Category: Accounting Content

Accounting Content!

The Account is the art of conveying financial information about a business unit for shareholders and managers etc. Accountancy has call ‘business language’. In Hindi, the words ‘लेखा विधि’ (account law) and ‘लेखाकर्म’ (accounting) are also useful in ‘Accountancy’. Accounting Content, Financial, and Accountancy!

Also learn, Accountancy is a branch of mathematical science that is useful in finding out the reasons for success and failure in business. The principles of accountancy are applicable to business units on three divisions of practical arts, namely, accounting, bookkeeping, and auditing.

As Well as the definition “Accountancy refers to the art of writing business practices in a scientific manner and classifying articles and preparing summaries and interpreting the results.”

The functioning of Accountancy is to provide quantitative information regarding economic units, which are basically financially inadequate. Which is useful in taking financial decision-making, accountancy, identifying, and measuring. Analyzing information relevant to an economic event of an organization There is a process for doing and collecting. Which is used to prompt users of this information.

  • What is the Meaning and Objectives of Accounting?

    What is the Meaning and Objectives of Accounting?

    What is accounting? Meaning and Objectives of Accounting; Different scholars and Institutes have defined accounting differently. The important among them are as follows: According to Smith and Ashburne, “Accounting is the science of recording and classifying business transactions and events, primarily of a financial character and the art of making significant summaries, analysis and interpretations of these transactions and events and communicating results to persons who must take decisions or form Judgement.” Also learn, The Difference between Revaluation and Realization Account.

    Understanding, learn Meaning and Objectives of Accounting. 

    The Committee on Terminology, appointed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants defined accounting as, “Accounting is the art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of a financial character and interpreting the results thereof.”

    In fact, this is the popular definition of accounting that outlines fully the very nature and scope of accounting activity. The sum and substance of accounting, thus, is from the recording of transactions to communicating the results thereof to the concerned parties.

    Objectives of Accounting:

    The following are the main objectives of accounting:

    1. To maintain full and systematic records of business transactions:

    Accounting is the language of business transactions. Given the limitations of human memory, the main objective of accounting is to maintain ‘a full and systematic record of all business transactions.

    2. To ascertain profit or loss of the business:

    Business is run to earn profits. Whether the business earned the profit or incurred loss is ascertained by accounting by preparing Profit & Loss Account or Income Statement. A comparison of income and expenditure gives either profit or loss.

    3. To depict the financial position of the business:

    A businessman is also interested in ascertaining his financial position at the end of a given period. For this purpose, a position statement call Balance Sheet is preparing in which assets and liabilities are shown.

    Just as a doctor will feel the pulse of his patient and know whether he is enjoying good health or not, in the same way by looking at the Balance Sheet one will know the financial health of an enterprise. If the assets exceed liabilities, it is financially healthy, i.e., solvent. In the other case, it would be insolvent, i.e., financially weak.

    4. To provide accounting information to the interested parties:

    Apart from the owner of the business enterprise, there are various parties who are interested in accounting information. These are bankers, creditors, tax authorities, prospective investors, researchers, etc. Hence, one of the objectives of accounting is to make the accounting information available to these interest parties to enable them to take sound and realistic decisions. The accounting information is creating available to them in the form of an annual report.

    Also, These Objectives of Accounting is useful!

    Every activity that a business firm does must do for a reason and accounting is no exception. Accounting helps the company achieve a myriad of objectives. Here is the list of objectives that accounting helps the company to obtain.

    #Permanent Record

    Any business firm needs a permanent record of the transactions that it indulges in. These records could require for the internal purpose, for taxation purpose or for any other purpose. Accounting serves this function. Whenever the organization commits any resource of monetary value either within the firm or outside the firm, a record is creating. This permanent record is held on for years and can retrieve as and when need be.

    #Measurement of Outcome

    A business firm may indulge in numerous transactions every day. It may make the profit in some of these transactions while it may make losses in some other transactions. However, the effect of all these transactions needs to aggregate over a period of time. There must be daily, weekly and monthly reports which provide information to the organization about how well it is performing its activities. Accounting serves this purpose by providing periodic financial statements which help the firm adjust their operations accordingly.


    Firms need resources for their functioning. They do not have any capital stock at hand and need to obtain them from investors. Investors will give money to the firm only if they have reasonable assurance that the firm will able to generate enough profit. Past accounting records help a great deal in proving this. All kinds of investors from banks to shareholders ask for past accounting details before they trust the management with their money.

    #Efficient Use of Resources

    Firms can also conduct useful internal analysis with the help of accounting data. Accounting records tell the firm what resources were commits to what activity and what time. These records also summarize the return that was obtained from these activities. Management can then analyze past behavior and draw lessons about how they could have performed better and used resources more efficiently.


    Accounting helps management and investors look forward. Costs and revenue growths can project after substantial data has been accumulating. The assumption made is that the company is likely to behave exactly as it has done in the past. Thus, analysts can make reasonable assumptions about the future based on the past record.

    What is Meaning and Objectives of Accounting
    What is the Meaning and Objectives of Accounting?


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  • What is Accounting? Meaning and Definition

    What is Accounting? Meaning and Definition

    Accounting is the art of conveying financial information about a business unit for shareholders and managers etc. Accounting also knows ‘business language’. In Hindi, the words ‘लेखाविधि’ (account low) and ‘लेखाकर्म‘ (accounts) are also used in ‘Accountancy’. So, the question is – What is Accounting? Meaning and Definition. Also learn, very helpful for economics, What is the Economics of Development?

    Understanding and Learn, What is Accounting? Meaning and Definition!

    Accountancy is the branch of mathematical science which is useful in finding out the reasons for success and failure in business. The principles of accountancy are applicable to business units on three divisions of practical arts, namely, accounting, bookkeeping, and auditing.

    Meaning of Accounting!

    Account’s systematic and comprehensive recording of financial transactions pertaining to a business, and it also refers to the process of summarizing, analyzing and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies and tax collection entities. Accounting is one of the key functions of almost any business; it may handle by a bookkeeper and accountant at small firms or by sizable finance departments with dozens of employees at large companies.

    Definition of Accounting!

    Smith and Ashburn presented the above definition with some improvement. According to him, accounting is mainly the science of recording and classification of business transactions and events of financial nature and it is the art of analyzing, analyzing and analyzing the important summaries of those transactions and events, and communicating the results to those individuals who have to make decisions.

    According to this definition, the account’s both science and art. But it is almost complete science, without a complete science.

    Practice and body of knowledge concerned primarily with:

    • Methods for recording transactions,
    • Keeping financial records,
    • Performing internal audits,
    • Reporting and analyzing financial information to the management, and
    • Advising on taxation matters.

    It is a systematic process of identifying, recording, measuring, classifying, verifying, summarizing, interpreting and communicating financial information. It reveals profit or loss for a given period, and the value and nature of a firm’s assets, liabilities and owners’ equity.

    Accounting provides information on the:

    • Resources available to a firm,
    • The means employed to finance those resources, and
    • The results achieved through their use.

    Meaning and definition of accounting!

    The size of the modern business has become so wide that it contains hundreds of thousands, thousands of business and billions of business transactions. It is impossible to handle business ventures by remembering the details of these transactions.

    Therefore, the orderly record of these transactions is kept, their ordering knowledge and experimentation are known accountancy only. The practical form of accountancy can also know to account.

    According to the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) accounting terminology, Bulletin states that;

    “Accounting is the effect of writing, classifying and summarizing the behaviors and events that are at least partly of financial nature, effectively And the art of interpreting their results.”

    According to this definition, accounting is an art, not science. This art is using for the recording, classification, condensation, and interpretation of scalable behaviors and events in the currency of the financial nature.

    Accounting or accountancy is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial information about economic entities such as businesses and corporations. The modern field was establishing the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli in 1494.

    Accounting, which is known as the “language of business”, There are many quotations like “A pen is mightier than the sword but no match for the accountant” by Jonathan Glancey which tell us about the power and importance of accounting.

    The textbook definition of accounts states that it includes recording, summarizing, reporting and analyzing financial data. Let us try and understand the components of accounting to understand what it really means:


    The primary function of accounting is to make records of all the transactions that the firm enters into. Recognizing what qualifies as a transaction and making a record of the same is call bookkeeping.

    Bookkeeping is narrower in scope than accounting and concerns only the recording part. For the purpose of recording, accountants maintain a set of books. Their procedures are very systematic. Nowadays, computers have deployed to automatically account for transactions as they happen.


    Recording of transactions creates raw data. Pages and pages of raw data are of little use to an organization for decision making. For this reason, accountants classify data into categories. These categories are defined in the chart of accounts. As and when transactions occur, two things happen, firstly an individual record is made and secondly, the summary record is updating.

    For instance, a sale to Mr. X for Rs 100 would appear as:

    • Sale to Mr. X for Rs 100
    • Increase the total sales (summary) from 500 to 600


    Management is answerable to the investors about the company’s state of affairs. The owners need to periodically update the operations that are financing with their money. For this reason, there are periodic reports which are sent to them.

    Usually, the frequency of these reports is quarterly and there is one annual report which summarizes the performance of all four quarters. Reporting is usually done as financial statements. These financial statements are regulating by government bodies to ensure that there is no misleading financial reporting.


    Lastly, accounting entails conducting an analysis of the results, After results have to summarize and report, meaningful conclusions need to draw. Management must find out its positive and negative points, Accounting helps in doing so by means of comparison. It is common practice to compare profits, cash, sales, assets, etc with each other to analyze the performance of the business.

    What is Accounting Meaning and Definition
    What is Accounting? Meaning and Definition.


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