2 Quality Culture Elements in Management Essay


2 Quality Culture Elements in Management Essay Image

2 types Elements of Quality Culture in Management Essay; Indeed, quality culture starts with top management. There needs to be top management leadership to drive this culture of quality across the organization. For this to happen, business leaders and managers must commit to setting up quality control programs, strategic planning for quality, and providing resources for quality. In addition, the top management leadership role is also a distinguishing element of a quality culture. Adopting a democratic leadership style where workers do not punish for errors; and, failures and that continuous learning is what prevails in the organization.

Here is the article to explain, What are the Elements of Quality Culture in Management Essay?

Management attitudes should be towards treating employees as members and removing barriers of superiors or subordinates. This suggests to everyone that the work of all members of the company is important and adds value to the final outputs. Members of the organization should focus on the purpose for which they are all here; To get better and better at creating that mutually beneficial relationship between them and their customers. Therefore, the authority of the top management is to support the mutual interests of its team openly and conscientiously. The 2 main and 7 sub key quality culture elements below are;

A. Employee focus;

  1. Understanding employee.
  2. Employee empowerment, and.
  3. Involvement and participation of the employee.

The following topic explains each below are;

Understanding employee;

Employee, being the most prominent factor of production, needs to give consistent attention to management. Their current skills and competencies (both technical and interpersonal) need to assess continuously through performance management programs; the SERVE model for service competencies among others, and training should give as and when needed. Alternatively, managers must be attentive to the needs of employees with proper rewards and incentives programs being conducted. For sustaining a quality culture, it is also vital to consider the non-work aspect of employees; such as marital or family problems, financial or other social problems.

Employee empowerment;

Management cannot on its make quality a driving force of the organization. Employees are those who involve in the processing and marketing of the company’s product. As such, employees should empower to make a timely, accurate, and valuable decision with regards to improving the quality of the company’s product or service. Moreover, in some cases, empowerment may also be in circumstances where the employee has to delegate some powers; and authority to his/her colleagues with the sole aim of improving the quality of service. However, effective empowerment involves appropriate training given to employees, management monitoring of the decision, and review and feedback are given to management.

Involvement and participation of the employee;

Employee involvement programs (EIPs) can take a variety of forms including job participation; consisting of permanent programs in which employees take a formal, direct role in decisions relating to quality issues; consultative participation with top management to improve their production lines, including long-term interventions like quality circles, employee suggestion schemes, brainstorming sessions, in which employees’ opinions are sought as managers engage in decision making regarding quality issues over the long term. On the other hand, employee participation will be at the board; where discussions hold between managers and/or employees over issues that require employees and/or management ideas and suggestions.

B. Customer focus;

  1. Continuous improvement and Innovation.
  2. Partnering with suppliers.
  3. Performance measures.
  4. Communication, and.
  5. Team building.

The following topic explains each below are;

The impetus for quality improvement begins with the customer. Customers draw to the products and services of a particular organization; because they feel their needs and expectations are met or exceeded by these products and services. The bottom line for the customer has always been whether he or she obtains the products and services desired. For this reason, a focus on customer needs and expectations recognize as the key to quality improvement by Demming, Juran, Crosby, and other pioneers of TQM. Therefore, customer-driven values would be first to adopt a user-based quality approach whereby the quality is based on what the customer wants since he/she has always reason. Furthermore, there should be a change in management/employee attitudes as well; the door should always be left open for maintenance and advice.

Continuous improvement and Innovation;

A quality culture requires organizations to embrace “continuous improvement and kaizen” throughout their processes. This approach assumes that employees are the best people to identify room for improvement since they see the processes in action all the time. A firm that uses this approach, therefore, has to have a culture that encourages; and rewards employees for their contribution to the process but to meet the highest standard possible at any time. In line with this continuous mechanism, management should allow room for innovation; and creativity, work alongside the research and development, and invest massively in the development and new products based on customer requirements.

Partnering with suppliers;

Suppliers are probably among the most important stakeholders for businesses in the quest for a sustainable quality culture. This is because the essence of quality starts with the inputs of production; which normally constitute a greater proportion of raw materials and components. The values that the organization needs to hold vis-a-vis its suppliers are not as stakeholders but as partners for the longer term. Clear emphasis should lay on the quality of raw materials. The organization could agree by having quality control officers at the warehouse of the supplier. In addition, quality is also about the delivery of inputs which requires the principle of “just-in-time” where raw materials and components arrive at the factory as and when needed therefore reducing the cost of storage but also keeping the materials at the standard required for production.

Performance measures;

Quality standards are imperatives if the quality is to be consistent in an organization. However, using quality standards as performance measures will give employees room for continuous improvement in their skills and competencies. The culture that needs to prevail in the organization is that performance of employees needs to assess with regards to quality standards and not based on the quantities of output produced.


To have a dominant quality culture prevailing in the organization, open, honest communication is vital. Dishonest communication is the kind of communication that leads to misunderstandings which frequently create problems on the job. In an environment where open communication is a stated value; such dishonesty in how people interact with each other makes little sense; and therefore quality reaches in terms of conversations, discussion, and sharing of ideas. Another essential element of a quality culture is empathy; which is to do with proactively seeing the world from the perspective of others-other members of the company, customers, suppliers, the community. It is having a sense and appreciation of their problems, their abilities, and their behaviors. Finally, in connection with empathy, members of the organization need to have active listening skills by suspending judgments.

Team building;

Individual success depends on how everyone in the company works together, and the company’s success depends on all individuals doing their work well. This crucial element of quality culture encourages the development of teams and teamwork when collaboration is appropriate to execute work. In organizations with this value, people examine the tasks that need to be done. They then look at the interdependencies among people involved and organize teams around these tasks. The commitment and inclination to teamwork in a culture with this value will indeed naturally extend to suppliers and customers. Ultimately, the teambuilding exercise will help remove barriers and class differences among people and work towards implementing total quality across the organization. You may understand above all quality culture elements.

How to Determine a Culture of Quality?

A Culture of Quality reflects via the human beings and processes within the enterprise. When the group participants care about the best of work; they are doing each day and make informed choices to gain the best satisfactory requirements. What differentiates the best tradition is achieving first-class requirements to meet consumer expectations, not only for the sake of reaching regulatory compliance.

Some businesses frequently placed the printed variations of their satisfactory policy on the office partitions. But is it a realistic manner to imbibe a tradition of fine? Do their personnel care about first-rate? Can they relate to the exceptional coverage? Are their approaches nicely-aligned to satisfy pleasant objectives targeted in the policy? There is an extensive difference. And it displays in the consequences.

In the end, the objective is to supply a product this is beneficial for the users and creates a distinction in their lives. If your crew maintains that during thoughts and gives you satisfactory, safe, and dependable merchandise to the clients, your business enterprise may have a subculture of pleasant already. If not, it does no longer imply that your crew does now not care about the subculture. It is an issue of streamlining the methods such that a subculture of pleasant turns into herbal, and you can constantly discover improvement possibilities. Eventually, it’s going to improve your brand fee, making sure that you deliver the nice best always.

2 Quality Culture Elements in Management Essay Image
2 Quality Culture Elements in Management Essay; Image by Megan Rexazin from Pixabay.

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