Author: hubert byer

  • The reasons to use “WAF Security Architecture”

    The reasons to use “WAF Security Architecture”

    WAF Security Architecture: As a pioneer in enterprise Application Management, I often hear people asking me why they should use “WAF Security Architecture” in the enterprise; Hack Protection virtual patching. One reason is that it is more secure than most other web services. Another reason is that it can reduce your costs because you do not need to purchase and manage the hardware and software. WAF also known as Virtual IP, allows you to create private networks for applications that require them. Private networks are much cheaper to set up and maintain, making WAF a highly recommended option for any company looking to protect its applications from outside threats.

    What the reasons to use “WAF Security Architecture”? Here is the article deeply explain, and you may better understand.

    The most important reason for using WAF is firewalling. A firewall is a program designed to stop unauthorized access to a computer system. While a WAF does not have the sophisticated abilities of a commercial firewall; it can still prevent attacks by limiting access to sensitive data and application code. Many web services that use web applications often rely on information security to provide an interactive user interface. If an attacker can access the information within a WAF; they would be able to gain access to the applications; which would allow them to compromise the application and the business itself.

    WAF is very flexible when compared with traditional web application architectures. It has several advantages over the more common approaches to application firewall design. In WAF, there is only one point of connection between servers, which simplifies the task of maintaining security. Furthermore, there is only a single point of failure in WAF, compared to the multiple failures that occur in traditional web server firewalls. Lastly, there is very little complexity to the administration of WAF, making it easy to add new modules.

    By requiring no extra hardware or software to run, WAF simplifies WAN configuration. This makes it highly compatible with virtual private networks (VPNs); which many companies use for their internal network. Virtual private networks are networks that allow users to set up their private connections that bypass ISP filters. However, many businesses have found that they can reduce their downtime and save money by using a WAF to protect sensitive data. A VPN is usually set up on a dedicated infrastructure that hosts multiple WAN interfaces; allowing for secure VPN connectivity between various locations. A WAF on the other hand can be set up on any WAN interface, saving significant costs and simplifying WAN configuration.


    One WAF that exists widely used to prevent malicious Internet traffic is the reverse proxy. A reverse proxy is a web application firewall that filters and intercepts specific types of traffic. For instance, you may set up a reverse proxy to prevent Google search engines from indexing a particular URL. The Google search engine sends its request to a server that hosts a website that does not index the requested page. The reverse proxy then intercepts this request and delivers it to the search engine. By injecting an error code into the Google search request, the server is unable to index the page; effectively preventing the entry of malicious URLs and malicious intent.

    Content Filtering: 

    Another popular type of WAF is content filtering WAF. This type of web security firewall uses to block content from being sent to a WAN server or a specific user’s browser. For instance, if you set up a web application firewall (WAF) that blocks all Google search engine traffic; you would prevent malicious Internet traffic from reaching your application. In effect, the web application firewall (WAF) prevents hackers from exploiting a security vulnerability or gaining access to a system.

    Cross-site Scripting:

    Cross-site scripting (CS) is another popular form of WAF. CS attacks occur when an attacker can create valid HTML or script code on a target website and then injects that HTML code into a web page. This “starts” the malicious code on the target browser, and allows for the code to display. Although these attacks are relatively easy to defend against using common techniques; there are still many WAFs that are vulnerable to CS attacks. To make these attacks more difficult, many WAFs include protective measures such as preventing CS from reaching the application.

    With these three types of WAF, there are ways to prevent attackers from gaining access to your web application. By using these three different forms of WAF, you can create a layered approach that not only prevents attacks from happening; but also monitors for malicious activity to identify it and stop it. Each of these security rules will provide you with a higher level of visibility and defense against web exploits, ensuring that your website and data stay secure.

    The reasons to use WAF Security Architecture Image
    The reasons to use WAF Security Architecture; Image from Pixabay.
  • All you Need to Know about WAF and Virtual Patching

    All you Need to Know about WAF and Virtual Patching

    WAF and Virtual Patching: Web Application Firewall (WAF SECURITY) And Virtual Patching “WAF Security and Its mechanism”; How load balancing tiers in WAF (Web Application Firewall) work is by assigning traffic to the various web application servers. By doing this, the WAF software provides guaranteed that requests for particular web pages will process quickly and without being lost in the server’s traffic. With many different web traffic delivery networks being deployed today; IT professionals must continue to develop new ways to deal with the different attacks that may come across their networks.

    Here is the article; All you Need to Know about WAF and Virtual Patching.

    By developing and deploying different WAF methods; it is possible to better protect the information that stores on a company’s networks. These attacks can come from several different sources; such as a hacker with a virus or intrusion, malicious attackers, and even the typical user who may accidentally click on an advertisement; following the WAF and Virtual Patching, you know and understand all about them below are.

    CSRF Attacks:

    As many as 60 percent of all web applications are vulnerable to attack through cross-site request forgery (CSRF); which occurs when a hacker along with another user on the same network penetrates a web application through a link from another website. The CSRF attacks can take many forms, such as simple attacks that allow the hacker to read or change the information stored on a website or the usage of more sophisticated techniques; such as injecting malicious code into a site or sending a spoofed email to a user.

    CSRF Attacks Hack Protection Ultimate Security
    CSRF Attacks Hack Protection Ultimate Security

    As many as half of all CSRF attacks occur at the client-side; meaning that an attacker not only has to gain access to a network of computers; but also to change the information that being stores in a site. While some of these types of attacks can execute using software and without the knowledge of the user; many attacks can only execute with the knowledge and consent of the victim

    Another popular method used to try to infiltrate websites and steal information is through the use of a reverse proxy. Using a reverse proxy server can allow attackers to send a specially crafted request to an IP address of a target webserver. The request would contain a payload of attack code that would then execute on the target machine. Although this technique can execute by a casual user who happens to know the IP address of a target web server; it typically uses by experienced hackers and developers who have more sophisticated means at their disposal.

    Definition of WAF Security:

    A WAF security appliance or positive security model firewall also blocks attackers from sending additional requests to the application security system without permission. An example of this would be a website that contained embedded scripts; or any other type of malicious code that could execute arbitrary code on the targeted machine. Such attacks prevent by an appliance or positive security model firewall. These appliances were designed to prevent the introduction of any additional attacks; such as scripts or any other code that could execute remotely.

    In addition to preventing the introduction of any additional attacks; a positive security model firewall also controls and monitors all outgoing traffic. Traffic that originates from untrusted sources records and logs for analysis. Such traffic categorizes into two types: normal traffic and suspicious traffic. For normal traffic, the WAF administrator can analyze these packets to determine whether they contain malicious scripts or other harmful content. If so, the source blocks from further access, and actions were taken against that IP. In the case of suspicious traffic, the IP address and source log for analysis.

    Application security controls also implement in the WAF security architecture. Rules implement to monitor application usage and suspicious processes, which can execute manually or can be automatic. Such rules can configure at various levels to block or allow specific types of traffic. The purpose of this is to provide greater visibility; and, control over applications to ensure that only legitimate websites are accessed. Visibility and control of applications achieve through the use of WAF filters.

    Virtual Patching And Its Types:

    One of the most common vulnerabilities exploited by cybercriminals and hackers is security holes in computer programs and applications; which allow attackers to bypass the security measures imposed on these programs and applications and execute their malicious payload. Virtual patching is a dynamic address allocation system that prevents these attacks by validating; and, replacing various critical Windows features like shared memory and static ports. However, not all cases of such vulnerabilities can patch by using virtual patching and other means. It is important to understand the characteristics of these vulnerabilities so that companies; and, individuals can take steps to mitigate the risks associated with these attacks.

    There are two types of virtual patching, which include static and dynamic virtual patching.

    Static Virtual Patching:

    A static virtual patching technique works as it replaces an existing vulnerability with a new one without replacing the protection level for the vulnerable component. This finish by replacing the digitally signed DLL file that provides support for the application with a version that has been digitally signed using the digital signature algorithm. The advantage of such a technique is that it creates a void for an attack since no action takes against the application; which could result in the removal of a functioning security feature. For instance, an application that was exploited for remote control over computers that has been patched to prevent exploitation of the system may still be vulnerable to attacks; if it has dynamic virtual port settings that have been left unchanged.

    Dynamic Virtual Patching:

    On the other hand, dynamic virtual patching utilizes a mechanism called runtime security which enables by using the security feature VirtualBox. With this feature, web servers provide with the capability to configure security policies that can determine; which code injections allow to allow or deny a certain application to run. This allows web servers to determine which DLL files can be trusted; and, which cannot trust to execute specific modules or functions. By instructing the webserver which DLL files can or cannot be trusted; the threat of an attack on the web server’s safety considerably decreases. Also, it is easier for companies and end-users to manually disable the VirtualBox web-based management tools that allow for the execution of DLL files.

    Another benefit of using virtual patching methodology is the prevention of security vulnerability that comes with the use of freely available tools; such as Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Code Review Engine (CSE). The IDS and CSE components of popular operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X are poorly written and can exploit by dedicated developers. Furthermore, these components integrate into free tools that have not been scrutinized by experts and can therefore provide attackers with an easy way of compromising your system. With the use of dynamic virtual patching, you can easily avoid such vulnerabilities and thereby maintain the integrity of your applications.

    More about Virtual Patching:

    Virtual patching can also help prevent the compromise of exploits executed in web applications through the use of executable codes. Some developers tend to load vulnerable web applications that they develop using external programs; or directly into the system of their development environment without first securing the application before deployment. Such developers are, however, advised to not execute such codes during their lifetime as a preventive measure against exploits.

    While it is true that the use of a virtual patching service can bring about significant improvements in the performance of your system; this solution should use only for superior results. This solution design to enhance the security of the most crucial parts of the system while leaving the user’s accessibility to perform other functions. For instance, if you are developing web applications using Adobe Dreamweaver; you do not advise disabling the HTML attribute so that users can gain access to the inner pages of the application without having to wait for a closure event.

    Such attributes are very essential as they make it easier for end-users to navigate through your application. Likewise, it also recommends that you do not disable the Set View State In IE feature to prevent Microsoft from detecting sensitive information embedded inside the object code. If you feel that you cannot secure all your assets; and, that you would like to have full control over the entire process of application delivery; you should consider getting in touch with a professional web application development company for assistance. Now, you may understand what is the WAF and Virtual Patching.

    All you Need to Know about WAF and Virtual Patching
    All you Need to Know about WAF and Virtual Patching; Image from Pixabay.