Meaning of Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) is one of the tools used by investors and portfolio managers who explain the return of severity based on their respective beta. This theory was developed by Stephen Ross. In finance, the APT is a general theory of property pricing that believes that the expected return of financial assets can model as a linear function of various factors or theoretical market index, wherein each of the factors The sensitivity of change is represented by a factor-specific beta coefficient. So, what is the question; What is Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)? Meaning and Definition.
APT is a multi-factor property pricing model based on the idea that calculating asset returns can be done using linear relationships between the expected return of assets and many macroeconomic variables that hold systematic risk. Also, This theory was created in 1976 by economist Stephen Ross. The arbitrage pricing principle provides a multi-factor pricing model for securities based on the relation between the expected return of financial assets and their risk to analysts and investors. This is a useful tool to analyze the portfolio from a price investment perspective, to temporarily identify the securities incorrectly.
APT is a more flexible and complicated option for the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The theory provides investors and analysts with the opportunity to customize their research. As well, the model-derived rate of return will use to correctly assess the property; Also, the asset value should be equal to the expected end of the discount period at the rate mentioned by the model. If the price goes away, then arbitrage will bring it back to the line.
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) is an extension of CAPM. The pricing model given by APT is the same as CAPM. It is a model under equilibrium. The difference is that APT is based on a multi-factor model. Also, the Arbitrage pricing theory holds that arbitrage behavior is a decisive factor in the formation of modern efficient markets (that is, market equilibrium prices).
If the market does not reach equilibrium, there will be risk-free arbitrage opportunities in the market. And multiple factors uses to explain the return of risk assets, and according to the principle of no-arbitrage; there is an (approximate) linear relationship between the balanced return of risk assets and multiple factors. Also, The previous CAPM model predicts that there is a linear relationship between the returns of all securities; and, the return of a unique public factor (market portfolio).
Arbitrage pricing theory derives a market relationship similar to the capital asset pricing model. The arbitrage pricing theory base on the multi-factor model of the rate of the return formation process. Also, It believes that the rate of return of securities linearly relates to a set of factors; which represent some basic factors of the rate of return of securities.
When the rate of return form by a single factor (market combination), you will find that the arbitrage pricing theory forms a relationship with the capital asset pricing model. Therefore, the arbitrage pricing theory can consider as a generalized capital asset pricing model, providing investors with an alternative method to understand the equilibrium relationship between risk and return in the market. Also, Arbitrage pricing theory and modern asset portfolio theory, capital asset pricing model, option pricing model, etc. constitute the theoretical basis of modern finance.
In 1976, American scholar Stephen Rose published the classic paper "Arbitrage Theory of Capital Asset Pricing" in the Journal of Economic Theory; and, proposed a new asset pricing model, which is the arbitrage pricing theory (APT theory). Also, Arbitrage pricing theory uses the concept of arbitrage to define equilibrium, does not require the existence of market portfolios, and requires fewer assumptions than the capital asset pricing model (CAPM model), and more reasonable.
Like the capital asset pricing model, the arbitrage pricing theory assumes:
Unlike the capital asset pricing model, arbitrage pricing theory does not have the following assumptions:
The proposal of CAPM and APT has had a huge impact on financial theory research and practice all over the world. Its main performances are: