Answers with Question

Answers with Question

Custom Intent Audiences get the best offer to advertisers

Custom intent audiences (CIA) in Google Ads enable you to reach the perfect audience with your advertising campaign. What to…

4 years ago

Q3 Depreciation Practical Questions and Answers

Get answers to your depreciation questions and learn how to prepare a machinery account using the reducing balance method. Q3…

4 years ago

How does an Organization Create a Customer for Business?

How does an Organization Create a Customer for Business? "Without customers, you don't have a business." It is such a…

6 years ago

Q. Explain Macroenvironment in Marketing.

Question: Explain Macroenvironment in Marketing.  Answers: A macro environment is a condition that exists in the economy as a whole, rather…

6 years ago

Q. Explain Microenvironment in Marketing.

Question: Explain Microenvironment in Marketing.  Answers: The microenvironment in marketing consists of five components. The first is the organization’s internal environment—its…

6 years ago

Q. Explain fully the concept of finance.

Question: Explain fully the concept of finance.  Q. What is Finance? Meaning Before we begin, first let’s understand the origin of…

6 years ago

Explain the importance of Financial Management!

Question: Explain the importance of Financial Management in the present day Business World.  Answers: The importance/significance of financial management can be…

6 years ago