policies;
    • As a management priority health and safety as an integral part of business
    • Carried out all activities safe manner.
    • Find hazards and mitigated through formal assessment.
    • Organizations fulfill with current health and safety legislation and apply best practices to all their activities.
    • Also, Employees encourage to be proactive on health and safety issues.
    • All employees require to co-operate with the organization; and their workers in implementing the policy and make sure that their work is without risk to themselves.
    Environment policy;
    • Improvement in the environmental management system by worker training, consultation, involvement in identifying environmental impacts, etc is the objective of the organization.
    • The environmental impact also analyzed in under organization which involves potential risk of pollution,
    • Organizations always try to cooperate with the applicable local authority and landlords site on a relevant issue.
    • Also, The Company gives due consideration to environmental issues raised by customers and seeks to respond positively to customer-led environmental initiatives.
    • The Company works closely with those involved in the manufacturing supply chain; to achieve best practices in the environmental aspects of material sourcing, product manufacture, disposal, and recycling.

    All staff, students, visitors, volunteers, Parents/Carers are aware of the location of fire doors and fire exits, and means of escape from the nursery. Also to know the location of the nearest fire extinguisher and fire alarm call points and instructions for their use. All staff has attended the University in house Fire Warden Training. Emergency exit routes are always tidy and free from obstacles. Also, The Fire Siren tested weekly. The Nursery Manager or Deputy Manager to collect the register from the Kitchen. Staff to take responsibility for the children, and to assist them to immediately vacate the nursery, through the safest exit; if possible through the garden and car park.

    Risk Assessment;

    The majority of the activities that exist carried out in the Nursery are generally of low risk in nature and do not require standing formally assessed. However, if we are planning a trip outside the nursery or are carrying out an activity; when the child could be at risk, we would carry out a written risk assessment. Risk assessments exist carried out by Sue Rogers and Melissa Leach and all staff will contribute to these documents.

    The risk assessments would exist carried out on activities, the nursery environment, outside environment, manual handling, and outings. They exist regularly reviewed, working documents stand displayed in each area of the nursery. Should you have any queries or concerns of your own please feel free to talk to Sue or Melissa. Risk assessments exist brought to the attention of all relevant staff and students parents/carers and anyone who involve in the activity. Risk assessments exist reviewed annually. They exist periodically passed to the Health and Safety Department for checking to ensure that they are suitable and sufficient.

    Importance of quality to facilities management;

    As professional facility management used to strategically provide a quality working environment. But it required top-level management support and accurate requirements defined by consumers. In today’s current environment of innovation and increasing completion among suppliers, facilities management service providers must implement quality management.

    The organization gets success through introducing quality management techniques. That’s by productivity can improve and absenteeism reduced by improving the internal environment. According to Alexander, “it is a total quality approach to sustaining an operational environment and providing support services to meet the strategic needs of an organization”.

    Facilities Manager Meaning Role Responsibilities Essay Image
    Facilities Manager Meaning Role Responsibilities Essay; Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay.
  • Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) Comparison Essay

    Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) Comparison Essay

    The network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) network security technology monitors network traffic for suspicious activity; and, issues alerts when action is required to deal with the threat. Any malicious activity is reported and can be collected centrally by using the security information and event management (SIEM) method.

    Here is the article to explain, Essay, and Comparison of Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS)!

    Security information and event management (SIEM) software give enterprise security professionals both insight into; and a track record of the activities within their IT environment. The SIEM method incorporates outputs from multiple sources and employs alarm filtering techniques to identify malicious actions. There are two types of systems, host-based intrusion, and network intrusion detection. In this essay, I will be looking at both techniques, identifying what classifies as a NID and comparing different types of NIDS.

    Classification of Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS);

    As previously highlighted in the introductory part of the essay; there are two types of systems, host-based intrusion, and network intrusion detection. They are known as HIDS or NIDS. They are different from each other as host-based intrusion monitors malicious activities on a single computer; whereas network intrusion detection monitors traffic on the network to detect intrusions. The main difference between both systems is that network intrusion detection systems monitor in real-time; tracking live data for tampering whilst host-based intrusion systems check logged files for any malicious activity. Both systems can employ a strategy known as signature-based detection or anomaly-based detection.

    Anomaly-based detection searches for unusual or irregular activity caused by users or processes. For instance, if the network was accessed with the same login credentials from several different cities around the globe all in the same day; it could be a sign of anomalous behavior. A HIDS uses anomaly-based detection surveys log files for indications of unexpected behavior; while a NIDS monitors for the anomalies in real-time.

    Signature-based detection monitors data for patterns. HIDS running signature-based detection work similarly to anti-virus applications; which search for bit patterns or keywords within files by performing similar scans on log files. Signature-based NIDS work like a firewall, except the firewall, performs scans on keywords, packet types, and protocol activity entering and leaving the network. They also run similar scans on traffic moving within the network.

    Comparison of different types of Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS);

    There are various types of NIDS available to protect the network from external threats. In this essay, we have discussed both HIDS (Host-based) and NIDS (Network Intrusion Detection System) and signature-based IDS and anomaly-based IDS. Both of them are very similar but they function differently but when combined, they complement each other.

    For example, HIDS only examines host-based actions such as what are being applications used, kernel logs, files that are being accessed, and information that resides in the kernel logs. NIDS analyzes network traffic for suspicious activity. NIDS can detect an attacker before they begin an unauthorized breach of the system; whereas HIDS cannot detect that anything is wrong until the attacker has breached the system.

    Both signature-based IDS and anomaly-based IDS contrast each other. For example, anomaly-based IDS monitor activities on the network and raise an alarm; if anything suspicious i.e. other than the normal behavior detected.

    There are many flaws with anomaly-based IDS. Both Carter (2002) and Garcia-Teodoro (2009) have listed disadvantages

    • Appropriate training required before the IDS installed into any environment
    • It generates false positives
    • If the suspicious activity is similar to the normal activity, it will not detected.

    However, there are flaws with signature-based IDS. Carter (2002) highlights some disadvantages of signature-based IDS.

    • It cannot detect zero-day attacks
    • The database must updated daily
    • The system must updated with every possible attack signature
    • If an attack in a database is slightly modifies, it is harder to detect

    Advances and developments of Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS);

    There have been many advances and developments towards NID over the last few years such as honeypots and machine learning. Spitzner defines honeypots as computer systems that exist designed to lure & deceive attackers by simulating a real network. Whilst these systems seem real, they have no production value. Any interaction with these systems should be illicit. There are many kinds of honeypots such as low interaction systems to high interaction and more complex systems to lure and attract advanced attackers.

    For example, high interaction honeypots provide attackers with a real operating system that allows the attacker to execute commands. The chances of collecting large amounts of information on the attacker are very high as all actions exist logged and monitored. Many researchers and organizations use research honeypots; which gather information on the attacker and what tools they used to execute the attack. They exist deployed mainly for research purposes to learn how to provide improved protection against attackers.

    Other Things;

    Another advancement of Network Intrusion Detection is machine learning. Machine learning provides computers with the capability of learning and improving from events without existing programs explicitly. The main aim of machine learning is to allow computers to learn without human intervention and intervene accordingly.

    Unsupervised learning algorithms exist used when the information provided for training exists neither marked nor classified. The task given to the machine is to group unsorted information according to patterns, similarities, and differences without any training data given prior. Unsupervised learning algorithms can determine the typical pattern of the network and can report any anomalies without a labeled data set.

    One drawback of the algorithm is that it is prone to false-positive alarms; but, can still detect new types of intrusions. By switching to a supervised learning algorithm, the network can exist taught the difference between a normal packet and an attack packet. The supervised model can deal with attacks and recognize variations of the attack.

    Implementation of Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) within an SME;

    With threats developing every day, businesses need to adapt to the changing landscape of network security. For example, a business should focus on developing a strong security policy. This helps to define how employees use IT resources and define acceptable use and standards for company email. If a business creates a set of clear security policies and makes the organization aware of these policies; these policies will create the foundation of a secure network.

    Another suggestion provided in the report by SANS is to design a secure network with the implementation of a firewall, packet filtering on the router, and using a DMZ network for servers requiring access to the internet.

    More things;

    Testing of this implementation must exist done by someone other than the individual or organization that has configured the firewall and perimeter security. Developing a computer incident plan is key as it will help to understand how to respond to a security incident. The plan will help to identify the resources involved and recover and resolve the incident. If a business is reliant on the internet during day-to-day operations, a company will have to disable their resources, reset them and rebuild the systems for use again which will resolve the issue.

    Using personal firewalls on laptops is another suggestion for businesses to take into consideration. For example, laptop computers may exist used in the office and at other times, may exist connected to foreign networks which may have prominent security issues.

    For example, the Blaster worm virus which spread from August 11th, 2003 gained access to many company networks after a laptop existed infected with the worm from a foreign network, and then the user subsequently connected to the corporate LAN. The worm eventually spread itself across the entire company network.

    From the report, SANS identified that personal laptops should have personal firewalls enabled to address any prominent security issues. They also highlighted that laptops that contain sensitive data, encryption, and authentication will reduce the possibility of data existing exposed if the device is lost.


    From my findings, I believe that NIDS is essential in protecting a company’s network from external and internal threats. If a company chose not to implement a NID within the business, the subsequent impact would be the company would cease to exist if an attack damaged customer records or valuable data.

    With the implementation of a NID within a company, the business can mitigate the impacts of an attack by using a honeypot to capture information about an attacker and what tools they used to execute the attack. This allows businesses to prepare themselves against attacks and secure any assets that could damage the company’s ability to operate. By enforcing a security and fair use policy within the company, employees are aware of the standards they must abide by when employed by the business.

    This also allows the company to scrutinize employees that do not follow the practices and take legal action if necessary. A business can hire managed security service providers who can assist in implementing the appropriate security measures for the business. Businesses must check whether the company has qualified staff and proven experience of their work as the main threat of most attacks on small to medium businesses lies within the company.

    Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) Comparison Essay Image
    Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) Comparison Essay; Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay.