Category: Definitions Content

Definitions Content!

The act of defining, or of making something definite, distinct, or clear: We need a better definition of her responsibilities. 2. the formal statement of the meaning or significance of a word, phrase, idiom, etc., as found in dictionaries. Also, A definition is a statement of the meaning of a term (a word, phrase, or other sets of symbols). Also, Definitions Content can classify into two large categories, intentional definition’s.

Which try to give the essence of a term and extensional definitions. Which proceed by listing the objects that a term describes. As well as, Another important category of definition is the class of ostensive definitions. Which convey the meaning of a term by pointing out examples. A term may have many different senses and multiple meanings and thus require multiple definition’s.

Also, In mathematics, a definition is using to give a precise meaning to a new term, instead of describing a pre-existing term. Definition and axioms are the basis on which all of modern mathematics is constructed. Define how: in what manner or way; for what reason: why; with what meaning: to what effect — how in a sentence.

Definitions Content - ilearnlot

  • Remittance Meaning and Definition: How to be Know

    Remittance Meaning and Definition: How to be Know

    Learning about remittance meaning and definition, how money is transferred from one place to another, and its significance to economics worldwide. This post explains the process of sending money from a person in a foreign country back to their home country. #RemittanceMeaning, #RemittanceDefinition!

    Remittance Meaning and Definition: A Comprehensive Guide

    Remittance refers to the transfer of money or funds from one place to another. Typically from a person working in a foreign country back to their home country. It is a vital aspect of global finance and plays a significant role in supporting economies worldwide.

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    What is Remittance?

    Remittance is the process of sending money or funds by an individual (often called a remitter) to their family, friends, or relatives who reside in another country. It is a way for migrant workers to financially support their loved ones and contribute to the development of their home country.

    Remittance Meaning and Definition

    Remittance refers to the transfer of money or funds from one place to another, typically from a person working in a foreign country back to their home country. It is a vital aspect of global finance and plays a significant role in supporting economies worldwide. Remittance is the process of sending money or funds by an individual (often called a remitter) to their family, friends, or relatives who reside in another country. It is a way for migrant workers to financially support their loved ones and contribute to the development of their home country.

    Remittance can be defined as the act of sending money or funds from one location to another, usually from a person working in a foreign country to their home country or to relatives and friends living in another country. It involves the transfer of money across borders, often facilitated by financial institutions or specialized remittance service providers. Remittances are typically made to support the financial needs of the recipient or to contribute to the development of their local economy.

    How Does Remittance Work?

    Remittance can be done through various channels, including banks, money transfer operators (MTOs), and digital platforms. The remitter typically initiates the process by depositing money with a chosen remittance service provider. The recipient, often referred to as the beneficiary, can then collect the funds from a designated location or have it directly deposited into their bank account.

    Types of Remittance

    There are two primary forms of remittance:

    1. Inward Remittance: This type of remittance involves money sent from a foreign country to the recipient’s home country. It is commonly used by migrant workers to support their families financially.
    2. Outward Remittance: In contrast, outward remittance refers to money sent from a person’s home country to a foreign country. This type of remittance stands often used for various purposes such as education, travel, or investments abroad.

    Importance of Remittance

    Remittances play a crucial role in supporting developing countries’ economies. Here are some key reasons why remittance is essential:

    • Economic Growth: Remittances contribute significantly to the overall economic growth and stability of many developing nations. The funds received can be used for consumption, investment, or savings, boosting local businesses and stimulating economic development.
    • Poverty Alleviation: Remittances often help alleviate poverty by providing financial support to needy families. The money received can used for essentials such as food, healthcare, education, and housing.
    • Education and Healthcare: Remittances enable access to better education and healthcare services for the recipient families. It helps improve the overall well-being and living standards of the individuals, contributing to human capital development.

    Challenges and Solutions

    While remittances have numerous benefits, there are also challenges associated with the process. Such as high transaction fees and exchange rate fluctuations. However, advancements in financial technology have led to the emergence of innovative solutions like digital wallets, cryptocurrency, and mobile money transfer services, making remittance faster, more convenient, and cost-effective.

    In conclusion, remittance is a critical financial practice that facilitates the movement of money across borders. It plays a vital role in supporting families, reducing poverty, and fostering economic growth. With continued advancements in technology, the remittance landscape continues to evolve, providing more efficient and accessible solutions for users worldwide.

  • Spectrum Meaning and Definition: How to be Know

    Spectrum Meaning and Definition: How to be Know

    Explore the spectrum meaning and definition of its applications across physical, chemical, optical, and psychological fields. Learn why this range of specific elements or characteristics is so important. #SpectrumMeaning, #SpectrumDefinition!

    Spectrum Meaning and Definition: A Comprehensive Guide

    A spectrum refers to a range or continuum of different elements or characteristics. It is a term used in various fields such as physics, chemistry, optics, and psychology. In physics, a spectrum refers to the range of wavelengths or frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. In chemistry, it represents the distribution of energy levels in a substance. Optics uses the term to describe the colors of visible light, while in psychology, it refers to a range of related psychological characteristics or traits. Spectra plays a crucial role in understanding the properties of light, identifying chemical compounds, and categorizing psychological traits.

    Spectrum Meaning and Definition Image
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    The term “spectrum” is used in various fields to describe a range of different elements or characteristics. From physics to psychology, a spectrum can provide valuable insights and understanding. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the meaning and definition of spectrum across different disciplines. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of spectra!

    A spectrum can be defined as a continuous sequence or range of related things or phenomena that vary from one extreme to another. The term is often used to describe a range of colors, wavelengths, frequencies, or energies. It can also refer to a range of ideas, opinions, beliefs, or traits that exist within a certain field or area of study. A spectrum allows for the understanding and categorization of different elements or phenomena based on their position within the range, providing a framework for analysis and comparison.


    In physics, a spectrum refers to the range of wavelengths or frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation includes visible light, radio waves, X-rays, and more. By studying the spectrum of a light source, scientists can gain information about its composition and properties. For instance, the study of atomic spectra has revolutionized our understanding of the microscopic world.


    In chemistry, a spectrum represents the distribution of energy levels in a substance. Analyzing the spectrum of a compound allows chemists to identify its constituents, determine its purity, or detect impurities. Spectroscopy techniques, such as infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, rely on the unique patterns within a spectrum to provide valuable data for chemical analysis.


    In optics, the term “spectrum” refers specifically to the colors of visible light. When white light passes through a prism, it disperses into a continuum of colors, creating a spectrum known as a rainbow. This phenomenon demonstrates how white light is composed of various wavelengths, each corresponding to a specific color. The study of optics and spectra has paved the way for advancements in photography, displays, and even laser technology.


    In psychology, a spectrum refers to a range of related psychological characteristics or traits. One well-known example is the autism spectrum, which encompasses individuals with a wide array of social and communication abilities. The concept of a spectrum allows psychologists to understand and categorize diverse traits or behaviors on a continuum, rather than in discrete categories.


    The term “spectrum” holds different meanings and definitions across various disciplines. Whether it’s exploring the properties of light, identifying chemical compounds, or understanding psychological traits, spectra play a crucial role. By studying and analyzing spectra, scientists, and researchers can unlock new insights and broaden our understanding of the world around us. So next time you encounter the word “spectrum,” remember its diverse applications and the knowledge it represents.

    Note: This guide provides a general overview of the meaning and definition of spectrum. For a more in-depth understanding, it is recommended to explore specific disciplines or consult relevant scientific literature.


    • Encyclopaedia Britannica
    • Physics World
    • American Chemical Society
    • Wiley Online Library
    • Verywell Mind
  • What is Management Accounting? Meaning and Definition

    What is Management Accounting? Meaning and Definition

    Management Accounting Meaning: The accounting information is presented to prepare the policies adopted by the management accounting management and to help in day-to-day activities. Do you study to learn: If Yes? Then read the lot. What is Management Accounting? Meaning and Definition.

    Explains – What is Management Accounting? Meaning and Definition.

    Management accounting is also called managerial accounting or cost accounting. The process of analyzing business costs and operations to prepare internal financial reports, records, and accounts to assist in the decision-making process of the manager in achieving business goals. Management accounting (also known as managerial or cost accounting) is different from financial accounting. In which it prepares reports for the company’s internal stakeholders in opposition to the external stakeholders. After we discuss management accounting meaning also take look at their definitions below.

    Definition of Management Accounting:

    The following definition is below;

    According to R. N. Anthony:

    “Management Accounting is concerned with accounting information that is useful to management.”

    The ICMA (Institute of Cost and Management Accountants), London, has defined Management Accounting as:

    “The application of professional knowledge and skill in the preparation of accounting information in such a way as to assist management in the formulation of policies and in the planning and control of the operation of the undertakings.”

    The ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales) defines Management Accounting as:

    “Any form of accounting, which enables a business to conducte more efficiently, can regard as Management Accounting.”

    According to the American Accounting Association (AAA):

    “It includes the methods and concepts necessary for effective planning for choosing among alternative business actions and for control through the evaluation and interpretation of performances.”

    The opinion of Haynes and Massie:

    “The application of appropriate techniques and concepts in processing the historical and projected economic data of an entity to assist management in establishing a plan for reasonable economic objectives and in making of rational decisions with a view towards achieving these objectives.”

    And the last definition best define by J. Batty:

    “Management Accountancy is the term uses to describe the accounting methods, systems, and techniques which, with special knowledge and ability, assist management in its task of maximizing profit or minimizing losses.”

    What is Management Accounting Meaning and Definition
    What is Management Accounting? Meaning and Definition

  • Risk Management Definition!

    Learned, Risk Management Definition!

    Identifying, analyzing, evaluating, controlling, and eliminating, minimizing, or unacceptable risks. An organization could use risk management, risk retention, risk retention, risk transfer, or any other strategy (or combination of strategies) in proper management of future events. Also learn, Property Management, Risk Management Definition!

    Risk–management is to identify, evaluate and prioritize risks, coordinate resources and follow through economical applications, minimize. The possibility or impact of unfortunate incidents, monitor, and control, or to maximize the realization of opportunities. The purpose of risk–management is to ensure uncertainty, not to remove the effort from business goals. Also learn, Project Management.

    According to the definition of risk, the risk is likely to occur that an event will occur and adverse effects on the achievement of an object. Therefore, there is uncertainty in risk. Risk–management like COSO ERM, managers can better control their risk. Each company can have different internal control components. Which leads to different results. For example, the internal environment in the framework for ERM components, objective assessment, event identification, risk assessment, risk response, control actions, Information and communication, and surveillance.

    Meaning of Risk Management!

    In ideal risk–management, a prioritization process is as follows. The biggest disadvantage of which, and the greatest probability of being handles first, and with less chance of occurrence, risk, and less loss are in descending order. Also, in practice, the process of assessing overall risk can be difficult and balance resources. Which can be used to reduce risks with the high probability of events, but with a high risk of a risk vs low loss but the event The less likely can often misdirect

    Risk management is also to face in allocating resources. It is the idea of the cost of the opportunity. Resources spent on risk–management can spend on more beneficial activities. Then, the ideal risk reduces management expenses and also reduces the negative effects of the risk.

    Risk Management Definition - ilearnlot
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  • Essay on Project Management with Meaning and Definition

    Essay on Project Management with Meaning and Definition

    Project Management Essay: It is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing a team’s work to achieve specific goals and to meet specific success criteria at specific times. A project is a temporary effort to bring a particularly beneficial change. This is to define a specific product, service, or result to meet unique goals, objectives, and objectives or the added value of the project is the opposite of the business as a general (or operation). Which is the product, Who does or repeated to produce services, permanent or semi-permanent functional activities? Also, in practice, the management of specific production approaches requires the development of specific technical skills and management strategies. Also learn Disk Management: Definition, Project Management Definition.

    What is the essay on Project Management? with their Meaning and Definition.

    What is a Project? A project is a temporary undertaking that exists to produce a defined result. Each project will agree and with its unique objectives, its own project planning, budget, time-limits, deliverables, and work. Also, in a project, people of different teams can include within an organization. Which are brought together to fulfill specific goals?

    Meaning of Project Management:

    Project management can define as the discipline of implementing, planning, executing, and managing specific processes and principles. That new initiatives or changes are being implemented within an organization. Project management is similar to normal activity for the management of the business. This is a continuous process, as it is to create new work packages to end with the consent or to achieve the goal.

    As well as, The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all project goals within the given obstacles. This information is usually describing in the project documentation. Which is designing at the beginning of the development process. Also, Primary hurdles are scope, time, quality, and budget are the secondary and more ambitious challenge, to optimize the allocation of necessary inputs and implement them to meet pre-defined objectives. The purpose of the project management is to create a complete project which is in line with the client’s objectives. Also, in many cases, the purpose of project management to address the purpose of customer management is to either size or improve the short form of the client.

    Essay on Project Management with Meaning and Definition Image
    Essay on Project Management with Meaning and Definition; Image from Pixabay.

    Definition of Project Management:

    Project Management is the craft of dealing with all the parts of a project from commencement to conclusion utilizing a logical and organized approach. The term project might be utilized to characterize any undertaking that is impermanent in nature and with a start or an end. The project must make something exceptional whether it is an item, administration, or result, and should be dynamically explained. As the definition suggests, only one out of every odd assignment can view as a project. It is beneficial to remember this definition when arranging projects and examining their part in the accomplishment of the association. With the above meaning of the project, one gets away from what a project is.

    Program Management characterizes as an office that concentrates the management of projects. This means the PMO or the Project Management Office is a vault of the apparent multitude of projects that execute in an association. Also, Program Management serves the CIO (Chief Information Officer) by furnishing the person in question with customary announcements in regards to the advancement of the apparent multitude of projects in the organization.

    Project Manager:

    The Project Manager’s job is to guarantee that the general destinations of the project accomplished with the cooperation of every individual part. The project administrator resembles the Prima Donna and their keenness relies upon how well the person in question can use the qualities of the individual individuals while limiting the effect of their shortcomings. Program chiefs take a similar view however at a lot more elevated level. Their activity is on the general main concern for the division or the organization; and, they drive the individual project supervisors. This is like that of a pyramid where the CIO or the program director sits on the peak; and, the project chief at the following level, the project leads further down, etc.

  • What is the Definition of Property Management? Explain

    Property management Definition, Operating and managing of real estate, control, and inspection, which is used in its broadest terms. Management demonstrates the need to provide care, monitoring, and responsibility for its useful life and position. This is similar to the role of management in any business. Also learn, the Definition of Disk Management, Property Management!

    Here is the article to Explain and Discuss, What is the Definition of Property Management?

    The term used by real estate agents when they manage the leasing, maintaining, and advertising for a particular house or business. It can include finding tenants, collecting rent monies, and looking after maintenance such as gardening and small repairs. Real estate fragments can take place in the property– management, demand for tenants, the collection of monthly rent payments, retaining assets, and maintenance of the base.

    All day-to-day activities are available to maintain and maintain the property The process of management. An apartment complex is controlled by some type of property management company. Property-management is also the management of private property, equipment, tooling, and physical capital assets. Which are using to create, repair, and maintain end items deliverable. Property–management involves the processes, systems, and manpower needed to manage. The life cycle of all acquiring property, including acquisition, control, accountability, responsibility, maintenance, use, and nature. Also, learn about Waste Management.

    What is Property? Explain and Discuss.

    Property that jointly belongs to more than one party may possess or control thereby in very similar or very distinct ways. Whether simply or complexly, whether equally or unequally. However, there is an expectation that each party’s will about the property clearly define and unconditional. To distinguish ownership and easement from rent. The parties might expect their wills to be unanimous, or alternately every given one of them. When no opportunity for or the possibility of the dispute with any other of them exists, may expect his, her, it’s or their own will to be sufficient and absolute.

    Types of Property:

    Most legal systems distinguish between different types of property, especially between land (immovable property, an estate in land, real estate, real property) and all other forms of property—goods and chattels, movable property, or personal property, including the value of legal tender if not the legal tender itself, as the manufacturer rather than the possessor might be the owner. They often distinguish between tangible and intangible property. One categorization scheme specifies three species of property: land, improvements (immovable man-made things), and personal property (movable man-made things).

    Property Management Definition - ilearnlot
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  • Disk Management Definition!

    Learn, Disk Management Definition!

    An umbrella term disk-management is a Microsoft Windows utility for starting a hard disk, maintaining. Its health and managing its organization. Which was introducing as a replacement for the first FDISK command in Windows XP Was there. This allows users to install disk drives on their computers and view and manage the associating partitions of those drives. As seen in the picture below, each drive is displayed by layout, type, file system, position, capacity, free space, free of charge and fault tolerance. Also learn, Management, Disk Management Definition!

    Disk–Management is an extension of the Microsoft Management Console. That allows full management of the disk-based hardware recognizes by Windows.

    Disk–Management is using to manage the drives installed on a computer – like hard disk drives (internal and external), optical disk drives, and flash drives. It can use to partition drives, format drives, assign drive letters, and much more.

    Also, Know about Disk Management!

    The Disk Management tool has a graphical interface like a regular program and is similar in function to the command line utility disk part, which was a replacement of an earlier utility called FDISK.

    You can also use Disk–Management to check free hard drive space. You can see the total storage capacity of all the disks. As well as, how much free space is remaining, which is expressing in units (i.e. MB and GB) as well as a percentage.

    Disk–Management is where you can create and attach virtual hard disk files in Windows 10 and Windows 8. These are single files that act as hard drives. Which means you can store them on your main hard drive or in other places like external hard drives.

    disk management definition - ilearnlot
    Photo Credit to Pixaby, More free Images, Also, Thanks!

  • Definition of Weakness, What is It?

    Definition of Weakness, What is It?

    Definition of Weakness?

    What is Weakness? “Weakness is fear, not happenable or impossible things, a person who thought about fear anything of never to do it, that’s things called for personal weakness.” Other Words – The state or condition of being weak. A disadvantage or fault. A person or thing that one is unable to resist or likes excessively.

    Weakness or asthenia is a symptom of a number of different conditions. The causes are many and can be divided into conditions that have true or perceived muscle weakness. True muscle weakness is a primary symptom of a variety of skeletal muscle diseases, including muscular dystrophy and inflammatory myopathy. It occurs in neuromuscular junction disorders, such as myasthenia gravis.

    Weakness or Strength

    Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your biggest strength.

    Take, for example, the story of one 10-year-old boy who decided to study Judo despite the fact that he had lost his left arm in a devastating car accident.

    The boy began lessons with an old Japanese Judo Master Sensei.

    The boy was doing well, so he couldn’t understand why, after three months of training the master had taught him only one move.

    “Sensei,” the boy finally said, “Shouldn’t I be learning more moves?’

    “This is the only move you know. but this is the only move you will ever know,” the Sensei replied.

    Not quite understanding, but believing in his teacher, the boy kept training.

    Several months later, the sensei took the boy to his first tournament. Surprising himself, the boy easily won his first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some time, his opponent became impatient and charged. The boy deftly used his one move to win the match.

    Still amazed by his success, the boy was now in the finals.

    This time, his opponent was bigger, stronger and more experienced. For a while, the boy appeared to be overmatched. Concerned that the boy might get hurt, the referee called a time-out.

    He was about to stop the match when the sensei intervened.

    “No,” the Sensei insisted, “Let him continue.”

    Soon after the match resumed, his opponent made a critical mistake. He dropped his guard. Instantly, the boy used his mow to pin him. The boy had won the match and the tournament.

    He was the champion.

    On the way home, the boy and Sensei reviewed every mow in each and every match. Then the boy summoned the courage to ask what was really on his mind.

    “Sensei, how did I win the tournament with only one mow?”

    “You won for two reasons,” the Sensei answered. “First, you’ve almost mastered one of the most difficult throws in all of Judo. And second, the only known defense for that move is for your opponent to grab your left arm.”

    The boys biggest weakness had become his biggest strength. The Naughty Boy.

    Definition of Weakness

    Weakness is Strength

    Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses! Turning our weaknesses into strengths makes us unbeatable. This is an inspiring story of a 12-year-old boy Kim who defeated his weakness, by unknowingly making it his strength.

    Poor Kim lost his left hand in a terrible accident. His parents could not console him. To cheer him up, his father made him join a Judo school. As the boy always wanted to learn Judo, his father thought that this would make him happy.

    Everyone wondered how a single armed boy could learn Judo. However, the master happily enrolled him. He trained in Judo for about 8 months, practiced nothing but a single stroke, trained for all 8 months in mastering a single stroke. The boy was surprised and sometimes annoyed as his master taught him only one stroke.

    Yet, he said nothing. The boy mastered the stroke and grew as nobody could excel in doing that particular stroke. The boy was picked by the master to compete in the national level Judo championship tournament.

    Everyone made fun of Kim and the master. How could a one-handed boy win a national championship? Even the boy was not sure about why his master chose him.

    Surprising to other’s taunting, Kim easily defeated his six contenders with his single stroke. He gradually moved to semi-finals. He struggled a bit in the semi-finals and won the match.

    Needless to say, it surprised everyone. The final match began. The opponent was very strong and the boy could not counterattack him. The referee decided to halt the match, as the opponent could harm Kim severely. He announced a break and discussed with Kim’s master to stop the match and declare the opponent as the champion of the year. Even Kim was happy that he advanced very much and happily said yes! However, his master did not want him to quit the match. He asked Kim to continue the match. Of course, with a huge effort, Kim won the match and the title. He had become the champion!

    Kim was so surprised how he won the competition with just a single stroke. His master told him,‘My dear boy, you learned the most difficult stroke in Judo that very few can master to perfection. If your opponent wants to beat you and prevent you from using the stroke, they should hold your left hand. This is the secret behind your victory!’

    If the boy turned his weakness, the loss of his left hand to a massive success, why can’t we? What is the Secret of Success?


  • Definition of Strength, What is It?

    Definition of Strength, What is It?

    Discover the true meaning of strength and its different aspects. Explore the physical, mental, and emotional dimensions of strength in this insightful blog post.

    Definition of Strength?

    “Strength is a power or value of Competition to others, strength is counting by numbers, group members, the value of quantity and quality of Strength.” Other Words – The quality or state of being physically strong. the influence or power possessed by a person, organization, or country. the degree of intensity of a feeling or belief. the potential of a hand to win tricks, arising from the number and type of high cards it contains.

    The capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure. the emotional or mental qualities necessary in dealing with difficult or distressing situations. The potency or degree of concentration of a drug, chemical, or drink. A good or beneficial quality or attribute of a person or thing. a person or thing perceived as a source of mental or emotional support.

    The number of people comprising a group, typically a team or army. Several people are required to make such a group complete. Best Characteristics and Qualities of a Good Leader

    Capital, knowledge, skill, or another advantage that a firm has or can acquire over its competitors in meeting the needs of its customers. See also SWOT analysis.

    Physical Strength

    Physical-strength is the measure of an animal’s exertion of force on physical objects. Increasing physical strength is the goal of strength training.

    An individual’s physical strength is determining two factors. The cross-sectional area of muscle fibers recruited to generate force and the intensity of the recruitment. Individuals with a high proportion of type I slow twitch muscle fibers will be relatively weaker than a similar individual. With a high proportion of type II fast twitch fibers but would have a greater inherent capacity for physical endurance. The genetic inheritance of muscle fiber type sets the outermost boundaries of physical strength possible (barring the use of enhancing agents such as testosterone). Though the unique position within this envelope is determining by training.

    Individual muscle fiber ratios can determine through a muscle biopsy. Other considerations are the ability to recruit muscle fibers for a particular activity: joint angles, and the length of each limb. For a given cross-section, shorter limbs are able to lift more weight. The ability to gain muscle also varies person to person, based mainly upon genes dictating the amounts of hormones secreted. But also on sex, age, the health of the person, and adequate nutrients in the diet. A one-repetition maximum test is the most accurate way to determine maximum muscular strength.

    Hysterical Strength

    Hysterical-strength is a display of extreme strength by humans, beyond what is believing to normal, usually occurring when people are in life-and-death situations. Common anecdotal examples include parents lifting vehicles to rescue their children. The extra strength is commonly attributing to increasing adrenaline production, though supporting evidence is scarce, and inconclusive when available. Also, research into the phenomenon is difficult, though it is thought that it is theoretically possible.