Category: Business Content

Business Content!

Business Content, Opportunity, and Small Business Ideas, Businesses can privately own, not-for-profit or state-own. An example of an Online eCommerce industry is Google Searching Web and also Facebook Social Site.

While a mom-and-pop catering profession is a private enterprise. Every industry requires some form of investment and enough customers to whom its output can sale on a consistent basis in order to make a profit. An organization or economic system where goods and services stand exchanged for one another or for money.

A business (also known as an enterprise, a company, or a firm) is an organizational entity and legal entity made up of an association of people, be they natural, legal, or a mixture of both who share a common purpose and unite in order to focus.

Their various talents and organize, their collectively available skills or resources to achieve. Specific declared goals are involved in the provision of goods and services to consumers. A profession can also describe as an organization that provides goods and services for human needs.

Business - ilearnlot

  • What is a Business Plan?

    What Is a Business Plan?

    A business plan is a written statement that describes and analyzes your business and gives detailed projections about its future. A business plan also covers the financial aspects of starting or expanding your business—how much money you need and how you’ll pay it back.

    Writing a business plan is a lot of work. So why take the time to write one? The best answer is the wisdom gained by literally millions of business owners just like you. Almost without exception, each business owner with a plan is pleased she has one, and each owner without a plan wishes he had written one.

    Why Write a Business Plan?

    Why Write a Business Plan?
    Why Write a Business Plan?

    Here are some of the specific and immediate benefits you will derive from writing your business plan.

    Helps You Get Money

    most lenders or investors require a written business plan before they will consider your proposal seriously. Even some landlords require a sound business plan before they will lease you space. Before making a commitment to you, they want to see that you have thought through critical issues facing you as a business owner and that you really understand your business. They also want to make sure your business has a good chance of succeeding.

    In my experience, about 35% to 40% of the people currently in business do not know how money flows through their business. Writing a business plan with this book teaches you where money comes from and where it goes. Is it any wonder that your backers want to see your plan before they consider your financial request?

    There are as many potential lenders and investors as there are prospective business owners. If you have a thoroughly thought-out business and financial plan that demonstrates a good likelihood of success and you are persistent, you will find the money you need. of course, it may take longer than you expect and require more work than you expect, but you will ultimately be successful if you believe in your business.

    Helps You Decide to Proceed or Stop

    one major theme of the book may surprise you. It’s as simple as it is important. You, as the prospective business owner, are the most important person you must convince of the soundness of your proposal. Therefore, much of the work you are asked to do here serves a dual purpose. It is designed to provide answers to all the questions that prospective lenders and investors will ask.

    But it will also teach you how money flows through your business, what the strengths and weaknesses in your business concept are, and what your realistic chances of success are.

    The detailed planning process described in this book is not infallible—nothing is in a small business—but it should help you uncover and correct flaws in your business concept. If this analysis demonstrates that your idea won’t work, you’ll be able to avoid starting or expanding your business. This is extremely important. It should go without saying that a great many businesspeople owe their ultimate success to an earlier decision not to start a business with built-in problems.

    Let’s You Improve Your Business Concept

    Writing a plan allows you to see how changing parts of the plan increases profits or accomplishes other goals. You can tinker with individual parts of your business with no cash outlay. If you’re using a computer spreadsheet to make financial projections, you can try out different alternatives even more quickly. This ability to fine-tune your plans and business design increases your chances of success.

    For example, let’s say that your idea is to start a business importing Korean leather jackets. Everything looks great on the first pass through your plan. Then you read an article about the declining exchange ratio of U.S. dollars to Korean currency. After doing some homework about exchange rate fluctuations, you decide to increase your profit margin on the jackets to cover anticipated declines in dollar purchasing power. This change shows you that your prices are still competitive with other jackets and that your average profits will increase. And you are now covered for any likely decline in exchange rates.

    Improves Your Odds of Success

    one way of looking at business is that it’s a gamble. You open or expand a business and gamble you’re and the bank’s or investor’s money. If you’re right, you make a profit and pay back the loans and everyone’s happy. But if your estimate is wrong, you and the bank or investors can lose money and experience the discomfort that comes from failure. (of course, a bank probably is protected because it has title to the collateral you put up to get the loan.)

    Writing a business plan helps beat the odds. most new, small businesses don’t last very long. And, most small businesses don’t have a business plan. Is that only a coincidence, or is there a connection between these two seemingly unconnected facts? my suggestion is this: let someone else prove the connection wrong. Why not be prudent and improve your odds by writing a plan?

    Helps You Keep on Track

    many business owners spend countless hours handling emergencies, simply because they haven’t learned how to plan ahead. This book helps you anticipate problems and solve them before they become disasters.

    A written business plan gives you a clear course toward the future and makes your decision making easier. Some problems and opportunities may represent a change of direction worth following, while others may be distractions that referring to your business plan will enable you to avoid. The black and white of your written business plan will help you face facts if things don’t work out as expected. For example, if you planned to be making a living three months after start-up, and six months later you’re going into the hole at the rate of $100 per day, your business plan should help you see that changes are necessary. It’s all too easy to delude yourself into keeping a business going that will never meet its goals if you approach things with a “just another month or two and I’ll be there” attitude, rather than comparing your results to your goals.

    Issues Beyond the Plan

    I have written this book to provide you with an overview of the issues that determine success or failure in a small business. Experienced lenders, investors, and entrepreneurs want a plan that takes these issues into account. of course, this book can’t cover everything. Here are some of the key business components that are left out of this initial planning process.

    Bookkeeping and Accounting

    This book discusses the numbers and concepts you as the business owner need to open and manage your small business. You have the responsibility to create bookkeeping and accounting systems and make sure they function adequately. One of the items generated by your

    accounting system will be a balance sheet. A balance sheet is a snapshot at a particular moment in time that lists the money value of everything you own and everything you owe to someone else.


    While there are a few mentions of tax issues throughout the book, most of the planning information doesn’t discuss how taxes will be calculated or paid. The book focuses its efforts on making a profit and a positive cash flow. If you make a profit, you’ll pay taxes and if you don’t make a profit, you’ll pay fewer taxes. A cPA or tax advisor can help you with tax strategies.

    Securities Laws

    If you plan to raise money by selling shares in a corporation or limited partnership, you’ll fall under state or federal securities regulations. You can, however, borrow money or take in a general partner without being affected by securities laws. A complete discussion of these issues is beyond the scope of this book. For now, take note that you must comply with securities regulations after you complete your plan and before you take any money into your business from selling shares or partnership interests.

    Your Management Skill

    This book shows you how to write a very good business plan and loan application. However, your ultimate success rests on your ability to implement your plans—on your management skills. If you have any doubts about your management ability, check out the resources other article. Also see another posts for a thought-stimulating discussion of management.

    Issues Specific to Your Business

    How successfully your business relates to the market, the business environment, and the competition may be affected by patents, franchises, foreign competition, location, and the like. of necessity, this book focuses on principles common to all businesses and does not discuss the specific items that distinguish your business from other businesses. For example, this post doesn’t discuss how to price your products to meet your competition; I assume that you have enough knowledge about your chosen business to answer that question.

  • What is CSR?

    What is CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)?

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to business practices involving initiatives that benefit society. A business’s CSR can encompass a wide variety of tactics, from giving away a portion of a company’s proceeds to charity, to implementing “greener” business operations.

    Definition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

    The movement aimed at encouraging companies to be more aware of the impact of their business on the rest of society, including their own stakeholders and the environment. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business approach that contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders.

    CSR is a concept with many definitions and practices. The way it is understood and implemented differs greatly from each company and country. Moreover, CSR is a very broad concept that addresses many and various topics such as human rights, corporate governance, health and safety, environmental effects, working conditions and contribution to economic development. Whatever the definition is, the purpose of CSR is to drive change towards sustainability.

    Although some companies may achieve remarkable efforts with unique CSR initiatives, it is difficult to be on the forefront on all aspects of CSR. Considering this, the example below provides good practices on one aspect of CSR environmental sustainability.

    Corporate Social Responsibility
    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Example; Unilever is a multinational corporation, in the food and beverage sector, with a comprehensive CSR strategy. The company has been ranked “Food Industry leader’ in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Indexes for the 11 consecutive years and ranked 7th in the ‘Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World.”

    One of the major and unique initiatives is the ‘sustainable tea’ program.  On a partnership-based model with the Rainforest Alliance (an NGO), Unilever aims to source all of its Lipton and PG Tips tea bags from Rainforest Alliance Certified™ farms by 2015.  The Rainforest Alliance Certification offers farms a way to differentiate their products as being social, economically and environmentally sustainable.

    Other Definitions

    The World Business Council for Sustainable Development in its publication Making Good Business Sense by Lord Holme and Richard Watts used the following definition:

    Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large The same report gave some evidence of the different perceptions of what this should mean for a number of different societies across the world. Definitions as different as CSR is about capacity building for sustainable livelihoods. It respects cultural differences and finds the business opportunities in building the skills of employees, the community and the government of Ghana, through to CSR is about business giving back to society from the Philippines.

    Traditionally in the United States, CSR has been defined much more in terms of a philanthropist model. Companies make profits, unhindered except by fulfilling their duty to pay taxes. Then they donate a certain share of the profits to charitable causes. It is seen as tainting the act for the company to receive any benefit from the giving.

    What is the Social Responsibility of Business?

    Ever since Milton Friedman famously proclaimed “The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits” (NYTimes 1970), pundits have pondered whether his purist interpretation was really the only way.

    Profit is certainly a lot easier to quantify than something like ‘happiness’, but the intangible benefits of good, honest business clearly go way beyond pure finance Must the word ‘profit’ always refer to money in the strictest sense?

    Collected on this page are various interpretations of the idea of “social responsibility” and the responsibility of business to take an active, passive or indifferent role in building a more sustainable world.

    There are a few broad categories of social responsibility that many of today’s businesses are practicing:

    I) Environmental efforts: One primary focus of corporate social responsibility is the environment. Businesses regardless of size have a large carbon footprint. Any steps they can take to reduce those footprints are considered both good for the company and society as a whole.

    II) Philanthropy: Businesses also practice social responsibility by donating to national and local charities. Businesses have a lot of resources that can benefit charities and local community programs.

    III) Ethical labor practices: By treating employees fairly and ethically, companies can also demonstrate their corporate social responsibility. This is especially true of businesses that operate in international locations with labor laws that differ from those in the United States.

    IV) Volunteering: Attending volunteer events says a lot about a company’s sincerity. By doing good deeds without expecting anything in return, companies are able to express their concern for specific issues and support for certain organizations.

    Examples of Corporate Social Responsibility

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

    While many companies now practice some form of social responsibility, some are making it a core of their operations. Ben and Jerry’s, for instance, uses only fair trade ingredients and has developed a sustainability program for dairy farms in its home state of Vermont. Starbucks has created its C.A.F.E. Practices guidelines, which are designed to ensure the company sources sustainably grown and processed coffee by evaluating the economic, social and environmental aspects of coffee production. Tom’s Shoes, another notable example of a company with CSR at its core, donates one pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair a customer purchases.

    However, Stevens said companies need to really understand what their core social purpose is and how that aligns with their stated mission, to create a cohesive CSR strategy.

    For example, Stevens said that Kashi, a Kellogg’s brand, wants to increase organic farming and is one of the few certified organic kinds of cereal. Since only 1 percent of U.S. farmland is actually organic, the breakfast brand worked with Quality Insurance International to help certify new organic farmers across the nation.

  • Five M’s in the Business

    Five M’s in the Business

    Learn how the five M’s – Man, Machines, Materials, Money, and Method – are crucial resources in effective business management.

    Five M’s in the Business

    Efficient management is the lifeboat of any developed business. The five M’s, which can be considered the resources of the business, are Man, Machines, Materials, Money, and Method.

    1. Man

    Management is the art of getting things done by a group of people. Thus, the availability of qualified, trained, skilled, experienced, and competent people is the most crucial factor in any management.


    • Innovation: Qualified, skilled, and experienced individuals can bring in new ideas and innovations.
    • Productivity: Competent staff enhance productivity and efficiency.


    2. Machines

    Management involves knowing what needs to be done and ensuring it’s done in the best and most cost-effective way. Thus, having capable machines and equipment is essential to achieve this.


    • Efficiency: Machines can perform tasks faster and more accurately than humans.
    • Consistency: Machines provide consistent output quality.


    • Cost: High initial investment and maintenance costs.
    • Obsolescence: Technological advancements can make existing machinery outdated.

    3. Materials

    Quality, quantity, availability, cost/market price, and the transportation of raw materials, semi-finished goods, and finished products are critical components to the success of management.


    • Quality Control: High-quality materials lead to high-quality products, increasing customer satisfaction.
    • Availability: Timely availability of materials ensures continuous production.


    • Cost Fluctuation: Material costs can fluctuate due to market conditions.
    • Supply Chain Risks: Disruptions in the supply chain can affect the availability of materials.

    4. Money

    Financial capital is utilized by businesses to acquire what they need to produce their products or provide their services. The availability of funds is extremely important for procuring capital goods, raw materials, tools, consumables, and working capital.


    • Resource Acquisition: Adequate funds allow businesses to acquire necessary resources and expand operations.
    • Stability: Financial stability ensures smooth operations and the ability to withstand economic downturns.


    • Debt: Excessive borrowing can lead to high-interest obligations and financial distress.
    • Mismanagement: Poor financial management can lead to inefficient use of funds.

    5. Method

    The process or method by which work is accomplished is crucial. The proper method ensures the required quality, quantity, and timely delivery, achieving the management objectives.


    • Standardization: Proper methods ensure consistent quality and efficient production.
    • Competitive Edge: Innovative methods can differentiate a company from its competitors.


    • Inflexibility: Overly rigid methods can stifle creativity and adaptability.
    • Implementation Cost: Developing and implementing new methods can be costly and time-consuming.

    Methods can create a competitive edge. For example, consider two girls preparing a cup of tea each with the same raw materials: milk, sugar, tea powder, etc.

    • Girl A: Puts milk in the utensil and boils it, then adds water, sugar, and tea powder, and boils it again.
    • Girl B: Boils water and sugar, then adds tea powder, and lastly adds milk.

    The two cups of tea taste different despite having the same ingredients because the method used makes the difference. Standardized methods ensure consistent results. That’s why the quality of idli sambar in an Udipi restaurant is always the same and why McDonald’s offers the same taste of French Fries worldwide. Standardized methods address these needs.

    Companies can also differentiate through methods. For example, Shampoo produced by Company A is in high demand. Company B, seeing this, researches Company A’s methods, improves upon them, and adds extra benefits to capture more market share.

    Similarly, among four bhelwalas, the one in demand might be successful due to a better preparation method and additional customer advantages like cleanliness, better presentation, extra quantity, etc., offering better value for money to the customers.

    By understanding and effectively managing these five M’s, businesses can optimize their operations and achieve their objectives. However, it is equally important to be aware of the potential drawbacks and address them proactively.

  • Indian Rupee

    Indian Rupee

    The Indian rupee (sign: ; code: INR), is the official currency of the Republic of India. The Indian one rupee is equal to 100 paise (like singular paisa). In India, only the 50 paisa remains legal in 2016. The issuance of the currency is controlled by the Reserve Bank of India. The Reserve Bank manages currency in India and derives its role in currency management on the basis of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. The Indian Rupee is named after the silver coin, Rupiya, first rupee issued by Sultan Sher Shah Suri in the 16th century & later continued by the Mughal Empire.

    Indian rupees symbol was officially Changed In 2010, a new symbol ‘‘. It was derived from the combination of the Devanagari consonant “” (RA) and the Latin capital letter “R” without its vertical bar (similar to the R rotunda). The parallel lines at the top (with white space between them) are said to make an allusion to the tricolor Indian flag. An equality sign that symbolizes the nation’s desire to reduce economic disparity. The first series of coins with the new rupee symbol started in circulation on 8 July 2011.

    Indian Rupee Exchange to other Country Currency

    1 Indian Rupee equals
    1. 0.015 US Dollar
    2. 0.020 Australian Dollar
    3. 0.012 British Pound
    4. 0.014 Euro

    Indian Rupee Exchange to other Country Rupee

    1 Indian Rupee equals
    1. 1. 0.53 Mauritian Rupee
    2. 1.60 Nepalese Rupee
    3. 1.54 Pakistani Rupee
    4. 0.20 Seychellois Rupee

    History of Indian Rupee

    The history of the Indian rupee traces back to Ancient India in circa 6th century BCE, ancient India was one of the earliest issuers of coins in the world, along with the Chinese wen and Lydian staters.

    During his five-year rule from 1540 to 1545, Sultan Sher Shah Suri issued a coin of silver, weighing 178 grains (or 11.53 grams), which was termed the Rupiya. The silver coin remained in use during the Mughal period & Maratha era as well as in British India. Among the earliest issues of paper rupees include; the Bank of Hindustan (1770–1832), the General Bank of Bengal and Bihar (1773–75, established by Warren Hastings), and the Bengal Bank (1784–91).

    Indian Rupees Per Currency unit averaged over the Year

    Currency ISO code 1947 1966 1995 1996 2000 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2013 2014 2015 2016
    Australian dollar AUD 27.69 26.07 33.28 34.02 34.60 36.81 38.22 42.00 56.36 54.91 48.21 49.96
    Bahraini Dinar BHD 164.55 170.6 178.3
    Bangladeshi taka BDT 0.84 0.84 0.77 0.66 0.63 0.57 0.71 0.66 0.68 0.80 0.88 0.84 0.85
    Canadian dollar CAD 26.00 30.28 34.91 41.09 42.92 44.59 52.17 49.53 47.94 52.32
    Chinese Yuan CNY 5.80 9.93 10.19 10.15
    Emirate dirham AED 17.47 18.26
    Euro EUR 44.40 41.52 56.38 64.12 68.03 60.59 65.69 70.21 72.60 75.84
    Israeli shekel ILS 13.33 21.97 11.45 10.76 10.83 17.08 16.57 17.47
    Japanese Yen JPY 1015.5 1.76 32.66 32.96 41.79 41.87 38.93 35.00 42.27 51.73 52.23 60.07 57.79 53.01 62.36
    Kuwaiti Dinar KWD 17.80 115.5 114.5 144.9 153.3 155.5 144.6 161.7 167.7 159.2 206.5 214.3 213.1 222.4
    Malaysian Ringgit MYR 18.59 18.65 16.47 16.37
    Maldivian rufiyaa MVR 1.00 1.33 2.93 2.91 4.58 4.76 5.01 5.23
    Pakistani rupee PKR 1.00 1.33 1.08 0.95 0.80 0.77 0.75 0.67 0.61 0.59 0.53 0.57 0.60 0.62 0.64
    Pound sterling GBP 13.33 17.76 51.14 55.38 68.11 83.06 80.63 76.38 71.33 83.63 70.63 91.08 100.51 98.11 92.00
    Russian rubled RUB 6.60 15.00 7.56 6.69 1.57 1.05 0.99
    Saudi riyal SAR 1.41 17.11 17.88
    Singapore dollar SGD 23.13 25.16 26.07 26.83 30.93 33.60 34.51 41.27 33.58 46.84 45.86 46.67 48.86
    Sri Lankan rupee LKR 1.33 0.63 0.64 0.58 0.47 0.46 0.45 0.46
    Swiss franc CHF 1.46 27.48 43.95 66.95 66.71 66.70 68.40
    U.S. dollar USD 3.30 7.50 32.45 35.44 44.20 45.34 43.95 39.50 48.76 45.33 45.00 68.80 66.07 66.73 67.19

    Note: All Countries Currency exchange rate into Indian rupees, 28 December 2016.

  • The Australian Dollar sign, Introduction, History

    The Australian Dollar sign, Introduction, History

    The Australian dollar is popular with currency traders, the rate on the high street, with their sign, because of the comparatively high-interest rates in Australia. Also, The currency commonly refers to by foreign-exchange traders as the “Aussie”. It (sign: $; code: AUD) is the currency of the Commonwealth of Australia, including Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and Norfolk Island; as well as the independent Pacific Island states of Kiribati, Nauru, and Tuvalu. Within Australia, it is almost always abbreviated with the dollar sign ($), with A$ or AU$ sometimes used to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies. It subdivides into 100 cents.

    Best Australian Dollar rate on the high street, with their sign, Introduction, Define, and History.

    As of 2011, the Australian dollar is the fifth most traded currency in the world, sign, accounting for 7.6% of the world’s daily share. Also, It trades in the world foreign exchange markets behind the US dollar, the euro, the yen, and the pound sterling. The Australian dollar is popular with currency traders, because of the comparatively high interest rates in Australia, the relative freedom of the foreign exchange market from government intervention, the general stability of Australia’s economy and political system, and the prevailing view that the Australian dollar offers diversification benefits in a portfolio containing the major world currencies; especially because of its greater exposure to Asian economies and the commodities cycle. Also, The currency commonly refers to by foreign-exchange traders as the “Aussie dollar”.

    The relative freedom of the foreign exchange market from government intervention, the general stability of Australia’s economy and political system, and the prevailing view that the Australian dollar offers diversification benefits in a portfolio containing the major world currencies, especially because of its greater exposure to Asian economies and the commodities cycle.

    It’s a combination of international investors attracted to the sector due to the falling Australian dollar; and, local investors playing catch up with the share market’s 2016 high. With the announcement from the U.S on the Chinese tariffs; Also, the reaction on the policy side from China will be the key event to watch in the coming days; if China does react with the further escalation in tariffs, the U.S. equity market; as well as the dollar-yen or Australian dollar, could face further downward pressures.

    Currency notes of the Australian dollar:

    The following Australian dollar $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 below are;

    Australian dollar
    The Australian dollar, Image from livetradingnews.

    Australian dollars Capitation with other dollar Currencies:

    One Australian dollar ($1); All rated into $

    1. 0.73 US Dollar
    2. 0.73 Bahamian Dollar
    3. 1.45 Barbadian Dollar
    4. 1.46 Belize Dollar
    5. 0.73 Bermudan Dollar
    6. 0.97 Canadian Dollar
    7. 0.60 Cayman Islands Dollar
    8. 1.96 East Caribbean Dollar
    9. 1.55 Fijian Dollar
    10. 150.48 Guyanaese Dollar
    11. 5.64 Hong Kong Dollar
    12. 93.54 Jamaican Dollar
    13. 66.09 Liberian Dollar
    14. 10.16 Namibian Dollar
    15. 1.05 Singapore Dollar
    16. 5.37 Surinamese Dollar

    Note: All Dollar rated and converted to the Australian dollar, 20 December 2016.

    You need to do nothing to Be as You already are. What You have is Who You are. God gives Everything in Creation, and Everything is You. Nothing can add to Our Perfection in God. Follow acim to learn more. Best Australian Dollar rate on the high street; Also, Foreign exchange Trade in April 2016: Download FET file in PDF.

    Australian Dollar History:

    With pounds, shillings, and pence to replace by decimal currency on 14 February 1966, many names for the new currency were suggested. In 1963, the Prime Minister, Sir Robert Menzies, a monarchist, wished to name the currency the royal. Other proposed names included more exotic suggestions such as the austral, the oz, the boomer, the roo, the kanga, the emu, the digger, the quid, the dinkum, and the theming (Menzies’ nickname). Menzies’ influence resulted in the selection of the royal; and, Also, trial designs were preparing and printing by the Reserve Bank of Australia. Best Australian Dollar rate on the high street, with their sign. Other things below are;

    More things;

    The Treasurer, Harold Holt, announced the decision in Parliament on 5 June 1963. The royal would be subdivided into 100 cents, but the existing names shilling, florin, and crown would retain for the 10-cent, 20-cent, and 50-cent coins respectively. Also, The name royal for the currency proved very unpopular, with Holt and his wife even receiving death threats. On 24 July Holt told the Cabinet the decision had been a “terrible mistake” and it would need to revisit. On 18 September Holt advised Parliament that the name was to be the dollar, of 100 cents.

    The Australian pound, introduced in 1910 and officially distinct in value from the pound sterling since a devaluation in 1931, was replaced by the dollar on 14 February 1966. The rate of conversion for the new decimal currency was two dollars per Australian pound or ten Australian shillings per dollar. Also, The exchange rate was pegged to the pound sterling at a rate of $1 = 8 shillings ($2.50 = UK £1). In 1967, Australia effectively left the sterling area; when the pound sterling was devalued against the US dollar and the Australian dollar did not follow. It maintained its peg to the US dollar at the rate of A$1 = US$1.12.

    On 27 September 2012, the Reserve Bank of Australia stated that they had ordered work on a project to upgrade the current banknotes. The upgraded banknotes will incorporate several new features so that they remain secure in the future. Also, The first new banknotes (of the five-dollar denomination) were issuing from the 1st of September 2016, with the remaining denominations to issue in the coming years.

  • Most Highest Currency or Currencies Value in 2016

    Most Highest Currency or Currencies Value in 2016

    Highest currency 2016; What is Currency? A currency (from Middle English: currant, “in circulation”, from Latin: Currens, -Entis) in the most specific use of the word refers to money in any form when in actual use or circulation as a medium of exchange, especially circulating banknotes and coins. A more general definition is that a currency is a system of money (monetary units) in common use, especially in a nation. Under this definition, US dollars, British pounds, Australian dollars, and European euros are examples of currency. These various currencies recognize stores of value and trade between nations in foreign exchange markets; which determine the relative values of the different currencies. Also, Currencies in this sense defines by governments, and each type has limited boundaries of acceptance.

    Here is the article to explain, Most Highest Currency or Currencies Value in 2016!

    Other definitions of the term “currency” discuss in their respective synonymous articles banknote, coin, and money. Also, The latter definition, about the currency systems of nations, is the topic of this article. Currencies can be classified into two monetary systems: fiat money and commodity money, depending on what guarantees the value (the economy at large vs. the government’s physical metal reserves). Some currencies are legal tender in certain political jurisdictions; which means they cannot refuse as payment for the debt. Others simply traded for their economic value. Also, Digital currency has arisen with the popularity of computers and the Internet.

    Most Highest Currencies Value in 2016:

    RankCountry NameCurrency Name
    1KuwaitKuwaiti Dinar (KWD)
    2BahrainBahraini Dinar (BHD)
    3OmanOmani Rial (OMR)
    4United KingdomBritish Pound (GBP)
    5European UnionEuro (EUR)
    6SwitzerlandSwiss Franc (CHF)
    7LibyaLibyan Dinar (LYD)
    8BruneiBruneian Dollar (BND)
    9SingaporeSingapore Dollar (SGD)
    10AustraliaAustralian Dollar (AUD)

    Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD):

    The Kuwaiti dinar (Arabic: دينار‎‎, code: KWD) is the currency of Kuwait. It sub-divides into 1,000 files. Also, The Kuwaiti dinar is the world’s highest-valued currency unit.

    20th Dec. 2016 Value of Currency as dollar One Kuwaiti dinar buys US$3.26.

    Bahraini Dinar (BHD):

    The dinar (Arabic: دينار‎‎ Dīnār Baḥrēnī) (sign: .د.ب or BD; code: BHD) is the currency of Bahrain. It divides into 1000 fils (فلس). The name dinar derives from the Roman denarius. The dinar was introduced in 1965, replacing the Gulf rupee at a rate of 10 rupees = 1 dinar. Also, The Bahraini dinar abbreviates .د.ب (Arabic) or BD (Latin). It usually represents three decimal places denoting the files.

    20th Dec. 2016 Value of Currency as dollar One Bahraini dinar buys US$2.65.

    Omani Rial (OMR):

    The rial (Arabic: ريال‎‎, ISO 4217 code OMR) is the currency of Oman. It divided into 1000 baisa (also written baiza, بيسة).

    20th Dec. 2016 Value of Currency as dollar One Omani rial buys US$2.60.

    British Pound (GBP):

    A pound is a unit of currency in some nations. The term originated in Great Britain as the value of a pound (weight) of silver. The English word pound is cognate with, among others, German Pfund, Dutch pond, and Swedish pound. All ultimately derive from a borrowing into Proto-Germanic of the Latin expression lībra pondō (“a pound of weight”), in which the word pondō is the ablative case of the Latin noun pondus (“weight”). The English word “pound” first referred to a unit of mass or weight; the monetary pound originated as a pound (by weight) of silver.

    The currency’s symbol is £, a stylized representation of the letter L, standing for livre or lira. Historically, £1 worth of silver coins was a troy pound in weight; in August 2016 this amount of silver was worth approximately £170 sterling. Today, the term may refer to several (primarily British and related) currencies and a variety of obsolete currencies. Some of them, those officials in former Italian states and countries formerly belonging to the Ottoman Empire, called pound in English, while in the local languages their official name is lira.

    20th Dec. 2016 Value of Currency as dollar One British pound buys US$1.23.

    Euro (EUR):

    The euro (sign: €; code: EUR) is the official currency of the eurozone, which consists of 19 of the 28 member states of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain. The currency is also officially used by the institutions of the European Union and four other European countries; as well as unilaterally by two others and is consequently used daily by some 337 million Europeans as of 2015. Outside of Europe, several overseas territories of EU members also use the euro as their currency.

    20th Dec. 2016 Value of Currency as dollar One euro buys US$1.04.

    Swiss Franc (CHF):

    The franc (sign: Fr. or SFr. or FS; German: Franken, French, and Romansh: franc, Italian: franco; code: CHF) is the currency and legal tender of Switzerland and Liechtenstein; it is also legal tender in the Italian exclave Campione d’Italia. Also, The Swiss National Bank (SNB) issues banknotes, and the federal mint Swissmint issues coins.

    The smaller denomination, a hundredth of a franc, is a Rappen (Rp.) in German, centime (c.) in French, centesimo (ct.) in Italian, and rap (RP.) in Romansh. The ISO code of the currency used by banks and financial institutions is CHF, although “Fr.” uses by most businesses and advertisers; some use SFr.; the Latinate “CH” stands for Confoederatio Helvetica. Given the different languages used in Switzerland, Latin uses for language-neutral inscriptions on the coins.

    20th Dec. 2016 Value of Currency as dollar One Swiss Franc buys US$0.97.

    Australian Dollar (AUD):

    The Australian dollar (sign: $; code: AUD) is the currency of the Commonwealth of Australia, including Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and Norfolk Island, as well as the independent Pacific Island states of Kiribati, Nauru, and Tuvalu. Within Australia, it is almost always abbreviated with the dollar sign ($), with A$ or AU$ sometimes used to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies. Also, It is subdivided into 100 cents.

    20th Dec. 2016 Value of Currency as dollar One Australian Dollar buys US$0.72.

    Libyan Dinar (LYD):

    The dinar (Arabic: دينار‎‎) is the currency of Libya. Its ISO 4217 code is “LYD”. The dinar is subdivided into 1000 dirham (درهم). It was introduced in September 1971 and replaced the pound at par. It is issued by the Central Bank of Libya, which also supervises the banking system and regulates credit. In 1972, the Libyan Arab Foreign Bank was established to deal with overseas investment. Ali Mohammed Salem, deputy governor of Central Bank of Libya stated the exchange rate of Libyan dinar would be pegged to special drawing rights for one to three years, according to an interview with Reuters on 27 December 2011.

    20th Dec. 2016 Value of Currency as dollar One Libyan Dinar buys US$0.70.

    Singapore Dollar (SGD):

    The Singapore dollar (Malay: Ringgit Singapura, sign: $; code: SGD) is the official currency of Singapore. Also, It is normally abbreviated with the dollar sign $, or S$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies. It is divided into 100 cents.

    The Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Monetary Authority of Brunei Darussalam (Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam) still maintain the historic exchangeability of their two currencies, the Singapore dollar, and the Brunei dollar, respectively. The Singapore dollar is accepted as “customary tender” in Brunei according to the Currency Interchangeability Agreement. Likewise, the Brunei dollar is customarily accepted in Singapore.

    20th Dec. 2016 Value of Currency as dollar One Singapore Dollar buys US$0.69.

    Bruneian Dollar (BND):

    The Brunei dollar (Malay: ringgit Brunei, currency code: BND), has been the currency of the Sultanate of Brunei since 1967. It is normally abbreviated with the dollar sign $, or B$ to distinguish it from other dollar-dominated currencies, It is divided into 100 sen (Malay) or cents (English).

    The Brunei dollar is managed together with the Singapore dollar at a 1:1 ratio by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). Also, Singapore is one of Brunei’s major trading partners.

    20th Dec. 2016 Value of Currency as dollar One Bruneian Dollar buys US$0.50.

    Most Highest Currency or Currencies Value in 2016 Image
    Most Highest Currency or Currencies Value in 2016; Image by Erdenebayar Bayansan from Pixabay.

    Note: All Currency is Exchanging rate valuation into US Dollar rate on 20 December 2016.

  • Types of Business

    Types of Business:

    There are three major types of businesses:

    1. Service Business

    A service type of business provides intangible products (products with no physical form). Service type firms offer professional skills, expertise, advice, and other similar products.

    Examples of service businesses are schools, repair shops, hair salons, banks, accounting firms, and law firms.

    1. Merchandising Business

    This type of business buys products at wholesale price and sells the same at retail price. They are known as “buy and sell” businesses. They make the profit by selling the products at prices higher than their purchase costs.

    A merchandising business sells a product without changing its form. Examples are grocery stores, convenience stores, distributors, and other resellers.

    1. Manufacturing Business

    Unlike a merchandising business, a manufacturing business buys products with the intention of using them as materials in making a new product. Thus, there is a transformation of the products purchased.

    A manufacturing business combines raw materials, labor, and factory overhead in its production process. The manufactured goods will then be sold to customers.

    Hybrid Business

    Hybrid businesses are companies that may be classified in more than one type of business. A restaurant, for example, combines ingredients in making a fine meal (manufacturing), sells a cold bottle of wine (merchandising), and fills customer orders (service).

    Nonetheless, these companies may be classified according to their major business interest. In that case, restaurants are more of the service type – they provide dining services.

    Forms Types of Business Organization:

    These are the basic forms of business ownership:

    1. Sole Proprietorship

    A sole proprietorship is a business owned by only one person. It is easy to set-up and is the least costly among all forms of ownership.

    The owner faces unlimited liability; meaning, the creditors of the business may go after the personal assets of the owner if the business cannot pay them.

    The sole proprietorship form is usually adopted by small business entities.

    1. Partnership

    A partnership is a business owned by two or more persons who contribute resources into the entity. The partners divide the profits of the business among themselves.

    In general partnerships, all partners have unlimited liability. In limited partnerships, creditors cannot go after the personal assets of the limited partners.

    1. Corporation

    A corporation is a business organization that has a separate legal personality from its owners. Ownership in a stock corporation is represented by shares of stock.

    The owners (stockholders) enjoy limited liability but have limited involvement in the company’s operations. The board of directors, an elected group of the stockholders, controls the activities of the corporation.

    In addition to those basic forms of business ownership, these are some other types of organizations that are common today:

    Limited Liability Company:

    Limited liability companies (LLCs) in the USA, are hybrid forms of business that have characteristics of both a corporation and a partnership. An LLC is not incorporated; hence, it is not considered a corporation.

    Nonetheless, the owners enjoy limited liability like in a corporation. An LLC may elect to be taxed as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation.


    A cooperative is a business organization owned by a group of individuals and is operated for their mutual benefit. The persons making up the group are called members. Cooperatives may be incorporated or unincorporated.

    Some examples of cooperatives are water and electricity (utility) cooperatives, cooperative banking, credit unions, and housing cooperatives; This is simple types of business read and understanding, around world many many types of business run.

  • What is a Business? Introduction, Meaning, and Definition

    What is a Business? Introduction, Meaning, and Definition

    A business (also known as an enterprise, a company or a firm) is an organizational entity involved in the provision of goods and services to consumers. Businesses as a form of economic activity are prevalent in capitalist economies, where most of them are privately own and provide goods and services to customers in exchange for other goods, services, or money. Businesses may also be social non-profit enterprises or state-owned public enterprises charged by governments with specific social and economic objectives.

    What is a Business? Introduction, Meaning, and Definition.

    Businesses owned by multiple individuals may form an incorporated company or jointly organized as a partnership. Countries have different laws that may ascribe different rights to various business entities.

    An organization or economic system where goods and services are exchanging for one another or money. Every enterprise requires some form of investment and enough customers to whom its output can sale consistently to make a profit. Businesses can privately own, not-for-profit or state-owned. An example of a corporate business is PepsiCo, while mom-and-pop catering businesses a private enterprise.

    An enterprise is an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial or professional activities. A company transacts enterprise activities through the production of a good, offering of a service or retailing of already manufactured products. An enterprise can be a for-profit entity or a nonprofit organization that operates to fulfill a charitable mission.


    The term business comes from busyness or the state of being busy—any ac­tivity a man is busy about. Businesses an economic activity with the object of earning an income i.e. profit and thereby accumulate wealth. The eco­nomic activity must be regular and continuous.

    It involves:

    • Production of goods to sell them at a profit or
    • Merely purchase of goods to resell at a profit.

    The real object of any enterprise, as pointed by Peter Drucker is to create a customer and to ensure repeat sale which is possi­ble only when the customer can get due service and satisfaction in the market place where the exchange takes place in monetary terms.


    The following concept below are;

    History of Concept:

    In the old days, the enterprise was conceiving merely in terms of busi­ness. The enterprise of business is business. In those days the sole and exclusive objective of busi­ness was the maximization of profit at any cost.

    The business began merely as an institution for the pur­pose of making money. So long as man-made money and kept himself out of jail he was considering successful.

    He felt no particular obligation and acknowledge no responsibility to the community. As he was the owner of the enterprise he thought he has the perfect right to do with it what he, please.

    Modern Concept:

    The modern busi­ness enterprise is a social and economic institu­tion. It does not live in a vacuum. Enterprise by it­self is not an end but a means to achieve an end – i.e., public welfare. Urwick has rightly pointed out that profit can no longer be the main objective of a business than eating is the main objective of living.

    According to Peter Drucker, the objective of the business is to create a customer.

    The first business of every business is to se­cure customers. The customer is the master and to serve him well is the only purpose of business. An enterprise cannot survive without customers. Mod­ern business aims at a profit through service.

    What is a Business Introduction Meaning and Definition
    What is a Business? Introduction, Meaning, and Definition #Pixabay.

    Basic Definitions:

    • A person’s regular occupation, profession, or trade, an activity that someone engages in a person’s concern, work that has to finish or matters that have to attend to.
    • Commercial activity, trade considered in terms of its volume or profitability, a commercial house or firm.
    • A situation or series of events, typically a scandalous or discreditable one, a difficult matter. Action on stage other than dialogue. A very enjoyable or popular person or thing.

    Definition of Business:

    According to well-known professors William Pride, Robert Hughes, and Jack Kapoor, business is,

    “The organized effort of individuals to produce and sell, for a profit, the goods, and services that satisfy society’s needs.”

    A business, then, is an organization which seeks to make a profit through individuals working toward common goals. The goals of the business will vary based on the type of business and the business strategy being uses. Regardless of the preferred strategy, businesses must provide a service, product, or good. That meets a need of society in some way.

  • Make Money with Articles Writing

    Make Money with Articles Writing

    Make Money in Articles Writing; The Way to making money online is to offer content writing services. Do you have the skills to write well? Yes! Start offering blog/WordPress content writing service. You may find WordPress content writing jobs at blogger, blog, Wix, media, Pro-Blogger Job Board, Elance, Odesk, people per hour, etc. Or just visit your favorite online blogs – many have contributor application pages where you can submit your articles and get paid for them. So not only will you get some awesome backlinks from top-ranking sites, but you can get paid for your hard work. So, what it explains? Make Money with Articles Writing.

    The Concept is explaining how to Make Money with Articles Writing.

    Freelance blogging is a great way to make money writing online because there is an immense demand for awesome blog posts, always! But that doesn’t make it easy! The problem is… finding high-paying freelance writing jobs will take time and loads of effort, especially if you’re a newbie.

    If you visit any of those freelance marketplaces or job sites, you can see that it’s crowded with hundreds of thousands of writers/bloggers. And if you don’t have an author profile or pricing that is not attractive enough then your would-be clients can easily find a dozen other writers.

    Another problem is, content agencies or clients on freelance sites do not pay much. Even if you meet their criteria you may not earn more than $10-$15 per 500 words (unless you are a native English speaker).

    Make Money Writing — As A Freelance Blogger.

    First things first. Let me differentiate three terms: freelance blogger, guest blogger, and content marketer. A freelance blogger is someone who is paid for writing blog posts for his clients (can be individuals or companies).

    Guest blogger is someone who writes a blog post and gets it published on another person’s website. He can pay for it or is usually do for free — in exchange for a credit, in the form of a backlink at the end of his guest post.

    Guest blogging can do for clients as well. It means that a client will pay a guest blogger for writing about his business on another website. And a content marketer is someone who writes content to attract targeted traffic to his website.

    For example:

    I’m not a freelance blogger or a guest blogger as I haven’t written any guest posts on another blog, yet. And I do not write for clients either. But I can call a content marketer as I’m writing blog posts that are attracting targeted traffic.

    Already listed over 51 freelance writing gigs (plus 25 freelance writing tips) a few days back. And it was a comprehensive list of freelance marketplaces, content agencies (I haven’t included any of them here), and other websites that are hiring freelance bloggers and writers.

    But like I have already mentioned, the problem is… most of the websites that are listed on that blog post are big media companies and their acceptance rate and payment rate is on the low side. Also, a good percentage of them accept only native English writers.

    So, if you are a freelance writer who wants to make money writing but is tired of low-paying writing gigs, then here is a collection of websites that are paying up to $300 (or sometimes more) for your articles and blog posts. In other words, you get paid when you contribute content to the following websites and blogs.

    Note: The idea of this entire blog post is to show you that there are a ton of websites out there willing to pay hundreds of dollars for a single blog post. Just don’t consider this blog post as your ultimate destination for writing gigs. And you know what it takes to get there? Be an expert in at least one topic! Now, go get paid to blog!


    Apply: TopTenz serves over 2.4 million pages per month to more than 1.6 million satisfied visitors. We publish the top 10 lists that inform and entertain, focusing on topics that vary from the norm and touch on the bizarre.

    Topics of TopTenz Articles Writing: Bizarre, Lifestyle, Travel, Entertainment, Science, etc.
    Payment: They pay $50.


    Apply: Listverse serves over 30 million pages a month to more than eight million readers. We publish lists that intrigue and educate, specializing in the bizarre or lesser-known trivia. Every day we present three or more new, unique lists.

    Topics of Listverse Articles Writing: Entertainment, General Knowledge, Lifestyle, Science, Society, etc.
    Payment: They pay $100.

    The Dollar Stretcher:

    Apply: The Dollar Stretcher is a group of publications dedicated to “Living Better…for Less”. The goal is to provide readers with ways to help them save time and money.

    Topics of The Dollar Stretcher Articles Writing: Money, Food, Home & Auto, Lifestyle, Family, etc.
    Payment: They Pay $0.10 per word or $50 per post, of 500 words.

    Reverb Press:

    Apply: Reverb Press is a news and lifestyle webzine which is the product of the talent and dedication of a team of smart, savvy, talented writers, artists, and technicians dedicated to the maxim Ad Extremum Vero, Semper – The Truth Always Wins In The End.

    Topics of Reverb Press Articles Writing: News, Politics, Justice, Business, World, Entertainment, etc. Payment: Unknown what they pay.

    Reverb Press is different from other websites that are listed here as they expect content from you regularly. So, if your application is accepted then you can consider its last job and not as another writing gig. You can write about topics that you are passionate about and at the same time they may also give you optional assignments. The pricing is not mentioned but it says you will be paid depending upon your “output and audience engagement.”

    The Everyday Windshield:

    Apply: The Everyday Windshield is an online magazine dedicated to the journey of life through faith, family, fashion, food, and fun.

    Topics of The Everyday Windshield Articles Writing: Faith, Family, Fashion, Food, Fun
    Payment: They pay $10 for the 1st post, $25 for the 2nd-5th posts, and thereafter $50 per post.

    The Daily Heckle:

    Apply: The Daily Heckle is a blog for bloggers who want to get paid for sharing their opinions. Writers can earn money based on how popular their posts are.

    Topics of The Daily Heckle Articles Writing: News, Sports, Politics, Travel, TV, Music, Movies, etc. Payment: $7.5-$30.
    Note: The Everyday Windshield and The Daily Heckle are listed here as they are regularly publishing new blog posts.


    Apply: CollegeHumor Media delivers daily comedic content, including videos, pictures, articles, and jokes, created and/or curated by the CollegeHumor staff. CollegeHumor Media attracts more than 15 million monthly unique and generates more than 100 million video views per month.

    Topics of CollegeHumor Articles Writing: Humor
    Payment: $25 per post plus bonus

    WOW! Women On Writing:

    Apply: WOW! is a global magazine, designed to support women’s creativity, energy, blood, sweat, and tears, throughout all stages of the writing process.

    Topics of WOW Articles Writing: Only Writing
    Payment: $50-$150 per post

    Funds For Writers:

    Apply: FundsforWriters is an online resource for writers. We emphasize finding money to make writing a realistic career. Of course, you’d write anyway. That’s the way of a writer.

    Topics of FundsforWriters Articles Writing: Writing
    Payment: $50 per post

    A-List Apart:

    Apply: A List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices.

    Topics of A List Apart Articles Writing: Web Design & Development.
    Payment: They pay $200.


    Apply: WritersWeekly is one of the oldest and most respected sites on freelance writing. It has been continuously being published since 1997.

    Topics of WritersWeekly Articles Writing: Freelance
    Payment: $60 per post, of 600 words


    Apply: InstantShift is a design and inspiration related community for web designers and developer’s daily resource, inspiration and premium web design and development.

    Topics of InstantShift Articles Writing: Web Design & Development.
    Payment Depends on quality and word count.


    Apply: SitePoint provides cutting-edge content for web professionals — developers, designers, programmers, freelancers, and site owners.

    Topics Articles Writing: Web Design & Development
    Payment: What they pay Unknown.


    Apply: SpyreStudios is an online magazine about web-design & development and the myriads of other topics that fall in between.

    Topics of SpyreStudios Articles Writing: Web Design & Development
    Payment: What they pay Unknown.

    Smashing Magazine:

    Apply: Smashing Magazine is an online magazine for professional Web designers and developers, with a focus on useful techniques, best practices, and valuable resources.

    Topics of Smashing Magazine Articles Writing: Web Design & Development.
    Payment Depends on quality and word count.

    Photoshop Tutorials:

    Apply – Photoshop tutorials for beginners to experts. Learn tips and tricks on how to use Photoshop for photo editing, manipulations, designs, and more.

    Topics of Photoshop Tutorials Articles Writing: Only Design Work.
    Payment: They pay $25-$300.

    UX Booth:

    Apply: UX Booth is a publication by and for the user experience community. Our readership consists mostly of beginning-to-intermediate user experience and interaction designers, but anyone interested in making the web a better place to be is welcome.

    Topics of UX Booth Articles Writing: Working of UX, Design.
    Payment: What they pay Unknown.

    Crazyleaf Design:

    Apply: Crazyleaf Design is a web design, illustration, and programming company. We build functional, standards-compliant and aesthetically rich unique websites.

    Topics of Crazyleaf Design Articles Writing: Design Work.
    Payment: What they pay Unknown.


    Apply: AppStorm brings you not just reviews of great (and not so great) apps, but we also round them up into categorized lists, give you how-to tips and tricks to get more out of them and combine it with a healthy dose of related news.

    Topics of AppStorm Articles Writing: Apps (Mac, Windows, Web, iPhone, iPad, Android).
    Payment: They pay $60 per post.

    AppStorm is an app review network and it’s composed of Mac AppStorm, Web AppStorm, iPhone AppStorm, iPad AppStorm, Android AppStorm, and Windows AppStorm. You can contribute to any of those websites and get paid for it.


    Apply: WorldStart is looking for tips for our e-mail newsletter, WorldStart’s Computer Tips. This is published daily to 300,000 readers and focuses on tips and tricks the average computer user can utilize. We are also seeking feature articles for our website covering many aspects of computing.

    Topics of WorldStart Articles Writing: Tech
    Payment: $25-$50 per post.

    Make Tech Easier:

    Apply: Make Tech Easier focuses on computer tutorials, how-tos, hacks, and fixes. Our motto is to “Uncomplicating the complicated, making life easier”.

    Topics of Make Tech Easier Articles Writing: Working in Tech
    Payment: What they pay Unknown.


    Apply: From defining the latest tech buzzword to exploring enterprise-level decisions, Techopedia aims to help you understand technology.

    Topics of Techopedia Articles Writing: Working in Tech.
    Payment: What they pay Unknown.

    Wise Bread:

    Apply: Wise Bread is a community of bloggers here to help you live large on a small budget. Despite what you may have heard, you don’t have to sacrifice your financial independence to enjoy life.

    Topics of Wise Bread Articles Writing: Personal Finance
    Payment: What they pay Unknown.

    International Living:

    Apply: International Living has been helping people discover the world’s best places to live, travel and retire since 1979.

    Topics of International Living Articles Writing: Entrepreneurship, Retired Overseas, Travel & Adventure, Short Blurbs.
    Payment: They pay $75 per post.


    Apply: Matador is the world’s largest independent travel publisher, with over 12 million unique monthly visitors.

    Topics of Matador Articles Writing: Working to Travel.
    Payment: They pay $20-$25 per post


    Apply: GloHoliday is a travel articles site that provides complete resources for traveling all over the world, including holiday destinations, festivals, public holidays, hotel booking, flight information and travel tips attracting thousands of monthly visitors.

    Topics of GloHoliday Articles Writing: Working to Travel.
    Payment: They pay $40 per post + $3 per image.

    Note: When GloHoliday contacted me to include their website on the previous version of this list, I forwarded their website to my sister without notifying them and she contributed one article.


    Apply: BootsnAll provides inspiration and resources to get you on the road.

    Topics of BootsnAll Articles Writing: Work to Travel.
    Payment: They pay or make money $30-$50 per post

    Viator Travel Blog:

    Apply: At Viator, we believe that travel has the power to make the world a better place. This is our place on the web to share our passion and inspire all of us to make that next trip.

    Topics of Viator Travel Blog Articles Writing: Work to Travel.
    Payment: They pay or make money $40-$150 per post, depends on upon word count.


    Apply: TheExpeditioner is a travel site for the avid traveler featuring travel articles from some of the best travel writers in the world, as well as travel news, commentary, insight, and video from a premiere team of bloggers from around the globe.

    Topics of TheExpeditioner Articles Writing: working to Travel.
    Payment: They pay or make money $30 per post.

    Wand’rly Magazine:

    Apply: Wand’rly is an online magazine for full-time travelers.

    Topics of Wand’rly Magazine Articles Writing: Work way Travel.
    Payment: They pay or make money $0.05 per word for articles and $10 per photo for galleries.


    Apply: MetroParent is an online parenting community offering expert advice, stories on parenting trends and issues, and numerous ways for parents to enrich their experience in raising the next generation.

    Topics of MetroParent Articles Writing: About Parenting.
    Payment: They pay or make money Up to $350 per post.

    Alaska Parent:

    Apply: Alaska Parent is a free, full-color family and parenting magazine, published 4 times per year. As Alaska’s exclusive, all-in-one parenting resource, our readers include parents with children ages newborn through teens, as well as expectant moms.

    Topics of Alaska Parent Articles Writing: About Parenting
    Payment: They pay or make money $40-$200 per post.


    Apply: WorkingMother is the digital hub of career-focused and entrepreneur moms, including best companies to work for, tips and features focused on work and home.

    Topics of WorkingMother Articles Writing: About Parenting.
    Payment: What they pay Unknown.

    Scary Mommy:

    Apply – A parenting website for imperfect parents.

    Topics of Scary Mommy Articles Writing: About Parenting.
    Payment: They Pay or make money Up to $100 per post

    Vela Magazine:

    Apply: Vela has taken steps to help close the byline gender gap by publishing exceptional nonfiction written by women.

    Topics of Vela Magazine Articles Writing: More about Women.
    Payment: What they pay Unknown.

    The Sun Magazine:

    Apply: The Sun is an independent, ad-free monthly magazine that for more than thirty years has used words and photographs to invoke the splendor and heartache of being human.

    Topics of The Sun Magazine Articles Writing: Essays, Short Stories, Interviews, Poetry, etc.
    Payment: They pay or make money $300-$2,500 for non-fiction; $300-$1,500 for fiction; $100-$250 for poetry; from $1,000-$2,000 for interviews.


    Apply: Grasslimb is a twice-yearly literary journal featuring prose, poetry, and artwork. Just the thing to read while you’re having a nice cup of coffee or tea!

    Topics of Grasslimb Articles Writing: Poetry, Prose, Cartoons, Book & Music Reviews.
    Payment: They pay or make money $5-$20 for poetry; $10-$70 for prose; $15-25 for book & music reviews; $15-$25 for cartoon.

    Finding More Freelance Blogging Gigs:

    Wondering how to find more freelance blogging gigs? Okay, before that let me give you a word of caution about the above mentioned blogs, websites, and magazines. There is every possibility that ALL the above-mentioned websites are already getting a ton of guest post requests. Why? Because they are inviting everyone. So, be first or be smarter.

    Becoming the first is going to be difficult. But you can become smarter. Anyways, if you want to become one of the first to apply for a writing gig then try the following blogging job boards.

    Do not apply to every website that is listed here. Your applications are reviewed by real people, so apply only if it’s relevant, and do respect their time.
    You don’t have to be a native English speaker to contribute a blog post to any of the above blogs. But you must be passionate about the topic and must possess outstanding writing skills (especially if you are pitching a high authority blog).
    You can show your skills by including a link to a sample blog post that you have written. Just make sure that it’s related to the theme of the blog that you are pitching.

    An active blog and an active social media presence (especially Twitter and LinkedIn) are always appreciated. You can also make a real connection with one of the authors or editors of the blog (via email or social media) genuinely so that you can eventually pitch them in a friendly way.

    None of the above websites are for beginners.

    That is, for those who have never written a blog post before? If you are new to freelance writing then check out The Freelance Writer’s Handbook.

    It may take several days (if not weeks) to get your articles published on a top blog as most of them are floods with queries and requests. If you didn’t get a reply, say in a week or even in a month, then it probably means that they are either not interesting or you didn’t match their expectations (it’s okay to follow-up but at least wait a week or two).

    Finally, do not send the exact pitch to all websites (even if they are in the same industry). Instead, send a custom one to each website and make it short and simple.

    Make Money with Articles Writing
    Make Money with Articles Writing, Image credit from #Pixabay.

  • What is the Process of Investment? Explains

    What is the Process of Investment? Explains

    The process of Investment: An organized view of the investment process involves analyzing the basic nature of investment decisions and organizing the activities in the decision process. This process creates a strong yet flexible framework for our investment professionals to work together, sharing ideas and challenging each other’s views. It is constantly evolving and we continue to invest in the resources required to ensure it remains robust. Investment managers participate in our Investment process, from company visits and internal discussions to analyzing external broker research and assessing investment themes. The process informs their decisions but your requirements remain paramount. So, the question is – What is the Process of Investment? Explains.

    The Concept is to Explain the Process of Investment.

    The investment process governs by the two important facets of investment they are the risk and return. Therefore, we first consider these two basic parameters that are of critical importance to all investors and the trade-off that exists between expected return and risk.

    Given the foundation for making investment decisions the trade-off between expected return and risk- we next consider the decision process in investments as it is typically practiced today. Although numerous separate decisions must be made, for organizational purposes, this decision process has traditionally been divided into a two-step process: security analysis and portfolio management. Security analysis involves the valuation of securities, whereas portfolio management involves the management of an investor’s investment selections as a portfolio (package of assets), with its unique characteristics.

    Security Analysis:

    Traditional investment analysis, when applied to securities, emphasizes the projection of prices and dividends. That is, the potential price of a firm’s common stock and the future dividend stream are forecasted, then discounted back to the present. This intrinsic value is then compared with the security’s current market price. If the current market price is below the intrinsic value, a purchase recommendation, and if vice versa is the case sale recommend.

    Although modern security analysis is deeply rooted in the fundamental concepts just outlined, the emphasis has shifted. The more modern approach to common stock analysis emphasizes return and risk estimates rather than mere price and dividend estimates.

    Portfolio Management:

    Portfolios are combinations of assets. In this text, portfolios consist of collections of securities. Traditional portfolio planning emphasizes the character and the risk-bearing capacity of the investor. For example, a young, aggressive, single adult would advise buying stocks in newer, dynamic, rapidly growing firms. A retired widow would advise purchasing stocks and bonds in old-line, established, stable firms, such as utilities.

    Modern portfolio theory suggests that the traditional approach to portfolio analysis, selection, and management may yield less than optimum results. Hence a more scientific approach needs, based on estimates of risk and return of the portfolio and the attitudes of the investor toward a risk-return trade-off stemming from the analysis of the individual securities.

    Characteristics of Investment:

    The characteristics of investment can understand in terms of as:-

    • Return,
    • Risk,
    • Safety,
    • Liquidity etc. 

    Now, explain;


    All investments characterize by the expectation of a return. Investments are made with the primary objective of driving return. The expectation of a return may be from income (yield) as well as through capital appreciation. Capital appreciation is the difference between the sale price and the purchase price. The expectation of return from an investment depends on the nature of the investment, maturity period, market demand and so on.


    The risk is inherent in any investment, the risk may relate to the loss of capital, delay in repayment of capital, nonpayment of return or variability of returns. The risk of an investment is determined by the investments, maturity period, repayment capacity, nature of return commitment and so on.

    Risk and expected return of investment are related. Theoretically, the higher the risk, the higher the expected return. The higher return is compensation expected by investors for their willingness to bear a higher risk.


    The safety of investment identifies with the certainty of the return of capital without loss of time or money. Safety is another feature that an investor desires from investments. Also, Every investor expects to get back the initial capital on maturity without loss and delay.


    An investment that is easily scalable without loss of money or time says to be liquid. A well-developed secondary market for security increases the liquidity of the investment. An investor tends to prefer maximization of expected return, minimization of risk, the safety of funds and liquidity of the investment.

    Investment categories:

    Investment generally involves a commitment of funds in two types of assets:

    • Real assets
    • Financial assets
    Real assets:

    Real assets are tangible material things like building, automobiles, land, gold, etc.

    Financial assets:

    Financial assets are a piece of paper representing an indirect claim to real assets held by someone else. These pieces of paper represent debt or equity commitment in the form of IOUs or stock certificates. Also, investments in financial assets consist of – Securities (i.e. security forms of) investment Non-securities investment.

    The term ‘securities’ used in the broadest sense, consists of those papers which quote and are transferable.

    Under section 2 (h) of the Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956 (SCRA) ‘securities’ include:

    Shares., scrip’s, stocks, bonds, debentures, debenture stock or other marketable securities of a like nature in or of any incorporated company or another body corporate. Government securities. Such other instruments may declare by the central Government as securities, and, iv) Rights of interests in securities.

    Therefore, in the above context, security forms of investments include Equity shares, preference shares, debentures, government bonds, Units of UTI and other Mutual Funds, and equity shares and bonds of Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). Non-security forms of investments include all those investments, which are not quoted in any stock market and are not freely marketable. viz., bank deposits, corporate deposits, post office deposits, National Savings and other small savings certificates and schemes, provident funds, and insurance policies.

    Another popular investment in physical assets such as Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Real estate, Antiques, etc. Indian investors have always considered the physical assets to be very attractive investments. Also, there are a large number of investment avenues for savers in India.

    Some of them are marketable and liquid, while others are non-marketable, Some of them are highly risky while some others are almost risking less. The investor has to choose proper avenues from among them, depending on his specific need, risk preference, and return expectation. Learning is best things, How to Earn a Profit process of investment?

    Investment avenues can be broadly categorized under the following heads:

    1. Corporate securities: Equity shares, Preference shares, Debentures/Bonds, GDRs /ADRs, Warrants, and Derivatives.
    2. Deposits in banks and non-banking companies.
    3. Post office deposits and certificates.
    4. Life insurance policies.
    5. Provident fund schemes.
    6. Government and semi-government securities.
    7. Mutual fund schemes, and.
    8. Real assets

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    What is the Process of Investment Explains
    What is the Process of Investment? Explains, Image credit from #Pixabay.