Category: Management Information System

A Management Information System (MIS) is a computer-based system that provides managers with the tools and information. They need to make informed decisions for planning, organizing, and controlling business operations. MIS collects, processes, stores, and disseminates data from various sources within an organization, converting it into meaningful and actionable information.

Key components and features of a Management Information System include:

  1. Data Collection: MIS gathers data from various sources. Such as transaction processing systems, databases, sensors, and external sources, such as market research data.
  2. Data Processing: The collected data stand processed and transformed into useful information through various operations. Such as sorting, filtering, aggregating, and summarizing.
  3. Database Management: MIS typically uses databases to store and organize the data for easy retrieval and analysis.
  4. Data Analysis and Reporting: MIS provides tools for data analysis and generates reports, charts, graphs, and dashboards to present the information to managers in a clear and understandable format.
  5. Decision Support: MIS assists managers in making decisions by providing relevant, timely, and accurate information that supports their judgment and problem-solving processes.
  6. Integration of Departments: MIS integrates data and processes from different departments within an organization, facilitating communication and collaboration between departments.
  7. Security and Data Integrity: MIS implements security measures to protect sensitive data and ensures. The integrity of the information stored and transmitted within the system.
  8. Real-Time Information: Some MIS systems offer real-time or near-real-time information. Enabling managers to monitor operations and respond to changes promptly.
  9. Forecasting and Planning: MIS can include forecasting and planning modules that use historical data to predict future trends and support strategic planning.
  10. Customization: MIS can be tailored to the specific needs and requirements of an organization. Providing flexibility in terms of the data collected and the reports generated.

MIS plays a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations by providing managers with timely, relevant, and accurate information. It helps identify areas of concern, spot trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve performance, streamline processes, and gain a competitive advantage. MIS stands commonly used in various industries, including manufacturing, finance, healthcare, retail, and service sectors. To facilitate data-driven decision-making at all levels of management.

  • What is the Executive Information System (EIS)?

    What is the Executive Information System (EIS)?

    Executive Information System (EIS) Meaning, Factors, Characteristics, Advantages, Pros, Benefits, Merits, Disadvantages, Cons, Limitation, and Demerits; An Executive Info System (EIS) is a kind of decision support system (DSS) used in associations to help managers in decision making. It does so by providing easy entrance to important data needed in an institution to achieve strategic objectives. An EIS usually has graphical presentations on a user-friendly interface. They can use for monitoring enterprise performance in many different types of organizations as well as for identifying opportunities and issues.

    Here is the article to explain, Executive Information System (EIS) with their Meaning, Factors, Characteristics, Advantages, Pros, Benefits, Merits, Disadvantages, Cons, Limitation, and Demerits!

    Early they were developed on mainframe computers as computer-based programs to provide the description, sales performance, and/or market research data for senior managers of an enterprise. Executives, however, were not all lettered or sure about the computers. Also, EIS data endorsed only executive-level decisions that did not necessarily support the entire organization or business. Current EIS data is available on local area networks (LANs) throughout the business or corporation, facilitated by personal computers and workstations.

    Workers can access business data to help make decisions in their workplaces, departments, divisions, etc. This enables workers to provide relevant information and ideas above and below the level of their business. Administrative support systems are intended to be used directly by senior managers to support unscheduled strategic management judgments. Often such data is external, unstructured, and even doubtful. Often, the exact scope and context of such details are not known in advancement.

    What is the meaning of Executive Information System (EIS)?

    An EIS is an Information System that can transform the business data into insights and help the top-level executives of a company in the domain of corporate business intelligence; which consists of the processes, applications, and also practices that support executive decision making. This system delivers the most recent operational data gathered from various internal and external databases.

    A Typical Executive Information System;

    Executive Information System focuses on the present, usually presenting the executive with information within the budgeting time-frame of the organization. Furthermore, it is exclusively a display technology, oriented to presenting static reports graphs, and textual information on demand. It offers no analysis capabilities to help the executive explain, diagnose, and also understand the information presented to them.

    Decision Support System:

    A Decision Support System (DSS) is a collection of integrated software applications and hardware that help the analyst, managers of an organization in the decision-making process. Organizations depend on decision support tools, techniques, and models to help them assess and resolve everyday business problems. And make decisions. The decision support system is data-driven, as the entire process feeds off of the collection and also the availability of data to analyze. Business Intelligence (BI) reporting tools, processes, and methodologies are key components to any decision support system and provide end-users with rich reporting, monitoring, and data analysis.

    Key Factors and Characteristics of Executive Information System (EIS);

    The below-mentioned formation describes key factors and characteristics of EIS,

    • Exact data – They provide absolute data from its current database.
    • Incorporate external and internal data – They integrate external and internal data. Also, The external data was collected from different sources.
    • Offering information – They describe available data in graphical form which helps to analyze it easily.
    • Trend research and analysis – They help executives of the institutions to data prediction based on trend data.
    • Easy to utilize – They very the simplest system to use.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Executive Information System;

    The following Executive Information System (EIS) Advantages, Pros, Benefits, Merits, Disadvantages, Cons, Limitation, and Demerits below are;

    Pros, Benefits, Merits, and Advantages of EIS;
    • Trend Research and Analysis.
    • Revision and Improvement of corporate version in the marketplace.
    • Development of managerial and administrative leadership skills.
    • Improves conclusion or decision-making.
    • Easy to use by senior executives.
    • The more useful reporting method, and.
    • Also, Improved post efficiency.
    Cons, Limitation, Demerits, and Disadvantages of EIS;

    Sources for the information processed by an Executive Information System (EIS);

    The sources for the information processed by an EIS are as follows:

    Hardware Sources;

    The basic computer hardware needed for a typical EIS includes four components:

    • Input data-entry devices; These devices allow the executive to enter, verify, and update data immediately.
    • The central processing unit (CPU); CPU is the kernel because it controls the other computer system components.
    • Data storage files; The executive can use this part to save useful business information, and this part also help the executive to search historical business information easily
    • Output devices; Which provide a visual or permanent record for the executive to save or read. Also, This device refers to the visual output device or printer.
    Software Sources;

    The basic software needed for a typical EIS includes four components:

    • Text-based software; The most common form of text probably documents.
    • Database; Heterogeneous databases residing on a range of vendor-specific and open computer platforms help executives access both internal and external data.
    • Graphic base; Graphics can turn volumes of text and statistics into visual information for executives. Typical graphic types are time series charts, scatter diagrams, maps, motion graphics, sequence charts, and comparison-oriented graphs (i.e., bar charts).
    • Model base; The EIS models contain routine and also special statistical, financial, and other quantitative analyses.

    Levels of management need it;

    An Executive Information System (EIS) is a type of management information system intended to facilitate and support the information and decision-making needs of senior executives by providing easy access to both internal and external information relevant to meeting the strategic goals of the organization. Also, It exists commonly considered as a specialized form of a Decision Support System (DSS).

    The information presented to the executive may include financial information, work in process, sales figures, market trends, industry statistics, and the market price of the firm’s shares performance data and trend analysis. Also, Graphical interfaces (GUI) make it possible to request reports and queries without resorting to programming.

    Is there a relationship between global computing and executive information systems? Explain.

    They believe there is a strong relationship between global computing and Executive information systems. Senior executives of the organizations spread globally need constant and also timely access to global information for making decisions. This information originates in different places worldwide for a global organization and needs to organize before it can use for decision-making. The organization and management of global corporate data present unique challenges for developing global executive information systems (EIS) for senior executives of global companies.

    The objective of a global EIS should be to provide executives with a consistent, integrated, and summarized view of operational data from subsidiaries worldwide. Due to global computing, the EIS also provides access to external data that capture from different sources. Also, The system facilitates integrating the internal and external data for effective decision-making globally.

    What is the Executive Information System (EIS) Image
    What is the Executive Information System (EIS)?
  • Biometric Authentication Methods Information Technology Essay

    Biometric Authentication Methods Information Technology Essay

    Biometric Authentication Methods Introduction Robustness, Types, Futures and Scopes in Information Technology Essay; The world is advancing with the technology, and as technology will advance, security too needs to advance and hence will play a crucial role. When we think about information security, authentication will play a crucial role in it. Numerous systems make use of biometric authentication methods such as tablets, mobile phones, and laptops. The authentication may be biometric, which may be our fingerprints, facial recognition, iris scan, or any physiological parameters.

    Here is the article to explain, Biometric Authentication Methods Robustness, Types, Futures and Scopes in Information Technology Essay!

    In this articles, we will provide a brief introduction about biometrics, types of biometrics, their robustness, and the future and scope of biometrics.

    Introduction to Biometric Authentication;

    The assurance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability is the primary concern when we think about information security. When we are talking about security, authentication will play a crucial role, and so biometrics come into play. What is biometric authentication methods? Biometrics may be any physiological parameter that can use to authenticate and establish a one-to-one correspondence between an individual and a piece of data. Best define of Data Visualization and Information Visualization; Biometrics provides a soft flush of confidence and security for authentication. Mobile phones use fingerprints of facial recognition to unlock, or some security doors may use an iris scan to let an individual entry.

    “According to a recent Ping identity survey, 92% of enterprises rank biometrics as an effective to a very effective way to secure identity for the data stored”.

    All the biometrics works in a similar manner, which includes a scanner, computer, and software. The scanner will scan the physiological feature and will detect the required parameter and will send it to the computer. The computer will have sophisticated software that may be dependent on pattern matching software, which will generate a code. That code will be first taken as input and later will used for authentication purposes. Usually, multiple samples taken to improve efficiency.


    Robustness is the property of being strong and healthy in constitution. When it transposed into a system, it refers to the ability of tolerating perturbations that might affect the system’s functional body. In the same line robustness can define as “the ability of a system to resist change without adapting its initial stable configuration”. “Robustness in the small” refers to situations wherein perturbations are small in magnitude, which considers that the “small” magnitude hypothesis can be difficult to verify because “small” or “large” depends on the specific problem. Conversely, “Robustness in the large problem” refers to situations wherein no assumptions can made about the magnitude of perturbations, which can either be small or large. It has been discussed that robustness has two dimensions: resistance and avoidance.

    Face Biometric Authentication in Information Technology Essay Image
    Face Biometric Authentication in Information Technology Essay; Image by teguhjati pras from Pixabay.

    Factors of Robustness;

    For considering factors of robustness, consider three inputs as sample input (input1), a correct input that matches the sample input(input 2), and a wrong input that does not match the sample input (input 3).

    • False Accept Rate (FAR): The probability of a system that claims that the system has a successful match between the input one and input 3.
    • False Reject Rate (FRR): The probability of a system that claims that the system has an unsuccessful match between input two and input 3.
    • Relative Operating Characteristics (ROC): A graph plotted between FRR and FAR this showing the characteristics.
    • Equal Error Rate (EER): This is the rate when FAR is equal to FRR. ROC helps to show clearly how FAR, and FRR changed; the lower the EER, the better and accurate a system is.
    • Failure to Enroll Rate (FER): The percentage of data that fails to input into the system.
    • Failure to Capture Rate (FTC): The percentage when systems fail to detect biometric characteristics.
    Results of Robustness of each authentication;

    The following were the results of the various biometric authentication methods using the above parameters.

    Part 01;
    • Fingerprints: The fingerprint could not detect the impression correctly due to the moisture between the finger and sensor.
    • Iris Scan: The false analogy of the iris is virtually impossible because of its distinct properties. The iris closely associate with the human brain and said to be one of the first parts to disintegrate after death.
    • Retina Scan: The main drawback of the retina scan is its impulsiveness. The method of obtaining a retina scan is personally nosy. Laser light must conduct through the cornea of the edge. Also, the transaction of a retina scanner is not secure. An adept operator require, and the person being scanned has to follow his/her direction.
    • Palm Vein Recognition: Its position to use is that the hand must place accurately, governed marking have been incorporated, and units seated so that they are at a comfortable height for most of us.
    • Ear Recognition: This method has not achieved an exceptional level of security yet. It is simple, and recognizable features of the ear cannot provide a strong establishment of individual identity.
    Part 02;
    • Voice Recognition: Even though this method does not require any specialized or lavish hardware and can used via a phone line, but the background noises cause a significant problem that shrinks its accuracy.
    • Facial Recognition: The accuracy of this method is expanding with technology, but it is yet not very astonishing. The current software does not find the face as ‘face’ at an appropriate place, which can make the result worse. The problems with this technology can create problems when there are distinct twins or any significant changes in hair or beard style.
    • Signatures: A person does not make a signature persistently the same way. So, the data achieved from the signature of a person has to allow for quite some variability. Most of the signature dynamics pattern verifies the dynamic only. They do not wage consideration to the resulting signature.
    • DNA: The environment and management can affect measurements. The systems are not precise and require integration or further hardware, and also they cannot be rest once compromised.

    Types of Biometric Authentication Methods;

    There are many types of biometric authentication methods, which may fingerprints, physiological recognition, signatures, or DNA.


    The way a digital fingerprint biometric may work is the transient way of the old traditional method of fingerprint authentication in which we were required to create a fingerprint impression using a colored ink on a document that was later sent to a fingerprint scanner and used for authentication. In the present, it works digitally, where a scanner uses a light-sensitive microchip to yield and sends it to the computer. The computer will use sophisticated pattern-matching software, which will generate a code that will be first used as input and later for authentication purposes.

    Physiological recognition;

    The subsections below suggest an apprised overview of mostly used physiological characteristics for the automated recognition of a particular person.

    Iris Scan;

    Iris scan depends on the patterns in the colored part of our iris. They patterns are very distinct and obtained from a video-based acquisition system. Iris Scan biometric works in a similar manner as other biometrics. A high-resolution grayscale camera takes an image of the eye 10-40cm away, which is then processed through a computer. The computer runs on a sophisticated pattern-matching software which generates a code and thus uses for authentication.

    Retina Scan;

    Retina Scan is very similar to Iris Scan. The whole process which goes on for iris scan, retina scan follows the same. The only difference is that while the image of the eye is being taken, infrared light pass onto it as retina lies at the rear of our pupil. The camera captures the pattern of blood vessels behind the eye. These patterns are distinctive. The image thus obtained goes through a sophisticated pattern-matching software which generates a code and thus uses for authentication purposes.

    Palm Vein Recognition;

    Palm vein recognition does not work on the palm just by itself; rather, it depends on the geometry of the arrangement of our vein. Palm vein biometric works in a similar manner as fingerprints and retina scans. The scanner uses infrared light and a microchip the detect vein patterns. The patterns thus obtained go through a sophisticated pattern-matching software, which thus generates a code and uses for authentication.

    Ear Recognition;

    This recognition works in a similar manner as an iris scan. An ear has distinctive marking and patterns which may be complex to understand. A high grayscale camera captures the image of the ear 10-40cm away. This image then gets transfers to the computer, which runs on the sophisticated software that depends on pattern matching software, which generates a code and uses for authentication. Such a type of software was firstly produced by French company ART techniques. This recognition mainly use in law enforcement applications like crime scenes and is still in progress of getting better.

    Voice Recognition;

    Voice recognition does not depend on the pronunciation of speech itself; rather, it depends on the vocal tract, mouth, and nasal cavities, and other speech refining sources of the human body. This biometric uses the acoustics visage of speech, which is distinctive. The speech thus obtained from the recorder gets transferred to the computer. The computer then runs through a sophisticated pattern-matching software and generates code which use for authentication.

    Facial Recognition;

    Facial Recognition Does not depend on the face by itself; rather, it depends on the distinctive facial features like the positioning of eyes, nose, mouth, and distances between them. A high-resolution camera takes an image of the face, which then resized to a pre-defined sized template, which may range between 3-5KB. The template thus obtained gets transferred to the computer, which later runs on sophisticated pattern-matching software and generates the code.


    Signature authentication does not depend on the signature itself rather than gesture while making a signature. The gesture measure by the pressure, direction, acceleration, dimensions, and direction of the strokes. The most significant advantage of the signatures is that it cannot stolen by any fraudster by just looking at how it was previously written. The information about gestures thus obtained runs through a sophisticated pattern-matching software on a computer, which thus generates a code.


    DNA sampling requires a form of blood, tissue, or other bodily shaped. Their biometric is invasive at present and still has to defined as the analysis of DNA takes 15-20 minutes. DNA sampling could not matched with real-time witch current technology, but later, when technology advances, DNA sampling may become more significant.

    Futures and Scope of biometric authentication methods;

    Following are the approaches by which we can resolve the issues of these biometric authentications:

    Part 01;
    • Fingerprints: A fingernail plate can used, which segregates features on the surface of the fingernail plate with more precision.
    • Iris Scan: Various papers have been suggested with more developments on the veracity of iris scanning for the authentication mode in which a three-dimensional camera primarily prefer for this principle.
    • Retina Scan: We can use a steep resolution sensor for capturing more precise images of blood vessel samples.
    • Palm Vein Recognition: We can facilitate the sensor device in order to reduce the overall cost of feature eradication of an individual’s palm vein.
    • Ear Recognition: We can put some extra effort into pattern recognition in order to increase its complexity.
    Part 02;
    • Voice Recognition: If we develop an excellent combination of artificial intelligence and current voice recognition, it will be a massive profit for biometrics.
    • Facial Recognition: We can use a three-dimensional camera for data collection. We can also use more precise sensors to capture images of face skin, which looks for the peculiar features in a user’s face skin such as visual spots, lines, or birthmarks.
    • Signatures: If we combine current digital signatures with other methods of verification, signatures, too, will have more potential to cut down fraud and identify fraud by adding more layers of security to the biometric.
    • DNA: At the moment, time taken to perform a DNA test is usually 15-20 minutes. If we try to integrate the DNA analyzer and combine it with other methods of biometrics, it will become a very secure way for authentication.


    Biometric Authentication has an excellent scope for private, public, and government agencies. Although the reality is that biometrics is the future of the security industry and it is quickly becoming more recognized as the most accurate identification in today’s world. However, it is easy to beat the current generation of biometrics if they used solely. However, if we combine biometrics with new technology or combine different biometrics, it will be advantageous to add/increase the accuracy of the current generation of biometrics. Biometrics products will become more flexible and capable of serving different purposes, thus accomplishing more than just authentication.

    Biometric Authentication Methods Information Technology Essay Image
    Biometric Authentication Methods Information Technology Essay; Image by ar130405 from Pixabay.
  • Information Visualization Futures Advantages Disadvantages

    Information Visualization Futures Advantages Disadvantages

    Information Visualization IV Meaning, Futures, Benefits, Advantages, Drawbacks, and Disadvantages in Information Technology Essay; It is the process of showing the data in a graphical display; which we cannot explain using words and text in other words; it is a set of technologies that use visual computing to amplify human cognition with abstract information. The greatest advantage of information visualization is its ability to show the amounts of information that are beyond the capacity of textual display. They can significantly improve productivity.

    Here is the article to explain, How to define Information Visualization Meaning, Futures, Benefits, Advantages, Drawbacks, and Disadvantages in Information Technology Essay!

    Users can explore large amounts of data, rapidly assimilate information from many sources, reason with it, understand it and create new knowledge based on it. With the right visual picture, people can make better decisions, faster, backed with more information. One of the most obvious benefits of visualization is helping people see trends and anomalies in data; which can be particularly valuable in real-time environments.

    Visual techniques such as heat maps and tree maps; which help reveal patterns in homogenous data, were virtually unknown so many years ago; but used today in many places ranging from public Web sites to advanced trading applications. Real-time environments require rapid comprehension of a dynamically changing situation; whether in the stock market, an emergency response center or an operations control center. Visualization can also help reveal patterns in complex, heterogeneous, rapidly updating data.

    Futures of Information Visualization;

    The earlier Versions of IV has given an option to users to become familiar with basic forms of graphical representations of data. In the future we can expect to see even more advanced representations, which may even allow the user to enter into the data and explore. Today there are many organizations and universities working to develop new methods of information visualization to explore the challenges that are facing today, such as AT&T’s IV Research Group, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and NIST, as well as a wide range of international conferences focusing on industry-specific applications.

    If we are able to develop cheap and cost effective Virtual reality devices future of information visualization may lie in some sort of ‘full immersion’ technology, in which the user may enter the representation itself to allow them to better understand and manipulate visual data in other words an user will be able to enter in the graphical representation and will be able to manipulate data. Whether this type of true 3D representation would actually improve the user’s ability to figure out the data is as yet unclear, though it does seem likely that in the near future the field of IV will move beyond the constraints of the 2 dimensional computer monitor.


    As computer technology is improving we are likely to see better graphics applications and analysis software. New methods of visualizing data will ultimately drive traditional forms of data presentation. Their graphical presentations have already been introduced; and with time we can expect to see better and more advanced presentations. They do not only used to communicate information to the public; but also by scientists as their main tool for understanding environmental changes on the global scale.

    When dealing with many different data points, sometimes the only way to understand the “big picture” is to make a picture. The visualizations that created in the process overlay colors and patterns onto the familiar image of the globe, creating an image that is both strange and familiar. Many environmental systems move too slowly or involve too many interrelated variables to be comprehensible without the aid of visualization tools. “Scientific visualization of simulation data allows one to zoom around at will, run forwards or backwards in time at any rate, and transform and filter the data arbitrarily”.

    Benefits or Advantages of Information Visualization;

    Some of the other advantages of information visualization are:

    • Increasing the memory and processing resources available to the user.
    • Reducing the search for information.
    • Using visual representations to enhance the detection of patterns.
    • Enabling perceptual inference operations.
    • Using perceptual attention mechanisms for monitoring.
    • Encoding information in a Manipulable medium.

    Drawbacks or Disadvantages of Information Visualization;

    Some of the other disadvantages of information visualization are:

    • The potentially misleading perception of reliability of a visualization.
    • User will get carried away by the graphics used for representing the data. Making the user stay focused on what they exactly want to do is difficult; if the graphical representation is an eye catching design.
    • The (multiple) implicit meanings inherent in visualizations (leading to ambiguous interpretations).
    • For the user to make sense out of the graphical representation or to understood; the data used should be familiar to the audience and interesting. If the user doesn’t know what exactly represent in the graphics users might misunderstand the data.
    • The high prerequisites for diagram interpretation.

    Usage of Information Visualization;

    Visualization is extremely powerful for analysis. Visualization makes use of what called external cognition External resources used for thinking. People relieved from having to imagine everything. Instead they can just look at an image. This is only possible because human vision has a very large bandwidth, the largest of all senses. Data Visualization, They applied in numerous areas covering every industry and all tasks where understanding of the core structure in data is crucial.

    Some prominent examples are:

    • Economical/financial analysis
    • Representation of large hierarchies
    • Medical training/assistance
    • Engineering/Physics
    For Example:

    As shown in the figure below the data which is very difficult to understand displayed graphically using colors and shapes; which makes a user understand easily Table Versus IV. The table shows only 50 rows x 9 columns out of 80,000 rows of data. The visualization scatter plot shows 80,000 points with 5 attributes (x position, y position, height, size, color) – more than one hundred times what is visible in the table.

    To be understood, the data used should be familiar to the audience and interesting; and also user must have some experience using the IV. A normal person who is just being exposed to the IV will not understand the data if it is a complex image.

    This potential disadvantage belongs to the category of cognitive problems caused by the designer of a graphic representation. It occurs when visualization distracts a person from the main goal he or she tries to achieve or when several items in a graphic emphasized at the same time, thus confusing the viewer about where to start or to focus.


    Information Visualization systems, appear to be most useful when a person simply does not know; what questions to ask about the data or when the person wants to ask better, more meaningful questions. It is much easier to explain using demonstrations than words. However, to understood, the data used should be familiar to the audience and interesting. Ultimately, however, we believe that it is up to the community of IV researchers; and practitioners to create techniques and systems that clearly illustrate the value of the field.

    In general, we can also come to positive conclusions for almost all parameters; and hence predict a bright future for IV. The number of potential users is very large. It is a very useful tool in the IT as to manage systems in data centers. When all the servers graphically represented, it will be very easy to understand; which one is faulty and it is easy to trace where and what had happened.

    Information Visualization Futures Advantages Disadvantages Image
    Information Visualization Futures Advantages Disadvantages; Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.
  • 7 Evolution Development of ERP Enterprise Resource Planning

    7 Evolution Development of ERP Enterprise Resource Planning

    What is the 7 Evolution or Development of ERP Enterprise Resource Planning Systems? The construction industry is one of the major industries contributing to the economy, even though it is measured to be one of the most highly fragmented, inefficient, and geographically detached industries in the world. Thousands of major construction firms and increasing numbers from other sectors as well, either have just completed their first ERP implementations or are in the middle of this major undertaking. 7 Evolution and Development below are; Pre material requirement planning, Material requirement planning (MRP), MRP- II, ERP, Extended ERP, ERP Planning–II, ERP-A manufacturing perspective.

    Here is the article to explain, 7 Evolution and Development of ERP Enterprise Resource Planning with their history!

    The history of ERP can trace back to the 1960s when the system focuses mainly on inventory control. During the 1970s, a shift of focus towards MRP (Material Requirement Planning) did observe. This system helped in translating the master production schedule into requirements for individual units like sub-assemblies, components, and other raw material planning and procurement. This system did involve mainly in planning the raw material requirements.

    Then, in the 1980s came the concept of MRP-II (Manufacturing Resource Planning) which involved optimizing the entire plant production process. In the beginning, MRP-II was an extension of MRP to include shop floor and distribution management activities. Afterward, it did further extended to include areas like Finance, Human resources, Engineering, Project Management, etc. This gave birth to ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) which covered the cross-functional coordination and integration in support of the production process.

    Role of ERP;

    The role of enterprise resource planning (ERP) does not match its name, we talk about their Evolution and Development. It is no longer related to planning and resources but is rather related to the enterprise aspect of the name. ERP attempts to unify all systems of departments together into a single, integrated software program based on a single database so that various departments can more easily share information and communicate with each other. The ERP includes the entire range of a company’s activities. It addresses both system requirements and technical aspects including client/server distributed architecture, RDBMS, object-oriented programming, etc.

    ERP systems are designed as an integrated set of software modules, all linked to a common database, handling a host of corporate functions such as finance, human resources, material management, sales, etc. Russell and Taylor (1995) suggested that the ERP of today differ from traditional MRP II system in the areas of relational database management, graphical user interface (GUI), fourth-generation languages (4GL), client-server architecture, and open system capabilities.

    Few differences;

    In addition, Kapp et al. (2001), stated that the difference between ERP and MRP II is the inclusion of a variety of manufacturing processes within ERP, in which modern ERP software can handle both discrete work orders and flow orders, JIT and MRP, EDI, and hand-entered orders. Wainewright (2002) also stated that MRP was used for tracking suppliers, work-in-progress, and the output of finished goods, while ERP was used for all types of business with additional functions including financials, payroll, and human resources management.

    Furthermore, Kremzar and Wallace (2001) also stated that ERP is far better than MRP II for three reasons:

    • ERP applies a single set of resource planning tools across the entire enterprise;
    • ERP provides real-time integration of sales, operating, and financial data, and;
    • Also, ERP connects resource planning approaches to the extended supply chain of customers and suppliers.


    According to Koch(2002) the main reasons that companies take ERP to summarize below:

    • Because of its Integrated Financial Information i.e. to create a single version of the information which cannot question because all the members of the company use the same system.
    • The information integrates into one system rather than scattered on many different systems that cannot communicate which each other, so that the company can track orders and can coordinate with different related departments across many different locations at the same time.
    • It standardized and speed up the process using a single integrated system which can save time and increase productivity.
    • Reduces inventory by improving the observation ability of the order process inside the company.

    The popularity of ERP systems started to soar in 1994 when SAP, a German-based company, released its next-generation software known as R/3. In the following years, companies began to pour billions into ERP systems offered by SAP and its major competitors such as Oracle, Baan, J.D. Edwards, etc. Recently, ERP vendors add more modules and functions as “add-ons” to the core modules giving birth to the new term i.e. extended ERPs or ERP II. It is the enterprise system for the 21st century.

    ERP extensions include advanced plan;

    These ERP extensions include advanced planning and scheduling (APS), e-business solutions such as customer relationship management (CRM), and supply chain management (SCM). ERP II systems are about optimizing the supply chain through collaboration with trading partners. It crosses all sectors and segments of business, including service industries, government, and asset-based industries like mining. According to Zrimsek (2003), ERP II systems are web-based, open to integrate and interoperate with other systems, and built around modules or components that allow users to choose just the functionality they need.

    Difference between MRP and ERP;

    Here are a few differences between MRP and ERP.

    • MRP method material requirement making plans ERP means employer useful resource planning.
    • MRP is a solo software program, but ERP software can combine with different systems or software programs easily.
    • You can integrate the MRP software program with another software program, however, it’s miles tough. ERP systems combine with other software programs or modules without any problem.
    • MRP fits production industries, whereas ERP fits all kinds of industries, specifically huge companies due to the fact it could fulfill the requirements of all the departments of huge industries with its modules.
    • Types of MRP users are minimal because only one branch, this is, the manufacturing branch makes use of it. But types of ERP customers are most with prolonged customers in special departments.
    • ERP is extra steeply-price, while MRP is much less high-priced.
    Difference between open supply ERP and cloud ERP;

    What is the considerable difference between open source ERP and cloud ERP? The great distinction between open source ERP and cloud ERP is source code. In an open-supply ERP system, the supply code is publicly accessible. But in a cloud system, you have to pay to get the license of supply code.

    • In open source ERP, you could personalize the code, rewrite the code, and generate a new code version. But in cloud ERP, you cannot edit the code.
    • Open supply ERP suites industries with less required functionalities. Cloud ERP suits massive industries that require a huge style of features.
    • Open source ERP is entirely loose, and for cloud ERP, subscription prices are there.

    Future evolution or development of ERP systems;

    In evaluation with the history of ERP enterprise resource planning, its future is greater dynamic due to the development in a generation.

    • Due to the reduction of computation fee and statistics garage cost, gathering each minute element of business events are viable. In addition, it opens up the possibility of giant information analysis and superior reporting.
    • Based on previous statistics and industry benchmarks, gadget learning can assist in suggesting better business selections.
    • Automation of data-driven decision-making will take the front seat with the help of artificial intelligence.
    • For business transactions between multiple events, they may be organizing information integrity with the blockchain era.
    • To avoid frictions due to physical proximity, the virtual fact for better interactions.
    • Jobsite controls the use of five G-enabled smartphones.
    • Internet of Things or Factors (IoT) for higher facts alternate among human-to-machine and gadget-to-gadget.
    • The evolution and development in the era has constantly accompanied the records of ERP. It keeps boosting the commercial enterprise boom.

    With SaaS-based cloud ERP systems, increasingly companies can start using corporation aid planning answers of their commercial enterprise operations.

    7 Evolution or Development of ERP Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Image
    7 Evolution or Development of ERP Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Image!

    References; Enterprise resource planning. Retrieved from

  • Best HRIS Definition Example PDF

    Best HRIS Definition Example PDF

    Best HRIS Human Resource Information Systems basics applications and future directions, Definition, with Example and their PDF. The role of an HRIS is paramount in attracting, hiring, maintaining, and developing the human assets of any employer. This is because HRISs offer records that vitally help the goals and objectives of an employer. In the modern-day global of massive records, records are energy. Therefore a terrific integration of the HRIS software program connects internally all departments worried with human resources inclusive of the repayment and benefits branch, HR line managers, and the finance branch. This increases a business enterprise’s performance and also its productivity. Thus, “A human resources information system (HRIS) is the integration of software, hardware, support functions, and system policies and procedures into an automated process designed to support the strategic and operational activities of the human resources department and managers throughout the organization”.

    Here is the article to explain, Definition, Example, and PDF of Best HRIS Human Resource Information Systems!

    A compensation management software program is a vital issue in designing and administering an equitable and powerful reimbursement program. “Compensation software program systems make sure agency-wide compliance inside previously set guidelines, arrange and analyze facts, tracks benefit-based performance dreams and assist with future salary making plans”. The modern-day venture requires finding a repayment management software program that can presently cater to the organization’s U.S operations. However, as a human resource structures manager, it would be vital to discover software programs that could subsequently extend globally.

    Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS, E-HRMS). HR Technology or also called hr modules shapes an intersection between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field. Whereas the planning and programming of data processing systems evolved into standardized routines. And packages of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.

    On the whole, these ERP systems have their origin in software that integrates information from different applications into one universal database. The linkage of its financial and human resource modules through one database is the most important distinction from the individually and proprietary developed predecessors. Which makes this software application both rigid and flexible.

    Definition of HRIS Human Resource Information Systems;

    “HRIS can be briefly defined as integrated systems used to gather, store and analyze information regarding an organization’s human resources.”

    Hedrickson, 2003, p.381.

    It refers to the system of collecting, recording, classifying, presenting, processing, storing, and disseminating various information, required for efficient and effective management of human resources in an organization. To manage diverse, expensive, and human resource information in complex environments. Human resource departments of various organizations have increasingly used computer-based human resource information systems. It (HRIS) supports the strategic and operational use of human resources.

    HRIS in an organization;

    They have become a part of all large organizations. Also, It is a computerized system that aids in the processing of information relating to human resource management. It is a device, designed to fulfill the manpower information needs of the organization. HRIS require for the following purposes.

    • Planning human resource requirements of the organization.
    • Employee training & development to increase efficiency.
    • Formulation of policies and programs relating to human resources.
    How to use the HRIS software package?

    HRIS is a software package that provides a complete management system for human resource activities in small-to-medium-sized businesses. They help streamline administrative procedures, manage employee benefits, reduce the need for paperwork and manual records, and keep track of all personal and job-related employee data.

    It is helpful for different organizations to set measurable benchmarks to acquire, train, and retain the best employees, co-ordinate employee job descriptions with areas of responsibility, schedule training for recertification, safety, and revised work procedures, and provide incentives to motivate and improve employee performance, track accident statistics and implement corporate strategies to improve overall health and safety.

    While the database provides quick access and tracks the entire work history, every employee can be able to view only their personal information over a systematic human resource information system.

    How to handle the management by HRIS?

    HRIS can handle the management of benefits for both HR personnel and company employees. HR directors can import payroll and benefits data into HRIS from in-house and outside sources. This allows them to manage all facets of HR from a single location. It also provides employees with self-service access to their accounts. With a security system that requires a login ID and password for each user, employees can check vacation balances, and review benefits data. And update personal information without having to first contact HR staff.

    How do Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) Work?

    The HRIS helps managers in decision-making in respect of promotion, wage-fixing, recruitment, training, and development. Also, The inputs of HRIS include the information relating to employees. Their abilities, qualifications, potentialities, creative instincts, age, pay scales, and various jobs in the organization. Their required skills and qualifications to do them, the number of employees. And executives manning various positions, organizational objectives, policies, procedures, etc.

    This information loads into the system. Also, This data process into the most useful information required by the managers. This HRIS not only prepares for an industrial, service, or government organization. But also the entire city, district, state, or country.

    To eliminate human resource problems of any kind, HRIS comes to the rescue. And provides the services of hiring human resources, and maintaining the complete record of human resources. It can at any moment show the supply of human resources available. The pattern below shows how the HRIS works.

    The main working key point of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS);
    • Inputs: The input of the (HRIS) includes information related to employees. Such as education, age, experience, training, present status, present salary, whether promoted or not, organization’s policy past and present, and procedures past and present. And other necessary detailed information relating to the human resources in the organization. The computerized human resource information system in all respect superior to the manual system. Which is time-consuming and not so cost-effective. The most important benefit of the system is that the information is available immediately as and when required.
    • Transformation: The information fed to the computer can transform into more meaningful; and necessary information that exactly requires by the organization. This is the conversion stage of computerized HRIS. The information transformed into meaningful calculation is very useful to the managers and organization as well. This works as a decision support system, which aids in making appropriate decisions.
    • Output: Output refers to the printouts of the transformed material from the computer printer like salary statements, reports on the performance of an employee, budget estimates, etc. All these can be had in the form of printouts, terminal screens, etc. A well-knit HRIS acts as a worthy decision support organism of very high quality. The high-quality output must be accurate, relevant, consistent, readable, and comprehensive.
    • Feedback and Control: Whether the output obtained is relevant and useful or not must know. The method of ensuring it know as feedback. Feedback establishes control over the system.

    Basic Features of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS);

    In place of standardized paperwork, HRIS allows employees to fill out forms online, make changes based on life events, and get information on their benefits at any time. Rather than “pulling an employee’s file,” HR personnel can refer any information about an employee through the system, including personal information, benefits, number of dependents, emergency contacts, and job history. Also, HRIS includes both standardized and customized reports.

    Standard reports feature templates for various administrative purposes including employee reviews, record keeping, workers’ compensation, employment history, and absence tracking. Customized reports create those incorporate categories and information unique to the business. Most HRIS applications have a comprehensive tracking system. HRIS tracking capabilities can maintain grievances filed by or against the employee stemming from discipline, disputes, and complaints.

    Areas of HRIS;

    Quick reference guides can be available relating to all areas of the Human Resources Information System, including staff benefits, benefit contribution rates, calendars, personnel change reason codes, and the payroll process flowchart. Detailed instructions regarding establishing and changing employee benefit and deduction information, including retirement, pension, health care, flexible spending accounts, and employee-selected deductions.

    Documentation of the human resource accounting structure can be possible; including staff benefit calculations and charges, review, and correction of human resource accounts. Documentation is helpful for payroll issues, including time, reporting requirements, check and auto-deposit distribution, taxable benefits, terminations, review, and correction of employee pay and leave, and tax forms. Instructions and forms for employees to establish or change their employee information are also related to the HRS, including name, address, retirement, pension, and health care.

    HRIS Human Resource Information Systems Basics Applications and Future Directions Definition Example PDF Image
    HRIS Human Resource Information Systems Basics Applications and Future Directions, Definition, with Example and PDF!

    References; HRIS. Retrieved from,

  • ERP Enterprise Resource Planning System Example PPT

    ERP Enterprise Resource Planning System Example PPT

    ERP Enterprise Resource Planning System Decision with their PPT and Implementation Example; Over the years commercial enterprise packages have evolved from Management Information Systems without a choice assist to Corporate Information Systems; which give some choice assist to Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP stands for “Enterprise Resource Planning” and refers to a kind of software program or machine utilized by a business to plan; and manage each day’s sports which include supply chain, manufacturing, offerings, financials, and different procedures. Enterprise Resource Planning software program may use to automate and simplify individual activities throughout a commercial enterprise or agency; which include accounting and procurement, undertaking management, customer courting management, hazard control, compliance, and supply chain operations.

    Here is the article to explain, Definition, ERP Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation Example PPT!

    Individual ERP packages can provide software as a provider (SaaS); even as a whole suite of ERP packages forms an ERP system that may use to effectively communicate; and convey together commercial enterprise techniques to enable drift of records among the programs; usually thru common databases either on-site/on-premise or within the cloud. ERPs join every component of a corporation. An ERP software program system allows for better performance and challenge management that facilitates plan, finances, expect, and appropriately record on an organization’s economic fitness and methods.

    Introduction to ERP Enterprise Resource Planning;

    In any enterprise, one of the demands managers face is to be value-effective. In addition to that, they additionally confront challenges together with analyzing expenses; and also earnings on a product or purchaser foundation, being flexible to stand ever-altering business requirements; and informing of control selection-making strategies and modifications in ways of doing commercial enterprise. However, some of the challenges protecting managers returned include the issue in achieving accurate information; loss of programs that mimic present business practices, and awful interfaces. When some challengers are preserving a supervisor again, this is in which Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) comes into play.

    Enterprise Resource Planning is a software program answer that tackles the needs of an employer; contemplating the method view to satisfy a company’s desires whilst incorporating all the capabilities of an organization. Its purpose is to make clean the facts flow between all business capabilities inside the limitations of the company; and, manage the employer’s connections with its outside stakeholders. In a nutshell, the Enterprise Resource Planning software attempts to integrate all of the special departments; and, functions of an organization right into a single pc gadget to serve the various desires of those departments.

    The venture handy, of enforcing one software application that appears after the desires of the Finance Department collectively with the needs of the Human Resource Department and the Warehouse, seems not possible. These specific departments normally have an individual software program program that optimizes the way each department works. However, if installed correctly this included approach can be very fee-effective for an organization. With an included answer, exceptional departments can easily share facts and speak with one another.

    ERP System Implementation with Cost and Time;

    Implementing ERP System; Producing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is complex and also has many significant implications for staff work practice. Implementing the software is a difficult task too and one that “in-house” IT specialists cannot handle. Hence to implement ERP software, organizations hire third-party consulting companies or an ERP vendor.

    This is the most cost-effective way. The time taken to implement an ERP system depends on the size of the business, the number of departments involved; the degree of customization involved, the magnitude of the change, and the cooperation of customers to the project. The following cost and time ERP implementation below are;

    Cost Implementation:

    Even though the price of prewritten software is cheap compared with in-house development; the total cost of implementation could be three to five times the purchase price of the software. The implementation costs would increase as the degree of customization increases. After training the selected employees, strategies such as bonus programs, company perks, salary increases, continual training and education, and appeals to company loyalty work to retain them. Other intangible strategies such as flexible work hours, telecommuting options; and opportunities to work with leading-edge technologies are also being used.

    Time Implementation:

    ERP systems come in a modular fashion and do not have to implement entirely at once. ERP packages are very general and need to configure to a specific type of business; and, may follow a phase-in approach with one module implemented at a time. Some of the most commonly installed modules are sales and distribution (SD), materials management (MM), production and planning (PP), and finance and controlling (FI) modules.

    The length of implementation affects by the number of modules being implemented, the scope of the implementation; Also, the extent of customization, and the number of interfaces with other applications. The more the number of units, the longer the implementation time. Further, as the scope of implementation grows from a single business unit to multiple units spread out globally, the duration of implementation increases.

    Benefits or Advantages or Pros of ERP System;

    The following Benefits, Advantages, Pros of the ERP Enterprise Resource Planning System below are;

    • With Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software program, accurate forecasting may finish. When accurate forecasting stock levels save at maximum efficiency, this lets in for the employer to be worthwhile.
    • Integration of the numerous departments ensures communication, productiveness, and efficiency.
    • Adopting ERP software eradicates the trouble of coordinating modifications among many systems.
    • ERP software program gives a pinnacle-down view of an enterprise; so data is available to make decisions at any time, anywhere.
    • Integrating the company’s activities by processing a huge majority of an organization’s transactions and coping with the information desires of corporations.
    • Facilitation of intra-employer verbal exchange and collaboration.
    • ERP does the integrating job, permitting the enterprise to spend less time figuring out what’s going on and more time for improving.
    • Options exist to buy the handiest of the modules wished currently and collect any extra modules wished within the destiny. ERP’s use a corporation-wide database that permits get right of entry to to the facts in real-time.
    • Both small and huge corporations can advantage each technically and strategically from investments incorporation structures as they enable organizational standardization, remove data asymmetries, and offer online and actual-time facts.

    Drawbacks or Disadvantages or Cons of ERP System;

    The following Drawbacks, Disadvantages, Cons of the ERP Enterprise Resource Planning System underneath are;

    • Adopting ERP structures may be pricey.
    • The lack of boundaries created with the aid of ERP software programs in an organization can purpose troubles of who takes the blame, strains of duty, and employee morale.
    • ERP’s can hurt the paintings practices and way of life of an enterprise.
    • It takes a median of eight months after the brand new machine set up to see any benefits.
    • Lack of function-feature in shape among the company’s needs and the programs to had.
    • They want for a ready consulting group of workers to significantly personalize the ERP to increase the popularity of a brand new gadget.
    • There is a need for sizable technical help earlier than its actual use.

    ERP Enterprise Resource Planning System for Various Business Size;

    ERP implementation is vital for all organizations, regardless of their size. You can also get industry- and agency-specific functionality to satisfy particular business needs. Regardless of your enterprise zone and size, you’ll need to plot your ERP implementation assignment carefully, following first-rate practices.

    ERP for Small Business;

    ERP software programs for small businesses can help enterprise proprietors; flow past the antique faculty spreadsheets and archaic fashion of retaining their books of accounts updated. This automatic gadget will assist them in successfully manipulating each aspect in their growing business enterprise – from income and patron relationships to financials and operations.

    Mid-Market ERP;

    Midsize companies purpose at speedy boom and extended marketplace sustenance. ERP systems these days, that goal at supporting midsize corporations grow at an increasing tempo; include capabilities that cater to all the crucial commercial enterprise processes – financials, HR, deliver chain control, and greater. Midsize ERP tools help growing groups scale and compete without the complexity and value.

    Enterprise ERP;

    Large companies with global or subsidiary operations want a sturdy, market-leading ERP gadget with embedded AI; device gaining knowledge of, and analytics – and shrewd automation to convert techniques. ERP systems can deploy on-premise, in the cloud, or a hybrid situation depending on enterprise necessities. These organizations can integrate their existing software technologies with the ERP systems to get the favored output.

    Functions, Purpose of ERP Enterprise Resource Planning Systems;

    ERP systems software-driven business management system which integrates all facets of the business, including manufacturing, planning, sales and distribution, financials, and human resources. It is a system that integrates all information that runs through an organization and can categorize as a large information system. Also, It can customize to cater to the needs of an organization. During the 1990s ERP systems became the de-facto standard for the replacement of legacy systems in large and particularly multinational companies.

    ERP systems become more widely implemented, software applications developed to help business managers implement ERP in diverse business activities such as project planning and management, subcontracting, material tracking, service, finance, and human resources.

    More understand;

    However, enterprise systems expanded to include “back office” functions (such as operations, logistics, finance, and human resources) and “non-transaction-based systems” or “front-office” functions (such as sales, marketing, and customer service), as integral components of ERP systems. This expansion result from the emergence of Supply Chain Optimization (SCO), or Supply Chain Management (SCM) and CRM strategies and systems, as illustrated.

    “While the names and numbers of modules in an ERP system provided by various software vendors may differ, a typical system integrates all these functions by allowing its modules to share and transfer information freely and centralizing all information in a single database accessible by all modules”.

    Due to the importance of these systems in terms of added functionality over legacy systems and potential integration benefits, a large number of organizations are adopting these systems to manage their operations. Also, They adopt these systems due to various technical or business reasons. Technical reasons include Y2K issues (myth), replacing legacy systems that did not work, etc. Organizations that have successfully implemented ERP systems view them as one of the most important innovations that have led to the realization of substantial tangible and intangible improvements in a variety of areas.

    Reasons for ERP system;

    Five other reasons for acquiring an ERP system are:

    • 1) to integrate financial information,
    • 2) to integrate customer order information,
    • 3) to standardize and speed up manufacturing processes,
    • 4) to reduce inventory level, and
    • 5) to standardize Human Resource information.

    According to Kremzar and Wallace, operating the business in a rapidly changing; and highly competitive environment is the primary purpose of implementing an ERP system. Various studies have been done focusing on the adoption and implementation of software applications.

    However, the enterprise-wide implications, high resource commitment, high potential business benefits, and risks associated with ERP systems make; their implementation a much more complex exercise in innovation and change management than any other software package. Radding argued that when an organization puts millions of dollars into a core business application; and reengineers its business processes around it, the system is destined to become much more than an application.

    ERP Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation Example PPT Image
    ERP Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation Example PPT!

  • Best Business Continuity Management Software and Solutions

    Best Business Continuity Management Software and Solutions

    Best Business Continuity Management Software with Top BCMS Solutions and Suggestions. Business continuity management software helps companies identify and address potential disruptions in their operations. This type of software is used to ensure the continuous flow of a company’s business by identifying risks, assessing their potential for destruction, and implementing procedures to mitigate them. CopyTex Business Solutions; Organizations also use business continuity management software for compliance purposes.

    Here is the article to explain, Best Business Continuity Management Software (BCMS) Top Solutions and Suggestions.

    Business continuity management software is primarily used by compliance and risk management professionals and by departments responsible for quality and safety management. Companies typically implement business continuity management software as part of their management, risk, and compliance strategies.

    The meaning and definition of business continuity management software.

    Business continuity software, often also known as business continuity management, is a category of applications that help companies optimize their processes and avoid data loss. Also, Business continuity includes risk management; Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery; and in-depth knowledge of potential business problems and weaknesses.

    While most business continuity management platforms focus on disaster recovery; and, other critical data protection functions; business continuity as a general theme covers more than just sensitive company information or files. Risk minimization also includes preparation for unforeseen events; such as the departure of an employee from the company or termination of a partnership by a third-party organization.

    “An ounce of prevention consumes a pound of cure,” says Benjamin Franklin.

    Business continuity can also include improving project progress, how documents are stored, and financial management. Also, A business continuity plan must take into account the company’s dependencies: which projects, tasks, and employees depend on each other.

    Business continuity, when implemented properly, can save businesses money. If another server or machine goes down, a business continuity platform offers a way to save money because the company already has a backup plan. Technical failures, in particular, are very costly business accidents, and even brief failures can result in thousands of dollars in losses.

    Business continuity management software category.

    Business continuity management software can be provided as a stand-alone solution or as part of the management, risk, and compliance package. When used separately, this type of software can be integrated with risk management solutions, disaster recovery, quality management software, and emergency notification software.

    To be eligible for inclusion in the Business Continuity Management category, products must:

    • Integrating enterprise sustainability, recovery, and disaster functions.
    • Provision of standard continuity programs as well as customizable plans.
    • Also, the Provision of a workflow for the implementation of a crisis management plan.
    • Warn internal and external users in case of an accident.
    • Assessing potential violations of various types of risk, and.
    • Assess the effectiveness of business continuity activities.

    How to buy business continuity management software?

    As the scope of business continuity extends to many parts of your business; there are many potential platform features to consider. Ideally, business continuity software should:

    • Have a good technical support team. If software problems arise, especially because business continuity often has to react quickly to disasters; you need a fast and qualified support team.
    • You have strong and reliable cybersecurity. Most business continuity and disaster recovery protect data and prevent and respond to security breaches; so, software with dubious security features cannot be trusted.
    • You have a good Recovery Goal (RPO). RPO measures how much data loss or downtime a company can handle before it actually suffers a loss. For example, if a sensitive file update was lost three hours ago; but, the RPO is backed up every four hours and no changes have been made since then, the company has suffered no real loss. The term RPO is often used to describe how often archives are scheduled. However, it does show how much loss or downtime a company can take and still operate without any real danger.
    • Become a hybrid cloud provider if your company is migrating to the cloud or if it still has on-premises hardware. Hybrid clouds are generally a good choice overall as they provide business flexibility and room for expansion.

    Compare business continuity management software.

    We pride ourselves on providing unbiased customer satisfaction feedback in our ratings and reviews. We don’t allow paid placement in our reviews, ratings, or reports. Learn more about our scoring methods.

    Oracle Risk Management Cloud:

    Use Oracle RMC (Oracle GRC Cloud) with built-in Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to automate advanced analytics for ERP role design, segregation of duties (SOX), data confidentiality (GDPR), and financial fraud prevention.

    Fusion Framework System:

    Its platform, the Fusion Framework System, is the foundation for operational resilience. The Fusion Framework provides a simple, visual, and interactive way to analyze every aspect of your business so you can identify individual sources of failure, key risks, and the appropriate actions you need to take to reduce their impact.


    We believe that process is at the heart of everything. Our business transformation platform turns your processes into a valuable asset portfolio. Leveraging the power of process knowledge, iGrafx provides the most comprehensive business transformation solutions for process retrieval and discovery, RPA support and workflow automation, customer experience, management, risk, compliance, and more.


    Global Risk, Ethics, and Compliance SAI enable clients to focus on developing effective integrated risk management solutions using a combination of software and learning content. Together with our experience, companies can build and promote a strong risk and compliance culture, make safer decisions with a unified view of management, risk, and compliance, achieve readiness to control business processes and strengthen employee ethics and behavior.

    Arcserve Continuous Availability:

    Arcserve Replication and High Availability (RHA) provide real-time asynchronous replication technology for live migration and continuous data protection across hardware and environments. Confidently enforce the most stringent Service Level Agreements (SLA) by continuously replicating data at the file system level of files/folders and applications and full physical/virtual systems with automated server rhythms to ensure that they continue to operate.

    Flexible and scalable business continuity management software.

    Quantitative business continuity software has an easy-to-use interface that allows you to quickly create plans for BC, DR, pandemic, and crisis management with minimal effort. Also, The point, click and configure your way to a business continuity management solution that fits your needs.

    Increase your return on investment with integrated business continuity planning software.

    Why buy multiple modules for your BC/DR process? A software solution for business continuity and disaster recovery should contain all the necessary tools for BC/DR planning. Quantitative business continuity software increases your return on investment with a complete platform for all your business continuity planning and management needs. The Quantivate Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery system supports your data throughout the BCP process; you don’t need to manually enter data into separately purchased modules. Quantitative business continuity includes:

    • Risk assessment (threat and vulnerability analysis).
    • Also, Business Impact Analysis (BIA).
    • Strategy and solution development.
    • Develop a plan.
    • Treatment schedule.
    • Practice.
    • Emergency notification (SMS, email, voice transmission), and.
    • Incident management.
    Easy adaptation of plans and ready-made templates.

    Quantitative business continuity and disaster recovery include question-based plan templates that increase your efficiency, engage your employees, and get them thinking. With an easy-to-use word-processing interface, this software ensures that your plans can be created in hours, not days. Plus, you can save more time with custom pre-made templates that allow you to focus on important BC/DR plan details rather than on unnecessary tasks. Also, Available BC/DR plan templates include:

    • Business and Operations Continuity.
    • Pandemic flu.
    • Application disaster recovery.
    • Platform recovery.
    • Also, Server recovery.
    • Data-center recovery, and.
    • Crisis management (with or without incident management system elements).
    Best Business Continuity Management Software and Solutions Image
    Best Business Continuity Management Software and Solutions; Image by 200 Degrees from Pixabay.
  • Configuration Management: Meaning Importance Benefits Scope

    Configuration Management: Meaning Importance Benefits Scope

    What does mean Configuration Management? Configuration Management (CM) is a framework designing interaction for building up and keeping up the consistency of an item’s exhibition, useful, and actual credits with its necessities, plan, and operational data for the duration of its life. Also, The CM interaction broadly utilizes military designing associations to oversee changes all through the framework lifecycle of complex frameworks, for example, weapon frameworks, military vehicles, and data frameworks. Outside the military, the CM cycle additionally utilizes IT administration management as characterized by ITIL, and with other area models in the structural designing and other mechanical designing sections; for example, streets, spans, trenches, dams, and structures.

    Here is the article explain Configuration Management (CM): Meaning, Definition, Importance, Benefits, Limitations, and Scope.

    It is an indispensable piece of any remaining Service Management measures. With current, exact, and thorough data pretty much all segments in the framework the management of Change, specifically, is more powerful and effective. Change management can coordinate with Configuration Management. As a base, it suggests that the logging and usage of Changes done heavily influence by a thorough Configuration Management framework and that the effective evaluation of Changes finishes with the guide of the Configuration Management framework. All Change solicitations ought to thusly enter in the configuration management information base (CMDB) and the records refreshed as the Change demand advances through to execution.

    The Configuration management framework distinguishes connections between a thing that will change and some other parts of the foundation, consequently permitting the proprietors of these segments to associate with the effect appraisal measure. At whatever point a change makes to the foundation, related CM records ought to refresh in the CMDB. Where conceivable, this best defines by the utilization of coordinated instruments that update records consequently as Changes are made.

    Meaning and Definition of Configuration Management:

    A configuration management (CM) framework utilize to monitor an association’s equipment, programming, and related data. Also, This incorporates programming adaptations and updates introduced on the association’s PC frameworks. CM likewise includes logging the organization delivers having a place with the equipment gadgets utilized. Programming is accessible for the following undertakings.

    What Is Configuration Management? Here’s my definition of configuration management: it’s the control of guaranteeing that all product and equipment resources that an organization claims know and follow consistently; any future changes to these resources know and follow. Also, You can consider configuration management like a consistently modern stock for your innovation resources, a solitary wellspring of truth.

    With that characterized, we should discuss how it works practically speaking. Configuration management typically ranges from a couple of territories. It frequently identifies with various thoughts, such as making “programming pipelines” to fabricate and test our product’s ancient rarities. Or then again it may identify with expressing “framework as-code” to catch in code the present status of our foundation. Furthermore, it could mean fusing configuration management instruments, for example, Chef, Puppet, and Ansible to store the present status of our workers.

    Importance and Benefits of Configuration Management:

    What the World Resembles With Configuration Management; Before we investigate various instruments for configuration management, we need to understand what results in we’ll get for our endeavors. What are the results of very much executed configuration management? How about we cover the benefits.

    Catastrophe Recovery:

    On the off chance that the most noticeably terrible occurs, configuration management guarantees that our resources are effectively recoverable. Also, The equivalent applies to rollbacks. Configuration management makes it with the goal that when we’ve put out awful code, we can return to the condition of our product before the change.

    Uptime and Site Reliability:

    The expression “site dependability” alludes to how frequently your administration is up. I’ve worked at organizations where each second of vacation would cost thousands—regularly tens or even many thousands. Eek! A regular reason for personal time is terrible organizations, which can be brought about by contrasts in running creation workers to test workers. With our configuration oversaw appropriately, our test surroundings can imitate creation, so there’s less possibility of an awful astonishment.

    Simpler Scaling:

    Provisioning is the demonstration of adding more assets (typically workers) to our running application. Configuration management guarantees that we understand what a decent condition of our administration is. That way, when we need to build the number of workers that we run, it’s just an instance of clicking a catch or running a content. Also, The objective is true to make provisioning a non-occasion. These are only a portion of the benefits of configuration management. In any case, there are some different ones, as well. You’ll encounter quicker onboarding of new colleagues, simpler cooperation among groups, and an all-inclusive programming lifecycle of items/resources, among different benefits.

    For what reason is configuration management significant?

    Configuration management helps designing groups fabricate hearty and stable frameworks using apparatuses that naturally oversee and screen updates to configuration information. Also, Complex programming frameworks make out of segments that contrast in the granularity of size and unpredictability. For a more solid model think about microservice engineering. Each assistance in microservice engineering utilizes configuration metadata to enroll itself and instate. A few instances of programming configuration metadata are:

    • Particulars of computational equipment asset portions for CPU, RAM, and so forth.
    • Endpoints that determine outside associations with different administrations, information bases, or areas.
    • Insider facts like passwords and encryption keys.

    It’s simple for these configuration esteems to turn into an idea in retrospect, prompting the configuration to get disordered and dissipated. Envision various post-it notes with passwords and URLs blowing around an office. Also, Configuration management settles this test by making a “wellspring of truth” with a focal area for configuration.

    Their Stages:

    Git is an awesome stage for overseeing configuration information. Moving configuration information into a Git archive empowers form control and the store to go about as a wellspring of truth. Variant control likewise takes care of another configuration issue: startling breaking changes. Also, Overseeing startling changes using code audit and form control assists with limiting personal time. Configuration esteems will regularly add, eliminate, or change. Without rendition control, this can cause issues.

    One colleague may change an equipment portion esteem with the goal that the product runs all the more proficiently on their own PC. At the point when the product subsequently conveys to a creation climate, this new configuration may have a problematic impact or may break. Form control and configuration management tackle this issue by adding permeability to configuration changes.

    At the point when a change makes to configuration information, the form control framework tracks it, which permits colleagues to survey a review trail of alterations. Configuration rendition control empowers rollback or “fix” usefulness to configuration, which keeps away from sudden breakage. Variant control applied to the configuration can quickly return to a last known stable state.

    Limitations or Scope of Configuration Management:

    Configuration Management covers the recognizable proof, recording, and detailing of IT parts, including their adaptations, constituent segments, and connections. Things that ought to be heavily influenced by Configuration Management incorporate equipment, programming, and related documentation. Given the definition above, it ought to be certain that Configuration management isn’t inseparable from Asset Management, albeit the two orders connect.

    Resource Management is a perceived bookkeeping measure that incorporates devaluation of bookkeeping. Also, Resource Management frameworks keep up subtleties on resources over a specific worth, their specialty unit, and their area. Configuration Management likewise keeps up connections between resources; which Asset Management normally doesn’t. A few associations start with Asset Management and afterward proceed onward to Configuration Management.

    The essential exercises of Configuration Management are as per the following:
    • Planning or Arranging; Arranging and characterizing the purpose, scope, objectives, strategies, and methodology, and the hierarchical and specialized setting, for Configuration Management.
    • Identification or Recognizable proof; Choosing and distinguishing the configuration structures for all the framework’s CIs, including their ‘proprietor’, their interrelationships, and configuration documentation. It incorporates apportioning identifiers and rendition numbers for CIs, marking everything, and entering it on the Configuration management data set (CMDB).
    • Control; Guaranteeing that solitary approved and recognizable CIs acknowledge and record, from receipt to removal. It guarantees that no CI adds, adjust, supplant, or eliminated without proper controlling documentation; for example, an affirmed Change demand, and a refreshed determination.
    • Status bookkeeping or accounting; The announcing of all current and chronicled information worried about every CI for the duration of its life cycle. This empowers Changes to CIs and their records to be discernible; for example following the status of a CI as it changes starting with one state then onto the next for example ‘underdevelopment’, ‘being tried’, ‘live’, or ‘removed’.
    • Confirmation & review or Verification & audit; A progression of surveys and reviews that confirm the actual presence of CIs and watch that they accurately record in the Configuration management framework.

    Configuration Management interfaces straightforwardly with frameworks improvement, testing, Change Management, and Release Management to join new and refreshed item expectations. Control ought to pass from the task or provider to the specialist organization at the planned time with precise configuration records.

    How does configuration management work?

    For a configuration management framework to work; it needs some type of system in which to store the data it administers. Initially, this was known as the configuration management information base (CMDB); ITIL v3 presented the idea of a configuration management framework (CMS) to supplant the CMDB. The CMDB advances the idea of a particular solid vault, while the CMS gives a conceptualized arrangement of CMDBs that demonstration together to help the requirements of this administration cycle. Both exhibit preferences over a static CM bookkeeping page or a book record that requires critical manual upkeep and can’t coordinate base work processes and best practices.

    Each assistance management device conveys with a supporting information storehouse. Without the administration interaction of configuration management approving its substance; the vault is essentially an operational data set with unsubstantiated information, not a CMDB or CMS. Robotized configuration review and confirmation segments qualify a vault for being utilized as an approved gold wellspring of resources. A manual review is additionally conceivable.

    Interaction and Support:

    A CM interaction and its supporting storehouse, CMDB or CMS, face the test of covering and repudiating information from sources across the endeavor. A configuration management plan should incorporate an approach to consolidate and accommodate CIs to introduce a solitary perspective or sole wellspring of truth.

    As the CMDB develops and contains more configuration things; it gets conceivable to anticipate the effect of configuration changes, a vital part of change management. By following conditions, for instance, directors can decide the effect that equipment, programming, organization, or another blackout may have on different frameworks or assets.

    In any event, when configurations are very much recorded and deliberately authorized; configuration management should represent the truth of occasional changes; for example, programming overhauls and equipment revives. Framework and structural changes might be needed to fix security and upgrade execution. This makes change demands essential to the CM practice. This may be similarly basic as opening a specific port on a firewall to oblige an application’s new element or migrating at least one occupied workers on the neighborhood organization to improve the presentation of different applications on the subnet.

    Configuration Management Meaning Definition Importance Benefits Limitations and Scope Image
    Configuration Management: Meaning, Importance, Benefits, and Scope; Image from Pixabay.
  • Operating Systems: Meaning, Definition, Types, and Advantages

    Operating Systems: Meaning, Definition, Types, and Advantages

    Operating Systems essay: The OS is that the program, which usually installed into the pc by a boot program. An OS is the heart of any computer without which it cannot useable and bear with. It provides all the resources to software, manages the hardware, and equipment all standard services for computer programs. It manages all other programs on the pc. Sometimes it is also called “OS”. These programs are also called applications. the appliance uses the OS by making requests for services through API (Application Program Interface). Sometimes users can directly use the OS through GUI (Graphical Users Interface) or query language. The OS may be a program that permits you to figure with hardware and software on your computer.

    Operating Systems essay; Meaning, Definition, Types, Functions, Advantages, and Disadvantages.

    Basically, there are two ways to use the OS on your computer; the 2 ways are as follows: 1] for ex., DOS, you A text commands, and therefore the computer gives answer you consistent with your command. this often calls a command-line OS. 2] With a GUI (Graphical User Interface) OS (ex., windows). You relate with the pc through a graphical [Do you want to buy the best Graphics Card for your gaming computer? Gigabyte GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER WINDFORCE OC 3X Graphics Card] interface with pictures and buttons by using the mouse and keyboard.

    An OS may be software that permits the pc hardware to speak and perform with computer software. Most desktops [Dell case study] or laptops come to preload or pre-installed with Microsoft windows os. Macintosh computers are loaded with Mac OS. Many computers or servers use the Linux or UNIX OS. The OS is that the very first thing loaded on the pc – without an OS (OS) the computer is useless and that we can’t do any functions thereon. Now at the instant, operating systems have begun to use OS in small computers also.

    If we mess with electronic devices, we will see the OS in many of the devices, which we use a day, from mobile phones to wireless access points. the pc use in these little devices is more powerful and that they can easily run the operating systems and applications of it. the most aim of the OS is to arrange and control the hardware and software so that the device behaves flexibly.

    All computers don’t have operating systems, for EX – the pc that controls the microwave in your kitchen doesn’t need an OS to figure because it’s just one set of jobs to try to; the foremost common window operating systems developed by Microsoft. There are many other operating systems available for special-purpose applications, including manufacturing, robotics, and mainframes, and so on.

    Types of Operating Systems:

    Within the family of the operating systems, there are four sorts of operating systems supported the kinds of computers. The categories are:

    Real-time OS (RTOS):

    A real-time OS wont to control machinery, scientific instruments, and industrial system. An RTOS hardly features a little user-interface capacity and no end-user utilities. a really important part of an RTOS is managing the property of the pc so that particular operations execute within the same amount of your time. during a complex machine, having a neighborhood move more quickly simply because system resources are available could also be even as catastrophic as having it’s going to not move in the least because the system is busy.

    Single-user, single task:

    As the name implies, this OS means to manage the pc so that one user can do one thing at a time. The Palm OS for Palm handheld computers may be an exemplar of a contemporary single-user, single-task OS.

    Single-user, multi-tasking:

    This is a really popular OS; most of the people use this operating system on their desktop and laptop today. Microsoft’s Windows and Apple’s Mac OS are both samples of single-user, multi-tasking OS. it’ll let one user have several programs operational at an equivalent time. for instance, it’s possible in Windows to write down a note in Microsoft word while downloading a file from the web while printing the text on the e-mail message.


    A multi-user OS allows many users to require advantage of computer resources simultaneously. The OS makes sure that the wants of the varied users balanced, and every one of the programs they’re using has sufficient and separate resources so that the matter with one user doesn’t affect the community of the users. UNIX, VMS, and mainframe operating systems, like VMS, are samples of the os. It’s important to differentiate multi-user OS s and single-user operating system that supports networking. Windows 2000 can support hundreds or thousands of networked users.

    Operating Systems Meaning Definition Types Functions Advantages Disadvantages Image
    Operating Systems; Meaning, Definition, Types, Functions, Advantages, and Disadvantages; Image from Pixabay.

    Functions of operating systems:

    The OS plays an important role when it involves starting and shutting down the pc which additionally refers to as booting. Six steps happen when a computer is booting: the primary step begins as soon because the computer turns on, the electrical signal reaches to the components within the system unit through the facility supply. During the second step, the processor chip is reset thanks to the electrical signal then it locates the ROM that contains the essential input/output system (BIOS), which may be a firmware that contains the startup instructions of the pc.

    Next, the BIOS launches a series of tests to make sure the hardware functioning and connect properly, referred to as the power-on self-test (POST), usually when the POST launches, the LED lights of the devices flicker, sometimes there’ll be messages displaying on the screen. The fourth step takes place when the POST compares the result with the complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) chip data. CMOS uses battery power to preserve the knowledge, data, and memory when the pc shuts down.

    Besides that, it detects new devices and identifies them when these devices connect to the pc. The “beep” sound usually results when the CMOS detects which later follows by the error messages. The fifth step proceeds when the POST completes with none interference where the BIOS will locate the OS files also referred to as the system files from any source of drive. The sixth step occurs when the system file find, which then loaded into the RAM from its storage alongside the kernel of the OS.

    Continuous part 1:

    The system file then launches, and eventually, the OS which was stored in memory takes control of the entire computing system. During the ultimate step, the OS loads the knowledge set. a particular OS may request for user ID and password. After the OS is installed and loaded, it displays and presentation the desktop screen and it starts up the background procedure.

    The second function of the OS is by providing an interface. the 2 sorts of interface are the graphical interface (GUI) and therefore the command-line interface. The GUI basically provides users with a simple thanks to performing a command or task by having the menus with buttons or other pictures to permit users to click it with ease. rather than having simple buttons to click on, advanced users work with a command-line interface to configure, manage, and troubleshoot devices and other software. The command-line interface works only by keyboard with commands by using the available keyboard or touchscreen. To perform such command, one must type within the commands accurately with the precise spellings and punctuations.

    OS also manages programs. It depends on certain OS, some OS can only run one program at a time, while some can run up to thousands of programs at an equivalent time with one or multiple users. There is the only user/single-tasking OS, single-user/multitasking OS, multiuser OS, and therefore the multiprocessing OS. When one multitasks, the program that’s actively employed by the user claim to be within the foreground, while the opposite programs know to be within the background.

    Continuous part 2:

    The OS’s fourth function is memory management. The OS does so by transferring the info and program instructions from the RAM to the hard disc once they aren’t needed at the instant because sometimes there’s only limited space for the RAM when it’s to perform other functions when an equivalent data and program instructions need again, the OS then transfer them from the hard disc to the RAM.

    The fifth function of the OS is to adjust and coordinating tasks of useable hardware by software. Because the phrase implies, the OS determines the order of the tasks which process. Users can adjust or set the priority of certain tasks, which ends up from the opposite tasks to line up until the preceding task perform.

    Every hardware features a driver that acts sort of a manual. The sixth function, during this case, allows the pc to spot and install it without having the pc to thoroughly “learn” all the small print of the hardware. With the Plug and Play technology today, the OS can automatically configure the new devices because the devices are installed on the pc.

    Continuous part 3:

    The OS is additionally vital by providing a uniform way for software to affect hardware without having the pc to thoroughly learn all the small print of the hardware. The OS interacts with the hardware via drivers. a simple example would be installing a printer on many computers.

    The seventh function allows the user to simply hook up with the web rather than having to configure the tedious broadband service. OS can automatically configure the web connection.

    The OS also function as a performance monitor, which during this case identify and reports information about the software or the devices of the pc.

    Advantages or Benefits of operating systems:

    There are different types of operating systems that transform over time. As each OS has its benefits and drawbacks, that’s the rationale new operating systems are developing. Now let’s check out the subsequent Benefits and advantages of an OS.

    Computing Source:

    An OS acts as an interface between the user and therefore the hardware. It allows users to input files, process it, and access the output. Besides, through the OS, users can communicate with computers to perform various functions like arithmetic calculations and other significant tasks.

    User-Friendly Interface:

    Windows OS, when it came into existence, also introduces Graphical interface (GUI), which made using computers far more natural than earlier instruction Interface. Moreover, users can speedily and easily understand, interact, using, and communicate with computer machines.

    Resource Sharing:

    Operating systems allow the sharing of knowledge and useful information with other users via Printers, Modems, Players, and Fax Machines. Besides, one user can share equivalent data with multiple users at the corresponding time via mails. Also, various apps, images, and media files are often transferred from PC to other devices with the assistance of an OS.

    No Coding Lines:

    With the invention of GUI, OS allows access to hardware, without writing and reading programs. Unlike, earlier users don’t need to write code of lines to access the hardware functionality of a computing system.

    Safeguard of Data:

    There are tons of user data stored on the pc, which can only access with the assistance of an OS. Besides, storing and accessing the info, another important task of an OS is to securely and securely manage the info. for instance, Windows Defender in Microsoft Windows detects malicious and harmful files and removes them. Also, it secures your data by storing them with a touch to bit encryption.

    Software Update:

    An OS may be software that must update regularly to regulate high fleeting features that are continually increasing. With other apps and software hitting updates to enhance their functionality, OS must improve their benchmarks and handle all the working of a computer. An OS can easily update with none complexity.


    An OS can handle several tasks simultaneously. It allows users to hold out different tasks at an equivalent point in time.

    Disadvantages or Limitations of operating systems:

    Now let’s check out the subsequent Limitations or disadvantages of an OS.


    When we compared to the open-source platforms like Linux, Ubuntu, macOS, etc. some operating systems are costly. While users can use a free OS but generally they’re a touch difficult to run than others. Moreover, operating systems like Microsoft Windows with GUI functionality and other in-built features carry a costly tag.

    System Failure:

    If the central OS fails, it’ll affect the entire system, and therefore the computer won’t work. Moreover, an OS is the heart of a computing system without which it cannot function. If the central system crashes, the entire communication is going to halt, and there’ll be no further processing of knowledge.

    Highly Complex:

    Operating systems are highly complex, and therefore the language wont to establish these OS aren’t clear and well defined. Besides, if there’s a problem with OS users cannot directly understand, and it can’t be resolved quickly.

    Virus Threats:

    Threats to the operating systems are higher as they’re hospitable such virus attacks. Many users download malicious software packages on their system which halts the functioning of OS and slows it down.


    Fragmentation within the computer may be a state when storage memory breaks into pieces. Internal fragmentation occurs when the tactic of the process is larger than the memory size. External fragmentation occurs when the tactic or process eliminates.

  • Expert Systems (ES): Features, Classification, and Limitations

    Expert Systems (ES): Features, Classification, and Limitations

    Expert Systems (ES): The expert system is one of the most active and extensive topics in artificial intelligence (ai) application research. In AI (artificial intelligence), It is a computer system that emulates the decision-making ability of a human expert. Since the first expert system DENDRAL was introduced at Stanford University in the United States in 1965, after 20 years of research and development, by the mid-1980s; various they have spread across various professional fields and achieved great success. Now, they are more widely used and further developed in application development.

    Here explains Expert Systems (ES) in their points of meaning, Features, Classification, Development, and Limitations.

    Expert systems are a component of artificial intelligence (ai); which contains a large amount of expert-level knowledge and experience in a certain field, and can use human expert knowledge and problem-solving methods to deal with problems in this field. That is to say, it is a program system with a lot of expertise and experience. Also, It uses artificial intelligence and computer technology to make inferences and judgments based on the knowledge and experience provided by one or more experts in a certain field Decision-making process to solve complex problems that require human experts to deal with.

    In short, It is a computer program system that simulates human experts to solve domain problems. In 1982, the Japanese Government made an ambitious plan to build fifth-generation computers. This project aimed to use the computer for the following objectives i.e. Conversation, see objects, and adapt to new tasks; it will have memory and reasoning capabilities.

    Inspiring with these projects both the US and European governments initiated and directed their resources in the direction to develop advance computer systems. Within a short period, AI and ES (Artificial Intelligence and Expert System) became the national concern as critics suggested that the Japanese were intent on dominating the information industry of the 1990s and beyond.

    Features or characteristics of the expert systems (ES):

    In general, the expert systems (es) has some common characteristics and advantages, and its characteristics mainly have three aspects in artificial intelligence (ai):

    1] Inspiring:

    They can use expert knowledge and experience to make inferences, judgments, and decisions. As well as, most of the work and knowledge in the world are non-mathematical. Only a small part of human activities are based on mathematical formulas or numerical calculations (about 8%). Even in the chemistry and physics disciplines, most of them are based on reasoning. Thinking; the same is true for biology, most medicine, and all laws. Also, thinking of enterprise management is almost entirely based on symbolic reasoning, rather than numerical calculation.

    2] Transparency:

    They can explain its reasoning process and answer the questions raised by the user so that the user can understand the reasoning process and improve the trust in them. For example, if a medical diagnosis expert system diagnoses a patient with pneumonia and must be treated with an antibiotic; then this expert system will explain to the patient why he has pneumonia and must be treated with an antibiotic; just like A medical expert explained the patient’s condition and treatment plan in detail.

    3] Flexibility:

    They can continually increase knowledge, modify the original knowledge, and continuously update. Because of this feature, they have a very wide range of applications. Also, expert systems with application ranking.

    Classification of Expert System (ES):

    The expert systems used in a specific field can be divided into the following classification or categories in artificial intelligence (ai):

    1] Diagnosis:

    Based on the observation and analysis of symptoms, deducing the cause of symptoms and troubleshooting methods, such as medical, mechanical, economic, etc.

    2] Interpretation:

    A type of system that interprets deep structures or internal conditions based on surface information, such as geological structure analysis, material chemical structure analysis, etc.

    3] Predictive:

    A type of system that predicts the future situation based on the current situation, such as weather forecast, population forecast, hydrological forecast, economic situation forecast, etc.

    4] Design:

    A type of system that designs products according to the given product requirements, such as architectural design, mechanical product design, etc.

    5] Decision-making:

    A type of them that comprehensively evaluates and optimizes feasible solutions.

    6] Planning:

    A type of them used to formulate action plans, such as automatic program design, military plan formulation, etc.

    7] Teaching:

    A type of them that can assist in teaching.

    8] Mathematical:

    A type of them for automatically solving certain mathematical problems.

    9] Surveillance:

    A type of them that monitors certain types of behavior and intervenes when necessary, such as airport surveillance, forest surveillance, etc.

    Development of Expert Systems (ES):

    There are indeed some limitations in the development of the current expert system. In the coming years, many of today’s expert system deficiencies will be improved. I believe that the projects that they should continue to study in the future include: As well as, the ability to deal with common sense; the development of deep inference systems; Also, the ability to explain at different levels; the ability of expert systems to learn; the distributed expert system; As well as, the ability to easily acquire and update knowledge.

    The future development of they can directly receive data from the outside world through sensors, and can also obtain data from the knowledge base outside the system. In addition to inference in the inference machine, it can draw up plans and simulate problem conditions. The knowledge base contains not only static inference rules and facts, but also dynamic knowledge such as planning, classification, structural patterns, and behavior patterns.

    Expert Systems (ES) Features Classification and Limitations Image
    Expert Systems (ES): Features, Classification, and Limitations, Image from Pixabay.

    Advantages of the expert systems (ES):

    In the past 20 years, they have developed rapidly, the application field is getting wider and wider, and the ability to solve practical problems is becoming stronger and stronger. This is determined by the excellent performance of the expert system and its important role in the national economy.

    Specifically, the advantages of expert systems include the following in artificial intelligence (ai):

    • They can work efficiently, accurately, thoughtfully, quickly, and tirelessly.
    • It is not affected by the surrounding environment when solving practical problems, and it is impossible to miss or forget.
    • It can make the expertise of the experts not limited by time and space, to promote the precious and scarce expert knowledge and experience.
    • They can promote the development of various fields, enables the professional knowledge and experience of experts in various fields to be summarized and refined, and can widely and effectively spread the knowledge, experience, and ability of experts.
    • They can gather and integrate the knowledge and experience of experts in multiple fields and their ability to collaborate to solve major problems. It has more profound knowledge, a richer experience, and stronger working ability.
    • The level of the military expert system is one of the important symbols of a country’s national defense modernization and national defense capabilities.
    • The development and application of the expert system have huge economic and social benefits.
    • Research can promote the development of the entire science and technology.

    Limitations of Expert Systems (ES):

    Limitations, problems, and demerits of an expert systems (es) are as follows in artificial intelligence (ai):

    • It is hard, even for a highly skilled expert to abstract good situational assessment when he is under time pressure.
    • The expert system performs well with specific types of operational and analytical tasks.
    • The designing and construction of an expert system require expert engineers, they are rare and expensive. This limitation makes an expert system very costly.
    • It excels only in solving specified types of problems in a limited domain of knowledge.
    • The vocabulary that experts use for expressing facts & relations is frequently limited.
    • Another limitation is that most experts have no independent means of checking whether these conclusions are reasonable or not.
    • The approach of each expert to the assessment of the situation may be different, yet it may be correct.
    • The expert system is comparatively costly to develop and maintain.