Category: Insurance

  • Explain the Types of Insurance!

    Learn, Explain the Types of Insurance! 

    What Are the Different Types of Insurance? The person’s financial future can be affected by different circumstances that he or she cannot control or predict; thus, it is important to know about different types of insurance available that can help protect someone’s financial security in the event of asset losses, loss of income or even death. Also learned, Explain the Types of Insurance!

    What are the Two main types of insurance?

    1. Life Insurance pays you as the policyholder or your beneficiaries a certain sum of money in case of your death. Since the insurance coverage is more than a year, you have to pay the premium either every month, every three months or annually. Risks involved: are: your premature death, your source of income during retirement or in case of your illness. Its main products include lifetime policy, endowment, investment-linked, life annuity plan, and medical and health purposes.

    2. General insurance is your protection from damages or losses excluded from the life insurance. Coverage period is yearly so your payment is made on a single-basis only. Risks involved are the loss of your property in cases of the thief, fire, etc., payment for injury or damage you have inflicted on a third party and your death or injury due to the accident. Its main products are motor insurance, fire insurance, personal accident insurance, medical/health insurance and travel insurance.

    Types of Insurance Business are;

    • Life Insurance or Personal Insurance.
    • Property Insurance.
    • Marine Insurance.
    • Fire Insurance.
    • Liability Insurance.
    • Guarantee Insurance.
    • Social Insurance.

    These are explained below. The following main types of insurance are available today:

    Life Insurance:

    Life insurance is designed to provide a financial security to the family of a policyholder in the event of his or her death. Different types of life insurance are available to obtain nowadays. The most common ones are term life insurance and whole life insurance. A term life insurance is easily affordable but only covers an insured person for a specific length of time. On the other hand, whole life insurance is more expensive but provides coverage for the entire life of an insured person. Often, life insurance policies have exclusions to their coverage, such as pre-existing conditions. Make sure to go through all details of your policy with your insurance agent.

    Health Insurance:

    Health insurance generally covers medical expenses for health-related issues that an insured person experienced.  Health-related insurance comes in many plans:

    Major Medical Insurance plans cover a hospital, drugs and doctor’s visits bills. Major medical insurance plans usually come in the group or individual health plans. Group health plans are usually provided by a person’s employer. Group health plans are usually cheaper and cover more expenses. An individual health plan is a private insurance and should be purchased entirely by a covered individual. Individual health plans are more expensive and provide less coverage than group health plans.

    Limited benefit plans are designed to cover an insured person for a particular health care setting or disease, such as:

    1. Basic Hospital Expense Coverage provides coverage for a period usually not less than a month of continuous in-hospital care and specified hospital outpatient services.
    2. Basic Medical-Surgical Expense Coverage provides coverage for a required surgery and also includes a certain number of days in-hospital care.
    3. Hospital Confinement Indemnity Coverage provides a fixed amount coverage for each day that a person spends in a hospital.
    4. Accident Only Coverage provides medical coverage in the event of disability, death, an accident or dismemberment.
    5. Specified Disease Coverage provides coverage to diagnose and treat a specific illness, such as leukemia, for instance.

    Other Limited Coverage plans include dental or vision plans. Additional coverage plans provide extra protection for a person who becomes disabled and requires long-term care or Medicare enrollment. These additional coverage plans include disability income, long-term care insurance, and medical supplemental coverage.

    Property Insurance:

    Property Insurance includes homeowners or rental insurance. This type of insurance covers a person in the even his or her house or a rental apartment has been damaged by fire, flood, earthquake, theft and etc. Apartment complexes often require their renters to buy rental insurance before they can move-in day.

    Auto Insurance:

    Auto Insurance is one of the most popular types of insurance. A car may easily be one of the most expensive items a person owns. If your car is stolen or damaged in the accident, it may be very costly to repair. Auto insurance will pay to repair or replace a car if an insured person gets into an accident. Comprehensive motor vehicle insurance is considered to be the most common insurance policy that covers an insured person for loss, theft or damage to his/her vehicle. The cost of auto insurance will vary depending on a driver’s age, claims history, the make and type of car.

    Other less common types of insurance plans include travel insurance, bond insurance, accidental death insurance, crime insurance, loan protection insurance, casualty insurance, deposit insurance (FDIC) and many others.

    Marine Insurance:

    Marine insurance provides protection against loss of marine perils. The marine perils are a collision with a rock, or ship, attacks by enemies, fire, and captured by pirates, etc. these perils cause damage, destruction or disappearance o’ the ship and cargo and non-payment of freight. So, marine insurance insures ship (Hull), cargo and freight.

    Previously only certain nominal risks were insured but now the scope of marine insurance had been divided into two parts; Ocean Marine Insurance and Inland Marine Insurance. The former ensures only the marine perils while the latter covers inland perils which may arise with the delivery of cargo (gods) from the go-down of the insured and may extend up to the receipt of the cargo by the buyer (importer) at his go-down.

    Fire Insurance:

    Fire Insurance covers the risk of fire. In the absence of fire insurance, the fire waste will increase not only to the individual but to the society as well. With the help of fire insurance, the losses arising due to fire are compensated and the society is not losing much. The individual is preferred from such losses and his property or business or industry will remain approximately in the same position in which it was before the loss. The fire insurance does not protect only losses but it provides certain consequential losses also war risk, turmoil, riots, etc. can be insured under this insurance, too.

    Liability Insurance:

    The general Insurance also includes liability insurance whereby the insured is liable to pay the damage to property or to compensate the loss of persona; injury or death. This insurance is seen in the form of fidelity insurance, automobile insurance, and machine insurance, etc.

    Social Insurance:

    The social Insurance is to provide protection to the weaker sections of the society who are unable to pay the premium for adequate insurance. Pension plans, disability benefits, unemployment benefits, sickness insurance and industrial insurance are the various forms of social insurance. Insurance can be classified into four categories from the risk point of view.

    Guarantee Insurance:

    The guarantee insurance covers the loss arising due to dishonesty, disappearance, and disloyalty of the employees or second party. The party must be a party to the contract. His failure causes loss to the first party. For example, in export insurance, the insurer will compensate the loss at the failure of the importers to pay the amount of debt.

    Other Forms of Insurance:

    Beside the property and liability insurances, there are other insurances which are included in general insurance. The examples of such insurances are export-credit insurances, State employees insurance, etc. whereby the insurer guarantees to pay a certain amount at the certain events. This insurance is extending rapidly these days.

    Miscellaneous Insurance: The property, goods, machine, Furniture, automobiles, valuable articles, etc. can be insured against the damage or destruction due to accident or disappearance due to theft. There are different forms insurances for each type of the said property whereby not only property insurance exists but liability insurance and personal injuries are also insurer.

  • What is an Insurance? Meaning and Definition!

    What is an Insurance? Meaning and Definition!

    Learn, Explain What is an Insurance? Meaning and Definition! 

    Insurance is a means of protection from financial loss. It is a form of risk management, primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent or uncertain loss. Study of Insurance, Explain, Meaning of Insurance, and Definition of Insurance. Insurance helps you protect yourself against risks like a house fire, car accident or burglary. You can also get insurance that pays you money if you get too ill to work or to provide for your family if you die. Also learned, Central Banks, What is an Insurance? Meaning and Definition!

    Insurance is a special type of contract between an insurance company and its client in which the insurance company agrees that on the happening of certain events the insurance company will either make payment to its client or meet certain costs.

    For example, in a car insurance policy, the insurance company agrees that if the car is damaged, the insurance company will pay the cost of repairing it. Under an income protection policy, the insurance company agrees that if its client is unable to work, the insurance company will pay its client an agreed amount.


    Insurance is a contract, represented by a policy, in which an individual or entity receives financial protection or reimbursement against losses from an insurance company. The company pools clients’ risks to make payments more affordable for the insured.

    An entity which provides insurance is known as an insurer, insurance company, insurance carrier or underwriter. A person or entity who buys insurance is known as an insured or policyholder. The insurance transaction involves the insured assuming a guaranteed and known relatively small loss in the form of payment to the insurer in exchange for the insurer’s promise to compensate the insured in the event of a covered loss. The loss may or may not be financial, but it must be reducible to financial terms, and usually involves something in which the insured has an insurable interest established by ownership, possession, or preexisting relationship.

    The insured receives a contract, called the insurance policy, which details the conditions and circumstances under which the insurer will compensate the insured. The amount of money charged by the insurer to the insured for the coverage set forth in the insurance policy is called the premium. If the insured experiences a loss which is potentially covered by the insurance policy, the insured submits a claim to the insurer for processing by a claims adjuster. The insurer may hedge its own risk by taking out reinsurance, whereby another insurance company agrees to carry some of the risks, especially if the risk is too large for the primary insurer to carry.


    A promise of compensation for specific potential future losses in exchange for a periodic payment. Insurance is designed to protect the financial well-being of an individual, company or other entity in the case of unexpected loss. Some forms of insurance are required by law, while others are optional. Agreeing to the terms of an insurance policy creates a contract between the insured and the insurer.

    In exchange for payments from the insured (called premiums), the insurer agrees to pay the policyholder a sum of money upon the occurrence of a specific event. In most cases, the policyholder pays part of the loss (called the deductible), and the insurer pays the rest. Examples include car insurance, health insurance, disability insurance, life insurance, and business insurance.

    The risk-transfer mechanism that ensures full or partial financial compensation for the loss or damage caused by the event(s) beyond the control of the insured party. Under an insurance contract, a party (the insurer) indemnifies the other party (the insured) against a specified amount of loss, occurring from specified eventualities within a specified period, provided a fee called premium is paid. In general insurance, compensation is normally proportionate to the loss incurred, whereas in life insurance usually a fixed sum is paid.

    Some types of insurance (such as product liability insurance) are an essential component of risk management and are mandatory in several countries. Insurance, however, provides protection only against tangible losses. It cannot ensure continuity of business, market share, or customer confidence, and cannot provide knowledge, skills, or resources to resume the operations after a disaster.

    Why can you need insurance?

    Basically, you think these types first protect yourself.

    • Protected your Life.
    • Safety for your family after you.
    • Protecting your losses, etc.

    There are lots of different types of insurance: you can cover almost anything, from your wedding to your pets.

    Some insurance is compulsory: you can’t drive a car without at least basic car insurance, and you can’t get a mortgage on your house without buildings insurance.

    After compulsory insurances, the most important thing is to protect yourself and your family. The types of insurance that you need will depend on what you need to protect.

    Ask yourself what’s important to you:

    • If you’re traveling abroad, get travel insurance to help pay your hospital fees and other expenses if you get injured or sick.
    • If you have kids, what would happen to them if you died unexpectedly? Life insurance would help make sure they’re looked after financially.
    • If you have a big mortgage, what would happen if you became too ill to work? Income protection insurance could help cover your payments.

    Think it over and look at prices, then you can start to decide what you want and what you can afford.

    What is an Insurance Meaning and Definition - ilearnlot